Patterrz Reacts to "Game Theory: The COMPLETE Lore Of Minecraft"

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I'm an out of touch gamer I'll admit it I've never really played Minecraft before that I said it I know one of the greatest and biggest games of all time maybe my biggest gaming L except when I downloaded Elden ring and then got refund because it was it was too hard for me but from everything that I've seen in Minecraft online it's a Sandbox where you go in and you make your own adventure you make your own story so I was a little shocked when I saw that there complete law of Minecraft it's a 24-minute video worth of Minecraft on Game Theory now I didn't realize that this was even a thing I knew that you had to fight an Ender Dragon I knew that there was some ender man type character and the nether but apart from Minecraft content that I consumed online I really have no idea what's going on with this so let's see who what the Minecraft L is like from the perspective of someone that's never played the game today we end the horror for oh wow that's really really we're ending It Horror is done everyone no more horror movies four years three games 35 theories all all leading up with three games Minecraft the Minecraft story mode Minecraft dungeons is that with the three games this moment hold on haven't we done this intro before uh that was for FNAF this is Minecraft it's totally different oh and there was a lot more than three games of Five Nights at Freddy's oh we have the old intro I really do love this [Music] intro [Music] man that takes me back dude this really takes me back oh seven theories remain internet I really he's really doing like a a Hall of Fame of all the theories that he wants to do before matat closes up the books forever if you don't know matat is going to be leaving the video production side of Game Theory uh in about seven theories he's done a video on how to create or how to basically teach kids or people that don't play video games how to play video games uh in the best way and now we're doing the complete law of Minecraft we're like going through all we're doing the completionist list right now welcome to Game Theory the show that's been building Minecraft lore one block at a time you know for as much attention as FNAF gets on the channel it's easy to overlook what we've done for other game franchises he's got to do another five nights at Friday's one surely I mean there's got to be one more I know we already have the complete ultimate timeline but I'm sure he's got one more in him 36 Mario the 31 Pokémon theories three hello neighbor theories which doesn't seem like a whole lot but let's be honest with ourselves it's probably too many but of them all I would say that our Minecraft series is probably the most important 35 episodes in total 35 impressive collection can you punch a tree to death what's a creeper yeah no you totally can you can totally punch a tree to death I don't care what you said in that video I can totally punch a tree to death is that toxic of me to think that I can punch a tree to death is the Overworld a sphere or a cube but I think our biggest contribution to this franchise has to be figuring out that there was an actual story hidden inside this seemingly storyless game for as long there are villagers and there is the Ender Dragon and there's the end is the end man even still in the game I don't know man Minecraft had been around and for as many videos existed about the topic we were able to crack into something that no one had noticed before that the placement of the blocks the treasures hidden inside the chests the spawn locations the item drops all of them told a story and wait really I thought the placement of the blocks was randomized so over the next four years we chipped away at that story bit by bit mob by mob the Enderman the drowned the Wither the warden and over the years W came into focus a story of an ancient civilization's rise and their tragic fall a tale oh my God it's a Bronze Age Story the Bronze Age collapse an excess a tale that serves as a warning to us hubus and excess wait it's the it's the Eldar from Warhammer 40K when they had too much sex and made a sex god that killed them all player out here in the real world except there is just one problem 35 theories it's a lot to keep track of and just like we often see with FNAF I started seeing a number of comments over in the subreddit begging me to set the record straight to make one up-to-date definitive resource compiling all of our theories into one coherent location so I put all these theories onto the crafting table and Enchanted them with efficiency 5 to turn those 35 theories into this one easy to digest 25 30 minute-ish video not exactly sure where it's going to land anyway we'd best actually 24 you really managed to contend it down M or I guess the new person that may have written the script for this considering that the new person is helping writing the scripts I don't know if matat is helping writing the script because he's leaving soon so he wants to have his own personal touch on the scripts or if it's just the new person I guess you could always have a look in the description and see what it says writer Matthew Patrick oh my God his name is actually Matthew Patrick I thought that was a joke Tom Robinson and Eddie Nole gamer Robinson okay so I believe one of these two is the new the new game theory guy that's going to be taken over soon I'm interested to see how that goes P of swiftness if we want to get through all of this not quite because before we get to all that I just wanted to quickly tell you that the FNAF Theory Weare line is officially back time so if you missed last time don't let this one pass you by head on over to Theory now and grab them before they're really gone forever okay now we're ready to build up on that Minecraft lore let's go I like how Scott is just completely okay with people using his his franchise to make merch and stuff from I know the gench and impact is the same you can basically just use gench and impact stuff and you can just make gench and impact merch and I think it's really I think that copyright is dumb and we should let more people do that our story Minecraft Legends a game came out in April of last year but gave us a lot of lore to chew on the overworlds in danger the piglins have come from the Nether and are now invading the Overworld when the game puts the invasion down to Greed I have a suspicion that it's due to something else sure the piglins are greedy for gold we see that in vanilla Minecraft and there is plenty of you just dropped a gold sword in front of him of course he's going to pick it up well I'm sorry Mr Mr I don't need gold swords if someone drops a gold sword in front of me and just says yeah there you go then I'm going to pick it up too am I sorry am I greedy am I greedy little Goblin now have gold in Minecraft Legends but the nether isn't exactly low on that stuff they don't use things like diamonds or iron or tools or armor they just hoard all that in chests they don't understand their real value instead I believe like Dr because the nether was in trouble you see the nether used to be a cool and icy place that's the only way for the bass Sal Del say to have formed bass salt requires blue ice the coldest ice imaginable to form and for a lava to flow next to it above a layer of Soul soil which means that ice must have been naturally forming in the nether at one point however as we see in Legends the piglins have industrialized they have golden and armor items that require gold ingots that can't be found naturally they have to be smelted from nether gold ore or crafted using gold nuggets this process in turn created greenhouse gases causing the intense heating of the atmosphere down oh my God they did global warming they did Pig global warming with their gos the Nether and because the nether is also 2 and a half times smaller than the Overworld less heat is needed to make all that ice melt and the water to ultimately run dry this leaves the piglins looking for a new world that is in a fiery Wasteland to call their own and so they look out to the Overworld this is where our first Builder comes in they're busy mining away in a normal Minecraft world but are interrupted by three Godlike beings called hosts what where did this come from is whoa that's something just pull out your takers of the Overworld they ask this mysterious Builder to help save the Overworld from the piglin threat giving you the tools necessary to do the job within this case burn the Flames of creation the Flames will call upon friends to fight by your side this is the banner of raise it high and this world will rise to your Aid with the right Melodies From This loot the LA will gather your resources keep them safe for you and build whatever you need thanks to the laay and the hosts this mysterious Builder stops The piglin Invasion and peace is restored to the Overworld okay but the piglins are totally bugging now right like they're just going to die they have no wsa they're just going to straight up die we did it we condemned a civilization to ruin oh I guess they shouldn't have been so greedy with all that gold Done Right remains of the conflict are broken Nether Portals scattered throughout the Overworld but it's still a bittersweet ending so is this a prequel to Minecraft that helped win the battle now have a taste for fighting what's happening how did they Lear to fight by watching our hero this is what turns them into the violent mobs that we know in vanilla Minecraft even the villagers weren't immune to this effect after being given the tools to fight a group of them would continue to have anger within them once the war is over they were dubbed the illagers and their existence proved that the illers even their skin changes color meant to be a time of Peace was actually cursed by the knowledge of violence and War they didn't know about violence before this how how idealistic how nice everyone's just super precious to each other their companions bringing peace the hosts decide it's time to leave there are endless worlds out there waiting to be explored letting the builders be in charge of the world so they begin to do what they did when the hosts first called them they mine and they craft they start a new civilization they become the first of the ancient Builders and we see this on some of the pottery shirts from the trails and tales update Pottery shirs in the real world tell us the story of past civilizations and so shirs like howl and sheath to pick the earliest parts of the ancient Builder Society where wolves were some of the first animals domesticated and wheat was one of the earliest and easiest crops to grow however just like real life rapid growth is the beginning of the ancient Builder's biggest problem over harvesting and depleting the world of its natural resources uh-oh it sounds like they're making the piglin problem they're doing the they're doing the same thing here come the greenhouse gases food and so they hunted the creatures from Minecraft Legends like the Regal tiger and big beak into to extinction extinction completely destroying their habitats so they could build this new Society the same goes for resources like diamond copper and coal at first these were just fying around on the surface of the Overworld but by modern day we're digging deep into the Earth before finding just one block of diamond or this led to valuable resources becoming scarce and splitting the ancient Builders into tribes based on their location and the natural resources around them we see this in the shs which are scattered across different biomes all depicting different resources and Technologies we have fishing rod hay and then bow and arrow I guess this makes sense depending on where you live because they're near the sea they have a fishing rod they're in an aable land that can grow crops you have hey and you're in the desert so you just have to [ __ ] kill things you have a bow and arrow to kill the kill the birds I guess the horses maybe are we killing the ox they become hoarders of their own specific resource but killing the cactus oh yeah of course Cactus and thus trade begins between the tribes yeah what did you just trade for a cactus is that a fish it's a fish why do you want a cactus that badly are they tasty villagers who used to just simply give the builders their resources they also got in on the trading action and are still doing it to this very day yeah cuz they realized that they were getting scammed I'm sorry there we giv any these resources for free for free when they have so much money they could be making on the ancient Builders continue in their worship of the hosts the Godlike beings that brought them there building structures like the desert and jungle temples all with Unique Designs to demonstrate their different resources and culture much like out in the real world but the ocean tribe decided to take it a step further this tribe of fisherman that we learn about from the angler shirt built the massive Ocean Monuments styled like aat a structure that was used to connect the people to their gods God that's so impressive you ever think how this kind of structure was created way back in the day where there was very few tools to use you just had to use labor and you just had to put every single brick down by hand stack it single Brick by single brick craft every single brick and and and eventually make this the pyramids man how did how do we even do that how do we do the pyramids this was the ancient Builders trying to reconnect with the hosts hoping that they would maybe return and save them from this world that they created they even built a replica of The Well of Fate at top the Str structure no they had created your own demise just like the piglins did that caused them to go to war you have also valuable you have stripped your world of valuable resources and now you must pay the price of your hubris andred out of the same prismarine and placed an offering of gold at its core The Spoils of their Victory against the piglins all in the hope that it would bring the hosts back what they don't realize though is that the real monster isn't other tribes it's themselves the fishermen continu to destroy the natural environment for resources crafting and smell melting tools and ore causing pollution and eventually leading to massive flooding they try desperately to protect their monuments these temples that the hosts May one day return to and so they fill these monuments with sponges trying to hold back the rising water but it's too muches the water keeps rising and they wait is that real they put sponges inside of it I can't imagine trying to protect a house from being flooded by just like scattering sponges all over the place like oh no it's raining really hardly hold hold on let me just put some sponges can't hold it back from filling The Monuments but they don't give up Pottery shirs found in cold underwater ruins like blade Explorer and plenty reveal that this tribe was more than just fishermen they were pirates they would go from Village to Village trying to get the resources that they had squandered which led to other tribes like the desert tribe fighting back mine and priz shirs found in the desert temples depict the tribe creating M shafts now needing to go deep underground to find the precious materials that were once so easy to find so with loose looting and pillaging they needed to find a way to protect their resources and they found that protection with a that they once called an ally we see their face chiseled into the Sandstone walls of their Temple creature with the ultimate defense system the creeper the desert tribe booby tra their temples with TNT similar to how real world pyramids use traps to scare away thieves though is this true dude I've always wanted to know if pyramids still have traps in them like if you go inside of it if you really delve into the deepest depths of it would you would you trigger a massive Bowl to come and roll after you is this is that real or is that just made up from Indiana Jones oh not quite as explosive if anyone tried to take their valued possessions the TNT would be their last fail safe no one was going to mess with this tribe and get away with it but the Pirates oh blow up your possessions as well I guess it's a case of of icons have it in the no Nails can right really only after one thing within the shipwrecks you find across the Overworld there are chests containing treasure maps these Maps can lead you to buried chests containing the heart of the Sea The Heart of the sea when crafted with eight Nautilus shells can create conduit an item capable of giving anyone in the area water breathing night vision and haste this was the ocean R's final hope of surviving the constantly Rising water and while oh my God they just want to live at Atlantis Pirates looked for this treasure the fishermen that stayed back home created the Guardians machine bodyguards for their sacred temples as a last resort of protecting it given the state that we find the Ocean Monuments in in vanilla Minecraft we know that they weren't successful is this explained in Minecraft I thought you just build houses Pirates didn't find the treasure in time and so the fishermen left behind in The Monuments become trapped in water and transformed into the drown still carrying Naish shells as well as trident ancient oh god well it looks like their condid didn't work very well if it transforms them into this ugly ass creature they look all Briny they look like they're straight out of Pirates of the Caribbean I actually kind of dig it though I think it's really cool because why would you need clothes when you're always underwater I mean prevent you from being naked I suppose but of course it's going to get tattered eventually you're just going to totally forget you're wearing clothes in the first place tools for fishing they continue to stay by their monuments never having their call for help answered by the hosts all they have left are the Guardians who still recognize their creators and don't attack sadly the fishermen weren't the only tribe to be facing hardship after seeing the devastation that the ocean what do you do all day if you live in an underwater city like that cuz you can't have phones and you can't have you can't have internet you can't watch Netflix can't watch videos you can't watch or Game Theory so what do you do all day you can't even exercise really I mean you can swim you can't do weightlifting under the water it just wouldn't really work would it tried caus to themselves in spite of their constant prayers the desert tribe gave up on the hosts ever returning and took matters into their own hands also the drowned have to stay within a certain range of the conduit right to in order to maintain their water breathing otherwise they just oh they drown desert temples depict the ank a symbol of life this is what the desert tribe dedicated their time and effort towards rather than waiting for the hosts to return they wanted a way to preserve their lives and resurrect those who had already died but coming back I'm sorry the builders were reminded of the spawners given to them by the hosts the he's called oh my God one of them's called foresight and they have four eyes that's really funny spawners could create mobs from nothing but Stone and wood but they required an energy source to fuel the Flames of creation and that fuel was lapis lazuli and the only way they knew how to get it was from war killing piglins that's when the desert tribe realized something that ancient cultures in our own world used to believe that we have to do War lapis contains the souls of Gods and Monsters this is what the ancient Builders needed and to get it they needed to go to the home of the piglins to collect more of this magical stone they needed to go to the nether how is there no one left in NE there's no water to drink unless they drink the lava the builders arrive in h double hockey sticks they set up a camp knowing that this is going to be a long journey there they build the Nether fortresses to store the resources that they brought with them like Saddles horse armor diamonds and iron what was already a wasteland gets harvested by the builders they destroy the piglin bastions they kill the piglins within to use their souls in the lapis to create life of their own but man these current piglins really can't catch a break imagine being born as a piglin right now you're born into hell where there is nothing nice and nothing fun and then you're getting invaded you don't know about the wars of the past unless I guess maybe if they do some education some schooling but you weren't part of that you weren't part of the reason that they became so reliant on uh on on invading other places in order to get resources it's not your fault you were just born in this situation plan doesn't quite work the dead piglin Souls don't turn into lapis as they did before why I should probably kill more just to find out like let's kill so many of them we just just to see if it does the souls work differently in the nether rather than forming into magical Stones they transfer into the ground into the sand as their comrades fall their souls are sucked from their bodies into the ground to create Soul Sand it's then that a new Mobs created the Wither Skeleton suddenly the ancient Builders are left fighting against the bodies of their own Fallen Warriors without Souls but still Clinging On to their purpose defending what they had once built themselves the ancient Builders had not only sucked the land drrive of its natural resources but they also accidentally created mobs that made the already dead landscape even more dangerous out of themselves as well they do eventually return to the Overworld and they come bearing riches blaze rods Nether wart Ghast Tear all containing magical properties and so the builders begin to brew potions depicting the achievement in the Brewer shs the ancient Builders were now able to surpass their physical abilities they could be faster they could resist lava they could even regenerate themselves the only thing they hadn't conquered yet was death itself and so equipped with Soul Sand and a bunch of Wither skulls they press on with with their experiments they com a bunch of Wither skulls the life-giving Soul Sand with the wither skeleton heads of their fallen comrades oh they trying to bring them back because the Soul Sand would have the souls of those creatures inside of them so they're trying to put this the soul back into the head I mean it's not going to really work without body surely it's face into the red Sandstone walls and depicting their worship to it on shirs they could take care of themselves and now armed with the knowledge to create life itself they thought that they had finally done what the gods could not all those years ago protect the Overworld as they placed the final head there was a flash of light in a roar the Wither was born but despite their success their hubris would ultim that doesn't look like a success their downfall the Wither was uncontrollable it destroyed the cities that they' created it throws skulls at you to explode that's really funny nothing in its wake not even the other tribes were safe the destruction was like nothing ancient Builders had ever seen before and so they we did it guys we saved the Overworld the only thing that they could do they ran they ran deep underground where the withers BL blasts would meet more resistance from the stone and deep slate but their persistence never wavered they would have to find a way to fix this they would be able to return to the Overworld they had to make this right no matter the cost so the fishermen have just completely drowned themselves they have no idea what's going on the builders saved the Overworld with the Wither what did the the desert people do or is that the builders do the builders count as like the hay people and the bone arrow people cuz they were two different tribes or were one of those cultures invaded too much by the fishermen when they want to do the pirating perhaps again the ancient Builders were forced to start over rebuilding a civilization that we now know as the ancient city a wide underground space that contains fragments of the Builder past Adventures items like Soul lanterns and soul torches are used to light the city powered by the souls from their time in the nether Enchanted items and potions of regeneration from their successful experiments of Brewing can be found in the chests despite the circumstances the builders found happiness they would dance in the street streets with music from dis 5 playing in the background from dis 5 I thought that was a band until fate once again came banging on their door a builder would go no no sorry I don't want to I'm not buying any I don't want to buy any please leave what's Amazon delivery mining some materials one day when they would hear something familiar something that sends a bolt of fear through their bodies the Wither had found them he ran home to warn the others the city sounds the sirens and soldiers begin to March the ancient quick man the anti-aircraft weapons Builders are preparing for war once again the explos I grow louder and louder the Wither is slowly blasting its way through their intricate Cave System fortunately they'd planned an Escape Route in the center of the ancient cities a large circular structure the smaller versions of these found within the game files called these small portal statues and if these are in fact small portals then the large one in the wait are these portals to the nether doesn't seem like a good place to go unless you send the Wither into The Nether and then he can't come back and those poor [ __ ] pigin are really going to get it again City Center must be a real portal a big one underneath the portal Redstone Circuits are found these were experiments using different kinds of Power output to try and ignite the portal but up to this point nothing had worked so instead they decided to turn to the most powerful source of energy they knew of souls directly underneath the portal are blocks of Soul Sand that are lit as the Wither gets closer and closer breaking through the final wall into the city the portal finally ignites but instead of Celebration there's nothing but stunned silence something is coming out of the portal a horrifying creature with no eyes lives off the power of souls okay okay okay okay okay maybe they'll fight each other they'll fight each other and then everything will be fine them in its chest cavity the warden now they're just left with a Godzilla versus King Kong situation they all fighting each other okay well at least maybe they'll both mutually assur destruction they'll nuclear bomb themselves powerful beings duking it out and then the builders hear it a cry that they' never thought they'd hear the death Cry of the Wither the builders he did it the Wither this thing that caused them to lose everything is now gone and their music disc five happen to record the entire event this is a cause for celebration the builders begin to start the party only for the warden to turn its attention to them it's yeah what like we did it guys I know King Kong is currently ravaging the city but let's [ __ ] let's go baby by sound and so it starts to attack anything that makes a noise with each death a new block forms the skull a sensient block that uses the power of souls from Fallen mobs to spread across the other blocks once again the Builder lives are in danger but after all they've been through they just don't have the energy to run anymore instead they try to live in harmony with the warden they do what they can to dead the noises by placing carpets or wool blocks all over the city but in the end it's wa they just live with it they don't like I mean I understand they don't have the energy to run anymore but they're just putting carpets down they're like ah well I hope it doesn't kill me each opening of a chest would send the warden into a rampage this is no way to live and so the ancient Builders try to leave their home one final time they continue deeper into the cave okay I was going to say if they really just stayed there until they were made extinct that would be really shocking somewhere that not even the warden could find them though they needed something strong enough to hold it back if it ever tried to invade and so the builders created strongholds a place fortified so as to protect it against attack the ancient Builders made winding Pathways and hidden doors so they could escape the warden should it ever break in and the builders made one final attempt at Escape one last portal that this time would have to work the end portal the builders bid farewell to the Overworld and jump in not knowing what might be waiting for them on the other side try sure if they oh man they've really had it tough haven't they be able to return the ends the ancient Builders enter this vast void of open space and begin to set up their new lives building fortresses to oh and they're going to become the Ender aren't they their resources loot chests containing Enchanted armor and weapons diamonds and diamond plated armor more advanced tools since the days of the nether ready to conquer whatever fearsome foes might come their way enter the Ender Dragons that's dragons plural thanks to the amount of dragon heads mounted on end ships we can tell that this used to be a plentiful species the ancient Builders came to the end and saw these Majestic beasts how they had complete control over the skies and they wanted that power for themselves they haven't we learned to stop meddling with the natural Order of Things has the Wither not taught you a lesson has the warden not taught you a lesson you come into air and you're like oh God we finally made it we've made it away let's just chill out for a second and ooh there's a some dragons around H what if we what if we did what if I meddled just a little bit more wanted to conquer the sky which until now had been impossible so they hunted down the dragons and used their wings to create elytra another resource found in the end ships these were the Builder prized possessions so they continued to hunt these creatures to near Extinction much like they had done with other species in the past it would seem that history continues to repeat but the builders eventually realized that they're making a mistake they see how they're bringing an entire species to Extinction and they want to write their wrongs they use their technology and knowled from past Adventures using the regenerative powers of the gas tier to create end Crystals at top tall obsidian pillars this will continually regenerate the last Ender Dragon ensuring that it never dies the ancient W they really waitting until there was one left before they realized oh man this is pretty bad we probably shouldn't do this anymore buers can now rest easy knowing that they had saved a species you did it guys you saved the dragons that's right you saved them you saved them from being wiped out by you without a mate would always have a it's like saying I saved a worm from being stepped on by looking it on like across the road and then walk to it and looking at it I'm like okay I'm not going to step on it I did it I saved it that was all me of one and it seems like their sins eventually caught up to them food was yet again becoming scarce but not all hope was lost defeating an Ender Dragon creates a portal back to the Overworld a few brave souls go through but most others stay in the end although they were running out of supplies there was one crop that was endlessly plentiful could they don't have someone just like poke their head through just to see what's on the other side fruit but it had some strange side effects this constant diet of a fruit with teleportation properties causes the ancient Builders to slowly evolve into the Enderman now able to teleport across time and space they're tall dark and handsome but this comes at a cost with this transformation they slowly forget how to build though they never truly forget how to pick up the blocks and this is what the ancient Builders spend the rest of their days erasing through time and space picking UPS the remnants of a once great civilization brought down by their own Pride yeah that's incredibly sad they did go through a lot of uh pain but they also caused a lot of pain as well so I can't say that it was totally undeserved but very sad oh yeah the ill the explorers who returned to the Overworld reconnected with their old allies the illagers it's here that they tell them stories of their Adventures Tales of life-giving lapis End Portals Fierce beasts that they overcame the illers Revel at the ancient Builders re sources the elytra made from ender dragon wings their portal technology even though they don't quite understand it all they worship the ways of the ancient Builders who would tell them stories and protect them from harm and because they wanted to follow in their footsteps they too began to experiment the Overworld was still a dangerous place they needed ways to protect themselves and so they created the ravagers terrifying beasts with even more terrifying Origins the ravager was created from their fellow villagers their oh dude whatow their green eyes the noses even their voices M after the transformation oh God what did they do that wasn't the only thing that they did to these innocent captured villagers either in the Woodland Mansions large Woolen heads of wait I thought it was a dog what did they do to it found and in the center of the head is a block of lapis lazuli the illers knew that the ancient Builder saw lapis as a magical resource so they took it and injected it directly into the brains of villagers in the hopes of gaining its incredible power and you know goded the vindicators were born with Incredible speed power and eyes that changed from emerald green to left I'm sorry and they injected it into their brain and it worked I would not advise you ever inject anything into you directly into your brain that's probably not a great idea this was the last straw for the villagers according to the Mob beastiary these are the Unspeakable acts that get the illers cast out from regular Society from here they would form their own civilization wandering into the dark forests and taking over the Woodland Mansions continuing their pursuit to bring back the ancient Builders whatever the cost they become what's known as a cargo cult where a group of isolated indigenous people begin to imitate the practices and Technology from more advanced societies despite not understanding how the technology works the illers would make structures like beds Maps even end portals but none of them work because they're only made out of wool the illers don't understand the true nature of these items they made out of w they are able to I thought they inject okay the stuff they injected into their brain clearly messed with a few cells a secret to New Life and they harness that power in the form of totems of undying they use this power to create the Vex the Phantoms and they even try to create a new human a new race of ancient Builder they try to create Steve throughout the Woodland Mansions there are stacks on stacks of blue cyan and light blue wool these are the same colors that Steve and his ancient Builder ancestors wore this was going to be their final experiment using these Woolen blocks and their powers over life and death to become Gods to create their own race of ancient Builders little do they know that the ancient Builders did this exact same thing all those years ago and sadly history would repeat itself they're making another w stand in place of the wool isn't a new race of Builders but instead zombies the a well that's not that bad that'll be why they dressed in the same clothes as Steve then isn't it the world now has yet another dangerous mob to worry about ah they're only zombies they're not that smart I'm sure it's fine and thus ends the story of the ancient Builders and their influence on the Overworld a land that Now lies in ruin a shell of its former self and yet despite everything hope isn't lost with the ancient Builders gone the Overworld has had a chance to heal there's no one left to over the build and so nature begins to return with the structures built by this ancient race descending into the Earth reclaimed by Nature biomes becoming more diverse that is until nature is healing the real way to save the world is to stop [ __ ] with it show up the Builder desire for overh harvesting resources and creating life continue through their descendance you now we spend our time deforesting so we can have a nicer new house gutting the ground of whatever resources are left and killing whatever we see whether it's hostile or not it's a story of Destruction and selfish gain of greed and ignorance and hubris repeating itself over and over again and I thought it was a story of 5-year-olds learning how architecture works this wasn't just a poetic story told to make the game more interesting the story is a warning to us the players think back to the ending credits of Minecraft quote sometimes I wish to tell them this world you take for truth is merely and I wish to tell them that they are in the they see so little of reality in their long dream these two beings these Gods these hosts they're talking about us the dream is Minecraft and while we play it we fail to see the moral that's being told by these two Gods the truth about reality and how this game reflects our own history in the 8th Century for instance Vikings used a lot of Timber for ship building construction and fuel which led to them deforesting most of Scandinavia as they started to run out of resources and land they began to invade the coastal areas of Europe like England France and Ireland only to do the exact same thing again cutting down the trees that's all humans do humans in their infinite greed will only seek more and more and more and more growth you see it in countries today in most businesses what do they want they want more shareholder value they want more money it's always more it's always growth if you're not growing you're not winning and we have to continue to harvest you have to suck every single thing from people and from the world from everything all we want is more why can't it just be enough why can't it be okay why can't it be all right to maybe be a little bit smaller next time I mean you're fine you still wake up in the morning is it really going to ruin your day is it really going to change your lifestyle if you don't have another $5,000 if you're a CEO do you really need that that 5 million bonus or is the 12 million you get on your salary that think that's okay I think that's going to be fine I don't think the extra 5 million is going to change your quality of your life all that much do we need that extra tree do we need to harvest everything why do we always need more why is that always the growth aspect of human civilization until those places began to lose their Forest areas too sound like the fishermen and pirates from Minecraft Europe's colonization of the Americas was for similar reasons to access and exploit the Abundant natural resources there even because we see it and we want it we're like ooh there's more over there more is the absence of stability he we're seeing the same thing with deforestation burning fossil fuels fighting one another for more power and control just like we see with the piglins and the builders and the illers and the nether the end and the Overworld it's a cycle of repeated abuse and neglect quote again from the ending but it would be so easy to tell them I will tell the player a story but not the truth no a story that contains the truth safely in a cage of words not the naked truth that can burn over any distance we are playing the story and the naked truth that they're talking about is that our world will die if we let it constantly be ravaged of its natural resources so well we know that the unfortunate thing is we do know that it's not a story we need to be told because we already know it I guess babies need to learn it at some point but most people adults that are watching this adults that playing these games we already know thing is we don't care we don't care that the world is going to end it's just not something that we can individually change it's not like us individually can go out and do something we need everyone as a collective to stop being as selfish as they are and uh people in positions of power to do actual good things to avert that kind of result uh but people don't care enough it's not an as immediate of an issue by the time it becomes an immediate issue it'll be too late maybe the next time you log on to Minecraft you'll see it a little differently maybe instead of a flat blocky world you'll see a reflection of your own and remember it can be beautiful so long as we just like Steve learn from the mistakes of the past it's been a Trope of Game Theory to prove to you that the hero of the game is actually the villain in the game of Minecraft and in the real world that distinction ultimately falls on us to decide but where the bies that's just a theory a game theory thanks for watching man that was uh pretty indepth that was pretty deep it goes into some very deep issues and I think Humanity as a whole is doomed and we will all burn one day but uh until then you can always subscribe to Game Theory there are many many theories left and then a new individual will be taking over the new theory if you want to see more of my dumb face you can always subscribe to this channel as well
Channel: MorePatterrz
Views: 48,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patterrz, morepat, patterz, reaction, reacts, reacting
Id: BHY7Pw6slpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 46sec (2146 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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