Patient Interview - Neurological Issues After Vaccination

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I think you read something , and you are regurgitating words that have no Merritt . The vaccine is as safe as any other vaccine . This isn’t new , The media that backs large pharma isnt new . The only Reason you act like you care is because for some reason you have a choice in the matter on whether or not you get or don’t get the shot .

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MathematicianBig6538 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Interesting interview. This is the problem when you take an experimental jab. No long term studies and once its in its in no do overs. The tyrannical way governments and companies are pushing this jab is suspicious to me. No thanks on the jab. I am not anti Vax I have had many but I am not a lab rat.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/thebvkley 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
all this is dr mobien sayed welcome to one more show today with me is sean brockovich he's a good friend of mine he is a researcher and uh just very quick uh introduction to his bio he's a 51 year old research nurse practitioner from new york prior to joining the medical profession he had a background in international development having served in various capacities over 12 years throughout eastern europe and during balkan war with the organization for security cooperation in europe i would request sean to tell us more about him the thing that we want to discuss today the topic that we have today is the post-vaccine injury and what are the possible journey that many people are going through what is the help to seek what help has been valuable for sean what are areas which ended up as dead ends for his help at the end of the day this discussion and my request to you is that please respect his privacy don't ask too many invasive medical questions about his health he has graciously agreed to be with us so that more people can be aware of the injuries i think he is a pro waxer i am a pro vaxxer so it's not about vaccines are good or bad but drugs medicines have side effects what are the possible side effects how to pursue a solution for them so i don't want to continue too much i want to welcome sean thank you very much for being here tell us a little bit about your yourself and your journey sure uh thank you dr b for having me first i'd just like to clarify that i'm here as a private citizen i'm speaking personally about my own personal story and experience with the vaccination i'm not speaking on behalf of any organization or institution i also want to clarify that i am very pro-science and very pro-vaccine so the intent today is not to deter anyone from uh vaccination it's just to speak about my experience and as a researcher i want everybody to know that you know reactions are are real they're a natural part of science um they're not something we should avoid or uh deny or dismiss i think we should encompass them into the body of scientific research so that they're studied and understood um i don't know if you want me to talk a little bit about what happened to me with each vaccination absolutely so one i am interested if the audience can hear about your day-to-day work what is what is the kind of work that you do and shortly as much as you want to share and then what is your experience with the vaccine right so my my work as a researcher i have a background as a as a nurse so i worked in various capacities as a nurse in hospitals on different floors working in different uh on different in different medical areas such as telemetry pediatrics so i have a good broad base of foundation in nursing itself and doing the actual job of nursing later i moved to become a nurse practitioner and one of my passions has always been community health and infectious diseases so as soon as i graduated i gravitated to community health and started to work in hiv primary care and then as i progressed in my career i moved into research and clinical trials on on various drugs related to hiv and hepatitis c and then later through the pandemic helped work on several therapeutics for cobot got it thank you very much and for the cool beans when you see me looking down here this is the monitor here i'm looking at your comments here i'm looking at sean here this is the camera so please don't be offended when i'm looking away i want to make sure that the environment is very respectable for sean so sean please don't mind when i'm looking around okay so with this uh sean tell me when did you get your first dose was with your two doors what happened it was a two dose mrna platform and my first dose was quite early because i'm in the in the medical profession so i was in the front runners of people receiving vaccinations so my first dose was late december 2020 and i remember going there with like excitement to get you know vaccinated get protection um reduce some of that fear and anxiety around covid and i had the in the first injection in my right deltoid and i noticed almost immediately not like about 15 minutes after into the injection some strange sensations up and down my right arm and i remember making a comment to the nurse he said oh this something feels a little strange she's like why don't we have you sit around a little longer make sure everything is okay uh the it was kind of like a cool warm sensation up and down my arm i thought oh okay maybe it's just nothing i i felt fine i didn't have any severe type you know anaphylactic type reaction it was mild so i came home sensations were still there i woke up the next day i still had more sensations up and down my arm it started to gravitate into my axilla area and my up uh scapular area and then i remember probably day three or four i started to get eye irritation in my right eye and a little bit of cheek tingle very minimal but the eye irritation was really strange and i thought i had like something stuck in my eye and i didn't immediately associate it with the vaccine because it seems so unusual it's not like something you would think of as a typical reaction so i remember seeking to uh consults with eye doctors because i kept insisting there was something wrong with my eye they said no no no they you know stained it everything looked good there was nothing in there no infection then i think by day six i had a flushed ear bright red and that lasted about three days and uh and then disappeared i consulted with a neurologist because the paresthesias the numbness tingling stuff was still kind of going on and i had this almost like a sensation like i was sweating in my armpit but every time i would go to touch there there was it was dry they did an emg it was normal everything after around 10 11 day 10 11 just subsided and i felt good so you know we didn't know much we didn't understand much at that time it was they were just you know rolling out so i thought we should get the second dose i had the second dose uh in mid-january or late towards late january and initially i had three days of uh just typical i had it in the left deltoid this time and i remember i had three days of just general your usual injection site pain but the pain kind of radi radiated up my neck and into my back it was pretty significant pain but i thought oh it's just from the injection it'll go away by day four i started to hear faint chimes sounds in my right ear and the tingling returned some of the right eye irritation return so even though i got the injection on the left the flare of things started on the right again so sean i have a question here my apologies for the introduction did you have any previous medical history for example yes no i should so so i'm a 51 year old healthy male i had no medical history significant i had no chronic medical conditions no autoimmune diseases i've never had a vaccine reaction before i've taken every vaccine known all my boosters no reactions no history of hearing problems or tinnitus or neuropathy no diabetes nothing i was not on any medications or supplements at the time i don't drink and i don't smoke and i don't do any other uh of the other substances yes so so fairly healthy and you know normal happening in these first days weeks was there anyone medical doctor your own doctors or folks who may be around you was there anyone who was able to provide any help any guidance how was your no i think so the first i after the second dose i reconsulted with neurology and you know they were like well you know if it subsided last time maybe it will subside this time and unfortunately that wasn't the case and again you know one of the problems is that people these aren't uh relatively new so i think the medical community doesn't we don't have the experience with them right so we don't it's not like a measles mumps rubella shot we've been giving for 20 years we know all of the ranges of reactions that have you know in the in the years they've been given so there was a lot of there were a lot of unknowns so i think it's you know it's not it's you can't blame anyone for not knowing right when something is new and we're all just doing our best with what we know and i think that was kind of the issue in the beginning and the people who received vaccinations early on you faced a medical community that was just kind of discovering how these are playing out in the larger populace got it so so with these second doors now you have more symptoms doctors said maybe just like the first one these would go away yeah what happened uh did they continue so they can yeah so they continued the tinnitus kind of started to escalate to a a severity that was profound i'm talking like a 10 out of 10 where you're you know literally on the bathroom floor and you're crying because you cannot believe what has happened to you and you thought this is not something you could live with i'll be quite honest it was pretty profound so that that set me on a desperate search as a nurse like i you know i'm trained i want answers right away i want to know what what's wrong what what should i do so i did a lot of consults i did a i think i consulted with four ents and at that time a lot of them were like you know could this be or could it not be as a coincidence and you know as a researcher i'm like i'm one thousand percent sure this is not coincidence like the timing was just you know too perfect my history was medical history was not you know non-existent and so uh you know temporally it was just this you could not deny the association in my mind uh you know and and given all the same the the other thing that really sealed it was that you know the second dose in the other arm spiked paresthesias that i experienced on the first dose in the right arm to you know deny causality there it's a little tricky my opinion so the second dose was in the other arm and the other arm experienced the same um no so the so the first dose was in the right where i had the parentheses the second goes in the left but flared the paresthesias initially on the right and the tinnitus on the right wow so seems like something was primed somewhere and then the second dose you know let it let it loose so again suspect my suspicion you know what i can't say what happened on a cellular level we just don't know i wish we did but we're not there yet so then uh trying to solve this did you start taking some medicine some protocols so my initial instinct was steroids um you know they're always the go-to when you want to tamp down some kind of immune or inflammatory response but a lot of people were reluctant to use them because they were afraid it would also alter your immunity respond immune response so i was kind of delayed in that and i look back in hindsight and i think there is some good research data now that shows in this kind of vaccine-induced tinnitus or i should say suspected for you know nothing is proven but there is some research that shows that some people who've had vaccine-induced tinnitus respond well if treated early with a higher dose of steroids you know i didn't go that route unfortunately at that time so that's your neurologist and think that it still is an inflammatory situation or i mean steroids should still help if there is inflammation normally their health starts reducing when either it is not an inflammation inflammation related thing or some injury is becoming more permanent and then giving steroid cannot reverse that injury there may be other reasons what did your neurologist say what is the current situation so the the neurologist i'm seeing now well i should let me just step back if i could and just clarify what happened further so by by the end of january the symptomatology became so severe that i developed what like wild swings and blood pressure and tachycardia and abdominal pain and i actually ended up in the emergency department in pennsylvania where my family is living and i even said to the er doc i'm like look you know i'm a nurse practitioner i kind of i work in research i i suspect i'm having a reaction i was having the tinnitus really bad the tachycardia my blood pressure was like 180 over 120 had a bad headache stomach pain he was suspect suspicious of it he's like we haven't seen this type of reaction before they ran me through a cat scan found some mesenteric inflammation said low you probably have a viral syndrome and sent me home with ibuprofen i was not happy but that's that's what happened at that time and obviously the ibuprofen did nothing for me so uh you yourself are a researcher you have been interacting with doctors trying to figure out what it is it is pretty serious it is not that you are just ignoring it now what did you think of the preparation of the medical field the preparation of the vaccine related injuries and approached i mean general did you were you actually finding people who had any direction or everyone was just trying to figure it i think everyone was kind of fumbling around and i think that was just the nature of being in the middle of a pandemic right we have to be realistic we're in a crisis we're trying to end that crisis we're rolling out what we think is an important tool to end that crisis and i think there's you know you you probably can never get it right but i think what was missing was some education um or at least a support system in place where at least er doctors could call in to some kind of center you know either with the manufacturers or with you know a government a government body and and consult on what they're seeing right um i think that wasn't and still isn't in in place really so people are still fumbling with like how to deal with reactions and i uh on this point i actually made a comment a few days ago there was a cool bean discussion another thing in cuny vaccine companies all of them and fda cdc are healthcare leadership organizations they should have come together and said here is a pool it is a fund i mean there is a lot of money going into vaccines and their purchases and their building and we are paying the taxpayers are paying eventually right so if a pool can be made and from that tool studies and help and educational material and consultations could be given i think there is an important need for that instead of individuals trying to figure it out on their own i would i agree i think it's in that would that would have been prudent and you know a wise especially when you're rolling out something uh a new platform uh for a vaccine and there are you know a lot of unknowns uh in the general population what we knew was from the clinic what we know is from the clinical trials right but that when you put something out in the general population like with any drug anything can happen right and the goal is not to to deter people or to make people fearful i mean you could take somebody could take tylenol and get a reaction or ask brennan and get a reaction right these are all things have reactions but you know i think you to to deny them or not uh address them is you know not scientific you're you're just you know it's not it's not realistic to say everything is 100 either way right and then you leave a pool of people that are unlucky like myself and you know we may not be large large numbers but we exist and to not help us is a disservice i think a grave disservice because i i still struggle to to understand what happened and what course of treatment i should be seeking absolutely correct and um this is the i think this is another tragedy of this pandemic that there was a good thing and that is that we all jumped in medical professionals are not medical professionals we all jumped in to try to figure out what is happening what is the virus how do we fix it what are vaccines what are other drugs and one of the outcome of that is that there are folks who are not medically who are not medical professionals or medically educated and they are trying to help as well and what i'm seeing is that sometimes intents may be good sometimes that transition becomes bad for example i'll give you my example from last year when i started talking about vaccines and said when the vaccines would come in and go take a vaccine and then when the vaccine started and the clotting started occurring and the pericarditis started occurring i started talking about plotting and the very first reaction from the audience members was some of the audience members was shut up don't talk about it what are you doing and i thought that that platform where we could look at everything together because the whole world is stuck in it is important so we can see what is the good what is the bad and how do we take care of it but i i digress i'm still going through these kind of reactions well the science the scientific world should remain in the hands of scientists right and we should not fear uh you know the data good bad or indifferent and that is what helps us drive so i think that there is a i still believe i have been protesting this for a long time that they we should become aware of what are the side effects then we should try to figure out what we can control after that we may say here is a vaccine or here is another drug malibu is out or some other drug is out and they may have side side we should say hello right there the possible side effects here are the things that are under our control the things that we cannot control them it is a cohort that should not take them it is a cohort that should take them we should have such keen observation and data collection and analysis being done every day anyways to you then so you tried steroids what other things have you tried and anti-inflammatories you tried ibuprofen didn't work so eventually early on i did do a short i did do like the you know one ent did say well try a medrol dose pack but i was probably already past the fourth week part and you know that's a medrol dose pack is not a very strong steroid but i did do that and it did temp down the inflammation in my abdomen and got that under control later i did just my own search just because i couldn't find the medical practitioner because they don't exist experienced in vaccine reactions you know they're not they're not on every street corner but being fortunate being in medicine i tried to direct my own research and my own care for all of its successes and failures i've had over the past 11 months but i started to set up groups online because i thought oh at that time i was i thought it was just me and i wanted to find other people to see if more to find support and validation to see if i'm not alone that this is i'm just an oddity and so i set up a tinnitus support group uh online and we have over 3 000 members now and uh i do a lot of we do a lot of support and research activities in there which is very important because tinnitus is a can be a very debilitating uh illness for people so support is everything so through there we you know people have it we share what we try what works it doesn't work for different things different theories um i went on a different diet i tried like low you know low histamine mcas type diets which i thought actually was helping my tinnitus in the early uh stages so uh but then it didn't really continue right so i really thought oh mast cell and i did uh i see somebody's raising a question about myself but i did do a lot of lab work i probably had a multi-million dollar lab work that i pushed for uh in my quest and i did do a lot of mcas work up and in my case even the more specific urine studies they always came out normal but i did find anecdotal evidence that an a low histamine kind of mcas diet was helping but unfortunately things progressed and i got beyond the tachycardia which continued that evolved into full-blown autonomic dysfunction by march and april where i had severe intractable insomnia i had uh tachycardia episodes that would just come on and go for hours then i'd evolve to positional tachycardia and i'm a straight bradycardic 50 55 person my whole life now suddenly i'm sitting 55 standing going to 150 160 feeling like i'm going to pass out and i get nauseous and uh so uh you know and nothing was really working i had uh for the insomnia i went on like several sleep medications and i had never had problems with sleep before but it was almost like my parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems would just not work like every time my body wanted to go into calm it would just trigger me and i would get like pour of adrenal dumps through my body that i could literally feel the chemical coursing through burning my stomach and muscles and this was by like june july so things kept going and i kept seeing doctors and telling them and cardiologists and some people would be like is this real a lot of subjective stuff here and you know doctors generally don't deal well with subjective symptoms very they like the objective right and if your lab's coming back normal you're reporting subjective things they tend to want to throw you in the basket of like anxiety or functional neural disorders or or things but i knew and that wasn't my case and so i had to push for objective and i did and so i got up i did you know the autonomic testing which showed i had positional tachycardia and i did uh eventually things progressed in august where i i woke up one night with full-blown neuropathies all over generalized my body stinging in my hands and feet burning sensations all over and uh again i went to the ed i went to my doctors they like we don't know let's check rheumatological let's check more autoimmune everything normal i did i said well my neurologist by july was suspecting pseudomotor small fiber she was the first one who was really engaged and curious and she said i think this is what's going on what's causing it and driving it we don't know but i said well what's the definitive test for that and she said well usually a skin biopsy so i thought oh i have to i have to do that i need to know so i made i arranged to have that done and that did come back showing signs of small fiber neuropathy developing so there i had some by august i had some objective data of like things that had gone wrong uh over the course and what was driving this autonomic dysfunction and now the nuance that neuropathies that i'm dealing with so were they able to then start pinpointing that this is uh cytokine storms or not storm but continuous cytokine released from so that we don't know because like i have done cytokine panels i had some elevations um you know i i think nobody just really knows right now what is the primary driver there's a lot of theories right i mean we i think some are known we have our you know these not the non-classical monocyte theories hanging out um you know there's some people who think it's you know related to the t follicular helper cell and how that is used to create the immunity there's some theories that it could be c4d deposition at the blood nerve barrier that was triggered like the dysfunction was triggered so we don't know i've heard you know mcas components i've heard glutamine storms so there's a lot of unknowns i'm very sorry that you are going through this um my sincere sincere uh gratitude that you are here you are discussing it and i i wish this all becomes resolved soon if it is so far i've seen many many long haulers that have been recovering even after a year or so so um prayers and good wishes and anything we can do me and cool beings you yourself are a cool being if we can all together do something please please yeah i think your audience is quite you know you have a quite intellectual following so one of my goals coming on here is you know one is not to deter anyone from vaccination that's not my goal two is to raise awareness that you know reactions happen and those who have them need help and i think three is to get your beans thinking caps on and help join our effort to kind of understand what's going on because we're desperate for answers and healing and i feel like every day that goes by i slip more towards the chronic and i i know and i don't want that because what what i'm feeling i may look healthy still but i can assure you when i sit here my ears are hissing and my feet are burning and my face is the nerve is uh taut it's like damaged so i have a lot going on and it's not fun i can understand this who means i was talking with sean before the discussion the live discussion and i was saying that because of my drawings and the work that i've been doing for last 18 months i have some numbness here but this arm a few weeks ago had developed severe tricking feelings and that is the sign of nerve compression over here and i was just too stressed out and i was leaning incorrectly and so on and i cannot imagine that just that little thing in my fingers bothered me so much that i thought what the heck and here we have someone whole body yeah i get burn sensations down my chest feet feel sometimes like little toothbrushes electric toothbrushes on low vibration little prickling sensations everywhere burning i'm very sorry for that i feel nerve dysfunction in my hands when i stretch them and i don't know why that's the puzzle i'm working i research myself all day long i read all the journals i try to connect dots but i'm not an immunologist so i uh we need help we need some researchers on board so in the community if there are folks who have experience with this or who would like to contribute in research please do that sean use me as a resource as well and i'm very transparent about my health and my data so uh in the quest to help others because i know i'm not alone and i know there's a lot of people who don't have the fortunate opportunity to one be in health care and two have insurance so whatever i learn i share uh with the intent of helping others out there that have the similar afflictions so you know thank you very much this is very generous of you i mean just opening up your own situation and then hoping that others can be helped as well so thank you if you are okay can i ask some questions here as well i know it is 40 minutes i know you are on the east coast so it is late on your side just another 5-10 minutes of questions if that is sure sure i'm happy to to help it's important that raise awareness thank you thank you so there is a question ashley says how do we treat micro clots so what is your experience i mean it may or may not be micro cloths but has there been any clotting related therapeutics as well tried or or you know some of the uh that's a good question i don't and i i don't even know how you unless you do biopsies i think how do you really determine micro clotting like unless you do uh you know small vessel it's very hard to to determine one two is i think you know i have tried things like low-dose aspirin um natto kinase uh supplement to to see if that would help i haven't seen much benefit from that i've also done some other along the way natural naturopathic things so i have done a procedure of what's called i think ebo2 uh where they take your blood out filter it mix with ozonated oxygen and i have seen felt some relief from that in fact for a few days so i didn't know if it was anecdotal i can't say everyone should rush to do something like that but i you know again in my quest for answers i'm willing to experiment to see what works and what doesn't but i don't know if there was the driver there of like they actually filter you and maybe drag out some things or if it's putting extra oxygen in there that's pushing oxygen into your capillaries and so don't know micro clots is a tough one i don't know my answer got it but patoon says has sean spoken with dr yo and bruce peterson yes i have i have done their labs i would like to dig further with them and collaborate more i think um you know they've got they're doing such uh important work right they really have brought another level and they're also now working with the vaccinate with the vaccine uh issues so yeah i mean i think there's a lot more i could work learn from them and work with them but i have reached out to them and i have done their labs and we have talked about different treatments got it um so i remember that you had talked about trying to at some point as well how was that um right so i did flew box i mean i think somewhere in march or april if i remember i have a timeline somewhere i track of all the things i've tried and the different uh reactions so for suboxone i started low dose i'm not keen on ssris for myself personally because of my own personal reactions not that should not deter anyone else from from that but uh i did try it and i did start low and then i increased slightly but i found that it actually spiked my tinnitus uh and so i stuck with it for about three four weeks three and a half weeks i think if i remember and then i kind of dropped it i don't know if others had had other experiences and if they've tried higher doses maybe that would have worked would work got it that is it says did they aspirate when you were injected with the vaccine could they have accidentally injected into a vein hope you recover very soon so sorry this happened to you yes thank you so that is another area of interest that in my my anecdotal gathering of data i do ask people so in my first injection i did have a weird injection i have to say when they entered me i thought they weren't in the right spot as a nurse i think you know nurses know how to inject best and i didn't have a nurse for my injection and i i don't know i felt uh i had a twitch of my arm on injection i didn't make anything of that because if you just you know nick the skin you could trigger something like that in people i've seen it before but i did ask a lot of people if they had an unusual injection and not everyone but i have quite a few it's anecdotal evidence but they do say they've had like either a bloodier injection or they saw blood or the band-aid was more bloody so who knows right it's a it's possibility when it is possible i'm just conjecturing here i don't have a proof it is possible that infection instead of the vein actually hit the nerve and that's obviously your neurological trauma to a axillar to this area then to the facial nerve again i'm totally conjecturing i don't have a mechanism i have that i've had that speculation from the start i thought did they hit a nerve and then somehow it hijacked my nervous system i don't know the nerve over here which is near the neck of the humerus so if they are high up here it is possible again it's a very tiny nerve but it is there crack so ashley says have you load those nail tracks on and then i want to one that's a good one i want to make sure we are not sitting here giving medical advice you yourself are a health care professional this is just we have various things in our mind as well that god forbid if somebody has long covered here are the solutions possible so we are just in that in that spirit of having that discussion correct this is my personal story not recommendations to anyone to do or anything low-dose naltrexone i am i'm trialing that now in fact on the recommendation of a good rheumatologist and i find that it's um it's it's it's helpful it's a good glial cell modulator and i think that it helped my uh tinnitus a bit very good good to know at least there is something that um is moving in the right direction uh one god jesus name says how can people find and join your support group so i the support groups are online i don't really market or advertise them i think people just sort of find them and we only usually let people in that are have an affliction because we're very cautious we are not an anti-vaxx group we are not an anti-booster or mandate we're not anti-anything we're really just a cohort of people with the same affliction trying to help each other so i think if you just search your social medias looking for whatever affliction you might have you'll probably stumble upon one of the groups i think uh you know thank you very much denise tg says many of us with these multi-systemic symptoms post-covered wax end up having genetic connective tissue disorders of elder delnoth syndrome that seems to predispose us could this be a possibility for you this is a collective tissue disorder of the autism yeah i don't think i have any i don't didn't have any signs and symptoms of eds in my life and i know that's genetic and usually you do exhibit something along the way if you had a genetic predisposition it doesn't stay insidious as far as i know i'm not an eds expert but i did look at my genetic profiles and i don't really don't think i have any of those mutations that lead me in that direction but i'm not sure i'm not an expert on that so i can't speak got it thank you very much um so someone is challenging you and cheryl once again look he himself sean himself is going through this there is no need for sean or for me or anyone to try to minimize something i think this sean is actually here telling his own story to raise awareness to make more people aware that there needs to be help in this area i think the only care he's taking is that this is not an anti-wax rhetoric here but you see a vaccine related injuries can occur and we should look into that and help right so cheryl is saying and i can't yeah i think i can't speculate on the numbers i don't know the numbers i don't know if the week i don't know how should i phrase this without getting anyone upset i don't know if we track the numbers of uh of of effects thoroughly um maybe we do i don't know but i know in my own personal case in my own personal case no no doctor has actually logged mice and i had to log my own and i thought i found that a little bit disturbing i don't know if they're just very busy or they knew i was a nurse and i would just log it myself so that could be the case but um so i don't know you know i think we're out there we're we don't know the numbers but we we exist and there are other people like me got it so sean thank you very much for your time i think these are majority of the question here is just one more question and then i think we can wrap up this is an important question the question is from queen city dom has sean tried monoclonal antibodies or ivig yeah so i'm currently trialing ivig right now i did didn't do well with the first dose uh i was for some reason increasing my tinnitus which i thought was strange so i couldn't get through the full four day course the second do i do it every four weeks right now the second course i just finished i did it with steroids which helped but it made me flare for some reason and it increased my bilirubin which put me in the emergency department yesterday not great so i don't know if i will be able to continue with that course of treatment we're i'm discussing that now and sean uh so sorry for what happened yesterday we can actually see your eyes even now that there is a yellowish tint there so thank you that you actually were in the emergency yesterday and today you are speaking with us thank you for being so gracious and so kind you know that's just the importance of this for me is was to be here to you know to discuss this with people thank you last question and then i would request you to take rest and thank you for your time jody says did you check your thymus have you had chicken pox or chicken pox wax any other any one of our cultures feel better that's a lot that's that's multiple cl multiple questions in one very clever way to ask questions i like that i do that too um i haven't checked my thymus i have had chickenpox naturally as a child i have not tried colchicine and i thank you for wishing me to feel better so sean once again thank you very much for being here thank you for your time i feel i pray and i i'm sure that everyone who is listening watching viewing they would pray as well that you recover soon and fully and this is behind you and as you are navigating this hopefully we would learn something as well for what works and maybe that would be useful for someone else as well thank you very much thank you so much for having me i really appreciate it it's uh i'm very grateful thank you thank you we are grateful that you are here you're giving us time so cool means thank you very much i'm gonna hang up now and maybe in another 5-10 minutes we'll do a quick chat chat as well i want to actually keep this video up instead of adding one more video on top of it so how about we just leave the chit chat for today and meet again on monday and thank you very much have a nice weekend
Channel: Drbeen Medical Lectures
Views: 1,179,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drbeen, medicine, nursing, med school, microbiology, sars-cov-2, covid-19, coronavirus, usmle, mbbs, nclex, cytokines, Health (Industry), Medicine (Field of Study), Pathology (Medical Specialty), what is, nursing (field of study), Nursing school (organization)
Id: SobqUw7gqhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 40sec (2920 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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