THE WEIGHT OF GLORY || Apostle Orokpo Michael

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hallelujah praise the Lord you may be seated god bless you is some such a great honor to be here this evening to bring us the word of the Lord I want to salute your servant Master Chief's is one of my father's and it's a great honor to be on this coffee to bring the word of the Lord he is with great humility that I stand to dispense this responsibility secondly I am home-brewed beyond measure to the ministry in this evening why mommy's around [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know last year I I put a picture on my page on a bad knee and I said this is my spiritual mama hello 20,000 people prayed for her in 2006 hours in cuts in Allah when mama invaded the city which signs are wonders crusade and at that time our knew nothing about disability we came for the meeting and to my dismay I saw demons screaming out of people I saw deaf ears opening I saw blind eyes opening I saw crippled people walking and he downed on me for the first time that what we saw on television were real and that day when she gave the altar call we all ran out into the field to rededicate our lives to God and she didn't stop there there was another one week follow of discipleship program and that became the training that formed the foundation of my walk with God [Applause] today's the first night I may just be laying the foundations but let your heart feel I'll show you that before this conference is over your lives will be turned around for good now lift your hands toward heaven and talk to the Lord whisper something from the depths of your heart every time is not the same in the spirit let's watch a drink or the crew lose time and there is another core the Kairos moment the Chronos time is the hour of preparation went down and through the waters and whoever and passed infest is cleansed of whatever infirmity the water is always there but at a certain moment there's a movements in the spirit the entities from Zion begin to enter into this realm and at that time anything is possible because heaven is beginning to match with Edie motifs can sustain the stature of immortal beings because there is an alignment is called the mountings of mahon I'm where the soldiers of Zion aligned with the soldiers of the end so that possibilities that I only found in Zion can be found on earth that is when a crippled man can walk it doesn't matter if he was people for 38 years the waters have been stared the entities of glory have descended into the celestial realm and anything is possible this is another Kairos moment and if your heart is open tonight you will dream of the waters of life and the things that make telethons to become generous can fall upon you is they 400 broken man went to cave a doula and they met David there that we knew something about the spirit and when he traveled across where 400 pro-q men became warriors and at the time the Bible said Eleazar the son of do too he fell upon his spare nice new 800 man that was a broken man but he outfoxed heaven he had touched the atmosphere of Zion and the other artists son of Toto had become a mighty man of death there is something that changes back your story can be turned around if only you can step into the water ha ha you ready you ready you ready to push you are mighty on your you [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are my [Music] to change your fortune it doesn't talk or anything to change your story the problem is the segment can use this and the moments can you design they'll tell the Lord your heart is open the other Lord you are ready you are ready for a visitation you are ready as I speak now listen there's a light moving in this place now as I speak to you now and that light is by credit to the left the right part of this beauty as the light moving in the spirit and as I speak by the spirit of the Living God the impetus of will begin a book now by the Spirit of the Living God precious Holy Spirit everyone that is aligned at this moment let the ministration of the Spirit begin rendre fracas Berea not Abbas rocky Berea dollars you can speak it overhead as we get home [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I do [Music] Thank You Holy Spirit and your Holy Spirit Thank You Holy Spirit someone is about to drink of a fresh wine if fresh wine somebody's about to drink of a fresh wine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] like how Holy Spirit we give you praise we give you glory and so father we come on the development of your presence we bring our hearts on the spirit of brokenness [Music] we aligned with silence not to be flow through us and we need us in the full weight of your glory that live swimming Thunderer stories of ability man responded such writings of your destiny we joined the procession of the hinges [Music] all these alone they call the break we install your bully me thank you Father [Music] thank you Father make your father eat Jesus precious name in the precious name of Jesus and they would spend some time to pray I shared the word for 30 minutes we should spend some time to pray before time began [Music] before anything was ever created here was a community of three entities living in themselves before the invincible Ram was ever designed before the project of creation was ever fatone the father interacted with the logos and the logos interacted with the spirit and the spirit interactivity fun and this communion continued this fellowship this interaction continued for ageless a oh and a point came where the intensity of this Koinonia became unbearable for God and God wanted to share because it is a create a beam of law the intensity that existed between this tree this tree on beam became so intense and the father communicated with the locust and the logos to the spirit and it exploded out of the abodes and select cosmic man so man was a project of death man was the betting of the immortal philosophy that existed between the community of the divine it was prepared by the intensity of Koinonia that existed in themselves and a point came where that energy that existed between them became intense when God said let us make man it was an exclamation that was batted out of Koinonia the energy of that intercourse was was prepared the creation of you and I and the reason for this creation is so that we can participate in this communion that was alien to mutters this operation that existed and predated creation God wanted to bring us to enjoy and to participate of that reality so John came and said that which was from the beginning which we have seen and we have heard and our hands of the word of life is it that is what we invite you into we are calling you into fellowship there was something that existed before time began man is not a creator of time man is a creator of eternity because he came from the womb of date and he can only live from there he says so truly our Fellowship is with the father and with this is what the weight of glory is about the ability of man to live from the realm of God to degree that his life becomes an affordance of the divine we are not preachers we are not apostle's and prophets we are witnesses of God the channel of bringing God to humanity is what was fabricated into offices of oppressions the idea was not to have an apostle and a prophet the idea was for God to visibly dominate this realm the glory of God feeling the earth as the waters cover the sea this is what life is about they mop us as far as they are concerned they are outlets through which God can invade a system the affordance of God that dimension of Koinonia that exploded from the womb of deity conducted through human vessels into a visible realm is what life is about and this is what informs the carriage of glory help me Lord help me you coming to e on your drawer sharain Puran your urine god you are mighty the value of a man's life is not in duration life was never designed to be calculated in duration life was designed to be calculated in the essence of God that is witness to in time you can celebrate birthdays on the y100 is a waste onto your life becomes a channel through which God flows into your context life is not duration based life is God expressed through human vessels the idea of life is not material possession you can own a billion you can have class and institutions but if God is not there it is Babel and when it becomes a power God Himself we destroyed everything we have is a 2 for advancing divinity the idea was the ability of man to come into Colonia and express God afterwards so I will look at men what we do trace is the dimension of God the curry man has no identity in Zaya except as it becomes an expression of a dimension of deity so if you study Hebrew stuff higher level in DB remember what they had in time Noah created an ark that was to save the whole world it was not captured in the tunic of society when the records of Noah's life were written he said well God speak nor move with reverence so the fear of God in the life of Noah was the hammer for communicating God that was the only thing that crossed into eternity the gifts of the Spirit that lower heart were not written in eternity it is not needed there because it tell it is a remedy to our continued we don't need what of knowledge [Music] Moab Utah at 400 years and everything Noah Beauty soy dispute or that was not reaching the only thing that was captured was the fear of God because that fear born was what captured the dimension of God that Noah represented in time the Bible said in Genesis 24 from verse 1 that Abraham was old and were stricken in it and the Lord had blessed him in OT that is what they called when you enter into the water realm the captain is even good at Abraham heart it was his faith that has a better design [Music] it was his fate that was the only thing that resonated in Zion among men mundane things can be numbered not among spirits [Music] you know you can be fair and then this priority that is in time when we enter Zion will be good and be locked so you will not know who was black or what's there so if you lived your life because about your skin you waste it because when you appear in saya they will check you what is the signature of God Moses was a prince in Egypt he was one of the candidates that could become a pharaoh but when Moses anti-shia they didn't remember that he was in Egypt the only thing that was captured was that he saw him that was invincible and when he was come of age he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than the pleasures of Egypt which is for a season because he saw him that was invincible so the life of Moses was a definition of faithfulness and perpetual vidiians [Music] so where is the glory we're actually trying to troubleshoot the meaning of life is it for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God that means the glory of God is what defines life the signature of life is the glory of God that human vessel can touch the story of life is there possibility through grace for mortality to host immortality the story of life is the possibility to the wisdom of God from all paths to be able to host date and they can communicate him in this realm [Music] ah yeah [Music] Oh ah [Music] Oh aha yeah [Music] ah ah yeah [Music] Hey [Music] aha Hey yeah hi Hey the frist a latina was given to us as a priest editor of Britain so we charge our lives our value system by material possession material possession became important because we fail when Adam was in Eden material teens were not his asset they were Jews I will show you the eight articles of glory so you will know how to possibly time because you are actually in time or try creature of eternity everything you have in time is an avenue and it to given to you to advance your Nativity which is I if you don't know it material things become your God and you'll be lost in this realm is like a man flying from Nigeria to Italy and then in stop in Spain and they now come down a speed you now to the house and they use the having pleasure in Spain you forgot we were doing you our storied our God is telling from them you are only passing from eternity past into eternity future this is class it [Music] hahaha you know spirits condo pretty [Music] because evil spirit gives you a jet the reason is because he wants to fast-track your movement so that you can meet up with the assignment that is in your hand because we had they leave that only planes to move if they travel by where we if a spirit gives you a job is what it break you is a platform for you to give expression to Kindle so he needs an ambassador the only one so he said to them you are actually running an errand but if we George life from Earth what our definition of some value system will be Parvati so when you have money you begin to think of what to spend it on me while I was in project heaven that you have made the project manager that made you Hannibal but you may spend that money under a secular project so why you are paying SIA they now begin to check the lexicon of your destiny and they tell you this and this and this was what if you do that's why you had this ten million but when they check from Shia 10 million became good watch and diamond ring and a trip to Bahama Island [Music] so you are a creator of time you would have lived for 70 years but when you get to heaven they will say you need a plane the reader you know well God came to be cutting and he was looking for Adam he said Adam we are done God is so many scientist or things what was happening is that Adam had dislodged from the land where his do deep sigh oh he was the water over the net so when God came to his office one day he was adapted where he had fallen among the princes of heavily legalities of God not understanding us in dreams so it was not about cutting it was about where you stand in the spirit because the guy had fallen me why was to hidden [Music] he didn't know that the goal was not to stay with us he was there as a watcher because he's a drastically and keep it the wardress is the world for peace - that means truth Bristol legislation make it an end heaven on earth the world keep is the world for Kingdom it means advance everything hidden to dominate the head so when I call the whole had to become hidden and hidden his heaven but Adam was possibly artists the cicadas fruit is good is it little time [Music] we no one want to discuss the subject of glory they found a shine through Boston it was below both times we don't know why we are dead most times we don't know that's why we struggle to survive so much what if they say why are you here most times there is no answer the reason is because were not taught how to live from heaven rest and it is not a religion is divinity expressed to humanity how much of God you carries the testimony of your Christian life not the title [Music] I want to show you the glory is actually the wealth of man the world the Bible calls in the Commonwealth of Israel so if you look at the civilization of Israel they build their houses they got them the life of the Israeli company is around the AK we are the glory dwells it is called a Commonwealth of Israel so if your life have no reference to the AK you are not an Israelite so they live their lives around the tabernacle and the AK in the holy of holies is what defines their reference so if they come to the end of the year all of them comes to a shot down onto the high cliffs and pass into the AK and make atonement for them that is what defines the existence so all of them live as partakers of the glory because we have included this new life this is what we fight for the quality of your life as noted to do it or to have everything you have is it - and if you have more immediate possibilities more [Music] this is Christianity Christianity is the life of glory there Atticus of the glory I will show us quickly and then we'll begin to lead when I show us the eight articles of the glory then I will show us three things that matters in time so why you pray for a job don't look for a big salary when God sends you to a job go die as an ambassador else everything you did as a waste this beauty looks beautiful but the value is not in the ship the value of this building is in the number of souls that set that Jesus on this order because this beauty will not gain heaven for the sauce we have canceled [Music] I taught spiritual activities I will put an auntie idealize that the glory is what defines even the value of what we do because you can cast out Devils are you sure upon Jesus here with me you worker of iniquity I know you not that's what I told you that as beautiful as give you know we are preachers you can come here I know people who preach and from that crusade they go home with a fine girl I've met them I know people who gave out of knowledge to sisters and they ended up in a hotel because they have a gift but they don't know the glory so even why they carry that gift it was it to for satisfying their appetite they are creatures of time they are ruled by flesh they don't know what life is about before you celebrate your birthday and you count how old you are find out how much of God you have trapped that's what you celebrate no time time has no value in Zion when you go to eternity time is withdrawn Moses ascended sinner and it was there for 40 is 40 days he knew when Moses came down he told a story that lasted from the beginning of time to the end Moses saw the beginning and he said everything that God did in Genesis chapter 1 and when Moses was about to depart in Exodus that in Deuteronomy 24 he said I saw the Holy One descending from an Iran with ten thousand of his said that is the Battle of a Megiddo so in 40 days because Moses entered Zion he saw beginning to end more than ten million years was seen in 40 days because that Rev has good time so when we live as creatures of tang what we have done is that we have wasted before we went up the list and it is the business of glory and glory is the civilization of heaven coming I don't need to charge after three days you will change I'm telling you your motivations and appetites will change you know I told you when I went to mommy's meeting that time we were in ss3 they we made of shadow professing ss2 so we waited for it for five years so that period they wash your uniform so when we wake up the up ion did we dressed and then we are going to school suddenly she came and why she said some of the teeth she said she preached about Jehoshaphat believing the Lord of God co-star you be established believe in this prophet who shall prosper and he showed us how three nations were destroyed because somebody entered heaven and we left there with a bird that we were previously become to push ago there was another Hong that I was born in our spirit because somebody that knows I own is talking you know they sent people to arrest Jesus when they killed is a no man speak no man ever speak like that man he was talking from eternity so you don't hear him your head yeah [Music] you believe you don't know what you had if we carry on loader you are standard you delight a little boy when you go home you can't sleep again and then you were copied it by 12s bikini tops Takata and suddenly that guy that you are ready to steam with and now cause you appetite have died appetite after that is when life begins in that he has no happy you have greater time they buy us a man in honor than were not like the taste of de-feet our parishes they difference between you and the good is that you are a creature of eternity so your reference is in Zion not in time several eight articles of the glory the first is that God is spirit you know the world blue is the Walker Boyd in the hippo this is dogs alive so we don't need to finish all hotels you'll know it and the world Lord is the word doctor in Greek what it means is simply it was coined from the words Hachi you know what is not too easy these things the mood so you can start like this Under the Sun it will remain like this it will stand like this under the rim it will remain like this put it is a fire it will remain like this you can't change so the word glory is actually the essence of a being the substance that defines the reality of a beam it's on changing so if you said this is the glory of God it means this is what God is every day anytime so when we speak about the width of glory we are talking about the nature of God that rest upon a man but if you don't know the atticus of the glory you may think is either hole oh no bluest and open goba God have not rested when God rest you can stand up like this and then when they give you the same style and a beer that you drink it will be completed what has happened is that you have been exchanged from within you carry the nature of the serpent but the nature of God has entered so Paul said in first Corinthians 15 48 and 49 that the same way we bought the image of the earthly we must be heir the image of the heavenly what Paul was saying is that we must exchange mortality and we're immortality but what are the attitudes of immortality the first is spirit what it means is that God is a spirit so his realities begins from the spirit if you want to define the essence of God you can't take let friends from material reality the essence of God's reality flows from this spirit so if you look at a man's life and his references but in the spirit he doesn't carry glory he can act it and call his name Jesus you know in Mexico they would have their Jesus it doesn't mean the category you want to see a man that is full of glory he defines and trusts the reference of his life from spirit the realm of God this was the life that Jesus Bureau as the putana in Isaiah chapter level from West to the Bible said they spirit I began to show us they confer meant that dimension of the Spirit of God a man who carries glory who lives from the spirit there are several tributaries that his life expresses is that the Spirit of the Lord are pure poly what it means is that any man who is ruled from the Spirit rain is not a government of the Lord you may have seen a fair that you want to marry but the government comes and said this is your wife what is what are those dies that you sacrifice her emotion because you are of the new booze then no booze don't marry because of love they marry for Kingdom [Applause] [Music] I was supposed to be another officer by now or when God gave me say that is not in your curriculum in Zion so because of the Lord it was hard but you know when you go to Zion Jesus a it is hard to kick against the pricks when you go to Zion they will check what God wrote before time began he said before you were born I knew I ordained you to be a prophet so if you come to time and you do anything a platform being a prophet you didn't appear in the leader of Zion did you agreed the life of Moses for 40 years they didn't write anything about him because living in the palace was not part of his destiny the angels came the day he was born but there was motility because the interview only right on earth what you what was written about you before time began because your life on earth is a witness of the counsel of God the will of God the purpose is of God so you can be 70 years old but in the slit of eternity not in as be written but the moment was is wanted to leave it he say when he was come of age suddenly the story began the Angels becomes to write because when we check the lexicon of Zion this is what was written and everything Moses did they wrote it everything because now he was joined by a light that was from the Lord they do not see the life of Jesus that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by esaias the prophet the land of Zebulun the land of Naphtali by the way of the sea beyond total galilee of the gentiles the big buddha sat in darkness have seen a great light sample who was not the most pleasant place to live if you want to live you can choose to that because Judah has a royal heritage but what was written in prophecy is that he will be the land of Zebulun so Jesus did not move on what the Spirit of the Lord was typing from Xiamen that's the life of the patent man I know that it's pressure and I know you want to marry but have you seen what the Lord is saying so you know see the guys talk it's just like this and why you went to sleep you softly dreams in one night ah their spirit of the Lord when a man lives from the spirit realm he's a man of government he is ruled by government this is what adapting ah no it was in the garden he comes mr. lion he said this Israel say yes that's the name economy said this is spider yes a dozen he didn't know that the ability to see to the spirit realm was not just a gift it was a it was a witness against him that he has good life apart from what comes of his bill and the day he violated what was truly from the spirit he was ostracized he did you carry the weight of glory if you live your life according to the dictates of the spirit so the first dimension is the Spirit of the Lord he said it's not my wheel but time so life for Jesus was submitted under the government of the Spirit how many decisions have you taken your life that God is not aware where you are ready father you come and just God yes Lord you know I'm going to Vegas tomorrow protect me protect me oh you mean yeah I'm fine looking for my now so you are now so you are open okay mama that's who you are that's who you are that's who I was into worried Hey the power of God was strong more than 300 people were naughty power I don't bring the prayers a Lord heal the sick now I'm more than 60 people were healed instantly we took deafness they were more than 12 so the next day I came I say this night is power I will ask in power so as a loop power must continue when I can visit each as I finished teaches ago my body was vibrating ladies but I know if I do that I am a work of iniquity if you live from the spirit you must take on that government so in life you are not permitted to do what you can but permitted to do what you shoot and that's where Christmas applied it's a statement of glory but most times we only live our lives doing what we can not what we should we don't live from the spirit the first article of the glory is life from the spirit and one of the tributes is the Spirit of the Lord the second tribute with the spirit of wisdom is not given to man that Walker to order his death so everyone the whole idea looks correct they say wait a cement man taught with man they enter of his death that not necessary because your life will end but that because we'll be separated from God there will be no witness for it in Zion and if you know that you can't step out on the gospel the hardest thing to do is to live many people are not aware every step we should take was already written before we were born the hardest thing to do is to live but earthly creators think life is bread they download of life is a quality statement of the will of God [Music] I'm talking like this because most of us are young people somebody called me today and said II their husband said no divorce and the wife said can you imagine I said well as much as I know when you had time married you see kids you have no choice again you had the choice before you enter none that you have entered you have no choice and go check the Bible we didn't say marry who you love you only commanded to love who you marry and when I read the Bible I discover Speedy's don't consider love to be a mushroom they consider love to be sacrifice so for the woman love is submission for demand love is sacrifice so they feel it may not be their game but is called marriage and in marriage you have no choice is taken away so go back I said the problem of marriage is one is flesh and the Cure of marriage is supply of the Spirit so the Bible said be not drunk with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the spirit speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual so making melody your heart to the law where you are now full of the Spirit announces some videos that what you are not because he knew that flesh will allow you to submit yourself so I say first be full of the Spirit well you are full of the Spirit is easy to submit as a wife and while you are full of the Spirit is easy to sacrifice as a man if you are not there be crisis that's the wisdom of the Amata's a know that in time there will be many option so he banished he sent tells you you are a sentence person that's why you cannot live your life except as God speaks the wisdom of God the second dimension of the spirit of the law the third dimension is the spirit of the knowledge of God that means the meaning of your life is somewhat of God you know in John 17 verse 3 he said this is life etana it is a Beretta desaturation he said that you may know him the only true God so our adventure in life is to explore God the same way astronaut explore space that's why I said that I do know their God shall be strong and to explore that means the Dominion mandate is predicated upon intimacy how much of God do you know by experience but they have registered on Oh God I assure you he's a religious man full of activity or he doesn't know go check him when he's at the crossroad in life that's when you see this custody of God in his life they said and in those days the voice of God was class and the lamp had gone out and the eyes of L highway team the knowledge of God was cast people who know that says the voice of God so there's no glory is not an activity it is the measure of God to carry baton how much of God do you know the third dimension is the spirit of understanding the spirit of understanding is an element of the enlightenment of the Holy Ghost you know some of us here are physicists some of us are lawyers some of us are medical doctors some of us are chemists that is the light but you know that light is the light of the soul it came from earthly realm there's something about the light of the Sun everybody functioning by the light of the Sun is in the outer court the life we live with is the Shekinah is in the Holy of Holies the problem with the light of the Sun is that it touches the heart in songs of Solomon chapter 1 verses is they look not upon me if I am black if the Sun has looked upon me what happened is that when they fought to place there was it that brings that took over this realm and what that trees does is that he was a cherubim he was a sarahfey the Bible said he was the one that moved through the mist of the course of fire and the seraphim's occluded eyes what they do is whatever they look at the transmitter dimension and the moment man fell Adam was the ruler of the galaxies when he fell the Dark Prince began to look on the zone so everybody that appraised by the soul will be dark so physics law medicine is too long land lighting your feet so job see as I was in the days of my youth when the secrets of God was upon my cabana crew say by light I walk to Douglas is an operation of the spirit of understanding you may think is that enough to work by wisdom when you join it to the end you will discover the destination is dead as I said as a witness event right or to a man the end is dead the weight of glory is the measure of spirit I lose your life the Spirit of the Lord the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge the spirit of understanding and the spirit of mind they will say by God I run through a troop by God I live - by war that's not human other human ability let's a place where human ability ends only team motivated by spirit we mobilize you and unfortunately spirits ruled Israel have you not been there when you made resolutions upon resolutions and then you met other resolutions are you made much more and you still fail because the spirit of might must govern your life a man who operates under the canopy of glory is a man of functions by the spirit of might and the excellency of might is revealed in the sight of challenges so when Samson came he said the Lord came upon him and he took the gate of Gaza they get of Gaza is not this time they get of the city those days is is longer than events this kind of offense that you see because they are kids are actually covering of diversity the wall of the city has 100 spots that's where you get the world Centurion is from the century 100 soldiers stand on the wall so the gate can be as long as the beginning of this fence to that one but by the spirit almighty it is not energy that will make you tell flesh that in that immobilizes you are the time what we make you rule over it is when the spirit of mind begins to walk in your life but for the spirit of my to walk you must befriend the Holy Ghost you must tend the presence you must commune with God because you have George and you have realized that you are not a creature of time you are a beam of glory and the first article of the glory is the Spirit of God it's only in our generation our people wake up and say thank you love Jesus and they are owned in a way the people that gave us Christianity some of them live their houses if they are to live by it they welcomed by 3:00 a.m. because they have taught that their census is not enough to that determine the a direction the Bible says and in the morning in the cool of the day Jesus went to a solitary place there he bread the disciples who Nostrum come as a must the people waited 40 until as we come down from the mountain he sees a dimmer see out it is the blind is they open and they taught us about outer open they didn't know it was an economy of this little mite he's not a power is not in the English is in the supply of the spirit I know a lot of people she's a slave Queen until she becomes 35 let you know they are licensed that marriage is not a function of beauty is a function of feeble but she didn't subscribe to the Spirit of the Lord the devil deceived many young people the weight of glory is not Rama is the supply of the spirit and when the Spirit comes there are several operations the Spirit of the Lord the spirit of knowledge the spirit of wisdom the spirit of understanding the spirit of mind the spirit of counsel have you been in that spot where you want to take a decision and literally you are hearing the Holy Ghost talk to you don't go this way go here spiritual spirituality is not religion it is a literal relationship with a spirit you want to enter disguise that no don't enter the next one you think is a joke aunty life begins to surprise you then you come back and do business with the Spirit of God the weight of glory is a call to intimacy the worth of glory is a life in the spirit and when it begins to happen is obvious is obvious you don't mimic it and the last thing about life in the spirit is that there is a baptism of the fear of the Lord there is a baptism of the fear of the Lord the secret of spiritual accuracy is the fear of the Lord a man may be full of abilities but he refuses to move mosy say we will not depart from here on to your glory confidence the samantha can open the head and swallow people but we will not move God is not with us there is no going forward the fear of the Lord I can't you literally dread at the presence of God but that's no longer part of our Christianity if you must celebrate anything before you celebrate car begin to label to apprehend the spirit and only those three Boutrous begin to flow to your life you have no celebration because that guy you receive the ambassador all the company may not even know Jesus you went to America there are many Americans that don't know Jesus that money you have is a change in somebody else's account the things we should celebrate our teens that are not netted because when we lay hold on them they can produce earthly things every one of us must become a carrier of the majors of the Spirit does the first article of the glory is he one of the challenges we have his time time is a body I've never ascended what time is finished the second article of the glorious light the light of God the light I told you already that job said by light I walk through darkness a man who has light fears nothing because light is the kill of the insufficiencies of flesh it was dunya that was in Babylon Daniel was not in class with normal people he was in class with success astrologers witches and wizards star gazers is that he was ten times better than them he's not because he was intelligent the Bible said in Tanya 511 that in him is the spirit of the holy God is a light and understanding and excellent wisdom sought as is among the cause to him in this man light because God is light and in him is no shadow of Tony so when a man begins to lead by the light of God he has become a creature of eternity and that kind of man he may be in time what is living from heaven Jesus was walking in Nazareth he said this sort of Man which is in heaven because he rules and leaves from sahil he knows what to touch and to alter he knows what to do to midnight day [Music] we went to pray and at the after they had gone le at the night hour he came walking on the water walking on the water Lord is mr. kind off but how did you catch up with people that left nine hours ago now he is even walking the same mystery of walking did you not read in first Kings chapter 18 verse 46 that the hand of God came upon Elijah and he outran the Cheerios appear by light I walked through tackling it doesn't matter forget the pressure let your mates go ahead you make sure you catch light they may leave ten years ago touch light a point we come then we begin to follow from behind they will not know why you have touched something that is ion paste [Music] this I believe this is the life of the Christian is the life of glory this is not just doctrine trying to remember scripture is life in the spirit because the scriptures are gateways in two dimensions when you catch it you enter and your life becomes possibilities that are not in God it's a data wait upon the Lord the amount of it wings like the Icarus something happens to them they begin to roll my god is that they're wrong they are not within the walk they don't fit what has happened they have lent a technology that is not given to this material if you don't have light you will live your life as a time-based creature they dangers that you will not know until you get to heaven so what light does is that it opens us to the standards of God so we can gorge ourself that we may not be charged and then it brings us into the calm sense of God we begin to leave from Ziya it may not make sense among them but the motives are clapping and at the end of the day you discover you to defeat do you know how this Cosmo came to us if is this kind of Christianity we are practicing that the practice will not have the gospel it would have ended with our generation I read the story of the Meridian products they soothe themselves are slaves get the money for charity and they were carried into France to treat the gospel how do you explain that you got to have your seat with them right Chuck what then is the definition of brittle if somebody has sold himself in order to entice it and bring Christ how do you not define victory because the last time you checked all your core breakthrough is all you received from God if they check what you give to God your score is zero so what is break through the Bible said to fit this subdued Kingdom they wrought righteousness they obtained promises they shot them out of light they wet the violence of fire weak men were made valiant in strength and he says some of them were tortured in the face of deliverance they rejected it that they may have a better resurrection what are you seeing and what are they see you are seeing success in time they are seeing a better expression you are different leaders that's why Paul said though our light affliction upon for a moment they work for us and it's sitting with of knowing why we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are seen does Amanda have access to light he has access to light the value of his life is different from ours they need from heaven the weight of glory how much light do you have they say common fast is a kind I'm tired is 12 o'clock already and there you go and do make over two hours breakdowns for three hours three hours by on Facebook for several hours you are living from the light of the song and where you are 70 years old you discover you wish that your life when you're met are deepening to Sion in tones take a sapphic aya more akane set idea look to you like foolishness you have an appointment to catch where you are 65 years old you would discover your life was a waste it was my mother gave us illustration here the last time I visited they said if you sleep for six hours one thought of your life you have spent it sleeping so while you are 30 years old you are not acting that's what you taught also age you are actually you are 24 years old and if we continue you may discover that a 30 year old man is actually four years old that's why they don't know God because they spent some of us spent 10 hours sleeping we go to bed by 9:00 we wake up by it then has gone after 24 we spend three hours on Facebook where you calculate who is past 16 hours apart from God so if we are that is that 20 15 years that have lived up of that 50 years maybe we pray every day for 10 minutes so when the guy is 50 years old his investment in eternity is not off to six months how are you I'm 15 then they ask the angel how old is this man the last time he checked with the stove is 6 months old in the spirit so he's a baby or his life and anyway talk thank God I had a black Jeep that blood Jesus is God that's why we are earthly beings we don't know what Casella tees we can teach glory is is difficult it's a body is the body many who were our met in their day and time their own assignment is that we must get the whole prostitute in this town hey why we come to talk to say this temptation is too much you know why the temptation is too much you are full of flesh now lady you saw you have been tempted somebody else we see that lady as an evangelist because when the spices went to Jericho they didn't see her a lot they saw a woman that will be the ancestry of Jesus and they says Paris when we come back your life will be spared and the time came how long do they have the harlot became rehab the motor of Jesus Christ by what sight did they see they saw by light you will see a lot they saw the progenitor of Jesus that's why well our life has no value when we die ends with us and you con traffic everybody's looking for image height because there's no posterity wise man download pillars from Zion and he said unto the time of John the kingdom of God suffered violence so John doesn't need a soul John has become a dispensation Amaka you can never live through time without mentioning John the life of John is a pillar on earth Jesus came he said until the time of John the kingdom is preached go to heaven John is it any more tequila say Oh this perfume would be worth what a year's wages are why do you see like men this tinder she as tall wherever this gospel preach will be remember it's a memorial what that woman did is that she planted and name among spirits business are some of them worked in time when you go to heaven they are net yet they live from there there is something you can do and you can receive an inheritance among spirits it was an octa said I please go on when you are there you think his pride he said God we take me those of you who are here can die we don't die we are entered in Zion we can't die God we take me what is that and then you say break through the car and knock moved around he said I please called what kind of man is that is he a motor and when the time came he knew we had God we carry him from because that dimension is not for andhaka is for everybody that enters we enter so Elijah began to press it light and the point K rider - the lights are going Academy haha and the prophets came and said God we take your master and Ida journeyed past for cities to show Elijah that follow I still be many here what I need to go to heaven today so when he came to Jordan he did like this and enjoyed a patent do you know he took God to divide the jatta for more than 4 million people hahaha this is what motivates a generation that wants to stand for God the generation of the overcomers Amanda have inheritance in the spirit the generation of the overcomers a man that have rank in Zion for them is only a ground to bring Jesus their life is in the spirit they came to Pau is that for me to live is Christ but to dies game I'm on earth because of you I know where I go to and in case you don't know I knew a man many years ago he was carted to the third heavens I know I've been there is that one three minute for me is a crown of life so when what I suppose will tied to an portfolio's poor was pursuing the crown of life that's what it looked at is Amanda Wolfram right what we managed for me is a crown of life and it was not only him they try to get you on their good and they now sent him to Patmos that must mean the island of my time but while he was impact knows he didn't know the difference between Patmos and a palace because after Abu Anas a palace is living in the spirit he's not they soaked in that Cove and his soul and he said in the last day I was in the spirit I am NOT in Patmos you are the one that think you brought me to Patmos I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day and I had the boss and as he thought he appeared in heaven the guy who said that having so much done on the last time he went who wanted to wash it the Jana said no and one of your products you're on air do your assignment or Adam to my own assignment in heaven so where we are is because of assignment and when all of this is over all of us we cut up by the table of the most Paul said John say I write unto you children because you are strong and the Word of God is in you and you have overcome the evil one that's the three four dimension of the young man's life strength in the spirit fool of the world and the ability to conquer darkness if you want to check the dimensions of the life of a young man don't check on intelligent him find out how much train does he have to stop take him to the path of Prayer let's pray if that guy can't stand for one hour he's a babe ask him what is God doing now he doesn't know he's a babe because it doesn't operate from the name of light he said a young man is a man of strength the young man is full of the word of the Lord and the young man has overcome the evil one so if that guy shows up in your family people maybe time when it is not for a child his sins are forgiven not because of it for his namesake so if why you receive is forgiveness of sin thank you Father have mercy thank you Lord that you are a child away you become the young man you say you wanted to so what God wants to do you say don't worry I'm here they said somebody's possessed you don't need to send a goose after that man knows please to Dan legislation when he calls he can George the top of the levee attack and we end the tyranny of darkness and here don't worry I'm going there God is looking who shall we said yeah why you asking who is going to Makati I am here so when others I'm Makati looking for for which club is really I am Here I am here unlike John when you cry the mission will evaporate the Bible said it was three days Johnny he prayed for one day and when he cried the King fell down from his throne and repented this is what Christianity is is counted life of glory you think your voice is given to you to jeast no first time wars were used it was for creation you are still talking on the device here how have you cast out the devil yet are you tired of moon the moon day and you want to call on the name of the Lord the last time I checked myself on my hardware certificates the last time I checked myself all I had when money the last time I checked myself all I have are friends but now I want this period of power I want the spirit of glory I want to work by light I want to work by the fire of God oh you don't know how they wanted judgment Lucifer was the most non conveniens I threw in the midst of the coals of fire and as he walked through the fire this vessel is purified he became the Light Bearer they teach that Malcolm asset is the asset among spirits what spiritual asset is somewhat of God demands courage and to achieve this we spend our life in the presence we become creatures of communion we become pins of eternity this is what I don't need motivation too fast I don't need motivation to bark very honor massive arc Nick I ask Vandalia manaka-san ah fire ah caracas even Erica Bach they're 7 ayah the Bible said Joshua schooled and he said let us all stand upon the mountains of Hajj alone let me move stand upon the mountains of Gibeah and is that the Sun did not make has to go down in the day that called hearken to the voice of a man what are the things that motivates you I want to be the one to carry the gospel to India because they will not see me I will buy a pet but we the same day I smoke from the gospel and we Antonia Barack you have one minute I want to give 1 million as a seed and I know I've conquered 1 million I have I want to give 10 million as I see I've come cut money maman has no authority over my soul because money is a two murder monitor via Manteca be sustained the animatic laughs Caracas in in a mile bless [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] what do you have you have the glory articles of the glory the Spirit of God the spirit of light the spirit of law the spirit of a consuming fire the spirit of the immutable one the spirit of the only the only only important omen in science we present the next five minutes I'm tired of people telling tired of energy I want to talk God I want to walk Israel [Music] do Barra da suit under South must be read opener I am with the father haha [Music] Oh Janice of my spirit that is something that was [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] before I go away a fasting God is doing instant is raising tempura's in lionesses and the churches in the spirit God is raising women intercessors that compact dimensions in the place of Prayer listen the anointing is about to descend just letter keyboard the brothers are about to arise and Holy Spirit of God [Music] [Music] some of you fire some of you fire will come on your feet at least one of you we start running some of you will begin to speak in tongues uncontrollably and some of you coming upon your life the spirit of glory Father in the name of Jesus father in the name of Jesus Lord is time for the ordination of the devorah's and I come Lord as the witness of that which you are doing and so precious Holy Spirit some of you already have you have been having encounters already in the last seven days we have been having encounters already the ordination did not begin in this service Holy Spirit of God Barak everyone implicated by the motto of the Bora as I speak from the left to the right from the front to the back only girls touch them touch the Holy Ghost touch bring them forward only lost touch everyone with their power their ability the capacity of hosting that dimension as I speak I call you forth I call you for the poorest arrives nopales arise the polish allies is the night of ordination but TechAmerica boss raggedy la cabaƱa a black bear ocular Bundrick of attire the fire of God comes upon you the fire of God our religious ideal is it dark in the name of Jesus the palace I call you forth on the crocodiles Barak nagavalli's sorry ma [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's going to become stronger it's going to become stronger and tie into dimensions of the spirit I call you forth by the Spirit of God God is anointing profits prophetic intercessors that we keep the watch the world rebelled against the works over the gates is a multinational of the mighty it's an oh my god just stop the Sun in Jesus name in Jesus name yes said the sister so she's not injured listen listen there are five of you young men here something we hit your chest is the weight of God's glory is an ordination into the office of watches these are prophetic intercessors as I speak now by the Spirit of God I provoke that other of oppression holiness where are the waters they keep us of the gates they keep us of the gates they keep us of the guests love Jesus anointed by your spirit according to your world according to the world Lord one touch that one touch that one watches watches not to touch is an ordination Thank You Holy Spirit Thank You Holy Spirit Thank You Holy Spirit Thank You Holy Spirit [Music] a Jesus thing if you can't just be quiet you can't be quiet for a moment not energies be hungry there are few young men that God wants to drop a fire in this fire that will keep you awake at night not because you want to is an energy you are about to become a watcher in the spirit you are about to become a watcher in the spirit just lift your hands the angels who unknown to the Angels were anointed Lord let the baptism begins let the baptism begin let the baptism begin like a baptism begin let the baptism begin thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father as we need this beaten many of you we break into realms of encounters you'll receive at the encounter of your life thank you Father thank you Father the last thing God who believes on people here is wealth wealth listen is that you shall remember the Lord your God it is in that giveth the power to get wealth there is a power that makes for resources is an ability of the spirit now stretch your hands towards me you see God is the anointing people for the secret lives some of you are crying now uncontrollably you are crying you don't know what's happening to you are just crying it's an anointing of the Spirit there will be power to stand and to stay in the secret place Lord for those who are anointed with the power to get wealth father let the oil begin to rest in their palms your hand so somebody sound is about to begin - Ichi somebody sound is about to begin - each now this sign I'm looking for the grace is resting now the graves is resting now don't worry don't be distracted the grace your hand will literally begin to each that's right that's right that's right and it will be like a flame of fire kindled on another person Oh mine somebody begin to laugh now you just start laughing you will not know why there are different operations of the spirit but I put you in remembrance when these things come no that is for Kingdom no that is for Kingdom no that is for Kingdom no touch thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father before we see tonight very quickly you want to make a commitment to the Lord you may have been a Christian but you have not lived your life for the kingdom because you've lived for yourself I know you may not be part of the workforce but what I shared here is not charge activity is life in the spirit they want to make that commitment to the Lord come out quickly let me pray with you before I leave there is so much work and so much work but there are many potential still locked down God wants to harness very quickly very quickly very quickly you want your life to become an otter of the Lord you want your life to become a channel of the flow of the life of God very quickly [Music] very quickly bring the EU system [Music] we'd never amend us him again you are separatin onto the law yourself all the days of your life I bring the witness of God to you tonight you'll be able to ask in the hands of God I'm still waiting for somebody come out quickly before we Rondo God is looking for libras they are really really few I assure you libera libera [Music]
Channel: Apostle Orokpo Michael
Views: 84,404
Rating: 4.9008598 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, apostle Michael Orokpo
Id: 9ZDiDjM6ceQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 5sec (5645 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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