Chiselled For More ll Apostle Orokpo Michael

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can you lift your hands toward heaven and say something to the lord quickly from the depths of your heart we don't have so much time but it doesn't take god eternity to do that come on talk to the lord you have to ascend you actually have to ascend there are many things you can contemplate in your mind but there are certain things that only your spirit is designed to trap them and for your spirit to catch you must ascend when a spirit utters its oracles sometimes they are not in cognitive speeches sometimes they come as spirit and life and it's only your heart that is built to receive spirit and life go ahead and ascend into spirit and receive from the lord you can pray the holy ghost [Music] haha [Music] [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] for one minute brothers and sisters [Music] [Music] is [Music] bring the holy ghost [Music] is oh hey we give you glory tonight we are persuaded that you will visit us mightily and that lives will be changed forever we give you praise we give you glory take all the honor our hearts are open to receive your engrafted word with meekness and lord we know we are persuaded that there will be turn up transformations tonight in the name of the lord jesus take all the glory in jesus precious name sit down for a moment let me share with us briefly before we we jack up you know there has been a bad contention that began even before man was built before man was framed before man was designed there's been a warfare predates the very existence of everything you see in the visible creation in fact the current visible realm was grossly attacked by that battle so much so that the old earth was in the state of chaos it was void and darkness was upon the face of the deep the emergence of this current civilization came out of a battle the visible realm is a precipitate of a battle that took place even before you came and that battle continues and it will continue to the end of this age we were brought into battle and we will be carried out from battle the bible said in the beginning elohim created the heavens and the earth and he said the earth was void the earth was empty and he said darkness was upon the face of the deep the hebrew word is and shall cares there was an empty expanse of naughtiness because of the battle that took place one of the princes of zion had fallen he was the first governor of the earth he ruled the universe he knows the dimensions of the earth the bible said thou that weakened the nations he was here as the prince that ruled over the visible realm and he committed high treason in zion and when he was cast from heaven he was cast to the earth his collapse on the earth created a distortion in the balances of the visible realm and the earth became void a new government was established on the face of the earth and darkness was upon the face of the team god came and recreated this universe god came and reshaped this realm god came to restructure this realm so that a purpose that was in the heart of the father a purpose that was a tanner that was designed to run through time and continue into eternity must find expression because the devil is too small to shock the will of god everything happening in this world is a stream of life that began from god and we end in god the earth is only a transit point the dimensions of eternity are breaking through this realm and they will pass through this reign back into eternity so when god restructured the visible realm it was to establish and to reenact a purpose he had in mind that the first creatures that lived on the earth could not carry out and if we fail to carry it out god can create again [Music] so when god restructured the earth he introduced another spaceman called man in the internet the spaceman called man was designed to host him and to express his will so that that which he had in mind before the foundation of the world would find expression but there was battle and the one that were cast from heaven came back and deceived the man so that we fall again and from that time of deception darkness has been on the face of this earth and when we say darkness we are not talking about the absence of light because the bible says the light shines in the darkness darkness is not blackout darkness is actually the existence of spirits that are not in league with god darkness is actually the establishment of a government that is not consistent with the government of god darkness is the betting of a civilization that is not consistent with that which is in heaven because the earth was supposed to be a miracle image of heaven the moment the earth ceases to be a mirror image of heaven the earth is in darkness the moment the government of god is no longer expressed over a context that context is in darkness it can be as bright as daylight but it's in darkness the earth was void darkness was on the face of the deep and god said he brought back his government if you are not aware that there is a darkness in this reign you will throw through time and assume life is a fair you will never find it anywhere in scripture where it suggests that life is formed but there are too many places in scripture that reveals clearly that life is a warfare because darkness is on the face of the deep because there is a civilization that is existing here designed to reorient you and to turn you away from god there is a culture that has been instituted in the world where you live that is tailored at making you becoming alien to the realm that is your nativity if you walk through this realm a point will come where you will become alien to the civilizations of heaven it will become difficult for you to do the things that were supposed originally to be consistent with your dna that's why we struggle to pray they don't struggle with prayer in heaven they breathe in heaven by prayer the way they breathe in zion is by worship they don't breed oxygen in zion zion is the realm of the glory of god adam was not breeding oxygen in eden origin was a symphony of heaven eden was a vibration of the realms of evil adam was breeding god so everything adam did was a testimony of worship in the heavens they don't breathe oxygen they breed god so men don't struggle to worship in heaven worship is a perpetual continuum he said the four beasts they stood morning and night forever and ever and what were they doing holy is the lord how can you stay holy forever and ever except holy has become oxygen on your new street the same way you breathe morning and night even when you are sleeping you are bleeding the bible said day and night forever and ever how can creatures be trained holy forever and ever because in heaven bread is not oxygen bread is worship so even in the night all that comes out of them is worship but it is difficult for us to pray and to worship the reason is because there is another government in this world you have been taught another culture that is different from the culture of god that's why you can watch movies for monday night but you can pray for money tonight it's difficult you have been reoriented israel the people of god they have been in egypt for too long so even when they left the physical border of egypt egypt was still in their heart that's why even in church you are distracted the culture the civilization the darkness of this world has found his footing in your heart to make you a citizen of another realm but when god tabernacles a man even when he walks in the visible realm he is as tall as the cedars because while he's on earth his head is in heaven jesus said the son of man which is in heaven he was in nazareth but he was not only nazareth he was in heaven at the same time he said everything i do is as i see the father so every time you see jesus preaching every time you see jesus healing the sea jesus was watching the father like a theater so at all times he was connected to heaven real time connected to heaven the way you and i are communicating because that's how we live when a man is not incorporated by this realm he becomes a citizen of heaven who is only a big dream on the face of the head he can never lose his connectivity to zion when we talk subjects like pruning we are not here to tell you what god wants to give you we are here to tell you what god wants to make out of you it is more blessed to be made than to be given if i make you a millionaire i have blessed you if i give you one million i may destroy you because if i have not made you that one million may be the reason why you would die because the first thing you want to do is to go to a club the first thing you want to do is to go to bahama island and find out what it looks like to lie on the beach in the afternoon because you watch it in a movie but if i make you a millionaire you have control over the money you will not only have money but you have control over the money so what god wants to do for us in this conference is to make man that's why it will not necessarily be a time to manifest gifts of the spirit but it to be time to bring out the sword that shapes the heart of man you are mighty on your truth [Music] and you know it's so unfortunate that when god begins to make people are few when god gives there are many people that receive but when god makes there are few men that's why in a generation most times you end up hearing few names they didn't start that few there were many there were very many the fathers of faith that you hear their names being called if they told you how they started they were meaning but some received from god and they have spent what they received but the ones that are made they stand like the princes of zion they are like mount zion that cannot be moved when god wants to make men become few i pray that you'll be enlisted tonight you ancient zion's king kardos [Music] somebody will leave this conference and he will begin to pray like he breathes i was listening to archbishop duncan williams and something entered me and i prayed from nighty morning it was like i was playing and i asked myself what happened he said i received an energy from his superior energy level natural the way i sleep and enjoy myself i pray through the night i was enjoying myself i said what has happened it's another energy sleep is an energy level prayer is an energy level somebody will leave this conference and he will pray like he breathes [Music] maravak is a savage so john began to speak to us in matthew chapter 3 verse 11. he said i baptize you with water unto repentance he said but they commit one greater than ah he said this one will not baptize you with water this one is coming to do something to you that is more radical than repentance he said he's coming to baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire because i said to us from john chapter 15 verse 2 the way god prunes the people one is by the baptism of fire when god wants to prune a man he doesn't come to teaching principles principles are important but what god will do is that he will set him on fire because fire will burn chaff fire will burn addictions fire will burn weaknesses fire will refine him it is a refined man that practices principles because what you call the principle is the nature of a spirit it's a spirit that is holy so when you receive that spirit you begin to live the principles of holiness so you are not just external in your oppression you are intrinsic in operation what you practice is who you are so it's no longer you trying to do something it is you expressing life the way you breathe [Music] so the way god prunes we said in the morning it is by what the baptism of fire and i said what is fire there are three things about fire because when this baptism comes to you there are certain things that will begin to happen to you the first thing that will happen to you is that there will be an intense hunger activated in your spirit for the presence of god when a man begins to pursue the presence he's on fire something has happened to him he doesn't know it it is not natural for man to seek god [Music] it is natural for man to pursue things but when a man begins to pursue god something has happened on his inside there is a fire that has been kindled on his inside that fire is what we call the passion disease of the lord and in john chapter 2 verse 17 jesus said the zeal of my father's house he said it has consumed me a generation that does not seek after god but the things that god has to offer will be a puppet in the hands of the devil you will not know it until they become mighty if god is not his pursuit wait until he's empowered and you'll be shocked who he truly is the guy that comes to church to sweep suddenly we tell the pastor meet me at home because something have changed so when that fire comes the first thing it does is that it kind of a hunger in your spirit unfortunately many are not aware how significant that hunger is so they have bought it and it's so pathetic what people are bought hunger some are both hungry on the auto gossip some have bought hunger on the auto movies they watch i have i've been evicting i know what i'm telling you by experience i went for a revival conference i was set on fire burning with flames and then i came to the house and suddenly my sister brought a movie says kyle xy join sky legs what they say the best it was designed in the physics lab and i looked at it i said when i heard physics i said okay my pride came i'm a scientist let me see what they are saying and then i looked and i looked one episode i looked to episode and i'm sat down and we finished one we finished two we finished three we watched kyle's wife for one week when we finished they now say ah have you seen prison break that is more than kyle that's why and they told us about marquez schoolfield michael scofield and then i sat on microscope field with one freezing break for close to two weeks we will be tired we will carry pillow and sit on pillow because we sat down to every part of our body began to paint us so we had to look for something to to provide soccer so we lied we laid on pillow when we finished prison break they now say ah i have not seen anything now do you know alexander mahon ah they say 24th day is the king and then we sat on 24 and two months passed we were watching prison break when i finished i went to the room again i thought i prayed through the night by human strength i said father in the name of jesus in the name of jesus and i slept up i said i wanted to fast by 10 am hunger wanted to kill me and i went and said only the livings have the lord i need to eat i will start next week and i didn't know when fire diffused from my spirit and suddenly the god that was so close to me that i could literally perceive his breath god became father and accessing the presence of god become like johnny mancini i see what has happened fire has gone it is the intelligence of darkness it is the way of this world the way of this world is the way of lust is the way of appetite is the world of seduction but when god kindles a man with fire he quenches the appetite he deadens the seduction he modifies the flesh and that man sustained one pursuit the presence you will have so much strength that you'll be amazed and most times what you don't know is that that energy is a gift from god i told us in the morning some of the things we do that we think we are doing because we are special they are entrusted to us as custodians many generations before us certain men have handled it and when that thing rests upon you it will bring a new government over your life because the man who downloaded that dimension if that man was in the cave if that didn't rest upon you your life would be a solitary life [Music] one person can be working healing and he is permitted to be the public another person will be walking healing and he will be in the cave because there are different mantles struck by different personalities so when the spirit of elijah comes upon john elijah will leave his john will leave his civilization and go back to the cave because the person who downloaded the mantle was in the cave so most times when the fire comes the fire is teaching you the protocol of the presence so that you can if you can be able to administer that which has rested on your life but many times we are voted because we are not aware that what we are doing and the corridor that we are walking upon many patriarchs have walked upon those corridors and right now they are looking on us from zion hoping that by all means we will not only be able to do that with the man who came to deliver but will be able to hand it over to another generation and the only way to carry that mantra from one generation to another is by sustaining the fire we are a distracted generation so we act a lot of drama we think that when we do certain things in a certain way things will happen we don't know how exactly the things committed to us are the first protocol of fire is a hunger for the presence the second thing that fire does is that it purifies rules and regulation are important but they are the most basic level of spiritual realities when the man is set on fire what that fire does is that he burns off every connection between that man and his world the first responsibility of fire is a seduction to god's presence the second responsibility of fire is to purify when you see people living in iniquity their fire has gone on long before now i know a lot of people struggling with addictions they come and cry they don't want to do it again some people enjoy themselves some beat themselves some put a lot of weight on themselves yet they see themselves doing it again the reason is because that thing is an appetite in their spirit man until fire comes it will not be burnt off so when fire comes upon the life of a man what it does is that it purifies i told us in the morning the realm of god fire has its own oppression in the realm of man fire has its own operation in the realm of the devil fire has its own operation in the realm of the devil fire torments in the realm of man fire bombs but in the realm of god fire purifies that was why the prophet a national prophet ascended to heaven and he thought when he came there he will stand with fellow prophets but when he came there he knew he didn't know that credential in that realm is not a gift among men your gift can be a great credential so if i come here and i pray for somebody is you you say he's a great man of god if i look at somebody and i begin to call your name by word of knowledge you say it's a great man of god but in the realm of these spirits these things don't exist sickness doesn't exist here so they don't need a healer it's a realm of a perpetual continue so people know as they are known so what of knowledge is unnecessary so if you come to that realm what gives you relevance there is the level of purity that you carry so the prophet showed up even though he was a national prophet they didn't have recognition from his gift and himself began to introduce himself he said woe unto me that's not part of the prophetic syllabus you can be world you are a prince among men you are a gifted man you are wrong you are a monarch among mothers how come you are suddenly caused you are caused because you are impure if your garment is stained in that realm you are caused so when he showed up he said who want to me i'm a man from clean leaves i can't talk here because the people that are talking the credentials they have to speak is purity and one of the indians told him you are gifted but you have need of fire so he took one of the calls from the midst of the stones of fire and he touched him and he punched him and he said now you can talk may we not leave this world with popularity influence and the applause of men and go to that realm via cost may men not clap for us but the angels blew us may we not be popular among men but in the realm of the spirit we are a disgrace because of the things we thought we did in secrets the things we thought were heed not knowing that there are spirit of judgment made perfect that i part of the cloud of witness watching when fire comes it purifies your secret life will become stronger than your public life the testimony of your secret life will become stronger than the testimony of your message on the prophet and what we give your message validation we know behind that it is preached it will be with purity the purity we treat it is communicated so fire comes to give us a weakness in the heavens when a man becomes pure he has a witness in the name of god when a man is impure he may have record among men but when a man is pure his witness is first of all before god i know a prophet that born like like a blazing foliage his name is elijah when elijah came to talk to the king he said before god to my stand i don't talk to you because i have rank among men i talk to you because i have rank in the name of god i'm a witness in zion i stand before god i have authority in the realm of god this is the kind of christianity that can change this world if you contemplate the level of darkness that is coming into this world you will marvel you will marvel our corporate witness must become strong enough to challenge darkness but the way that will happen is when the people talking on earth are pure if the people praying i am pure there will be no witness in zion no matter how many we are we will have no witness you know the 21st century church is a church that succeeds by crowd not by stature so when you see few people gather you trivialize them you assume nothing is happening here that's the 21st century church not the church of the patriarchs the church of the patriarchs the point came where they splitted themselves and turkish were in people's houses they were more interested in touch of not congregation so 10 people can gather in one place and build themselves until all of them become strong and one of them can go to summary and take the city but the 21st century church we think our glory is only in the crowd crowd is important but statue is more important the people who gather are they pure this is why we are on fire when we talk about fire it's not for young people jumping on the water i told us you can jump because you are 25 when you become 60 you discover what you are working with this adrenaline because if what's powering you is the holy spirit even at 60 you will be born with purity nothing will be strong enough to defy you nothing will be potent enough to take you down that man is a witness he doesn't even need to preach anything he does is a witness no man can stand up and tell stories and his story will be a witness that man can stand up and sing a song his song will be a witness that man can preach a message his message will be a witness he doesn't need to be a pastor i heard the story by speaking he goes what he said many times when he's dreamed there's a woman he goes to visit nobody knows her and he didn't even bother calling her name every time this is a national prophet the apostle of faith when his dream he can travel for many days to go and find that woman and when he shows up the moment he begins to talk to the woman something begins to burn in his spirit the woman is literally a furnace so the man comes to kindle himself the woman's place any time he is drained the prophet go i have story that most of the general vasias you see in lagos today once in a year they go to a battle to find out the descendants of babalola most of them they lay hands on them once in a year they are overseers with big churches but they know men who carry dimensions of god that can never deplete in essence they are given to pure pure men it was been him that told us a story a young rabbi was living at the foot of the mountain where a family lived a wealthy man in israel on top of the mountain very wealthy but the daughter was possessed he brought every kind of popular person nothing worked meanwhile this man doesn't go out of his room he prays in tongues every day from monday to night then he said when these people did everything they walked they brought imams they brought all kinds of people they now said well this man that is always disturbing us downstairs who doesn't go out let's try him out so they went to the man may god give us something that is tangible when they went to this man the man said he was coming that they should go he's coming and the man was in the room doing his morning devotion and usually his money devotion will finish by 4 pm you know our money devotion ends very fast we are 8. when you go to heaven sometimes as you ascend in the spirit the worship going on there will keep you for three hours you will not say anything you just be quiet [Music] you will do that for three hours then you start thanking god you may thank god for another three hours by the time you say you want to praise evening may god take us deep we are shallow i'm telling you we are shallow when the man finished burning devotion meanwhile this is the christian the christianity that was under to us i remember how that young believers very few years ago five six seven years ago every weekend you see a friend call his friend where are we going this weekend and on friday as they come back from school they are going somewhere to come back on sunday evening what are they going to do they are going to pray you can't find some things anymore all of us want to preach on the other because we think preaching is more important than intimacy when evening came the man stood up and as the man began to climb the mountain the moment the man started coming the gear began to scream in the room don't come here don't come here don't come here and the man was climbing the man was climbing as the man was approaching the demons were leaving the demons were leaving the demons when the man reached the door every spirit had left again when they came in he told the dead the lord bless you the lord caused his face to shine upon you the lord lifts up his countenance above you and the lord gave you peace and he turned back he didn't come to talk to the demons he carried so much fire that no demon could look upon him you can't see him you can't look the guy carries so much intensity that the demons could not look upon him did you not read about jesus there were many times when jesus casted out demons but there are certain times when jesus returned from the mountain the moment he enters the synagogue they begin to scream they begin to run he came with a brilliance that challenged darkness i told you in the name of god fire is purity but in the demonic rain fire is torment so when a pure man is coming every spirit that is not of god is tormented so your presence around your ambience becomes atonement to them the moment the man showed up the demons left that is power [Music] that he said is tired of rhema i teach a lot of mysteries but i'm seeing young people like myself that need to be genuine because our destiny is still ahead of us our testing is still ahead of us i told us in the morning if you save an old man you save a life but when you save a young man you say the destiny you say the generation if we took an unnecessary you'll be amazed that 97 of the young people here have one addiction on the other why there's no fire meanwhile all of us can pray in tongues very loud all of us can scream and shout we are spending from adrenaline when a man is on fire he's pure [Music] and they taught in fire doors do you love the presence of god do you love the presence of god when was the last time you stayed up all night just to talk to god he's a kind to me he said kiss me with the kisses of my mouth he said i love is better than wine [Music] the word is kind to me with fire came to me with passion he said draw us and we will come after thee draw us he said we will not remember the testimony of the wine that's the man that have departed from the seduction of this age there is something that powers him he said the love of my bride of my groom is sweeter than wine the presence the fire that purifies and thirdly what fire does is that it energizes you for destiny that's where impact comes in he said he naked his angels spirits but his ministers flames of fire in the last day exaggerations will not be enough in the last day theological intelligence will not be enough in the last day it will only be enough a fire comes out of your spirit when men hear you they are they've heard a lot of things there are many revelations everywhere if you go on youtube now as i'm talking to you now there are over 500 preachers preaching now if you go on facebook there are over 500 preachers preaching every song you need now is a click away just type the name or the name of the artist it will come out and you will hear it anywhere the scarcity of revelation is not there but there is cassity of fire and it is only by fire we can make impact remember he said we prune you so that you will bring forth fruit and your fruit will abide so the idea behind the pruning the idea behind the budget is for you to be able to break through the stronghold of darkness and raise the generation for god how would that happen it's by fire who told you a harlot will listen to an intelligent visit and stop fornicating who told you a drunk we listen to your message and stop drinking who told you a liar will listen to your message and all of a sudden he will stop because your message is reasonable there must be an element of fire in your message that coats the heart of that person the bible said something he said the spirit of this world have blinded their hearts these guys are darkened they are not doing what they are doing just because they enjoy it they are doing what they are doing because there is a spiritual element that has darkened their hearts [Music] our labor now is the labor of knowledge we know all the doctrines we know all the existences we know all the rhema we have notes for every kind of meeting we have scriptures but we don't have fire so we preach our intelligent messages yet nothing happens something is wrong the army cannot rise there can be no impact unless there is fire the source will not be worn unless there is fire most of the people you go out to preach today know what you want to see they listen to you out of cutscene because morally where they were brought up there is respect for god so because you say you came in the name of the lord it's okay finish i was driving home from a vigil last two weeks ago and as i was turning around my house i saw the newcastle resort i thought it was an event center and over 30 cars were packed close to 3 am in the morning i said what is happening here i parked my car to look the next thing i saw three young ladies came out one of them was smoking something and what they wore was not he didn't even as much as cover up to their tie that was when i knew another club had come there and i told myself you say you are a revivalist you heard the story of finney you heard the story of the heart banking can you enter this club and pray to these people stop deceiving yourself when you see christians that understand church language and then when you say what they want to hear they jump up go and talk to these people if you can win and so here i was grieved in my spirit i now knew that we truly need power most of the people that meet us in church this is what they do the only difference is that when they come to church we are the kind of clothes we want them to wear they have other clothes in their box that we don't know about because if you enter that club you will not find amina you will find magdalene you will find mary you will find dory you'll find monica you'll find jessica all of them belong to one or two congregation but there's no fire there's no fire and i told myself if i can't preach here where should i be able to preach so i come to places where people know the message i'm supposed to preach so when i say they corroborate when i say they conform to it they clap because they think what i'm saying is right it's not because there is any impact and i went home i repeated myself and from that day i started praying to god i said give me power i came out of respect sir i know i shouldn't be preaching now i came out of respect the same scriptures we quote there are men that didn't quote us much but they took the award billy graham prayed john 3 16 for 68 years john 3 16 and he took his word we quote 50 scriptures yet the sinner goes back a sinner the drunk goes back a drunk when they come to church out of respect they dress decently but that's not who they are if you see who they are you will whip over the people that you say you are preaching to and when these people are jumping we are excited no impact comes when there is fire i'd rather win 10 people that stand than to have hundred people that have seen us walking with me [Music] he's so pathetic in our generation that it is among pastors that is worse if you know how many pastors are living in immorality you will cry most people are honestly on fire until they went for a program until they heard the message a brother was fasting for three days praying in tongues and he was praying the message of an apostle a known apostle and while he was playing the message he saw himself being seduced in a dream and he began to fornicate and then he was hearing the voice of the apostle it was any different in the dream because in the realm of reality it is your essence that is communicated you can be preaching an intelligent message in the natural in the spirit is your reality that you are saying and the guy woke up had wetted himself everywhere and he started crying say what is this many people are genuinely on fire until they go to listen to certain people and the moment they listen to them they transfer the spirits that power them right message wrong life because there's no fire we are moved by a crowd but even we talking know that we are not accurate with god and we are no longer pursuing accuracy because there are many cheap platforms you can go on facebook and have followers so you don't have regard for the author anymore in the days of the fathers when somebody labels for a long time before he can take a city he knows the price of souls [Music] i told myself something must happen and the first thing that needs to happen to us is a genuine baptism of fire that is why if there is anything in your elements that negate god before you pursue anything make sure it is dealt with you stay without him until it is decimated from you that is the only time you can have impact in this kingdom because most times what we call impact is not impact most times what we call impact it is a written according to human standard before you say you have ten thousand followers find out if that thing that have been in your spirit is still there that masturbation that fornication that addiction that you carry for 10 years if something has not been done to eat after 10 years it means you are sick in the spirit so before you check your popularity find out for how long have this addiction be here i've suffered loss for several years how long will this lost be here i've suffered masturbation for ten years how long will this masturbation be here before you call yourself a prophet or an apostle go back to the refiners fire he said the lord that you seek will suddenly appear in his sanctuary and he will totally pour the sons of liver that they may bring an offering unto god in righteousness malachi chapter 3 verse 2 an offering in righteousness because the bible said every one of us you see our work will be tried by fire whether it will stand or it we feel when you come up to minister and what motivates you is in the flesh stop and begin nothing doesn't die hand over the mic and go and sit down you would have done a better work that day than preaching a very vocal message if you come to the altar and what is tearing you is the flesh stop you rather pray to the end the people may think you are praying and provoking something in the spirit you are helping your soul and if your session is for one hour pray for one hour and go and sit down the people are better disappointed but god disappointed in you than they clap for you and yet you do nothing because when you continue over time your conscience will become dead and it will not matter anymore you can stand up from the bed of conformication and lead the congregation of god and you call it worship you are joking you can stand up from a background of lies and stand preaching thinking you are preaching message you are joking there will be no reward because it will be burnt in fire and this fire that punches now if we don't allow that fire to produce it will punch us on the last day because the bible went further to say if your work is burned by fire he said yourself will be saved but by fire [Music] and i'd rather be burnt on earth than to be born in eternity i'd rather allow the fire to try me on earth than to try me in eternity fire kindles a passion for the presence fire kindles for purity and fire is the raw material for genuine kingdom impact that burnings of god that flames of the holy spirit that drives you to do what you do when you function by that energy you are accurate with god i said the second baptism that purges and prunes us for great impact for more in this kingdom is the baptism of suffering why fire is an organic thing suffering suffering is not just in your heart it affects every part of your constitution it affects both your mind and your body one of the ways god re-engineers a man is by the intelligence of suffering there are many things god will say you will never hear until you go through a circumstance there are many things that will be preached on the altar you won't hear i know full of myself arrogant and proud when you are preaching the message i say i'll look around and say thank god hey thank god matthew came to church today he should hear this message he needs to hear this message meanwhile what i'm hearing ah this this message that i was trying to preach i've received the scripture that we completed so me i'm receiving building blocks for preaching and then i assume in my arrogance that somebody else needed to hear it and then i had a lot of semblance a lot of sermons intelligently outlined exegetically structured but my life was in disarray until god allowed me to come to the author of suffering and i suffered a lot because i failed many classes there are certain things god will allow me go to a circumstance i should have learned i will actually not learn i will follow and that same thing will keep me there were certain things that made me go through terrible embarrassment over three times that was when i knew that there are certain languages that go deeper into a man some of them are not verbal some of them are circumstantial so when god wants to shape a man most times what he does is that he exposes him to certain degree of suffering let me show you some scripture i told you already from second corinthians chapter one from verse seven to eight what happened to paul paul was a teacher of faith but he didn't trust god he was a very intelligent man he was trained by the best said in the doctrine he's better he excelled all in his class the guy was the best in what he did but his best was in the natural so god could not approve of him the only way god taught him genuine trust was when god allowed him to pass through the valley of the shadow of death and he said i will not allow you be ignorant of the suffering that we went through in asia he said the verdict of death was upon us we despaired evil of life he said but on that ground we learned to trust god and the point came the trust for heart was so intense that in philippians 3 verse 3 he said we are the circumcision that worship god in the spirit rejoicing in christ jesus having no confidence in the flesh i've come to a point where i tried everything i knew it failed that's why in this kingdom speed is not a function of sprinting speed is actually a function of passing your classes because you can preach on the largest altar in nigeria but you will go nowhere you will wear your best suit preach your best message when you step out nobody will remember you because it's not a platform that elevates you you are elevated based on the class you are currently in in the spirit if you are still in a kindergarten class if you like go and preach in the university nobody will hear because you can't talk there your witness does not have the stature to represent there one of the things that causes a man to be promoted in the spirit are the vertices of suffering that is able to endure when he endures it he becomes strong in the spirit in romans chapter 8 verse 18 paul said i reckon unto you that the suffering of this present world [Music] the suffering of this present world because there are many things we can't learn by reading the bible some of the things we will learn by reading for circumstances so god will deliberately allow you to go through the fire god will deliberately allow you to go to the circumstances so that you will realize that your confidence cannot be in yourself that's when you become strong you are not strong because you are muscular you are strong because you rely on god but you will never get there you know when i started preaching i thought preaching was about eloquence i had listened to every speech by obama i listened to speeches i listened to american presidents almost all the american presidents i hear that i sit down and listen to them for hours i heard people like went in church here i helped people all the trust they bestorate us and those days if i want to dwarf my audience i will lower my voice the discipline is the soul of an army it makes more number formidable it procures success to the weak and esteem to all and then people will wait say it again say it again say it again and i'll say okay wait wait wait calm down calm down at the end of the day when they were clapping for me i was a neurito but i didn't carry life and now their lies already is never a part of this business this is a business or witnessing and to be a witness you must be carried there to see it firsthand the guy you bring to the court to be a witness for you the court is not moved by his auditory they want to find out whether he has an exhibit where you dear when it happens so they know whether you are an eyewitness it is what you have seen and heard that you declare not what you can say and most of the times the only way you can look to the oracles of god is when you allow god to carry you through the circumstances when those things begin to happen in your life then you know that god is truly pruning you a point will come when you discover that patience is not a function of bible study you will now discover that many times things happen to you and you moved in the flesh the first time you slapped somebody's wife you now went to the prison and you were there for six months next time when you want to slap you will hold your hand like this and then you will think the last time you rebuked an authority you were not promoted for four years so in that four years you have four years sober reflection so next time before you talk you say wait this thing i want to say is it right you now consider every party in the game then you now realize that no you don't challenge authority reason with them when they give you an opportunity you become wise because one pastor is saying be patient you think pastor wants to oppress you that's why he's teaching you this thing so he can do what he wants the circumstance of life he's also a teacher [Music] you wanted to sneak and do that thing quickly and the day you tried the flashlight open and they caught you you now stood like this you don't know whether you say god deliver me or god have mercy or god has told me you're not stood like this you now discover it is vain to be smart in your head so one of the things the baptism of suffering does is that it builds in us the character of the spirit the nature of god it is god's way of bending us it's god's way of chiseling us unto his nature can be seen through us the fire empowers you to do what you do but the nature is your stamina whether you will last or not is the strength that comes because of the things that you've controlled you know that he gave an example in the morning they can tell you preach one message this sunday and then you have eight days to prepare and then you pray in tongues for five hours every day and you came on sunday you say lord father and everywhere scatter and then when you are coming out of the church you are feeling that you are more anointed than the pastor so when daddy calls you now say yes hey god helped us god does not help us when they now say okay preach on wednesday again you still go and pray in tongues pray in tongues why are you preaching when they say preach on sunday again you're not praying they say preach the next wednesday then i'll say why you preach ten times in three weeks you will discover your message is exhausted you will check on your textbook is gone you will you would have quoted one scripture twenty times then you now discover that wait what is happening because it is disease continuity there are certain things we learned when when we were betrayed that one is part of the doctrine so when you want to teach strength in the spirit we can open the doctrine of betrayal and you will teach from that betrayer and you tweet for three months and then when you finish with betrayal you will talk again from the time when you were stranded the things you learned from god when you were traveling to a woman and the cast point why god told you don't travel today but you went to say you are a man of faith you have learned something there is another part of faith that you have learned because it's true faith and patience that you obtain the promise you didn't know that faith walk with patience now that you are stranded on the road you will be forced to speak in tongues through the night by the roadside when you do that in the morning and they repair the car after three days you didn't have money in your pocket you fasted for three days oneness god said michael use yes lord i'm here so you can teach them the voice of god from an experiential perspective because you have learned that's how men become strong the nature of god is walked into them you can't understand love you can't understand patience you can't understand long suffering except god begins to allow your circumstance to open the messages that they have been preaching to you to you that's when you discover that message you taught was a weak basis carried a lot of wisdom they message you to their lives because the pastor was not shouting that's when you discover that message you need to hear it five times you will go back and carry your archive and open the message that was three three years ago and when you hear a distance you hear it with repentance there were many messages i had before i said what is this person talking about is this come on come on if i hear them now i repent because i passed through certain things and i realized if i knew those things they said i wouldn't have had need of passing through the paths that i followed the doctrine of suffering but you to carry the nature of god the question tonight is how do you fund to flame the fire how do you keep yourself consistent you know paul was a wise man when paul gave his heart to christ god went on a honeymoon with paul see there are few men that god did this business with if you study the scriptures in exodus you'll see that god went on the honeymoon with moses when god wants to start a new order with people most of the time he separates them with the knowledge and the doctrine of the age he brings them into himself and teaches them something unique because he wants to bring a fresh witness these are the kind of men that enjoyed god's honeymoon moses god was seducing him to harem he didn't know that was the mountain of god and he was walking around for 40 years until one day he saw a bush bunny that was not consumed now in the wilderness it's natural for bush to burn but for moses to notice that the bush is burning and it's not consumed it means moses have learned to pay attention to spiritual things he saw a bush burning that was not consumed and he said wait i would look i would turn aside and look and when he came god said take up thy shoes for where you are standing is a holy ground and moses drew near and god began to educate moses god began to teach moses the protocol the sequence is the requirement of becoming a deliverer and when god finished packaging moses he said i have made you a call down to pharaoh because of the level of intimacy you have attained you cannot stand on the same scale with waters that was the kind of experience for heart when paul gave his heart to christ god carried paul to the wilderness of arabia and once and again the light of god appeared to him and taught him things that no man knew he said the doctrine that i received i was not taught of men he said he pleased the father to reveal the song in me he had entered the holy moon with god power was so deep in matters of revelation so apt in matters of doctrine but when paul came out he discovered that there are certain things that god allows circumstances to teach you so that stamina can be built so that capacity can be built so that weight can be developed in the spirit this thing i'm sharing now if a man that has deeper experiences sharing it the way to be different we can say the same thing but the way to be different the weight is the testimony of the valleys that you have walked through and god allowed paul to journey through certain weeds through certain valleys through setting dark alice so that he can see the light that is not the sun the light that beams from the name of god how do you say staple when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death how do you find your fire to flame how do you stay stable in the valley of the shadow of death i want to show you two things and then we begin to pray you ancient science king kardashian you are mighty on your [Music] fountains of the deep cry out goddess you're mighty on your tree if i asked you now what have you been through for the sake of the gospel what will you tell me if i asked you now what have you endured for the witness of christ what would you say but most times we think we have more stature because we are more gifted it's called a gift because it's a gift so god doesn't erase men according to gift that's why no ordination in the scripture is done on the basis of a gift they are done on the strength of character they are done on the basis of stamina in god those are the two things that they the the the heavenly creatures count what can you stand for god what can you endure for jesus what are the scars that you have sustained on account of this gospel all of us want to be in the limb light do you know why we dishonor fathers in our generation it's because ourselves don't have any track record if you have a track record you'll be careful who you talk to many young people my age they come on facebook and they are challenging bishop david who are you talking to you can vanish from this generation there will be no nobody we know everything you have done a thousand times can vanish inside of his own record who told you if you are placed on the scale with him god will choose him and forget you in kingdom business not in love for salvation now in salvation we are equal but in the kingdom we are different because kingdom is god's business all your children can be equal by bed but when it comes to service your first son who is 30 years old is the one you talk to not your baby that is three years old we challenge fathers because we have no track record if you have track record you'll be careful in 1979 bishop where they could call for three days fast for nigeria you started praying for nigeria in 2015 and then you are talking and talking down him you don't know what intercession for nigeria mean in 1988 walia okay trapped around the whole country in three days praying 3-3 hours every day in every state of this country for god to visit the country and then you stand up today because they are preached in enugu and navi you now say ah these people don't know what they are saying you are nervous you are about to fall into the condemnation of the devil he said do not exhort a novice first timothy 3 verse 7 he said lest he will be lifted up and fall into the condemnation of the devil because you prayed for two sick people they are healed you know stand up and say you know the way the healing anointing works when it comes upon me i can that's why that's how i do what i do which in the anointing are you talking about reverend chris did his first crusade in 1980 where were you do you know jesus were you born and if you were born have you heard the name jesus christ 1980 and then you come you say well uh is the anointing which anointed are you talking about do you know the anointing because there's no doctrine of suffering there's no doctrine of labor there's no doctrine of track record we just jump up and we say what we want we're actually not on fire because the character of god has not been fought when the fire comes through suffering what it does is that it brings the shape of christ out of your soul you can carry a gold a gold slab and it will have no value but when you carry it through the fire the drones will come out of it and that gold can become a ring that good can become anything and the value changes we have not gone through fire and we've not gone through suffering that's why we talk without coordination but a generation almost have to repent so that god can entrust to us a heritage for the next generation never find yourself in a place where you talk against authority never i don't care if i end here but i want somebody to hear you will never go far the bible says for this course many are sick for this cause many they sleep not discerning the lost body we are not equal in this body there are those who came before us and there are those who are handling more responsibility beyond us there must be other there must be honor he said the army of the last day will not break their ranks you can't break ranks in this kingdom and expect to be promoted where will you go to you have violated the structure the kedah of the spirit how will you be promoted from what what our subject is pruned for more i'm saying these things because there isn't many people remain small this is it you spoke against somebody that is an authority in the spirit and so long as you stand here you will never grow because you have violated the very latest ladder of growth in the kingdom you are doing church ministry and you are talking against those who have been doing church 30 years before you were born you will go nowhere apply all the principles of church growth it will not work you came to a territory those who are never india before you assume they know nothing you are an elite when you labor for a long time the demons in the land will tell you we don't know you this is why we can't have more we narrowed ourselves we reduced our possibility by the things we uttered there must be regard for authorities they say these ones don't have regard for entities is evil micah the archangel did not bring railing accusation against lucifer he only said the lord rebuke you these how men grow most of us have large and great destinies but the very custodians of the mantle which we inherit we have fought them so the mantle will reject us some of us today are supposed to become the next apostles rising from africa but we have fought the apostles that rules because we didn't have discernment we are not pruned when you go through certain parts in life it will narrow your uterus i thought i knew it until i met apostle and i stayed there and i stayed there and as i stayed god kept increasing me god kept increasing me i'm not doing anything different from what i was doing i was even more rugged before than now my friend knows me some years ago now i don't want to say those days because they are not those days in these days my friend we buy tomtom for me every day i had fasted for five years it looked as if my intestine was decaying i can't talk calmly like this the energy we overtake me my necks we literally want to collapse my stomach was literally decaying it took it as a responsibility to be by me sweet yet with that intense fasting and prayer i go i went nowhere nobody knew me until a man looked at me and said come up here he said come up either come up here come on peter and suddenly he looked as if we are saying something new or doing something new it's the same thing we are saying but process taught us how to regard authority and by our alignment with authority we gain promotion there are so many things you are praying for that doesn't need prayer you only need to discern who has it and another thing and collect it and some of it is not far away so-called is right here in the church you know when an evangelist comes everybody is hungry they wanted to come and scatter everywhere the guy was cut everywhere because he's preaching there for the first time if we preach here for 10 services nothing will happen again he will be forced to disciple because god is not scattered everywhere every day god is raising men and then when the evangelists go you assume your pastor doesn't have anything follow your pastor when he also goes for me to outside so your solution is lying with you but you can't receive it because you are not pruned you didn't go through this part so you don't understand the labor of pastoring that's why you can talk against one do you know what it means to be a servant of a spirit you are not a servant of a spirit you don't know the demands the spirit places on that man who told you you can say you can talk in that corridor you can wake up and say we are from the same village so you go to challenge the native doctor in your clan you will die that you are from the same village doesn't mean all of you are the servant of that spirit who told you because you are a christian you are a servant of the holy ghost and then you can talk to them you don't know what is happening here keep quiet you will not go nowhere we receive impartations upon impartations upon impartation but we don't wonder why we don't go nowhere the reason is because we have reduced the space for growth i know many young people that just came into the kingdom and because they learnt the writings in two three years god exploded them meanwhile there are other people that are in the kingdom for 20 years they have not gone anywhere and they can't see that the reason they are not promoted is themselves they know everything yet this thing they know is not taking them nowhere and they will not repent we must be pruned for more and the way we are pruned sometimes is when god take us through circumstances that teaches us how to be humble that teaches us how to be patient that teaches us how to honor and suddenly because you land on us suddenly because you learn patience your chambers begin to open and the same thing you are doing all of a sudden you do it and something happens you are singing the same song you are singing and somebody hears it and say how come you sound like that and in one day your story changes then you know it doesn't take god anything to shift you you were only the limitation in god's part there are certainties in this kingdom that are stronger than impartations one of it is life in the spirit when you go through tribulations when you go to trial when you go through pain sometimes people come to you and complain what's happening to them you can just see through the problem man of god i don't know why i can't get married this is the church relationship i mean and most times when they are close they break up when they draw clothes they just go you are talking to me in so much arrogance if i was the one giving me the man of god that we run for my life so the man of god will tell him thank god for the people that around because they would have died in your hand the bible says rather to stay on the rooftop than to share a house with the nagging woman what is happening why i love that great what is the meaning of this i don't even know i'm tired i'm tired and you came to the man so most times when you are talking the man of god is looking like this what he's saying it is that is ah how come you are not aware that you are your problem and then you think the man of god will say we rebuke the spirit of reproach we cast out the demon and the man of god will tell you oneness you want to talk be patient don't talk loud then you'll now say ah i came here to be married are you now counseling me that is why you can't be married you are your reproach prune for more somebody comes to you and say he's trusting god for promotion and while the two of you are here talking he now begins to talk about somebody else who is succeeding say imagine this person he thinks he thinks there's anything special about it see the way he's behaving see the way he's talking the same promotion you are looking for you are fighting it to the people that have it so you bump the bridge that you should follow but you didn't learn this is how we are pruned for more it's more of a character thing that is an impartial thing i don't even know why i'm talking like this i came here this evening to set this place on fire why am i talking like this [Music] that is a man of prayer maybe i'm being compelled my own chances are being guided now i want to be myself or i can't i don't know why am i talking like let's pray in tongue for one minute i want to ascend i want to ascend bring the holy ghost pray the holy ghost [Music] my [Music] [Music] most times you may be an evangelist that should win one million souls to christ and god is eager to see you win souls but the problem is that with your evangelical anointing there is lost so god knows that that 1 million soul will be afflicted by lust so even though god is urgent to see you win 1 million or so he wants to approach the lost first because he doesn't want you to implicate 1 million so the loss that is with you alone if you brew to 1 million souls the loss will rest on 1 million souls so the reason why you have not yet started cutting people in stadia is because that loss is there [Music] hi [Music] [Music] tell him to punch your world is waiting for you to shine [Music] your world is waiting for you to manifest but there is a stumbling block so the lord steps into his tabernacle tonight that he may burn you by the refiners fire some of us are gifted to the crowd but there is a crisis in the spirit turning to brought you unto the time appointed of the father is [Music] [Music] so [Music] hi tell him to walk on your head tonight i don't know why the lord has kept me here i'm trying to come out of my spirit but he kept me here i don't know but somebody must leave this junction somebody must move forward that way it has kept you on one spot for too long joseph had a vision at the age of 17 but he manifested he saw the sun the moon and the level starts bowing to him but there was something on his inside so god allowed him go through the beat god allowed him god and the bible said unto the time that his word came he said the word of the lord the king sent for jerusalem even the ruler of the people imagined lord of his house ruler of his substance to teach his senator's wisdom most of you here he took senators but there is so there is a piece you must enter there is a vision you must enter so that your world can come there is no prison you must defend you you see most of you here very strong but if god announces you now you will not have a reward how many of you know about joab the captain of david's army he was one of the greatest warriors that walked through this world but when the chronicles of the mighty man of david was mentioned joab was not there he lost an inheritance god wanted joseph to be a ruler of a nation but he allowed joseph to go through a pit he allowed joseph to go to a prison before he appeared in the palace so that he will keep a heritage for god most of us are struggling there is no delay in our life there is something that wants to compromise the integrity of our service that's what god is battling with and if god can remove it you will be amassed that what you have now is enough to take argentina you'll be amazed that what you carry now is enough to take africa you can be announced that what you carry now can bring south africa to his leaves but there is something that must be approached there is something that must be taken out of the world because god loves you he doesn't want you to lose your heart can you play the holy ghost and ask me punch me tonight punch me tonight touch me tonight brought you tonight for you tonight [Music] there's no need to reach any further go ahead and blast in the spirit [Music] the holy ghost in the name of jesus let me tell you something brothers and sisters the plague of the benue man hear me the plague of the benue man is immorality is drunkenness is pride i'm telling you these things will stop you with the greatest anointing immorality drunkenness pride worldliness they choke the power of the soul the benue man is a warrior so the devil knows if he rises if he rises few benue men can take africa so what he does is that he weakens that power with immorality so 99 of benue youth are struggling with lust they are struggling with fornication they are struggling with masturbation some of them are drunk go round penguin there are over 8 000 hotels in benue there is a plague of immorality in this land that's why many people are anointed but go nowhere the devil knows there is a fire that must rest upon the benue man so that we can make our mark in a generation can you pray and say lord punch me lord touch me lord foreign wow foreign oh foreign [Music] the fire of god is about to rest i'm telling you there are voices that are about to be heard there are dimensions in people that is about to break out their aggressives about to be released there are investments of god about [Music] m holy spirit let the fire begin to rest a refiner's fire ariana in the name of jesus every sister here please press your hand on your tummy [Music] you are the first set of people god wants to visit tonight there are 12 of you that are priestesses of the altar you are about to begin to bear things on the altar holy ghost holy ghost where are the priestesses of the altar the priestesses of the altar i break the siege over their lives holy ghost touch them holy ghost touch them princesses of the altar princesses are the altar princesses of the altar i bring you an activation by the holy ghost i bring you an activation and i break the ministry of the serpent i break the ministry of the serpent [Music] prophetess princesses [Music] holy ghost touch them born for god born born you are receiving comments of fire you are receiving comments on fire [Music] i am seeing a young lady listen i am seeing a young lady the power of god is coming upon you and you will run from where you are you will start running from where you are it's an anointing for spirit and as i speak now by the holy ghost by the holy ghost by the holy ghost i activate that dimension [Music] a serpent leave a young lady a serpent stepping out of you oh rakaya there's somebody under the power outside you are a prophetess i activate your trumpet right there where you are the power of god will come upon you and you will begin to prophesy you will begin to prophesy by the spirit of the living god rapper crush [Music] here [Music] here in the name of jesus in the name of jesus there are three apostles here listen to me there are three apostles here the lord wants to place oil on your life now as i'm speaking as i'm speaking the same grace that is upon me by the spirit of the living god if we open the scrolls if we unveil the oracles of god holy ghost find them lord touch touch i activate that ordination one of them is outside bring the guy outside for me holy ghost touch them i activate that order [Music] [Music] i'm seeing somebody he was supposed to have left this country three years ago three there's a young man that came down under the power outside the canopy bring that man to me he was supposed to have left his country three years ago the lord told you you are leaving this country but it's not just for pleasure he's sending you on a mission on a mission and for three years you have tried you tried to scholarship you didn't work you tried going with somebody didn't work but right now what will take you by the anointing who is that young person run out run out quickly you are about to be shifted you tried through scholarship you didn't walk you would drive through a connection and didn't work amanda rivera [Music] vendos [Music] the oil of god [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i'm seeing a young man you have been fasting since january you have been fasting since january you know you are you have a walk with god but you've been blinded from the spirit realm and you have had the hunger to hear god your ears are about to open in the spirit where is that person please come forward quickly you have been fasting since january since january come come come come i heard it in the spirit the lord is about to open your ears you have been fasting the program is pruned for more grace is coming up on people you are receiving capacity i didn't say you fasted once in january i say you have been fasting since january [Music] rohingya that's who you are that's who you are [Music] that's who you are we call [Applause] [Music] that's who you are i've seen i'm seeing a young lady the lord told you to fast this is the sixth month you have tried to obey but every time you begin there is a pain like an ulcer pain that returns that returns this person you are wearing a cloth that is greenish god is touching her that's fine but the person i'm seeing you are wearing a greenish cloth god have told you too fast this is the six month when you start and what's happening begins where's that person that plague stopping your spiritual progress is about to end now [Music] open up upwards [Music] [Music] yes come this is the sixth month when you begin the first and observing just appears from nowhere holy ghost the power of god is coming on you now to take it out now [Music] go [Music] i'm seeing three of you that god is giving an anointing it's a global anointing listen you may not look like it you may not look like it but you don't have to look like it to be it it is by the power of the spirit he said and the hand of god came upon elijah and he outrun the chariot of a heart you may not have the advantage in the natural but grace is about to become your advantage there are three of you right now that the fire of god will come upon to shift you to shift you there's a global dimension about to come upon you touch maria defenders [Music] [Music] you're about to shift you're about to shift please don't be distracted it's a grace there's a graves that make men great there's a grace that makes men great holy spirit touch them touch them touch them the anointing rest upon you now take it in the name of jesus [Music] i'm even saying right now one of you is a seer and every evening you hear new songs every evening you hear new songs enter [Music] channel lift your hands toward heaven tell god move me to the next level move me move me to the next level men are about to shift he said the hand of god came upon elijah the hand of god is by the instrumentality of the hand of god not skill not charisma not strategy is the hand of god and the hand of god is about to rest on 10 of you some of you will enjoy unimaginary breakthrough in your finances on imaginary breakthrough in your finances some of you to be in the gift of the spirit because a man's gift makes room for him some of you will receive the kind of favor that attract kings [Music] i [Music] is [Music] [Applause] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus before i release the grace for promotion listen to me it's a freely you have received it's a freely gift i don't enjoy what i enjoy because i do anything special it's the mercy of god and he said the things you have received from me the same commit to faithful man who shall be able to commit to others i want to release a grace on somebody it will shift you you may not be a preacher you may be a businessman but you will begin to flourish like the cedars of lebanon amen you may be a politician that grace can shift you forward amen you don't have to be a preacher but he said before i do that i should break yokes of masturbation because there is something that diffuses and depletes the anointing they say i should take it from your life that fire is coming on somebody now and addictions listen there are things you can't even tell your pastor there are things you can't tell your friends the reason is because you have grown in the kingdom how can the pastor you the pastor trust so much you are the one help the brother help the brother you are the one leading prayers and then you come to tell the pastor that you fornicate every week how do you say it how do you tell him you are masturbating how do you tell him you are addicted to pornography it becomes difficult so god has to locate you by himself and as i'm speaking now lord touch them by the coast of fire let the addictions break i command the spirit of masturbation out of them i command the spirit of pornography out of them i command the spirit of fornication out of them the hand of god is coming on the lady under the canopy outside please locate her quickly that one has a great destiny but she has been trapped holy spirit of god now now now now i break the siege i break the siege maligo i break it i reverse the protocol in the mind i reverse the sequences in the mind holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost find those ones find them find them under the canopy help that sister [Music] i believe the fire of god i release the fire of god i release the fire of god until keeper have that woman so she's not injured under the canopy helper killer [Music] now place your hands on your head you are about to shift you are about to shift there is a graceful speed that is about to come on somebody let me show you how that grace comes sometimes it comes as honor so suddenly people see you and say no you shouldn't be here come here they say come up why why are you here it's honor sometimes it's an investment of an excellent spirit you know what you should do at the right time not because you know all but the one you do is the one that is needed so it distinguishes you and sometimes it's a literal anointing for speed as i pray that grace now listen somebody will literally start running is a prophetic sign god will shift you you will literally begin to run man [Music] you know [Music] jesus i stretch my hands of our god's people and i said is it speed receive speed go forward prosper go forward prosper go forward prosper god for what prosper holy ghost holy ghost holy cross i shift them by the spirit i shift you by the spirit i shift you by the spirit step into that anointing step into that anointing step into that anointing step into that anointing [Music] follow williams will minister to us in another three minutes as he ministers in the spirit the anointing will keep resting listen to me as he sings he'll be praying in the holy ghost we are about to shift god is shifting people please don't be distracted don't be distracted some of you you're married you are receiving it now some of you are stepping into your first 1 million now you don't have to be 15 years to be a millionaire at 20 you can be a millionaire some of you are stepping into another level of ministry now you don't have to rescript when you are 40. you can raise cripples now saturate my heart crossing over here [Music] crossing remind you where [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] remind you [Applause] [Music] saturate my heart [Music] [Music] emanuel [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] glorious you are mighty and glorious [Applause] [Music] mighty [Music] holy and glorious [Music] [Music] you are holy [Applause] yes your name is [Music] your name is holy adonai yes your name is your name is honey [Music] oh your name is your name is holy your name is your name is holy lord your name is [Applause] your name is your name is holly your name is heavenly lord [Music] you are glorious so glorious in your yes you are glorious you are yes you are oh you are glorious yes you are glorious yes you are glorious you are [Music] yes [Music] me hello [Music] oh hello oh my if you were blessed by the message you just listened to and wish to make jesus your lord and personal savior kindly repeat this prayer after me dear heavenly father i believe in your son jesus christ and that he died for my sins and was raised from the dead for my justification i therefore confess with my mouth that jesus is the lord of my life i receive eternal life into my spirit i am born again thank you father in jesus name if you just say this prayer please send us an email on emote emotediscipleship or reach us on our website or to enable us to reach you and afford us the privilege to disciple you god bless you
Channel: Apostle Orokpo Michael
Views: 51,286
Rating: 4.9034138 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, apostle Michael Orokpo
Id: -2Jnhp5c-yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 36sec (6876 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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