Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Wenduag Questline Ending (Romanced)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm gone something here done follow my steps save the last one for me attack your pain is my pleasure observe the others learn from their mistakes before they learn from yours um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone no match for me [Music] aim carefully this is [Music] toys the inheritor [Applause] forwards from rondon [Music] ah the light takes you [Music] go [Music] a solid plan no contest [Music] foreign i'll cut you wide open into the frame i'm done with your [Music] attack the spirits demand your blood [Music] i require healing the inheritor guide my blade [Music] you thought we were your playthings so how does it feel to be stabbed to death by your little tin soldiers we will no longer allow others to treat us with contempt and disrespect we know what it is to feel pain fear and loneliness we have suffered and bled and now we will choose our own fate no one not even our creator can decide our destinies for us i'm sure you have questions ask away master i won't lie [Music] isn't it obvious you uplanders are as blind as moles because i like you damn it first i wanted to betray you but you accepted me into your inner circle not as a servant but as a friend i was groveling on my knees but you grabbed me by the shoulders and raised me up you let me stand beside you as an equal and i loved it i don't want to gravel before anyone ever again yes i did and i told him many other things as well saba malik needed a spine your inner circle he promised me a place at his side it took me a while to decide which side i should choose but then i chose you you were more powerful and i knew i could go further with you than i ever could with him so that's why i told him we were coming the scum needed to think he had the upper hand i didn't want him to run and hide if he managed to escape our grasp my army would remain in his thrall i have to admit it wasn't an easy decision he offered me an extremely tempting reward but after getting to know you i realized that i would rather be on your side i had more to gain from maintaining my allegiance to you i was plotting against you from day one but you were shrewd enough to catch me in the act and wise enough to let me go you subdued my fighters and you discovered that i was responsible for dyira's murder however you refused to send me to the gallows instead you showed me that my schemes would never succeed no matter what i did you would always be one step ahead you even figured out that i was meeting with sava malik in a lucian era you planted the idea in my mind to betray him instead of you you have shown yourself to be a true master of intrigue you are always one step ahead so it's pointless to try and betray you compared to you sava malik was a pathetic amateur you can offer me so much more than he ever could that's why i chose to remain on your side let's be honest we stayed together because we are useful to each other we have an arrangement you grant me power and i kill for you but it has always been about survival not friendship or anything else i will always strive for more i will always seek power and that's beneficial for you after all the stronger your servants are the more useful they will be to you but you knew all this about me already when you invited me into your party you knew that i would always covet your power that i would desire it for my own you knew that my companionship came with conditions but you accepted my help despite my ambitions there are some who seek unconditional loyalty from those around them they surround themselves with mediocre servants companions who are too afraid to dream of anything greater than a life of slavery and servitude but you are different i don't know master sava malik made us who we are but now he's dead and all his plots and plans are gone with him we'll have to survive on our own now without the protection of the shield maze but we are no longer cursed with short lifespans so who knows maybe we'll manage to claim a piece of land on the surface maybe we can settle there and create a kingdom of our own after all we are fighters we are tough and strong and we do what it takes to survive we'll try to make a better life for ourselves and if we fail then at least we'll die fighting for our future i hoped you would say that master you know all this uplander stuff about honor and loyalty means nothing to me it's all a bunch of nonsense i follow those who are fortunate enough to be strong because i want to survive and grow strong too i'm not acting out of a sense of duty or following any foolish beliefs and i'll never be a crusader i'm not gonna be religious or adhere to a bunch of uplander virtues but i'll follow you because you're a true leader commander when do thank you for what you've done on behalf of my tribe i'm in your debt oh little land you're here too sorry i didn't notice you at first i was too busy killing the ancient demon who was responsible for creating our tribe what are you doing here oh you know the usual wendu sticking my nose in other people's business trying to prevent demons from stealing my tribe's freedom seems like some things never change after i left neath home i started hunting demons i know it sounds stupid but i thought i was doing something important although and on heart i was really just looking for an enemy to chop my head off but then i heard the news that sava malik had abducted the people of my tribe from dresden so i set out looking for him luckily it's not too difficult for a skilled hunter to track down an army of angry mongols even if they're in the world so you came here to save your tribe you thought you could take down sava malik all by yourself you're so stupid lan if we hadn't shown up you'd be dead aside from appeasing your conscience you would have accomplished nothing i guess i'd be dead then better to be dead meat with a clear conscience than to be alive with a heart tainted by treachery i will always be bound to my tribe those ties will remain forever i am a mongrel from beneath home tribe and i will never be anyone else the fate of my tribe is my fate as well i've been thinking a lot about what you said to me back in that cave and i guess i understand now i was too focused on myself i was striving to find a heroic destiny for myself trying to become something more than just a guy with a bow but i failed to realize that i've always been a part of something bigger i belong to a tribe a community and i have no right to dictate what the other members of my tribe should do or what fate they should choose i may not always agree with my tribe but it is my duty to serve them if they've decided to follow if this is the future they've chosen then i'll walk that path with them so if your army needs a decent bowman commander i'm at your service decent you're mediocre at best but never mind i'll train you out plan can't have you embarrassing us all when our army marches against the demons thank you commander i'll try not to fail you or my kin ever again [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] alone at last i am excited but not in the way you think i want to offer you something even more valuable than the pleasure of my touch i want to offer you a gift a communion with sava malik's poison it contains immense power but it is also incredibly dangerous to become stronger of course zavamela gave us all a taste of his poison that is how he shared his power with us and right now you need all the power you can get deadly all of sava malik's servants ate meat laced with his poison but only a few of his strongest followers were allowed to experience the kiss of his sting it was a great honor though only a handful survived i don't know you're not an ordinary mortal maybe the poison won't change your appearance why are you afraid you'll become a freak the poison contains saba malik's power this is the poison our ancestors tasted and they became the first of our kind the demon gave his poison to everyone who swore to serve him when you try it for the first time it feels like two mad scorpions have clawed their way into your brain through your ears and have begun a fight to the death inside your head your body will start to shake violently and you'll feel like your bones are beginning to crack and splinter but the pain is nothing compared to the rage that will swell within your soul a deep dark abiding hatred unlike anything you've ever imagined if you survive the agony will eventually subside but your heart will bear the dark stain of this anger forever with each new day you wake up with a single thought a single purpose a desire to hurt others that is how the poison works because i'm not like you we can keep on pretending as long as we want but i'm not an ordinary mortal i was created by demons you can turn a blind eye to the truth but you'll never fully understand me until you become like me at least a little [Music] a cruel hungry beast howls within my soul if you do not hear its call we can never truly be together i'll be gentle [Music] don't pass out talk to me what are you feeling stay with me whatever you do i know hold on dear one you're strong i know you can't do this [Music] can you hear me answer me curse you if you die now you'll have no one to tell except for asthma but if you stay alive you can mock me to your heart's content so just try not to die all right don't you dare pity me not now when you're dying because of me oh what have i done i'm such a fool i wasn't i content with what we had damn it you were the first person i have ever told about my father i've never felt this close to anyone why [Music] i wasn't trying to kill you please you have to believe me [Music] i would never betray you i'm loyal to you and i'll remain loyal forever i swear [Music] it worked you're still alive not that different from before you grew some really small horns and of course now you look like a rat but i think it suits you i'm joking relax don't look at me like that no you haven't changed at all if i had to guess i'd say that's because saba malik's poison isn't strong enough to overcome your mythic power but i didn't now i must admit it was a close call but i believed you were powerful enough to survive and i was right you passed the trial and now we share a bond i wanted to open up to you before but until you shared the poison that shaped me into who i am you would never have been able to fully understand me this venom in my veins would always have been a barrier between us now it brings us closer together don't you see we are special there's no one else like us in the entire world we're the only ones left all the others are dead look into my eyes what do you see when i look into your eyes i see myself it means that i will follow you no matter where you go and i will fight for you until my last breath and when the time comes for us to die i'll cover you with my body and i'll have no regrets do you hear me i'll never regret my decision to choose you me too i love you i can't believe i just said that [Music] but i do love you i really do i never tried to comfort you comforting words are for weaklings don't fool yourself i'm still the same wicked lying traitorous that i was before i still don't care about anyone but myself but i am a little glad that you didn't just drop dead but i guess you do have a point [Music] i've been a real but you never stopped treating me with respect and understanding even though i didn't deserve it you covered for me when i made mistakes you supported me when i felt helpless and confused um you're the first person i ever decided to be loyal to until the end i i may have kissed you i just didn't know what else to do i remembered a blender saying something about how a kiss could break a spell that's a load of rubbish isn't it cuts what a full i've been it was absolutely horrible i wish i had never tried it i don't want to think about all the battles you'll have to fight all the ways you could be killed i worry about you what a strange ridiculous feeling i've never loved anyone before but if you're stupid enough to die i'll follow you to forasmus judgment a good chief's heart thoughts and life belong to their tribe my heart belongs to you now there's nothing i can do to change that i can no longer be a good chief to my tribe i can hardly believe it myself all my life survival has been my only priority now i don't want to survive without you don't laugh when i realize how it looks a nasty cynical transformed by the power of love no i don't deserve such a gift but i can try to earn it do you want me to change would you like me to act more like an uplander and believe all that stuff about kindness honor and dedication i can't promise that i'll succeed but i can try for you i'll try just don't expect me to stop being a overnight this leopard will need some time to change her spots i belong to you so i'll become whatever your heart desires i swear [Music] you
Channel: Gamerworf
Views: 841
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Games, Gamerworf, walkthrough, lets play, Playthrough, 1080p, #gaming, Twitch, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, wrath of the righteous, pathfinder wrath of the righteous gameplay, wrath of the righteous pathfinder, pathfinder wrath of the righteous guide, pathfinder wrath of the righteous playthrough, wrath of the righteous mythic paths, wrath of the righteous gameplay, ending, Wenduag Questline, Wenduag Romance, Wenduag, gold dragon, devil path
Id: E5EjnOR7eJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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