BEST DEVELOPMENTS to Choose in Manor Lords

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manl Lords has a plethora of ways to approach  making your Mighty medieval village ever since   it jumped into Early Access last week one of the  most important ways to develop your town is well   developments in this video today I want to go  through developments and help you decide which   ones are the best for the given scenario you're  presented with in your playthrough and very few   of them are one siiz fits-all they're going to be  dependent on the play style which town this is on   the map for you maybe your first your second and  what resources are available to that region and   if this is your first time channel the way I do  things is by UPF Fring the knowledge of my videos   so with that being said you get six development  points right now in the game this will of course   change due to Early Access and more features  being added over time and really you could   choose any developments experiment with stuff  and be just fine but big standout choices are   heavy plows to make farming a much easier Endeavor  charcoal kils help with fuel efficiency honey is   an easy form of food to manage without having to  dedicate a bunch of time to it like apple orchards   and sheep breeding is another strong one right now  but there's currently a bug where sheep reproduce   at an astounding rate much to the celebration  of the Welsh that you can leverage but I'd be   wary of investing in any form of playing that is  obviously going to be patched away like you know   vegetable gardens and you can't go wrong with any  of these really now all the other developments I   haven't mentioned are really going to be dependent  upon your region and what is available to you yes   even trade because what's the benefit of trading  a bunch if you can't Supply yourself with a means   of replenishing your Regional wealth outside  of burgage plots we'll discuss each set of   developments broken up into each of the quadrants  and you can simply navigate to the quadrant that   interests you the most using the chapters about  the timeline and the description but that's really   the entire gist of this video I'll be going over  concrete examples of when say deep mining makes   sense or when you should go heavy on the hunting  Tech Etc so that's all you wanted to know please   please feel free to shut the video down and get  back to developing your medieval Paradise before   you head out please don't forget to like comment  subscribe if this video did end up helping you   as that does have a huge impact on my channel and  lastly if you've not yet purchased Mana Lords and   you'd like to support the channel you can use the  link in my description to my Nexus store Nexus   gets steam Keys directly from the developer Greg  in this case and delivers them to you like I said   it does greatly support me let's get started here  on the best development choices in Manor Lords so   we've loaded into the game and let's have a quick  conversation here about some just some general   Notions before we jump into the development knit  and gritties and first off of course is that with   development points you are limited to six I  currently have 1 2 3 four in this playthrough   but I will be able to get another two by upgrading  from a small town to a medium town to eventually   a large town that is the max at the current state  of the game so that is that notion about the six   development points and that I wanted to tell you  that up front so this way you can kind of plan   things out in order of importance of which ones  you want to focus on first like say for example I   wanted to heavy plows first and then I went down  here into like the pla the blacksmithing route   so just kind of make things uh have a little bit  of a coherency for you now overall when you look   at the map it's important to look at each and  every region you're going to start in a region   so I for example started over here and every  single region will have two Rich deposits so   for example I have a rich deposit of iron and  if you look over here this is a rich deposit   of berry a rich deposit of stone Rich deposit  of iron again and Clay you kind of see around   here uh where is the here's Rich deposit of wild  animals but you'll notice too I only have one rich   deposit well if you look at the map any region  that only has one rich deposit like this one up   here or this one over here or mine it's assumed  well it's not assumed it is that the other Rich   deposit is fertility so my whole entire region  is emmer fertile let's look at this one over here   emmer fertile sounds like a really weird like  sex drug this one over here boom all fertile   no drugs needed for that fertility there you go  all bingo bango bongo and you can kind of it's not   going to be 100% but it's definitely going to have  a better fertility than most regions and Ry and Em   are kind of exist in the same kind of spectrum  here so you can see that's how you're going to   determine how you're going to progress through a  lot of the developments I'm about to talk about   because I'll say if your region has this or if  it has that and you can recycle these things by   simply restar starting the game you simply load  in and go Ah that's got to Rich this and Rich   that I'll restart I would discourage that level  of play though yeah sure if you want to do it   go ahead and do it you paid your money play your  [ __ ] game however you want but I really think   that what some of the some of like since it's  you're on Early Access some of the best way of   approaching this game is how can I learn to deal  with the kind of disadvantage or advantages that   the game presents to me it's part of the learning  curve but also part of the challenge so if you   load into a game that's got maybe a rich wild  animals and Rich Berry and you don't want those   things you want maybe Rich better soil or Rich  iron I would say just struggle through it and   see how you can overcome it to get into a region  that has the things that you want that are rich   deposits so we've talked about the develop uh the  development system how we can kind of determine   which developments are going to be better for  individual regions and let that be known too   this Talen Shire over here is only going to have  these developments when I jump over to let's just   say this location and I and I uh uh settle it  then it will have its own developments that are   linked to that region so you are locked into each  Region's developmental choice you cannot currently   Respec your development choices they are locked in  permanently which I don't know if that'll change   in the future or not so we've got all that general  information down let's now jump into talking about   the developments so the first quadrant we're  going to talk about here is blacksmithing and   I've called it blacksmithing because there's a  blacksmith in the background but we have the left   branch and the right branch and the left branch  has um one development that is definitely a come   all one a one size fits-all type of development  and it's charcoal burning so charcoal will convert   one firewood into two charcoal making refueling  twice as efficient and also it's worth noting that   if if I right now I've got I think 27 I've got  26 going to be 27 burgage plots and of those 27   burgage plots they will all go take firewood well  if they run out of firewood they'll take charcoal   it's the only resource in the game that double  dips all the other resources are a single use   for the requirement of something and then it just  gives you bonuses for um variety bonuses right so   like take for example here let's say berries meat  bread all that you just get food variety bonuses   but you just need the actual variety of them to  tick off for your uh burgage plots same thing with   clothing even though I've got 27 leather and 27  linen it doesn't add up they'll choose one or the   other unless they need two satisfactions unless  they'll take one from tier one and one from tier   two so charcoal is nice that it actually doubles  up and makes things a lot easier to refuel now the   other one in this branch is deep mining which is  going to make it so that you can infinitely pull   resources from any Rich deposit of either clay  or iron so I've put it over here onto my iron   deposit so I will infinitely have iron in this  region but conversely too you can have it over   here in your clay location and can have infinite  amounts of clay the issue here is that with iron   I can produce a cash crop in tools tools don't  have a use right now so I can just sell them I   can constantly have iron producing for  me and constantly be creating tools to   constantly have Regional wealth I could do that  with Clay tiles but also Clay tiles are used for   my um requirements to upgrade my burgage plots  from level two to level three so if I did this   I would just tell you to a be wary and it also is  going to depend upon what other things are rich or   what other things are going to be a focus in this  location there are no real developments that are   real true black and white a lot of things come  down to it depends on your situation so don't   get lost in like if you're not choosing this it's  broken no just have fun with it but also keep in   mind that a lot of this is going to be dependent  upon you and how you're playing so with Clay   tiles I would just tell you real quick make sure  that you've got if you got the the Rich resource   of clay tiles and you want to start trying to  sell them to make some money what I would tell   you is set the roof tiles um Surplus here to  whatever multiple so let's go ahead and look at   this just to just to give you an actual concrete  example what I'm talking about do I have no more   level two burgers plots am I just not making a  video that's worth anything right now okay so it   takes four tiles to go up from level two to level  three so I would take let's take a look at this   okay I've got nine level two plots I would take  9 * 4 and put that number right here and then   I would set that to a full trade full trade  means that they will TR they will trade until   desired surpluses reach meaning they will sell any  excess you've got but if you somehow make another   building and you've di below that excess or that  that Target amount then they will buy up to that   amount so this allows you the flexibility to sell  and tap into that deposit but not go too low that   you cannot upgrade your burgage plots that's going  to be a pretty big crucial thing for you now your   other ones in this list here are the armor making  into advanced into Master armor making and if you   have iron take this if you do not have iron rich  iron deposit do not take this because you will   end up uh just completely bottoming out your uh  pursuit of going down this if you don't have the   constant form of iron now you're going to have to  buy it now you're going to have to supplement that   purchase of it through whatever means so unless  you're really clever with the market I would not   go down this route cuz basic armor making makes  us helmets this makes us mail which can only be   equipped by citizens of burgage plot level three  so I was really excited to jump into this but then   I realized well only three of my families can or  only three of my plots can even wear them so I   might as well wait and do that later so don't jump  into this if you if you can't really satisfy the   the kind of benefit that it delivers also too you  you can help with promoting your Reddit news and   helping giving them better armor here by cutting  their promotional cost in half which is absolutely   great let's jump into another quadrant now but  before we do that just to quickly recap the   blacksmithing quadrant is great if you have a rich  iron deposit and it's really only good in that   situation if you have a rich clay deposit sure  maybe you jumped down and grabbed deep deep mining   but the rest of this is unless you have a source  of iron coming into the region that you don't have   to pay exorbitant amounts for I would not touch  this quadrant outside of that next up is actually   the smallest quadrant and it's a pretty handy one  but I think it's a big of bit of a trap uh the   first one here is foreign supplies so basically  you can set up a firewood cart and a food cart   so it's a permanent Market stall which provides  passive income of firewood or bread as long as   the region has enough Regional wealth region does  not pay the transport fee must be placed on the   marketplace you can definitely do this and I seen  a lot of people do it and have a lot of success   with it but of my six slots I wouldn't jump into  this until later when I wanted to kind of have the   region be a little bit more automated I'd make  this my fifth or sixth development Point choice   and that way I don't really feel like I'm short  changing my development early if if you jump into   this first okay well now you can't do plowing you  can't do Apple orches you can't do honey you can't   do charcoal you can't do anything first you have  to wait until you get into a second point to even   jump into any of the things that actually help  your village grow well yes this does help it grow   by keeping your satisfaction up and helping with  that population growth it doesn't directly help by   giving you a means to produce it helps by having  a means to purchase and the beginning of the game   you don't have enough money to leverage these so  foreign supplies is good but I think it's one that   it takes a longer portion of the game to really  see its worth because you don't maybe have the   regional wealth to tap into it speaking of that  we have two other ones and I think they're linked   together you either take them together or you  don't uh Strat gaming and I talking about this and   I was saying well I want trade Logistics I want to  do this he goes no here's how you should view this   and it's basically coming down to you can open up  a trade route for 25 Regional wealth or just pay   whatever the the full cost is and that's not that  much of a difference if you're at a point where   you're starting to make money yeah roof tows is 96  that's that's super high but if you're at a point   where you're ready to sell those you probably are  getting enough passive income from your tax which   you should be doing you should be doing taxes  and tithing um and you should be getting enough   passive income here from your burgage plots  to be able to get you to a point to sub to to   pay for this and two you should be selling off  like excess amounts of items you don't need like   tools Stone after a certain part in the game for  you other things that you can sell out that you   maybe have Rich abundance of even if it's like  hey you know what I got a bunch of berries I'm   going to sell dye whatever it is you can leverage  that to just simply buy these trade routes and   even then they're not not always worth it you're  not going to be buying every single one of these   you're only going to buy one or two of the ones  that actually make sense for the commodity or the   resource or the whatever you're actually going  to trade which then brings me to better deals so   if you've unlocked this cool then jump into this  don't jump into both don't jump into one if you're   not going to go into the other because better  deals here removes the Tariff from foreign imports   effectively reducing all import prices by 10 so  if I go here to let's just say um let's choose one   grain import that's 12 what reduces it by 10 it's  two it's way easier to do so if you've already   kind of dedicated this this region to being bit  of a Wheeler and a dealer a Trader and you have   the means to kind of create that Regional wealth  to leverage into the buying and selling of trade   then definitely do it but that probably means  you've got some sort of cash crop that you can   do that with uh maybe it's tools again maybe it's  anything else that you are actually able to trade   large amounts of and get good trade routes up then  do it otherwise wait until the latter portion of   your development if you jump into trade you're  like hey jumping into this is your first one's   not going to make sense maybe even your second one  but your fifth or sixth they make a lot of sense   because you have things all set up at that point  and it makes sense of when you want to jump into   stuff now the hunting quadrant or whatever you  want to call this one so this one's again broken   up into two separate branches like they all are  but you've got one right here in the middle for   Forest management doubles capacity of all Berry  deposits this is an interesting one so let's just   take a look here this bar deposit is 64 would  double up to 128 uh where's the rich one this   one is 128 that would double up to 256 my math is  impeccable right there I didn't think I'd be able   to double it in time um that's great that's cool  but it is also a seasonal thing in that it will   not produce during the winter and I don't want to  waste a development point on something like that   that is so drastic now I mean I'm about to talk  about the farming Branch here right but still if   you have a rich Berry deposit this can definitely  be worth it because you can turn those berries   into a necessity and also is it a commodity that  those things are under are they crafting supplies   yeah dyes dyes can sell for four which is pretty  nice but you need dyes for clothes to satisfy the   need to progress your burgage plots so there's a  big there's a big benefit to it the yield though   for converting uh berries into dye is pretty  substantial like yeah sure these the star war   Shop's going to take it but they'll they'll give  you a pretty good amount of berries or pretty good   amount of die per I think it's like two to one or  3 to one and this gets you even more so if you do   have a rich Berry deposit this can be worth it but  like I said I'd rather maybe jump into any of the   other things in this Branch assuming I've got the  things to take advantage of them honey being a an   an exception here because you don't need anything  for honey and that's why I like it which brings me   conversation here beekeeping allows me to make  Apiaries which allow me to collect honey every   region can sustain sustain up to two Apiaries  by default placing more will not increase the   yield so you just put two um Apes up and you just  have pretty Perpetual amounts of food now it's   not going to sustain a whole huge Society but it  adds a nice amount of food variety especially in   the beginning where it can be really nice to just  kind of have that food source online for you and   not have to be kind of so locked into what your  region has beekeeping is one of the really good   strong starting ones because like I said you pop  those two down you're done for that region you   never have to tap into that ever again and once  your region really grows and you get a lot more   wealth going a lot more food online and stuff  like that you can jump into advanced beekeeping   now this just allows you to have the beekeepers  collect wax which is different than say the   berries berries they're turning into dyes or die  uh the honey isn't being turned into wax it's an   additional product of the apiary so now the apiary  gives you food and a cash crop so apiary and   beekeeping is really good is it always worth it  it just comes down to what you've got like see I'm   going really hard over here in the paint with this  it's going be 1 two 3 4 five six I'm tapped out I   cannot go any further into any other development  points because I am going really hard into iron   so look at your region do you have fertile soil  and iron or fertile soil and berries or fertile   soil and anything else that doesn't take a huge  investment then then maybe jump into these you   just have to make sure you're looking at this and  thinking okay I'm subtracting from six which ones   are going to be useful for what I want to do and I  mean maybe beekeeping works really well here with   better deals to open up the window of just trading  tons of wax that you're already getting in from   honey that's something to kind of consider now  another big one here is trapping enables Hunters   to skillfully lay traps in the forest which G give  a passive income of meat so you don't even need to   to leverage a rich wild animal field that's 20  this is going to go jump up to 40 so rich just   doubles it pretty much uh for the exception of  like iron deposits so uh that goes up pretty   high right so trapping just gives you passive  meat income which is really good and if you   already you already have a uh deposit you can jump  further into this with doubles the amount of meat   harvested by hunters and you're always going to  harvest this down to a certain amount but what I   like about meat is it's something you turn on and  off throughout the year so hey you know what it's   in season boom I'm going to go kill it's back up  to full going to go back into it uh there there's   a lot of really cool things that I like about um  harvesting anal that's really weird wait wait to   say it but what I like about it is that it's one  of the like a Surefire way to get a lot of food   during the winter and this is a great way to get  even more out of that situation should you have a   rich deposit of wild animals furthermore too pelic  attraction Hunters also collect hides from traps   and I really like these two working conjunction  because you're okay you're already going to go get   the passive meat now you're going to get passive  hides you can work this in conjunction with goats   to just have a ton of hides and remember hides can  be converted to leather which is a tier one source   of clothing but the leather then can be converted  into shoes which are a tier 2 form of clothing so   if you have the means of really jumping into the  wild animals with the rich deposit take advantage   of these three or maybe even just these two to be  totally honest with you and have fun with really   jumping into the cobbler too and getting a good  amount of tier one and tier 2 clothing options   out from just these traps those goats that leather  those shoes and the last one to talk about is a   pretty wild one and it is the farming quadrant  so with farming you've got the big boy here is   sheep breeding everyone is big on this one right  now because sheeps will breed out of control out   of control I am not using it I just have the breed  the the the Sheep there I'm just going to buy them   and I'm going to use them for wool as I need but  you can have sheep get to a disgusting number very   quickly you'd think they're rabbits um but heavy  plow is one that I almost always take because   this allows me to put a ax at The Farmhouse to  do two things it can plow the fields but also   when it comes to harvesting we can Harvest stuff  quicker by hauling stuff off the fields and Into   The Farmhouse I have in this example over here set  up two farmhouses to work sets of fields like that   and like that and both have the ox card in them so  while the families are assigned to this Farmhouse   they'll go and plow and sew a field while while  an ox goes and plows another field it just makes   it a far more reliable and far more um efficient  way of farming now what if you don't have fertile   soil honestly I'd still say it's pretty worth  it because even when you don't have fertile soil   let's take a look here hemmer here's the land  without fertile soil really right you can still   turn this soil fertile like it's not going to be  bumping out the out out the gate but you can take   that first year and rather than farming even just  still two pluses is still just fine the percentage   of these farms uh let's see this uh this this is  not the percentage of yield a higher percentage   here doesn't yield you more crop what it's  saying is this is pretty much however much total   fertility is left in the ground if if if I want to  kind of use an easy comparison and it doesn't show   you right here but so this is down to like 39 45  because of we've just we've just started har we've   just started uh uh planting and growing here right  but um the percentage here is going to be lower in   this region which has these minuses and these  little pluses not just the triple pluses that   I've got but it's still workable so don't think  you don't look at this and go I'm not going to   be able to make any crops it just means maybe you  need to let the field fow for the first year which   is just fine in the first year or maybe even just  have a heavier crop rotation so I think the heavy   plow you get use from every single form of the  game and it's one of the almost like Auto spends   for me when it comes to development points now  up top here you have bakeries produce bread from   flour with twice the efficiency of the communal  oven converts all inhabits to Artis so basically   you have a workshop option for your burgage plots  and if you have a ton of Wheat and you have Rich   Fields jumping into this is useful but it depends  remember I have Rich Fields but I have a rich iron   deposit and I'm jumping really hard into this so  I'm not I cannot afford the development Point um   cost to put into these bakeries but if I were to  able to to expand to a second location and that   second location had Rich Fields even if I didn't  have Rich Fields I wanted to be kind of like this   is my bread winner this is this is my bread basket  of my of my Empire this is where I'm going to jump   into bakeries because this will produce food bread  specifically at a much more efficient see twice   the efficiency of the communal oven than well the  communal oven so it's a much better way to get uh   bread online and then also fertilization  allows you to fow Fields as a pasture   which rapidly restores lost fertility and also you  can have your sheep coming over there and they can   breed all over it if you want so if you want  to jump harder into the actual farming portion   of the game the this branch is really good not to  say that the other Branch isn't but so let's talk   about it so we have Orchard R and I don't like  apple orchards because it takes three years for   them to even produce and I just don't like that  until the trees are fully grown which takes around   3 years The Orchards produce only fraction of the  yield I it's just too long of a play for and I   don't have the patience but I do know that people  have had a lot of really good success with it I   just don't like that it cost me the development  point to play around with and it is going to be   dependent on the actual size so jumping over to my  Village if I were to make the orchard like this I   would get a higher yield than like this and what  is really gamey right now what a lot of people   are doing and I do not encourage it because it's  just going to be patched anyway people are doing   burgish plots like this and then just having all  like not even this large but like maybe just half   that size you can have it be vegetable gardens  or uh uh apple orchards as long as it's not too   large they'll get a ton of yield off of it but  they just have to it has to be small enough too   that they can manage it because it's two families  working it so just know that so that's the way you   kind of approach apple orchards not not a huge  fan of it which then brings me to irrigation   dramatically lowers the amount of damage caused by  droughts it's not a mechanic we have in the game   yet and then R cultivation unlock locks Ry crop  for Fields similar to wheat Rye can be processed   into flour but it's more resilient and therefore  can be grown in places with lower fertility I I   just don't think it's worth it for you even if  low fertility exists just fow your fields for a   little bit I think these will become a little bit  more important as we start to hit stuff that needs   to be drought resistant needs to worry about  fluctuating um what's it called fluctuating uh   weather maybe there's a there's an incoming insect  mechanic or something like that like oh the cicas   I I don't know cic is a big worry to the to to  Farmers I have no idea but still my point is the   farming is one of the things that really the only  portion I like is the right side of the branch   the left side is just completely not as useful  right now because there just so many things that   are not in the game so if you have Rich fertile  soil really want to lean into farming go on the   right side of the branch even if you don't have  Rich fertile soil get have you plows it's damn   useful so you can see that there's a lot of this  that comes down to a whatif scenario and also a   it depends to close our video out here let's kind  of talk about the order the priority of how you're   going to approach your developments and for your  first point I would say invest in something that   makes sense for the growth of your village not  something that is a fun thing that you maybe want   to jump into for example my first point should  not be in basic armor making because I probably   don't have the means to produce any of this I need  level two burgage plots I need to sacrifice people   in that I need to turn them from workers into  arti that are now armorers so they can make these   helmets and I then need to make um an iron ore uh  mine and then I've got to make a smelter to do all   that there's a lot of steps that this requires  so I would not recommend you to do this for your   first same thing over here foreign supplies yeah  sure jump into it if you want but I wouldn't do it   first because you probably don't have the money to  make this worthwhile so same thing too with with   sheep breeding sheep's graze on the pastur slowly  well you need to buy the Sheep so when it comes   to choosing these choose something that directly  impacts the future growth of your town heavy plows   I'm not going to shut up about it beekeeping  even Orchard re if you chose it first you're   going to you're going to plant those right off the  bat and you're at least going to get those going   for you in two years boom trapping it helps you  immediately these things are going to help grow   your village and then from there start to feel  out how that kind of access jumps out at you   so to give you an idea of what the order I took in  this save I did Heavy plows first because I needed   to immediately start tilling or uh uh plowing my  fields and then I took charcoal burning because I   was certain to grow but I needed help with my fuel  efficiency I think charcoal burning is a is a is   an easy second choice no matter what you choose  because it's only one point to get to it and it's   going to help every single Village because you  need fuel efficiency but charcoal burning is a   definite Auto pick for me but then after that I  went to basic armor making so I could help out   with helmets to deal with the eventual brigand or  Bandit raid that you deal with and after that I   went to deep mining because now I was able to get  all the infrastructure up for mining already this   just allowed me to make it an infinite resource  for me from there I will just put my future points   into my armor making down here and here so again  choose things as they fit specific needs and the   beginning of the game the biggest need you have is  food is a establishing food and then establishing   fuel that's why I think your first choice should  be focused on that fuel or food food food food   food fuel so go with one of those and then the  other one I just think that you're always going   to kind of be stuck in that uh that kind of loop  and then from there fill the need that makes sense   after that so for me it was I needed more defense  but maybe you've gone down this you're like well   I've I've got the means to create the food but  I need the means to produce it into more food   quicker cuz my community is growing so much well  then go ahead and get bakeries maybe you're over   here you're like I just I can't get upgrade my  burgage plots to level two well go ahead and   get Pelt extraction to get more Heights to get  more leather to get better shoes or maybe you   know you're just you you jumped into beekeeping  well the bees aren't really giving me enough   money or enough food right now well now you can  at least get money from the wax so approach your   development choices which are all going to change  right look at all these padlocks this is all going   to change this is all going to change I mean like  I don't know if this is any different than this   like do are we never going to get these until the  game launches and is this one just coming so we're   we've got a plenty of other ways to approach all  this uh in the future and this is all predicated   upon the notion that this is your first town  maybe the second or third one in your region   you already have your blacksmith now I'm going to  make um a dedicated farmer so use your development   options based off of what fits your specific need  in your play through and how you're going to push   everything together for you to get you the actual  resources you need to succeed but as always guys   thank you so much for watching here today if you  have any questions or anything you want to say   about the developments hey I've always seen that  this is the one that to to go with to screw what   this guy says it's it's all about the honey you  just got to go with honey first or you know what   no it's definitely trade Logistics and here's why  let it you know in the comments section below I'm   always down to get as much information out to the  people as possible to help them learn the game but   as always thank you so much for watching  here today have a good one and take care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 17,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEST DEVELOPMENTS to Choose in Manor Lords, manor lords early access, manor lords tips and tricks, manor lords early access gameplay, manor lords, manor lords gameplay, manor lords guide, manor lord beginners, manor lord help, manor lords beginners guide, manor lords advanced tips, advanced tips, manor lords development points, manor lords best developments, manor lords development, manor lords developments, best developments, manor lords development points guide
Id: 3S4Q1Saz62Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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