Against The BARON - Manor Lords EXTREME - HIGHEST Difficulty || Strategy Gameplay Part 09

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it is harvest season and boy what a harvest it is hello everyone and welcome back we are having a lot of flour right now in stock um I was worried about food at some point right now we're sitting at 14 months of Food Supplies that's basically because of the bread uh the latest uh well the latest Harvest was really big we harvested over 200 wheat in total and that leads to I still am not entirely sure about the ratio of it but it leads to a lot flow basically and right now we have the bread and we have yeah 200 flour there as well in stock and it's actually growing right now so this leads to a lot of bread uh two people are working on this and of course bread is one of the most delicious things in the world if baked right and of course my people know how to do this in the meantime also finally my Manor Area is yeah looking a bit more proper again right it was was was nasty before that and with the planks that we have we can actually go in now and yeah manage to do this a bit differently the thing is that I've noticed it it doesn't matter um what I do the moment I open the castle planner I always need to pay something already right so if I would like to to go in now and commit to this area whatever happened there I have no idea right the tax office seems to be doing something finicky um in this case here we already need to pay quite a few resources there now we do have then the outer towers that we can add to this whole Endeavor however since we already have such a high cost of stone we're actually out of stone so in this case here we're also out of stone deposits here so yeah let's actually reduce the amount of corpse there we need to find more stone that would be one of the major things and I think over there we have it yep in IM Android now and also down here there is another Stone deposit down for this area that we could go for to continue the expansion um speaking about expansion we have still a few more roof tiles I would also like to upgrade a few more people to level three that's those guys here basically in the Center once more and we also should have those high density blocks that I would also like to upgrade just for the sake of it really right so that's four more upgrades that we have uh with one more we could actually push yeah let's do it let's have five more upgrades right and this leads them to 17 roof tiles left um and then we are basically coming to the completion of of the upgrades right we can actually go with one more yeah three more upgrades I think um that would be fun however of course these guys really are demanding four types of food they need at all times cloth is not a problem right two types of clothes is actually it actually stops there with that so yeah L and shoes is already quite enough there's no need for anything else really um it's all about the food really that makes the biggest difference here yeah and for that we do lack a few Meats um the Honey's actually out too now I'm a bit surprised by that also ah yeah it's raining okay there's still some wheat on the on the field which is being damaged then by that might be an indication that we don't have enough people working in The Farmhouse so let's assign a fifth person to that um we still have three families left over them that's just fantastic now now now no now here we have the apar we have two of them they're producing what I still don't know is if I add more people does it produce more honey uh theoretically should but the AP is not getting any bigger right so it just stays the same anyway um that would be a nice indication or a nice thing to know let's actually assign two people to each one of them and we'll just see what they're doing if they're just waiting then of course it does not make a difference it just seems a lot four families on one apiary right I I wonder what they're doing there all day yeah they're waiting the second family really has nothing to do right if you assign them to this also the second family and the other AP they're just waiting so I don't think it makes sense right I think one family is all there is to it and that's it and there's no more honey coming out of it now IM Android um is continuing to drop with its um approval rating but we have not everything for a church so let's go ahead and build this at that church at the market square of course there you go this is going to be great I've also built a s pit in the meantime we can unassign those guys now because I wanted to speed up the whole process here and with that church construction on it way as well this will make people hopefully super happy and after winter we could see some growth here in IM roid as well for that let's also go ahead and have us another uh some more bres here once again some supplies I would need to sign someone to that storage house but I can still go ahead and have of course more bages than here right next to the the [Music] church yeah I think I'm happy with too that you don't need more than that and and that Logan Camp family let's keep [Music] it in the meantime let's go out in the world and claim new areas the middle one and then let's actually go ahead and claim the other one as well can we claim two areas at the same time we can how very cool a double claimer and we'll just see if the baron intervenes some of you have been saying that he's rather passive I agree right the baron is a bit too passive um it also varies from game to game in some games he's aggressive and takes over territory quickly in other games he's super passive there is no middle ground and I can't control that because once you start the game uh the game basically runs and it always could go into different directions that's the advantage of Randomness I [Music] guess ale we have negative on ale negative 1 we have to 140 mold so there is enough mold in the in in the town but it's not enough ale so I think we might need to sign another Brewery right and yeah let's have H I think all of them have something though uh this is a level two one this is the high density one they don't have any plots I would like to have another Brewery please yeah we could have it right next to the other Brewery really makes sense so we have those two here that's one Brewery Monopoly that is growing now because the holy cow we need more a for all these people they're drinking like crazy and it also seems like we're going to get those two territories without any fighting like both of them right y I wonder when he intervenes there is this Bandit Camp let's get the get those two and the cool thing is now I can actually rally them here get them over there and clear those Bandit camps getting me some more resources and we could also start claiming this one we have yeah 4,000 let's go ahead let's also claim gold ho here with bury deposits a rich deposit that is oh he just says some himself the baron huh so many so many soldiers there's no use in fighting them and we will also have enough money yep to hire us some mercenaries there too so this is always in case of emergency that's also why we should probably go for those Bandit camps also I know I know some of you have been saying that I'm a terrible tactician because I let my troops run too much before a battle um and it well increases fatigue the thing is I think at this point fatigue has no value right it doesn't matter like it doesn't matter my troops are as strong with zero fatigue as they are with 100 fatigue it doesn't matter because you go in you flank them and you destroy them there's no there's no way around that so we are always just going like that and I think it just works out perfectly fine and I never claimed to be a super tactician so in this case here I don't care we're winning that's what matters to me this belongs to my treasury there once more we need a bit more money and we have a second Bandit C it's the same spots actually they're spawning on and of course with the high rate of um Bandit Camp spawning you always have new Bandit Camp spawn so it's kind of like I think it's actually making the thing too easy the Bandit Camp spawning I mean because you get so many resources out of Bandit camps and they're so easy to defeat plus there's always just one battalion or unit of of of Bandits right there's not like there's three of four Suddenly It's always just one and in this case here these are flaws of the game at this point right definitely in the beginning it looked like a high amount of Bandit camps is giving you a hard trouble when in fact it's not it just gives you lots of money for free and we can just take it whatever whatever amount we want now over here we have another Bandit Camp since we're already on a roll let's continue with that they're stealing a a few too many vegetables there they're going to run for it in Sleepy in crown falls not in Sleepy Hollow that was the town before that we are continuing yeah the upgrading takes a bit of time here thanks to the logs and also thanks to my dad oxen who by the way stood up again right so they might have not been dead after all now they are aimless or jobless yeah Ard is living again what a joy interesting and funny funny bux that this game provides you as well also starting to claim nooha right over here there is still another Bandit Camp a bit further up here North let's move my troops over a roid should have finished the church now yep it has all right still we have the penalty from that so we at 29 approval rating so this penalty still kicks in of course on these settings right approval overall it's important that we've build the church before winter because otherwise we would have the the church penalty and the cold penalty and this would have led them to uh people leaving most likely but now that the church has been built I think we should be fine for the coming winter the same applies with food variety um I do have a bit of coin so I can actually go in and build me some two Chicken cops I'm going to do this because chicken eggs are important right also I could start importing again something like I could for example send firewood or letter actually let's send letter CR fs and we receive some food I guess something that we have plenty of in Crown fs and that's bread and let's assign a family to this and they're going out there now and bartering them Bar Bar Bar now over here in the meantime my troops have arrived for that next Bandit Camp actually move them in a bit closer there they are already on its way super angry that we're destroying them and their vegetables I just love the details though right there's a lot and let's also claim that banit camp I need to yeah there you go we're also claiming this one now now the price question is if I claim a Baron's territory will he react we're going to have a look at that once we claim that Bandit Camp here no more storage for the Brad in Crown fors to I would need a bigger grany at this point for all that Brad coming in very good this one has been claimed now let's move them back home again and in crown falls yeah it's about 500 bread that we have at this point it seems to be terribly flawed 244 flour we have and still 66 wheat in The Farmhouse so even with only 30% fertility we're flooding our town with bread and wheat yeah let's upgrade the oh I need more Stone uh we should probably start importing some stone that is just faster right so there it is and let's import it up to 30 because with that we can then upgrade the granery something we definitely should be doing at this point so there it is no slow has been claimed as well no appropriate storage for the B station yes right in IM Android we actually need a granary that's that's my mistake Church level is too low are you kidding me we only have level once here though and of course for the bread I will need a granary as well let's build this over here instead of the Locking Camp family we have a lot of Timber in IM Android anyway a few aegs we have in now that's great and where's the hunting C there it is right and do we not have a hunter here we do what are these people doing I will need to assign a second family to the hunting then as well but let's finish that Granary [Music] first very good and with that we have some additional storage where we can now store then the bread that we import from Crown FS Al that family yeah let's assign them to Hunters as well that we have now two Hunters working in imro this should really provide enough bread then now let's have a look at cellbits and claim it that's The Baron's territory now right and he should react if he doesn't then he's definitely bucked out and I have my suspicions all right the goldet has been drawn so he's actually now coming in right and just to be sure and we have the money let's also get us a few of them arrive and Crown Falls uh yeah really good band and J good band there you go they will also help me out a bit all right his troops over here actually this this is going to be quite a nice battle there after all and I can make it worth your a while nope we're not doing this as of course I want to see some battles there all right going to take a while it's winter as well so it's it's it's going to take a while anyway for all of these troops to get over there yeah we're totally stuffed on the on the wheat and there my armies are merging The Mercenaries and of course my own The Mercenaries are a few too many archers but that's the only option that I had so yeah it's at least one M there now we need to get a bit closer though I think for him to react and his red new size is actually the biggest one so he's got 30 R new what I also ask myself is if I want to upgrade them I cannot do this when they're raised that's also interesting get a bit closer let's try and Trigger them ah there you go all right let's actually get my Army up there so the I'm also going to use my r as a tank more or less a bit further here because I don't really care about my we can always just get more of them right so R are going to be up here together with those guys here and all these archers that we had from the The Mercenaries are going to go into the center while my own archers they're going to be a bit situated behind so we can flank them and then we also have some Spearman here protecting our flank that's my own troops so we're going to make extra care that they're not engaging in battle too quickly sa for the red new they can do this because these are not villagers right the r new they're actually also hired by my Mana all right they're entering yeah yeah yeah yeah this is going to be fun they're going to try and flank us probably going to hide in the forest now anytime soon we're going to use then those troops here to destroy them and there's also now these guys here coming that's actually a lot of Mele Fighters and now let's have the archers immediately run there to the flank [Music] it's a nice battle atmosphere for sure almost feels like total war look at that they're going sideways trying to sneak over there sneaky bastards and now we actually flank them and this is going to be dangerous for them because now we can yeah fire on the on the other enemies then from up here on the north on the hill that's going to hurt them we losing one Rue already so this is actually a surprise to me here there's a fierce battle but of course they have more soldiers and they have a good morale it seems right now right so they're not giving up so easily even if they're down to six they're not fleeing yet down to two and they're still fighting okay now the first ones are fleeing this seems to be super strange here what is going on shouldn't be a big problem let's actually help out the other ones ah very good The Rue has been broken the enemy Rue and I think we have won is that right all of them are fleeing now that's right still shoot at them let no one Escape I think we should have won it they're still oh still archers over there all right that is a bit dangerous here because they're obviously hiding in the forest now and archers are pretty strong in my version of the game so I think my militia footman of crown falls has a bit of a problem though it has not very good and victory is ours and with that we have also defeated the baron over here in salit and peace has been declared now of course we could we could uh claim the other territory but the thing is his troops would reset again to maximum strength while my troops actually yeah need to replenish first so let's get them back home again in emeroid meantime we have now finally some positivity in this case here it's still 34 only we have enough room then for new families to move in we got the church and also hopefully we get some yeah food variey soon here that's with the pack station then delivering that right so they're buttering still as we see very good and in crown falls 150 people 61 approval rating yeah also yeah still not that much ale second Brewery working now they should be working transporting h thing is of course we need to disend the units here cuz it's going to take them a while to replen again now they can actually continue working that might have been the reason why there's still not that much a coming in all right other than that yeah food looks fine would need a few more vegetables I guess and living space is also fine still have quite a few burgages left open so far as good we're closer to World Domination than ever and we continue with that in the next episode stay tuned
Channel: Nivarias
Views: 12,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manor lords, manor lords gameplay, manor lords walkthrough, manor lords lets play, manor lords english, city builder, medieval, strategy, gameplay, nivarias, survival, hardmode, challenge, hardcore, manor lords guide, beginner guide
Id: qzyJJVb_8OE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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