Pathfinder: WOTR - Woljif Arcanist Support Build for Unfair Difficulty (Updated - Patch 1.1)

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hi today we are back with our pathfinder wrath of the writers unfair companion build guides and we are going to do wojif if you are new to the series and don't know how we do our builds they are all made for unfair difficulty and none of them exploit bugs so they should all remain viable despite any bug fixes or patches made to the game it's also worth mentioning that all my builds are tested from early to light levels they are not made just for the sake of youtube videos i do them firstly for my own unfair playthroughs and it's very important to me that they are actually effective at every level in the game so i can actually get through with my playthroughs and not just remain the helm of theory crafting because this is a turn-based system but the game is real time with pause sometimes builds don't go as i'd expect them and that's why i think the testing is important so i can both bring you the best builds and actually be able to beat the game on unfair difficulty which is my main goal with all that out of the way let's get to our build fujif is a bit rough to build his early levels his first three levels are terrible just terrible his stats are good dexterity and intelligence there are a lot of good things you can do with that but do a 2 weapon fighting elder scoundrel certainly isn't one of them having 2 2 weapon fighting fits chosen is very rough the doubles lies in my opinions completely uncalled for and weakening wound is a waste of a fit again so this start is just so bad if you want to use the things he already has the best options probably this section is the only one remotely viable i'd say but even that isn't that good in my opinion it doesn't really cut it on unfair your only source of damage is mostly sneak attacks then you find an enemy that's immune to sneak attacks and you don't do anything i know there are not that many enemies immune to sneak attack yeah against some bosses you'll just be completely useless even going view this section is um if i were to go the out alchemist route i'd much rather go grenadier so that you have a lower damage in regular fights but you do much better against bosses being able to target touch ac doing okay damage with your bombs or even since synthetizer you give up a bit of damage but gain a lot in support and ways to increase your party's damage but i wanted to try on my first playthrough the arcanist round for transmuter class to see how it did and in my opinion it did really well it's a great support brings a lot of utility that no other class has so in our first level up we go straight for arkanis brown for transmitter and it's a little slow start like any full caster but we start as a full caster only on level 4 so an even slower start we are not putting ability points into intelligence we are putting them to dexterity so that we have a better chance of hitting our ray spells and also our arcanist exploits the first one we take is sonic blast there are very few enemies who resist sonic so this way you are able to do a little bit of damage then we take as a feet on level 5 point blank shot so you'll be able to actually hit your ranged attacks followed by precise shot on level 7. on level 7 we also get powerful change this is a very powerful ability now you are able to empower your a reduced person an enlarged person so they give a extra plus two bonus to either strength or dexterity but you can also empower the uh aspect spells the cat's grace boosts strength all's wisdom so you can basically give free plus six enhancement bonus to your party's stats at this point in the game this is very strong uh you start finding plus four belts about a bit later so it's almost if you had a plus six items much earlier and this is something that that is very nice you can use this to increase your party's saving throws by giving them aspect of the how for will saves aspect of the bear for fortitude saves among other things i'm not going to showcase any combat for a low level because this is mostly a pure support build but i want to give you an accurate depiction of what it looked like at lower levels so here we can still only prepare three level one spells um but we can cast four and at level 7 we are at level 7 we can only prepare one level 2 spell and in my opinion that's not truly useful just yet if you have a lot of character that use the same stat maybe a lot of characters that rely just on dexterity or just on strength then he can be a little bit more useful but for me he was kind of on on and off in my party at least until he got greater during spells uh and a few more casts i think it was about level 10 where he really became a staple in my party also don't don't underestimate the power of powerful change it might be just a plus two increase to the stat bonus on the transmutation spells but that equals to quite a lot of damage for your party members the plus two basically equals a five percent damage increase uh for your if you it increases your main damage stat so if you have someone that relies on strength to do damage and hit then the plus two is basically a five percent increase to its damage and you can get plus two from the size increasing spells and reduce an enlarged person and another plus two from the uh enhancement increasing spells so in total you can get quite early on basically a 10 percent damage increase to a lot of your party members so this is a strong build but because it has so few spells to prepare it takes a while before it it really becomes useful and then we keep going brown fur transmuter here we get far strike then we get wooden flesh this is mostly for immunities wooden flesh count makes so that you count as a plant creature for purposes of spells so now you are immune to [Music] old person for example among a few other spells that don't affect plant creatures so this is very nice gives you a lot of immunities and then in terms of fits we go for spell penetration and greater spell penetration after we get those we have a better chance of hitting our actual ray spells mostly we are going to use battering blast for damage and before that we were mostly using sonic blast or even for strike for damage because those the arcanist exploits don't require spell penetration rows so you could still use them and hit without that much of a problem and when we get here to level 12 arcanist level 9 we get shared transmutation and that's the most important feature from brownfield transmitter now we can make spells of range personal be cast on others so things like elemental body frightful aspect even transformation and some others so this gives a lot of nice utility options no other class has and now that we have this there is not that much reason to keep going arcanist so by this point you need to have the requisites for arcane trickster so far points in uh knowledge antenna mobility and trickery then at your level 13 it's going to be your first arcane trickster level we also take metamagic bolster and we keep going arcane trickster until level 20. then we take accomplished sneak attacker to increase damage improved critical ray also to increase our damage and finally and power spell so this make our full 20 levels by the end we have a total of 7 die of sneak attack something i failed to mention my other video sneak attacks and race spells are still bugged it's bugs since the launch of pathfinder king maker so i don't know if it's ever going to be fixed but it does a lot more damage than it should so i'm not really a fan of going arcane trickster in actual damage dealers i do it sometimes on a more support oriented build like wojief so they at least do a little bit of damage but the way ray spells and sneak attack should work is that race spells only trigger sneak attack on the first hit the other ones shouldn't add sneak attack damage so you actually get a lot more damage than you should on this game because sneak attack gets added to every attack of race spells so this is a bug i don't like to exploit too much that's why i don't use arcane trickster very often unless it's in a build that's not going to be attacking very much anyway and that's basically our build here we don't do a lot of damage we aren't going to be casting that many offensive spells even at late game we are still using at a lot of times our canon exploits for damage i know they stop scaling once we switch to arcane trickster but they do add sneak attack damage so it's almost as if they had normal scaling from going full arcanist so they are still decent for damage even athlete levels now for mythic rings we went for enduring and greater during spells first we are mostly a support build and we want our buffs to last 24 hours then we go for full reservoir because our powerful change is our most useful ability and we want to be able to empower all of our buffs so the extra charges on our reservoir are very welcome at level 4 we get spell penetration mythic this way we actually have a chance of overcoming spell penetration and hitting some damaged spells then we start going the abundant casting line and take a break at level 6 just so we can get less than i always recommend you take less stand on our rebuild for unfair difficulty and then we finish off the abdullah casting line taking spirit inspirational leader if you already have this with someone else then you can go for a favorite metamagic on either boaster or in power whichever one you prefer and last we take mythic snick attacker for some extra damage for spells we have a lot of futility here we start of course with enlarged person reduced person but hurricane bow is a very strong first level spell because of our level 9 feature we are able to cast hurricane ball on others this way if a ranged damage dealer doesn't have access to hurricane ball we can use it for them and increase their damage by quite a bit then at level 2 of course we have blue strength gets gray salt's wisdom and so on remember that this class can learn spells from scrolls so don't limit yourself by the spell choices by level and just learn them from scrolls it's much faster and also remember you can enhance them with powerful change making them a plus six enhancement bonus to stats bone shaker is our best early game damage dealing spell it's a fortitude save not that many enemies have of high fortitude and it's a okay amount of damage then we get our best damage drilling spell for later in the game in battering blast and there are not that other many useful spells greater magic weapon is good but since we are 3 caster level behind we are not the best option for casting this in my opinion we also have haste and heroism at level 4 we get elemental body which we can cast on others because of our 9th level future and large person mass and reduced person mass are good because we can save casts of our powerful change this way by using only one truly enhance everybody's reduce or enlarge person at at one cast only at level five we get animal growth elemental body chew and even echolocation which we can cast on others bill fo polymorph i find good it's a fortitude safe there are many enemies with low fortitude and you can actually hit this if you choose your targets right at level six we get boost strength cat's grace and other similar spells in their mass version again that's good because it saves casts of our powerful charge feature we also get transformation which we can cast on others through sin and heroism greater all good support spells we have hellfire array but really i'd rather just use our metamagic boaster and empower battering blast at level 7 we get ice body legendary proportions and resonating word again a fortitude safe if you choose enemies with low fortitude you have a decent chance of landing this and at level weight we have angelic aspect some nice immunities acid and cold there are very uh there is a good amount of enemies who do code damage late game and being able to cast this on others may save you a lot of damage then we have frightful aspect which we can cast on others and might blink is a nice support spell as well there's nothing too special here in equipment it's a more support oriented build so just a dexterity belt a headband of mental perfection is better than a plastic string intelligence in my opinion because our arcanist exploits rely on charisma and it's nice to have an increase in charisma because of that spell penetration a bonus through skill checks this dexter is nice it increases our battering blast damage and also metamagic rods always welcome i like this one and special because it converts damage to unholy this way even though we don't have the mythic ability that makes you bypass elemental damage immunities you can still use elemental spells by converting their damage to unholy with the varying lust so with this your hellfire rays get much stronger and you can choose some other spells even scorching ray if you want and cast them with the varying lust this build biggest strength is not its combat it's the utility and i think it works really well when you have one or two animal companions that are there mostly for tanking you can extend their utility by a lot using elemental body to increase their ec as well as ice body to give them some immunities including immunity to criticals but just to show you the damage you can do let's take a look so here we did a decent amount of damage disease is unpowered and um and bolstered for some reason we are not triggering sneak attack there has been a bug with sneak attack and race spells going on for a while you can see it says it's a sneak attack but it doesn't get added sneak attack to the damage we should do a bit more damage but even late game your damage is not bad your chance to hit though is not the best you can see here we have a 25 but our chance to overcome spell resistance is not that bad this is basically it for my wall gif build video it's mostly a support that brings a lot of utility and later on can get some hits in tell me what you thought if you ever tried the brown 4 transmuter class did you also like it and until the next one i hope you have a good time
Channel: TurnBasedTactics
Views: 3,209
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Id: Ylu-12_pT0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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