Pathfinder: WOTR -Spell Master Lich Build for Unfair Difficulty (Patch 1.1)

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hi we are back with build videos for our pathfinder wrath of the writers unfair difficulty and today we are going to take a look at the lich mythic path if you are new to the series and don't know how we do our builds they are all made for unfair difficulty and none of them exploit bugs so they should all remain viable despite any bug fixes or patches made to the game it's also worth mentioning that all my builds are tested from early to light levels they are not made just for the sake of youtube videos i do them firstly for my own unfair playthroughs and it's very important to me that they are actually effective at every level in the game so i can actually get through with my playthroughs and not just remain the helm of theory crafting because this is a turn-based system but the game is real time with pause sometimes builds don't go as i'd expect them and that's why i think the testing is important so i can both bring you the best builds and actually be able to beat the game on unfair difficulty which is my main goal with all that out of the way let's get to our builds for our leech build we are going to go as a weird wizard into the spell master subclass lich has a lot of good options for classes which can still merge spellbook they can merge spell books with arcanist sorcerers witch and wizards all those classes have good features to offer for example the arcanist has two notable subclasses one of them is the eldrish font rich font has an ability which can increase both the dc and caster level of spells and later on even force enemies to roll twice on their safe but to use that ability you need to make yourself achieved and later exhausted and leech has a seventh level spell which gives you undead immunities making you immune to both fatigue and exhaustion so this way you can use eldritch font's abilities without any penalty not only that when you get to mythic level weight you actually become a full-on dead gaining the undead immunities without even needing to cast the spell another good subclass in the arcanist is the brown 4 transmitter rough 4 transmuter can deliver much stronger transmutation spell buffs and with the lich having an extra companion with the skeletal champion and also being able to summon and raise the enemies you can make a lot out of the brown 4 transmuter buffs i think the sorcerer is also a decent class because of the arcane bloodline which can increase the dc of your spells but the biggest increase comes only at level 15 and in my opinion that's a bit late i'd much rather have an arcanist which can increase the dc of your spells from level 1. now the reason i chose the wizard spell master is because what i wanted to focus the most on was damage and i think the arcanist the spell master does more damage overall than the arcanist has more damage options allows you to use more metamagics with the specialist school universalist and you can also recover up to four i'm sorry up to 5 of your spells so you basically get 5 extra casts of your strongest damage spells and you also get focused spells it has only a few casts but is a very strong damage increase to your spells as well so because my focus here was damage i ended up going with the wizard spellmaster though there are many other good options for leech our race is going to be human our background is the scholar divine this way we are both able to craft scrolls and potions for our points we took seven strength as this stat really doesn't matter to us 16 dexterity 10 in constitution a 20 in intelligence this is our main stat and is what we are going to be increasing during level ups attending wisdom and 12 in charisma for our skill points it doesn't really matter for this build you can choose whatever you like but to be able to craft both scrolls and potions you can increase knowledge arcana and word for our first fit we take spell focus evocation and for our human bonus fit we are going to take spell specialization magic missile this way we are able to do a little bit more damage early on and for our wizard bonus feet we are going to take spells penetration now for the most important spells for you to take early game i think they are magic missile and vanish magic missile is a very sure way to do damage it's not a high amount of damage but it is consistent at least and vanish is a decent option for you to increase the chances of your companions to hit you can make them visible giving them a consuming bonus to attack and also making it so they hit the enemies for flat footed ac grease is also a good option for crowd control and mage armor enlarged and reduced person are good buff options for your companions just for a quick look on what this build looks like at low levels let's have our leopard tank for us and basically we just guessed magic missiles so nothing special at all our magic missiles launch 2 even though we are level 3 because of our spell specialization and if we use focused spells we can basically double the effectiveness of our magic missiles so let's just guess one here to see how much damage it does it's not too high but you can see josila is almost at half health already so enemies at this point don't have a high hp we can actually take a look here at here hp i guess yeah it's 93 so doing close to 10 damage per hit is not bad at all even though we have only four casts it's still damage and with the party helping we can kill enemies without much problem moving forward into level 3 we get a choice of a fit and now we are going to choose pale focus necromancy at this point we are going to start building more towards the leech the spell focus revocation was really just to take spell specialization into magic missile and make us a little bit stronger during the early game now we already take our first spell focus into necromancy and at level 5 we take greater spell focus necromancy at this point you should be probably using more bone shake as your main damage spell instead of the magic missile and here you can even take spell specialization into bone shaker instead of magic missile if you want at level 7 we get greater spell penetration so we can hit our spells more easily without having to respect about spell resistance at level 9 we get metamagic bolster and here we get level 5 spells at this point you should take bone shatter as your main damage spell and you should be using spell specialization into bone shatter especially because here there's no more pointing to making magic missiles stronger as it caps out at level 9 already so from now on if you are not already using spell specialization to other things it's time to switch to bone shatter and at level 10 we take another metamagic and power this time so now we have two metamagics at level 10 and your main damage spell and your spell specialization should be into bone shatter as soon as we get the finger of death you should then start to use your spell specialization in two finger of death for the rest of the game if you don't know what spell book merging is i'm going to give a quick explanation here when you get to mythic rank 3 on the lich mythic path you get to either choose mythic spellbook or mythic spellbook wizard can be other classes if you are an arcanist sorcerer or witch you get your respective choices but when you choose the mythic spell book of your class your caster level is now going to be calculated by your class level plus your mythic level so at this point we are a character level 10 with a mythic level 3 it makes our caster level at 13 and this gives us access to higher level spells you can see here we are making choices of up to seventh level spells already at level 10. here we are at level 10 as a character and at third mythic rank i'm going to quickly showcase how much damage our spells are doing and how they compare against enemy saving throws as well let's start with a hex sanguinate you can see our damage is not as high as the angels but we are doing damage in aoe which the angel wasn't doing at this point we also do strength damage if enemies fail the safe though i wouldn't always count on that here our chances are not too bad especially because of this sort of failure but usually fortitude saving throws are not gonna work super well for us especially because there are not that many items that increase necromancy school saves dc so this makes our finger of death much less reliable than other spells would be so here you can see we tried to cast our finger of the but the enemy oh actually we failed to overcome spell resistance so this is another problem because at lower level our chance to overcome spell resistance is not too high yet and finger of death also requires spare resistance so finger of depth needs to overcome spare resistance and needs the enemy to fail the safe where we could just use a focused spell here and throw out of empowered exsanguinate for much better effect especially on fights with multiple enemies here our damage already went up a little bit and we can also use a bolstered exsanguinate which we already have at this point and bolstered exsanguinate benefits a lot more from our focus spells so at this point we already do some decent damage against bosses just be careful with booster bolstered spell because it will damage your allies close by you can see here a very solid damage against everyone the proximities as well and the 17th d6 just at a level level 10 character for level 11 we get to choose a feet and we take improved initiative so we get to act before enemies and kill them faster at level 13 we get another choice of feet and here i took iron wheel now at this point there are not that many fits that will increase our damage output so taking something that will make us have better saving throws and be more defensive overall is great at level 15 we take metamagic maximize spell at this point we can cast spells of high enough levels so that we can maximize them without a problem at level 17 i took improved iron wheel for even better wheel saving throws and at level 19 i took destructive dispel now this fit doesn't seem to be working right now but i do think it's very powerful and combos really well with your corrupt magic spell and if it was working i'd actually take it at level 13 and just take improved diarrhoeal and iron wheel as the last two feet because i do think destructive dispel is very strong stunned is a very good effect and you already want to be dispelling enemies anyway and now that you can make them stunned it's even better and at level 20 we get to choose another feat and we take metamagic quicken spell on our first mythic level we choose dense macabre so this way we get negative energy channeling so we can heal our undead companions we also take abundant casting as a mythic ability at second level we take improved bunton casting and the third we take greater abundant casting there's a bug here it's not showing properly but this one should be greater abundant casting we also get to choose a skeletal champion and i took the skeletal vanguard because i do think extra companions are just like pets you want them to be body blocking at least and the skeletal vanguard being the one with highest ac was my choice and our leech power is deadly magic in my opinion this is the strongest leech power for casters the ability to make opponents unable to catch spells is extremely powerful and we want to be using this as much as we can against strong spell casting enemies or bosses at mythic level 4 we did not take improve the bundle casting again it's the same bug it's showing the same ability here we take archmage armor because of our faster spell progression we will get some spells like cemento frightful aspect and other strong defensive spells much earlier than other characters would and because of that we are actually a very powerful tank during the mid games so archmage armor is gonna increase our thinking ability we also get to choose a upgrade to our skeletal champion and i took skeletal barbarian because of the reckless rage stance and as a second race rage power i took the inspire ferocity which allows our barbarian to share the bonuses from reckless rage with nearby allies at mythic level 5 we take our first favorite metamagic and we choose bolstered at mythic level 6 we again get another favorite metamagic and now it's going to be empowered this is going to allow us to put a lot more metamagics in our spells than we otherwise would we also get a choice of another lich power and this time we take eclipsa 2. because the dc of this ability relies on our mythic rank i don't think it's worth taking earlier than mythic rank 6 but at this point we already have a rank high enough so that enemies have a reasonable chance of failing this once in a while especially when we cast an aoe spell the chances of at least a few enemies failing is much higher at mythic level 7 we take less stand as a mythic ability and at mythic level 8 we get to choose another upgrade for our skeletal champion here i took skeletal cleric the main reason is for some out of combat utilities you can cast spells like freedom of movement or death ward before going to combat you cannot also raise dead if one companion dies during a combat you can do that with your skeletal cleric now and you also get your general negative energy to heal companions after combat if needed as a mythic fit we get sorcerer's reflex this way we can open up a combat casting two spells in our first turn and doing a lot of damage at mythic ring nine we get another favorite metamagic design maximize and as a lich mythic power we took destructible bonds there are not that many useful glitch mythic powers left in my opinion and this one might come in clutch allowing us to survive what would otherwise be a one-hit kill maybe and this way we get to save our last end a few times with who we are lucky and at mythic level 10 we get favorite metamagic quicken there is not too much game left to play after mythic level 10 but i do think this is one of the most impactful choices made at mythic level 10 because this is very helpful for our build against some bosses in our spells for the first four levels it's mostly standard wizard stuff so some spells that are useful from early to late game like mage armor and expeditious retreat never underestimate the power of movement speed in this game especially when playing real time with paws it's very useful at level 2 we have mirror image very strong defensive spell but also fox cunning which can increase the dc of spells early on so we can hit bone shatter blindness and other spells more reliably at level 3 there are a lot of good spells like haste displacement resist energy but one of the most notable peaks here is greater magic weapon because of our faster caster level progression we will be able to cast greater magical weapon at a higher level earlier than other characters would and this can be very useful for our party members at level 4 we get maybe our first strong glitch spell in my opinion its size of the bodak giving enemies a negative level can be very strong and this one doesn't have any save so it's something you want to have one for harder fights now at level 5 we get our first strong damage spell in nexsanguinate here i'm not using it because i'm using it at higher levels with metamagics already but we also get a very strong support spell in the night death this one is not as good as angel's fenix gift but it is a level 5 spell instead of a level 10. this makes so that one character avoids death but becomes paralyzed becoming paralyzed is not a problem as long as you have freedom of movement this should not be an issue but making a character escape death can be very powerful will give you a chance to heal their character back up without having to arrest the character repurpose is also a useful support spell to get an enemy as your minion after you kill it at level 6 we get the amazing amazing dispel magic crater bomb shield is also a strong defensive option for us and here mostly i'm using exsanguinate with some metamagics as i don't think siphon life is worth it it does the same damage as a sanguinate but requires an attack row and here we have at the same level a bolstered exsanguinate and a non-bolstered siphon life so exsanguinate is always stronger you might argue that this one can critical while this one can't but even with the chance to critical the average damage of a boaster that sanguinate is just better than us siphon life so yeah for me there's no reason in which you we would lose siphon life instead of exsanguinate i guess the heal it gives is good but not for this build this is not something we are trying to do at level 7 we get yet another very powerful spell fist of blood it's just like sanguinate but in an aoe we also get blessing of life which can be useful it gives on that immunities to the one you cast it on so immunity to fat trick exhaustion and things like negative levels among other common undead immunities finger of death is a spell that's useful mid game for us but falls off later on because our metamagic spells are just much better at level 8 we get some good defensive spells in cemento frightful full aspect mind blink protection from spells and those are all things you want to be casting most of the time at level 9 we get a very useful spell for us negative eruption because we are on that we don't have a heal mass to help us on harder fights where enemies will be casting strongly aoe spells that can almost a hundred to zero our party members and negative eruption is basically our only way to heal back up so this is something you should always have on during the late game because there will be enemies casting some very strong aoe spells which you need to heal immediately afterwards otherwise your party members might die we also get what is in my opinion one of the best leech spells correct magic it's just a greater spell magic but even better giving enemies a -1 penalty to attack damage saving throws and ac for each dispelled effect very very strong there are also defensive options in foresight mind blink communal a fairy body which gives you immunity to several stats as well as fire damage and even a good support in heroic vocation and at level 10 i do not find leech level 10 spells very impressive but absolute depth is some very consistent damage which you should be using in harder fights i don't think there will be many harder enemies that will fail their will saving throw but at least you get 10 damage per caster level so it's a finger of death that cannot miss we also get douma servitude not that different from that level for spell 5 yeah repurpose so having a level 10 spell that's not too much exciting than a level five yeah i don't know about that it does do some consistent damage during turns uh but yeah enemy has to fail a fortitude safe it's not bad you can use it but i think we have better things to do with our actions and pit of despair is also consistent damage during turns like doom of servitude so it has some uses in some fights but nothing i'm too excited about also now that we have our full viewed character let's jump into our last combat for this fight i'm not using the spell that keeps us alive and makes us paralyzed because for me it was break in the game so it was something i was never able to use while playing it seems to be bugged but it if it is fixed it's going to make this build a lot stronger here i'm going to open up with a empowered and boasted fist of blood so we can check out its damage and you can see it's some very solid damage around the gets close to the 300s sometimes we can lower row lower sometimes higher but since it's also bolstered if enemies are closer it actually deals more damage because of the bolstered spell effect now let's try and maximize this and with just one maximize rod we can maximize three spells per day and let's see how much damage it actually does after we maximize fist of blood now you can see it's a 396 getting to the 400 if there are enemies close because of the bolstered metamagic and this is very powerful you can get to the point where you can easily do 800 damage to enemies single turn this is what makes this build so strong you are very effective at just blasting down enemies really quickly so even though we are not the best of tanks you can see this fight as most enemies already dead here and only a few still surviving to fight us and we can keep hitting them with those high damage spells we still have several casts of fist of blood we've only boasted and not maximize here we have only two enemies left let's try and do one last maximized looks like someone's getting close to us and now most enemies are dead and some others spawned on top of us let's see how quickly we can take them out one hit and most of them are down to half half and we can even use an empowered metamagic rod here actually let's do a quicken so we can finish off this baler which we certainly don't want on top of us since he will be doing more damage you can see when an enemy that can get through our ec gets close to us things do not look so good i'd be much more comfortable here if we had the spell that prevents death but since it's bugged we'll have to make do with our metamagic quicken rods to finish off this last couple of enemies here and there we go still safely out of the fight by triggering our lasting we still had one turn left so this build is very powerful it can think some enemies as you saw here but against stronger enemies your ac is really not enough and you do need some at least some junk blockers like your skeletal champion so you can kill enemies before they can get to you but overall this mythic path was really fun to play and i liked the build we ended up with here we did not make use of our focused spells this can make your spells even stronger by using a exsanguinate with empower maximized and bolstered followed by a hexanguinate with empowered quicken and bolstered if you focused about them you can easily get to 900 damage in a single turn so you are extremely effective in taking down bosses most of them can't last more than one turn against you so this is it for the leech build i hope you enjoyed and if you have any suggestions as always let me know in the comments but until the next video i hope you have a good time
Channel: TurnBasedTactics
Views: 10,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A48iOPJK3Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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