Pathfinder: WOTR - Greybor Shield Warpiest Build for Unfair Difficulty (Patch 1.1)

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hi we are back with pathfinder rafa the raichu's companions gear guide for unfair difficulty and today we're going to take a look at graber if you are new to the series and don't know how we do our builds they are all made for unfair difficulty and none of them exploit bugs so they should all remain viable despite any bug fixes or patches made to the game it's also worth mentioning that all my builds are tested from early to light levels they are not made just for the sake of youtube videos i do them firstly for my own unfair playthroughs and it's very important to me that they are actually effective at every level in the game so i can actually get through with my playthroughs and not just remain the helm of theory crafting because this is a turn based system but the game is real of time with pause sometimes builds don't go as i'd expect them and that's why i think the testing is important so i can both bring you the best builds and actually be able to beat the game on unfair difficulty which is my main goal with all that out of the way let's get to our builds greybar has a starting build of yet another true weapon fighting based character i don't know why this is our cat's idea of a good melee damage dealer most of our melee damage dealers in this game are two weapon fighting builds i think sila is the only exception maybe socio could be considered a melee damage dealer but i think he's more of a support and we have wojief regio and graybor all to weapon fighting builds let me tell you this is not an optimal way to build a melee damage dealer by any means there are some extremely strong weapon fighting builds in this game especially with some of the mythic path options but overall just a two-handed strength based damage dealer is usually considerably better than a 2 weapon fighting build and it's also easier to build has more feats to to take since you do not need those three to four extra fits that the two weapon fighting build calls for so you can even go into some more utility options in your feed selection and yeah the the two weapon fighting build doesn't have as much leeway in terms of building you really have a a lot of feats you need to take and cannot skip to actually make this build effective but let's see what we did to work around those problems in the feed choices again we start with a build that doesn't have shatter defenses and not even outflanks or chances to hit are very low when we get him and we get him at level 9. he has a few wasted feats in weakening moon and slow reactions for example also hammer the gap is not amazing but overall it's not too bad at level 10 our first level up we keep going later and there are two reasons one of them getting a advanced rogue talent which is opportunist this is a very very powerful rogue talent it gives an attack of opportunity which is extremely easy to trigger and attacks of opportunity are always made at full bab so it's very nice to have more options to trigger attacks of opportunity and they work really well with the ever ready mythic ability which gives a big boost to attack and damage to your attacks of opportunity we also take here steady target plus one so now it is a plus three in our study targets bonuses to attack and damage so overall this is a a lot of value in just one level and choose layer but for now we don't have too much reason to keep going slayer and we go into war priest shoot bearer this way we get the shield bash fit for free and we also get a choice of an extra weapon focus fit at level 1 which i took into a heavy shoot bash we also get to choose i fit for level 11 which is going to be outflank and we keep going toward priest for the next three levels now 12 13 and 14. at 13 we get to choose two feets our regular feet is going to be dazzling display and our war priest bonus fit is going to be shatter defenses now we should be hitting things much more reliably and our damage should be much much better now because we are just hitting more often and triggering sneak attack more easily as well because enemies are made flat footed by shatter defenses which trigger sneak attacks when we hit and our last level into war priest is going to be at level 14. the reason we stopped here is because the main feature we wanted was channel negative energy the extra feats are super nice but channel negative energy is one of the main reasons we are here so we can get the mythic ability and force vigor and have more ways to trigger it effectively so by using channel negative energy to damage your own party you trigger the mythic ability and force figure and now we are done with 4 priests shield bearer at level 14 and at level 15 we take our first level of ranger free booter we get a choice of fit which is going to be shield master unfortunately this one is bugged it gives up random plus seven bones to our shield attacks that plus seven bonus should not be there as far as i understand but this is a very important fit for a shield bash build so even though it's bugged we kind of have to take it in freebooter there are a lot of good features we get the first one comes at level 1 it's freebooters main a move action to give a plus one bonus to attack and damage to all our companions against the target enemy at level 5 this bonus will become a plus 2. so at level 2 we get a choice of fit it's not the bose lies for some reason it's bugged i here took the fit that gives a plus one to ac when wearing a shield not too impactful but we did not have too many good options to choose from and then at level 17 we get another fit it's going to be greater to weapon fighting just keep in mind that this fit has a requirement of 19 dexterity so to get it we will need at least a plus four be out of dexterity so make sure you have a belt of plus fortune dexterity equipped before you level up to 17. and at level 18 we get the free booters bond feature this you should use before every combat gives a plus two bonus to attack to our party for enemies we are flanking and at level 19 we get an extra feet going it's going to be combat reflexes and we also increase our free booters bane bonus from plus one to plus two now with three builders bane rangers bond and enforce vigor we are able to give a total of plus six to attack to our party members so this is a really nice total bonus to attack it does take a few actions for us to use all of our features but i don't mind that especially since this build doesn't do a lot of damage by itself and our main damage source is the attacks of opportunities that we are going to trigger with our party members and for our last level i went one level fighter just for the bonus feed it gives and i took since the moment for our mythic path we start at mythic level 3 by the time we get him so we take less than for survivability to happen fighting for extra chance to hit and ever ready which is going to work really well with opportunist which we have at level 10 and the outflank which we are going to get just one level later so it's a very decent increase to our damage output and also the chances to hit of our attacks of opportunity since we do not have shatter defenses yet this is going to basically be the only way we have a decent chance to hit against enemies is by using our attacks of opportunity at level 4 we take leading strike for extra damage at level 5 we taken first figure by now you should already have your channel negative energy to trigger it level 6 we take mythic sneak attacker for extra damage and 7 unrelenting assault again for just some extra damage at level 8 we take flawless attack to improve our chances to hit and at mythic level 9 we take down the ring blows we do not have the highest attack bonuses so we will be missing a few attacks and the thundering blow gives us some value out of those missed attacks and last we take power attack mythic for some extra damage our spell books not that impressive we have divine favor but since we are just a level 4 war priest this can easily be just replaced by a prayer cast by someone else and at level 2 we have effortless armor since we will be wearing armor this one is not too bad also not game changing and in ranger we have lead blades and this one is a very decent bonus to our weapon damage especially when we are using either enlarged person or legendary proportions which you should be using as often as possible since they increase your reach and chances to get attack of opportunities against different enemies that will be within your reach in equipment there are lots of very strong options for this build but just to remind you of a very important thing you need a belt of dexterity plus four or your seven tenths level up so you can pick the greater two weapon fighting fit so don't forget about the plus four belcher dexterity in this build it's going to be needed for your feet selection in the head slot i have a bonus to wisdom just so we can use more spells from both ranger and the warp priest spells amulet just a monster natural armor also cloak just a monster resistance ring you can just give him a bonus to deflection as well but the most important things are the armor and the shoot the armor i'm using white dragon this way you can very easily trigger your enforced figure at least for your melee companions which will be closer to you and if you position well should be within these five feet so they take the six points of code damage and get to using the bonus to attack and damage from a forced figure which is fairly strong in my opinion for bracers we have this one which increases the damage of our offhand weapon in our case our shields damage uh for our axe there are not that many good dwarf and war axes but this one is not bad it gives a extra bonus to attack and damage it doubles your inside bones to attack and damage and if you have a cleric that can use the nobility domain for a plus two inside bonus to attack this one is going to double it to a plus 4. there are no plus 5 enchantment dwarven wire access to my knowledge in this game so we kind of have to use greater magic weapon to make it a plus 5 like you see here so you can even use another option of 4x if you don't like this one since you will be casting greater magic weapon to increase its enhancement bonus anyway and for shield this might be the most powerful item this build gets there's a lot of decks to cover here i'm just going to go over the most important features dark aura is one of the better best options for us it gives a plus two profane bonus to attack of opportunities so since this build relies so much an attack of opportunities and our party is very much built around using things like outflank since the moment and the ever ready mythic ability this is going to increase our chances to hit those attacks of opportunity and they do a lot of damage because of their variety so works very well with what we already have we also get a increase to mind affecting spells dc which is nice for our nano build if you are bringing her along and the other important feature is the dark novability this deals 20 damage while our allies triggering and forced vigor and also gives a plus 5 damage bonus to our party so overall works really well with what we already have so a very nice item that synergizes with this build let's take a look now at how graybird performs in combat here we have socio with frightful aspect to get any mistaken and trigger our shatter defenses and leopard tank i'm going to use free butter's bone to start with here gives us a plus 2 to attack and also free booters band for an extra plus two against the merlin here let's pull her to the leo part so he can thank for us and we go in afterwards here you can see our damage is not bad because of our sneak attack but let's take a look at our chances to hit here we miss the first attack this was with our x it's a 41 but we did not have our study at target bonus which would add a plus three so would get us to a 44 not terrible but also not great and with the shield we have a much higher bonus because of the shootmaster bug but it really should be the same as the x 44 with the studded target and also if we are flanking the enemy without flink here we are not triggering outflank it would increase by 248 so it's not bad but our damage is not that amazing it is kind of consistent consistent because of the sneak attack at least but against enemies that have immunity to sneak attack we really lose a lot of damage and mostly this build is much stronger when playing with a full party so they can trigger attacks of opportunities for you you can see that we took a lot longer to kill this merely if you compare this to our last few builds and the reason for that is just because this is viewed as a team-based character it it really needs a team to trigger its attack of opportunities and take advantage of the its bonuses to attack to really be effective but at the end of the day it's a build i enjoyed playing the enforced vigor mythic ability is very interesting and the white dragon armor is a great way to trigger it for some characters every fight and having free booters bond and freebooters bane is never bad we did not have any characters with it so greybar being someone that can use those buffs for us it's very welcome in our party especially late game when enemies start to have a very high ac on unfair difficulty so this is going to be it for my graber build as always let me know if you liked in the comments if you have any improvements for this build as well and if you did something different for your graber i'd love to hear so tell me if you build him differently and what you you thought of the end results for your build but this is it for the video and until the next one i hope you have a good time
Channel: TurnBasedTactics
Views: 4,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O7sjBb7msQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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