Pathfinder: WotR (Beta) - Skald Class & Archetypes Mechanics/Overview

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what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you a video about the scald class in pathfinder wrath of the righteous which is currently in beta so what is a scald so they are mechanically speaking a bit of a combination of the barbarian as well as the bard now as for what they actually are they are things like poets historians or just keepers of lore who use their song to inspire allies typically into rage now that said they are arcane casters like the bard and they use the barred list of spells to do their casting now let's jump into the rest of it so for class skills our base class is going to have everything besides trickery and stealth now for proficiencies we're going to be proficient with simple and martial weapons light and medium armor shields besides tower shields now a skald can cast their spells while wearing lighter medium armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chants because they are of course arcane casters which by the way they also use their charisma stat for their casting ability now while they can cast their own classes spells without the arcane spell failure chance and lighter medium armor that does not apply to spells gotten from other classes if you're multi-classing they also pick up bardic knowledge at level 1 this will add half their class level at a minimum of one to all knowledge and lower skill checks and then we come to inspired rage so this is the scallops like big ability right it's essentially a version of the barbarians rage it affects the skald as well as all of their allies within i believe it's 30 feet so this gives them a plus one bonus to melee attack and damage rolls a plus one bonus on will saving throws but also a minus one penalty to their armor class while under the effects of inspired rage allies other than the scout can't use any abilities that require patience or concentration this means spell casting primarily but does affect a few other things here and there now at fourth level and every four levels after that the song's bonuses on will saves increased by one the penalty to armor class doesn't change and at eight and sixteenth level the bonuses to attack and damage roles increase by one unlike regular rage you won't be fatigued after using this either you might have noticed me mention that allies other than the skald can't cast spells basically while this is active that is true however there is a toggle ability for each character in your party in the game to accept the rage effect from this so if you you know for instance don't want to accept the rage effect for this you just turn that off and then your casters can continue to cast and this can only affect your melee people who would actually benefit from it now from there skalds also get a bonus feat from a set list at level one and while the class sheet here doesn't actually tell us what that list is being level one it's pretty easy to go look at these are primarily spell focused feats with things like combat casting elemental focus the meta magic feats spell focus spell penetration stuff like that so basically just spell casting feats now level two skalds are going to start picking up skald talents so these are essentially just rogue talents but they can't pick up any of the ones that would modify the sneak attack because we of course aren't getting a sneak attack as this class there's a variety of rogue talents i actually have a video for the rogue class if you want to go check those out i'm not really going to cover them here because i've already got that video up and then at third level and every three levels after that we can start picking up rage powers these are the same rage powers that a barbarian would get for their rage again you can check out my barbarian video if you're curious about what some of those are but for this we're going to be able to use that rage power to affect our allies that are under the effects of our inspired rage so it'll affect not just the skald but your allies that are using the rage power however you can't grant rage powers that have prerequisites unless you also can grant the prerequisite rage power it gives an example here where if you want to apply disruptive which requires superstition you have to also be able to grant superstition in addition if rage powers are limited to numbers of times per day or per rage each ally affected by the inspired rage is also subject to that limit now if your skald has rage powers from another source they can also use those rage powers during inspired rage as well as vice versa now starting at ninth level we pick up damage reduction this will eventually be three damage reduction to weapon and natural attacks and this will also be conferred to your allies while under the effects of inspired rage now at second level we pick up well versed which gives us a plus 4 bonus to saving throws made against bardic performance as well as all sonic or language dependent effects at fourth level we pick up uncanny dodge which will allow us to basically never be caught flat-footed that is to say losing our dexterity bonus to ac outside of something like being immobilized at six we pick up song of strength this will give allies within 50 feet of us who can hear our song of strength the ability to add half the skull's level to all strength based skill checks at seventh level we pick up loremaster this will allow us to take 10 on any knowledge skill checks that you have ranks in also at 7th level we'll be able to use our raging song as a move action instead of a standard action improved uncanny dodge comes at 8 makes us immune to being flanked at 10th level we pick up dirge of doom which will allow us to make enemies within 50 feet able to hear us shaken and will persist for as long as that enemy is within 50 feet and the skull continues its performance now this won't cause a creature to become frightened or panicked and moreover it's a sonic mind-affecting fear effect which means the creature has to be able to hear you now at 13th level we can use our raging song as a swift action at 14th level we pick up song of the fallen which will allow us to temporarily revive dead allies to continue fighting they're alive but staggered each round the skald can expend another one round of raging song to keep them alive for another round and they automatically die if the skald ends their performance or is interrupted then at level 20 we pick up masters called so this removes the penalty to ac from inspired rage and moreover no longer limits what skills or abilities they can use and they will act as if they were under a haste effect now that brings us to battle scion for starters there is a slight change to their bardic knowledge and that comes through courtly presence the battle cyan will get a bonus equal to half their level two persuasion checks made to intimidate however bardic knowledge only applies to knowledge world then and then we take a look at battle prowess we can choose instead of taking a rage power to pick up a teamwork feat to grant to our inspired rage so for starters in place of rage powers we can choose to pick up teamwork feats but in order to grant those teamwork feats to our allies we actually wind up expending more rounds of our rage than we normally would per round so instead of expending one round per round we will then expend three rounds per one round for every teamwork fee we're trying to give and then for our level 20 abilities we also get once in future scion added which makes us extremely difficult to kill once per day whenever you are slain as long as your body isn't destroyed you resurrect at the end of combat with full hp corp poet which is our next archetype is perhaps the most interesting of them because instead of inspire rage we get insightful contemplation this gives our allies instead of the rage powers i mentioned a plus two morale bonus to intelligence and charisma and a plus one morale bonus on will saving throws but they of course take the penalty to ac and then it upgrades as usual per the levels it still doesn't make us fatigued at the end of it however you'll notice that with this particular archetype our casters can still cast plus they get their bonus to intelligence and charisma so essentially it makes our inspire rage affect casters and stuff better than melee as opposed to the base class at second level they also pick up handling the crowd which gives them a plus one bonus to ac when they are adjacent to two or more creatures in addition they're not supposed to be impeded by crowds and they gain a bonus equal to half their scald level on diplomacy checks to influence crowds and if i had to guess that's probably not going to come up in the game very much and instead of song of strength they pick up song of inspiration so instead of adding half the skulls level 2 strength based checks it applies to wisdom-based checks instead now that brings us to the demon dancer so the demon dancer will trade some of their rage powers for some demon-related stuff for starters they pick up fiendish maw which will give anyone who accepts the rage a bite attack dealing one die six points of damage which will increase as they level up to one day eight at seventh two dice six at twelfth and three to six at seventeenth at sixth level they pick up fiend totem which is a rage power anyone who strikes the person with the rage power with a melee weapon to take 1 6 points of piercing damage at 7th level they pick up demonic conquest which increases the strength bonuses of your inspire rage however if the creature stops attacking or changes the target they suffer 1-6 plus your skull level points of damage and then at 9th level they pick up fiend totem greater which will surround the person with an aura of menace good creatures adjacent to them will be shaken as well as take 2 6 points of slashing damage at the beginning of their turn neutral creatures will become shaken but won't take the damage and evil creatures will be unaffected now that brings us to the herald of the horn so the herald of the horn primarily just gains things and that seems to be a game adjustment so in the pen and paper version it's my understanding that the herald of the horn has to use a horn to cast all of their spells which means they don't get a shield because they have to use their horn in their off hand that's not the case in the game and because of that it looks like the herald of the horn really just gains stuff in place of that and that starts with having bonded object which allows them to once per day restore any one spell slot as well as pick up rousing retort at fifth level which will let them use their raging song to free allies from enchantment effects or fear by expending four rounds of that ability to grant allies within 30 feet a new saving throw against an ongoing enchantment or fear effect with a plus two bonus to that new savings throw at seventh level they pick up horn call which comes in place of the loremaster so if a scald spell with a sonic descriptor is cast its dc increases by one and increases an additional one at 13th and 19th levels then at 11th level we pick up crumbling blast which will essentially let you use a devastating shock wave of energy once per day using your proverbial horn as a horn of blasting it doesn't actually tell you what that is here but the horn of blasting is essentially an item that will let you deal 5d6 sonic damage to enemies within i believe it's 40 feet as well as death in them potentially and it will do extra damage to crystalline objects or monsters and then at seventeenth level you can do this as if it was a greater horn of blasting which increases the damage to tin dissects and that brings us to our hunt collar our last archetype now they trade some rage powers as well as their revive the fallen ability for a couple of other things so for starters they pick up wilderness magic at fifth level and at 11th and 17th level as well the hunt caller can add two spells of any level they can cast from the druid spell list to their class spell list as if it was a scalded spell and then at sixth level they get inspire scent which gives them the synth rage power which allows them to locate unseen foes they will detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell as if they had blind sense and that is going to do it for the scald guys a pretty cool class i think people will have a lot of fun with it it's very interesting if nothing else and i think honestly is a fun take on the bard that actually makes it a little more you know fun as personally bards aren't my thing so i think this actually changes that enough to make the concept of a bard pretty cool to me so with that out of the way guys i hope you got the information you were looking for out of this video truly just thank you so much for watching i couldn't do without you guys may wander in wisdom and have an amazing day [Music]
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 23,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, wrath of the righteous, skald, class, guide, build, gameplay, archetypes, abilities, rage, powers, feats, talents, pathfinder, wotr
Id: fYuSMG2GWqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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