Pathfinder: WotR (Beta) - Alchemist Class & Archetypes Mechanics/Overview

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what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you the first of what i'm hoping to be a series of all of the classes in the upcoming pathfinder wrath of the righteous beta so as the title probably told you today we are starting with the alchemist so just a couple things right off the bat i don't pretend to be a pathfinder savant and also given the very nature of a series like this i'm kind of experimenting with the format and will respond to feedback as i go so with that out of the way we are talking the mechanics as well as just a general overview of the class as well as its six archetypes if you're unaware each class in pathfinder wrath of the righteous is planned to have six archetypes that is variations of the class under the umbrella of the main class so people tell me that these are different from the subclasses from d and d honestly i don't see it they seem essentially exactly like what a subclass is to me but people tell me i'm wrong about it all the time so here we are that said the alchemist as a base comes with the class skills of knowledge arcana knowledge world perception lore nature trickery as well as use magic device now alchemists will be proficient with all simple weapons as well as bombs because the crux of being an alchemist is honestly mixing up various poisons and concoctions altering the chemistry of living animals and you know sentient beings in general and basically just all around experimentation they are also proficient with light armor but not with shields now at a base every alchemist will have access to bombs bombs will you know essentially let you throw bombs right however there are the bomb items that you can get in game and then there's an alchemist bomb ability the alchemist bomb ability will let you use a certain number of bombs per day as if you were just making them on the fly so it essentially kind of works like a spell except you know it's a bomb and most of the archetypes will get a extra damage die to this every couple of levels as well as additional uses of the bomb ability now alchemists also get access to what are called mutagens this is basically where you can take a plus four alchemical bonus to an ability score at the detriment of a minus 2 penalty to a different ability score so if you take the strength mutagen you get the minus 2 for your intelligence if you take the dexterity mutagen you get minus two to your wisdom if you take the constitution mutagen you get a minus two to your charisma the general thinking here is that you are using these mutagens to enhance your physical prowess while making you less of an affable person at the same time thus it gives you physical prowess via strength decks or constitution whereas it takes away from your personality by taking away from charisma wisdom or intelligence now also all alchemists will pick up the throw anything feet because in order to use bombs you know you you throw them so because of this as just a base class all of the archetypes and everything get the throw anything feet at the first level as well as telling you that an alchemist adds his intelligence modifier to the damage done with splash weapons in addition to this alchemists will also get the brew potions feat just as a base class ability which makes sense because they're alchemists so the brew potions feat is actually what lets you of course craft spells during camping now if we take a look at our character sheet we'll notice a couple of things one all the levels that we get the damage bonus as well as an increase to our number of uses for our bombs every couple of levels we'll see our mutagen slots at level 14 our mutagens will last even longer and then at level 20 this leads to a grand discovery which are just very useful versions of the regular discoveries which i'll get to in just a second we also see all of our discovery slots now every even level an alchemist is going to learn discoveries so these can vary a little bit depending on what archetype you get and honestly there's just a ton of them so i can't go over all of them but essentially these are going to do things like let you add different damage types to your bomb abilities give you different types of mutagens for instance there's a feral mutagen that gives you claw attacks and stuff in addition to this we are also going to pick up poison resistance at a couple different levels those levels being 2 5 and 8 and then at level 10 our alchemist just becomes flat out immune to poisons before we move on to archetypes i do want to mention that alchemists actually get their own spell book that being the alchemist spell book now you do have to prep these this isn't like spontaneous casting where you just get a certain amount of spell slots from any spell that you know you do actually have to prepare these spells every you know level or whatever that way they can be restored upon rest now with that out of the way let's start talking archetypes first up we have the chi urgent so this is going to give us access to a bunch of healing abilities so instead of trying to use our alchemy bombs and things to hurt people we're also going to try to you know heal so this comes with a second level picking up infused curative this is going to make our extracts that is our spells basically that an alchemist gets and it's going to give those spells the infusions abilities because most alchemist spells can only be used on themselves however with the infused curative it lets our healing extracts or spells of fuel be used on other people as well as himself at level five our chi urgent will pick up the skill focus lore religion feat this is going to give us a big bonus on our lore religion checks especially if we have 10 or more and then at level 10 he urgent adds breath of life to their formula book this is base again basically your spells and it is affected by your infused curative ability that i mentioned earlier which means you can use it on other people not just yourself and breath of life lets you uh bring somebody back from being dead if i remember correctly now that brings us to our grenadier so grenadiers as you might imagine like to specialize in using their bombs as well as infusing their weapons with alchemical you know reagents and things to deal more damage that way now this comes in a few different forms first and foremost at first level we will pick up the martial weapons proficiency which means in addition to light weapons we can now use martial weapons and then at level two we gain alchemical weapon this lets us infuse our weapon or ammunition with a single harmful alchemical liquid or powder such as an acid flask or alchemist fire so these are the in-game alchemy items that your character can throw when you're out of your regular bomb ability now also at level two grenadiers pick up the precise bomb ability feat i don't it's not really a feat but i don't know what you'd call it either way they get precise bomb which lets them throw their bombs but not affect allies with the damage and things like that which you know will keep you from hurting your allies as you're throwing bombs around the place then we get directed blast so grenadiers have the ability to use their bombs in a cone in front of them versus throwing it somewhere so this basically turns all of your bombs into a cone spell and then we have our staggering blast ability at 10. so at this point any creature directly hit by a grenadiers bomb is staggered for a number of rounds unless they successfully roll a fortitude save which will reduce the duration to one round now i do want to take the grenadier as a moment to mention this some of the stat sheets here are like level up sheets if you will for the alchemist mention poison resistance and others don't however if you use the little scroll wheel to actually look at what each level gives you which is this thing to the left here it says that all of them get the poison resistance so i'm not really sure which one to believe and that's just kind of the hazard of it being a beta i guess nonetheless moving on to our incense synthesizer so our incense synthesizers get incense fog this will let them create a fog of incense in a 15 foot area to basically give allies plus one to attack and weapon damage rolls now unfortunately i can't really tell you too much more about what the incense synthesizer is able to do for you because all of the incense that you would get is all just blank text right now so i really don't know exactly what these will be but just know that i think the general gist of it is that you'll be able to spread incense around and it will have various supporting effects now that brings us to metamorphs so metamorphs pick up the stealth class skill in addition to all of the regular skills but they also lose their ability to throw their bombs in a trade-off for things like adaptive physiology that at third sixth and eighteenth level they will get a 25 50 and 75 chance respectively to just flat out negate critical hits and precision damage in addition to that and probably the name of the archetype here they will be able to turn themselves into beasts starting at level four and metamorph will be able to use the shape changer ability now at level four this works as beast shape one at ninth level it works as b shape two eleventh level it becomes b shape three and then at thirteenth level it becomes b shape four or dragon kind one and then at fifteen it becomes dragon kind two now b shape one turns you into a wolf gives you some extra stuff b shape 2 turns you into a medium-sized leopard which will give you faster attacks and everything beast shape 3 makes you a large bear again giving you ever increasing damage as well as extra armor bonuses beast shape 4 lets you turn into one of several large animals and then dragon kind 1 lets you turn into a medium-sized dragon like creature which then gives you a variety of different bonuses as well as a breath weapon and then dragon kind 2 lets you assume the form of a large dragon like creature giving you even more abilities so preservationists as their special thing get to pick up the bottled ally abilities so these will essentially add summon nature's ally spells and things like that to your formula book which again is just your spell book is an alchemist really and then we have the vivisectionist so the vivisectionist instead of getting to throw bombs like the other archetypes they get a ton of sneak attack damage so each one of those tiers you can see is an extra sneak attack die in addition to that every two levels instead of regular discoveries they get to take medical discoveries which are mostly pretty similar to the regular discoveries in addition to that at level 10 the vivisectionist can start taking advanced rogue talents basically this lets the vivisectionist take one of the advanced rogue talents from that list but we will discuss more of that when we actually cover the rogue class and that guys is going to do it for this mechanical overview of the alchemist class as well as its various archetypes so a ton of flavor here i like that they simultaneously made the like bombs and stuff part of it and then for certain archetypes if you pick those it actually takes the bomb away from you and replaces it with some sort of typically melee function so again personally i like it i think the alchemist class has a ton of flavor and truth be told vivisectionist is very strong i know for a fact this was a pretty broken class to play in pathfinder king maker because of some of the stuff you could do early game that if you mid max was just ridiculous with that out of the way guys i certainly hope you enjoyed a look at the alchemist class in the upcoming pathfinder wrath of the righteous and it helps you make some decisions or at least exposes you to some things you didn't necessarily know about the alchemist so there you go guys thank you so much for watching truly truly i do appreciate it if you'd like to support the channel as well as help support additional content being created in the future i encourage you to check out the link down below for my merch store which is hands down the single best way to support the channel because you get physical merchandise as well as it being the most direct way to help the channel out so with that out of the way i hope you like comment subscribe but regardless truly again thank you so much for watching may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day [Music] you
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 10,308
Rating: 4.9506173 out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, Pathfinder, Wrath of the Righteous, wotr, WotR, Alchemist, Class, Mechanics, Archetypes, Vivisectionist, Chirurgeon, Preservationist, Grenadier, Incense Synthisizers
Id: C9tpF9_A5Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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