Pathfinder: WotR EE - Ascended Angel Expanded Ending (Galfrey Romance, Six Crystals)

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greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day we are back again with more Pathfinder wrath to the righteous I decided to go ahead and do one last playthrough through Pathfinder because I wanted to experience some of the enhanced Edition content and because I wanted to see the expanded ending scenes that um alcat had mentioned they added on to the enhanced Edition so because a lot of these scenes are new I'm just going to read through the entire thing hopefully you all see something you haven't seen before and you enjoy it life and death destiny and great Deeds answers to Mysteries the search for one's true path the mind can comprehend all of these and then such Concepts can be written down as a sequence of formulas a series of lines a Chain of Thought still a moment always comes when it is time to wrap up to reach a conclusion to put a period at the end of the last sentence on the day of the great battle at the threshold Fortress a new name joined the Divine Pantheon of galorean contrary to the laws of creation and the limitations imposed upon mortal kind the individual once known as the commander of the fifth crusade attained greatness power and immortality this new power was likewise assumed by both the Commander's loyal Companions and the writer of these words we all receive might comparable to that of the Heralds of demigods like the sun breaking through thunder clouds a radiant Bastion of good and Order immersed in the darkness of the Abyss as the former Realms of Baphomet and discari became the Commander's Realm the commanded story became Legend one that was spread far and wide in the songs of bards the tale fell upon the ears of many those eager to convert to the new faith and those who nursed Ambitions of replicating the Commander's achievement it is no exaggeration then to declare that Commander's Ascension on that day changed the world forevermore the impact that the commander made upon the world was not confined to the elimination of the womb across all of galorean thousands of Hearts were new or glow with the light of compassion songs and Ledges about the commanders spread across Nations and cities giving hope to the despondent urging people to help each other in times of need [Music] the holy wardens preserved their Brotherhood and what often launched raids against cultists and demons who still sculpt about the land the two seas in paladins yanio and baringer came to enjoy each other's company both in battle and in peace their age similar personalities and unusual fate brought them closer together whenever they appeared they would always be followed by a crowd of Young Warriors and curious onlookers all of whom craved to hear their stories or imbibe some of their wisdom and skill despite all of qatar's efforts word that he was alive quickly spread among the sikorian refugees it eventually reached the ears of his wife she had grown old but lived still and one day they met again under the stone tree after having spent almost a hundred years apart aleandra who had given almost her entire life over to duty devoted herself to the Revival of the former Lancers of course temples of palora and other sikorian deities opened their doors once upon more and the priests were eager to help heal the wounds of the people and the land Godfrey joined her beloved and gained semi-divine power she became his eternal partner best friend and Harold Godfrey's love faith and loyalty serves that the inspiration for numerous ballads and plays upon his return to kennebra's whole run ranted and raised against those who have been governing the city in his absence but contrary to all expectations Hall Ron's inquisitors were far less vicious than in days past it seemed the time he had spent fighting in the fifth crusade had tempered him somewhat the ward stones from the chain that once guarded the borders of mendev were carefully disassembled one by one the angels that had been trapped inside returned to heaven to heal their Wounded Spirits and prepare for new battles against evil the lady in Shadow found a way to benefit from the situation by magnanimously accepting the Warriors from the destroyed armies of bathroom and discari she significantly bolstered the might of the midnight Isles few realize that the commander had effectively foiled nakticulus plants with his decision to keep the passage between the abyssalarian open the lady in Shadow began preparing her defenses secret she knew that sooner or later Invaders would appear in her realm and it mattered not whether there would be demons or Mortals Baphomet was too cunning for his own good and died his final death rumors say that upon hearing of baphomet's demise as Madea's permitted himself a satisfied chuckle That Shook the halls of hell the Demon Lord discari died his final death and his cult pairs with them his followers and demonic minions into the service of discari's sire Pazuzu whether pazuzu's terrifying rage stemmed from his offspring's demise or from his failure none can tell the spirit of the Demon Lord in the hindry was freed from the shackles of nocticola's magic and went to the rift to repulse where at last it found Blissful Oblivion the midnight Isle that had been built upon the hendry's remains sank into the Waters of ashir the command is escapades and Allah Shinra left a lasting impression on his denizens on the zeklex's management the battle Bliss gradually fell into decline audiences had grown bored of ordinary Gladiator fights and the nahindrian league closed due to a lack of members realizing that his talents as an arena stored would never be appreciated in the abyss zeklex sold the battle Bliss and used the proceeds to relocate to hell where he finally found himself at home the flesh markers had been ravaged but it proved impossible to completely destroy them after the commander left the lashinra new slavers took over the Stalls and new shipments of slaves were chained to the platforms gristol the envoy of the Pathfinder Society took advantage of the situation and Rose to the top of the slave trade he sold demons to other demons and used the proceeds to buy the freedom of mortal slaves he soon founded the first Pathfinder Lodge in the abyss Qatar returned to the Temple of Polaris fall but not to resume his service to his goddess with fire and steel he cleansed the surrounding Wasteland of the undead and then once he had honored the memory of the Fallen Defenders he forever sealed the entrance to the temple and left never to return was true to her word the winter sun Clan left to the land of their ancestors once they had left the borders of the former sarcoras the clan split into several branches one went to the wildlands of numeria others set out for free of Assyria a small group led by commercial Scrolls to travel to ardoran where they were lost among the many refugees fleeing other lands and other Wars the winter sun Clan ceased to be the terabades were adamant about returning from military service leaving it all behind and escaping together but urgent eager to watch business forced them to stay for a week then for a month then for many years even as anivia cursed their lot however her eyes were shined with pride because she was always the first to admit that Arabic was not the kind of person who could just up and retire the hand of the inheritor returned to the halls of his Heavenly mistress it was difficult for him to forgive himself for his transgressions in his fall but there were still many places left throughout the Multiverse where evil dwelt and Injustice was being wrought and the herald of ioma day could not abide it he picked up his sword again and Rose to the defense of the weak and defenseless the Abyssal boy named jorgas had intended to lead the material plane but a conversation with the commander after the victory over the world womb caused him to change his mind but details of this conversation are unknown but a week later York has knocked on the door of the Pathfinder society's Grand Lodge and was accepted into society as a ward it was the beginning of a long adventurous Saga the Commander's decision to destroy the numerian device that he had captured in the Blackwater Cannon cabinet had dire consequences free of the mechanism that inhabited and controlled it the mysterious core of the device soon awakened and vanished in a flash of magical energy within weeks numerian Hunters began to tell Tales of a strange construct they had encountered in the mountains it was the skeleton of a man of some sort alien and incomprehensible that had been built by people with Hollow eyes for many years Venture Captain hillor continued to wander gallerian in a hopeless attempt to hunt down his Nemesis the spinner of nightmares his hunt ended on an Old Road in the river kingdoms when Hitler saw a group of monsters attacking an innocent family he managed to save only one of them a young girl who had been orphaned on that terrible night Hitler took her in and was forced to temporarily halt his search for the spinner this pause lasted a month then a year abandoning his hopes of reunioning with Lori Hiller found a new purpose in caring for another person over time he was able to once again find joy and hope in life having rediscovered his own story the Storyteller renounced his fragile body to ascend to perazzler's Palace and become our Usher from that day onward he took great care of the stories of all the souls that arrived at the court of the lady of graves there in the halls of the lady of graves the Storyteller met with the one who had been waiting for him Kenny thief of Secrets arrested gaul's prisoner old friend and well-meaning traitor and never was their reunion more treasured Ascension enhanced seedless power but did not change a character they were oppressible warriors frequently seen in the company of good Gods from Kaden kalian to chaldeo zuzaristan rumor has the thyoma they herself often honors her with heart heart conversations and Joint training sessions the goddess enjoys reminiscing about our mortal days more importantly Selah never stops thinking or caring about the common folk in need of help Not For a Moment Lions Ascension left him perplexed he had intended to die in the war against the demons but instead he was suddenly granted eternal life and he had no idea what to do with it after getting some advice from the commander he made a to-do list go on the sea Voyage learn to read and write well and of course defeat a few hundred more demons Just For Old Times Sake Wonderwall refused to ascend with the commander she wished to walk her path alone for Solitude brings strength after the war the huntress led the Commander's service and having cobbled together a band of Ruthless mercenaries out of Veteran Crusaders went to the river kingdoms to conquer one of them for herself for a handful of years she ruled over a dozen Villages until the local Lords joined forces to put an end to her ring Ascension was a true challenge for Ember for years she had rebuked the good gods for doing so little to help Mortals but now she finally understood the burden of divinity realizing that even her new powers are not enough to save all who suffered she went to heaven to her grandma the Imperial Lord and theletta and asked to be her Apprentice but she continued to visit the mortal world to Aid the defenseless or to convince a villain to change their ways Ascension opened up fascinating opportunities for nadio now she could discover if a high priest of ioma day could convert numerian barbarians if he happened to be teleported into their midst he couldn't discover how many women in Absalom screamed at the sight of a dead mouse on their pillow approximately 34 percent and see what two armies would do if all their weapons disappeared the night before the battle they would make peace Darren arende who would always despise piety in all forms suddenly became an object of worship himself among followers of the rapidly growing Church of the commander the count was the most popular associate of the new deity he was the one most often pictured at the Commander's side in religious paintings and reliefs possibly because artists found the handsome asamar to be the most appealing subject as for Darren himself he solemnly swore never to answer a single prayer and it seems he duly kept his promise gladly accepted his semi-divine powers since as you told anyone who would listen he deserved them when he had to he followed his chief everywhere and whenever he had a spare minute he descended to galorean to steal whatever caught his eye free a random teethling from prison or hide stolen property in one of the many stashes throughout galaria after the Ascension socio went to Nirvana to appear before Sheldon in person but he did not stay long just as when he was a mere mortal the servant of the goddess of beauty could not enjoy the Peace of her fragrant or Gardens when blood was still being spilled elsewhere The Soldier's Angel as was his new moniker would eagerly answer prayers and appear on the battlefield to heal the wounded or care then the safety away from the front lines many warriors wore medallions a grave with his image for good luck Trevor did not dare to appear before the goddess whose name he had betrayed after the Ascension the tormented fighter found peace in Elysium he would not answer prayers and he swore never to hold a weapon in his hands again unless socio or the commander asked him to acquiring incredible power did not change Reginald derange in any way he had already been working to a 500 year plan for the fight against chaos and smoothly switched to devising a plan to definitively solve the problem of the Abyss even Devils respected his assiduousness Raju in turn found the discipline in the ranks of Hell to be somewhat lacking upon gaining semi-divine Powers grayboy lost interest in the Assassin's craft there were too few opponents worthy of his skill he became the patron of Mortals who respected and honored the law of the streets the cult known as The Backstreet wardens formed under his patronage it consisted of Thieves Bandits murderers and other dregs of society but they all shared an understanding of code on occasion greyborn himself enjoyed a nighttime stroll to the city and the guise of an ordinary mortal just to remind the lowlifes that reputation carries more weight than coin for the longest time the ascended succubus could not bring herself to set foot in Elysium she felt as though she would defile it with her presence arushalay mustered the courage to appear before desna only after the God has sent her a prophetic dream no one knows what the former demon discussed with the goddess but after that meeting arushalay would often descend to the material plane where as an unseen Angel she would keep watch over Mortals helping those who had gone astray to find Redemption of these words the half demon witch known as the architect of the world wound I gained more than I could have hoped I achieved my purpose I vanquished death Untold might and all eternity lie ahead how should I spend that eternity I have not yet decided but I know from experience I know that every moment is priceless if it is spent with the one who matters most to you I have recounted the story of my life for you for asthma Lady of graves only of my life but of the commanders also I believe the tale of such an illustrious figure would Peak even a goddess's curiosity I have come here to say that he and I are no longer in your power this is the last most significant result of my transformation experiment he is no longer within my power this is true Divinity is given him the right to decide his own fate but you you entered my Boneyard to bring me these Tidings and it is within my power to unmake you destroy you and erase you from the cosmos I wonder did he anticipate such an outcome did he purposefully choose you to be his Emissary intervene you have no right to decide our Fates for asthma I have relayed my message farewell Lady of graves we will not meet again their combined power has grown immensely enough to almost rival my own so be it and that is the Angel playthrough so I enjoyed that I would have liked to have a couple more slides about Godfrey she was the main person or the main reason rather why I wanted to do another playthrough I was interested to see what the enhanced Edition slides would be like with her ascended but uh they added a couple of cool things so I hope you all enjoyed it and hope you all enjoyed this video if you did please leave me a like share this content subscribe to the channel and become a member if you haven't already I will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Slandered Gaming
Views: 3,090
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Id: zCNqDDsY3N4
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Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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