Warcraft FINALLY Has An Exciting Villain

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all right welcome back everyone so they did a 2-minute cinematic with verino and Arron we've all watched it today I'm going to focus on breaking down the futury stuff I'm going to bring in some context even from Legion through to now it's all kind of crazy and I've accidentally had to solve a fairly insane number of lingering questions so let's just go the Cinematic gives us two main things to chew on we've got the dark heart and then the Titan infestation angle I'll drill down on those two big things number one the dark C or as Vero puts it some trinket of Naran it is anything but so recap when we last saw him at Ron and had made a deal with the infinite Dragon flight he went back to just after the defeat of galacon and when we came upon him we saw all of that energy flowing from galron fresh corpse into the vessel nobody directly recognized the vessel but chromy did notice something to her mind it looks like quote the dragon soul but more ancient keep that in mind and also keep in mind that we don't have a sponsor today but if you want to get early access to our videos lore treatises that don't fit into videos our research reports and Warcraft stuff at the lore walking podcast which is about to start its second war series hit up b. ghost.io that's where we're trying to build a more sustainable future so you'll help us do that and uh in return there will be much for you okay so that's that but let's return to the dawn of the infinite so we hold a rron off chromy prepares a big old blast of brother magic to grab the vessel but behind your marzon Rises of course we need to undo that so we go back to the start of the dungeon we fight our way through to just before that point in time chromy uh you know dials the gate code the chevron's lock Stargate things happen through the portal we go and there we are right back to the blight of galacon we meet the Proto aspects but this time we do something different previously we fought a rron but we left deos to the Proto aspect and seemingly they lost this time we have a different plan stop the infinites together then stop aidron but of course there's bad news for chromy and us that is almost certainly what a rron was counting on because while yeah we do defeat deos and prevent this early moriz oning while we're busy doing that erron slurps up that juice and he leaves intent to pry Azeroth from the Titans grasp through that portal we see zotth and obviously that pays off pretty short after at BlizzCon why did I bother recapping any of that you may be asking there was a reason that's because this is the first time that our characters see this trinket it's not the first time you saw it you probably just didn't notice and if you didn't notice it ain't your fault I also didn't remember because at the time I saw it I thought it was something else and that's what takes us back to tno after azth died the remaining incarnates went to the Forbidden reach and they nabbed the key to Abus which is what we all thought at the time but um look again look at that key that's not a key that's the same bloody vessel that is the object that once full of galron juice is being called the dark heart I mean like literally here is it from the 10:07 cinematic and here is it from the war within like being held by zotth it's the same damn thing we will touch on that later because I think it could be very important now at that time viroth pretty much just thought it was the key to abis she ends up using it to work out how to enter zarc and then patch 10.1 happens of course at this point in time Vero thought that they were all fighting the good fight against the Titan forged and therefore they just wanted some more power and that's why they'd go to zarak of course farak enjoyed that power a lot but obviously to a rron the whole bloody thing was just a distraction that's all farak was now we do not know what happened between aidron and verino after they set farak loose on the shadow flame but we can I think very clearly see that he abandoned her with that vessel so when fractures of time happens I think erron says yo I got a bounce see you later and he yeets himself into some sort of infinite time hole with the thing the The Vessel now from vero's point of view what will that look like it will look like rro just lagged it halfway through the war leaving her to deal with farak who has now completed his transition from back in the war of the scaleboard days um founder of the prim list movement staunch idog to Absolute crackpot Maniac which is why by the time of 102 she has realized that farak has obviously went far too far that her War has basically completely lost sight of its cause and that she basically would be a lot more effective speaking her mind from within the fold because it turns out people are actually willing to listen to her so that's basically that she was mostly unaware of what the vessel was actually doing she knew was a trinket of latharian because of where they got it in the Forbidden reach and somehow she did of course know that it was clued in to the void but other than that she doesn't know details and being a dragon she didn't watch BlizzCon she doesn't watch this channel which uh does mean that she doesn't know all the things that we do but don't worry I think I know what's going on so now now that you're up to speed with the story with what's went down let's uh actually work through these things I'm going to start off number one with the vessel and then number two with the essence right what the hell is this funky vessel okay number one it was an alarians we know this number two to chromy it looked like a more ancient version of the dragon soul so let's explain this right way back in the day galron gets defeated the aspects get uplifted but other Primal dragons see this and they don't want any part in it this Rift would only grow and as is detailed in the war of the scale born book well the whole primalist movement started rron discovers how to infuse Primal dragons with elemental power farak ends up being the first person to undergo and survive that process verino on the other hand while she is completely not down with any of this Titan stuff she is close to Alex trza which is why she's the last to join their movement and by the way by this point in time tier is very much dead so it actually could be possible that a rron learned about all of these Elemental infusions by breaking in to one of tier's secret Labs just like we did of course with the dragon scale Expedition where we went I think it's called in the halls of the Titans or something I forget the name of the quest but we headed in there right and we saw that tier had been experimenting with the infusion of various things right so not only just infusing order into a primal Dragon but also many other elements we then think about Bracken Hy Hollow the uh Elemental Decay thing they were doing there and um well I'm going to kill this tangent but it will come up later when it's relevant again now from an Alan's point of view right he sees all of this fracturing going on he thinks yeah it's going to be a war isn't it now I want you to keep in mind that since before he was uplifted to being an aspect he was hearing whispers so all of this time noan does actually have a pretty tough mental time and in to the book War with the scal born actually does do a really great job of kind of giving you his internal mood but anyway because he sees War he makes the dra eventually razag attacks The Forbidden reach the dra are really strong but they are beaten back the oathbinder is broken and of course as we saw in the Legacy shorts Naran finally takes heed of The Whispers he's been hearing all this time and the unleashes some void magic to defeat razag he decides well nobody can know that I did this so so he locks the dra theier in stasis and he makes a vow with himself never to use that nasty void stuff again now as the war went on those whisperings only got louder and by the end of the war it basically ended up just being him and rron in a 1 V one and it was not an equal match erron was Superior in battle until Naran once again just unleashed the void on him nobody else saw this the only person who saw this was Arron who after falling unconscious was put in stasis in the Vault of the incarnates okay the scale born war is done what next for alarion well from there he just kind of slowly loses it and time goes on the timelines are kind of hazy here the tldr right is he kept his sort of true State under wraps for thousands of years while he was mostly just beavering away in all sorts of crackpot experiments in his various different Labs of course we do know that 10,000 years before the modern era the war of the Ancients went down and by the time of the war of the ancients naran's head was well and truly cooked he would soon essentially be yeah team Nao team old God and in part this was because of the crushing burden of defending the whole planet being way too much for him but also because he thinks that these old gods can essentially ease his personal burden and plight of course part of the reason why he thinks that why he has that vulnerability is because the old gods orchestrated this whole I suppose emotional uh breakdown of him by continually playing on his insecurities for literally thousands of years and then of course for him there's all these past events like how he'd say to himself I'm a real good guy I use the void judiciously and I'll never do it again and then he rapidly would do it again so you can kind of see how he ended up being vulnerable to this sort of thing anyway in this state he makes this very powerful artifact called the dragon soul and he dupes the other aspects into empowering the dragon soul that pretty soon he turns on them and if you've ever wondered why there's not that many blue dragons alive uh that's because they were kind of almost made extinct then so that was all kind of cool now you may be thinking that's a fine story Michael you've told me all about uh dragon history and and the dragon soul how does the vessel possibly fit in well now we can talk about the vessel okay 10.0 right after Vault of the incarnates we go we talk to the aspects Alex straza warns us of Arron especially because before his defeat she says he resorted to terrible darker Bargains now many people have thought oh my god did he make a bargain with the light with the void what has our boy Arron done in reality and given the book War of the scale born she is almost certainly talking about the bargon he struck with aara of the zali jarine who of course we recently kill as the second boss I think in amril point is I don't think that line from Alex is talking about a rron being involved with void because let's be real uh if she did have some pertinent information she would have said it and if she didn't well uh yeah congratulations the story doesn't work and with war of the scale born it's really clear what she's talking about Alex basically is just warning us of how hardcore this guy is so from a ricon's perspective what the hell actually happens well the series of events that would lead to the world Soul Saga must have started after 10.0 but before 10.0.7 because as by the beginning of 10.0.7 what's Arron doing he's taking the vessel that he then plans to take to galacon in the past so of course then to rron patch 10.1 literally doesn't matter it's overtly just a distraction what matters to him is patch 10.1.5 fractures in time that opens with Noz dormu seeing Arron and deos that they have made a deal one that obviously wholly fails for the infinitees because you see here in a way I actually think no dorm was a bit duped I think the morizon that he saw well that was created by deos corrupting his past self within the dungeon but like not corrupting him and turning him into morizon that's almost a bit of a side point but anyway we kind of undo that stuff and looking back in things it is very clear that what we do is we preserve the one true timeline so what I actually think happened here is that a rron promised the infinites a chance at turning Noz dormu early and that is why we um see and you know prevent that in the latter half of the dungeon at the cost of Arron getting what he wants that's why rron says why do the Titans preserve this timeline I.E the timeline we just defended as for the vessel it's very ancient it's more ancient than the dragon soul when activated on the Forbidden reach shows this Vero says she'll decode it but note that even in that cinematic she referred to it as a vessel so my theory therefore is that Naran essentially Came Upon This vessel this vessel which is bear in mind older than the dragon soul I think he came upon this perhaps in the Forbidden reach and I think it then led him to Abus that's relevant because um have you looked inside Abus with its massive massive void room full of spooky chains stained glass Windows of of all gods of Yar of all of this absolutely mental stuff that nobody in the game has really asked a question about a little bit odd don't you think but anyway I have a feeling that much like me writing the notes for this video it's probably when Naran got in and around that room and Abus that yeah his mental health began to take a bit of a turn and that leads me to another question did zotth do this did zotth somehow get that vessel into naran's hands I actually think it may be the case and unfortunately my team we're we're mid- production on the video which would explain that it's on void song which is a weapon that unlocks some hidden dialogue um but I think it essentially confirm she's been Harbinger for a very very long time indeed way before the Titans arrive in Azeroth so basically right have I just spent a lot of time explaining a uh strange shiny disc yes I have but I think in doing so it's essentially all fit together we see that almost certainly somehow after 10.0 that a rron has some form of meeting likely with zotth or maybe with zotth via the intermediates of the infinite Dragon flight you can then very much see how this Vessel number one is leading our characters to abis which is just a big old distraction how that very same thing which predates the dragon soul yet looks very similar to it as is remarked by cromy how that likely also LED Naran to aberus why did he build his very big fancy lab uh in a really spooky evil void Place could zotth have had something to do that and of course from 10.0.7 through to dawn of the infinite yeah it's abundantly obvious what goes on with that vessel it gets full of essence oh yeah it's the next bit of the video we got to talk about the essence okay let's talk about the contents what we do know is that the essence that fills the vessel is the essence of galacon but what the hell does that even mean here goes okay in dawn of the aspects tier says this we never intended this path galron should never have journeyed in the direction he did and we did not prevent it now this young World faces Annihilation so that's our oldest bit of evidence our next bit of evidence is an unused line from zotth in Legion where she says this a powerful Dragon could be a powerful tool alas gone are the days of galacon I mean I mean really zotth like number one that's very hilarious with galron and it perhaps ties her into maybe having an involv there but also it does Echo into the future of a very powerful Dragon being a very powerful tool obviously zotth will think that she is using a rron and a rron will think that he is using zotth who'll be right only time will tell of course technically I do need to say that this line was written was in the game files but is not in the live game and that does mean that technically I cannot count it as being Canon but I mean come on they were obviously thinking about it anyway our next piece of evidence then is from the pre patch where we find progress report UL Doris I have three highlights let's just work through them highlight number one though the work of imbuing order Magic into the Wells Spring is only beginning and it does go on but we can cut it off there because the core part is um imbuing order Magic we knew that but the Wellspring that's where it gets interesting so teer hold is built on the Wellspring of Eternity and later in the text he says quote Living Water now to dive into some older bits of lore essentially There Are Places where The Well of eternity's energies coalesced these places include the veil of Eternal blossoms ungoro crater and shows our Basin and very clearly here in the dragon ises so while not as potent as the actual well of Eternity these are the same or highly similar Waters a great place of power of growth of Life H that'll get interesting okay highlight two I hope your investigation into how yog surr compromise these Living Waters will yield answers now the context here is this is a letter that was panned by tier to loen of course funnily enough uh Len would turn out to be under yaron's influence anyway point being yuron corrupted the water Point number three and finally in the meantime we can be assured that the evolution of another galron will not be triggered by consuming unfiltered water okay uh not too long after that we then saw some evidence of tear Proto Dragon magic and Elemental infusions as I highlighted earlier from that dragon scale Expedition Quest and if we were to bring all of this together seemingly yogur on corruption absolutely sealed the deal but whatever happened it made tier feel guilty is this perhaps because he was experimenting with a Proto Dragon called galron who maybe then was loose and maybe because of sad experimentation ended up being vulnerable to the lifeblood of the planet very potent that was also corrupted by yog siron who you know was the self-proclaimed god of death maybe blizzard never say it outright but I do think that's a reasonable take in the situation and it all brings us back to the question of what exactly did erron extract from garron's Corpse I mean very literally speaking you have got let's see a the power of azeroth's lifeblood B the corruption of an old God C whatever the hell tiar may have infused into galron I mean uh come on Decay the element of Decay that would certainly justify the existence of bracken hiide Hollow as like a dungeon experience and you will note that the color similarity between Decay magic and garron's flesh is very obvious and then for a final morsel it's actually way more than all of that because per exploring Azeroth northrend on page 82 as galacon consumed the other Proto dragons he consumed uh and this is the quote from the that book their life force okay life force don't really know what that means but let's kick it back to the lore what we do know is that Proto dragons appear to have some very natural Elemental affinities this makes a lot of sense because they are in fact uh Elemental in their origin so to put all of this together tier may or may not have done something galron grew very large in azeroth's tasty Life water but also was corrupted because yog suron tainted it uh then as he grew and mutated consuming ever more creatures he also consumed all of their Essence and I kind of hate to break your immersion here but I kind of have an analogy right it's just that fish at the top of the food chain because they're at the top of the food chain they just have way more Mercury content in their meat um that's not a great explanation for galron but there we go and as for that cut zalot line she may have done something I do think that between the vessel NE Aran and gacon I do think that zotth may actually have been involved now yes this was long after the black Empire and we do know that she was active in the black Empire you know spoiler for a future video it's whenever she was given void song by dementia somehow anyway zotth is confirmed to have been active 16,000 years before the current day because she was involved in the big war between the akir and the trolls of course that is only like what 4,000 years after galron Was Defeated obviously this isn't confirmed and I'm partially basing this off a line that didn't actually make it into the game but you read that line and it really does sound like it is zotth reminiscing anyhow frustratingly we do not know literally what this Essence is just that it is super powerful but I do have to bring up another reference for you just to make this more spicy it's from song of The Depths which is a nagger prophecy we find in patch 10.0.7 and this is a really relevant document I believe it's the first place where we hear the word Harbinger which we know is zotth as well as the line and I quote a hunger lost to the ages will be reclaimed I mean that does feel like a specific thing a hunger lost to the ages not generally a hungry boy right a hunger so that did lead me on a little bit of a thought exercise what if that hunger lost the ages I mean think about you know what what that would be doing it's a hunger maybe that hunger is the seed one that was consumed by galacon that then consumed him and then as galacon consumed and consumed and consumed that hunger that was lost to the ages within him was you know consuming all of that and uh I mean who knows but uh perhaps that is the thing that was empowered by all of the raw consumption that galacon did and maybe that's why whatever this hunger is is so very very powerful and so important that Arron has got to go back in time to just after gacon died to slurp it back out of him I mean you could imagine some sort of weird wacky scheme where um this hunger is planted in galacon galacon you know slurps the Life water yada yada yada and then after this hunger has um sort of done its thing and an immense quantity a literal world uh threatening quantity of power has been absorbed by galacon you just slurp it back up again put it in the disc go through the void portal say hello to Chris Matson and start a three expansion Arc maybe that's what's happening what I do know is we won't have to wait long for answers because patch 10.2.3 is called Dark heart which is the same name of this bloody trinket that I have spent however long this video has been giving myself dementia over now to to end this segment just a few lines to ponder one her heart is a crater and we have filled it and another one from the song of The Depths a dark heart left broken awaits the taking fun I do have two more points to end with but don't worry they are not as giant as that first one psych I've got a mind Worm for you look at the heart of Azeroth yeah I know we're back in BFA Champion the wounds Etc I know but take a look at the heart of Azeroth look at the dark heart they do look kind of similar and you know what they're uh actually both very similar to the dragon soul the reason why I say that is because the heart of Azeroth gets infused by the Essences of the Dragon flights in patch 8.2 just like how um well you know just just like how the the dragon soul got you know swed up with their Essences so uh what does that say to me I don't really know but um discoid energy containers and Warcraft important maybe I mean if I was to try to be serious about it I'd be thinking about the origins of these things and I would be thinking about how yes technically that was given to us by Azeroth right the heart of Azeroth but um it was kind of through a big titan machine and given what uh the big Metson said about that maybe maybe we should be ever so suspicious and next infestation and yes I know at the very start of this video I said that of the two things we would talk about it's number one the V number two infestation thankfully for both of us infestation is uh not as long of a segment but okay basically is this a situation of oh my God big ratcon Titan's bad now the answer is no it is not that a lot of people maybe some newer to the game who didn't like play back in the day they seem to think that Titans bad is um some sort of new thing no it's just Titans do titan things and this was very much the case even in say Wrath of the Lich King in like 2008 2009 you'll know that if you've done uoir because at the very end well algalon has things to say where you're like wow that is a lot of Carnage you were involved with and you felt nothing because that's what you do so it's just a matter of perspective Titans be Titans they be doing Titan things that's the way that it is it's kind of the way that it has been for ages really um but it is some what rron said that is that plays into one of my suspicions I think that Azeroth was left very dark and very damaged after the black Empire and I think when the Titans found it they were spooked by that they couldn't remove the old God so they had to imprison them and then the whole world they just covered with these big machines that are essentially I think blasting her with Arcane energy and just like how in the halls of infusion they're trying to uncorrupt those Waters and then Infuse them with order Magic I think that's what they're doing to Azeroth herself finally erron is not team void he says he trusts its hunger point being he understands the nature of the void and he's taken that into account his ultimate goal is to defeat the Titans and to do that he is hastening the harbinger's plans so that she may kick off the midnight expansion which has been described as essentially the massive light versus void Showdown one that will then therefore Force the Titans to return now how does a rron plan to defeat the Titans that's a big question I will not one thing though he's pretty big right I mean I think he might be getting bigger I don't know if this is just a cinematic model being larger than his boss model in the dungeon but it sure looks to me like um rron is just getting bigger uh when the Titans return I wonder if they will do that in their full form because remember a Titan um in its sort of fully power you know powered up whatever stage um they'll be as large as sarus was and uh yeah remember how big he was now look I'm not saying a rron is going to suddenly become the size of um I don't know a planet because that would be absurd and frankly it would look so incredibly goofy that there's no way they could pull it off anyway here we are I set out to explain a two-minute cut scene who knows how long it's been I've definitely given myself brain damage I hope you made it through unscathed though you can backroll my team at b. ghost.io where we'll be delivering much more for you as well and if you'd like to watch a video next well I think my big last Titan video is the perfect one to watch after this one so I'll see you over [Music] [Music] there
Channel: Bellular Warcraft
Views: 118,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iridikorn, xal'atath, harbinger, iridikron cinematic, xal'atath lore, xalatath, warcraft, world of warcraft, dragonflight, war within, midnight, the war within, bellular, bellulargaming, bellular lore
Id: 4FQvUxqfKb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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