100+ Easy to Get Mounts and How to Get Them in World of Warcraft

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if you're looking to boost your total Mount collection then this video will be for you as we're going to run through over 100 mounts that you can collect that we can consider easer by easy it'll be things that don't require much skill or time investment to obtain first up we're going to talk about dragonflight mounts and the first one on our list will be the subterraneum mag Mammoth for this though you will need to have unlocked zarak Caverns which doesn't take very long to do but if you've not done it yet you will want to go through the Embers of Naran quest line and eventually you'll be in Zer caverns and you'll unlock the Hub there once we've done that what you'll want to do next is look out for the event called researchers Under Fire it'll appear every hour it's got like a horn on the map so you'll know when it's coming up and what I would recommend doing for this is joining a group you can go to custom groups and you'll typically find it if you're playing Jan like normal hours if you play Jan kind of off peak hours like 1:00 a.m. and stuff you may struggle to find a group for it but if you play Jan peak hours you can join a group you'll normally clear this very easily and you'll get yourself a bag which which will have these Unearthed fragment coins in it from completing all stages of the event and getting the best reward you'll get a bag that has 60 Unearthed fragment coins in it and we need a 100 of these unfortunately you're only going to be able to do that once per week per character you can actually do this on an Al as well and get another 60 coins which is going to make this very quick so what you'll want to do is do the event once on one character once again on an alt and then you'll want to head to the MPC in LOM and you'll be able to swap your earner fragment coins for coveted B balls which is now a bind on account item you'll get your 100 of those you'll be able to speak to the MPC next to him and you'll be able to purchase your mag Mammoth now if you don't have any alts who aren't able to do this content that's fine as well because this will reset weeka so you'll go you'll do the researches Under Fire it'll take you like 15 minutes you'll come back next week spend another 15 minutes to get your final bubles that you need and you'll be able to purchase them out pretty straightforward thank you to everyone who's subscribed so far we're on the final push now for 100k subscribers and when we do hit 100K I'll be giving away two copies of the Epic edition of the wall within so I'll give you the mount Pat the transmog all that kind of stuff and I'll also be releasing that spreadsheet I talked about a while ago which will have 400 of the easiest mounts for you to obtain with information on how to obtain them linked to videos and guides all that kind of stuff to help you work towards your first 400 mounts while unlocking zarc Caverns you would have also been sent to the Forbidden reach and that's going to be a great place for the next mount on this list which is the storm hide salaman because to buy that we need 2, th Elemental overflow and that place is great for this currency cuz the rares are going to be giving hundreds of them and also the event that takes place here is going to give about a thousand of it so within a very short period of time especially if you join a group for killing the rares or start doing the daily Quest as well you should be able to knock out your 2,000 within 20 30 minutes at most and then you can head to Val dracken and purchase your stormhide salaman from this vendor I'm showing you now the next Mount up will be the magma shell and this one's pretty straightforward you just need to get your hands on an EMP empty magma shell which you can purchase of the auction house for relatively cheap or you can Farm it out and it has a relatively decent drop chance if you want to farm it you'll head to the waken shores and here we'll find this kind of lava section kind of in the middle of the zone and you'll find a bunch of lava slugs and lava snails and you just want to be running around killing these until you do get your magma shell once you've got your shell next up you'll want to find the empowered snail which we're going to find kind of norish of the Zone there's going to be this big old lava pole at the top and inside you should find the empowered snail if it's not there it means someone recently has got it and you'll need to wait a little bit for it to respawn again once you found the empowered snail the next step is to go into the lava and use your empty magma shell on it this is going to be doing continuous damage cuz you are in the lava and this channel is going to take about 20 seconds to go through so it is going to take a bit of time so what I would recommend for this is for example I switched to Resto and I threw down a healing stream totem a healing tie totem I'll put Hots on myself just give myself as much kind of healing over time as I could while I was doing the channel if you're you're Hunter for example you could use your turtle shell and then go into the lava if you're Paladin you could bubble basically whatever you can do to keep yourself alive during that duration or if you're really struggling you could bring a friend and they can just help you out by healing you up a little bit alternatively there is an item called the Everlasting Horn of lava swimming which is going to make you immune to the lava completely although unfortunately this is a once per day chance from the siege of dragon Bane keep reward box that you'll get so you're not going to have that great of odds of being able to pick this up at least reliaable if if you do have it you can use it but I wouldn't really recommend this as like something to Target before you attempt to do this but find a way of being able to survive in the lava complete your channel and you will get yourself that magma shell Mount next up we'll be talking about two mounts that come from the dream surge event the first being the dusk Wing Guna and the second being the renewed magoth and you'll basically be working towards both of these at the same time it should take around 3 hours to get both of these mounts the dream surge event will take place in one of the major zones per week so that will be waking Shores onar Plains zpan or thasus and you'll be able to tell by the kind of icon on the map you go to that zone and you'll be able to basically do a bunch of different things to obtain the two different currencies that we need the first currency we need is the dream Surge coalescence and this will allow us once we get a thousand of it to pick up the DUS Wing Guna and you'll be able to get the dream Surge coalescence from doing rare spawns that'll give around 20ish you'll be able to collect these kind of green orbs on your flying Mount and going through those will give like three to five dream surge coalescence you'll be able to complete World quest which will give around 10 quesence per World quest that you do you'll find these little kind of plants on the ground that you'll be able to loot for a few of the resources as well also killing pretty much any mob within the empowered dream surge Zone will have a chance of dropping dream surge coalescence too so if you can find a good area with good mob density you could mob farm to get your dream surge coalesence but the two more important ways for us to gain this currency is firstly going to be the minor events which are called these waking dreams and you'll find kind of a fire portal on the the ground you'll go down you'll click it mobs will keep spawning out the portal and then eventually a bigger Elite will spawn you'll kill this bigger Elite and you'll get a handful of dream surgal lessons from doing that but you'll also get a Char fragment and if we get 20 Char fragments we can combine it together the other Mount which is the renewed mag Mammoth what I would recommend doing for the waking dreams is making a macro that's literally just SL Target waking dream fly around the Zone spamming that macro and eventually you'll find a portal and you'll go through it these were pretty easy to solo but depending on your class and gear May struggle a little bit but these mobs weren't that kind of dangerous so you shouldn't struggle too bad to solo these the next is the major event that takes place every half an hour within the Zone you'll see a big fire portal spawn on the map you'll head over to that location and you'll kill out mobs you'll do objectives and eventually you'll fill the bar once the bar is filled a big Elite will spawn which is going to be a very very difficult solo especially once again depending on class and gear but you'll kill this and you'll get around 40 dream Surge coalescence and up to three chard fragments so what you want to be doing is making sure you're doing the major event every half an hour cuz that's going to give you a good chunk of both of the resource and then in between the event you want to be doing the minor portals you want to be flying through the green orbs and doing anything else you can to be kind of bulking up your dream surge coalescence but I would definitely focus on the minor portals for now especially until you get your 20 CH fragments so you can make the renewed magoth either way though getting your 20 CH fragments and your 1,000 dream surge coalesence really isn't too bad especially with players kind of still actively taking part in this event you should be able to get them done within 2 to 3 hours and get yourself those two mounts the next Mount up to talk about is going to be the temperamental skyclaw and for this you'll need to get your hands on three different types of meat the first being 20 of the flash frozen meat all of these can be purchased off the auction house but if you do want to save yourself some gold especially on some of these as they are a bit expensive then you can just grind them out and it shouldn't take you too long like 1 to 2 hours depending on RNG so the first meat will be the flash frozen meat and that's going to drop from the snow hide NS which we'll find kind of in the middle-ish of a Zur span the next Meetup we'll need is 20 of this tusar jerker and this is going to drop from dark Toth NOS which we'll find more on the west side of the zone so we'll head over there there'll be this kind of like Pond area and you'll find them all around here that you can grind out the final item we'll need is 20 of Nolan's House special which we're going to get from stormhide NOS which will'll find more west of where we were just farming for the tusar jerker you'll farm that and you'll get your TN once you've got your 20 of each meat so you need 20 flash frozen 20 tuskar jerky and 20 Nolan's House special then we'll bu ahead to free Falls Lookout which we'll find kind of in the northwest of the Zone it'll be a hub we'll head there and you'll find an NPC called Zager should be pretty easy to find CU he will have the temperamental skyclaw next to him you'll go over you'll speak to him you'll hand him the meat and then you'll get yourself the mount pretty straightforward the next mount for us to talk about will be lizz's Reigns and this requires you to be Renown 9 with the mer Center although getting Renown 9 isn't too bad most of you will probably have it if you've been actively playing dragonflight and if you haven't then it shouldn't take you too long to get that either so what I would recommend doing is getting an add-on called by the way quests it's pretty handy because it will show you all the quests chains within an hour in planes and you'll be able to Mouse over them and I think it tells you how much reputation you'll get from those Quest chains too so it's quite handy for getting yourself the reputation there obviously if you haven't done the main campaign yet I definitely would recommend doing that cuz that's going to give you a ton of reputation too and then the final main source for reputation with the Maro is going to be the Hunts that take place within the zones there'll be hunts that will be kind of marked on the map you'll go out there you'll complete the hunt and you'll get a chunk of rep also these stuff within the Forbidden reach as well there kind of a daily faction that you can pick if you pick the moro Cento you can do that daily Quest and get some extra reputation too once you get yourself to Renown 9 the next step is to do the quest line with initiate Radia which we'll find in the kind of Springs in an iron PLS and you probably did this already if you were hunting reputation but if you haven't you can head over to here in onar and springs you'll find Radia here we'll go through the quest line and once you're done with all of it you'll end back in on hour and springs once more and from there as long as you've got R now nine and you've done that full quest line you should now start to be able to pick up a daily Quest you'll know you're on the right Quest because it'll come from Radia herself and it will be called to tame a thunder spine it'll be the same named Quest every day and you'll have to do this for 5 days although it doesn't have to be 5 days in a row just 5 days total each day will'll be required to hand in a specific item plus some Dragon Isle supplies and most of these days the items can be purchased from the auction house and most of them are pretty cheap so I'd recommend doing that instead of farming them the first day you'll need 20 fluorescent fluid which we can get from bug mobs like in this location here day two you'll need 20 highi Bela which we can get from plant mobs like in this location for day three we'll need 10,000 bite piranha which we can fish from most locations in the dragon Isle on day four we'll need 20 woolly Moun Pelt which comes from mainly goat mobs found on the dragon ises and then finally for day five we'll need maloon green CER which is purchased from own maloon who is very close by it's in the big Hut nearby in onar and springs you'll head over there you'll purchase it you'll give that item in and you will get yourself Liz's reins there are a few other dragonflight mounts that I wanted to talk about because I do think they're worth mentioning the first is going to be the zenet hatchin this is going to drop from a rare spawn called Zena a vis which does have a fairly lengthy respawn of around six to eight hours but if you kill it you will get the mount on 100% drop chance it will drop an egg and then after a few days the egg will hatch and it will always be the mount and not many people seem to kill this rare anymore so I would definitely go out there and check it's in on Aron Plains where I'm showing you now you'll head here it'll be flying around this rock and if it's up you can kill it it shouldn't be too difficult on a level 70 character or you can check on war mode again and see if it is up as I said I wouldn't really camp for this unless you want to but it's definitely worth checking cuz if you do see it up get yourself that easy Mount the next mount I wanted to touch on is the mimon jump Jets which was part of the secrets of azero event even though that event has ended the mount will still remain obtainable and to get this Mount what we need to do is get our hands on three booster Parts the first booster part we need will be found in Cape of stranglethorn in eastern kingdoms we'll head over there and you'll need to get a mob to spawn called the Enigma Ward to make that happen you need three people with a toy called the torch of pyth and that toy is obtained from a different part of the secrets of Azera event which I'll link in my description below you can watch the video and get the toy if you want it but you don't need the toy yourself you can kind of hang around or join a group of people that are trying to do it and once they summon the rare as long as you take part in killing the rare you'll be able to loot the first booster part that you need so it's one that's going to become more difficult as time goes on as it is fairly new content so there are people consistently doing this but in the future that may not be the case which is why I wanted to mention this now so once you've got your first booster part next is to get your second booster part which we'll find in felwood in calor you'll head to this Lake part in the North End and it'll just be there on the ground to loot and you'll get it then for the third booster part what we want to do is head over to the Blasted Lands and right in the north of the Zone you'll be able to change which phase in we're in you want to change the phase in to the old version before the iron horde is there once that has been changed we want to head over to the dark portal itself and there'll be cannons on the left and right side you want to kill those cannons and now you'll be able to loot the third boost apart as those cannons would be firing at you and it is quite a long has to be able to loot it once you loot it and you get all three booster parts now we want to head over to valren where the kind of crafting orders NPCs are you'll find kind of a forge nearby you'll use the item and you'll get yourself the mount doesn't take long at all the final thing I wanted to quickly touch on from dragonfly is the five campaign mounts soon to be six each Zone you do their main campaign in will give you one of the mounts like the renewed Proto Drake for Dragon Riden or the Highland Drake and if you do the Zak Caverns quest line You'll also get the slivering Drake and then from 10.2 you'll also get the new Drake that they're adding as well those are pretty quick and straightforward to get so if you haven't done those quest lines for whatever reason I would definitely recommend doing them just to get some M mounts in your collection next up we'll be moving on to easy shadowlands mounts the first Z will be Tak a look at is Adam wield and the first Mount up will be the wild seed Cradle to obtain this Mount we need to get our hands on five items that can be found within the garden of night so we want to head over there and the first item up will be The Gardener's basket this will be on the north side of the garden of night it'll just be to the left of the small pond the second item we need is the gardener hammer and that will be found just slightly south of The Gardener's basket just before the ramp to the right side of the ramp you'll find a broken cart and we'll find The Gardener's hammer in the car the third item is the Diary of night and that ramp that we passed by a moment ago that should now be on our left you want to head up that ramp follow the path around and eventually you'll find a bench on that bench should be the book and we can loot the book for the D diary of the night the next item we need is the gardener flute so we're going to jump down from where we just got the diary of the night you're going to head a little bit South and on the right hand side you should see some mobs and a big like dream seeds in the corner and the flute is just going to be in front of those seeds you'll see it right here where I'm showing you now the final item we need is the garden's wand and that is going to be on the very south end of The Garden of night and you're going to find it underneath this completed car in the corner you'll just click under the car get your wand and now we have five items now that we have our five items you'll be able to click one of them and that will turn into the twinkle stars Garden in toolkit once we have that we can head over to Turner Val which we'll find on the right side of the Zone we'll head over there and just near the flight path will be twinkle star you'll speak to twinkle star you'll be able to hand in the toolkit and now you'll get a buff and that buff is going to allow you to see in kind of like a darker version of the zone right nearby should be a cash of the Moon that you can loot you'll loot that cash and you will get yourself the mount the next mount in Adam wield will be the Shimmer Mist Runner and what we need to do for this is complete a maze in a specific way so on the left side of Arden wield you'll find the start of the maze which is at the top of this ramp area I'm showing you now so you want ah head to this Li section and don't go down the ramp just yet cuz that's going to kind of be the start of the maze so once we enter this Archway this is the first kind of Archway we need to pass through and as you pass through you should notice the blue lanterns that's what we're looking for throughout the maze so if you ever get a little bit confused just keep an eye out for these blue lanterns specifically and they'll be guiding your way to the next place so the first stage is to follow this ramp all the way down to the bottom and you'll take the first left that's going to be available to you once again keep an eye out for those blue lanterns you'll pass through the left Archway and we'll move towards past these kind of elite mobs on the sides once you pass the elite mob you should see an archway on the right we're going to walk through that one and then we're going to follow this in a little bit and you should see another Archway on the left so we're going to walk through that one we'll follow this in a little and you'll see an archway immediately to your right right we're going to move through that one and now you'll enter an area with multiple archways it's the archway on the very far right that we want to move towards so go to the far right Archway pass through that as I said once again be paying attention for those blue lanterns and now we'll be in the final section and there'll be three options we want the center option you'll walk through the center one and this should lead you to an open area and if you've done it correctly you'll see shis gear kind of towards the back with the Shimmer Miss running next to him from here as a level 7 character all you need to do is quickly kill down shis gear click on the mount and get yourself that in your inventory if the mob isn't available you've either done the maze wrong and he's phased out so you need to go right back to that beginning section before the ramp and do it again or he's been killed recently and you will need to wait around 1 to 2 hours for it to respawn again but once you've done the maze correctly once that's it you never have to do the maze again nearby we can get our next Mount which is going to be the spine more glage Tu this is going to be a 100% drop chance from a rare called gor t atiso and to get this rare to spawn what we need to do is kill these sprig mobs called the bristle cone there'll be bristen cone Terrors bristle cone bone Breakers you just want to run around this area and kill the sprin here it may take you a while it may take you a few minutes or a couple of hours but eventually you will get the G tame into spawn you should see it announced and you'll go over there you'll kill it and you'll get yourself that mount while you're killing the sprin you should be looting them as well because you may get an item that can spawn another rare that can give us a mount two which is going to be the arboreal gulper this is another Mount that will come at 100% drop chance but we do need to make the rare spawn the item that we need for that is the unusually large mushroom which can drop from pretty much any mob within Adam wield that's why it's best to do the spine more Glu first because you may have the item drop while you're doing that once you do get the item it will be on a 20 minute timer but that's plenty of time to get it done I would definitely recommend prioritizing this once you do get it dropped though so take your mushroom over to the damp Blom area and here we'll find kind of a patch where we can place the mushroom it shouldn't take long if someone's done this recently it should be like five or so minutes for it to respawn again so if you head over there straight away that's no problem you'll use it and you'll spawn a mob called humongo that rare will spawn you'll kill it and from it you'll get 100% chance of the arboreal gulpa the next Mount up for us to talk about will be the Swift Gloom hoof and to obtain this we have to go through some kind of hidden items and do some Quest chains it is all Shadowland based though and is pretty easy as a level 70 character even the we have to kill at the end so you should have no issues it doesn't matter what Covenant you picked for this either doesn't matter if you're Night Fate or one of the other ones you can still get this Mount so first things first we need to get our hands on the cracked Soul web and this is going to be all the way to the left hand side of Adam wield we'll find Turner scythe and there'll be a broken car on a kind of ledge if you're able to fly you can just fly straight up to this if you're not able to fly you are going to have to do a bit of Parkour as you can see here and make your way onto this ledge I would just recommend getting your hands on a Goblin glider kit as it's going to take away a lot of the kind of difficulty of getting over to the platform once you make your way up go over to the broken car and on the ground you'll find the cracked Soul web that you can loot which will give you the broken Soul web item the next stage is to get the soul web repaired and to do that we need an NPC called elder Gwenna in glitterfall Basin within Adam wield now if you've done some quests in Adam wield before you may already have this MPC unlocked so I would definitely check glitter fall Basin before you do anything else and if she's not there then you need to figure out what you've done or not done the first question you need to have done is trouble at grumbling coral and that will start at glitterfall Basin anyway so if you have a quest there called trouble in the banks then you need to start that and you'll have seven quests to go through with the last one being well tell the later once you've done all that you should now have another Quest chain you can start with in glitter fall Basin and that'll be ages of echoin wisdom you'll pick that up and it'll lead on to Idol hands the sweat off our brow Craftsman needs no tools Spirit Gathering labor the games we play and finally outplayed once that is all done the MPC we need should now be in glitterfall base and that'll be Elder gwna and you'll be able to speak to them to repair the soul web now for that you will need 10 lightless silk you might have even got enough from just killing all the sprin and stuff but if you don't you can PCH off the auction house for very very cheap if you don't have it already now if for some reason the MPC won't allow you to do this or it's still not there do try logging out and logging back in and seeing if that does fix it for you the next stage is to speak to your Sara within the heart of the forest and if you're night feare you can just go straight into your Covenant Hall and she'll be in the middle section if you're not night Fay though you won't be allowed in so what we're going to do instead is speak to one of the guards outside of the heart of the forest and they'll have an option for you to make your Sarah come outside you'll speak to her and you'll be able to get her to repair the soul web although if you're on a mount it won't work so do make sure you Dismount first yesera spoke to she should have given you the item the dream catcher and that's the final thing we need next up is just finding the nightmare mob which will drop us the Swift Gloom hoof on 100% drop chance we'll find that once again in Adam wield we'll head over to the high bural Hollow and on the outskirts of here you'll use the dream catcher item which will give you a debuff allowing you to kind of see into the the void and you'll want to run around here until you do find nightmare now if it's been killed recently we'll have to wait a little bit for the respawn but once it up you can kill this very easy as a level 70 character and you will get yourself that mount next up we'll be heading over to Mal draxus for the Slime Serpent mount and to get this Mount we need to complete the plague fall dungeon on heroic or Mythic solo it doesn't matter which difficulty you choose obviously heroic is going to be easier so if you want to make life easier for yourself then do on heroic but as a level 70 character there shouldn't be too much of a challenge for you anyway so we're going to head inside and you need to kill every single boss solo so you can't have anyone in your group or anything like that and you need to kill every boss it used to be that you could skip the first two bosses and just kill the last two but that is not the case anymore you have to kill every single one so make sure you're going through we kill the first boss there's not really anything you need to know about about any of these bosses as I said at level 70 they're not really going to be any kind of threat so we're just going to kill the first boss move to the second boss we'll kill that we'll kill the third spider boss you'll jump down you'll kill the final boss and then once that boss is dead you want to turn around and head back to the section where you kind of initially fell down to enter this section of the dungeon there'll be a button that you can click on the right that's going to teleport you all the way back up to the top where we fought the third boss you're going to walk forward and on the left side where the lava or the Slime pool I should say is you should see the Slime serpent in the Slime pool not the lava pool and you'll be able to click that and get yourself the mount in your Mount Journal next up we'll be heading to Bastion and the first Mount there will be Sundancer this will be a 100% drop chance if you meet the criteria otherwise it will be a much lower drop chance so before you head to the Zone buy yourself an item on the auction house called the sky Strider glider It's relatively cheap it should be under 1,000 gold depending on your realm shouldn't cost much at all though you pick up this item and then we head to Bastion and in the bottom corner of the zone you should see a kind of statue thing that we can click on and that is going to give us the first buff once we have that buff you want to make your way to kind of like one of the higher edges a little bit more North and you should see Sun Dan are kind of flying through the sky up and down if it's been killed recently you we need to wait for the respawn but eventually you'll see it by prancing up and down in the sky and what you want to do is wait for it to come you want to jump off and use your glider as it's coming you want to fly towards it and be clicking cuz as you click you're going to kind of Mount onto it and now you'll be able to kind of press a button that will do damage to it and you just want to keep doing that button it will be doing Progressive damage to you as well but you should be able to press the button enough that you kind of beat it and now it'll land and it'll bow and you'll be able to fight it and now you'll fight Sundancer and kill it and once it's killed if you're the one who used the buff on the Statue and the glider that gives you all the criteria you need to get the mount on 100% drop chance so now you'll get get yourself that Sundowner amount the next Mount up is the silver wind delarian and if you have flying this should take you about 40 to 50 minutes maybe a little bit longer depending on if you get lost at any point but if you don't have flying unfortunately you aren't going to be able to get this within an hour it is going to be pushing more towards 2 hours worth of work although this is a great looking Mount so I did want to cover it so what we need to do for this Mount is to collect 50 anima shards within Bastion they're going to be all over the place some of them will even be inside the dungeons so you basically going to be going across the entire Zone what I would recommend to make life a little bit easier is one of two things the first one I would say is Handy notes and then get the shadowlands plugin that's going to mark your map with all the different locations so you can fly to it and you might have a little bit of issue kind of flying around and trying to see where it is exactly but you'll know the pretty much specific location you need to be you could also get TomTom and put in all the coordinates that I'll have a link for in the description below and that'll have an arrow on your screen it'll kind of point you towards where you need to go as well once you've got your 50 or if you think you have your fif there is an MPC called Forge light which we'll find kind of on the northeast of the Zone we'll head over to him and if you have your 50 he'll craft the crystal Mallet of Heralds for you and if you don't he'll basically be like no you've still got more go and get more although you should know when you have 50 cuz you will get the achievement Shard labor which is to find all the Lost anime crystals within Bastion once you have the Mallet then the next step is to head over to the Citadel of loyalty and kind of in the middle of this you'll find a bell we'll use the hammer on the Bell the mount will come down and will loot the mount now one final thing to note with this is you do need to be level 60 and above and as I said flying is going to make this a ton easier so if you are close to Flying it might be worth finishing that off before you get that done but this is still more than doable on a ground Mount next up we'll be talking about three mounts we can obtain pretty easily from toor Gast to unlock toor Gast you need to have done the leveling campaign or hit 60 and chose the threads of Fate you'll pick your Covenant you'll go through the intro stuff for your Covenant and then you'll be sent back to Oro to talk to bolva you'll be sent to the mall you'll do a few more quests here and then you'll unlock the ability to access to Gast first up we'll focus on getting the two Flawless run mounts to get those we need to head to the left side of to Gast and you'll enter and you'll keep doing the layers until you reach layer 16 once we hit layer 16 we can now do the Flawless Master achievements which will award us both the mor sworn charger and also the Colossal Soul Shredder MOA so you want to head in to layer 16 and the footage I'm showing you here was a level 70 character that hadn't unlocked the cube the cube is an item you get that basically makes the runs easier so this was as hard as it could be realer the character did have some dragonflight gear though I was around level 420 so it did have a bit of gear but either way without any powers it was still relatively easy to achieve Flawless for the run to be classed as Flawless we need to achieve 200 or more points you'll get points for doing the floor full completion so killing all the mobs clicking all the pots saving the souls doing the the quests so you want to basically complete the floor as much as possible you also want to be killing as much stuff while you're empowered so once you fill up the bar and you can press the empowered button just click that whenever it's available and kill as many mobs as possible if you find traps you want to make sure you don't get hit by the Trap cuz that will cause you to lose points and you want to be saving your fantasma cuz if you don't spend any you will get a bonus for that too so those things alone and don't die if you die you will end up losing points but as long as you're doing all the puzzles opening the chests saving all the souls killing all the mobs and killing things as quickly as possible you should be able to H hit 200 points no problem and then that will be one of the Wings done once you hit Flawless on that Wing you'll just move into the next door do Flawless on that rinse and repeat by going into each of the Wings and once you've done it on all six of the Wings you will get both of the achievements which will give both of the mounts the other nice thing about doing this as well is you'll have a chance at the Colossal Umbra hide morat because any run you do at layer of 13 and above will have a chance of get given this Mount after you kill the end boss so make sure you're looting the end bus cuz you may get surprised with an extra Mount now that we're done with the Flawless runs next up we're going to be doing the jaya's gauntlet to layer four and that will award us with the Colossal eban claw MOA so you want to head to the right side and the very first door will be the jer's gauntlet you'll head inside that you'll queue for layer one and there's going to be these portals the portals will just keep spawning mobs you'll kill the mobs you'll loot the powers along the way these are going to be increasing your damage by a ton and as's a 7 character you should have no problems with any of the stuff that it throws at you you'll just keep killing the waves of mobs until all the portals are done and then we'll move to the next floor and you just keep rinse and repeating that until you're done with the entire layer once you're done with that layer you move to the next one and rinse and repeat that until you hit layer four complete layer four and you will get yourself the mount and you might have some fun while you're doing this as well cuz honestly this is the more fun version of to gas that they released with to Gast unlocked we will also now be able to unlock coffia which is going to be the next destination for for a couple mounts to unlock coffee you want to head to oros and here you'll find a quest chain called opening the moall that'll put you onto the kind of CIA campaign for chains of domination and you'll need to do a couple of campaign kind of chapters for this and once you're in coffia you've got daily Quest unlocked and everything's good to go now we're ready to begin the mount hunting here now that we're in CIA the first Mount we'll be targetting here will be the Reigns of the wonderer which is going to come from finding melee the Wonder for 6 days total this doesn't have to be 6 days in a row just has to be six days total now melee won't always be available to be found for the day but one thing that can give you a hint whether if she is available or not is to head to the main base in cfia and there'll be an NPC here called tiny bell and they'll say to something like excuse me you know Champion do you have a moment and that means it's probably going to be up for the day once we know that next up we're going to be doing a Target that's SL Target melee and we're going to basically just run around cough here I'll have a map popped up now that shows the known look locations for melee and you just want to run around the Zone spam in this macro until you find it once you do find it you'll run over to it you'll click it and now melee will end up back in the base you want to head back to the base you'll go over you'll speak to tiny bell and that is one day done and we just repeat that for 6 days it'll take like 5 to 15 minutes per day to find her you do that for 6 days you will get yourself the mount the next Mount we're going to talk about will be the DUS light razor Wing in CIA and to get our hands on this Mount we need to obtain 10 lost razor Wing X these are going to drop from some of the Devourer mobs found within CIA also the rare elite ones as well con frogs and also zyrax so if you see those up those will have a high chance of dropping them and you'll only be able to obtain two eggs per day the first egg does seem to drop faster than the second so you could for Speed wise just get one egg per day and do this for 10 days or if you want to grind out two eggs you'll be able to get this done in 5 days instead once you get your eggs what you'll need to do is head over to the razor Wing Nest which will'll find kind of in the southwest of the Zone you'll head over there you'll click the nest and the mob will fly down and kind of just doing little emote and you'll keep repeating that and hand in each egg until you've handed in 10 now these don't need to be done on the same day you could hand in every egg when you get it or you could stock up 10 and hand them in all at once it doesn't really matter once you've handed in 10 the mob will fly down and you'll get the mount in your bag the final thing in shadowlands I wanted to touch on was the Renown mounts cuz there's pretty good value here if you haven't done this yet and this is to push one renowned faction to sixa so say for example night Fe you get that to Renown sixa and then what we'll be able to do is swap to the other covenants you'll be able to buy an item from the flight path or near to the flight path in arabus and that will boost that faction all the way up to 60 Renown as well which will net you two mounts and you can just keep swapping the covenants boosting it to 60 and getting yourself some mounts the nice thing about this as well you will also get 4k Ana from each of these covenants which you can use to buy some other mounts and it's just nice to have those to sixer if you've not got a faction to sixer or a covenant to sixer then pick the one that you've got currently the highest go through their Covenant campaign because that's going to net you a couple of mounts from doing their campaign anyway then go through the campaigns for like Coria or zerif moros and then you can also spam the higher Wings in to gas so do like 4 12 and above and you'll have a chance of getting Renown from those too and you just keep doing that until you hit Renown sixer and you'll be able to get yourself a massive boost of mounts from just basically swapping covenants next up we're going to be talking about some battle for Azera mounts and the first one up will be the spring for alpaca what we need to do for this Mount is feed it every day and the item that we need to feed it is called the gershel greens you'll need to feed it once per day for 7 days and then on the seventh day it'll have another quest for you to kind of basically get the mount now this doesn't need to happen s days in a row you could do one day and then take a week break and feed it again and your progress will be saved you'll move on to day two day three Etc to get our hands on the item we need for this Mount you want to head to oldum and up and down the river kind of in the center of the Zone you'll find these little shrubs that called gersal greens and looting one of these is what we need to feed the alpaca of the day so for total we do need seven but you can grab them one at a time and that's completely fine you can also make use of herbalism to be able to find them easier cuz they will show up on your mini map if you do that so now that we have the greens to feed it with the next step is to find the alpaca itself it's going to be called friendly alpaca so if you want to make a macro that would be/ Target friendly alpaca and you want to fly around the Zone it's going to have around 13 different spawn locations and it will spawn every kind of 20th minute so it used to be hours but they have reduced it down to about 20 minutes so it shouldn't take you very long to find it for the day you'll just want to keep flying around and eventually you'll get your target you'll fly down to it you'll feed it it'll be a daily Quest it should show up on your map as well to make life a little bit easier and you'll hand that in and that'll be day one done and you just repeat this every single day it's going to be the exact same process and then on the seventh day once you feed it and add additional Quest will pop up and that will be your Mount reward if for whatever reason you're not able to see the gershel greens or the alpaca itself there's a few potential reasons for this the first thing I would recommend doing is heading over to ramkahen and speaking to the bronze Drake MPC here and they should be able to swap your phasing from the old phasing to the new one where it's under siege by naar and all the armies Etc if that still doesn't work for you or you're not able to do this then you may need to do the Visions quest line that came in BFA I'll have a link in the description down below for you to work through that and once that's all done then I don't see why you wouldn't be able to see these the next mount for us to talk about on this list is going to be the AAL unit R 21x now this one is well it kind of fits the criteria you can do runs for this for in about 20 minutes but you'll only have about a 20% chance of getting the mount if you're doing this alone if you bring a full group you'll have 100% because it's 20% chance per person in the group so it might take you multiple weeks to get this but if you're looking or average look you should get it within one or two so to get this Mount to drop we need to complete mechagon on Mythic difficulty in a specific way doing the achievement keep your DPS in and no one explodes so you'll want ahead to mechagon Island you'll turn your dungeon difficulty onto Mythic you'll head inside and the first thing we need to do is kill all of the first three bosses while the oppression unit is flying above so just look into the air and whichever area it's flying above you'll head to that area you'll know you're there because you'll start throwing down these annoying little robots that will chase you down and then what you'll do is just kill the bosses in each of these areas the only boss you might get a little bit confused on is the one on the far left which you need to kill these kind of giant green Elementals they'll spawn little robots from them you need the three robots and then the boss will spawn so once these three bosses are dead we can head to the Ws the fourth boss and this is where things get a little bit tricky to solo but it's not too advanced don't worry so what's going to happen is you'll start the fight and you'll kill the robot in the middle and then once that robot's dead you'll normally have to click on one of the pylons to activate the boss to like bring it down basically unfortunately solo we're not fast enough to do that so what we're going to do instead as soon as that robot in the middle is dead we're going to run all the way back to the start of the dungeon and what we're going to do is outrange the one shot mechanic that happens when the bar reaches zero so we're going to run all the way to the beginning you're going to stand next to the inke keeper where I'm stood now and once you see the bar finish its Little cast then we're just going to Sprint as fast as we can towards the boss again and if you're quick enough what the boss will do is it won't deagro it won't despawn instead it'll kind of run towards you and just be your best friend that's going to follow you around now that it's following us around what we're going to do is finish the actual mechanic we're going to go up to the electric pylons you're going to dodge the robots as they kind of move around and you're going to keep clicking on it until it reaches 100 energy once it's done the boss will come down you'll be able to DPS the boss and complete the fight this may take you a few attempts to get correct and once again if you need kind of speed potions or something to help out with this they do grab some but it shouldn't be too difficult there is an alternative method as well if you're not able to do the runaway strap and that is to rush towards one of the pylons as soon as it becomes active what you're going to do is stand in the center doing the pylon Channel and if you're a level 70 character what happen is you'll Dodge most of the stuns so you'll just keep repeating attempts until you get an attempt where you dodge enough of the stuns that you can actually get the pylon Channel finished with that boss dead we can move on to the next part of the dungeon so we're going to head upstairs we're going to kill the next boss you don't have to do anything special here once that boss is dead we'll be thrown into the trash and you'll head towards the dog boss and what we need to do here before you pull the boss there'll be a trash pile Robo waist pile on the left hand side you'll walk over to that you'll click it you'll see it fly into the furnace once that animation is done give it a couple of seconds and then pull the boss and kill it it's going to die very quickly you shouldn't need to worry about any of the additional mechanics it now has with that done we can continue through the dungeon you'll head upstairs you'll follow this kind of like Gauntlet thing you'll kill waves of mobs you'll head through this place that'll kind of keep teleporting you back if you don't do the gauntlet correctly and make use of the kind of mist areas the steam to hide yourself until until one of the robots passes you and then you can kind of weave around it you'll get to the next boss nothing you need to know here you can just simply kill it move upstairs take the robot to the final section of the dungeon head towards the final boss room and now you have two choices choice one is you can go in there and just click the button and kill the boss as soon as possible you'll have about 45 seconds to kill all of the phases of the boss so if you're a geared character at level 70 you should be able to do this or if you're not very confident in your ability to do damage the other option is what I show you here is we're going to pull the boss and we're going to pull it out of the room so it resets we're going to run into the room and we're going to kind of stand at the back where he's going to respawn and you want to be able to put something down that's instantly going to aggro him so if you have like a ox statue like I do or you have like a blizard basically we just need to get aggro in him the second he spawns like the split second he spawns he's aggroed onto you if you do that correctly what will happen is the boss will get onto you and the button will kind of like disappear and then pop back up again and that means now now that the button is present throughout the entire fight which it's not meant to be so what we can do now is we can DPS the boss down get him into phase two get the second phase part of the boss down a little bit as well run over click the button and then finish off the boss cuz you'll have that kind of like 45 second window now to kill the boss so that method gives you a much bigger window to be able to kill the boss in because you can get him down to like 50% you can click the button and now you got 45 seconds to to kill him which should be very very doable for anyone at level 70 finish all that make you don't kill the king too fast when he's broken out of his robot like I do and now you'll be able to loot him and you'll have a chance of that mount a quite High chance so you should be able to get this one fairly quickly the next one to talk about are the Allied race mounts the requirements or at least most of the requirements for these have been removed the only thing you need nowadays is I think a level 40 and above character so you'll be able to head out to your Embassy in Stormwind or orria pick the Allied race you want to unlock you'll go through the quest line takes less than an hour user and then you'll not only un unlock a new Allied race but you'll also unlock the mount that comes with that race and pretty much all of them are usable on all your characters on the same faction at least just not the Heritage mounts those are the ones that you won't be able to use on all your characters so you'll get some pretty cool mounts from doing this as well it won't take very long and you get the addition of a new Allied race for you to play if you haven't been to Bales or desara law for quite a while as well when you head there as long as you have a level 30 and above character you should see a new Quest popup that was added in I think 10.1 that will give you access to either the harbor Griffin as Alliance or the Scarlet pterodax as horde so you're just going to get a free Mount as long as you have a level 13 above character you'll speak to an NPC you'll hand that in and Bam you got yourself an easy Mount if you've not got that already the next thing I wanted to touch on was the warfront mounts now they're not exactly easy because the drop chance isn't high but it's not exactly low either most of them sitting at around a 5% drop chance and there is quite a few of them to attempt not only that but they respawn pretty quickly as well the only downside being is you only get one attempt at them per warfront cycle and a cycle takes around three-ish weeks to go through a cycle is basically where your faction will go from patrolling the zone to it being under siege and then you go back to patrolling again once you reclaim the zone and you're in patroling again then it will reset and you'll be able to have another attempt and as I said that'll take around 3 weeks to happen so first of all we'll talk about the ones that we can find in a wrathy base and there's going to be six of these and the first one up will be nir the Slayer who we'll find on the left side of the zone and they'll drop the withered back direwing next will be Beast Rider who will spawn pretty close and that will be the Swift albino Raptor next up will be skull rer who will be found kind of towards the center h of the zone and they'll drop skull rer and then there's going to be two that will change based on who's currently control in the zone so if Alliance is currently in control then Doom Rider helgrim will spawn and they'll be only killable up by Alliance and they will drop the Highland Mustang or if hord is in control the night Captain Aldren can spawn and they'll drop the broken Highland Mustang finally we'll be overseer ccs and they'll drop the little dunker although where they are currently will change based on who's in control if Alliance is in control then you'll find it in the horde mine and if horde is in control you'll find it in the alliance mine next up we'll talk about dark Shaw and there's going to be four mounts for us to obtain from here and once again they will change based on who is currently in control of the Zone with some of the rares not being accessible so first of all we'll have the captured nights saer which drops from maxo the beheader for Alliance or ail doire for horde then we'll have the Ashen Veil Chimera which drops from alash anir which can drop for both horde and Alliance next up we'll have the calori nightsaber which drops from shadowclaw for horde and cros blood rage for Alliance and then finally we'll have black paw which drops from black paw for The Horde and agth wormwood for Alliance next up we'll be moving on to Legion and the first Mount up is going to be the archinist Mana saber now on paper this may not seem easy cuz you need to go for a long Quest chain and you also need to be exalted with the Nightfall and to be able to learn it however there is an easier way of obtain in this and that is to have unlocked night Bor as an Allied race once you've done that we can then create a clash trial not a character but a clash trial of a night born which will give us a high level night born character once you're in The Clash trial you're not going to do The Clash trial itself instead you're going to hear and that'll take you to AA and then you're going to fly over to the AA emba and you should find a portal here that will take you to the nle once you take that portal you'll be in sharan and you should find fisa here who you'll be able to talk to and talking to her will give you an option to trade and you can get the arenus Mana saber just straight from her you get the mount you learn it and now you've gotten yourself the arenus Mana saber for the rest of your account next up we'll be talking about a really goodlooking Mount which is the smolder and Ember worm now doing this solo will only give you a 20% chance of getting the mount if you're able to bring other people with you who aren't loot locked then that'll give you an additional 20% per person so if you're you have a full group it will guaranteed drop and if you're just doing it with a friend it will now be a 40% drop but if you're doing it solo it's still 20% so it shouldn't take you that many runs to get the drop for the mount in terms of what we'll need to do to get this Mount you want to head over to carazan in deadwind pass and you want to take the top section portal so it's kind of on the bridge on around the side of Kazan you do want to make sure you are on dungeon difficulty Mythic as well and then you're going to head inside once you open the door you'll hear some dialogue and now you'll be on a timer you've got 8 minutes to get to the first Crystal so we're going to follow the path around to Opera and you'll basically just follow the path to the right you'll go down the stairs you'll loop back around and you should end up in the OPA Hall here we'll speak to the MPC and you'll begin the boss fight now some of these can bug out for example the Westfall story I think it's called if you kill the main guys too fast then the fight will bug out so what I would recommend doing is dpsing down his kind of like minions first and then doing his low damage as you can to him until he kind of goes to cool off as he says and then do the same for the opposite side and kill the fire either way get through Opera fight and now you're going to follow the path around once again we're going to go past the big bad wolf we're going to go down stairs past this these packs of mobs back up the stairs and back into kind of where the audience was watching the Opera event here you should now see a crystal just in front of the crowd you'll click that Crystal make sure you don't move or cancel the cast wait for it to be fully complete and now we've got our first Crystal with that done now we're going to head straight through the crowd out of the room you should go past the kind of like bouncers or whatever they're called and you should be in an area where there's a bunch of kind of NPCs dancing we need to take the door on the left we'll follow that through and you'll head all the way down until you see the maiden boss we don't need to kill Maiden boss instead what we need to do is just kill the trash in the room to the left just before Maiden you'll kill out all the trash there you'll click the Crystal and that is another one done now we're going to head back to that room where we saw all the kind of NPCs dancing with each other and you can jump off the balcony here into the kind of dining area where morose will be we're going to kill morose there should be a crystal behind him so click thatst Crystal for our third and there should also be some keys that drop neos's corpse as well you want to click those cuz those are going to be useful for later on now we're going to head back into kind of like the main hall where there's a bunch more NPCs dancing and you should see a set of stairs that lead you down on the right I'm going to go down into those stairs and you should see now the Stables area although we're not going to go into the Stables area unless you want to quickly kill the Huntsman for a chance at midnight but we're going to instead go left and then go left again until we're into this kind of like Beast quarters we're going to see a bunch of spiders in here and you're basically going to run in a straight line you're going to get to the very bottom of the section you're going to take a right and then we'll see kind of a circle of spiderwebs and another crystal in the center so you're going to go over to that Crystal you're going to click the Crystal and now you can click the portal that's just behind the crystal once she've gotten that Crystal so that's her fourth Crystal done that portal should now take you back to basically the start of the dungeon and instead of going right this time we're going to go left you're going to go left and you're going to go up this Stone kind of ramp you're going to follow this all the way way around you're going to kind of go up the wooden stairs and keep going up until you hit the very top and once you get into this room you should be able to take a left and that will lead you into curator's room now that we're in curator's room we're simply going to kill him and there'll be a crystal kind of under his feet so if you've not looted him the crystal might be hard to kind of get so just loot the boss and now you should be able to click the Crystal and that'll be our final Crystal obtained now we're going to head back to the kind of start of the dungeon once again and underneath that stone ramp that we took to get to curator there should now be a door that we can go through you'll go onto the main balcony here waiting on the balcony should be the image of medivh that you can talk to there'll be some RP and eventually night Bane will spawn and you'll kill night Bane for that chance of the mount if night Bane's not there at all or the image of mediva isn't there at all then you've done something wrong you took too long you didn't get all the crystals properly like maybe you didn't click one long enough then something's gone wrong but if night Bean has spawned you've done everything you need to do and now it's just a case of killing night Bane for that 20% chance or more of getting them out next up will be heading over to Argus if you've never unlocked Argus before I will have a video in the description below that will guide you through unlocking Argus and then once we're at arus there's going to be two main goals for us here the first goal is to complete the achievement and Chee manab buns which is to kill 2,000 non-trivial demons within Argus and that will give you the Bleak hoof ruin Strider now you won't see this achievement directly in your achievement log cuz it's part of a series the first achievement being we came here for two reasons the second achievement being to kill demons and thirdd one for the mount is ANW manab buns and then there is a fourth as well which is and we're all out of manab buns but that only Awards a title so if you just have mounts that's not going to be of much interest the best spot to get this done is the area just below the vindicar in Darkfall Ridge it's basically where you're initially teleported when you do the the first quest lines in Aus I think you can speak to the NPC when you're above crocon and it'll teleport you directly to this area as well either way they'll make your way to this area and there's going to be these portals that are just spewing out demons and these will will all count if you can pick a class for like a druid or something that will have an instant spell that you can just keep tabing mobs with then that is going to be great for this but either way you should be able to knock this out within an hour or two just standing in the spot and killing the demons as they come and you'll keep racking up kills next up we'll be talking about the four mounts that can come from the fell spotted egg that's going to be the dark spawn manay the cintilla manay the vibrant Manor Ray and the Fel glow Manor these are going to have around a 5% chance of coming from the egg and you can't get duplicates from the egg either so once you learn one of the mounts that is removed from the pool although there is some other trash items like aged Yol and some pets that can kind of like clog up the potential loot pool but 5% isn't too bad for how easy these eggs are to obtain there's going to be three well technically four different beasts that can drop the egg although the fourth one I've never actually seen drop on personally and it's kind of debatable whether people are actually getting it from it or they're just confused but I'll mention it regardless either way so the first one up is going to be Vaga who will find in antor wastes it's going to be found within this kind of cave although one thing to note is how the antorus and Argus rares work in general they're not always up you can kill them once per day but they're not always up at the same time so for example you could go there at 1:00 there's no vager up but you could come back at like 7 8:00 and now vager is in the current kind of pool of res that can spawn and you'll be able to find it so ideally if you've not killed Vaga for the day for example you want to just keep coming back every few hours and seeing if it is currently available in the pool if it is available it'll respawn very quick within like 3 4 minutes so you won't be waiting very long the next one up is naroa who will find within crocon it's going to be kind of down this path and you'll find a bunch of other creatures that look very similar as well and you'll kill that one for a chance at the egg the next one up is going to be sabul who will find in arid and they're going to be quite close to one of the teleporters here so it shouldn't take you very long to get to them and once again both of these other ones follow the same pattern that Vaga does where it's not always available it's just going to be in the rare pool potentially every few hours the last one to talk about as well is quite close to sabul and that is Cara the pale and as I said that's the one where I've never seen an egg drop and some other people quote they've never seen a drop but some people have also said they have had a drop so who knows if you want to kill it if it's up it won't take you very long anyway so you might as well if you're in the area but I wouldn't go out of my way to kill this one in particular now the nice thing about these eggs is they have like a 40th per drop chance and they're not unique so you can keep killing these rares every day and just stacking up eggs they do take a few days to hatch but you can just keep stacking eggs keep opening them and you will get yourself some mounts from this these other two things to do in Argus aren't as easy but while you here if you don't know about them then I thought they were worth mentioning anyway the first one is going to be the other rares that can drop mounts so Hound Master CarX can drop the vile fiend you're going to have vax thall and Priscilla who can drop the vile too Naser we're going to have the blister Mo which can drop the Crimson blister more we're going to have the Wrangler kravos which can drop the maddened chaos Runner we'll also have the Venom tale Sky fin that can drop the lambon Mana Ray and finally we'll have scre the devala that can drop the acid Bela and then the other thing to touch on is the faction arusian reach getting them to exalted will allow you to purchase six of the ruin Striders and this faction doesn't really take that long to get done but you are kind of time gated but the world quests here give quite a decent amount of reputation and you'll quite commonly see the arusian reach Emissary Box available where when you do four Quest you'll be able to hand that in for a chunk of reputation too so while you're doing the other stuff here it's probably worth working towards this rep because it's quite a painless one doesn't take much time per day and the reputation gain is pretty decent I did also want to quickly touch on the Riddler's mindworm this one's not too difficult it's just a case of following basically a TomTom going to various different locations and looting items over and over again and going through each step until you reach the end if you want a fun challenge you can try and figure it out yourself although that's going to be quite difficult so instead what I'll do is link a guide in the description below they'll basically just have all the way points for you to go to each wayp point loot what you need to loot click on what you need to click on and keep going through that until you get the mount it takes around an hour or two to get this done so it isn't too bad next up we'll be talking about easy mounts that you can get from Warlords Ador the first one up will be Gan nigh how and this is pretty cheap to purchase of the auction house you'll probably get this for a few hundred gold to maybe a few thousand but if you want to get it yourself it is on a 100% drop chance from a mob called not carash which we'll find in frostfire Ridge right where I'm showing you now kind of underneath this tree there'll be a bunch of wolves around but it's only not Kash that we're going to be interested in this will have around a 15 to 30 minute respawn so if it has been killed recently then you could switch over to war mode and check again or you can just hang around until it is up once it's up you'll kill it and you'll get that mount on a 100% drop chance next up we have the Garrison stable mounts these are Great Value cuz at the end of this you can get up to eight mounts for doing this and this will take around 2 weeks of your time but the time investment itself is very short it'll just take you a few minutes of flying around around dror each day doing some quests and getting yourself the progress so what you'll do is put down a stables in your Garrison and every day you'll get a quest either obtain a mount kind of go like capture it or train the ones that you've already captured and you'll keep capturing them until you've captured six once you've trained them Fuller you'll gain access to the Mount itself and those will be the trained snarler the trained silver Pelt the trained River wallow the trained Rock Tusk the trained Meadow stumper and the trained ice hoof the capture Quest are basically you'll throw a lasso on a and you'll follow it around until it's captured and the train quests are you'll find a specific mob in the world that it wants you to kill you'll Mount up on your beast and you'll fight it although as a max level character these are insanely trivial now and you'll have no worries at all there are two additional mounts we can get as well the first will be if you upgrade your Stables to a level two you'll gain access to the black claw of sea which will be on the ground you'll pick it up you put it in your inventory and you'll have to do a specific achievement once you do that achievement you'll gain access to the armored Frost ball we'll talk more about that in a moment and then the next one will be if you put your Stables to a level three you'll gain access to the G tooth necklace once again if it's in your inventory you'll do the achievement and you'll gain the armored Frost wolf so as I said both of these achievements are basically the same thing you'll carry both of these items the black claw and the gtoo necklace in your bag and that will make you take more damage and reduce your movement speed but as a max level character this doesn't matter CU you're just going to kill the mobs instantly anyway and what you need to do for this achievement is kill the specific named mobs found within that grand with all of your mounts in training while you've got these items in your bag they're going to make you take more damage or whatever but as I said it's going to be completely trivial you'll just kill them instantly anyway so you'll pick up all of your mounts in training from your Stables even if you've completed the quest lines already you can speak to your kind of main MPC in the stables and you'll be able to request all the different whistles and then on the ground in your Stables you should find the tooth and you should also find the black claw so make sure those are in your bag now we'll head off to nagrand You'll head to the first named mob you'll mount count up you'll kill it you'll wait for it to respawn takes like 2 minutes is if that you'll click go on the next whistle you'll kill it again you're R to repeat that until you've killed it with all of your mounts and training and then you repeat that for the five remaining mobs within that grand once you've killed all of them you should have gained all the progress you need for both of the achievements giving you both of the mounts at the same time also if you upgraded your Garrison to a level three for the Stables you would have also had a new MPC join your Garrison that will sell us two mounts they're going to sell us the rocktusk battle ball for $10,000 gold and the Wither hide Cliff stumper for 20,000 gold so not too bad to pick up two mounts for that MPC will be trade at dur and for Alliance that NPC will be Trader Aranda you'll find them kind of in your main building within the Garrison the next B we're going to talk about is from Warlords Ado and that is the domesticated Razer back which unfortunately means it's a ball mount that doesn't look too great but it is going to get you an exalted reputation too I don't think many people realize that this rep is extremely quick to do and that is going to be the steam wielder preservation Society so what we're going to get is a character that can head into Warlord the drainer it doesn't need to have really done anything it just needs to be able to access wall triner which pretty much everyone can we're going to head over there and we're going to head to neand and what we're going to do is go to the very back side of nagrand where the unin version of highall is and what we're going to do is fly into there and you're just going to run around killing the ogres prioritize the elite ogr as much as possible these do spawn fairly quickly but you can basically clear out the full area in about five minutes and for two laps of this so 10 minutes worth of time I was able to get enough of these high Mo relics and these Goran artifact fragments to hand in for over 10,000 reputation so if we do a bit of math you should be getting about 12ish K per 10 minutes if we do 40 minutes worth of farming you should have about 48k and we only need 42k to go from neutral all the way up to exalted so you should be able to do this in no time at all now the other part is you will need to be able to purchase the mount once you're exalt Ed and for that you'll need I think 5,000 gold and 5,000 apexus crystals one final thing to touch on with gaining the steam Weedle preservation Society reputation is also there will be these named mobs within the zone and killing these will give you an item that gives 500 reputation per hand in so if you do see those as you're flying around definitely worth killing and there will also be these cashes as well that if you see those loot those cuz those will have a chance of having the rep items in as well another reputation in Dro for us to do is the saber stalkers and this one's quite straight forward it's literally just grinding mobs for about 2 hours every mob you kill will give around 25 reputation you also get these fangs that drop as well that you want to be looting and if there's any rare saon nearby as well kill those cuz they will give you 500 reputation you don't need to have unlocked tan jungle on this character to be able to progress this faction however if you have unlocked tan you will gain access to a weekly Quest and a daily Quest but it isn't that big of a deal we can grind this out to exalted no problem without doing any of that stuff so you'll just do a lap of this area killing the Sab R by the time you're done with all of the mobs they should be starting to respawn so you shouldn't be waiting too long for respawns and at onage you'll be able to purchase the wild go Tusk which will cost you a thousand of the fangs which is why it's important to be looting them and at exalted you be able to purchase the bristling hellbo for 5,000 of the fangs as long as you're looting them as you go you should get enough to purchase both of the mounts by the time you reach exalted next up we're going to be talking about some easy mounts we can pick up in Mr Pandaria the first ones are going to come from a vendor which we can find in Li Summit called Uncle big pocket you'll head over to here where I'm showing you now and they will sell us three Yak mounts now one of them is going to cost 120k which is a little bit more price there not as easy to get but there are going to be two for 3,000 gold which is pretty reasonable and that is going to be the gray riding yak and the blonde riding Yak so you just head out to him no criteria you can just pick up two mat Yak mounts for 3,000 gold each next up we're going to head north to the aisle of Giants and on this island we're going to find a bunch of different dinosaur type mobs di horns devil SS even the damers pretty much everything here has a chance to drop a primal egg and once that egg hatches after a few days that will guaranteed give you one of three mounts it'll either give you the Red Primal Raptor the black Primal Raptor or the green Primal Raptor now the downside is future Primal eggs can give you a duplicate so if you've already got the Red Primal Raptor and you get another Primal egg there's a chance it could be the Red Primal Raptor again but if you've not gained any of these yet then you'll at least guaranteed get yourself a new mount for your collection a couple of things to know about this egg it is a unique item so you're only going to be able to get one per character but you could log on an Al grind another egg out and then you'll have a second one that's ready to hatch a few days later as well but either way just keep killing the mobs here until you do get yourself that drop it normally takes about 20 to 30 minutes for me to get an egg drop when I'm doing footage Gathering also the world bosses own dusta and neak do have a chance of giving these as well so keep an eye out when you're killing those too also while you're killing mobs on this island you'll be getting these giant dinosaur bones and if you get 9,999 of them there's going to be an NPC on the west side of the island that we can trade these in for a mount and that mount will be the bone white Primal Raptor now these items are tradable as well so you can send them from your alt that you've been farming the Primal eggs on as well or you can even purchase them off the auction house so if you're a few thousand short you can pick them off off the auction house they usually go for about a gold maybe less so you're going to be looking at around 10 K to buy all of the bones that you need but normally you know you've been farming a few thousand of these anyway while trying to get your Primal egg so you shouldn't need that many left next up we'll be moving over to the veil for the Golden Lotus and reaching exalted with these will allow you to purchase the various crane mounts and pretty much all of their reputation gains happen within the veil of Eternal Blossom in Pandaria now you could do daily Quests for this faction and you'll get around 300 reputation P DEA but that's not what we're going to be doing instead we're going to head over to the north side of the veil where the gate is before you can go to kunai and there's going to be these dogs these Stone dogs that are just going to pour out that's going to spawn consistently and every time you kill these you'll actually gain reputation now if you don't see these you're probably in a different phase of the veil and you can fix that by going up above mouan Palace there'll be a bronze MPC here that you'll be able to speak to and you'll be able to change your phas in so now that you're in the correct phas in you can literally just Spam kill these dogs a class that has like an instant damage spell like a druid with Moonfire would be great for this cuz they're going to be spawning very quickly so if you have cool Downs you're going to struggle and from doing this I got over 900 reputation in 2 minutes so you could definitely clear exalted in an hour if you're just to sit and grind these dogs another way of gaining the reputation although it is a bit more slow in RNG is killing all of the mou just to the left of where we were if you farm out all of the mou here and go into the the kind of vaults as well you'll be able to kill the mou and you have a chance of getting these Keys the MGA themselves will give some reputation and you also be able to use these keys at the very end of the Vault you'll be able to find these chests you open the chest and you'll have a chance of getting 250 or 500 reputation tokens from those chests these can be opened and farmed indefinitely it's also worth noting as well when you hit Ravid you'll be able to head over to their quartermaster and you'll be able to pick up this item that will give you double reputation so the dogs were given good reputation before but now that you've got this item you're going to be doubling that and getting even more so you can hit exalted faster once you reach exalted you can head over to the quartermaster once more and pick up your mounts there is also another way of getting Golden Lotus reputation that isn't as reliable but I just wanted to mention it anyway in case it's something you want to farm and that is from the zandalari warbringers and the zandalari war Scouts in each of the following five zones there can be one zandalari warbringer that can spawn and two War Scouts and killing the warbringer will give you three tokens that can give a th000 reputation with the various factions in Pandaria and the war Scouts will drop one token these have around a 30 to 60 Minute respawn timer and then what you can do is go around the entire Zone find any War Scouts and warbringers and then switch over to war mode and do it again and typically there's just less people doing World content on RP Realms which makes it great for Mount hunting the great thing about these as well these tokens are binded on account so you can get them on this character and send them to a character that already has the reputations progressed the downside is if you're going for Golden Lotus specifically then the warbringers and War Scouts can drop tokens for the Golden Lotus but also for the caxi the August celestials and the shadow as well although these factions do also reward mounts too so it isn't the worst thing to be getting reputation with them as well the next one for us to talk about will be the LW Walkers which at exalted will award the disc of the red Flying Cloud and this one can be done in around an hour depending on your pathing so essentially all you need to do for this one is fly around the various different zones finding these Scrolls that are kind of hidden clicking on the scroll will give you achievements and in your mail you'll get items as well that you can turn in for reputation so once you've done pretty much all of these for throughout the zones you'll gain enough reputation to get you to exalted what I would definitely recommend for this is to get two add-ons the first one being TomTom and the second one being paste and in the description down below I'll have a big chunk of coordinates that you can put into this paste and that'll add it to your TomTom and then from there you'll just literally Follow the arrow click the scroll move on to the next and repeat that until you're done you will end up with more reputation than we actually need but I would still recommend just going through them all because it does make life easier instead of trying to figure out which on you could skip makes the ordering a bit weird and just follow TomTom collect them all and you're going to save probably more time by doing that anyway instead of trying to figure out which ones you can actually skip so once we're done with that we're going to head to our mailbox next up and we're going to loot the Scrolls out of the mail you should have a bunch of these like eight or nine of them you're going to loot those we're going to head to the top of mam Palace and we're going to find L Walker Cho inside you'll click on the Scrolls to get a quest and then you'll be able to hand those into Cho above mam Palace if he's not allowing you to hand them in then what you need to do is change your phasing of the veil so head just outside onto the balcony we'll find that bronze Drake MPC and we can swap the phasing wein once we're done with that head back inside and now you should be able to hand in your quests while you're handing them in do keep an eye on your reputation because when you hit revered there's going to be a quartermaster on the left side of the room that we can speak to and we can purchase a item that will double our reputation games from revered to exalted so do make sure you do pick that up thing you can do as well while Cho is talking we can leave the room you might have to go a little bit further away by flying but you'll get far enough where he'll kind of just stop talking and you can head back inside and hand in the next Quest this is going to save you a bunch of time cuz he does talk for quite a while once you get exalted you can speak to the same quartz Master where we got that rep item and now you'll be able to purchase your disc of the red Flying Cloud the next faction up is going to be the order of the Cloud Serpent and when we hit exalted with these you'll be able to pick up three different Cloud serpents the green one the blue one and the yellow one getting exalted with this faction should take you around 3 to 4 hours but there are some RNG elements that may speed this up or slow it down as well so in terms of getting this faction started we'll first of all want to head over to the aborm in the Jade forest and here you'll be able to pick up a quest that will send you over to the Windwood aisle there you'll have a few more quests to do like killing mobs looting eggs and once you're done with all that you'll be able to pick an egg of your choice you'll pick the egg you'll be sent back to the main base and you'll hand that in once you hand it in you should see daily Quest pop up and that's where we know we're good to go with the entire reputation we can start the big grind to get this done there's going to be a few methods of gaining the reputation the first will be these eggs that we can turn in for 500 reputation to Elder and Lee which is at the main base and these will be there'll be around 10 to 12 of these up at a time assuming you've got no competition so what I would say you should do is fly around be looking on top of the mountains inside skulls and stuff and do a couple of laps to see how many you can get as I said if no one's around you should be able to find at least 10 of these and then you go and switch over to war mode on or if you're currently on war mode on switch that off and do another lap and then you should be able to get another 10 more eggs once you feel like You' 've gotten all the current eggs that have spawned unfortunately we're not going to be able to just continuously fly around the Windwood aisle cuz these eggs do have around a 20 to 40 minute respawn so instead we're going to have to kill some time by gaining rep in some other methods the first of those methods will be the daily Quest we saw pop up before those will give a few hundred reputation for completion so they're definitely worth doing and most of them are very quick to get done so while you're local it's definitely worth grabbing those and finishing those but it probably won't take you 30 minutes to get those done so once you're done with the daily Quest what I would say next is to head over to the Timeless aisle either on your main character or on some alts and what we're going to find on the Timeless aisle is these Cloud Serpent enemies we can kill them and these will have a chance of dropping these quiver and Firestorm eggs which we can turn into Elder and Lee for a thousand reputations so these are pretty good if you can get your hands on some the downside is they have a low is drop rate of around 5 6% and these mobs take around 5 to 7 minutes to respawn and they're not the easiest thing to kill and loot the good thing is though the items are B on account so you can get these on an alt and then send them over to your main that's working on the faction which does give us a few more reputations cuz you could have one character on there on an RP realm you could have one character with war mode off one character with war mode on and you can just do a lap kill all of the cloud serpents swap onto another character kill all the cloud serpents again and any eggs you get you can mail over to your main character that's working on the faction once around 30 minutes are pass then we'll head back to our main character we'll do some more laps of the windward aisle we'll swap over to war mode again we'll do some more laps and you'll just keep repeating this process until you hit exalted now one other thing to note as well like the other Pandaria factions we'll be able to purchase an item from the Quarter Master at Ravid they'll allow us to get double reputation from R to exalted so you definitely want to be picking that up CU that's going to make the Onyx eggs 1,000 reputation and The Firestorm eggs 2,000 reputation so that's going to speed things up by a ton so once you've done all of that you'll hit exalted and one of the NPCs will have a quest for you to get your free Cloud Serpent and then you can purchase the other two from the Quarter Master as well now we'll be moving on to mounts that we can get from cataclysm and the first one up will be the vasher seahorse this is going to come from the vasher quest line it isn't many quests in it's probably the first like 15ish quests and to get onto that Quest chain what you'll want to do is head to Stormwind or Ora find your kind of command board where you'll be given quests to go to certain zones and unfortunately from here you just keep kind of need to keep accepting the quests until you get the one that pops up for fascia once you've got that you'll be sent to your docks you'll be able to start the quest line for that you'll be sent to vashir you'll do a few more quests and eventually you'll be on the quest to kind of tame the vasher seahorse and once that's done that's another mount for your collection there is another Mount we could get from Vash here as well and that is the Reigns of poseidus although I wouldn't recommend trying to get this in the traditional intended way anymore it used to be a rare spawn that would pop up you'd kill that rare spawn and you'd get yourself the mountain on 100% drop chance although the changes they made to it ended up causing it to get botted quite heavily and nowadays if you check your C house for this Mount you'll find it for a few hundred gold to maybe a few thousand gold which is way better than the alternative of sitting in the zone and waiting hours for it to spawn even if you've not got the gold for this currently I'd still say it's a better time investment to go do something to make gold and make that gold and buy it off the auction house instead of waiting for it to respawn the next mount for us to talk about is going to come from Zulan and that is the arm Mania Battle Bear now depending on who you ask this Mount either has a 100% drop chance or a 99% drop chance I still think anyone who doesn't get it on their first run is just doing something wrong but either way if you don't get it on your first run for whatever reason then you should get it on your next because it is pretty much a guaranteed drop what we need to do to get this Mount is head over to Zan which we'll find in ghost lands which is in the kind of top end of Eastern kingdoms you'll head to the dungeon you'll head inside it should automatically put you on heroic difficulty we'll head in we'll talk to volin and then you'll have to ring the gong once the gates open we'll now be on a timer and what we need to do is kill the first four bosses of the dungeon within that timer although each boss you kill will add more time onto that timer as well I think the first two bosses add some minutes onto that so once the gates open you're just going to head in we're going to go towards the water and you'll take the path to the left you want to make sure you aggro the kind of guard here cuz he'll yell and he'll make the boss actually active so we need to do that he's going to run you'll be able to kill all the mobs that are kind of spawning up this Gauntlet get to the top of the gauntlet kill the mini boss in front of the stairs and now we can move in and kill the boss itself once that's done we're going to head back to the middle section where the water is and instead of going left this time we're going to go right and that's going to take us through this kind of Gauntlet with the bear boss going to kill waves of mobs you're going to follow him around eventually we'll get to hit the top of his Plateau we'll kill him and then we're going to move away from his plateau and take the left path and this is going to Loop us round to the dragon HW boss we're going to kill that boss and then we're going to head straight across to the other side of the dungeon and make our way into the area where the Panthers are you're going to follow the path around on the right hand side that should lead you to kind of around the back of the panther Temple we'll head inside the the panther Temple you'll kill the panther boss and that is the last boss we need to kill for this timer as a Max L character this should take you a few minutes so the timer shouldn't even be any kind of concern at all once that boss is dead what we need to do now is talk to the MPC in the cage they'll run around breaking pots and the very last part they break will be lootable you'll get loot from that and that should be the mount itself if the mount isn't in there I would recommend going to the other guys that we saved from the other bosses check in their loot as well cuz the mount may be there and also checking your mail either way though if you still don't get the mount just do it again next time it resets and you should get your mount on that run the next Mount to talk about will be the two Ramen cels the tan riding camel and the brown riding camel and getting exalted with Ramen really isn't too difficult it'll take you just over an hourish to get this done what you'll want to do is head over to tanaris and on the left side of tanaris you'll be able to pick up the introductory Quest chain that will lead you into oldum it'll be called easy money you'll pick up that Quest and it'll lead onto a chain you'll end up in a cage you'll pick up that quest You'll kind of do the objectives you'll have like three more quests to do as you go through this eventually you'll end up in the main base for ramkahen and you'll have another Quest where you get to choose either gold or reputation obviously we're going to choose rep reputation cuz our goal right now is to get friendly you'll continue questing with these guys until you hit friendly it should be like five or six quests at this point to get friendly and then once we're done we're going to head back to the main base in ramkahen and there'll be a vendor here that will sell us a Tabo we're going to equip the Tabo and then we're going to head over to Twilight Highlands which is in eastern kingdoms and we're going to fly over to the Grim Bal dungon once there make sure you are on heroic difficulty we're going to head inside and we're going to pull all of the trash while avoiding the bosses as we go through and there are these kind of ogre brutes I recommend killing them as you go along cuz they're quite slow they'll lag behind everything else we're just going to pull it by kind of like pulling the Mobs with a spell or running through them and we're going to count them all the way to the end of the dungeon pretty much once there you can round them up get around the corner and kind of kill them all off and once they're all dead you can then jump into the kind of chasm in the middle and that will kill you you can walk outside reset and go again a run will take you about 4 minutes and you'll get about 2,000 reputation per run so as you can see It'll take like an hour and a halfish to get exalted once we're exalted we head back to Ramen going to speak to the vendor again that sold us the tabard and now you'll be able to purchase your two riding camels next up we'll be talking about raft of the Lich King and first of all we'll talk about the vend mounts we can purchase if you head to dalaran be it the old dalaran found in Crystal Sun forest or the new dalaran will find in the broken Isles either way you'll find me Francis in the dollarin and they'll sell you a few different mounts one of those mounts will be the armored brown bear for about 800 gold they'll also sell you the woolly mammoth for around 10,000 gold The Traveler tund Mammoth for around 20,000 gold and for hord you'll be able to pick up the armored blue wind rider and Alliance you'll be able to pick up the armored snowy Griffin both of those for around 2,000 gold next up we'll be heading over to obsidium sanctum which we'll find within the bottom section of worrest Temple and dragon blight you'll head over there and we'll find the entrance there on the bottom section it's basically right at the back of the room and depending on whether you do this on 10 man or 25 man normal heroic doesn't matter you'll head in and if you're on 10 men and you kill just the boss none of the side dragons around the room you just head straight to South Arion in the middle and kill him then you'll have the black Drake drop on 100% drop chance and if you come in again and do this on 25 man although keep in mind this is a RAID so your character will be locked to either 10 man or 25 man for the week but you can fly over and Al and do it again or wait till weekly reset but if you do on 25 man once again only killing saf in the middle and keeping the three Twilight DRS around the room active then that will give you the Twilight Drake drop on a 100% drop chance next up is going to be the worm rester cord which when we hit exalted will get us the red Drake and this will take 2 to 4 hours to get done it's going to be mostly dungeon grinding now for the this though we will need to be able to get our hands on the tabard of the worm rer cord which does require us to be friendly so we're going to have to do some Quest into hit friendly so we can pick up the tabard first to hit friendly what I would recommend doing is heading over to Amber Ledge in Baran Tundra you'll follow through this Quest chain at first you will get repped with the centor but eventually when you're over in cuara you'll start getting reped with the worm rest ACC cord so keep doing that until you hit frienda once you're friendly you can head over to the worm rest temple in dragonlight and you'll find the Quarter Master here where you B to pick up the Tabo once you've got that you'll equip it and next up it's going to be doing most of the dungeons on heroic difficulty which will take you 5 to 10 minutes to get done and you'll get around 2 to 3,000 reputation per heroic dungeon you clear just clear out all the bosses and the trash and you'll get yourself a bunch of reputation but there's one that we're not going to do on heroic and that is pit of San you want to leave that till the very last because what we're going to do is once we've cleared all the other dungeons we're going to f the pit of s trash so I'm not going to kill any of the bosses we're just going to clear the loop in the center kill all of the trash here that's going to be what we'll repeat until we do finish off the reputation and get ourselves to exalted one thing to note as well this tabard will work during time walking from Raff of the L King so you can put it on do time walking dungeons get your time walk badges a chance at the infinite time Reaver and rep towards the worm Rask record all at the same time so you can be double dipping and get yourself a bunch of stuff done either way though hit exalted go and purchase the mount from the same Quarter Master we got the tabard from and there you go that's another Mount down next up we'll be heading over to the col of Strath home which we'll find within the caverns of time that's not going to be in any of the northrend zones though we'll want to head to Ora or Stormwind and from there you should find a portal to the caverns of time within your portal room I believe for horde it's in the lower section of the portal room you'll find some stairs as you're running in on the left that'll take you down to the lower section either way make your way to the caverns of time you're going to head all the way down to the inner sanctum where the large open area is and it's going to be the first dungeon you'll find on the left side of this place you want to set your dungeon difficulty to heroic and from this place we're going to get the bronze Drake drop on a 100% drop chance once you're on heroic head inside and shortly into the dungeon you should find chromy who will give you an item to be able to reveal the crates to see if they're plague infected so you'll run through this area there'll be five crates I believe it is that you need to use the item on you'll reveal that they're plague infected you'll carry on down the path you'll find chromy again you'll continue talking to them and this will start the RP between arus and Uther once all this is done arus will head inside where you'll be to speak to them again there'll be some RP and eventually he'll speak to them again I believe and now the dungeon will begin and we'll be on a timer so what we need to do from here is you'll find waves of mobs kind of marked on the map with a flag you'll head over to that mob you'll kill out the pack another pack will spawn you'll keep doing this until a boss spawns and then we'll kill a few more waves and then we'll have another boss spawn and once those two first bosses are killed you'll meet arus in the town hall or further down the path you'll speak to him you'll kind of escort him through this building until you get to another boss you'll kill this boss you'll speak to him again he'll then take you down a hidden path through the bookshelf you'll end up on the other side of the dungeon where there's a ton of Undead and we're just going to run in a straight line all the way down now you'll get to the point where Mal ganus is going to be on your right side but we're going to ignore him for now and we're going to carry on running through and you'll follow the path up to the left and here you'll find the infinite corruptor you'll kill them and as long as you've done it in time which as a max level character you should have zero problems doing this in time then the infinite should still be there you'll kill them and you'll get your bronze Drake drop and a 100% drop chance the next one up is going to be some old mounts from ra Lich King but surprisingly there is a low percent of people that obtain these mounts even though they're quite easy they don't look the best but it's still two very easy mounts you can add to your collection these are going to be the grand ice mammoth and the normal ice mammoth these are going to come from exalted and revered with the Suns of hoder and to get this started what we'll do is head to storm peaks at K3 there'll be a goblin inside the in and they'll give you the quest called they took our men you'll go and complete that quest You'll collect the keys head back and once you're done with that there'll be another Quest called No Goblin left behind and this will start the kind of quest chain to get to the sons of hodir it's pretty linear you'll go to the village with the hild near I think they're called and you'll be assisting them training them up you'll get a bear you'll fight some people and once you're done with all of that you'll be flying around on a Proto Drake around one of the big towers you'll be jumping from Proto Drake to Proto Drake it's actually kind of Co and once you're done with that you'll end up at the very top where Thor is you'll hand in the quest You'll listen to his thory and now you'll get some more quests to begin kind of repairing the friendship with the sons of hodir so you'll fly out to that Quest chain and there will be these storm Giants make sure you're looting these because they will give an additional Quest item that we do need so pick that up and start the quest You'll kill the storm Giants here and the fire Elementals once you're done with all that you'll head all the way back to Thor you'll hand in both of these quests and you'll get like 30,000 rep for Quest or something and handing them both in will get you to honored now the cool thing is if you do this during time walking for RAF of the Lich King these two quests will actually get you to exalted because you're going to be getting double the rep for these quests and they already give an insane amount of rep so that's going to take you straight to exalted just doing that now if you've already done this Quest chain before don't worry though or you don't want to do it during time walking completely fine complete those quests head back to the sons of H Village and now you'll be able to start handing in these relics of alwa and if we head to the auction house we can pick these up for like 10 gold or something Siller and we only need 1,400 of them so for like 10k gold I think it's even less I think it's like 2K gold honestly but 1,400 of these will be enough for you to turn them in and get yourself to exalted once you're exalted you'll be able to speak to the faction vendor and that will sell you both of the mounts so two quite easy mounts for your collection next up we'll be talking about the glory of the oldo Raider achievement this is pretty easy to do now and once you complete it because of the changes that they made you'll get both the Ironbound Proto Drake and The Rusted Proto Drake from completing the one achievement so it's pretty worthwhile to do and should take you a less than an hour to do we'll find all the within storm peaks and as you enter there will be some RP and you'll be able to either speak to the Titan guy in the middle or brand you want to speak to the Titan guy to activate hard mode and then from there you're going to pick a vehicle you're going to go in a straight line basically right to the end you're going to kill the trash in front of the door and that will spawn flame lopan from here you can jump out the vehicle and just kill it and that will be the first achievement done the majority of the achievements in here are quite straightforward it's just going to be kill the boss in this specific way or this order or within this time frame there are a couple I did want to highlight though the first one being razor scale what I recommend you do first of all is take off any trinkets or talents that just do damage without you doing anything to cause that damage to happen so it procs on its own basically get rid of stuff like that cuz we don't need it next up I would recommend having an add-on called instance achievement tracker it's just going to allow you to easily track how many dwarves you've gotten and it just makes life a little bit easier cuz it can be kind of difficult to figure out who is who within the pile of dwarves with those two things done we can start the boss encounter and from here if you've got spells where you can safely kill anything that isn't a dark run Guardian then i' definitely recommend that but if it's going to be risking you're going to cleave or do something bad and kill the rest of them then just don't bother it's not really necessary although we do need to make sure the people repairing the Harpoon stay alive long enough to repair them it doesn't matter if they die afterwards but they just need to live long enough that they repair all the harpoons the harpoons are fixed and then after that they can die it's not a problem with the harpoons repaired we're not going to click them just yet instead what we're going to do is wait for us to have more than 25 of the Guardians I said killing off any of the other ones if you can but it doesn't really matter and then we're going to wait for the boss to be enrage which I think takes about 5 minutes once the boss is enraged and you're confident you've got enough Guardians then we can use all the four harpoons it'll pull down the boss and then the boss will eventually become un stunned and do a breath and you want to be kind of stood in front of the boss where the breath is going to happen happen it'll kill off the mobs and then the boss will leave again now make sure you don't do any damage during this period CU you'll very easily kill the boss we just need to kind of stand there and wait and if you don't get enough done no problem what you can do now is just run off the edge jump off and it'll reset the fight and you can go again I'd imagine you would have got some done and the nice part about this achievement is any you've got done now will count towards the next attempt so say you got 15 done out to 25 when you do the boss again you'll start at 15 and you only need 10 more now the next one you may have a little bit of a problem with is XT because now as a max level character you're basically just going to kill the boss before its heart even comes out so there are going to be two ways we can deal with this the first is to get the toy the whole body shrinker which is going to reduce the damage you do by an absolute ton this is only purchasable by horde characters but once you own it you can use it on your Alliance characters as well so if you'd not got this I definitely would go and pick it up from durar there's going to be two different places the vendor could be just head out there and purchase it or alternatively if you don't want to get that item for for whatever reason then the other option is to go through your talents and remove anything that's going to kind of apply some kind of DT or damage over time to the Target take off any trinkets like that as well and then we're going to head outside the raid you're going to fly into the air and you're going to drop down and die and you're not going to fly to your spirit instead what you're going to do is take Resurrection sickness now res sickness is a lot a lot shorter than it used to be but that's fine it should still be enough time for us to make it to XT so once you've got resed sickness now we're on a timer we're going to fly into the raid you're going to take the teleporter to XT section you're going to run all the way to XT here's a great place to use like speed potions or any kind of Mobility your class has got just to get you there as fast as possible once you're at XT you'll DPS him down but don't kill him let his heart come out you'll kill his heart and now you'll be able to kill the boss no problem and you'll get that achievement next up we're going to be talking about the burning Crusade and if you like reputation grinds then you'll like this section cuz all of these are going to be rep grinds if you don't unfortunate but there is a ton of amounts you're going to get from these rep grinds so it's definitely worth considering the next faction for us to talk about will be the shitari sky guard and hit and exalted with these will allow you to purchase five never Ray mounts this is going to be a little bit of a longer grind probably around 4 to 5 hours to get done but it is a nice consistent reputation grind there's not much RNG involved in it to get this started we'll want to head over to Terra car Forest you'll head to the area I'm showing you now and this MPC will give you a quest called world of Shadows from here it's a case of f in this Quest chain is a little bit lengthy but it is also going to teach you how the reputation GR Works you're going to go through the quest You'll Be told to kill mobs and collect items you'll turn the items in for a potion you'll use the potion to to see new Mobs that you can kill for Scrolls you'll turn in the Scrolls you'll get new items and you just basically keep repeating those steps there is one thing to be aware of while you're going through this Quest chain though you will be on a quest to kill these three named arac coas and one will be called isal and killing him will give you an item as well a quest item that you want to make sure you're picking up and using that Quest item otherwise you'll be kind of stuck on the quest chain so make sure you do that once you do the the entire Quest chain now you'll be on the grindable step and from here it's killing the mobs to collect the dust once you have enough dust to turn in for the Elixir you'll get the Elixir and turn that on and now you'll be able to see those extra mobs that will give us those Scrolls every 40 Scrolls we can turn in for an item that will allow us to summon like a mini boss and we need to kill four of the different mini bosses to be able to summon terac and killing terac will give us 500 reputation now terac does have a respawn timer or like a lock on being able to respawn him so while he's not available I'd just say work on the previous step of gaining Scrolls and turning them in for the items and summoning the mini bosses and just repeating that over and over again and then check for terar every once in a while and when he's available make sure you do get the kill on him but you'll just keep repeating that process until you hit exalted and then you can purchase your five never remounts the next faction up will be found in nagrand and that will be the Maga for horde or the kurai for Alliance and reach and exalted with these will allow you to purchase the eight tbook mounts now once again this is going to be a bit of a slower grind it's going to take 5 to 6 hours to get this done but it is pretty good value for getting 8 mounts from it now if you've never unlocked this faction before if your hoorde you'll want to head to the horde base found kind of north of the zone and there we'll find an MPC called jaran deadi ey who will give you the quest the impotent leader and you'll go through that and eventually it'll unlock the faction and make them neutral so you can get the other quests if you're Alliance you'll want to find the base to the south of the zone and here we'll find an NPC called Huntress bentuk and we'll be able to pick up the quest do my eyes deceive me now these quests do require you to like not kill a mob at a certain point and to make that happen I would recommend picking up an item called the soft foam sword this is a great toy to have because it'll allow you to not instantly kill trivial mobs so you'll find a ton of use when you're doing old content with this item so you'll use the toy on it and it'll take the mob down to low HP but not kill it and you can do whatever you need to for the quest now that the factions unlocked we can begin the rep grind and for that there's going to be two main sources of reputation the first is killing ogres killing an ogre will give you 10 reputation per kill and then these oras also have a chance of dropping these obsidian War beads which will be able to to turn in 10 of them for 500 reputation so it's going to just be a case of farming ogres collect enough War beads and then hand in the war beads for the reputation in terms of farming the ogres we will find them all across NE Grand but there are going to be a couple of spots that are slightly better than the rest as long as you're uncontested at least the first is going to be the Laughing Skull ruins and here you'll find a ton of ogres all around you can do a big old lap and they should start to respawn by the time you're done and if you're able to kill them too fast or you have competition you could also check out wall Mall Hill and there'll be a bunch of ogers over here as well but if both of those areas are contested you got a ton of people farming the mobs for some reason then just fly around the zone and just find an area with Ogar in that isn't contested cuz that's going to be your best reputation game per hour until those areas do clear up once you've got enough reputation between the war beads and killing the ogus to get exalted you'll head to the quartermaster in your base and you'll be able to purchase your eight tbook mounts the next faction to talk about will be the scaran Expedition which will take around 2 hours to get to exalted and at exalted you be able to purchase the scaran hippogriff mount to grind this reputation you want to head over to zanga Marsh in outlands and here we'll find the coil Fang Reservoir that you can kind of like swim into and what we'll want to be doing is grinding either the underbog on heroic or the steam vaults on heroic but not killing any of the bosses instead what we're going to do is kill the trash only now the underbog was given around 1,650 rep per run and this was taken about 4 and 1/2 minutes the steam vaults was given 1,530 rep but it was faster at 3 minutes 20 the only downside is the steam volts feels a bit more Awkward cuz you have to run and that 3 minutes is including the time it takes to run out of the dungeon and reset it again if you're a class that can instantly teleport out of the dungeon and back in that might save you some time so you can leave reset it and go back in but either way the steam vault is going to give you slightly higher reputation per hour but it's not going to be that big of a deal honestly just pick whichever one feels better for you one other thing to note as well is the bosses when killed give a th reputation but obviously we don't want to kill them while we're farming the dungeon cuz it'll lock us to the dungeon but towards the end when you only need like a few thousand reputation left then you can kill the bosses and it's going to give you that burst of 3K reputation if you do both of the dungeons on heroic and kill out all of the bosses then you're going to get an even bigger boost so it's one thing to keep in mind to save a bit of time towards the end once you get exalted you can head over to the scaran Refuge and the quartermaster here will sell you the mount next we'll be moving on to vanilla mounts and the first ones up will be the resonating crystals from the Temple of ancorage which we'll find in sthus you'll head over to that raid you'll head inside and there's going to be four different mounts we can get from this now unfortunately these aren't usable outside of the raid but they do count towards your total Mount collection and three of them are very quick to get so it's worth grabbing these if you don't have them already so we're going to head inside the raid and there's going to be two approaches you can do to this the first is you can kill all of the trash before the first boss run out reset and keep repeating that until you get all four of them or you can clear the full raid and come back when it resets I believe this resets faster than a normal weekly raid does so you'll be able to do it more than once a week but the trash way is going to get you them a little bit faster so the way these Mounts work is they can drop from basically any Trash within the raid so that's why we can kill the trash in the beginning reset and repeat and you're going to be able to get the green the blue and the yellow one pretty quickly as those are a quite High drop chance the red one on the other hand is a much lower around a 1% drop chance so you will be farming for quite a lot longer to get your hands on that but once you've got all four of them then that's four more mounts to your collection the next vanilla thing I wanted to touch on is the base faction mount now I'd imagine pretty much anyone who's a collector has all of these but I think it's worth talking about just in case you don't because it is a ton of mounts you can get if you don't have them already so what you're going to do for these is basically make a clash trial for any of the races that you don't have the mounts for say for example you've never made an orc you don't have all the Wolves then what you can do is make an orc character make it a clash trial you're going to immediately herf out of the Clash trial you're going to send it a few hundred gold and then you're going to make it make its way to the vendor mount for the Orcs you'll head to the Mount vendor you'll be able to purchase all the amounts for the Orcs And now this will be tied to your account you'll be able to use them on your other horde characters and you'll basically repeat this for any of the other races that you're missing the trolls the blood elves whatever it is you're missing you just make a clash trial you HF and you'll send it some gold and you'll be able to purchase those mounts that you're missing also don't forget about the dra the as well if you've gone through the initial quest lines in the beginning you've done the starting area but you didn't pick up all the mounts no worries you can head to Val dren and there will be a vendor that I'm showing you now that will sell you all of the dra amounts and if you've never made one yet you can just make your aoka go through the quest line and eventually you'll get to a point where you're able to get amount for free and then you'll be able to purchase the other ones from this vendor as well you should have enough gold if you've done all of the stuff here there will also be some cheap profession mounts for you to pick up as well if you check the auction house and you're a tailor you can buy the Flying Carpet usually for a few hundred gold you may be able to get the other carpet for a little bit cheaper as well and if you're an engineer you'll be able to pick up the Flying Machine usually pretty cheap too so it's definitely worth taking a look at the auction house and seeing if any of the outs on your realm are pretty cheap cuz these are worth picking up and especially if you've got the professions you might as well cuz those are going to be a plus one for your collection the next vanilla thing I wanted to touch on will be the forest Rider and the dancing bears these come from the Dark Moon Fair Island and they cost 150 prize tickets each and the Dark Moon fair just gives you a ton of tickets if you just to do all the activities you could get about 250 tickets per month per time the Dark Moon fair is available you can get a ton from that but what we can also do once per character is purchase a map and this map can be purchased from galissa on the docks in the Dark Moon Island and this will cost you 100 Dark Moon dagal these are generally pretty cheap but if they're a bit too pricey for you you can just fish them up as well will take you a bit of time but it saves you some gold as well you'll purchase these treasure map and this will start a kind of treasure hunt so the first thing is to go to the raft on the coast which is a little bit north of where we are now there'll be a tent and inside that will be a bag that you can Loot and they will give you the next stage the next stage will be to go to the sandbox in front of the roller coaster and there'll be a thing that you can click there and that'll give you the next one then it'll be to head back towards the docks and there'll be a zoo section and underneath the kind of crystallized guy near the Basilisk there'll be another item for us to get now we'll want to head all the way back to the entrance where we were you know when you start the D Moon fair and you want to walk towards the D Moon Fair on the right hand side will be an item for us to click in the dirt and that will be the next stage and the final stage will be a shipwreck off the northwest coast you'll head over there you'll see a purple save you'll swim down and next to the wreck will be the loot for us the loot and completing this will give us 100 Dark Moon Fair prize tickets so at this point we only need 50 more to be able to purchase one of the mounts and you can get this from handing in the dungeon and PVP items these will cost you a few hundred gold from the auction house or you can also do the mini games this will get you about 42 tickets total if you do the mini games every single day or you can do the profession Quest I'll get you like 15 to 17 tickets or if you're good at pet battles you can do the pet battles here and you'll end up with a total of about 100 tickets from that so you have plenty of options as I said you can get about 200 OD tickets just from the the general activities and you only need 50 more once you get your 150 you'll speak to Lara who's kind of in the middle of the dond fair you'll be able to purchase either your Forest Rider or your dancing bear and as I said this can be done once per character so you could log on an Al do the treasure map again and rush yourself to 150 tickets also while you're here as well you could fish up or purchase the Dark Moon dagor and buy the Dark Water skate Mount finally we'll be talking about the crossover between Hearthstone and World of Warcraft there is two mounts included in this that we can pick up relatively easy one of them is very easy and that is going to be sge this will take you around 15 minutes to get if you've never played Hearthstone before you'll probably be pushed into the tutorial mode and your account will also be flagged for the apprenticeship mode but don't worry I'm going to show you how you can get rid of all of that cuz it is quite time consuming to go through and you'll still be able to make it a 15ish minute process to get them out so what you're going to want to do if you put into the tutorial where you're playing as Jana you'll click the skip in the top right and that should now take you to the menu and what you'll see on the main menu is four options you'll either have solo Adventures or you'll have modes if you have modes you're pretty much good to go and you don't need to follow this step but if you have solo Adventures then when you click on this you'll probably see the book of mercenaries which we don't want so what you're going to do to get rid of that is go back to the main menu you have to be on the main menu for this otherwise it won't work once you're on the main menu click Escape you're going to go down to options go to miscellaneous and now you should see an option for skip apprenticeship if you don't see it as I said do make sure you are on the right section when you clicking Escape otherwise you won't see this option for at all for whatever reason once that is done and you've unflagged yourself as an apprentice now the main menu should have modes you'll click modes and on the fourth option this may change in the future but the fourth option or one of these options should be mercenaries you'll click that you'll go through the tutorial it's very straightforward it's PVE so it's quite hard to fail you'll go through this and if eventually you'll be on a point where you can do the bounties you'll click the bounties you'll be taken to the baronss and once you click to do your first Bounty with the quill you should just get the mount you don't even need to actually complete the Bounty itself and there you go you got yourself sge which is a pretty cool Mount and it has a really nice Mount special the other amount we can get from hearstone is the he Steed this hasn't been removed is still obtainable and the way you get this is by winning three standard games or three Arena matches although you can do this verus your friends or even yourself if you make a second battle n and you know load up a Hearthstone on your phone or something along those lines but either way you can just do a challenge with your friends or yourself beat yourself three times and then you will get yourself that mount if you've made it this far into the video then give yourself a part on the back cuz we have gone through an absolute ton of mounts and hopefully now your Mount collection has increased by quite a lot even though I said this video was going to cover 100 plus we actually cover way over 100 if you take into account the base faction mounts they account for about 60 mounts and I only counted those to be about three or four towards the total video contribution so we've probably covered over 150 mounts in this video If you kind of total them all together as their proper numbers either way though hopefully you do have a ton of amounts hopefully this video was useful to you obviously we have to kind of condense the information down as much as possible to keep the video to be somewhat reasonably short even though it is a very long video but hopefully you enjoyed if you did give a subscribe look out for more videos coming soon thanks for watching guys see you
Channel: Syiler
Views: 254,326
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Keywords: syiler, syigamer
Id: YwnNav7qrHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 18sec (6078 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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