MUST HAVE ADDONS In Patch 10.2 Dragonflight

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hey folks this is Kanani patch 10.2 has been amazing so far and it introduced a whole bunch of new features and systems but that also means a lot more things to keep track of and that's where add-ons can help you out add-ons can really change up how you interact with the game and make your overall gameplay experience better and smoother they can help you track important events or currencies help you improve in dungeons or raids or just make your interface more user friendly so we put together a list of must have add-ons for patch .2 and dragonfly in general now before we jump in be sure to hit on that like button and subscribe so you never miss another video one of the best add-ons you can get for 10.2 specifically has got to be the plumber add-on this is a must have add-on if you're doing the emerald Bounty events specifically which are a great source of flight stones and Drake crests so if you're an open world content player these events are definitely something you should be doing plumber is going to do a few cool things when you walk up to a bounty event that has not been been planted yet or started it will pop up with the three types of seeds and how many of each you have so you don't need to go digging through your bags to find your seeds it also changes the contribution UI so it doesn't block your view of the plant you can see how it's growing and what the contribution rate is and it's just a prettier visual overall and then it will also track any active Emerald Bounty events in the zone when you hover over the event it will show you how long is left on that event its current contribution and how many do drops and seeds you have to contribute when an event is completed and you weren't there for it it will also show a little flower icon that looks like the lootable cash that you get so it holds the location of completed events to to make it easier to pop back to them and collect your loot being able to track the position of multiple events at the same time and keep track of when they end makes it so much easier to get your first five seeds done for the rep bonuses and to just constantly Farm flight stones and Drake crests so if you want take taking advantage of the great Emerald Bounty rewards be sure to get the plumber add-on another tracking add-on worth picking up is World quest tracker this one will clearly show you all of the available World Quests for the zones you're looking at and it makes it easier to see what each one rewards you can also filter by rewards to hide anything you're not interested in so if you want to specifically Farm reputation or gold or gear or whatever it might be World quest tracker makes it much easier to see what each World quest is going to reward where the world quests are and what might be worth completing on your map now before we continue today's video is sponsored by displate displates are one-of aind metal posters designed to capture your unique passions they're sturdy magnet mounted and durable enough to last a lifetime they have both branded and artistic artwork with over 1 million designs to choose from including Games movies anime nature and environments you name it you sure have find something that fits your style the unique magnet mounting system let you put up your displace in just 20 seconds with no drilling involved just wipe the wall with the provided clean wipes stick on the protective Leaf Place a magnet and put the display on your wall it's that easy displays also ship worldwide within four to five business days so you barely have to wait to get your hands on some awesome designs they're also eco-friendly for every design sold they're planting one tree right now display is celebrating Black Friday during this event you can get the best discounts throughout the year use the link in the description or the discount code colani to get 35% % off one or two displays 39% off three or four displays or 44% of five or more displays it's the perfect time to decorate your space in style or pick up some early Christmas presents now getting back to the video while we're talking about tracking stuff on your map an absolute musthave map add-on is Handy notes and handy notes dragonflies this add-on will Mark your map with all sorts of icons to track rare mob and treasure locations and includes any notes for the special ones that require a puzzle or an item for you to loot just to make sure you can never get lost they also list out which rewards each treasure or rare can drop the add-on will Mark which rares you have already looted everything from and then there are various other icons like Dragon glyphs important vendor locations portal locations it's a fantastic add-on that helps you pinpoint things on your map I always have handy notes installed and I update it as soon as I can in every patch next up is postal I get so annoyed whenever postal gets turned off or I didn't keep it up to date because it makes sending mail just so much easier it gives you a drop- down menu to send mail to any recently mailed characters all of your alts your friends and your guildmates finding the right person or alt to send your mail to is so easy and you don't have to type in any names or remember names it's great maybe naming most of my ALT some variation of Kanani with a special character wasn't all that great of an idea but postal lets me keep them all straight and send my mail to the right C character so it all works out there are a whole bunch of other features in here too like being able to send anything used for a profession like sending all the cloth in your bags or all of your cooking mats or all of your OES with just one click that's pretty neat if you send that kind of material to a specific alt all of the time moving on we have manuscripts Journal this add-on adds a new section to your collection tab called manuscripts and it will show you every Dragon riding customization manuscript available in the game sorted by the Drake for which the customization is for you can see which ones you have collected which ones you have not and if you hover over them the add-on will tell you where you can get the ones you're missing so if you want to collect all of the options to be able to customize your dragons however you want this is a great add-on for tracking that specifically now an add-on that I was just recently introduced to is called talent tree tweaks this add-on gives you a lot more functionality to the talent tree system you can change the opacity of your window so you can see what's happening behind the huge talent tree window and you can also resize the window so if it's too large for you or you want it to take up more of your screen for some reason you can resize it to your liking it also shows you how many talents you can play around with above each Talent gate and you can change spec without having to swap back to your specialization Tab and each of your talent setups will have a fun little mini tree so you can quickly see where your talents are changing whenever you inspect a character of the same specialization as you it will also highlight the differences between your two builds green talents are the ones that they have that you don't and then red talents are the ones that you have and they don't so you can quickly see if someone is running a different talent build and how they differ if you love tinkering around with your talents this one is a must have for sure I would also encourage you to look into a name plate add-on the new default name plates are nice but they can always be improved you can add a lot of important info to the name plates of monsters or characters and the best add-on I've found so far has got to be pler you can track spell casts buff and deburs highlight important spells and change how your name plates look based on a wide variety of variables the best part of pler is how customizable it is you can spend all day tweaking things to be just right it's insane how many options there are here if you don't want to get into the nitty-gritty you can also just import a profile from to cut out all of the leg work I always start by importing a nice profile and then tweaking one or two things to fit my preferences it's much faster and you usually end up with a better result anyway something else that I think is very important if you're wanting to track and improve your performance in any role is a damage meter my personal favorite is details damage meter it has a lot of different options and customizations and it's also very accurate and breaks down your information in a clear concise way I know a lot of folks don't like damage meters and they blame them for toxicity in groups but unless you know what your numbers look like you can't really do anything important towards improving them if you can't measure it you're not going to be able to improve whether you want to compare numbers between different Talent setups and various types of content or fine-tune your rotation or just see how you're doing a damage meter is going to be super important they are also invaluable in group play whether you're running dungeons or killing bosses in the raid it's important to know where you can squeeze out some more DPS or where healing gets tight so you can switch things around if you are struggling on boss or encounter maybe you need more ad damage maybe more AOE damage maybe that one Rogue has decided that he can stay on the boss and ignore the priority ad that needs to die or the raid blows up you can quickly identify problems and address them to give you a better chance of Victory it's very frustrating that people use damage meters to put people down because they are one of the best tools to help people improve another add-on that is a must have in group content is a boss timer I personally use big wigs and little wigs but you can use dbm if you prefer boss timers only really have one job to show you which abilities are coming next in any encounter whether it's a raid or in dungeons these timers allow you to prepare for mechanics and abilities so you can be proactive instead of reactive that one simple change of behavior can be the difference between struggling in LFR bosses or breezing through heroic there's a reason why these add-ons have become so ingrained in World of Warcraft they make a huge difference if you're planning on doing any higher level endgame content be sure to pick up a boss timer add-on now perhaps one of the best add-ons for group content has to be pre-made groups filter this add-on is a lifesaver when it comes to joining groups for any kind of content for dungeons you can filter by group composition or you can tick the group fit button to only show listings where your entire group can join I usually always queue with nadara so we can't join any groups that already have a Healer you can't take two healers into myth plus strange I know but the group fit button removes any groups with a Healer from the list and only shows us the groups we can actually join you can also filter by dungeon if you're looking for something specific and it really just cuts out all of the noise so you can join a group for something you want to do instead of scrolling past all the groups you either can't fit into or just don't want to join you can also see the mythical score of the leader of any group and the group composition is clearly marked and colorcoded so you can see what classes are in each group without having to hover over it for raids there's a little less functionality but you can still sort by difficulty number of bosses killed and group composition to help you find the right group for you if you plan on doing any Mythic plus keys this season I would definitely download pre-made groups filter another great add-on for Mythic plus dungeons is astral Keys astral keys will give you a lot of great Mythic plus information like the current week's AIC is your current key your weekly best run as well as the keys that your guildies currently have and your friends as well you can see what your guildies have been running and how high they have pushed so if you want to run a specific key you can see if a gildy has that key and then you can reach out to them to set up a group up for later it's worth noting that if you have the details add-on that also has a key tracker built in if you type slash keys in chat it will bring up a list of everyone and their keystones as well as their Mythic plus rating so that's a nice alternative if you don't want to install another add-on and then I would also pick up angry keystones the main reason I use this add-on is to provide a bit more information for the IND dungeon timer during a Mythic plus Keystone the default UI doesn't give you a lot to work with and it doesn't even include the timer cut offs for plus two and plus three in your key there are a variety of ways in which you can improve the IND dungeon timer experience but angry keystones is one of the easier methods and it's a much better experience when compared to the default UI in my opinion and then the last add-on in this list can be quite complicated to set up and get into but if you put in the time it can change your entire wow experience it's hard to describe just what we ores can do because it's so flexible and so powerful a lot of people use we hores to track uptime on abilities or Buffs or debuffs or create entire UI that track everything you could want for your class or spec they can be used to track raid abilities and cooldowns the Spells that every monster in a dungeon will cast and which ones are dangerous you can use weak oras to replace UI elements it can highlight key debuffs on raid frames display almost any information you want on screen and something that I get asked about a lot the circle around my cursor that I used to keep track of it that's a weak orer it's actually kind of scary what weak ores can do and it seems like the dev team is in a constant arms race against add-ons like weak ores to make sure they can't do too much now creating your own weak hores is a very complex process but thankfully there is a huge repository of weak hores over on if you need a weak horor someone has probably made it and uploaded it there it's a great resource and can help you in a wide variety of ways this next one isn't really an add-on but it's still a super useful tool and resource subc creation is a website that takes a whole bunch of log data and compiles it into an easyto read website it's split into Mythic plus raid and PVP so you can look at the data that you're most interested in for Mythic plus it breaks down which dungeons are easiest this week and how each tank healer melee and rain DPS seem to be shaping up you can also sort this page to look at data for just this week's affixes or all affixes or even specific aexes to see how each dungeon changes or how each spec performs as the aex lineup changes that's really neat but if you click on your specs icon it takes you to a page that breaks down what those players are using so you can see the most popular Talent setups what gear people are using what crafted items or embellishments are popular trinkets Rings gems enchants everything about how a player sets up their character and then you can also filter all of that information by dungeon to see how things change on a by dungeon basis now over on the raid side is the exact same thing you can see how each class and spec performs across the board or on specific bosses and then look at all of the same info popular talents for each boss gear setups for each boss All That Jazz there's a lot of info here but is a great source if you're curious about how the best players are setting up their characters and then while we're talking about external resources we may as well touch on raidbots raidbots lets you compare gear options and tells you which pieces are the best for your character you can compare gear that you already have or look at your best drops from The Raid or dungeons there are a few other options in here but the top gear and drop Tozer are what most folks will make use of you are going to need the simulation craft add-on to export your character string so make sure you pick up that one as well with that add-on installed just type slash simc in chat and you get this big string that you need to copy paste that into raidbots and will update with all of the gear you have in your bags on your character and even in your great Vault so you can compare your weekly Vault options before picking one which can help make those important decisions a little bit easier simming your gear takes all of the guess work out of it you don't have to worry about what stats are supposed to be the best or if you have too much crit or too much Haste The Sim will take care of everything and tell you which items are best in which situations if you want to minmax your character and make sure you have the best gear available to you you really have to sim it with something like raidbots now for all of the healers out there who wish they could Sim using raid Bots there is a website that works for healers called questionably epic it's usually recommended in various healer guides and works in more or less the same way get the simcraft add-on get your simc string plug it into questionably epic and play around with the settings you can Sim Top Gear trinkets item compare best embellishments find upgrades the same kind of stuff as raid Bots but it's for healers as with all of the other resources I will have a link for you in the description below and then the last thing I want to touch on is where you can get all of your add-ons and how to keep them updated easily there have been various apps over the years but my personal favorite for dragonflight has been wow up wow up is lightweight it covers a wide variety of add-ons and it's really easy to use you can update add-ons quickly or look for new add-ons without a problem the only downside is that you need to install wow up for curse Forge and wow up for they are different libraries I guess so they cover different add-ons and having two is a bit weird but it's worth the hassle for how easy they make it to keep on top of updating your mountain of add-ons the cursed Forge version seems to cover almost everything so if you're looking for a new app or way to update add-ons give wow up a try but that's all of our must-have add-ons as well as some very useful resources for 10.2 and dragonflight are there any add-ons on this list that you're going to download and try are there any add-ons that you think are a must have that weren't on this list leave all your thoughts in the comment section below a big thank you to all of our supporters over on patreon and to all of our members who are on YouTube you can see the names floating by on screen if you like to add your name to the end of every video with a special shout out at the start of the next video you can find links in the description of the patreon or click the join button just below this video and if you want to see more videos like this make sure to subscribe and ring that notification Bell so you never miss another video thanks for watching folks good luck and have fun and as always I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: SignsOfKelani
Views: 89,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow dragonflight, dragonflight addons, wow addons dragonflight, addons, best addons, addons list, wow addons list, wow addons updater, best dragonflight addons, good addons for wow dragonflight, must have addons in dragonflight, patch 10.2
Id: mqM8XvsGQsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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