The COMPLETE Beginners Guide to Mythic+ in 2023

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some people think that unless you have a gigachad Mythic plus score and play a handful in that aspect then there isn't no way you can grind keys but then there's this guy his name is cyber every season he manages to climb rating as a feral Druid of all things the spec that is not exactly known for being a top tier melee every season just like the rest of us he makes some mistakes like forgetting to turn off an auto run before going AFK despite this cyber has managed to go from being an average solo player to the top 0.1 percent Raider I overscore across all regions this got us thinking is it possible for a brand new WoW player to go from dinging level 70 to timing plus 15s and higher and under a month we think the answer is yes so we sat down with sideberry to learn more about his experience and the advice he would give to newer players starting their Mythic plus Journey today we came up with a plan split into three distinct phases the first is preparation which are all the pre-game steps that ensure you have the best shot at success the second phase is research which involves learning how to be a smarter and more skilled player our final phase is practice which means taking all the fundamentals and learning how to fine tune them in more challenging dungeons so stay tuned as we give you a step-by-step plan on how to approach Mythic dungeons as a true beginner first up we have our preparation phase this is where you should start the moment you hit level 70 for the first time here we'll go over keybinds rotations interface gear and consumables in this day and age keybinding is essential in World of Warcraft with all the micro movement combined with DPS and healing checks and Mythic dungeons anything that slows you down will be your demise let's pretend you click all of your rotational abilities one at a time doing this on a stationary dummy might seem easy but now let's throw some movement into the mix and then use our defensive cooldowns pretending like we're fighting a boss and reacting to mechanics while still trying to do our entire rotation if we click all of our spells that means our Mouse has to travel all across our screen constantly adding small amounts of lag in between every ability press having some delay while pressing one of ability and isolation might not be noticeable but when it's every ability in your Spellbook things start to add up quickly as a beginner do you need to keep behind every single spell not necessarily but at the very least you should make sure your core rotational abilities can be pressed both reliably and efficiently on screen we've highlighted some of the best keybinds if you press an ability often then it should probably be assigned to one of these keys since they are the closest to your movement binds and speaking a movement we definitely recommend using strafe instead of turn this will allow you to have more precise character control especially around sharp corners and pillars and will make it easier to quickly stutter step in every direction in order to play around different dungeon mechanics you will also want comfortable binds for any major cooldown especially defensives since you will need to be very Snappy with CDs and higher keystones in any case having good keybinds is the number one way to make your gameplay more efficient remember pressing one ability slightly slower might not be a big deal but when it's every single ability that will definitely lead to a noticeable DPS or HPS loss once you're comfortable with your keybinds the next goal will be developing muscle memory for different forms of damage as a DPS there are three primary damage profiles you'll need to master all with different levels of complexity the first is single Target which is sometimes the most intricate since it author relies on maintaining bus or debuffs while sticking to a priority system that includes multiple damage globals on the complete opposite end of the spectrum is mass AOE for some specs this can be a bit more straightforward since generally speaking one ability takes priority over everything else at all times somewhere in the middle is cleave damage which takes elements of single Target and AOE for fights involving fewer mobs the complexity of damage and healing profiles varies on a spec by spec basis sometimes priorities are fairly straightforward but other times careful timing is needed in order to ensure optimal damage regardless of how complex your rotation is muscle memory is crucial and can be developed outside of dungeon settings training dummies are the best place to start for developing the Mind Body Connection you will need in Mythic dungeons you can even add micro movement to simulate boss mechanics strafing left or right or moving backwards and forwards while using your globals doing this over and over will help develop something we've called the autopilot rule which means once your rotation feels automatic everything becomes much easier once you know what your damage priority is for different situations it's time to practice over and over using the single Target dummies for single Target rotations and then the groups of dummies for Mass AOE when practicing the goal will be to train yourself to minimize the time spent looking at your action bars you'll know you're doing a good job if you can spend most of your time looking at name plates while being able to press an ability every Global for a long period of time once you get to this point the next step is to be comfortable using all of your utility mostly interrupts and hard CC having these spells on highly accessible keybinds being able to weave these additional globals between damaging spells to take this even further we should even be comfortable using Focus macros in order to use our utility on off targets while allowing us to keep our damage rotation rolling on our Prime primary target and higher level Mythic dungeons you will need to constantly react to different mechanics doing much more than just damage like needing to quickly interrupt or CC a Target while simultaneously readjusting your positioning or pressing defensive cooldowns in very small Windows these are high level thinking tasks and if your brain power is constantly devoted to thinking about what damage or healing Global to press next then everything else will suffer the goal is to not think too hard about your rotation but to instead turn it into an automatic subconscious process this in turn frees up the mental resources needed to tackle the other more challenging tasks so by having good keybinds and being able to use the autopilot rule we don't need to constantly stare at our action bars which are the lowest priority elements of our screen now let's compare the progress we made before using keybinds when we were clicking each ability one by one it was difficult to move at the same time and there was some delay in our rotation but now with a full set of keybinds and a better understanding of our Global priority everything looks much smoother and now we'll be able to pay more attention to high level information like boss mechanics and information from our add-ons speaking of which there are a handful of add-ons which are absolutely essential for Mythic plus whether you like it or hate it playing without add-ons in this day and age is almost impossible in fact Wow's developers have suggested multiple times that Dungeons and raids are designed around the assumption that players will be using multiple highly complex add-ons guilds who participate in the race to world first even have entire teams dedicated to customizing mods to tailor fit each boss now does this mean you should go all in immediately and have a race to world first UI probably not instead start with the absolute Essentials including deadly boss mods or bigwigs for Boss timers and alerts plater or threat plates for Mob control and then weak auras for well a lot of things these add-ons will get you the most mileage possible in the long run as a tank or healer we also highly recommend Omni CD to help keep track of your group's cooldowns this is a bit Advanced but will come in handy with more experience there are also a handful of add-ons that are helpful but not necessarily required including method dungeon tools which we will explain in the next section while it is incredibly popular having lvui isn't really necessary for Mythic plus and is more or less a cosmetic add-on than anything else you don't need to dramatically alter the default interface to time Keys just look at cyber's UI he has blizzard default frames and bars but of course still uses all the essentials we covered even Trill who some consider to be one of the best overall wow players managed to get a race to world first kill with a UI that looks straight out of the box players sometimes make the mistake of assuming they need every add-on Under the Sun the logic is simple add-ons are good because they provide useful information so having more add-ons means seeing more useful information an unintended consequence of this logic is information bloat there is only so much visual information we can process at one time so adding additional levels of complexity can sometimes slow you down after all the human mind can only consciously process 40 to 50 bits of information per second instead by taking a minimalist approach building our UI from the ground up by starting with the essentials we are training ourselves to pay attention to the most important information first and then only later on can we decide to install other add-ons to fill any gaps now at this point there might be an elephant in the room when it comes to playing group content and that's item level as we will very quickly discover the lfg system is not very friendly if you don't have cure luckily the path for a new player that just hit level 70 to having adequate item level for low-level mythics is quite fast and has a few shortcuts the goal is simple gain item level first and worry about stat priority second every spec in the game has its own stat priority and sticking to it as often as possible will ensure the highest damage or healing however if our goal is simply to get into pug groups then it's better to prioritize item level upgrades first since group leaders will be checking that and generally won't be checking your secondary stats you don't have to worry about using Sims to perfectly optimize your gear at this point instead save something for later on when you are already more established between crash gear World bosses World quests and even LFR there are currently multiple ways to get guaranteed item level upgrades without needing to step foot in a single dungeon each content patch usually also includes some form of catch-up gear at the time of creating this video the fractures and time patch was just released and there are tons of options for catch-up gear from time Rift events which award currency that can be used to purchase 402 item level gear including some very unique trinkets time Rift events happen every hour and are located in thaldrasis in between tier hold and Val Dragon so be sure to check your mini-map for the next event which can be completed in a group if needed be sure to pick up the weekly class before you start in order to get dilated time capsules and pericosal flakes which are the two forms of currency needed to purchase the new ketchup gear to complete the solo content route be sure to kill any world bosses every week for a chance at item level upgrades that require almost no effort once again item level is King this also means using the crafting order system whenever possible once again with the goal of getting free epics well as long as you have some gold at this point if you manage to complete everything we've covered you are probably even over Geared for low-level mythics which is actually totally fine with how quickly gear is distributed these days it's quite common for people to gang gear quicker than they gain skill in the next part of this video we'll dive deeper into group content including how to actually progress through dungeons themselves but for now we have one more step let's take another trip to the auction house where we'll want to buy flasks and combat potions let's see are we forgetting anything health potions above anything else these are the single most important consumable in the game for Mythic plus as we will discuss later the goal when pushing Keys is to not die which means there is absolutely no reason to play without healing pots at this stage we've set up our keybinds practice our rotation set up our UI and figure out what consumables and gear we need before ever stepping foot in a Mythic dungeon now we're ready for phase two but first going straight into low-level mythics can be a bit of a gamble if you aren't familiar with every dungeon even plus zeros up to plus sevens can feel overwhelming as a new player since the pacing is so unique it's literally a speed run and if you play tank you might not know how or when to pull this is where we enter into phase two here we will use heroics and low-level keys to become familiar with dungeons then we'll learn how to research routes how to refine a rotation and finally some key advice on how to avoid one of lfg's biggest issues heroiced engines are the first logical stepping stone since they provide a moderate challenge while also allowing you to gradually familiarize yourself with different mechanics now there are some boss and trash mechanics that work differently on the heroic setting and in mythics everything is generally more lethal but for the most part you can ease into learning different fights and understanding what trash packs tend to be the most difficult if it's your first time ever in a dungeon whether it's heroic or Mythic then be sure to pay close attention to Trash Packs directly before any bosses as sometimes the trash have a abilities that mirror the mechanics of bosses for example just before the last boss in brackenhyde there will be some fetid rot singer mobs who summon totems that apply a stacking disease effect making it a priority Target to Nuke quickly this is a mirror of mechanics on the last boss who also summons a totem that the group will need to kill as quickly as possible even if you don't know exactly what each boss does you can at least infer some abilities from previous trash packs and while the dungeon Journal can help you understand different possibilities and how to play around them it does little to help with trash instead it's better to use Mythic dungeon tools as a way to understand mechanics not only of bosses but also of various trash bags by clicking on individual NPCs you can see how much health they have and what mechanics you can expect while even being able to scale the HP of mobs to each Mythic level if at any time you die to a mob or a boss be sure to go back and check your combat log to see what killed you and then go back to the add-on to learn more about the spell while the obvious goal of any dungeon is to not die sometimes death itself is the best Learning lesson as long as you take the effort to figure out why you died and even take accountability for it happening then you'll eventually be better at avoiding the same mistake in the future Mythic dungeon tools is also fantastic for planning routes which can even be directly imported into the add-on itself rods are typically published on sites like Raider IO and often include a dungeon walkthrough via a twitch VOD and a link to copy the MDT import not every group will follow the exact same route and polls are often different depending on weekly affixes on top of this as the season progresses it's possible for rats to dramatically change altogether but for a newer player these cookie cutter Raider i o routes are perfectly fine for learning how to crawl through each dungeon especially as a tank during this time in the research phase of your Mythic plus Journey you might be a bit nervous about how well you're performing in each run if you're a DPS player out there and you're worried about your damage because you notice it's lower than the MDI player you just learned your route from well don't sweat it as we will discuss in our final section details can be a massive bait and if you're comparing your DPS or healing as a beginner to the throughput of a super high rated and experienced player then you are doing yourself no good it's like going to the gym for the first time and instantly comparing yourself to the strongest person there of course they're able to lift more weight because they are on their day 3000 while you might be on your day 30. there is no comparison instead it's often more productive to compare your damage output to other DPS in your group if you notice it's always lowest by a considerable margin while also losing to tanks and healers it could simply be a gear issue but your item level is the same as your other members of your group then it's probably your rotation so go back to the Target dummies and this time install Trophy gcd and then record your gameplay this way you can play back your rotation one step at a time and compare your abilities Global by global with the damage priority you were following if you notice something different in your spell ordering then you know exactly what to change in your muscle memory finally we have another giant elephant in the room that we've been dancing around this whole time it's a treacherous task of actually getting into groups with lfg and cyber had some really great advice once again cyber knows getting into groups isn't always easy when your spec isn't the most meta and if your item level or Raider i o score is lower than the groups you're applying to there is an extra layer of complexity the workaround start your own groups once you're in the driver's seat of actually forming the group you suddenly don't have to deal with being under geared or having a lower score mid-season it might be intimidating at first but it's something many experienced players like cyberican confirm now that we've locked down Phase 2 it's time to move on to our final stage which is all about practice don't worry this final section will be much faster and if you made it here congratulations but there is still some work to do in both Phase 1 and 2 damage rotation came up twice and that's for a very good reason while you're progressing as a beginner your rotation is what you want to fine-tune the most this is because in lower Keys it's it's what carries the hardest while we don't recommend this it's possible to mess up multiple times as a DPS and still time entry level Keys consistently with damage alone in fact some players would argue that damage can carry even well into mid-level keys where only then will other things become a priority one of these things is getting better at mob control and trash by now you should know what spells are worth interrupting and which NPCs need to be cc'd the goal now is to consistently weave in kicks and non-damaging globals into your rotation it's time to shift your focus from details to name plates all the Vital Information to not die is in this part of your screen and this is precisely what becomes your new goal to avoid dying as much as possible yes of course this sounds obvious but we've all been a victim of DPS greed either we've been too greedy ourselves and died to an AOE mechanic because we've been too busy trying to adopt the meters or we've seen other people do the same seriously details is bait we all want to top The Meters but 99 of the time it's better to sacrifice one percent of damage for a 100 chance to stay alive remember you can't top details if you are tanking the floor boss the biggest killer in Mythic dungeons is not just bosses or trash it's players being selfish also try and learn the game from other perspectives if you play DPS try playing tank or healer as a tank you should definitely try playing DPS from time to time seeing how the game is played from the damage dealer's perspective in doing so you can learn what common pain points DPS have to deal with and how you can change your gameplay as a tank to minimize their impact even in pug groups everything works better when group members are playing as a team we know Q times can be long but at the end of the day getting better at Mythic dungeons requires a lot of play time and just like the gym you need to get in your reps Mythic dungeons have compounding difficulty because they're an infinitely scaling system that requires you to master a bunch of individual Parts one step at a time so going back to our three phases instead of treating them like a path that ends they're more like a loop and more often than not it's good to go back and revisit the fundamentals regardless of whether or not you're a beginner or a keystone grinder we want to make Mythic us a better experience for everyone with that in mind we want to know what topics you'd like us to cover next drop a comment below and we might feature your idea in an upcoming video and while you're doing that be sure to subscribe and turn on all notifications so you can get instant access to our latest releases as always though we want to thank you all for watching and see you soon
Channel: Skill Capped WoW Mythic+ Guides
Views: 58,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, dragonflight, wow dragonflight, wow, mythic, mythic+, m+, mythic plus, wow 10.1.5, dragonflight wow, dragonflight 10.1.5, wow news, 10.1.5, patch 10.1.5, halls of infusion, brackenhide hollow, freehold, vortex pinnacle, neltharion's lair, uldaman, neltharus, underrot, m+ guide, m+ keys, wow m+, mythic +, asmongold, bellular, df, mmo, rpg, gaming, quazii, yumytv, guide, mythic+ beginner guide, wow beginners guide 2023, world of warcraft beginner's guide 2023
Id: nqJCmBbYHo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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