Pastor Tommy Bates 8/22/21 - 10:45 AM

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning let's all stand today hallelujah it's good to see you this morning are you ready to worship the lord amen hallelujah come on put those hands together [Music] i like god's word hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] to hear the old bell's time they were calling all the saints of god into the house of prayer [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] it's [Music] [Music] oh hallelujah hallelujah is me [Music] oh hallelujah for your time hallelujah will somebody give me praise this morning hallelujah hallelujah [Music] come on put those things together this morning if you're glad you're saved today join and sing with us to celebrate our great almighty thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] i'm singing thank you lord for saving me thank you for saving me hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] for who you are [Music] thank you thank you lord you've been so good to me my oh thank you lord for saving me i'm singing thank you lord for saving me [Music] with us today is lord is saving me [Music] look what jesus did on calvary for our salvation amen can we lift up our praises to the king this morning lord we love you so much but how we love you jesus [Music] father in heaven [Music] affection i long to love you to love you with all that i have to give it to you oh [Music] i [Music] you are my refuge the one that i i know you are with me here in this moment teach me to oh [Music] offering the life world [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] to give [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] today come on let him know you love him it's so easy to love him it's so easy to love him come on and bless the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah may be seated in god's house today do you know that song it's so easy to love it's so easy loving [Music] so easy loving because it's wonderful it's so easy to love him it's so easy loving it's so easy to love loving cause you're wonderful it's so easy to praise him it's so easy to praise [Music] it's so easy to praise him because you'll wonder because it's so easy to love it because it's wonderful yes hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord what beautiful singing lydia my goodness she could sing the phone book and make it sound good my goodness just beautiful worship unto the lord one thing one thing i longed for the psalmist said one thing have i desired of the lord and that will i seek after that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the lord and to inquire in his temple for in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion in the secret place of his tabernacle shall he hide me and now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me therefore will i offer this tabernacle sacrifices of joy i will sing yea i will sing praises unto the lord hear o lord when i cry with my voice have mercy upon me and answer me i knock your face from me [Music] i feel the presence of the lord in this house today one thing i desire to be in his presence amen in his presence there's fullness of joy amen we get fullness of joy in jesus we're the most blessed people on this planet earth because we're children of the king of kings and the lord of lords can i hear an amen in god's house today amen amen amen amen it's your first time here to community family church we're so glad you're here with us and we would love the opportunity to connect with you so do us a favor first time guest in that scene in front of you is a connection car just reach for that fill that out for us so we get the opportunity to connect with you and then take that when you're finished with it and drop it off on whatever offering stands here at the front the back the balcony or if you see one of our friendly staff members or volunteers you can hand that to one of them can we let our guests know how greatly we appreciate them being with us in god's house today [Music] i mentioned volunteers and speaking of volunteers this saturday is so important everyone say this saturday this saturday is our volunteer picnic this is actually our staff members favorite time of the year because we invite all of the hundreds of volunteers of our church there's close to 400 volunteers of our church we invite you to the ralph bailey center this saturday at 12 p.m and no you won't be volunteering for that we're going to be welcoming you with you we're going to be just having a time of fellowship and food and games it's just going to be an awesome time so want you to be there and bring your family and guess what you don't have to do anything all of the staff members will be doing all the work we'll be doing all the cooking the cleaning the serving everything it's going to be a wonderful time and also that's the time when we give away our four awards for our volunteers we have a rookie of the year award we have a heart of compassion award a heart of service award and we also give out a heritage award for some people or a couple who've been a blessing to our church for decades it's just an awesome time so we encourage you to be there when is it this saturday say this saturday it's this saturday absolutely this saturday at 12 p.m it's gonna be a wonderful time and of course you know if my brother is in charge you know that we're going to eat well we take food very seriously in our family very seriously i think of food as like money so it's like you know what if i if i budget for it and if i've only got a certain amount of calories to spend in that day it better be good i don't want to eat anything that i don't like isn't i with me around here anybody else particular about your food i don't want to eat something i want to regret i sound i'll take a little taste i actually will go around and people say what's it like how's that you only got a certain amount to spend you know so you got to make sure you get it right it is going to be right this saturday i will tell you it's going to be so good so we encourage you to make sure you're a part of that let's go and say our offering declaration of faith together as we bring in today's tithes offerings and over and above giving we are believing the lord for a supernatural release of god's favor over every area of our lives is [Music] holy ghost say the sound with me we are blessed and we will be a blessing to others in the name of our lord jesus christ can you give the lord a handclap of praise for that come on if you know you're blessed today if you know that everything you have is because of jesus hallelujah praise the lord let's go before the lord in prayer god we thank you so much for this day and thank you for the opportunity to give in to your house today thank you jesus that we can worship you with our hands clapping feet dancing and mouth shouting your praises but lord we're also so grateful that we can worship you lord with our tithes and offerings lord move upon this offering right now and even those that are watching by the internet right now and they're going to participate in worshiping you and through this offering as well we come in communion together god to celebrate you jesus with our tithes and offerings god because we know where exactly where our help comes from we know exactly god where every dollar comes from it's from serving you jesus and how you blessed us so god we just return a portion to you god for the furtherness of your gospel lord we ask in the name of jesus that you move upon this offering let every single dollar go to win souls for your kingdom in jesus name in the church says amen three ways to give online at text to give by texting the word eight give to 859-359-3997 and giving in person let's all stand in god's house today and you may give in the offering this time this is pastor eric bates and i'm standing in the family life center right here at community family church i'm standing in one of many rooms that we have on the campus and this particular room is where we have the school of ministry and our family ministries on wednesday night i want to thank you for all your support for those of you who've been sending your gifts to help us pay off this building and i have some great news for you we are now under the 1 million dollar mark so we now owe less than a billion dollars on this and i am believing the lord that we are going to pay this off this year i just have the faith for it and i want to thank you if you want to give all you have to do is text the word give to 85935 and make sure you select the building fund you can also do that at we thank you for your giving we love you and we appreciate you and thank you so much once again from the bottom of our hearts [Music] king [Music] oh jesus oh oh hallelujah oh jesus we'll praise the i'm lord looking forward to that let's give him a great praise because you have heard of little moses in the bull rush you have heard of fearless david and his sling [Music] you've heard the story told of dreaming joseph of jonah in the whale they often sing there are many many others in the bible i'd like to meet them all i do declare for god's old son is gonna be the leading one do you believe that at that meeting the air is love that [Music] you've heard the story told at treatment jose and a jonah and the well they all been saying there are many many others in the bible i would like to meet them all i do declare by and by the lord will surely let us [Music] foreign who will be glorious at all hey oh there the doubters will be missing all together and the skeptics will be absent on that day there'll be no grumblers present to disturb us [Music] and the ancients will be busy far away there the saints will have this seal upon their forehead rest in raymond's holy ransom once again all who have that wedding garment will be sweet sweet will be glorious sweet me all of those skeptics will be absent on that day there'll be no grumblers present to disturb us and their ancients will be busy far away and the saints will have this seal upon their forehead dressed in raymond only ransom once can wear all who have that wedding coming will be praised oh will be the oh oh ready to go i usually don't have you standing this long but an extra minute won't hurt you i mean if it does hurt you don't want you sick because i want you to be uncomfortable but we want to give god praise for these are new partners but they're also people that have been partners that some of them attend here at church that that uh and you know partnership i've always meant for to be outside of this congregation because we have so many responsibilities but i do appreciate the people in this church that wants to add 25 extra to their giving a month to because the partnership giving is what pays for the television ministry the live stream ministry all these cameras have been bought by the partnership and we appreciate it and we thank god for that but we want to give a good thank you and welcome this week to donna gale independence kentucky marjorie we don't have an address amanda from florence lee and carolyn from covington christopher from independence elizabeth from canton georgia ken and cindy from union alla allen and rose from vernon kentucky missy from west virginia annette from warren pennsylvania heather from independence kentucky and mark and jody from butler kentucky let's give them all a good thank you [Music] we're going to be reading out of john chapter 14 and when we have the prayer at the altar service today and we call the elders and prayer warriors and ministers up we want to be in special prayer because we there has been and praise god we've not experienced here it in this church and i'm so thankful probably because about 700 700 or more got the covet in this church last year sorry to tell you that but we did and we made it through it there was probably about five or six that ended up the hospital over maybe a dozen but we did make it through it and one of the uh pastors that i've been talking to and i'm getting ready to do this he went to check before he got the vaccine to see just what is in his blood and they told him you've got enough antibodies at least and it was last year when he had said you've got enough antibodies for six months his wife's antibodies were so high they said you've got enough for a year or two so they they're fine so their antibodies are actually stronger than vaccinated antibodies i'm just telling you that now you just just you do what you're going to do what you need to do and those of you watching by internet you do what you need to do people that need to be vaccined need to be vaccine and you're not going to die 200 million people have been vaccined and there could be effects we don't know about that but we have had people in this area one of them their father it's a toby hooton his father pastored hickor go for 35 or more years his son is only 38 years old and they had to put him on a vent in christ hospital his wife and two little children were here at the nine o'clock service we had special prayer we need to pray about these things we've had another request that came in of a nephew of a sister that's here nancy grubbs's son is uh not on the vent but he is in very in intensive care a lot of this has come out we have a lot of prayer requests but when we have the elders to come up at the end at the altar service if you want to stand in for someone this is what we do this is a house of prayer now we went for several months we didn't have the elders and the prayer warriors and ministers to come up we were refraining from laying on of hands and groups but we're back to this service that we believe in through scripture we're back offering it again and it's a privilege it's a privilege to have a church that believes in prayer that believe god's answers prayer so we are believing that brother hooton that pastored hickory grove that his grandson at 9 28 this morning when i called toby up to lay hands on him we're going to believe that god gave him a touch of heaven at christ hospital so we want you to pray we're going to be praying over this message but we really need to pray about these needs and about our country about the effects of the taliban upon missionaries the taliban has gone wild they are suited up and i watch this on cnn so don't think i mean i didn't watch it it came up on cnn because i don't watch anything but just to let you know the liberal the liberal portion of the news has stated the taliban is covered from head to toe with united states weaponry [Music] covered when we left out of afghanistan we left all of our ammunition all of our tanks all of our weaponry they are covered from head to toe if we don't get prayers through all hell hell's going to break loose on the missionaries they've already been threatened to behead their children we're trying to get them out there's over 88 000 still in the country of afghanistan that are trying their best to get out of that country so church these prayer meetings we have on monday night tuesday any time time we have a prayer meeting these are serious this is this is like this is like checking your heartbeat the heartbeat of the church is the prayer meeting and if our heartbeat is irregular what kind of spiritual health can we expect if our heartbeat is not regular and so we need to pray about these at this altar service john chapter 14 verses one through three sister sue payne and all of your women and associates we cannot thank you enough for your act of benevolence and excellence at the women's pink tea if you've never seen these women the way they lay it out they lay it out like they lay it out like the like a great queen is going to show up to be their guest they they use the best of their resources and this was all to provide help for people who are going through cancer treatments we believe god is a healer and like i said we know that god can bring a giant down amen [Music] but sometimes he uses a stone you hear me [Music] david said i come to you in the name of the lord but god still used a stone all david had to do was say in the name of the lord god almighty and that giant would have fell dead but sometimes god allows us tangible things to be used so people can receive deliverance over a giant that's affecting them so glad to have folks here from mississippi from georgia they've been coming from everywhere because at the ark the ark is having one of the greatest celebrations 40 days of preaching and gospel singing you can even imagine that's down here in dry ridge at the reproduction of the of noah's ark it's an outstanding if you can i know it's expensive but if you can save up your money and go it'd be good for you to get in these wonderful meetings let's let's read let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house there's many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am there you may be also father in the name of jesus let your word go forth with love mercy truth let it be seed to the sower bread to the eater let it be preached with demonstration and power of the holy ghost in jesus name let the church say amen you may be seated just for a few moments this morning we're dealing with the subject in my father's house our text is found in john chapter 14 verses 1 1-3 if you ever get to go with me to israel or you've ever been to the country of israel on a biblical holy land tour you will cover when you go on our tour you will cover from the furthest part of the north all the way down to the very very farthest part of the south and when we get up in the north and we're going through the golan heights there's an ancient group of people there and they are of mixed uh mixed blood mixed race they are part jewish they are part uh uh arab they're they're they're just have different mixture but they have carried on the old ancient custom of marriage that was practiced in the middle east so when you read the scriptures in the bible sometimes and we'll be sharing with you and let you give a little insight to know that we we sometimes don't understand the full meaning because you don't understand the context in which it was written in order to give the revelation so to get the revelation you got to go to the context in which it is written in order for god to open up and give us daily bread and show us another daily revelation of the lord jesus christ but when you see these people in the northern part of israel by the golan heights they still practice the ancient practice of this that when a young man finds someone he wants to marry the first thing he does at his father's house he prepares an apartment or sometimes one whole floor so when we went to this area where these ancient peoples are some of these and they were had money a lot of them had money and their houses were huge but the tour guide said now the first floor that's probably where grandma and grandpa are the second floor is the next generation the third floor is the next generation and some of them had four and five floors and then they would go on and build another house and keep on adding because every time there was a wedding the wedding could not be complete until that young man built a place prepared for his bride that'd be good little practice today good to have a little money saved up for you to do something or at least have a little house or something have something prepared so as jesus says he says let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me for in my father's house there's been many apartments many places that have been prepared there are many places that have now he calls them mansions because these are not just little shoddy built on lean-to's on the house all right these are just not something stuck on the side he's saying in my father's house there are these mansions that have been prepared for you because it's been my foreknowledge it's been my predetermined destination that you be eternally with me i'm coming to this earth in order for a relational experience that we will be one through eternity and so when you get to matthew chapter 25 it sheds a little more light because you know being a young preacher just a teenager and reading these scriptures it didn't make a whole lot of sense to me but i knew it was the bible and so i read it anyway but i thought why in the world are they having this what's going on why are they going to the father's house at night well i mean this boy's getting married what's he going to his daddy's house at night for why are they going and making this trip but in the context of the scripture and in the context of the geography and of the ancient times when jesus was on this earth this was common knowledge the common knowledge was the most exciting place to be on the day of the wedding was in the house of the bride now this may last two or three days it may last a week it's a celebration place they've got so much food cooked up you can't even imagine it everybody's coming because the bridegroom has been in his father's house he has prepared this apartment he has prepared this house he's got the furniture in place he's got everything absolutely perfected and he tells his friend it's time the house is complete tonight is the night and so the friend of the bride he waits until the bridegroom says go get my bride he comes to the middle of the street and he begins to speak behold the bridegroom behold the bridegroom is ready behold well about that time they've been in the house of the bride they've been having this wonderful feast this wonderful celebration all of this food the music can be heard all over the city and the word of god teaches us that it is now close to midnight it's very dark now there's everyone is there but it's in this scripture that there were ten virgins young girls they were in the house of the bride they were so excited oh they couldn't wait to go see the wedding one day it's going to be me one day it's going to be me but they got so excited over the food in the house of the bride over the music in the house of the bride over all of the games and fun that was going on in the house of the bride that they neglected the most important thing that they should have done that was went and got oil in their vessel so when they were in the procession that they could walk in the procession with a lighted lamp but if they had no light in their lamp they were not welcome to walk in this procession these little girls were so excited about the activity they were good little girls the bible calls them virgins they were they had a good heart but they failed to do what they needed to do in the time that they should have done it now how this applies to us is this the most exciting place on this planet before the coming of the lord jesus christ is in the house of the bride it's going to be more exciting than the united nations more exciting than capitol hill more exciting than paris france more exciting than any other nation of the world is going to be in the house of the bride there are three things going to take place in the house of the bride according to the scripture and according to this ancient tradition number one there's going to be a ceremonial bath that bride's not going anywhere until she has been cleansed until she has been lotioned until she has been perfumed and the bible tells it like this that he is going to prepare his bride so we are sanctified and washed by the washing of water by the blood and by the word of the lord jesus christ so when we come into this place the church of the lord jesus christ the house of god is the house of the bride it's a place of music it's a place of singing it's a place of celebration it's a place of fellowship but don't get so excited with the fellowship and the music and all of the activities that you fail to allow the holy spirit to keep your lamp all trimmed and burning to keep oil in your vessel because god is coming after a people that are ready the three things that's going to happen in the house of the bride number one there's going to be a ceremonial bath number two there's going to be the putting on of the wedding garment which the bible said to put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness this last day church is going to have to put on her praise in the midst of opposition in the midst of oppressing spirits in the midst of many things that are going on i can't put on your garment of praise you're the one that's going to have to put on your garment of praise but the garment of praise follows the bath it follows the ceremonial washing by the word of god it's more than just jumping up and down and saying i'm here to praise god he said i want you to be a cleansed bride that is praising me with your garment of praise and then the next thing the last thing that's put on during this house of the bride experience is the ornaments the wedding ornaments the jewelry the gifts and the gifts of the spirit are going to be placed upon this end time church that is in the house of the bride so i find it very necessary to come to the throne of grace and to believe that the ornament of the gift of healing the ornament of the gift of miracles is going to be placed upon the special bride of christ that believes in his soon return that's celebrating in the house of the bride people say well i thought that 30 of the church was never going to come back after covid i'm not sure they were ever in in the first place do you hear what i'm saying it's it's not a matter of who's in the building it's a matter of who knows christ who's been saved who's been covered by the blood whose names have been written in the lamb's book of life who knows him as their personal lord and their savior so here we are today we're in the house of the bride we're expecting god to take the water of the washing of the word of god and to cleanse us he said if you are in the light as he is in the light you have fellowship one with another and while you do the blood of jesus will cleanse you from everything that's contaminated you this entire week you're in the washing machine right now you're being washed up there's attitudes being washed off there's certain things and habits that god is dealing with us the church has never been meant to be an entertainment center or a showcase cinema where you watch somebody else get something else it's a place where god does something in my life it's a place where it changes my vocabulary it's a place where it changes my literature it's a place where it washes me of the filth of the flesh and the contaminants of this world i don't want to be like this world i don't want the world's wardrobe i don't want the world's characteristic you see this relationship it is holy it is righteous and while i was thinking about this i was thinking the world's concept of a wedding has become almost vulgar almost totally vulgar in its concept of wedding the holiness of god has been placed on a shelf somewhere but you remember every one of you little sweet things that's going to get married and every one of you young men that want to be a groom you remember when you walk down that aisle you are also a symbolic representation that one day the king of glory is going to meet his church in the air for the bible said the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet him in the air and you remember young lady when you walk down this isle it's just not just your wedding you are in the place under god's covering up and you symbolically represent the glorious church i said the glorious church so what you wear what you look like and what your actions are are a symbolic representation that one day i said one day this old body is gonna put on immortality and death's gonna be swallowed up in victory oh glory to god that's why the enemy is trying to distort marriage and trying to distort the home and trying to make it out to be almost blasphemy but i'm here to declare every time a man and a woman stands under god's canopy and they say their vows to each other it is a reminder that the king of glory he left the throne room of heaven and he went on a search until he finds him a bride and he's going to take that pride to be at home with him and the bible said they twain shall be one jesus has never wanted to be your just your buddy he wants to be one on one with you he wants to be one in your music he wants to be one in your literature he wants to be one on your television programming he wants to be one on your vacations he wants to be one on your wardrobe he wants to be one in every single solitary thing you do he went to that cross that he might be in you that he might walk in you that he might talk in you that he might live in you not that he might be an occasional buddy that's going to give you a little joy pop every now and then he came to be eternally connected with you forever and ever and ever and ever am i talking to the bride am i talking to those in the house of the pride that recognize that he is the great i am and the eternal lord of glory give him a shout of praise hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the bible says husbands love your wives as christ has loved the church this is a command it's not a suggestion because he gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word oh i said he wants to wash you by the word of god you've come here to be cleansed hallelujah you've come to the house of god to be cleansed to be washed i don't know what's got on you why you is out there in that world i don't know what's on you say well i know it just seems like i can't keep spiritually clean you you get up on monday morning and you jump in that jacked up pickup truck you got to have a stool to reach the first free reach the first uh little step there you get in that jacked up pickup truck it takes you 45 minutes to go to work and you listen to wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle all the way to work and then you're saying i just can't get victory over this lust i can't i cannot get in your car i can't get in your car and take that cd out i can't get in your car and take your phone and your apple music and try to tell you what you're supposed to listen to i won't be with you on monday so i'm going to give it to you on sunday so you're going to know exactly what to put in your cd on monday if you want to be free from lust you've got to get wiggle wiggle off of your music and get something that's going to magnify the name of the lord jesus christ almighty oh glory i'm in the house of the blind i'm in the house of the bride lord scrub me lord scrub me help me to put on that garment of praise hallelujah he said he wants to sanctify it that he might present it to himself a glorious church without a spot without a wrinkle without anything but that it should be holy and blameless holy and blameless before the lord you see when the friend of the bride which is the holy ghost when he calls that church to come out of the house of the bride and we make our exit out of here we're going to meet him in the father's house because he has already prepared a place for us he's prepared a place for us oh yes he has he said if i prepare a place i will come again in the book of ruth chapter 3 and verse 3 this is ancient scripture that verifies this washing of in the house of god ruth she said oh naomi oh i love that lord of the harvest i love that boaz i want i want to be i want to be his wife and naomi said ruth baby i got to tell you something i let you listen to me naomi is the word of god and naomi said if you want to marry boaz the lord of the harvest here's three things you got to do tonight number one wash yourself baby i mean cleanse yourself from the top of your hair down to the soul of your feet and then when you get through washing yourself up i want you to anoint yourself i want you to put the anointing on you oh god wants his bride to be anointed he wants her to be anointed to cast out devils to speak with new tongues to lay hands on the sick that they shall recover god wants to anoint you to where i i do believe it i know we're in a pandemic but still somewhere we've got to get our faith up we've got to get our faith up [Applause] we've got to get our faith up to believe god and say in the name of jesus whether it be coveted or whether it be something else i'm going to confess i walked in disobedience yesterday i went over to mom's house and mom was talking and she drinking something uh some type of quinine with something else in it because she has it runs in her family the sizemore they have what they call restless legs and the only thing i can think about it is all their life they go 90 miles an hour and then when they get to their senior years their legs want to keep on going they just want to keep on going up so mom has those restless legs and and usually she'll have to be up at two o'clock three o'clock i said how'd you do last night she goes well i was up till three but then i went to sleep if i could just sleep four hours i'll be good and then she said she felt better but when i got ready to go out that house mom i disobeyed the lord here mom whizzed drink and quiet and i heard something say don't you believe in laying hands on the sick and argued i said well she drink quinine and something else i said she's already rubbed this other stuff on her legs don't you believe in laying hands on the sick yeah but wonderful wonder if it don't happen don't you believe that i can take care of restless legs yeah i do believe it but that's my mom and she's a better prayer warrior than i am what am i going to do go back there praying for her don't you believe that i said they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover i said yeah i i i know it's in the bible i know it's in the bible but you know she's got more faith than i have and he said don't you believe it though and i walked out of there yes i did in total disobedience under terrible conviction and then when mom come walking in that's the first question i asked and then i went oh it was okay it wasn't near as bad as it could have been enough you know i just gave myself a relief but what makes us do that what in the world is it that all we got to simply do is say a little 30-second prayer but we're so intimidated it is nothing but the oh it's nothing but the oppressive force of hell if if that was a pill why we'd have that bottle open in 10 seconds if that was some type of serum we'd have that injected in just a moment but when it comes to prayer there is a spiritual attack from the very powers of hell that wants to shut your mouth up that wants to tell you what if it don't happen what if you don't get healed i wonder if the miracle doesn't happen nobody worries about that over chemo nobody worries about that over radiation nobody worries about that over an aspirin but yet we'll worry about it over just a little simple prayer but i said to myself god that'll never happen again i don't care where i am in the name of the lord jesus christ i am going to say in the name of jesus god wants us to raise our level of faith raise our level of faith oh come on let's praise him lay your hands on your husband no i can't do that [Music] lay your hands on your wife [Music] i can't do that go in there and take that child and lay your hand it's easy with grandbabies you know that that's the easiest people in the world to pray for hallelujah as soon as they fall down on the ground let's pray in jesus name lord take the pain out of this in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name we've got to get our faith up we've got to get our faith up naomi said ruth when you get done washing yourself put that good anointing on put that good anointing on you he won't put the anointing on something dirty but there's no sense in having a big bath and not having any anointing if you're going to be sanctified and consecrated and dedicated and lived by the word my lord just get anointed then allow god to use you allow god to use your hands allow god to use your voice oh lord hallelujah he said ruth wash yourself anoint yourself and put on your garment that's your garment of praise all the way from the book of gener genesis to the book of revelation everywhere you read about this marriage union it's a type and a shadow of the church god presents eve to adam god's going to present his church to our lord and savior abraham is the father eliezer is the servant the holy ghost eliezar is sent on a mission 700 miles away to go find a bride for isaac the holy ghost finds rebecca yea lorne and the bible said that the holy ghost eliezer didn't go empty-handed he took 10 camels loaded down 10 camels with silver and gold 10 camels loaded down and by the time eleazar finished convincing rebecca who isaac was after 700 miles going across that desert hallelujah bumping up and down on a camel now listen i've only been on one cam by the last time i was on a camel i said never ever again yeah yeah and i'd been on when i was young it wasn't so bad but this time that camel did something i got on that camel over in israel and this is how they normally get up they get up with their back feet first and i was going like this and all at once is no how was it i can't remember exactly all i know is when he put those back feet up i went forward and i think i hit my head on something and then when he threw his head this way i went backwards and hit the back of that i said never again i've made a new resolution somebody said you ride horses i don't write anything if it don't have a key i don't ride in it [Music] but the bible said after 700 miles rebecca looked over in the field she said is that isaac it looks just like the one you've been telling me about it looks like the sea walker the blind man healer the leopard cleanser it looks just like him let me tell you when i see him i shall know him for i shall see him as he is jesus [Music] john 15 and 15 this is after jesus had washed the disciples feet it's after he had eaten the last supper he was getting ready to go to his passion he was going to be murdered horribly he was going to sacrifice he was going to be a self-sacrifice offering on god's altar and before he went to calvary he said henceforth i don't call you servants that's what abraham i mean that's what joshua and ezekiel daniel jose they were all the servants of the lord there was only one man in the old covenant called a friend of god and that was abraham he said i don't call you servants anymore he said but i have called you friends because what i've heard of the father i have made known unto you but after he went to calvary's mountain after he went to a hill called golgotha oh glory to god after he was wounded for my transgressions after they put the nails in his hands and in his feet after they put the crown of thorns on his head after they pierce his side oh bless his name forevermore bless his name after they had done that joseph of armathea nicodemus had wrapped him up in 100 pounds of myrrh with linen and they lay him in a borrowed tomb but on sunday morning now don't try to argue with the seventh day in venice and don't try to argue with the jew and tell them that that sunday is the sabbath this is not the sabbath this is the lord's day it was established by the apostolic teaching in the scripture to bring your tithes in on the lord's day and jesus appeared to his disciples on the lord's day and the holy ghost fell on the lord's day he resurrected from the dead on the lord's day so when your car pulls out of your driveway on the lord's day i know that monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday there are good days and jesus is the same on every day but this is a day that causes demons to tremble this is a day that causes every evil vile wicked thing to remember that on the lord's day on the lord's day that's why i'm here to give honor to my savior and my king it is the lord's day [Music] but after jesus resurrected he said in john chapter 20 touch me not for i have not yet ascended to my father but go tell my brethren and say unto them i ascend unto my father and your father my god and your god hallelujah the bible said behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of god now are we the sons of god that doth not yet appear what we shall be but when he shall appear we shall be like him hallelujah one day in that city that is prepared for us we're the only people on this planet that sings like that i have a home prepared where the saints abide over in the glory land we're the only people that talk about crossing jordan and on heaven's bright shore there'll be no dying over there not one little tear in all that fair land we're the only people that sing songs like that nearly 40 years ago god has to speak to me in night visions because i doubt myself too much but i was in a sound sleep and god took me through the veil of eternity i went through a tunnel i saw a light at the end of that tunnel and i stepped into the mouth waters of the river of life i thought the river of life would be like the ohio river but the river of life that i seen you couldn't see across it looked like a mighty ocean trees the diameter was as round as this platform here so tall so much taller than humans and the leaves were so huge and i saw the street and they said that's the street that leads to the celestial city in this night vision god gave me certain things to let me know it was a vision i won't go into all of them i'll just tell you one a woman turned around and i knew exactly who she was i'd never met her in my life i knew that she was the mother of a preacher that i'd preached for before a man that i knew i didn't know anything about his wife's mother she came up to me and i said oh you are and i named the sister you her mother she said yes and you're not here to stay so when you return i want you to tell my daughter [Music] don't worry about that that little spat we got into that trouble don't worry about that it's over with tell her i'll meet her and i was trying my best to test out is this a vision or is this just a or some strange dream it happened like that when i got up the next morning i called the preacher and i said i had this unusual experience i went into eternity i literally went into eternity and when i did i met your wife's mother and your wife's mother said i want you to tell her don't worry about that argument that contention we had it's over with and i'll meet her one day hallelujah he told his wife she started crying she said oh mom and i got into it over something and then she died suddenly and i never got to fix it i have been tormented all my life or what times that she's been gone god gave me that to let me know that he had shown me a glimpse of what a day that will be and one day we're gonna stand on heaven's shore and i heard a bunch of the old timers singing this song and i called ron wagers to get the words it says goodbye goodbye [Music] oh if here we meet no more oh goodbye goodbye may we meet on heaven sure oh goodbye [Music] goodbye oh if here we meet no more oh good time goodbye wavy neat [Music] fill our hearts with love divine [Music] comfort every troubled soul oh may we feel that we are though you're gonna say it one day goodbye oh if here we [Music] goodbye may we be on heaven let's all stand together you're only going to have that meeting and that place prepared for you if you have this blessed assurance i want our prayer warriors our ministers and altar workers if they will come forward if you have a special prayer request or something you want to stand in for these altars are open but the most important decision there is today is for you to get a relationship with jesus christ not joining a church not taking classes but saying jesus i need you in my life hallelujah then you'll be able to sing blessed assurance let's sing that verse together blessed assurance jesus is mine i preached a little longer than normal i don't know how that happened but it did hallelujah oh blessed jesus is mine oh what are [Music] of god [Music] oh this is my story hallelujah this couple came up from mississippi to be anointed with oil so let's pray father in the name of jesus we anoint them with oil god they've made a long trip up here now in the name of jesus this is the highlight of their life to come to this house that they've been watching on the internet and to hear the praises and the psalms and the prayers of the people now upon their requests god upon their requests lord they're asking you for healing virtue to go through their body in the name of jesus heal of spirit soul and body we give you the praise and the glory in jesus name hallelujah hold this [Music] let's praise god for this service all right thank you lord for this service thank you god for how you've reminded us that you have prepared a place for your people now in the name of jesus bring us back at the next appointed time we give you all the praise in jesus name let the church say amen we'll see you tonight see you tonight at six o'clock hallelujah tommy bates ministries there is a fervent desire to bridge the gap of what mighty men and women of the faith have shown him over the years to this current generation that so desperately needs a relationship with the holy spirit god's continued faithfulness to open doors for pastor tommy bates has done just that the message of jesus is going around the world and lives are being transformed if the holy spirit is leading you to pursue partnership with tommy bates ministries i encourage you to make your commitment today join pastor tommy bates as god passionately uses his ministry to stir and impact lives for the cause of jesus christ to partner or contact tommy bates ministries visit or call 1-866-411-1032 or write us today you
Channel: CommunityFamilyChurch
Views: 3,192
Rating: 4.7922077 out of 5
Id: wl_0MrgOSHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 43sec (5443 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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