Pastor Robert Morris - Ten Deadly Sins

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okay today's message is called the ten deadly sins now remember we're talking about the mouth and we base this entire series on proverbs 18:21 death and life are in the power of the tongue that's why I named this message ten deadly sins because these are sins that we commit with our mouths that produce death in us rather than life so Isaiah 59 let me just say this before we read we're going to read the first three verses verse one is a very well-known verse most people most believers have heard this at some point in their lives verse two is a well-known verse but they don't understand that verse three explains verses 1 & 2 alright so Isaiah 59 look at verse 1 it says behold the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save you've probably heard this at some point nor his ear heavy that it cannot hear famous verse verse 2 but your iniquities have separated you from God and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear it's not that he cannot but he will not and fly verse 3 tells us for your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity and watch carefully your lips have spoken lies your tongue has muttered perversity here he goes right to the bottom line and says listen there's nothing wrong with God but your sins have separated you from him not in your relationship but in your closeness and your intimacy and if we want to get right down to it it's what you've done and what you've said and if you want to really get down to it you've done what you've done because you've said what you said it's very important to understand how words affect our lives so I'm going to give you the out now the 10 deadly sins and so I have 10 points which is unusual for me but when we quickly through them alright here's number 1 lying lying is a deadly sin we commit our mouths now turn to proverbs 6 while you're getting to proverbs 6 let me just this proverbs is a book that has three major themes your money your morals and your mouth let me say it again your money your morals and your mouth if you've ever had a problem in one of those three areas which is all of you all of us then you ought to read proverbs all right so proverbs 6 verse 16 another famous verse these six things the Lord hates hates now the reason he hates them by the ways because they hurt people and he loves people these six things the Lord hates seven are an abomination to him remember the word abomination now notice the 7 and see how many have to do with the mouth a proud look a lying tongue hands that shed innocent blood a heart that devises wicked plans feet that are Swift in running to evil a false witness who speaks lies Sekulow Nestor of the mouth and one who shows discord among the Brethren third three out of seven have to do with the mouth proverbs 12:22 Stan proverbs 6 we'll come back to proverbs 12:22 lying lips are an abomination to the Lord but those who deal truthfully are his delight now this word abomination is a word that is a very strong word for sin many of your familiar words from the Hebrew and Greek that are translated seeing the most famous one is a Greek word Tamar to know which means missing the mark for all if sin for all it missed the mark and if fallen short of the glory of God this Hebrew word abomination means detestable and it means it comes from the root word which we get our word idolatry here's what he's saying these seven things are idolatrous to the Lord this is like leaving the throne of God and worshiping at the throne of Satan when you lie we leave the throne of truth and we go to the throne of lies the reason lying is detestable to God is because it is opposite of his nature God doesn't just speak truth he is truth so when we speak something that is untrue we are speaking completely against the nature of God now this was a huge stronghold in my life I grew up lying and I got caught in lying and that that made me then think that I needed to get better at lying so that I would not get caught and so I would work through all the details in my mind so that I could tell a better lie the next time let me tell you what a stronghold is by the way a stronghold is a scriptural word there can be good strongholds and bad strongholds but a bad stronghold is a habit that we can't break it's something that we do over and over and over again and let me give you the remedy to be able to break a bad stronghold or a bad habit in your life and this will apply to all ten of these deadly sins we have to become accountable and correctable because I've heard accountability use a lot it's almost like a buzzword you know I'm I want to become accountable that's fantastic but I've had several people say to me in the past I want to become accountable but they're not correctable it's it's when you actually talk to them about the area of their life that's wrong and you see the response you get at that point so again I had a real huge stronghold of lying and I got saved after Debbie and I got married and I went to Bible School and I started preaching and I found myself telling lies from the pulpit exaggerating now preachers we call this expounding the truth but God calls it lying and so I said to Debbie one day I said I'm going to tell you something I need to confess something to you I said I have a problem sometimes exaggerating and she said no kidding so anyway um I said well I want to become accountable to you in this area and I want you to correct me so if I do it were you in private first if faith is private a correction does it work then I'll let you do it publicly but but private first if I ate from the pulpit then I want you to catch me on it so a few weeks later we're driving away after I used to travel and preach revivals and I she said to me you asked me to do this the message was great but you did exaggerate a little bit and I said really what did I say she said well you said that last week in the revival we had 200 saved and it was actually seven so you get a few of those Corrections and then the next week you say last week we had people saved we invite you to join us each week on the blessed life with pastor Robert Morris experience dynamic bible-based teaching enjoy freedom to be inspiring worship of the Gateway worship team it's a time to grow be encouraged and learn how to live the blessed life the blessed life with gateway churches Robert horns Thursdays on the Daystar television network so line number one number two sowing discord sowing discord now we saw that in verse nineteen sowing one who sowed discord among brethren but if you're still in proverbs 6 look at verse 12 proverbs 6 12 through 15 a worthless person a worthless person a wicked man walks with a perverse mouth notice your works come from your words we just say that again your works come from your words everyone tries to fix their works if you'll just fix your words you can fix your works he weeks with his eyes he shuffles his feet he points with his fingers perversity is in his heart that's why it comes out of his mouth he devises evil continually watch he sews discord therefore here's what happens to a person who shows discord his calamity shall come suddenly suddenly he shall be broken without remedy I just want you to notice that people who sow discord will reap calamity notice by the way it uses the word so like sowing and reaping when you are speaking discord among the Brethren disharmony and disunity you will reap disharmony and disunity in your own life and it will come in a calamity in a calamitous way and it will come suddenly is what it says please don't be a person who's in the habit of sowing discord let me set another way one of the ways that we do this that we don't realize is when a spouse a person comes to us and says something about his or her spouse and we don't try to bring unity in that marriage that's sowing discord among brethren so be very careful right here's number three gossip gossip the definition that I like of gossip is spreading intimate or private rumors or facts now I want you to look closely at this definition spreading intimate or private rumors now watch this or facts see we think gossip is spreading rumors and that is part of one definition of gossip but even spread even if it's a fact if it's intimate or private you shouldn't be talking about it that's still gossip I'm going to read you a couple scriptures out of the New Living Translation I like the way they say this proverbs 20 verse 19 says a gossip tells secrets so don't hang around with someone who talks too much is that good 2nd Corinthians 12 20 Paula wrote to the Corinthian church instead I'm afraid that when I come to visit you I will like what I find and then you won't like my response I'm afraid that I will find they'll watch this watch how many have to do with the mouth Coralie that's that's the set of the mouth jealousy outbursts of anger not just anger but outbursts at your mouth selfishness backstabbing that's your mouth gossip that's your mouth conceit and disorderly behavior now let me tell you how we disguise gossip in the church and all of you will recognize this this is a disguise of gossip I'm going to tell you something but I'm going to tell you this so you can pray about it here's the only problem with that statement you're not praying you're doing more talking than you are praying next time you start to say that think about am I really burdened about this person is my heart broken about this person because God's heart is broken for the person don't get excited when you hear the words did you hear get in a habit of not listening to gossip or spreading gossip here's number four slander slander is a false and malicious statement or report about someone it's a false report about someone now here's what all of us think well I would never do that I would never slander someone listen to me carefully we do it all the time because we pass on reports that we don't have personal knowledge that they are completely factual and true if someone says something and then we say someone else did you hear and actually what we're saying the slander because we were not involved in the conversation we don't know if it's true we heard it from someone else or here's one that I really liked someone said I say well how do you know that's true I read it on the Internet really so you think everybody that writes something on the Internet is a truthful person and he's writing all facts it's amazing to me how we slander people I want to show you how deadly this is watch how deadly it is let me show you some scriptures Psalm 140 verse 11 let not a slanderer be established in the earth let evil hunt the violent man to overthrow him pretty strong isn't it here's a proverbs 1018 whoever spreads slander is a fool first Corinthians 5 verse 11 slanders in a list here that most only say sexual immorality but what's the list first Corinthians 5:11 now I'm writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral watch though we see stop we stop there watch or greedy and idolaters or a slanderer a drunkard or a swindler okay can I say something let's stop giving bad reports and here's where it really bothers me is that we speak bad reports about other churches I want you to understand something I know the pastors in this area I pray with them I love them we are not on opposite teams we are on the same team trying to win people to Jesus Christ and if there's anything that I won't Gateway to be known for it is gracious speech never ever ever speak about another pastor or another Church let's pray for them we're on the same team all right okay so here's number five tell Barry tale-bearing tale-bearing means revealing secrets are breaking confidence revealing secrets are breaking confidence proverbs 1113 a tale Bearer reveals secrets but he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter now we should be the church should be the safest place to reveal something about your life that no one knows we should be the safest place and here's how important is James chapter 5 says confess your faults listen to this to one another that you may be healed now this goes shocky we confess our faults to God that we may be forgiven we confess our faults to one another that we may be healed how many forgiving people do we have in the church that are not healed physically spiritually mentally emotionally and how many of those that are not healed are not confessing their faults to one another because they feel like they've done it in the past and it got spread all over the church we should be the safest place to be able to talk some and here's something else we talk about you know I'm tell you this you can pray about it here's something else that gets me about about revealing secrets we share something and we tell the person now you can't tell anyone this and then it comes back to us and we go to the person we say did you tell someone and here's what they say yes but I told him not to tell anyone and he told me that everyone he told he told not to tell anyone also doesn't even make sense don't tell anyone you know what that means in the Greek don't tell anyone when you know something about someone its power you may have never thought it this way when you know something about someone it gives you power and let me give you a definition character you may have never heard character is having power and using it wisely character is having power and using it wisely this is why many believers will never have power because they don't have the character to use it wisely okay here's number six cursing cursing is a sin and it's a deadly sin Romans three verses 13 and 14 their deceit their throat pardon me their throat is an open wound tune with their tongues they have practiced deceit notice how much is to our mouth the poison of ass or snakes is under their lips whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness most of the time when you find the person who curses you're finding bitterness as the root of that cursing now let me tell you this is going to be really really simple but let me let me explain to you let me tell you why we call cursing cursing because when you curse you curse I know that simple but here's the problem most people have never tied cursing with cursing let me say another way we are to bless not curse in other words when you curse you are speaking a curse and why would you curse someone else why would you curse your business why would you curse your marriage let me let me just take the one of the very common word and don't get upset with me because it comes from a Bible word dam the word dam comes from word damnation it means condemnation or eternal the Bible calls it damnation why would we ever dam someone why would we dam our marriages why would you dam your company that you work for why would you dam your checkbook it's got enough problems let me show you a verse that will absolutely shock you about cursing if you ever probably this area this this will probably cure you Psalm 109 verses 17 late-teen as he loved cursing so let it come to him as he did not delight in blessing so let it be far from him as he closed himself with cursing as with His garment so let it enter his body like water and like oil into his bones let me tell you what that means water and oil don't mix listen blessing and cursing don't mix a person who curses is not blessed it is amazing that we want to be blessed and yet we go around speaking curses and he says if you're going to curse cursing is gonna come on you and blessings gonna be far from you one time I um it's the beginning of dove season I took my shotgun to a guy to be fixed I called around to try to find some places and this friend of mine said this guy works out of his home he's really good and so I took my gun to him I had never heard so much cursing in my life he cursed more in ten minutes and I'd heard in 10 years and I finally got in there that I was a pastor and and that slowed him down a little bit I even invited him to church and he said well thank you blankie blankie mug you know he just he just kept going it was unbelievable and I I thought to myself this is just a trouble now here's what I found out later I called this friend of mine I said you know this man you didn't tell me this guy is a foul mouth and he said yeah I said we were kind of quick I couldn't tell you said he's good at what he does he said matter of fact though his mouth is so bad that's why he works out of his home now he just have a big big gun store and all and he works out of his home now because people just couldn't stand his language and I understood that but here's the point let me tell you why he works out of his home because he cursed his business he cursed his customers he cursed his is a what he worked own he cursed his inventory he cursed the poorer parts he was ordered and he Court cursed the door you walked through to get there he cursed everything it's amazing I remember when I got my gun back I mean I broke every curse I prayed over and I ignored it with oil I did everything I could and still missed every bird that flew by video hi anyway god be praised it's a moment we had together in worship where we captured what God was doing what God was saying this album has so many moments of worship so many songs we just all of a sudden heard all of these people all across the auditorium just lifting their voices here's number seven blasphemy blasphemy means to use God's name in an unsafe Rideau most people are from any of this but watch carefully our self-serving way in an unsaved or self-serving way this is the third commandment of the ten commandments exodus 20 verse 7 you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless pretty strong who takes his name in vain now as I said I'm only go two ways you can take the Lord's name in vain one is to obviously use God's name as a curse word obviously that's taking the Lord's name in vain but the second is to use God's name in a vain way a self-serving way vain is like vanity selfish and let me tell you how believers do this all the time they try to manipulate by telling someone God told me this well how can you argue with that around here on the staff we call that playing the god card someone comes in says God told me how do you argue with it see and here's what the Bible says Jeremiah he said don't say the Lord says when the Lord has not said don't use God's name to manipulate or get your way that's blasphemy and it's a sin here's number eight filthy language now if if cursing covers you know the word am and using God's name in vain blasphemy and things like that I just want you to know here's one that covers the rest of the bad words alright filthy language Colossians 3 verse 8 but now you yourselves are to put off all these things anger wrath malice blasphemy which we just spoke up filthy language out of your mouth when filthy language comes out of your mouth listen carefully it's because it's in your heart and it stirs it up and it released it I know a lot of men who've said they struggle with lust but they tell and listen to filthy jokes and filthy language stirs up lust in the heart don't listen to it now I'd like to challenge them in here stand up at your workplace and be a man you let them know I don't listen to it yeah you can tell it all you want but when I walk up to the water cooler you stop it and when I walk away you start it again but while I'm here I'm not gonna listen to it I would love for men to be men and let me know and can I tell you something else when that guy's life falls apart you'll be the one he calls I promise you he will respect you for your stand all right here's number nine contentious speech contentious speech it's a long definition hurtful hateful malicious but notice these two words underline them disagreeable argumentative or contentious speech disagreeable or argumentative now I've got two scriptures here and the first ones about a woman but the second one is about a man all right so ladies don't get mad at me for reading this first one okay proverbs 21 verse 9 better to dwell in a corner of a housetop than in a house shared with a contentious woman here's what he said no came in too loudly but your you'll be in trouble who said you know any saying it'd be better to live in the Attic now here's one about a man proverbs 26 21 as charcoal is to burning coals and wood to fire so is a contentious man to Kindle strife it just starts a fire there you say mental that one to good you kind of got out the doghouse speak there are people who just love to argue that don't say mental that was either cut if you're setting aside their appeal you just love to argue they just love to argue in what you say it's fun to them to argue what you're doing though is developing a contentious spirit the word contentious comes from the word contends you're always contending no one wants to hang around with someone who's always fighting with them he's always argued with who always has to have the last word and who always has to win the argument please don't do this don't allow this to say in your life when I I actually this series I I preached this series in 2004 so eight years ago and I we put it in book form the book is the power of your words I brought one out here the reason I would like for you to get the book because you can go deeper in the book than we can in a 30 minute message by the lake most of you know if you've been around here for a while that I I exempted gateway church from paying me I mean yeah Gateway Church and Gateway Church bookstores from paying me any royalties so when I asked you to get a book I don't have an ulterior motive I want you to know that please hear my heart on that I want you to get this truth and allow the truth of God's Word to change our lives all of us all right so years ago I was preparing this message and James and Elaine were still at home and Josh our oldest son had just gotten married and they said what are you preaching this weekend I told him to ten deadly sins of them out and I started going through them and so I got this when I said contentious speech they said well what does that mean that's well that means people who are disagreeable and argumentative I said matter of fact the two of you have a problem in this area sometimes they said no we don't yes they do okay they did they did they're much better now alright here's number 10 unbelief unbelief is a sin you commit with your mouth now you got to remember that if it's in your heart it comes out of your mouth so I know unbelief is a condition of the heart and maybe I should have named it negativity you could actually put that because negative words or words of unbelief Hebrews 3 verses 12 and 13 beware brethren lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief but if it's in your heart it will come out of your mouth let me show you how in departing from the Living God but in other words rather watch this exhort one another daily in other words speak words that build up not words that tear down you remember the 12 spies they went in to spy out the promised land and they come back in 10 of them give a negative report but you know what the Bible called that unbelief two of them gave a positive report the Bible called that faith see when we speak words of negativity we're speaking words of unbelief and there are people in saying whether people like to argue they just liked arguing by the way let me just say to you become accountable and correctable all right if you have a problem with arguing tell your life group just say to your life group listen I have a problem I'm working on I like to argue they'll say the same thing you Debbie said to me no kidding and give them permission to stop you from turning life group into a theological argument because first Timothy says it never bears fruit it doesn't mean that we can't talk about things but when we argue and dispute he says it never bears fruit never bears fruit okay so in the same way with negativity there are people who feel like you know if I don't if I'm not the negative one in this family I mean I just live my whole family this is just a flock of positive people I tell you they're all just positive and if I don't speak the negative word then I've got to be the negative to balance people out no you don't have to be the person of unbelief in the family now I understand saying realism bringing realism I understand that it's the same way that faith the teaching of faith went too far faith went so far and the teaching of words went so far that you could never say anything that might be considered not to be faith and I'm not saying that at all in other words I can remember one time very very clearly I'll never forget this this guy's nose is runny and he's the hope for like five minutes and I said to him is your nose running that's what he said no it's not I said yes it is snot that's exactly right hey Sai said is your nose runny he said no it's snot it's nice Ed yes it's not you're right about that because I said I see snot faith is not denying the facts faith is stating the truth faith is not that you don't see the mountain faith is that you see the mountain mover it's saying it's not it's not trying to deny something it's trying to say listen I know what God is going to do here when we talked about the the 12 spies and the ten that gave the negative report in the - that gave the positive report you realize that the land was full of giants now I don't know if you've ever thought about this do you know who lived in the promised land let me let me explain - because you'll remember this person Goliath and all his kin that's who lived there it was the land of the Giants Arba and they were nine feet tall so the ten talked about the Giants and the two talked about the Giants of ten said it's full of giants and we're like grasshoppers the two said it's full of giants but our God is bigger so they didn't say there weren't giants there they just said but our God is bigger than Giants and have you ever thought about this why for their Giants in the promised land or let me say another way who put the Giants in the promised Lee God did you know why two reasons one is it so no one could ever take the land without him knowing he did he put him there so no one could ever take that land with him the second reason I believe is so that when his children moved there they could move into houses with 12-foot ceilings and king-size beds and big-screen TVs he he did it to bless his people I'm not talking about the hyper prosperity gospel but listen nine feet tall people don't build homes with 8 foot ceilings God wanted to bless his children but the only way that he could bless them was to get their mouth to line up with his word and the only way God can bless us is to get our mouth to line up with the word of God let's stop speaking cursing and start speaking blessing I want you to bow your heads and close your eyes and just ask the Holy Spirit like we do every week Holy Spirit what are you saying to me through this message just take a moment and this is probably one of those messages that you'll have to go back and review your notes and listen to again and just Lord what are you saying to me through this message and I know all of us me included all of us are being convicted by this series but convictions a good thing it means that we're learning truth that's going to transform us if we'll yield to that truth if we'll become accountable and correctable God can change us and we want to pray for you no matter which campus you're attending or if you're in an overflow room we want to pray for you at in just a moment we're gonna have one more worship song we ask that no one leave during this time unless you have an emergency it's just one song and the reason is is because people are making decisions that can change their lives and if you need prayer in any area of your life any area of your life in just a moment at all the campuses in every overflow room in just a moment we're gonna stand and and we're gonna have leaders at the front and when we stand up it makes it easy for you to just slip out come to one of the leaders at the front and and ask for prayer and don't be embarrassed you know you're not a big bad sinner because you ask for prayer because we all need prayer but if you have any area of your life where you need a prayer and it may be in the area of your mouth we just talked about it maybe though that you have a problem with your mouth because you know in your heart God's not first so if you need to give your life to God or give your life back to God maybe some of you have thought about I want to be water baptized today it begins by accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior so when we stand in just a moment if you have any prayer need your family your finances your health your marriage your relationship with God if you have any any area where you need prayer when we stand up at all of our campuses as soon as we stand up you just stand up step out and come come to the front and let us pray for you and if you're on our ministry team you come as quickly as you can so you'll be ready to minister okay Holy Spirit I pray you'll draw every person at every campus that has a prayer need in Jesus name Amen I was 19 years old when I gave my life to the Lord and everything changed I didn't have any desire to go back to that old life I wanted to walk with the Lord and learn more about him and some people helped me to learn the Bible and to learn how to pray and to learn about my new life in Christ and that's what we want to do for you I am so excited that you've given your life to the Lord he's forgiven all of your sins and you're on your way to heaven but we need to learn some things now about the Bible about prayer about some basics of the Christian life so that you can be victorious and live for the Lord like I know you want to so we've designed a class called fresh start and I want to encourage you to sign up for this class because we want to help you grow in your walk with the Lord now I love you and I'm so proud of you you
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 290,015
Rating: 4.8336172 out of 5
Keywords: Ten Deadly Sins, Robert Morris, gatewaypeople, Gateway Church, Curse, Cursing, Pastor Robert, Words Life or Death, DFW, Southlake, Texas, live sermon, sin
Id: 5SqtghhpQLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 19sec (2179 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2012
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