Pastor Robert Morris - Bridling The Tongue

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all right we're in our series called words life or death and I want you to turn to how many passages to passages open your Bible to James chapter one James chapter one and then put a marker at Isaiah chapter six all right put a marker at Isaiah six open your Bibles to James chapter one words life or death and this weekend the title of the message is bridling the tongue brightly the tongue now we read last weekend that the tongue is humanly untamable but it is divinely tamable but does that mean because the tongue is humanly untamable does that mean that we have no responsibility then that it's just up to God to just control our mouths or does it mean that we cooperate with God and we read this scripture last weekend in James chapter one and I want to read it again James 1 verse 26 James 1:26 if anyone among you thinks he is religious and this word religious we said last weekend from the Greek means serving God if anyone thinks he is serving God and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart this one's religion or this one's service of God is useless okay so if anyone thinks he's serving God but he doesn't bridle his own tongue then his service of God is useless and let me say it again God's responsibility is to tame the tongue no human can tame the tongue God can tame the tongue but what is our responsibility our responsibility according to this verse is to bridle the tongue when I say that the tongue is humanely untamable I don't mean then that we don't have responsibility because we still have a responsibility let me say another statement if I were to say the soul is humanely unsavable what I'm saying is is that we can't save ourselves only God can save us but when I say the soul is humanely unsavable does that mean then that we have no responsibility of course we do we have to respond to the grace of God we have to turn repent and believe the Bible says turn from our sin and put our faith in Jesus Christ so we have a responsibility so when we talk about the tongue we have a responsibility we have to bridle the tongue but when you put a bridle for the first time on a wild horse is that horse tame immediately no it takes a while to tame a wild horse well it takes a while to tame the tongue but our responsibility is to begin to bridle the tongue so I asked the Lord for three points to help us remember how to bridle the tongue and he gave me three and they all begin with the same letter and many of my points do and that's simply because I'm gifted I'm just very gifted all right no it's so that I can remember them and hopefully you can remember them also all right so here's the first one number one pause pause all right remember I want you to remember these three words if you need to write them down number one pause now you're in James 1 there we just read verse 26 look at verse 19 so then my beloved brethren let every man every person be swift to hear slow to speak slow to wrath okay every person needs to be swift to hear quick to listen slow to speak and slow to rap now I just want to just show you something from this verse right here have you ever had a problem getting angry you ever had a problem with that anyone okay you will know why because you also have a problem talking that's what this is telling us if I want to be slow to anger I need to be slow to speak think about how many times we get an argument someone and we get talking so fast to each other say things we have to go back and say I'm so sorry I didn't mean that I shouldn't have said that and we got angry quickly but we got angry quickly because we were talking quickly and not listening and that's what this verse is telling us so pause just just stop just just don't say anything for a moment just just pause for a moment after the last service uh a friend called me left me a message and he said up man that was a great message he said years ago God dealt with me in this era he's still dealing with me he said but he said the Lord gave me a word that helps me and it's the word wait before you answer wait and I said the Lord does that anything else in the Lord said to him this he said yeah W AIT this is what I want you to think why am i talking why am i talking right now just wait just just be quiet yes if life and death are in the power of the tongue and they are proverbs 18:21 then why do we speak so quickly because every time we talk it's either life or its death let me show you a few other scriptures before we get to isaiah 6 proverbs 21 verse 23 whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles in this amazing whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles proverbs 10:19 in the multitude of words sin is not lacking but he who restrains his lips is wise again it's my responsibility to guard my mouth it's my responsibility to restrain my lips god tames the tongue but we have to work with god to bridle our words let me read you another verse proverbs 17 verses 27 and 28 he who has knowledge spares his words in other words people who are smart don't talk much he who has knowledge spares his words and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit look at verse 20 even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace when he shuts his lips he is considered perceptive now my father had his own version of this he used to say to me son it would be better for them to think you're a fool than to open your mouth and leave no doubt and he was really trying to help me because I talked too much growing up I talked all the time I can remember the day after getting saved when the Lord said to me Robert the world will not stop orbiting if you're not talking you don't have to be talking all the time I should remember when God began to deal with me about this I remember on the top of my meeting notes when I go into meetings I would write don't talk be quiet listen with this we just read a verse that says when he shuts his lips shut your lips let me just say this this is what the Bible say shut up please just want to be quiet yeah okay when we got bridle our tongue let me just give you an example if you're if you're new at this you might have to do something like this when someone says something you might just have to go and just grab your lips don't talk let me read you another verse proverbs 18:13 he who answers a matter before he hears it it is folly and shame to him have you ever done that we say another way have you ever finished someone else's sentences yeah you you're yo real quiet now I think you're just lying to me cuz you're not saying anything think about it someone says hey I I know what we can do I got a great idea and before the person even finishes we say yeah yeah I got that same idea and we share it and then the person says that's not what as you'll say and we feel foolish or here's something else that happens a lot now you're really gonna be quiet about this one many of you hear something happens a lot we'll be debian albeit dinner with a couple and the one of them the husband or the wife will begin to tell a story and the other one jumps in interrupts and starts telling the story also and here's what I haven't something to say oh I'm sorry and then the first will say no no go ahead you tell it but you and you can see that it happens a lot do you finish the story that someone else starts okay let me just speak to you very directly from the Bible shut up learn to bridle your mouth um I had such a problem with this when I was growing up talking too much not listening and I can remember teachers you know would say you know he just doesn't listen in class he talks all the time and then one of our kids I had to go to the teacher parent-teacher meeting one of our children that the teacher says you know he just doesn't listen he just talks and he talks he just does it listen and she's explaining this to me and and she just she kind of went on and on I've always kind of had a problem you know staying focused you know and so she's going on in a moment she says is there any history of a DD in your family of course by then I was watching some bird out the window so my you not pause we invite you to join us each week on the blessed life with pastor Robert Morris experience dynamic Bible based teaching enjoy freedom through the inspiring worship of the gateway worship team it's a time to grow be encouraged and learn how to live the blessed love the blessed life with gateway churches Robert mourns Thursdays on the Daystar television network pause just wait before you speak right here's number two ponder ponder think about it think about what you're going to say before you answer how many times have you said something and later you thought I wish I had thought about that before I said it when I was preparing this message I was thinking there are really three types of people in the world when you think about it one people who think before they talk to people who think while they talk and three people who think after they talk actually it's probably a fourth person people who never think I normally am a person who thinks out loud I think while I talk but many times I think after I talk I want to become more a person who thinks before he speaks what should I say how should I answer this just take a moment and ponder now I'm going to tell you something about thinking that maybe you you've never thought of alright we think in two places yes we think in our minds but according to the Bible we also think in our hearts did you know that let me read your few scriptures again we'll get to Isaiah six in a moment proverbs 23 verse 7 for as he thinks in his heart so is he why would the Bible say that you can think in your heart if your heart Campton Luke 2:19 but Mary the mother of Jesus kept all these things and pondered them in her heart or she thought about in her heart Luke 2:35 this is a prophecy to Mary yes the sword will pierce through your own soul also that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed the thoughts of hearts this is the Bible Luke 947 in Jesus perceiving the thought of their heart took a little child and set him by him Matthew 9 for Jesus knowing their thoughts said why do you think evil in your hearts this is Jesus speaking Matthew 15:19 again Jesus speaking for out of the heart proceed evil thoughts and then a very very famous verse listen to this one Hebrews 4:12 for the word of god is living and powerful remember this verse and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the division of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow and is a discerner watch of the thoughts and intents of the heart our hearts can think that's what the Bible says and I don't know if you've ever heard this but medical science is now beginning to understand this let me read you from a recent medical report when some transplant patients received their new hearts they discovered that the previous owners had donated a few eerie thoughts as well after recovering from their operation several recipients started recounting incidents that occurred in their donors lives a 52 year old man loved classical music but after being given the heart of a teenage boy suddenly discovered he loved rock music I'd been like Marilyn a man who had received a heart from a woman who was hit by train had recurrent dreams about train wrecks after a young boy now listen to this after a young boy received his heart transplant he awoke and told his mother everything is copasetic this is young boy he had never used that word or phrase before but later learned that the donor and his wife used it to reassure each other after they had an argument listen this one after an eight year-old girl received the heart of a murdered child she started having recurring nightmares she described the circumstances of her donors death and the killer in detail that the police were able to capture the murderer who was later convicted and she got a heart transplant let me say why I'm telling you this if we'll just pause and then think about it we could think about it in our hearts not just our minds ah have you ever said well this is what's on the top of justice just comes from the top of my mind well wouldn't it be better to give someone an answer from the bottom of our hearts instead of the top of our minds wouldn't that be good to just take a moment because how many times have we said something that we regretted and we've had to go back to the person say I'm so sorry I I really did not mean that that's not in my heart and it wasn't in your heart but you spoke from your mind matter of fact remember this jesus said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so many many times we say things that are from our minds and and remember when we get saved you get a new heart that's what the Bible says God gives us a new heart so let me say it another way let your converted heart tell your renewing mind what to say let me say that again see when we get saved we get a new heart so we have a new heart now a new heart and if we'll just think about it for a while in our hearts we can give a better answer but the Bible says to renew our mind so our minds are being renewed by the Word of God but why don't we do this let our converted hearts tell our renewing minds what to say just take a moment and pause and then ponder styles and formats may change over time but the richness and hope of God's Word and it's teaching always remain constant the blessed life small group curriculum based on pastor Roberts best-selling book the blessed life is now available at passages this dynamic interactive curriculum can be used in a small group setting for personal study or even during your family devotions to purchase the blessed life small group curriculum or any of our other many resources visit passages at Frisco NRH or South Lake or visit us online at passages gateway and then here's number three pray I want you to hopefully please remember these three words pause ponder pray now Isaiah chapter six hopefully you put a marker over there Isaiah 6 verse 1 in the year King Uzziah died I saw the Lord this is Isaiah speaking I saw the Lord sitting on a throne high and lifted up those words we use a lot in worship songs we sing high and lifted up and the Train of his robe filled the temple above it above the throne stood Seraphim Seraphim is the plural of angels a seraph is an angel singular Seraphim plural more than one so there I saw more than one angel each one he now describes them had six wings with two he covered his face with two he covered his feet and with two he flew and one cried to another shows you there was more than one and said holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory and the posts of the door were shaken by the voice of him who cried out and the house was filled with smoke now I just want to show you four before we read the next verse what is the first thing that comes to Isaiah's mind when he sees the Lord let me tell you what it is his mouth that's the first area of his life he's convicted about watch verse five so I said woe is me for I am undone because why am i undone because I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips for my eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts then one of the Seraphim flew to me having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar and he touched my mouth with it and said Behold this has touched your lips notice where it starts we talked about at Pentecost it started with the tongue god changing the tongue bit this has touched your lips your iniquity is taken away and your sin purged and then I heard the voice of the Lord saying whom shall I send and who will go for us notice the word us the Trinity then I said here am I send me a very famous verse but he didn't say here am I send me until they had an encounter with God okay so Isaiah goes into the temple worships God and in worshiping God he sees a vision of the Lord and immediately when he sees a holy God he's convicted about one area of his life his mouth he says I'm undone I can't control my tongue I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in a people of unclean up see you think about how unclean how vulgar and how sarcastic our speech is God he said god I can't control this area of my life I need your help here's what I get out of this I need this every day every day I need to come into the presence of God to begin my day and I'll just read a few verses or say a few prayers God take care of this and take care of this I need to see the king I need to see the Lord every day and when I see God I can confess to him my faults and my weaknesses and God can touch my mouth that day and then I can go out and help my Society of unclean lips I can help other people because every day I have an encounter with God and God touches my mouth and he cleanses me um I share my testimony a lot you've heard my testimony I was saved in a motel room called Jake's motel room 12 but when I shared my testimony I don't share this part of it simply because of time but in this message you need to hear this this part of it I grew up again with a very unsanctified mouth I talked a lot talked all the time and and I would say things that offended people and as I've learned and and gone through inner healing and freedom ministry and things like that I've learned that actually it was because of root of rejection that I had in my life and here's what I would do I just figured that at some point you were going to reject me and so what I would do is say something that would just go ahead and get it over with I just caused you to reject me you know within five minutes of our relationship that way it wouldn't hurt so much if it was five years later and so that's and I saw just said things that were offensive and so there was an evangelist that just kind of took me under his wing saw the gift of God in me he thought I was saved I thought I would say Debbie thought I would say we were married at the time you know and so everyone thought I was saved I'd walk down now when I was a kid and I'd rededicated several times I've been baptized three times growing up I mean that ought to do it you know and so I just but I offended people all the time and so I'm with this guy and he's the one we're in that he's in this motel room he was gonna speak somewhere and he said to me well you didn't again I said what do you mean I did it again he said well you offended so and so these were some people I'd been with the week before I said really said oh yeah he said you really offended them and I remember thinking I thought I was on my best behavior that night and it just kind of settled on me I just can't do this and then he made this statement to me he said you know Robert maybe you've never laid your insecurities on the cross and when he said it I can't tell you the conviction because the day before I had said to Debbie I said you know I may not truly be saved it was just so shocking God was already dealing with me and I still I said this guy maybe I've never laid anything on the cross and he had to get ready to speak and say said well we'll talk about this more I got to get ready he left the room and my life just begin the flood over me I was very very immortal I'd walked out when I was eight years old but the first time I was immoral was in the church building first time I smoked the cigarette was behind the church building first time I got high was betraying the Sunday School building I had done horrible seein in God's house and all this begin to flood over me and I thought God if anyone deserves to go to hell I do and I can't change I remember telling God that I can't change I've tried to change God you know i I've tried to take and I can't change but if you want me and I don't know why you would but if you want me you can have me and you can have all of me god I give you everything and unless you've had it happen to you most of you have a joy that flood in my soul it was like God reached down and picked me up like you do a small child and said you're my child now you're my child it was God taking that live coal off the altar which represents Jesus Christ touching me and taking my sin away and when I was preparing this message I thought to myself we're gonna talk about the baptism in the Holy Spirit later and about even praying in a prayer language because that all all has a part of controlling our tongues every bit of that but listen to me very carefully I know the Lord said to me for some of you this weekend you relate to what I just said you have tried your whole life to control your tongue and you walked and I'll probably or you've made some commitment or you've rededicated but when I talked about not truly being saved something inside of you is rising up right now and you know it today's your day I'm asking you will you lay everything on the cross today I want you to just bow your heads and close your eyes for a moment just just just for a moment I don't reason that I do this I don't want to manipulate you in any way in any way but I want you to just have a time with God and there I know I know in the last service there were many and I know that there are some of you that need to give your life to Jesus today and you relate to my testimony you've made commitments before and when I talked about really not being able to control our mouths you say that's me that is me and I'm telling you right now you feel what I felt in that motel room some of you you feel that conviction of the Holy Spirit it's time for you to lay everything on the cross and I'm just wondering it again no one's looking around but it ever campus and in every overflow room if that's you would you just would you just put your hand up where I can sit just say Robert that's me I relate to you put it up when said god bless you what's amazing how many hands okay can I just you can put your hands down can I just lead you in a prayer in your heart I'm not asking you to say this out loud right now just in your heart would you just would just pray after me and give your life to God right now just seguir God just set my dear God and tell him I can't change that's okay to tell him that because we can't on our own it's humanly impossible I can't change God but I know you can change me this telling me I know you can change me and today I give you everything I give you my life today Lord telling that I give you my life today now if you again no one's looking around but every campus every overflow room if you prayed that prayer right now and you really meant business would you just put your hand up and sit foot way up high y'all be proud to put luck y'all be proud put its best decision you ever made god bless you god bless your hands all of you can put chance down I'm gonna ask you to be one more thing now listen it's very very important it's very important it's the area of our mouths that God is dealing with I'm going to ask you in just a moment we're gonna stand we're gonna have one more worship song and when we stand up if you prayed that prayer with me I want you just to stand up and then step out and come to one of the leaders at the front of the whichever campus you're attending or if you're in an overflow room just step out and come to one of the leaders and and just with your mouth I want you to say I gave my life to God today and make up your mind right now you won't be the only one because there are many hands but you make up your mind if I am the only one I'm going I'm giving my life to God I'm going all the way with God today right so as soon as we stand up as soon as we stand up you just stand up step out to the aisle come to one of the leaders at the front of the room or the campus where you are and tell them I gave my life to God today I'm giving everything to God they're all right Holy Spirit I pray you'll give confidence and boldness to every person who prayed that prayer in Jesus name Amen I was 19 years old when I gave my life to the Lord and everything changed I didn't have any desire to go back to that old life I wanted to walk with the Lord and learn more about him and some people helped me to learn the Bible and to learn how to pray and to learn about my new life in Christ and that's what we want to do for you I am so excited that you've given your life to the Lord he's forgiven all of your sins and you're on your way to heaven but we need to learn some things now about the Bible about prayer about some basics of the Christian life so that you can be victorious and live for the Lord like I know you want to so we've designed a class called fresh start and I want to encourage you to sign up for this class because we want to help you grow in your walk with the Lord now I love you and I'm so proud of you the blessed woman I take the lessons I learned I lay out the truths that the Holy Spirit taught me and the lessons he showed me and interject a little my story there really push myself not to give a cliched look or presence to a Christian woman and that we all have struggles and we all have challenges and I wanted to be as transparent as I could this is a book that is maybe a little bit of a field guide to being a woman a little bit of a how-to you know so I feel like there's a little something in this book for every woman I'm still very passionate about helping other women do our mandate in loving and reaching younger girls not judging them not putting an expectation on them to be anything but a passionate pursuer of Christ
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 149,292
Rating: 4.8299861 out of 5
Keywords: Bridling The Tongue, Robert Morris, gatewaypeople, Gateway Church, bridle, tame, tongue, mouth, Encourage, Encouraging, Words Life or Death, Pastor Robert, Words, DFW, Southlake, Texas, live sermon, sin
Id: CEJovJk3pFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2012
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