Pastor Robert Morris - The Value of Words

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we're beginning a series called words life or death and you probably heard that phrase before where someone has said normally it's said on television or in the movies maybe you hear it personally I need to talk to you it's life or death it's life or death well words according to the Bible that we speak have the power of life and death this this series is based on a book I wrote several years ago called the power your words if you want to pick that up we'll have it in all the bookstores all right proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 proverbs 18 pardon me verse 20 that started worse winning a man's stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth from the produce of his lips he shall be filled let me just simply paraphrase that verse the quality of your life is dependent upon the words you speak to some degree that's what that's trying to say verse 21 death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit death and life are in the power of the tongue I'll let me go make a statement if that phrase were not in the Bible I wouldn't believe it I would really not believe that the words that we speak are that important not only that phrase but this thought all through scripture that it is so important what comes out of our mouth when you think about it everything God created he he created through his word through speaking URI Genesis 1 then God said then God said then God said you'll never find that it says then God waved his hand he never created that way he only created by speaking and we were created in His image so there's something in the area of us speaking that has a creative force of either life or death in our life now this truth from Scripture has been taken to the extreme and that happens with every truth that seems to be restored to the body of Christ Satan tries to distort it and so I want to give you an illustration to help you understand how Satan has distorted this truth and how he destroyed destroyed distorts a lot lots of trees right um there was a man one time that was walking across America and he discovered a big hole in the ground and so he he built a hotel in a restaurant and a gift shop you have to have a gift shop and he put out brochures to come see the big hole now this is a true story that I'm making up yeah okay alright so uh anyway no one came to see it and so his his wife said to him you know I think the problem is the name and I don't really think it describes it that well I think you should call it the Grand Canyon and so he listened to his wife and things begin to go well for him obviously and people started coming and it was amazing again this is you know I'm making this up but I'm showing you this this truth here then one day standing on the rim of the canyon and this visitor says you know this Canyon isn't so grand and he knew it was a Grand Canyon and it offended him that this person didn't see the beauty of what he saw and so he began to unknowingly unconsciously exaggerate a little bit about the canyon when he talked about it and he been to get began to go over the top a little bit talking about the canyon and um the sad thing is he never left there and he never discovered anything else he never saw the Rocky Mountains he never saw the redwoods he never saw the oceans now hope you see the spiritual significance of this little illustration here here's what happens we're as believers we're on a journey exploring truth the truths already there it's in the Word of God but we've been translated transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light and so as believers we read along in Scripture and we feel like we discover something that's already there but we we discover and this happens with truth let me take the the truth of healing physical healing someone may have discovered that in Scripture that God can heal our bodies and and maybe even the person gets healed and and he begins to preach and teach on it and then he begins to take some fire for it and then he really wants out of a pure heart people understand it because he wants them to experience what he's experienced and not to suffer and pretty soon he begins exaggerated a little bit or try to drive the point home too strongly and 95% of his teaching is probably really good but that 5% causes you to kind of doubt the 95 percent it could be the same with prosperity and giving to the kingdom I have to be careful because I so have seen the fruit of giving with a pure heart and I preach on it and teach on it so much especially in other churches and other conferences and pastors leadership things and all that that if I'm not careful I'll go overboard a little bit to try to get people to see the truth you understand I'm saying and that's what happened with this truth about words that's how we got the name it and claimant movement because there's a truth that God restored that the quality of your life is dependent upon the words you speak and and let me let me make a real clarifying statement here I am NOT saying that that we're trying to get God in agreement with our words I am trying to say that we need to get our words in agreement with God and that's what makes the difference in the quality of life what God is saying in Proverbs 18:21 yeah are you agreeing with life or are you agreeing with death and you are releasing by the words of your mouth life or death so this is a series that the that called words life or death to today's message is called the value of words and by the way this is going to be an eight-week series because it's going to take me that long to get you straightened out I personally have never had a problem in this area other than what I just said so okay so here I have two points for you today about the value of words [Music] deciding where you want to invest your life's work is one of the most critical decisions you will ever make with a multitude of challenges in today's job market gateway wants to come alongside you and help are you seeking a job or needing an employee the Gateway job center can help the Job Center is a place for employers and jobseekers within our congregation to connect with each other just log on with your gateway one username and password and begin your journey visit Job Center gateway people calm today I have two points for you today about the value of words all right here's number one words connect us to God now this is shocking for many people but I'm going to show it to you in Scripture words connect us to God words are how God comes from the spiritual realm where he lives to the natural realm where we live I promise you as a matter of fact here's what we're thinking we're thinking well you know no no God sent his son Jesus and that's the bridge between us and Godman he Jesus is the word John 1:1 says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and verse 14 says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us psalm 107:20 says he sent His Word and healed us there was a chasm there was a grand canyon between God and us called sin and so God sent His Word and spanned that chasm and and do you know how we get saved we God sent His Word to reach us but we walk across that word or the bridge of confession of the Lord Jesus Christ to get saved in other words of one of the most famous passages I will get to Matthew 21 in a moment Romans 10 says it this way verse 8 says the word is near you in your mouth and in your heart now I want you to notice the Bible will connect the mouth and the heart many many times many many times right that is the Word of Faith which we preach that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you will be saved for with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation verse 13 says for whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved so God reaches us with his word he sends his word to make a connection us words or honey we connect to God but according to Scripture if we believe in our heart we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus we speak words that agree I believe that Jesus is the Son of God that he died on the cross for my sins and God raised him on the third day God says when you believe that in your heart and confess it with your mouth you get saved and it's it's amazingly again how the hell the reason this is is it's not just our words it's that what we really believe in our heart comes out of our mouth now now go to Matthew 12 I might have said Matthew 21 I don't want to know there but Matthew 12 that's how y'all Matthew 12 ok praise the Lord all right let me just tell you right now that this is um one of the most difficult passages in the Bible for people to understand this is the passage owned on the unpardonable sin but it's really not that hard to understand when you combine it with the entire truth of God's Word and the context many people read it and don't keep reading and Jesus kept talking so so let's let's read it Matthew 12 verse 31 therefore I say to you every sin and blasphemy the word blasphemy means evil speaking okay will be forgiven men but the blasphemy the evil speaking against the Spirit will not be forgiven me this is Jesus speaking them anyone who speaks the word against the Son of Man it will be forgiven him but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit it will not be forgiven him either in this age or in the age to come now that's where most people stop and then they say pastor explain that to me keep reading verse 33 either make the tree good and it's fruit good or else make the tree bad and it's fruit bad for a tree is known by truth now let me just give you to understand this the tree is the heart and the fruit is the mouth okay the tree is the heart and the fruit is the mouth and I'll show you that all right verse 34 brood of vipers how can you being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the tree the mouth speaks or the fruit comes a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things or speaks evil good things an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth or speaks evil things now watch verse 36 and 37 carefully because these are very strong words from the Lord Jesus but I say to you that for every idle word men may speak they will give an account of it in the day of judgment for by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned and that's a pretty amazing thing okay now let me explain this passage Jesus is moving in the power of the Holy Spirit when he was on this earth we know that he laid down his divinity he totally picked up his humanity and and as he as he ministered people he did it through the power of Holy Spirit so the Holy Spirit was moving through Jesus and these Pharisees that were there that day began to attribute the work of the Holy Spirit to the devil they say he casts out demons by the devil by Beelzebub the Prince of demons okay so they are attributing the work and power of the Holy Spirit to the devil Jesus turns around like this and he says hey hey what you're doing right now could sends you to help that's how strong he says this he said listen he said here's the reason that you're speaking what you're speaking right now you're speaking it's the Holy Spirit here's the reason you're doing that because your heart is hard your heart's bad if your heart is evil you're going to speak evil things and here's the reason it can send you to hell because here's the thing according to Scripture the only person the only person of the Godhead that reveals our need for a savior is the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit reveals our need for Christ so here's what he's safe if you continue to speak and harden your heart against the Holy Spirit when the Holy Spirit comes to you it convicts you you're going to have a hard heart and you're going to come speak against the Holy Spirit bringing me to your mind bringing salvation in your mind and when you do that you're going to go to hell that's what he said the the the unpardonable sin is not a sexual sin it's not drinking or gambling it's a scene you commit with your mouth this is amazing what he's saying here and it is saying the reason though you have to understand this because so many people think well maybe I've committed listen the reason a person speaks against is because he has hardened his heart so let me put you at ease because many people have asked me pastor I think I've committed the unpardonable sin let me just put you at ease up you you've not committed the unpardonable sin I can guarantee you because you're in church if you if you'd come in the unpardonable sin you'd have a hard heart you wouldn't be here you wouldn't be seeking God and by the way you haven't committed the unpardonable sin because you're still breathing as long as you're breathing there's hope it is appointed unto man once to die after that the judgment so once you die there's no hope if you if you have hardened your heart to the Holy Spirit and the reason you speak against the Holy Spirit is because your heart you've hardened your heart so this is what happens they are speaking and Jesus turns around and says it's your heart it's your heart you better deal with that because you keep hardening your heart you're gonna go to hell that that's the unpardonable sin and Satan tries to convince people that they've committed the unpardonable sin because if he could convince you you've committed the unpardonable sin then there's no hope and you shouldn't see God but as long as you're breathing there's hope you can see God someone asked me a while back someone asked me do you think that the devil tells Christians that they're not saved or do you think that the devil tells unbelievers that they are saved I said yes I think the devil does both and so if he's told you you've committed the unpardonable sin it's a lie as long as you in your heart continue to seek God or want to seek God so you can you can change that now this is a very strong passage because it says every idle word that men may speak they're going to give an account now the title of this message is the value of words now I don't know the exact value of even a single word but I know this they're so valuable that God's recording every one of them for judgment did you hear what I just said that's pretty strong God's recording every one of them for judgment and and and I don't know the recording mechanism that God uses some people say we have an angel who is you know who writes down everything we say I don't think that's true I don't think some angels could keep up with some of you I tell you what I do believe I tell you how I believe that God records every word for judgment I mean this this may shock you but I will tell you what I believe I believe you remembers every one of them and if you think that that would tax his brain to remember every word that all six billion people on earth are speaking right now and every person who ever is that who have ever has lived or ever will live if you think that would tax God's brain you don't know enough about God it wouldn't use one percent of one percent of his brain capacity and I'm going to tell you why I think he remembers everyone because when you get saved he says I will remember your sins no more I'm remembering them until you give your life to Jesus then I'm going to choose not to bring them up again here's what I'm going to say I'm it's it's it's shocking to me that God records every one of them but I'm glad there's an erase button because of grace because I've said some pretty stupid things you know in my time and so I've used [Music] in the god I never knew Robert Morris explains that the Holy Spirit's chief desire is for a relationship with you to offer the encouragement and guidance of a trusted friend I want you understand that all of these gifts all of God's gifts have to do with ministering to people and they have to do with encouraging people it's time to experience the Holy Spirit in a fresh new way to meet the God you may have never known you have someone living inside of you who knows everything about everything and he has committed himself to be your teacher and to lead you into all truth so words connect us to God let's firstly I want you to hear here's the second thing here's number two words connect us to each other words not only connect us to God words connect us to each other uh yeah when you go back to proverbs 18 if you want to flip back there or just I'll show you the scripture verse 21 death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit now watch verse 22 he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord okay there's a reason why those two verses are beside each other and in my opinion which is right this looks perfect God put every verse exactly where he wants it to be death and life from the power of the tongue and he who finds a wife finds a good thing the way we connect with God it's through our words and the way we connect with people through our words we connect as a matter of fact you think about anytime you've ever had a disconnect from someone words were involved you go back and look at what you said or what that person said and words were involved if you want a good marriage make it with your mouth and we'll say something really strongly some of you have a bad marriage because you have a bad mouth that's that's true you're speaking death over your marriage and your speaking death over your finances and your speaking death of your family and your speaking death over your help say here's the problem we don't we don't have creative power but that's the error that's been taught with this with this truth actually that's the five percent that's error in other words as believers we can speak you just set like naming and claiming you know you naming claimant blabbing and grab it you know all that stuff okay listen you can't do that I've tried it there let there be a red Corvette in my driveway there's not one who red Corvette okay judge doesn't happen God's the only one that could say let there be life but our words either agree with God's plan for our life or they agree with Satan's plan for life every word we're speaking is either releasing life are releasing death in our lives and it's the same with your marriage let me show you a scripture about this Ephesians 5 verses 25 and 26 says husbands love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for her now watch her 26 that he might sanctify her and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word okay here's how Christ cleanses washes his bride with words can the mask you husband's a very simple question are you washing and cleansing your wife with your words are you defiling her with your words here's another one because we sometimes we think well we're helping her are you washing her gently are you sandblasting her it's very important what you say to every person it's very important what you say to your spouse Debbie and I are shocked we are shocked and how some people talk about their spouse to us with the spouse standing right there I prayed about whether to say this not because some of you may look back and feel convicted and I don't want you to feel condemned but they won't you always feel convicted because conviction is good thing it helps us um I've had ladies say to me in guest central with their husband standing right there you know my husband's not spirit filled you know I'm glad he's coming to church for this like a backhanded slap I'm glad he's coming to church with me but you know he does he's not he doesn't come very often and the guy's standing right there well why would you say that do you really think that that encouraged him because I listen I look at his face and he's in because you said that to the pastor of the church it's it I'm not trying to be condemning but I am trying to be convicting stop speaking death over your spouse listen if your husband only does one thing well figure out what that is and and complement him and talk about it all the time if the only thing he does well is get up in the morning selling you're the best get her up her in the world I mean you every day at 10 o'clock you get out of bed it's just fantastic and tell everybody else that he's a good get her up her I know that God has used me in the kingdom and I know he's used you as well but I want to use me as an example let me tell you why God has used me in the kingdom of God because my wife spoke good words over me before I deserved them when you read about improv verse 31 about a virtuous wife a virtuous woman it says her elder is respected her husband is an elder in the gate city which means he's respected in the community of God okay but he had attributive to her to to the wife not him if you want a good husband make him with your words you might have the exact husband that you've made with your words you might have the exact wife that you've made with your word sir it is extremely important for us to speak life in our family you are allowing God to bless you or you are allowing Satan to come into your family with your words yeah that's the Bible death and life are in the power of the tongue death and life are in the power of the tongue and again we're gonna spend eight weeks on this so it's not just one message on it we're gonna see how how important is all the words that we speak I was thinking about this message and I kind of had a humorous thought I wonder how quiet it's gonna be in the lobby after this message I wonder how many of you are going to see someone you know and just God and they'll just do it back I actually was speaking to someone after this last service and the husband said to me thank you we we had a good talk after the service that we needed to have because let me give you key as I finish here let me give you the seven divine words to healing ever relationship okay the seven divine words I don't like the word magic so the seven divine words are healing every relationship I was wrong will you forgive me remember words connect us to God in words connect us to each other let me tell you how you get reconnected to God I was wrong will you forgive me let me tell you how you reconnect with your spouse or your kids I was wrong we forgive me now I said seven let me tell you the six words that come short of healing your relationship I need to ask your forgiveness let me tell you why those come short because people have said to me I need to ask your forgiveness here's what I'm thinking we'll go ahead go ahead if you need to go ahead and do it and most of the time they never get around to it they just tell me they need to I was wrong will you forgive me the same vehicle you got in to drive a way to literally drive away from a person or God it's the same vehicle you get in to drive back and that's your mouth in other words you've said something that that that blew up a bridge between you and another person if you want to build that bridge back you say something to rebuild that bridge and let me just remind you it's never too late as long as you're breathing never too late to repair your relationship with God or to repair your relationship with someone else I want you to bow your heads and close your eyes the reason I asked you to close your eyes at the end of every message is not to manipulate you in any way if you're new here if you've been here while you know that but if you're new here it's not to manipulate you it's to give you a moment to allow the Holy Spirit to speak specifically to you in other words I I talked about words today in our mouth but what's the Holy Spirit saying to you it's like the husband said to me after the last service thank you we had a good talk and I said to him did you tell her you were wrong he said yeah then you know it's possible to the Holy Spirit will speak something very specific to you you need to ask forgiveness for maybe you made a comment like if it weren't for the kids I wouldn't be here [Music] those words are an open door to the enemy and you need to close that door we want to pray for you at every campus every campus we want to pray for you if you're going through any type of difficulty maybe it's in this area and all of us Bay every one of us are convicted after this message every one of us I'm convicted but we want to pray for you no matter what you're going through maybe it's in your business your finances your job your health your marriage your family your relationship with God if you're new here we do this every week we ask that no one leave we have one more worship service unless you have an emergency we understand that but we just have one more not one more workshop one more song one more worship song and during that time we'll have leaders at the front of every campus and even if there's an overflow room we'll have leaders at the front of that overflow room and what I want you to do in just a moment when we stand no matter which campus you're attending or which room you're in as soon as we stand up if you'll just simply stand up with everyone else and then just step out just make your way it makes it easier when people were standing to get to the front and you just step out and come to the front of the room where you are the front of the campus we're yard and there'll be leaders at the front to pray with you these are people we know people that we love people we trust people who've been trained who are leaders who of the church so if you need prayer for any area of your life especially if you need to connect with God because you need to believe in your heart and confess with your mouth and we can help you do that so if you need prayer for any area of your life no matter which campus you're attending as soon as we stand up you just stand up step out and come and let us pray for you right Holy Spirit I pray you'll draw every person that has any need for prayer at every campus in Jesus name Amen [Music] I was 19 years old when I gave my life to the Lord and everything changed I didn't have any desire to go back to that old life I wanted to walk with the Lord and learn more about him and some people helped me to learn the Bible and to learn how to pray and to learn about my new life in Christ and that's what we want to do for you I am so excited that you've given your life to the Lord he's forgiven all of your sins and you're on your way to heaven but we need to learn some things now about the Bible about prayer about some basics of the Christian life so that you can be victorious and live for the Lord like I know you want to so we've designed the class called fresh start and I want to encourage you to sign up for this class because we want to help you grow in your walk with the Lord now I love you and I'm so proud of you [Music]
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 146,326
Rating: 4.856545 out of 5
Keywords: gatewaypeople, Robert Morris, Gateway Church, Words, The Value of Words, Words Life or Death, Southlake, Texas, DFW, new series, live sermon, Pastor Robert, Gateway Church (Texas), Dallas Texas
Id: 3c4KXXPezuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2012
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