Pastor Mohammed...Best life story & Testimony (Arabic subtitles @CC)

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I was born in 1966 in Beirut Lebanon - Palestinian father and Lebanese mother my father was born in Gaza and after Israel occupied the land he enrolled in the resistance against Israel and started carrying operations from Jordan and so he got in trouble with the Jordanian government and he had to leave Jordan and go to Lebanon and there he met my mother and they got married and then he left before I was born my mom had to work day and night so in practically speaking I was a street kid I was always on the streets and I would just come home to sleep. In the neighborhood where I was there was an evangelical church and the teachers of Sunday School in that church used to go around the streets and call children to come in and attend Sunday School. So I was one of the guys they invited and for a street kid he's always looking for attention so I accepted the invitation and came in and Sunday School turned out to be a nice place for me because there they tell you stories you can color they give you toys you can eat cake and have juice and it's a good place for a street kid to have a good time and so since I was six I remember attending Sunday school regularly every Sunday it was it's like going to church for any churchgoer and to me Sunday morning was sacred.. I need to go to Sunday school there I have a good time and this was going on until I was 14 years old at the age of 14, I was ready to meet my Savior now two years before that questions were starting to arise about where is God who's God why I'm a Muslim where is my father you have to understand the background that I was living in I was living next to the American University of Beirut at a time when there are there were revolutions going everywhere communism rising the Cold War was at its peak already there was an Israeli Arab conflict in 1973 a peace was looming in the and on the horizon people were talking students were talking it was really a time where easily you can mature on the streets being on the street and mingling with the University student made me really mature quickly and yet the age of 12 vs I was asking critical questions at that age I turned to Islam being a Muslim and especially my family on my mother's side they are all scholars Islamic scholars so I started reading the Quran I started taking Quranic lessons in order to find certain answers to questions I had but to no avail nothing was there for me I didn't find hope I was more confused more there were a lot of contradictions that I could not accept and also remember I was free to think I was not under any influence of a father or a mother to tell me don't think like this or this is not right what you're talking about I was a free thinker I could ask questions I could doubt and I had no problem and so it was at that time also I was going to church and attending Sunday School and at the age of 14 after hearing the gospel for six years and more just things clicked I found the truth as if the Lord opened my eyes to see my state exactly and to give me answers to why I am I like this why I was like this why did my father leave me why there are wars around why is the world the way it is and I realized it is my sinfulness my parents sinfulness the world around us that brings misery and suffering to people and it was Christ who is the answer. It's that message of love that God has unfolded through the pages of history to us and so I remember on a Sunday in 1979 the Sunday school teacher asking us in Sunday school class who wants to accept Jesus as his personal Savior and I felt like raising my hand but there were too many friends of mine who were Muslim and I didn't want to you know risk it and I said no I'm not gonna do it now but deep down I was there this is it I could not resist any more and I went home and I could not sleep at night and I would fidget in my bed and my bed was a bag of cloth plastic bag of cloth and every time I move I make all kinds of sounds and my ayah was afraid to wake up my mom we all slept in one room and around three o'clock I remember in the morning I just said Lord Jesus please help me I am just I am helpless I am hopeless I cannot take it anymore I need you and with tears at that time and then within half an hour I slept and I woke up in the morning excited and I took one of the many New Testaments I had I mean after eight years of attending Sunday school you gather collect a lot of New Testaments I took one and put it in my school bag and went to school and started telling people about my experience and I could not be quiet it was Jesus all the way I mean on the street in school at work in the house Jesus Jesus and people were saying did this guy flip or something happened to him did he fall from his bed at night or and everybody was wondering why this was happening I was on fire at that time and I couldn't be quiet I had to talk I had to tell people what happened with me the change I think and I can understand people children who raised in Christian homes and churches and wherever I go and speak today I tell them please do not miss out on meeting the real Jesus not that the one that your Papa and Mama told you about have the experience I had you know it just just life-changing it was a time where beyond comprehension what was happening in my life there was joy overflowing I felt at rest I felt at peace all the answer is came to the questions that made my life a dilemma and were traumatizing me because being raised without a father is traumatizing to you and if you don't find the answer why this happened in God you cannot understand and I understood why because God wanted to save me because God had a plan everything worked for good eternal good not earthly good and while I was lost in my livelihood that it's not good and I had no father God was really interested in my eternal good and the joy that I experienced in meeting Jesus was much greater than having a father at that time and so from there on it was Jesus all the time and that got me in trouble definitely speaking on on got me in trouble with my parents they had to kick me out and say it's either the church or the house it's either Christ or us and I was so in love with Jesus I didn't have difficulty making choice and it was Jesus all the time and I had to leave the house and go live in a warehouse where I used to work the owner of the warehouse you about what happened and he said Mohammed you can empty a room pack it in another room and take one room and fix it and sleep in it as long as you want and later I got in trouble with fundamentalist because I was always speaking about Jesus and who's this Muhammad that is preaching about Jesus that's evangelizing about Jesus and they were after my tale they tried to kill me one time they had no success my pastor had to take me to his village he was from a village in a Biblos area and it's called Munsif and he will put me in a boarding school there for six months to hide me and then after that I came back and still I went back to talking and I couldn't be quiet and he tell me be quiet and I cannot be quiet everywhere I go the opportunity is there I tell people our Jesus I invite people to church I start ministering to children and until 1985 towards the end of 1985 I was in the evangelical school in Beirut and there was a teacher there he was a member of our Church and together we used to go out Street evangelism and they killed him and the pastor said you're next I'm not gonna allow this so he made connections with friends of his in the States and Bob Jones University in Greenville South Carolina and he said I have a guy his life is in danger I need to ship him out arrange for him something and they arranged for me come and attend Bible School and so 1986 I flew to the US I remember I came through Heathrow Airport I flew to London first and then from London I flew to Philadelphia and Philadelphia down to Greenville Spartanburg that was the trip the first time in the United States of America was in 1986 to pursue a biblical career you know to study Bible and maybe to be carry on pastoral studies or biblical theology but when I started my first semester I got all A's and I thought that was too easy for me and that's because early on I was devouring the Bible I mean I was reading my word God's Word on a daily basis listening to messages I was heavily involved in studying the Word of God I'm reading books a lot of books and so I switched into business and I pursued the accounting degree and in 1989 I took a BS in accounting and before my last semester I was offered the job by Arthur Andersen to work in New York and then another job by Price Waterhouse to go to Cairo since I knew Arabic but somehow the Lord did not let me take these office and did not let me stay in the US I felt I need to go back I don't know why I felt I need to go back at times God leads in an awesome way though everything here was ready for me to stay I mean there was a girl I was in love with I could have gotten married to her and stayed I could have taken these job offers but somehow I went back and when I went back in 1989 it was war in Lebanon everything was going berserk and the airport was closed I had to fly to Cyprus and from Cyprus take the ship to uni and from juni drive to SP route and I came and I found the church four or five people who were meeting and mainly ladies and there was nothing going on no church meetings barely anything happening so Muhammad went back to his old days preaching evangelizing visiting ministering to people and within a year the church regrouped and people are starting to come and things were moving up in the world and the church grew by 1991 100 people who are attending and including my mother-in-law and my wife they came to the church to attend and I remember meeting my wife on the basketball court and in 1985 and we played hoop together I used to go down to the American University of Beirut choose to live on the campus of the American University we would her father was power plant manager and as we were playing together I would always talk to her about Jesus and she said you're crazy with your Jesus I don't want to talk to you leave me alone and I was always evangelizing for her and then in 1991 she comes to church and with her mom her mom invites her she came before her a few meetings and she's come here this guy his name is Mohammed and he's preaching about Christ and he's leading the church and she came and she's I know this guy he was always bothering me with Jesus when I was playing basketball and a relationship developed there and she got saved I think four months after started attending church and then we dated for a year and then we got married the pastor came back at that time and I handed the church over to him and I went into business being raised as a street kid and poor there was always a desire in me to achieve to prove myself there was ambition and I wanted to pursue that dream and I was trying to convince God of that dream God since the day he saved me he called me into the ministry I knew that he gave me the talent he gave me the burden he gave me the vision to reaching out to people but I refused to answer God's call I wanted to do it my way I said I'll be a businessman and I would support the church and I will give to the poor and I will help missionaries and in fact in my early years in business at the age of 25 I had close to a half a million dollar between assets and cash and everything and I had my own factory and store and I own my own house in a good place in East Beirut and things were rolling for me and I was giving to people I was helping people I mean there were times $1,000 a month I would give out to people between church and helping people and I was trying to convince God that this is the way and God was always telling me I don't need your money I don't need your intelligence I don't need anything that you have I need you to obey give me your heart and that was difficult for because there was a struggle and I was in love with business and I was in love with Jesus and there was a conflict there and there was a struggle all the time in my life and God was patient with me until 1995 he got the big stick out he says I love you too much and I have plans for you I'm not ready to leave you alone so he got the big stick out and I took a beating big beating and within years few years I lost everything I was strip naked I was in debt I went to prison because I went bankrupt I was facing many lawsuits I had all kinds of problems going on and after I went to prison for six months I came out and instead of answering God's call and repenting and saying Lord that's what I want to do is what you want me to do I went back to business I was hard-headed as an ox and again God gave me the talent in a few years I made money again and I was paying some of my debts and at the same time building a business and it was growing and we were doing fine until 2008 one day I was taking my children to school I dropped him at school and I used to go down jogging at the beach in Beirut and as I was jogging it just clicked again the same feelings the same situation I was in in 1979 when I got saved I was back again in in 2008 I felt how stupid I am how foolish I am to relinquish serving the Lord for the world and for the profit that I can get from the world in the gains of this world and I said this is it finish no more business I went up to my wife and I said honey close shop liquidate everything at the gain at a loss that's it it's over she said what did you flip are you crazy we have five children were you mean close shop how we're going to raise our children how we're going to live we have no income I said the Lord will provide just close it she said no I'm not gonna close it I said then you'll take care of it I am NOT going to be in the shops I'm not gonna work one hour in the shops I will be on the streets telling people about Jesus this is what God wants me to do that's what I'm gonna do and I went out and she started liquidating a little bit she liquidated on until we had only one shop and that was the bookstore and she stayed in it and I was ministering on the streets and doing Street evangelism in Tripoli and Beirut and Junie in byblos and God led us down to Tyre one day and went down to Tyre to evangelize and I fell in love with the place Jesus was here a thousand years ago he came to Tyre. Paul the Apostle was here and this is the land of the gospel in Upper Galilee this is where Jesus was going on around and telling people about and there is no lighthouse it's dead 95% Muslims no light total darkness I found the Lord telling me go reclaim the land. SUBSCRIBE & SHARE THIS BEAUTIFUL VIDEO WITH YOUR FRIENDS. THANK YOU. GOD BLESS YOU the devil through Islam has controlled the whole area and we're their shine for Jesus and to release people from this bondage that they are in and so yes we are in The Devil's Den preaching Christ when you are a 95% Muslim area where is the light and that's what God has called us for and I think in the last 50 to 60 years meager efforts have been taken to reach the Muslim world to Christ and I can understand why because people are Islamophobic Islam is violent it promotes violence on different levels it depends on the circumstance and what's around it and people are afraid but I do think that we have a weapon that is much greater than violence and can overcome violence and that is love most of the times we either want to love and not in in sincerity or want to say the truth and not love I do believe that in evangelism love and truth go together if you love people without any reservation unconditionally sacrificially you will be able to stand and say the truth to them they will accept it from you because they know that you love them if you don't love them and you want to say the truth they're not going to accept it for you because they think you're a hypocrite you're saying something and you're acting differently what we do Tyre today is we love on people we sacrifice they see that we go not one mile but three months they know that we love them and so we can stand and say to them we do not agree with you we don't believe what you believe in is right and that is why and there is a risk of us getting hurt yes but who said that preaching the gospel is without a cost jesus said in the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world so this was a prophetic statement by Jesus he before we even went out he told us we're gonna have problems but he also told us that we're gonna be victorious we're serving in Tyre and we know we're gonna have the victory it has been given unto you not only to believe but also to suffer. If any man would come after me let him take up his cross deny himself take up his cross and follow me so it's clear in the Bible that when you evangelize when you tell people about Jesus you're gonna suffer now if God's grace does not permit that for a reason or another that's good my wife and I went down to Tyre and we counted the cost. She knew that we could die and I knew that we could die and we both knew that our children could be in jeopardy. But we also knew that the God who called us and the God who sent us he will take care of us he will protect us and if the time comes and we have to be offered up for him to be glorified then we had no problem. That's was the mindset that we went down to Tyre. There were times they put me in prison because I clearly declared that Islam and Christianity are not the same and they don't lead to the same God and if you understand anything about Lebanon this is a no-no because you're rocking the boat. Everybody wants to live happy with each other in Lebanon and I stood on public TV in front of 6 million people and I said Islam is as far from Christianity as hell is far from heaven and that was enough to put me in prison they made a scheme about my past and they told me and but I knew that that was a cost I would pay before that they attacked our van they hit my wife they broke the glass of our van as my wife was taking back children from Sunday School so the cost is there. Few days ago they broke our signs in tyre because one Muslim guy was converted and he openly and publicly declared that am a Christian. So to me persecution is part of the game and any Christian who thinks he can avoid persecution I think that is not possible as you've said before we are in The Devil's Den you're attacking the fortress of the devil. The devil is not going to kiss you if you attack him. He's gonna attack back he's not stupid he's smart he knows that he cannot be sitting and looking at you and any time you try to avoid persecution you have to do it on the expense of the gospel. You will compromise your stand in order to avoid persecution and I don't want to compromise my stand I don't want to compromise the gospel to avoid persecution. Many people under the pretext of wisdom say you know you have to be wise. I don't know how wise you can be I don't think we can be more wise than Jesus Christ. He came and he had to be persecuted and he has to die there was no other way and for the gospel to spread out and for people to know the truth we have to die. For the Muslim people to know Christ we have to die there has to be a line of martyrs I think in the future before these people understand that there is a God that loves them. If we're not ready to pay that cost I don't think anything's gonna happen. Sometime we have to pay that cost and I think for 100 years the past will postponing the payment . But Christianity was spread in the first century Church by the blood of the martyrs. People died that's how Christianity was spread that's how we conquered. Today in order to conquer we have to be ready to die. People ask me in churches what makes a good missionary? And my answer is always Are you ready to die?. If you're not ready to die pack it and go home. Don't be a missionary stay where you are. You have to be ready to die to be a missionary and I think this was the life theme of every missionary and successful missionary. They were ready to die for Jesus . So my desire is to see the church wake up and stop being complacent and realize that today it's open doors in the Middle East opposite of what CNN tells you and Fox News. They are focusing on few Americans being killed as if this is the end of the world to them and we categorize sin and we say oh wow that's bad what's happening with Isis in the Middle East but I want to ask a simple question every single day in abortion clinics you take babies and throw them in a dumpster. These are not humans they are not dying what's the difference between a lady that takes a baby and throws him in the dumpster and an Isis man who behead a man. In fact what did this infant have have a choice He had no choice you killed him the guys who died in Syria or beheaded they had a choice not to go they chose to take that adventure and that was the price for their adventure and so we categorized sin in order to excuse ourselves. It's bad in the Middle East we can't go there because they kill people They kill people in America. These people they need us. They need us to love them. And love is intentional it's not natural it's not an our nature to love we're selfish.We have to intend to love we have to seek a way to penetrate into their societies and love them. Just like what we're doing in Tyre. We take every opportunity to show love. Every opportunity. Nobody knocks our door and gets out with nothing Always they'll have something because this is love even sometimes at the expense of us getting a loan to help people. I remember three months ago I had a young man come to me. He's a Muslim and he said Mr. Mohamed my wife is in the hospital and I need $200 to get would you help me I said no problem I went to the hospital paid the bill he got his wife out. Two days later he comes to me says mr. Mohammed do you have a big cross . Hassan , why do you need a big cross he says I want to hang it on my neck and I want to tell my people that the god of the Christians help me and your God did not help me This gives God glory . See this is why we are there to glorify God to honor him and lift him up. That's why we're there that's why we are in the word to go the extra mile I think people are tired of us telling them Jesus loves you. They want to see how Jesus loves. Show me how Jesus loves me you know I want to see how and I think we are very good at speaking the truth but not applying it and we don't want to apply it we think that it's enough to tell people the gospel that's not true because this is not what Jesus did and I remember the disciples after Jesus finishing his intercourse with the multitude they said okay chief let's pack it send them home. and Jesus said send them we're home these people are hungry they want to eat but you told them the message. You told them the gospel why should we feed them. Let them go home. And we are like the disciples today . We like to send people home. We don't want to get into the trouble of feeding them and taking care of them and worrying about them we have We are busy we are so entangled with the affairs of this world that we have no time to love anymore we need to make time to love we need to start realizing why Jesus left us on this earth The reason we exist as Christians on this earth is to shine you are the light of the world that your light so shine before men that they might see your good works and glorify your father in heaven we are a people of good works. That's why we're here for me to live is Christ and to die is gain. That's Paul this is from the Bible I'm not making up this the reason we are here is to live for Christ regardless of what is our profession as a doctor I am here to live for Christ as a pastor I'm here to live for Christ as a businessman I'm here to live for Christ and my profession Christ has to be glorified and declared . That's why I am here I'm not here to accumulate wealth I'm not here to earn degrees I'm not here to do any of these things. Today in the Middle East it's open doors. The Muslim world is in despair the brothers are killing each other young people are helpless and hopeless they are looking for an alternative the alternative is not there because we are afraid we need to start bringing the alternative home to them we need to go we need to start invading the Middle East with love not with cruise missiles we need to erect lighthouses for Jesus Christ and that's what I am in we started in Tyre. Now we're moving to Jordan and to every place we can we are going to erect a lighthouse for Jesus Christ. A door for people to enter in and know the love god. That's my vision for the Middle East and that vision I wanted to share with churches in America today . I say to the churches in America stop being complacent rise up to the challenge that God has placed in front of you today. Today it's open doors... Revelation chapter 3 verse 8... Behold I have set before you an open door , which no man will shut. And it's interesting that God set open doors in front of the Church of Philadelphia the word Philadelphia means brotherly love it takes love to take advantage of open doors no love no open doors . I call all brothers in America and churches to love the Muslims everywhere not to argue with them not to do apologetics or go into Islamics or try to find there is nothing common between us and them except that we're human and we have to get that message across to them the thing that is common between us and any other person is that we are humans we do not have the same faith and we do not lead to the same God our God is a living God is a holy God is a righteous God who loves all people that's the message that we can get across... Christianity has the is the religion that has a message that no other religions have our message is love love unfolding from Genesis to Revelation. It's the story of love how God loved men and worked throughout history to redeem men and how he's going to glorify men in eternity it's a story of love and that message no other religion in the world has that message what we find in other religions is do's and don'ts . We do not find love . And people cannot understand and comprehend love people cannot understand that God in human design came to earth to love us they cannot comprehend that and I can understand why but this is why we're here to tell them that this is real and the best thing to tell people that this is real is what God has done in your life and to live that story and so my desire is that we see the urgency of the times these people in the Middle East are calling us God uses the suffering of people and pain he opens doors through suffering and pain so we can enter their lives today the Syrian crisis has resulted in millions of refugees in Lebanon we have two and a half million refugees and God is opening doors through them and with them we have seen hundreds of them come to church and hear the gospel and get saved what we need is laborers we need laborers we need people to support the work we need people to stand by us in prayer. Containing Islam is not in the backyard in Chicago , containing Islam is at the front line in the Middle East that's how we contain the antagonism and the violence and the hatred moves there we have to go there at the expense of our lives sometimes but God is good I'm serving there and six years now and before that I used to evangelize and God has protected I'm 49 years old I don't know when the Lord will call me home but whenever he does he knows what he's doing and I want to be obedient to that but I know also that before God calls me home nothing is going to happen I know that he has a hedge of protection around me and my family and at anytime something happens it's for his glory . I know there is something for him to be glorified in and for God to get the glory I want to evangelize I do believe that God is glory more glorified when we most evangelize I think we've missed out on that God is most glorified when we most evangelize not when we build mega churches not when we have beautiful concerts but when we evangelize we go out and tell people about that great message of love that no other religion in the world has that could change and transform your life and makes you a new person and brings life into your life wakes you up from the dead and so I pray that this message will be heard and people will wake up to what is there thank you SUBSCRIBE & SHARE THIS POWERFUL MESSAGE WITH ALL THAT SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS. THANK YOU I'm Hanan Hamud I'm Mohamed's wife and Mohammed is a church planter here in Tyre as you know from the name his originaly from Muslim is a Muslim convert to Christianity one of the things I do at church is transport people back and forth to the church many people would like to come but they can't unless we we help them out with it most of the people that we get are Syrian refugees they are due from Syria . quite some time in the war and then they have to run away at the beginning they had to go from village to village in Syria but then they found they need to leave the country and they came here Singing Arabic Christian Song in the Church we paid heavily for that sign that you see in Tyre today ...Tyre center for the gospel Proclamation we could have put there Tyre Center for English teaching that's so easy to do that and avoid all the problems but we wanted to tell the people that we are here to preach the gospel we are here to share Jesus Christ we are not going to teach them English the focus of our ministry and of any ministry is to plant the church a lighthouse for Jesus Christ today in Tyre many people who live in Tyre know now that there is a local church in Tyre , that serves and helps people and provides for the food and provides for rent and provides medicine and provide medical help and that in itself is a testimony for Jesus Christ the ultimate goal is within these three years that we are now as renting is to buy either to buy the place we are in when you buy in you have in your own premises Hezbollah or other one as well nobody can do anything to you they can burn it they can try to destroy it they can do anything they want but they cannot take us out a lot of times they pressure with the land lord by who are in a place yeah if they pressure at this land lord so we had a problem with him we have to leave now we're in this place three years I just renewed my lease to him even for three more years but before I renewed my lease he was threatened that he does and I don't know what they were gonna do that we just finished our fifth summer camp this year for the refugee children it wasn't just incredible today the turnout was around 200 children we had a medical clinic in which the turnover was 70 people came and yet we're only 20 people trying to serve so many people so we need people we need laborers we need people to answer the call of God to serve Him in the Middle East and everywhere in Lebanon in the beqaa valley in Tyre the need is great the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few........... 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Channel: strongtower27
Views: 2,256,390
Rating: 4.7965603 out of 5
Id: 5zJ872BPZzw
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Length: 47min 2sec (2822 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2017
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