Testimony - Samer Mohammed

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you're gonna love his testimony so would you welcome tonight summer Mohammad [Applause] [Music] hallelujah praise the Lord [Applause] Wow hallelujah please thank you thank you for hosting me here buster thank you and also I'm very happy to see my pastor Tim dolena here is my pastor and Brooklyn Tabernacle miss him now he's leading the church in Louisiana you are man of God bastard dureena and also please sit have a seat also I'm very happy also to see my friend brother Stephen Lauren with his wife melody ambassador met with his wife joy thank you for your coming I'm sorry about my English because I don't been in the school to learn English because I before I don't believe I want to learn the language of my enemy but now I thank God God who want to use my broken English my name is Samir Mohammed I grew up in Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon if you don't know what that means in 1948 my family came from Israel and my father that time is nine years old he came and Lebanese give him a tent with many Palestinian and I grew up there and this Palestinian camp and I grew up with a small family six a brother and sister and when I am we are Muslim and I saw a my house a lot of gun and later I know my father he leader with the Astra Arafat he take in 80 and 70 he ate he take a young people from my camp to go to fight Israel and come back and stir right now my father he he died when I'm 12 but stir right now I have five brother he worked the same job in palestinian camp i grew up full of hate for Israel for the American I wanted to do something why this happen with me because the people teach us that Israeli take our lamb we need to kill the Israeli we need to kill that I'm sorry say that we need to kill the American because America help Israel to take our land right now I I wanted to do something I am without nationality but I thank God now I have a new Jerusalem in heaven and and my beliefs thinning can I don't see anything only everything darkness I want to die for Allah and I go to the mosque every day and for anyone what I need to be in the future I say I want to be Imam I want Allah Allah Allah Allah I love to serve Malaysian and I went to study with the school core Wahhabi this is both from al-qaeda or Isis the same teaching and I study with this people for year and there is my life is a change from Muslim - Muslim radical to follow the Quran and follow Muhammad and I want to show you now my big Sharon I am 19 with the robe with that this is my picture and I am full of hate when when I am this people I came Moorehead I am ready to die for Allah and also I go in my belly steaming camp every day 5 time I open the mosque and I am the one make the calling the calling Brae you know this Allah like I do that and some time as my Imam is not there I am deleting the worship the prey I remember when something happened in Israel or in America 11 September or anything me and with many a big money friend from Palestine ECAM we go to the street and we dance we give people candy because we see in the news some American or is really cold and we happy because we need to kill this Bible and my Palestinian can we have 30 30 towns in Palestinian we are Muslim we don't have a Christian only I heard about the Bible when I am a study in the Sharia law as I heard about the Bible and one day the Imam came and he tell us about this Bible is not from God and he tell us about the Christian he worshipped three God and this and this and I remember me and some friends we coming to the Imam after the school and we asked him we can look and see the Bible only we need to look he say now now somebody can read the Bible only the big email he can read the Bible because this is not from God is from Satan we not allowed to read the Bible one day I am out of my beliefs Finnick am and there is Lebanese and in Lebanon we have Christian and Muslim and I'm walk and one man coming to me and he started telling me about Jesus and I look to him say you don't look to me I don't know who I am I am the man I opened the mosque I am the good Muslim why are you coming to me to tell me about your Jesus you not shy about you Jesus you worship tree God and this and he star he said to me I want to give you the Bible I say no I don't believe this the Word of God I don't want this book and he starts speak with me and I came more angry because I want to kill him why are you coming to me to tell me about his Jesus we have the truth and he say if you don't want to read the Bible it's okay I say you know what I want to take this book I don't believe this is the Word of God but I want to know what my enemy believes this can help me in the future when I be EEMA but in the same time I'm afraid from my Palestinian people and also my Imam because you know what maybe I don't know if you know that in the Middle East or in the city or a or the Muslim you're not allowed to read the Bible you not allow to bring the Bible now if you go and bring 5-6 Bible to see the Arabia not allowed to go to jail you know why you know you know why we have not allowed to read the Bible because the enemy the Satan he know because there is the power in this book the power of God because he don't want the Muslim to see that you because there was happy with me when I am reading the Bible gaster over my eyes and this is what the enemy he don't want the Muslim to know the truth we're not allowed to read the Bible I take the Bible from from this man George and I put him in my jacket and I want to my palestinian camp close the door close the window and the first thing I smell the Bible because I'm 220 years we will tell us about this book I'm afraid from this book and I stir smells the Bible reading when I'm reading the Bible I go to the mosque I'm reading the Bible and I put the Bible in my my room in the bed because it's not easy we we thank God for the freedom you have here in America you can carry the Bible but we not will not either my brother and sister and I reading the Bible when I am reading the Bible I found something this is the first time I heard about a Matthew 5 6 7 when Jesus teach love your enemy bless your enemy love your enemy my Allah say kill your enemy what kind of God is say love your enemy and the teaching of Jesus God is love we have 99 name the name of Allah in the Islam who don't find one name God's love also I'm reading the Bible go to the mosque I'm Muslim but God star open my eyes because this is the words of God you know and Nasser but he can tell me about Jesus but this is the Word of God and God can can do this and his spirit can come to my heart and I can I can he can open my eyes to see what's happened I find in the Bible Afeni if you need any question call this number and I call them and say listen I have many questions and he say yes come I want you to meet with from a friend we have meeting and you can meet with some friend and I don't know what what what what what that mean meeting because I don't I know that the Christian go to church and pray and I went there and surrounded me the people who want to pray for Jesus and I the first thing when I am there in the room to question coming to me why this people love me and show me love and all welcome welcome and for me I want to kill this people and this is my enemy why this people because when people start worship the Lord for them Jesus I saw that people have peace and joy I don't have this peace when I go to the mosque I start I want this beast I want this job but adorn'd when I go to the mosque I'm afraid from Allah I don't know if God he loved me or he want to take me to the hell or to the heaven always in the end and the God of Islam God he want to judge you who want to take you to the hell he he want you not to be died but I find something different here and I start asking many questions my dear brother and sister one and half year I'm reading the Bible reading some Christian book and I am Muslim I go to the mosque after one and half year I have confusion before I have the truth but after I am reading the Bible and I'm reading some Christian book god star eyes as I go to the mollusk I still have confusion I uh and the last time when I go to the mosque I don't pray the Muslim pray I pray in the mosque Lord where is the truth you are Jesus Asia or in Muhammad and you are Allah where is the truth I am tired as I go to my Imam and I start asked him some questions I asked him or we are Muslim we believe Jesus recognized he want to come to just the world in the end because the Muslim believe he the heaven he not died he into heaven and he want to come to judge the war in the end my question I asked him why he coming why not Muhammad coming why him why he want to judge us and I start asking a lot of questions about the Quran about Jesus about the Christianity and he looked at me he's saying samer why you asked me I love this question what's happening with you I said because I'm reading the Bible and he said the Bible where you find the Bible because you're not allowed to read the Bible and and I told him was happy with me I tell him I meet this man and he give me the Bible and he looked at me he said I have a question did this man he tell you of you be Christian we give you money or car or wife or anything I say no they really say yes he say okay did you drink with them coffee or tea he I say yes a lot he say oh this is this man he bought you something in the coffee or tea to be Christian really and stir right now my family if you if you meet one of my family my family say oh we love Samer was something happy with him the Christian but something integrally this is what my mom believed and because these people who don't know the power of Jesus these people II don't know the grace of Jesus come to me I'm alive because this be will live in the darkness but when God come to you and the grace of God coming to you and change you not come but not somebody can stop but stop God what he do in my life and that time I say yeah maybe because if you look too much I I don't want to be I don't want to be I used to be now but God grace coming to me as I say yeah maybe and he bought me in the floor with he bring another Imam and he started in from the Quran to the spirit of the Christian to leave me and he came to my house take the older Bible the older the Christian book and he said don't be connect with these people anymore because these people who want to take you to the hell you want you should kill this Bible as I go to the mosque I still have confusion I am NOT a Christian I'm not Muslim and after one month I visit my friend Georgia and told him I told him what's happy with me and you know what every Muslim not only me my brother and sister we're not allowed to leave Islam because the sword in our neck you know it's not easy the spirit of fear you know the sword and you know now many Muslim you don't believe in Islam but the people we want we don't want to say that because the sword this name come by sword and I'm afraid I told George I say George I don't can be I don't can believe what you believe he say about you now one and half year you coming here and you read the Bible you want to take decision to follow Jesus or Muhammad I say no because the people want to kill me how I can live with my family and that time I stay with him and Easter encouraged me to follow Jesus 2,000 1 July 14 when I am with my friend Jorge I pray the prayer of salvation and I accepted Jesus to be myself around my god almost now 15 years and the story is finished now for me this is the beat the beginning he give me a small Bible I went to my house on Palestinian camp and my brother coming to me he say samer I want to talk with you my your Imam he told me he find Bible in in the house and he said you come from where and he find Bible and he say I don't can believe you you are the one tell us to be good Muslim and go to the mosque and now you have Bible and you go to church what's happening with you these people would do something in the coffee to be Christian and at this time I need somebody to encourage me to follow Jesus more and more and my mom she came and my mom she is not easy really is not easy my you live here everybody maybe one in your family he can believe everything you want he want but in us now my mom she started crying my brother he say if you don't come to the mosque and tell the all the Bible I need to come back to the Islam I will kill you and we have gone in my house and he can do that because he makes service for Allah and this is what Jesus tell us he tried many times to kill me a lot of things happy with me in my life in my home and I wanted to do something 15 years now I don't live with my family and that time I'm in Lebanon he bought me and in the roof my house with that cut my hand my mom ten years ago she died I am in Lebanon to our from from from from where I live because I don't can come to my palace teeny camp because the all the Palestinian no government there the audible sting and all Muslim and people he think I am shame for the Palestinian should be should be killed and I don't can come to see the sooner and my mom now if I look at the street if I saw some children I don't know if this is my brother son I don't know them I've been in jail in Lebanon three time I stay in the street sometime the Christian be will he don't believe you are a Christian because people this was happy with Paul and the burn Abbas coming and we bring him to that Chris a star encouraged him because sometimes we don't believe God still work and God he still save people a lot of things happen with me in YouTube right now you you go you google it in Arabic but infidel summer Mohamed you can find my picture and song from al-qaeda song from al-qaeda people and the email my email against me in half an hour in YouTube story we remove some stir right now we will want to kill me why because I speak in some television about Islam why they made me say oh I speak the Islam that the region is not beasts oh ok and he want to kill me because I say the Islam is not religion of peace you see that and now I came here to America now tree here now I live here I have asylum a lot of things happy with me but you are if you ask me but why you still people want to kill you a lot of things happen would you I still walk with Jesus the one thing keep me now walk with Jesus not because I'm reading the Bible I find the truth this is a little bit birth help me but that won't keep me now walk with Jesus because 15 years I touched him who is the Jesus for me he's not he's not in a story he's real he's still alive he's with me he's this is our Lord and our Savior Jesus I can tell you story every story every story 15 years he with me we worship through God he's real maybe if you don't feel it I encourage you today you want to meet with Jesus maybe you're born a Christian but it's not enough maybe you read a Bible it's not enough you want to be you meet you meet with him because he can change your life after I coming to Jesus for a year I visit small island in Europe called Cyprus and I want to speak in the Arabic conference there and in the break time I walk in the street and I take I have come here at that time and because the first time in my life I am out of my Palestinian cam and I take some mixture and I saw a garden and because you know my culture I coming to the to the house I don't know that this I don't know this house I don't know this people is the first for the first time for me that time in Cyprus and I knock in the door and they man open for me he say how I can help you and I say you can take I want to take some picture in your garden and he said ok and he helped me to take some picture and he say you come from where and I told my mom from Lebanon and I coming to speak in this conference Arab conference he said oh we are a Christian - I am pastor from America come you can meet with my family and I stayed drink coffee with his wife with his family and he say but you are Lebanese I said no I'm Palestinian but I born I grew up in Lebanon and he looked to his wife and he said to me you know who we are I see yeah you are from America or missionary here they say yes but we are Jewish believe in Yeshua believe in Jesus say what I drink coffee with the Jewish people and hisk because this is the first time my life as so juice juice is good you know listen to this story and he say brother Sam er you can come tomorrow I am mom do we do ministry here we have a lot of young people coming to do training school here to study the Bible you can come and you can share your testimony and then say okay I coming to the Arab Conference I don't know this man but God is not finished with me yet and I coming to speak with this young people and one man coming to me and he starts speak with me Arabic and I say from where you know Arabic I put my hand to his hand I say Oh from where you know Arabic he say oh you know in my country we have a lot of Arab I say Oh are you from where I say say I'm from Israel I say what Israel I put my hand yes I am believe in Jesus that time 2005 but I still hate Israel but he's not finish it with me because when God he want to change you it changed you completely and that time because I live in Lebanon and for me if you don't know that in Lebanon if we we don't have any connection when we are enemy and if the government he know I meet with the Israeli in Europe I billion gel we're not allowed to talk with the Israeli and the Buster coming to me he said I'm sorry brother Samer I don't because he I came more nervous he said I'm sorry brother samurai don't tell you that we have six young people from Israel and we are the old Jewish believe in Yeshua here and I say what I coming to the Arab Conference why I need to come here and share my testimony with this my enemy and I share my testimony and I told him if I come here before five year I make bomb here a big bomb here - don't be happy really and after I'm sharing my testimony five young people from Israel coming to me in the stage and told me brother Sam in the name of the Israel nation please forgive for us we are sorry was happy with you and your family and now in the name of the Israel help us to wash your feet and I look to that when people bring the water and coming I don't can't believe my Israeli I want to kill them and these people who want to wash my feet I want to show you the picture now when the people coming after wash my feet I started crying at that time the Holy Spirit open my heart and make operation and he take the all the head for Israel and give me special love for this nation who can do that maybe God give you love to India or Philippine or any country but I'm not I don't speak politic here as a Palestinian as before Muslim God give me love for Israel and now I'm proud to say I must be politic I love Israel I love Jews I love to preach him about Yeshua about the Messiah who can do that Muhammad and in the region the Jewish all the Jesus can do that and now in the Middle East 70 years the Arab and the Jewish fighting about the land and the American and many country want to help them what we need to do 70 years now nothing happened you know what is the answer the answer I know I find the answer when the Arab and the Jew is coming to us you are coming to Jesus there is peace and there is Shalom without Jesus no beef without Yeshua no beefs this is what God tell us envision in the cross gentle and Jewish we met and there is peace because he is our beasts this is our Lord and Savior this is Jesus istil work he maybe you don't feel it but I want to tell you the book of Acts is not close it yet God is still today and yesterday and forever he still do miracle what you doing what you see now in the Middle East what you see in the sea and an infection news you see Isis we will kill each other fighting the Islam a lot of things happen this is what you see yes but I wanted to do something I thank God what's happened now in the Middle East and with Isis you know why because in the last time now many Muslims say Isis killing people and Isis follow the Quran and follow Muhammad and this is my legion if this is my religion I don't want to be Muslim anymore and now this is the time for us to go and share the good news for them and now I wanted to do something I'm not why I'm not it'll speak order on the media or something a thousand of thousands of Muslim coming to your shoe are coming to Jesus God doing amazing work in the Middle East maybe you don't feel the Reviver here but I want to tell you the revival starting in the Middle East a thousand Muslim coming to Jesus my brother and sister and you know what and also is not easy for them it's not easy because the sword of the Islam the Islam coming by sword I want you to show you some picture now I've been my heart still in the Middle East three month ago I've been I've been in Turkey in the border of Syria and Iraq and I want to show you some picture this is your brother and sister from Iraq and this Bible left Iraq because of Isis he said to them if you don't be Muslim we call you or you we need to leave the country and this is new Christian from Iraq we help them we make some barbecue for them about 150 family picture please this is that we make package of food for the people from Syria and we also we give them Bible we shall love of Yeshua love of Jesus this is the Arabic Bible I take it with me from New York this is your brother this is from Kurdish from Syria this is some family this is this is believing Jesus and this is the meeting this is the missing in the house and we is not easy because if the bullies in Turkey he saw we meet this is go to all these people and I am with them we we go to jail and we can breach there and jail too this is this is in the border before the people go to Europe what we do we give people water we give people food and we we give we share you see this this young two people people hungry because we both tired from the Islam and people hungry to know about the hope and love of Jesus for them you see you see this is not in New York this is in Turkey and people open for the gospel we bring I want to tell the story when we give food for people one man coming to me and he say because some time is danger a little bit and one man coming to me he say from where this food who are you as I say I'm from America and this is from Christian from America to help you guys and he said you know who I am I am Muslim and you helped me I say yes he said why why you help us the CD Arabia and Qatar he have a lot of money and these people who don't give us food and you from America Christian and you coming here to us to help us and you see we say you are infidel people who need to kill you guys why you help us as I say I want to tell you why I open for him the teaching of Jesus how Jesus tell us love your enemy bless your enemy and he say I want this book I can have this book and God open his heart for the gospel you see you see the society he looked to me he looking for hope this is what God doing my brother and sister in the Middle East and you think this is how the barosky lived there in God willing I'm going in the end of February I still wait for my traffic document I'm going there and I need to do their school because now is the big need there you know what the big need is not to bridge about Jesus the big need now disciple and I'm going there to stay two or three months to make a training school I want to encourage you to see this video in this video you can see your brother and sister from Syria in the middle of suffering in Syria coming a baptized in the water in the end and the end in the end in the beach you see how God's doing [Applause] I wanted to you [Applause] and this is everyday people coming to Jesus maybe you don't feel here the revival in America but I want to tell you our God is not sleeping our God is working maybe you don't feel it because you don't connect but he still work you have brother and sister suffering also I want you not only to enjoy that I want you to encourage you to pray for the Muslim background believer in the Middle East is suffering be born & gell not because something wrong but because we will say I want to follow Jesus pray for them my brother and sister sometimes we say I am here almost three year in America and if you say what I'm sorry I want to open my heart with my broken English at some time and say God why you bring me here in my heart in the Middle East I tango for America but my heart in the Middle East why you bring me here to America and God now open for me many many door to speak in many church for one thing to tell you and told that all the American church you need to wake up you need to wake up you know why because I see here in America I'm sorry to say that Buster I see it in America the Christianity is now culture I coming to church we have Bible are we go to the home we pray before food this is the Christian this is what I'm sorry maybe I'm wrong but this is not what I we find in the Bible we need to be hard for Jesus we need to be bold for Jesus you know what you know what I hurt now a lot of people a lot of pastors say we don't need a refugee we don't need the Muslim people here because this danger I agree with you this is danger and the Islam is danger you know why because you don't do your job and you job is to breach him about Jesus and these people they need love of Jesus why you don't go and preach the gospel for them how these people who want to hear about Jesus if you don't speak about Jesus if this man George he don't tell me about Jesus maybe I am with Isis if we say oh he's Muslim maybe he will kill me if I tell him about Jesus what both balls say a row or row Myint in how we need these people to hear if not somebody tell him God tell us go and preach the gospel and all the world and we some people we tank up for them go and preach the gospel and some people stay here and sleeping and God now bring the Muslim next to your door and oh no no I don't can speak him about Jesus are you shy about you Jesus or maybe he's not real maybe he's not real if the F Jesus says and change your life if Jesus save you why you keep Jesus for you only you know what have we believe in Jesus every man every woman we have mission to do and our mission is take our gospel and to go and preach the gospel my brother and sister behalf of the all the Muslim nation I want to tell you why you don't tell us about your Jesus why you keep you Jesus for you only I pray this evening God cam would you be bored for Jesus oh but people will kill us oh yes hallelujah we go to Jesus if BB will kill us you know what the spirit of fear is not from God you know that the spirit of fear from the Satan and God he don't give us the spirit of fear we have something to claim Jesus is the Lord and now here in America the politic people speak about the refugee about Islam about Oh what Obama is Muslim is this existence I don't want to be politic I want to tell you something don't wait for the politic people can change America don't wait for them you me everyone here as the Christian we need to stand we can acclaim America for Jesus we can go and share and pray for America don't worry for Donald Trump don't words for Obama do your job we are sleeping and I'm sorry to say that I'm nothing I grew up but you know my story palestinian camp i want to kill the christian but where i am now i am here in the stage and ohio and i speak about jesus and i want to tell you wake up and preach the gospel you you want as a palestinian coming to yourself shaking you and say this is the voice of the lord my brother and sister yeah yes i don't say you know that Islam is good know the stamp come by sword this is clear because this is the Quran say clear in the Quran say kill your enemy he really and you have you a book here called the Quran and teach the Muslim this is in the Quran he teach the Muslim kill your enemy and who is the enemy of the Islam everyone he don't believe Mohammed he don't believe in Islam and what this book say we need to kill everyone who don't believe in Mohammed okay and we have a lot of Muslim here and some Muslim say no it is not this is not our book our bookie they Aslam the region of peace before the storm came we need to wake up and preach the gospel because I heard a Michigan in Detroit you not allowed to go and preach the gospel for Muslim what's happened in the Middle East can be happen here in America if we don't wake up an already star in New York in 11 September after that we will bring a million of millions of dollar to building moss there people's not shy because the victory for them I've been in and after a visit Turkey three months ago I've been in Germany and now in Europe Europe Europe is not a Christian country anymore because they stemming growing growing growing there and now a million a million because I can tell you something I don't I don't care about politics thing but I wanted to do something I've been in Turkey and you know what the government of Turkey held the referee to go to Europe because the president of Turkey he have agenda to claim Europe for Islam because you know you we don't can come by soar but we can bring people there and we can change and what I am in Germany I meet a brother he worked with the government he's German he said to me no brother salmon we received from the government of his Sarita Saudi Arabia money not before food for the referee money building most building mosque my brother and sister God you want us not only to save us and we wait for GI hallelujah we wait for Jesus to go to the heaven now oh and maybe I don't want to be bastard maybe I don't want to be in the choir but I want to feel you do we don't want this up to you but every Christian he has a mission we need to be witness we need to speak about Jesus if the music coming we need we need to pray for America and if we if we need to brave for America we need to do something I wanted to do something when the last time we speak about Jesus when maybe in the in the in the plane in and and the and and the car service in and a coffee shop when the last time let's pray that had close your eyes and think about it God you want you to be bold for them to be with a fall so if you don't take Jesus I say Frank God maybe you're born in a Christian house and you think you are a Christian but you don't have the recessive of Jesus I encourage you to take to take him to be your Lord and use not your father Lord you Lord your saver because he's real you want to taste you want to sister Jesus taste and see how God's good [Music] pray that the Spirit of God encouraged you tell God I want to be witness I want to claim I want to claim to speak everywhere about your goodness about your mouths about you love because you are real we need to claim we need to claim for America for every nation Jesus is Lord he is the Messiah no another name only Jesus because he's the way I pray let the Holy Spirit come and touch everyone here in the name of Yeshua in the name of Jesus [Music] he'll must not be for more to witness [Music] if you need you say I want to be bald more about Jesus I want the witness come in the front they killed sit and come we can pray for you here pastor Tam pastor the pastor he come unit unit unit you need God to touch you this evening come in the front and we need to claim Jesus he is the Lord no another Lord no another king he is Lord he's the king of kings if you want God to touch you come to can't pray with you amen brother sama that was incredible in them we love you mr. Sammon a man a man a man bastard Tim he's flying out tomorrow we love you we love you yeah go ahead that's alright love you man [Music] I'm telling you he has changed my life meaning change my life and Jackie can't wake her to my own hey let's say blessing unless you know somebody that's that that's dealing with a hurt a habit a hang-up mask anybody in here you say I've been set free from heroin let me see your hand look around heroin some type of drug and then bring them and man bring them all right bring them okay all right listen Church the Lord bless you the Lord keep you the Lord make his face shine upon you be gracious on me and give you peace let's say he's together real good in the name of the in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit amen
Channel: Your Living Manna
Views: 163,273
Rating: 4.8711052 out of 5
Keywords: Malayalam, Christian, Sermon, Pentecostal, Malayalam Christian Songs, Malayalam christian messages, Malayalam Full Movie, Malayalam Christian Speech, Malayalam Christian Testimony, Kerala, India, India Pentecostal Church, Church of God, Assemblies of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Spiritual, yourlivingmanna, livingmanna, Manna Tv, Religion, Christ, Worship, Christianity, Inspirational, English, Tamil, Hindi, Pastor, Lord, Ministry, Word, youtube, TBN, Billy Graham, God
Id: QkZjdJULNkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 38sec (2978 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2017
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