Pastor E.A Adeboye Sermon @RCCG September 19th 2021 SUNDAY SERVICE

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we give glory to the lord [Music] we give glory to god [Music] we give glory to the lord [Applause] [Music] we give glory to god [Music] give you all glory all honorable adoration for everything you've done for us in the past thank you for what you will do for us in the future and thank you for what you will do this very day please accept our thanks in jesus name father whatever prayer we pray today kindly answer us by fire in jesus mighty name we are afraid [Music] amen amen praise the lord i wave to two or three people and say good day god bless you [Music] okay we may please be seated if we are standing as we continue with our series going higher part 31 we will read from verse 37 to 39. from verse 37 to 39. if we want to give a subtitle you could say the fire fell elijah had been praying and he said hear me o lord hear me that these people may know that thou art the lord god and that thou has turned their heart back again then the fire of the lord fell and consumed a burnt sacrifice and the wood and the stones and the dust and licked up the water that was in the trench and when all the people saw it they fell on their faces and they said the lord he is the god the lord he is the god because of our time that is always a bit limited we will just go straight to the fact that the fire fell we've already discussed the prayer of elijah we've learned from the way he prayed that if we want a prayer that will be answered by fire we will start by worshiping god and by boldly calling on him to manifest his glory and then they say when elijah finished praying the fire of the lord fell and it's my prayer that today whatever prayer you pray god will answer by fire but the interesting thing that we want to look at is what happened when the fire fell number one the fire consumed the burnt sacrifice it means that the fire consumed the offering that was on the altar not all offerings are acceptable to god genesis chapter 4 from verse 3 to 5 genesis 4 3-5 tells us that two people brought offerings to god cain and abel god accepted one he rejected the other my prayer for you today is that god will not reject your offering [Music] which is why i need to tell you that whenever you feel unhappy when they're about to take an offering please don't give because the word of god says clearly god loves only cheerful givers if you are not excited about the offering if you are not really really happy to give don't waste your money at least you can spend it to eat because if you give grudgingly it's not going to be acceptable to god god is not a beggar don't forget that silver belongs to him good belongs to him if he takes anything from you at all it is a honor to you a privilege in second chronicles chapter seven from verse one to three second chronicles seven from verse one to three when god accepted the offering of solomon he sent down fire that is why those who really know how to pray when they are presenting their offering to god they will say please send down your fire and take this offering to yourself when the fire falls and you consume the offering it is a sign the offering are being accepted i've told you the story before of a man years ago when the church was very small and the pa system we had was so old many a times we had to slap the amplifier before it would walk and a man came in and brought us a state of the art pa sister beautiful things brand new and he came in in a flowing gown presented the offering with a flourish and we heard the voice of god loud and clear tell him to take away his gift i don't want now if you don't know the voice of god and you hear that as a pastor you will say get thee behind me satan this is not satan talking very very reluctantly we told him sorry sir god says take away your gifts he doesn't want he said what do you say we repeated it man went to one of the pillars in the church and began to bang his head against the pillar sobbing hysterically i've never not seen that kind of sorrow before i pray i won't see it again they say god refused my offering it means god has refused me he has rejected when god accepts your offering it is a privilege it is a privilege so if you want to give it grudgingly don't give it at all if anybody tells you that without your help god cannot do his work the fellow is deceiving you that's what i told some brethren years ago when the church was beginning to grow and there were some fairly wealthy people when they were there because i you know among blind people they won't one-eyed man is king and they would they were becoming arrogant and i had to tell them in plain language thank god for your coming but as rich as you may be you are not the one who bought the chair you are sitting on these chairs have been here before you join the church god has been doing his work before you came if you leave his work will continue let that sink in if he rejects your offering he rejects you i pray that god will never reject you [Music] and then the fire consumed the wood as a very important point every wood has a potential becoming fire that's why every wood is called firewood there is fire inside every wood everyone soft wood hard wood any kind of wood fire is inside but that potential will not be activated unless it comes in contact with fire fire must come from outside on the wood for the wood to change to fire wood to become fire in luke chapter 5 from verse 1 to 11 luke 5 from verse 1 to 11 jesus christ told peter you will become fisher of men but for three and a half years peter did not catch a single man he didn't catch a single soul onto the day of pentecost in acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4 acts 2 from verse 1 to 4 when the holy spirit fell and fire enlightened on the head of peter his potential was activated that day he preached a single sermon and won 3 000 souls my prayer for every one of you today is that that potential in you that potential for greatness that potential to perform miracles signs and wonders for god will be activated as the fire of god descends on you in jesus name and then the fire did not stop with the wood the bible says the fire consumed the stones what kind of fire is this consume the offering that's easy to understand consume the wood easy to understand stone if a house burns down that which will remain will be the stones but in this case the fire consumed the stone what is this one telling us the stone is symbolic of hardship of failure of poverty when somebody came from a very poor background in africa we say it had a rocky start came from a rocky start you remember the story jesus told in matthew chapter 13 from verse 1 to 6. matthew 13 from verse 1 to 6 he said a sword went to soul the sea that fell on the stone grew but dried up you know what that means fruitless efforts struggling and never succeeding it takes the fire of god to consume hardship it takes the fire of god to put an end to poverty first king chapter 17 from verse 8 to 16 first kings 17 from verse 8 to 16. the widow of zarapath had been dwindling in her resources till she was left with only one meal then elijah the fire career came in and the tide turned in second king chapter four from verse one to seven second kings chapter four from verse one to seven created us we are coming to take the current of a widow to sell to pay a debt that was about to swallow the very future of the war of the widow when elijah the man with the double portion of fire came in and the tide turned in exodus chapter 3 from verse 1 to 8 exodus 3 from verse 1 to 8 when god came down and spoke to moses when god came to us fire i spoke to moses he said i have come so i can take the children of israel from the affliction to a land flowing with milk and honey fire can bring an end to hardship i'm praying for those of you who are suffering particularly who are in financial hardship the fire of god will fall today and put an end to that hardship but there is something else that a stone can represent and that is the heart of man in ex in ezekiel chapter 36 verse 26 ezekiel 36 verse 26 the almighty god had to make a promise i will take this stony heart out of you and give you a heart of flesh he compared the heart of man to his stone jeremiah 17 verse 9 jeremiah 17 verse 9 says the heart of mind is desperately wicked it's a natural act of a man desperately wicked i have come in contact with one or two people that i just when you look at them when you see their behavior you say oh god do something about this heart of stone heart of stone it takes the fire of god to consume a heart of stone and you can find an example in the scriptures in mark chapter 3 verse 17 mark chapter 3 verse 17 the bible calls john the apostle of jesus christ the son of thunder he was a man with very violent temper how violent oh you know the story in luke chapter 9 from verse 51 to 56 luke 9 from verse 51 to 56 when jesus said he wanted to stay in the village and the villagers who was american said no we are not going to allow you to stay with us we have nothing to do with you people john was one of the people who said to jesus let's call them fire on them and burn them up that's the kind of art he had until the day of pentecost when the fire came and hit this man with the stony heart he became the apostle of love he was the one who wrote first john chapter four from verse seven to eight first john chapter four seven to eight beloved let us love one another god is love i'm assuming that those of you who are listening to me your hearts are hearts of flesh if they are not may the fire of god come down on these hearts and change them to hearts of flesh or maybe you have one or two children or relatives who can't judge who are so stop stubborn who who cannot yield to any entity you want to love them they say they don't want to be loved ah i pray today that the fire of god will descend on such people and change their heart of stone to heart of flesh and then the fire went ahead and consumed water we must know that this fire of god must be a very special fire indeed the fire that can eat stone that must be a special kind of fire but this fire consume water i think when there is a fire outbreak you look for water to put it out but this one says i can drink up water what is that one saying it takes the fire of god to wipe away tears in revelation chapter 21 verse 4 revelation 21 verse 4 the almighty god said i will wipe away tears from all eyes may that be your portion today in jesus name in john chapter 14 from verse 16 to 17 john 14 16 to 17 jesus christ promised us a comforter and that's the holy spirit and if you know anything about the holy spirit at all he is fire in luke chapter 7 from verse 11 to 15 luke 7 from verse 11 to 15 when a widow was going to bury our only son and jesus christ who according to acts chapter 10 verse 38 acts 10 verse 38 was anointed with the holy ghost and with power who went about doing good when the fire carrier arrived at the sins he said to the widow whip not and you know the rest of the story within minutes all tears were gone my prayer today is that whatever it is that is still causing you so the fire of god will consume amen and then the fire went ahead and did something extra it consumed the dust the very dust on which the altar was built he went ahead and consumed it what's this one saying well in genesis chapter 3 from verse 17 to 19 genesis 3 4 17-19 go to abraham adam brother told adam you are from the dust to dodger you return the dust is symbolic of your flesh your body it takes the fire of god to solve every problem that is in your body every physical problem and the classical example is found in mark chapter 5 from verse 25 to 34 mark 5 25-34 you know the story of the woman with the issue of blood who came from behind and told the helm of the government of jesus christ and the sickness of 12 years came to an end if you listen to what jesus christ said when he said who touched me and peter said ah you see all this crowd trunking you how can you say who told me sir a virtue has gone out of me there was a spark of fire that went from the fire career to go into the body of the woman i mean you know what happens when there is an electric spark when fire jumps from the source to somewhere else i pray that today the spirit of god the fire of god will touch your body and everything that is not of god there will be destroyed [Music] and then what followed after the fire consumed the offering consumed wood consumed the stone licked up the water consumed the dust the bible said the people fell on their faces and they said ah jehovah is god whenever prayers are answered by fire reviver follows the people fell on their faces the reason why there is no revival in many many churches today is because they have put the one with the fire out of the service if you just let the holy spirit come let the fire come things will change when you read acts chapter 3 from verse 1 to the end acts chapter 3 from verse 1 to the end the bible tells us that when peter and john heal that man by the beautiful gate when the fire of god touched him because when peter said to him silver and gold i find out but what i have i give unto you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise up and walk and the man didn't move but when peter grabbed it by the hand the fire that peter was carrying flew through that man and he jumped up and began to dance and to rejoice and the bible says the sermon that followed led to the salvation of 5 000 people acts chapter 4 verse 4 acts 4 verse 4 if only god will send down his fire today and i pray he will there will be revival after doing the story before first time i went to europe mainland europe to go and preach the gospel in her land oh man people there were they were very very cold i mean i remember the ambassador there received me and called these other ambassadors together that i may speak to them i spent all my energy talking about how god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son etc at the end of it one of the ambassadors said he had a question what's the question he said what is god what not even who i was talking about i was talking about a god who gave his only begotten son and this fellow was thinking what is god but then we we we want to hold a crusade a kind of holy ghost rally that evening everything was cold but fortunately they brought a man from the hospital a man that the doctors said there's no hope for so we want to take him to take him anywhere as i took the microphone and i just worshipped god and i was about to begin to preach the man just got fed up and said they should rule him out take him back to the hospital what's up there was all this thing going on here as he got to the door the power of god hit him and he jumped up they brought him on the stretcher or whatever you call it and began to ah rum shake his hand shake his leg and everybody erupted i didn't have to preach after that i just made another call that same place now it's our continental headquarters in europe if only the fire will fall if only you allow the holy spirit to move in and stop being psychedelic let the holy spirit come let him let him turn everything upside down shall be revival i hope that you will lay yourself on the altar again today and say holy ghost let a fire follow me let your fire fall on me let your fire consume my offering consume my wood consume my stones lick up my tears touch my body touch my soul touch my spirit and let revival begin before i close i want you to write down these prayer points because you need to pray because i believe god is going to answer you by fire today number one after you have thanked the almighty god who himself is a consumer fire you ask him father please answer me by fire today number two father accept my offerings and accept me i will never give grudgingly again never accept my offering accept me and i promise you from now i'll be a cheerful giver anytime i hear this time for offering i will shout for joy number three let your fire follow me and activate my potential the potential that is hidden in me lord god almighty set it on fire now so i can become what you want me to become and then number four father if my heart deceased heart of stone change it to heart of flesh today change my heart from being a heart of stone into a heart of flesh and if there's anybody in my family with his tuning heart let your fire touch that heart today and turn it to a heart of flesh and then you cry to him and say father please wipe it with all my tears today anything that is causing me sorrow let your fire consume let your fire come zoom and there is a father let your fire touch my body making me whole let your fire touch my soul reviving me let your fire touch my spirit making me a vessel of revival and if there's anyone listening to me you want to give your life to jesus christ so that his fire can't come down on you and change your life around please bow your head and cry unto him now say lord please save my soul every yoke of satan in my life let your fire burn and i will serve you for the rest of my life let us pray my father my god i want to thank you once again for your word i want to thank you because i know you're a god that answers by fire there's no one like you and i'm thanking you on behalf of all those who are surrendering their life to you today please lord receive them all save their souls let your blood wash away their sins receive them into the family of god and father i'm praying that they will never backslide and i'm committing all your children those who are just giving their lives to you and those who have been your children for a while answer every one of us by fire today grant all our requests and let our name be glorified in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen praise the lord well as usual those of you who have given your life to jesus i rejoice with you i promise you i'll be praying for you so i want you to let me have your names your address your prayer requests and i will be praying for you then locate any redeemed christian church of god near you tell the pastor i sent you and they will tell you what to do next god bless you amen
Channel: RCCG Grace Assembly Dubai TV
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Keywords: rccg, rccg live, live stream, rccg video, rccglive, rccg sermon, rccg latest, september 2021 rccg holy ghost service, rccg september 2021 holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost service sermons, pastor e a adeboye, pastor adeboye sermon, pastor e.a adeboye 2021, rccg message, rccg special service, pastor e a adeboye service, pastor e a adeboye message, god bless you, rccg september 2021 sermon, rccg live youtube, holy communion service, rccg live tv, @rccg, congress
Id: j_sEfVPvAfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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