Pastor Josh Carter #YFNFEARLESS

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which you just make some noise with Jesus in this room right now come on you've been covered for me but now you're clapping for the King of Kings the Lord of lords he's Alpha and Omega these Super Junior [Applause] some noise [Music] [Music] are you ready for a move of God tonight [Applause] if you feel the anointing let me hear you sing if you really believe it's a little [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm about to breach but I hear the Holy Ghost in my ear I want you to understand something that great rain comes in little clouds the real question is do you have the right perspective for revival because moves of God don't always come like you think they ought to and they don't always show up listen they have counted your generation out and say that your generation would never be the one that God would pour our spirit out but I see the cloud the size of a man's hand over Dallas Texas tonight you're me [Music] I want you to know tonight then that your praise is a product of your perspective I always know how you see God by how you praise God and if you see him as averaged in an average grace would do if you saw him as normal than a normal priests would do but how many in this room know we don't serve a god that's like other gods will serve a God with other gods but we serve a God that's above every other God [Music] [Music] [Music] now this is what I'm gonna do in a normal preacher but I believe that there's a revival that is coming to the nation of the United States of America I want to know tonight and what I want to do this one time but for those of you who are tired of being put in the closet somewhere and kept silent about your faith for those of you who are radical in route and rowdy and ready for the next move of God on the count of three I want you to let heaven know that you're really ready for some rain you know the Bible says that he kept running until he saw I believe you're the generation that'll keep running until you see what God said so we're gonna do this one time so however you got to praise God praise God however you got to worship worship but I want you to let heaven know that tonight you're ready for something supernatural to take over your family your city and yourself on the count of three if you're ready for the love of God one hallelujah I feel he'll get nervous I feel every demon about they hit the door too and if you're ready for the rain somebody made some noise [Applause] [Applause] [Music] now make some noise with Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] would you lift your hands all across this room father I sense you I feel your presence I want to say thank you for meeting us here God without you this meeting would be worthless without so we really wouldn't find change in transformation follow that if we gathered people and didn't have you this would not be the right meeting but God I'm glad you came and since you're here I'll make one request of you have your way [Music] father act brave move until pain becomes power move until tragedy turns to triumph move until sick bodies are healed and oppressed minds are set free up under the power of the spirit of the Living God [Applause] father I pray weave your way through every seed in every Iowan to every heart of every person and we'll give you glory and if you believe it in this room put your hands together one final time put Jesus in this room now you can be seated touch your neighbors say I might not be seated for long I might not be seated for long and I want you to grab your Bibles go ahead and keep playing for me does anybody feel what I feel in this room just wave at me I sense the presence of God I feel like I'm in a room with some people who didn't come just to have Church you came to become Church and there's a difference because expectation determines your experience you will only get from God tonight what you came for so if you didn't come from nothing that's what you'll get but if you came for something beyond yourself something supernatural God is about to meet you here I want you to open up your Bibles man I feel one of those old-school preachers coming on me after one of those old sweaty Pentecostal Holy Ghost preachers coming on me and you know I'm from Florida I'm from Daytona Beach Florida all right and you know we got Sea World and stuff in Florida so if you own the first three rows tonight you're in the splash zone come on somebody amen and I just thank God for the ability to be here I thank God for you thank God for your youth pastor thank God for every team that has come I feel like you're respecting God to do something tonight I want you to open up your Bibles to the book of Acts chapter 28 the book of Acts chapter 28 we're gonna read six verses and while you turn in to everybody watching back home I love you to my wife I love you and to this great leadership of this great camp conference Pastor Chris and Erica Xstrata we uh I just honor you I'll bless you come on if you love him you want to make some noise for them right now I honor you I love you so much and thank you thank you for not being afraid of the move of God in a culture where it's become widely unpopular to flow in the things of the Spirit you have held a standard and you have upheld the banner of the move of God and I just honor you thank you for flowing prophetically in my life personally and as well as corporately and I just love you tonight and I feel like preaching cannot just be what can I just be me tonight mr. Sandman give me just a touch in the monitor I've been preaching a lot of you give me a little extra that'll help me honey tonight Acts chapter 28 verses 1 through 6 and then gospel speak to us if you got to say yes this is what the Word of God says now when they had escaped then they found out that the island was called Malta and the made of sawdust unusual kindness for they Kindle a fire and made us all welcome because of the rain that was falling in because of the cold but when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire of Viper came out because of the heat and fastened on his hand so when the natives saw the creature hanging from this and they said to one another no doubt this man is a murderer whom though he has escaped to see yet justice does not allow him to live I like this first but he shook off the creature into the fire and suffered no harm however they were expecting that he would swell up or suddenly fall down dead but after they had looked a long time and saw no harm come to him they changed their minds and said he must be a God God wanted me to tell you tonight that everything that's about to happen in your life is a believer God said to tell you it's all gonna happen around the fire so tonight if I had to title it I would title it all around the fire let's pray father I feel your anointing thank you for what I feel speak now in Jesus name and everybody who believes it say Amen thank you so much thank you so much if there's anything I believe that you have to understand tonight about your faith is that the at the moment of conversion your faith is first glamorous yes your faith is first glamorous it is a glamorous thing of this room to see the Attic set for you I said it's a glamorous thing to see somebody who was down and out find peace that passes all understanding it is it's a glamorous thing to watch somebody who was depressed and suicidal find joy unspeakable and full of glory it is a glamorous thing your faith is first glamorous like I like the gospel it has two sides like a coin two sides in his first glamorous and when I begin to think about this side of faith it takes me back to the day that before I was who I was I wasn't who I should be and I'm thankful for the day that he saved me wonder if I'm in a room tonight with some people that are thankful you're saved now y'all ain't saying the facet I said I wonder if there's anybody in this room who knows what you used to act like talk like live like and walk like but somewhere along the way when it couldn't get any worse Jesus came right down in your situation and he saves you no no you'd still be addicted you'd still be in pain you still be in the tragedy you'd still be messed up you still be depressed you'd still be suicidal but when it look like it couldn't get any better he came right to where you were with you see me dancing sounding running I'm really not trying to impress you and I'm really not trying to get you to like me I'm just going back to the day that he found me and he saved me if you're sick you're thankful you're safe you want to make some noise right now put Jesus in this room that he saves you you weren't worth saving there was nothing about you that was worth saving you weren't the kind of person he really should have wanted and had to have but nevertheless he looked past all that and saw the potential in your life and he saved you I could preach that all day because if you want religion to fall off you always go back to the day he saved you if you want judgment the vog go back to the day he saved you because the truth is is that if he saved you he can say somebody else like you and he saved you he saved you he saved you he saved you I feel the anointing I said he saved to me you should have seen me but he saved me and he is the God who saved on this side of the coin of the thing called faith it is glamorous but tonight I didn't come to talk to you about this side of your face tonight I came to flip the coin over tonight I came to turn the page because there is a sigh of faith that nobody wants to talk about because at your conversion he saved you from but on the other side you realize he saved before I said of your conversion he saved you from yes he did he saved you from sin he saved you from death he saves you from eternal separation from God but on the other side of the coin once you realize that he saved you from you realize that he saved me for he saved me for what for purpose and for destiny and for the move of God in my life he saved me for and if you're thankful that he saves you forward you ought to give him praise right now for the purpose of God all your life you are a person of destiny you are a person of purpose you are no accident and you are not what people said about you you are not what your path says about you you are not what your parents did to you you are not what happened behind you he saves you from all that is just save you for the thing you were created for I'm thankful tonight that he same before and because he saved before you have to know then that it would be foolish to think that you could switch teams [Applause] change dance partners the only Santa that hop the line and not think that you could live this life and never have any trouble because tonight I didn't come to preach to you about the side of faith that is glamorous I came to talk to you on how to be fearless even in the midst of trouble trouble my friends is necessary trouble my friends is a necessity it is foolish to think that you could serve God with all of your heart and not think that you have not become a threat to the forces of darkness do you not know that when you got saved you became a threat do you not know that when you jump to the other side all of a sudden hell got nervous and every demon said ho what are we gonna do with them now now they're on the other team now they might lay their hands on the sick and see a recover now they might go somewhere and make a difference now they might preach and their school might get sick somethings about to change oh I feel the anointing of God in this role I'm telling you right now if you think that you can live this Christian life without trouble you are not really living the Christian life [Applause] because on the other side of this thing called faith when you walk out of these doors if you really want to be anointed you're gonna have to be okay with going through trouble please know in this trouble man that trouble is not an attack trouble is a compliment to your anointing no no do you not understand that's why people who are really anointed and people who really have the move of God on their life can take a hit and keep on moving can take a hit and keep on sanding can take a hit and keep on pursuing God because they know that though the righteous man falls seven times he gets back here so hit me with your best shot I can take your trouble and give God all the glory let me help you sit down for a second oh I feel the in order here what's this you have to know then that in the kingdom trouble isn't really trouble because in the classroom called purpose in the course called the kingdom trouble is God's greatest professor because there are some things you would never know about God you only say love and you would never know about yourself if you didn't go through a little bit of trouble you have to know then that God does not author the trouble but he will allow the trouble just so you begin to come into a greater understanding of who you really are let me put this in your world for a second because there's some things you didn't know about yourself until he broke up with you hey there there were some things that were hidden deep down in your spirit that it took your friends walking away from you and turning their back and finally you figured out he alone is enough that he is your source and your strength that he is the lifter of your head you had to figure it out with one no not with accolades not with glory but with a little bit of trouble you figured out the greater is He that's in me that he that's in the world and it got before me who can be against me if you believe it give God some praise right now there were some things you can only learn to do a little bit of trouble that's why David I get it I hear your Holy Ghost that's why David would say things like this David said I know God wants to take me from glory to glory he said but I also understand that in between glory to glory that there is Vali then I would never know the height of the mountain you only say nothing without the depth of the valley I would never know how big it was until I went through how low it was but now I really understand David because David said I know I'm gonna have to go through some valleys in my life he said but yeah he said yea though I walk through the through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me David said the enemy's trying to get me to live in this but God is calling me to walk through this and I ain't staying in my Valley if you believe it give God praise right now sometimes if you want to give the devil a black eye and you can't lift your hands and you can't open your mouth sometimes all you got to do to get hell a black eye let's just keep putting one foot in front of the other and some of the other and some of the other and say I'm gonna keep on moving and keep on walking they keep on pushing until I get to my purpose if you believe that give God praise one more time David said yea though I walk through the valley of the shadows I will not live in the thing I have been called to walk through because the call of God for your life it's not glory to Valley it is glory to glory to glory and on the other side of glory there is a table prepared for you in the presence of your enemies Pastor Josh why would you take this much time to talk to us about trouble because this my friends is the backdrop of our text the Apostle Paul is a man of great glory can I do this he is a man that knows the third heaven he is a man that no signs wonders and miracles he is a man that knows the Damascus Road yet at the same time the man who is acquainted with great glory also knows prison cells he knows what it's like to be stoned and beaten and left for dead he knows how it is to walk through trouble because watch this if you want to know what it really looks like for the level of glory your call - there will also be the same level of trouble in your life are you resisting the trouble that has been sent to produce the next level of glory in your life are you resisting the thing that was not the devil but was the trouble y'all I say another I said it wasn't the devil it was the trouble that was sent to make sure you stayed anointed the Apostle Paul is a man who knows glory and he knows trouble he knows high levels of both in our text hallelujah in our text the Apostle Paul is about to step into the greatest moment of glory in his life and in the moment of preparing for great glory he is also positioned now for great trouble and the text says on his way who are filthy and only on his way to glory he is shipwrecked have you ever been in a place in your life where you thought you about to step in and right when you stepped in you got hit with a storm [Applause] where are my real people latter have you ever gone the yfn and got set on fire and said I'm gonna go home and change my school and the minute you got off the bus you got hit with a storm the storm called your parents the storm called y'all a Santa Fe my friends you have misunderstood the difference between pain and proximity when it comes to your purpose because why let me let me do this let me just put it in your world for me to me me and my wife we we you know we working on babies amen amen and this is what they're telling me and any I don't know whether to get excited or scared I I don't know they they told me they said they said well now when your wife gets pregnant she's gonna get down in this last month and I said okay they said and what hot what's gonna happen is she's gonna start to feel watch this some pain and it's not gonna be a little bit of pain she's gonna get to some great pain watch this he said but it's not just gonna be the greatness of the pain it's also going to come at a greater frequency great pain at great frequency is a sign that you're about to give birth is it possible in this room tonight that the reason you've been going through what you've been going through it's because God's been trying to bless you and you thought it was the devil but God said I got a blessing for your life God has told me to tell you your blessing is right around the corner and you can handle the trouble you can have the blessing you've got some place right now Paul said give me the trouble because I know if I could handle the trouble there is something on the other side of my trouble that is about to work for my good and the Bible says he got shipwrecked and the text says that when we next ketch Paul he is pulling himself up on the shore he just made it oh I could preach right there have you ever just made it no no have you ever been in a position where everybody else around you was falling apart and everybody else around you was making mistakes everybody else around you was getting arrested and everybody else around you was getting in trouble but there was something about you that said I ain't going down with this ship and I ain't going down in this storm i'ma hang on tight to every piece I can hold on to even if it's a little piece of the ship the relationship you have with Jesus can I tell you friend one little piece of Jesus you take you all the way to the shore if you believe it give him praise right now Paul says let the trouble begin Paul says I understand this trouble and I'm not walking away from it I will embrace the trouble for the glory you say pastor Josh is that New Testament absolutely for the joy that was set before him he endured he endured the cross even Jesus said I see glory but I got to go through trouble to get it and I will endure the trouble so I can have the glory are you hearing me in this room endure the trouble get the glory go through the trouble have the knowing that greater is He that's in you that he that is in the world and if God before you what could be against you Paul is pulling himself up on the shore can I preach this and in the middle of trouble God begins to show Paul four things four things that will make you fearless when you leave here in your faith because number one when Paul pulls himself up on the sword he is greeted by a fire hidden build he's greeted by point number one the provision of God see sometimes God will allow affliction to give you a revelation of his provision let me put that in your world sometimes God has to take away all you know so that you know that he's all you really have sometimes God will strip you down to nothing so that you understand that he wasn't your source y'all ain't saying nothing she one your source that job one your source that boyfriend one your source that girlfriend one your sir sometimes God will take you down to nothing just so you understand that every blessing that you ever walked him didn't come from them it came from him who's always had your back or if you're thankful for the provision of God in your life you ought to make some noise right now the provision of God is profound in prolific in your life you not know I know it's a church fan but you wrote here in the provision of God those clothes on your back are the provision of God that food you've been eating has been the provision of God can I take it one step deeper that last breath you just breathe is the provision of God do you not know in this room he loves you so much that he's making sure your heart is beating and your blood it's moving it's right he loves you enough to let you know and the only thing he asked is for that last breath turn it around and give it to me and let everything that has breath praise ye the Lord do it right now in this room and as a preacher I get frustrated because he worked so good and he gets such little credit not knowing that I really wouldn't even be alive if he hadn't wheeled it out of himself he works so good and get such little praise you wouldn't be alive and yet have the audacity to stand like this and worse I want you to bless me but I don't want to praise you the devil is a liar there's gotta be somebody in this room that says I'd understand the provision of God and I don't care what my Road thinks I don't kill him my friend snake I don't care what you think I didn't come here for you I came here for him so for him molls of glory why don't you take ten seconds right here and give God some praise right do that eight seconds seven seconds six G what somebody shout right now for the position of God be seated and if I was God and I'm not I would cut you off but in now what we do to people when we don't get back on the level that we gave we cut you off but aren't you thankful that God doesn't cut you off that despite not getting praise and despite not getting your worship and despite not getting your life and despite not giving what you promised he still keeps blessing you and blessing you and blessing you and blessing you I'm thankful for the provision of God Paul pulls himself up can I go deeper pulls himself up into the provision of God a fire heating bill but I want you to see something in the text because the next time we see Paul Paul is gathering sticks for a fire he didn't build because provision is God's part maintenance is yours is that too heavy I said provision is God's part maintenance is yours let me put it in your world if your fire ever goes out in one lack of God's provision it's lack of your maintenance so when you see me during worship you know what I'm really doing I'm just grabbing another stick on the fire y'all they say another when you see me dancing and and running I'm saying there's a stick let me throw it on the fire there's a stick let me put a little fire let me get a little fire for the fire to fuel my fire if you believe it give God some praise right now in every worship service there are six a word a lyric a song a melody and God says I know you had a hard week you always say nothing I know what your parents did I know what people said but don't worry I'll make sure you got six for your fire and all you got to do it's not be ashamed of me and just grab the six and put them on the fire so before you blame your pastor and before you blame your youth ministry and before you blame your youth pastor please make sure you've got every stick you could find and put it on your fire can I go deeper all of a sudden God has provided paul is maintaining but in the middle of paul gathering what he needed the bible says that it got something he didn't want because anytime you start gathering something for God God wants you to get the stick the enemy wants you to have the snake the enemy will always plant the serpent in the sticks before I really preach this let me give you Bible Jesus is gathering 12 and gets Judas I'll preach spec here the drums tonight as I said Jesus is gathering 12 and in the middle of gathering what he needed he got something he didn't want ha I know what you asking me pastor Josh you're saying pastor Josh how do I discern then what is sick and what is snake I'm glad you asked if you want to know the difference in your life between what is the sick and what is the snake get it around the fire and you'll find out I said it sometimes all you got to do is get it around that fire and you'll figure out what is sick and what is snake in your life Hey ladies hello I feel thean order him ladies let me give you some relationship advice fellas I'll get to you in a minute ladies let me help you for a second if you want to know if he's a stick or a snake cuz how many know the snakes are slick snakes talk real good they smell real nice they know what to say and how to actin just to make sure that they get in your bundle let me help you ladies I feel the annoying I'm telling you I feel the anointing of God let me help you let me tell you how you figure out if he's a stick or snake take him to a Holy Ghost Pentecostal fire baptize charismatic service and let that Holy Ghost drop right in the service and if he starts squirming piece of snake baby because you ain't got time to date snakes walk with snakes marry snakes God has called you to some sticks that will fuel your fire somebody give it glory right now yeah so what am I telling you I'm telling you if you want to know who they are and what they're about get that thing out of the dark and you'll see it because you in the dark they can be all right in the dark they look Christian in the dark they talk Christian with the minute you start pulling that out into the light and around the fire the fire of God will always reveal the character of man Paul oh I'm only in point one Paul pulsus tics as he's maintaining his fire when you get home you got a fireman to maintain and he starts purging the pile of hallelujah and sees that something doesn't belong when you get home you have to purge your pile because there's some things in your bundle that don't belong and in the middle of pulling it the snake got nervous notice I didn't say Paul got nervous because Paul's fearless because anytime the snake gets nervous he's always ready to strike so when you start pulling it into the light expect him to break up with you I'm preaching better than you're letting on I said when you start pulling it to the light expect him not to want to be your friend expect the text messages the stop and the phone calls to quit but guess what they were never supposed to be a part of your purpose anyway and if they walk out Paul pulls it into the light and the text says something funny to me it says and the serpent the Viper bit Paul which takes me to point number two I am thankful yes for yes for the provision of God but I'm equally thankful if not more for the protection of God I'm thankful for God's protection because how many know there were some car accidents that had your name on it there were some traps that had your name on it there were some things that the enemy set up that had your name on it but aren't you thankful that before it could get to you God got to it are you hearing me before it ever got to you God stepped out in front of you and said no no no no not today not tomorrow this is a child of mine and God protected you are you thankful for the protection of God if you are you ought to make some noise for him right now I said he protected you I said he kept you you could have been dead you should have been in the accident you should have been crazy but God protected you God protected Paul there were some things that had your name on it see I could bring somebody out this side and they think they would tell them to praise about the provision of God and they would praise real good dance real good shout real good and then I could bring somebody from this side who had the protection of God and they would out shout provision why because you had to go through some things you had to fight some battles to really know that he has for me and not against me can I can I bring this into realities am i helping anybody tonight can I bring this into reality and not just spirituality for a second there a couple years ago about six years ago but when I first started getting a real follow into my ministry and started going around the country in the world and preaching the gospel and and why not there was a lady in our church in North Carolina who was taking pictures she would take pictures when I preached and she came to me one Sunday morning and she said that she said Pastor Josh I've got to talk to you I said okay what's wrong she said I took a picture of you and I posted it on the site I went back and checked on the picture and found out that a witches and warlocks website had grabbed your photo and put it on their site and they're saying stuff like let's pray against him he might do something to the forces of darkness she said she said when I checked out where the photo in it had circulated already to almost 700 witches in Warlocks website around the world she looked at me and she said this she said are you scared I said no ma'am I am not scared I said let them go cat urine up under my rug I said let them burn something on that doorstep let them cast their hex and work their route I said do you not know I got a route to I got the blood of Jesus on my life if you're thankful for God's protection you want to make some noise right now I said you got the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood every disease that tries to come on you sister that's the blood every issue says I can't cross the blood it's the blood of Jesus that's protecting your life I'm thankful for the protection of God on my life and if God will protect this preacher he'll protect you too that's why I'm fearless because I know I'm protected now I know what some of you deep people are saying it I'm almost done I know some of you deep people are saying stuff like this you say well pastor Josh I know you're talking about protection it's really good but didn't you say that Paul got bit how is getting bit protection because my friends you have misunderestimated the proximity of the bite with the prosperity of the bite God's protection it's not that you don't ever get hit every once in a while not that you will never get bit every once in a while it's the fact that you can get bit but God doesn't let the venom kill you baby said gada lets her get bit but he won't let the venom run through your veins because he's got your back and he's protecting you I wonder if I've got any grateful people that are thankful that he protects you even while we're here right now give Him glory in this room they tell me they tell me all I'm telling you how is in trouble tonight they tell me that if you want to find where they get the stuff that when snakes bite lambs the venom doesn't work because lambs blood is a natural antivenom see what you don't even know in this room is when you got saved there was a blood transfusion it's not even your but it's not even your blood anymore it's the blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus and no weapon formed against you shall prosper somebody shout right now excuse me I'm just thinking about how protected I am right now because when you're protected you're praised difference when you're protected to dance difference when you're protected to shout different when you protected you're fearless in your worship and you're fearless in your praise do you know that no devil it's gonna get up on me when I got lambs blood running through me be seated hallelujah somebody could come to the keys I feel the anointing I paid the price for this one tonight I paid a price for this way because you about to flip your city upside down some of you almost didn't make it to YF in this year now you know why because on Wednesday night gob was started to give you revelation that you can be fearless no matter where you are you can be fearless in your city fearless at Starbucks realest at Target fearless at your family reunion you can be fearless on vacation because cars about to do it in your city let me finish this all of a sudden the Apostle Paul is bit and for a season he has to work with a serpent hanging on his own because there is a season or you gotta be willing to do the work in the pain because I'm not dumb enough in this room to know that some of you didn't walk in here bit and wounded and hurt I'm looking into your eyes right now those teary eyes I see and I know you walked in in pain and I know you walked in with stuff that you've been hiding for years and Paul says I got bit but being bit doesn't stop me from doing the world [Music] it's right here where I got frustrated with the test because Paul was not bit in private [Applause] [Music] Paul was bit in public what do you do when God puts your pain on a platform because what we don't see and what we don't remember is that while all this is happening there are a group of barbarians in the background who are watching Paul's tragedy unfold before their eyes and Paul's pain has to go public and I asked God I said God why would you let Paul get bit in public and the Lord spoke emphatic ly in my spirit when he said it like this he said just because it's not about you [Music] see you thought that the trouble wasn't a taxon against you you you thought that it wasn't just all about you but to be honest my friends your trouble is never about you your trouble is about somebody else who has their eyes on you in the middle of your trouble see let me help you when you're in trouble and eyes are on you please know that they can't see your God and they can't see your faith sometimes the only thing a broken world can see is how well will you handle your trouble I'm telling you right now you've been going through some stuff but God wants me to tell you it was never about you because somewhere in the background of your life there are people with eyes that are on you right now they're watching and they're and they're wondering are they gonna give up on God are they gonna quit on their faith are they gonna let go of their fire are they gonna fall down dead are they gonna mess it up are they gonna go back to a different lifestyle are they gonna go back to what they used to do and you've got to stand there even with the serpent on your heart and say though he slay me yet will I trust him yes Lord yes Lord I trust you I trust you I trust you when I can't trace you I trust you when I don't feel you just cheating with a snake on my arm I trust you I trust you Paul said I have lived this long enough to know that to really be anointed means that I'm gonna have to fight and fight again because if you really want to know what it takes to stand on platforms and to breach this gospel you're gonna have to know that your life when you're really anointed will look like one fight after another fight after another fight David it's gonna come like a bear and then it's gonna look like a lion but it's all been sent to take you to Goliath huh what's this if you ever run out of fight you have probably run out of destiny because at the end of his life Paul would say I have fought the good fight of faith Paul said the reason I know I'm about to die is because I looked in front of me and didn't see another fight there is somebody in this room tonight you're gonna have to praise God with a serpent on your hand you're gonna have to worship and still be in fact you know the people that are impressing me the most are not people with titles anymore it's not the people who preach the platforms they don't they don't that don't impress me let me tell you who impresses me it's the person who who walks into a service I can say I got a hit but I'm still here I'm still serving I'm still worshiping I'm still praising I'm still dancing I'm still young I'm still working and I'll stay working until he tells me oh because there is a moment in the text of point number three that God provided and protected but point three as Paul had to persevere see there is a moment I'm done when God says you've persevered long enough and he said I'm gonna give you permission in public since I let the enemy bite you in public I'm gonna let you embarrass him in public I don't think you heard what I just told you I said there's a season that comes when God lets you embarrass the devil Paul you gotta shake the snake son and in one moment Paul shook every devil every disease every issue into the fire I said God is about to give you victory over that issue that's been playing in your life sand your feet all across this room Paul you have persevered nobody move stay right there with you I feel the anointing somebody's about to get victory somebody's about to shake the snake what the enemy meant for evil God is about to turn for your good I hope you're hearing what I'm saying I'm prophesying to somebody I said what the enemy been for evil God is about to turn for your good real Safi which leads me to the final point it was at this place in the text that Paul who had persevered unbeknownst to him the eyes that were on him watch this Pat point number four a change of perspective can I tell you what's about to happen [Music] they're about to see you and change their mind about God [Applause] [Music] they our accountant to see you come home from camp and say wait a second they went they're depressed and oppressed but I don't see that snake anymore in their life and since they didn't fall down dead and the snake has already did their God must be real that Holy Ghost must be real that power must be real God is about to change their perspective I said your dad's about to get saved Mama's about to know Jesus your classmates are about to know the power because of your trouble let me say this final thing I was a third-team all-american baseball player in high school I was on 21 of the 32 teams draft lists on draft day I signed a division 1 scholarship to play baseball I ended up playing professionally let me tell you though my high school years despite the accolades were some of the worst years of my life you want to know why because I always made a stand for my faith I was always fearless in my faith watch this hold on to the point where nobody wanted to hang with me nobody wanted to date me and I had to make up my mind constantly do I want heaven smile or do I want theirs [Applause] once it's passed Chris for four years I said in homeroom behind a girl by the name of Cheri Ballard Ballard Carter four years in homeroom together and on the last day of my senior year sherry looks at me and she turns around and she says I'm ready and I said for what she said listen the first day of freshman year for the anointing she said I heard you share in your faith she named the student she said I made up in my mind on the freshman year first day that if you would go for years and keep your faith for Jesus she said I made up my mind that if you wouldn't quit on it or walk away from it if it was for real she said let me tell you she said I made up in my mind she said that I would do that I would do the same old give my life to Jesus she said Josh hear me hear me she said Josh I have watched you for 4 years she said you weren't perfect she said you had a little slip-up she said but you never walked away for your faith she said Josh will you lead me to Jesus right here in homeroom and on the last day of my senior year I let sherry Bowers Jesus right there in my home so let you know that he is working for your good watching you watching you [Music] I feel an explosion about to hit this room [Applause] so my friends as I conclude this sermon let me tell you one last thing so far in this text I have painted the whole sermon on the backdrop of Paul's trouble but how many know that the real issue of the text is not the backdrop because right on the painted backdrop of this sermon God set a centerpiece because everything that happened in this text didn't happen on trouble Oh didn't happen with trouble no matter if it was provision Oh hallelujah or protection or his perseverance or their perspective everything that happened in this hex happened all around the fire see here's what God wants to do he wants to put the centerpiece of his fire in your life so that when the trouble comes you can say or what I mean I've got the fire of the Holy Ghost [Music] this fire [Music] you're about to be fearless [Music] [Applause] [Music] you change [Music] she'sa suits wager [Music] [Applause] so my assignment they're already coming my assignment tonight God said to give you a chance to get the fire so you can go through the trouble if you're in this room and you say pastor Josh I want the fire of God on my life because I know the glory that's waiting for me they're already coming get to this halter right now you want the fire you want the fire [Applause] it will make room for as many as they can you want the fire of God and when you get to this whole time lift your hands yes you're coming on the backdrop of trouble God set the centerpiece called fire snap I don't want you to pray for him yet don't pray for him yet God gave me specific instructions don't pray for him yet staff don't pray for him yet don't pray for him yet nobody to lay hands here thank you Lord Royce off for a second there is somebody watching me I hear you Lord right now you've been watching me you have been crying the entire message because of the trouble God said tonight he's gonna come right through the airwaves not by might not by power but by the Spirit of the Living God and the fire of God is about to invade the room you're watching me right now and you will never be the same he's about to burn in you I want to hear from you whoever you are message me let me tell you friends everything that's gonna happen in your life as a believer it's gonna happen all around the fire it doesn't matter the trouble as long as you got the fire no matter what the serpent does it doesn't matter what the shipwreck did it doesn't matter how long as long as I've got the fire I'll be fearless I said you'll be fearless ricky'll for hire honest moment but you want the fire of God in your life like never before you want to touch from heaven I'm not talking about like last night there's nothing this is the fire of God in your life forever I want you to slip both hands up right now look at this on the count of three I want every leader that can to begin to lay hands and let me just do this real quick you're about to experience something staff God's gonna put the fire of God on you and you are more than just praying for them you are establishing them when you pray for them I want you to understand you fasted for this you prayed for a room I don't see a hand that's not up you practiced for this hours of rehearsal and God has met us here right now there's about to be a flood of power young people it's already far I see it it's happening right now some of you the power guys are hitting you listen look at me if you can when it comes on you you don't have to strive for it you receive it that's the best thing about God's fire is that you don't fight for it you receive it and I'm telling you it's coming on you lift up your hands yeah lift your hands [Music] there is a fire nobody touching me and there's a fire coming on you that's about to be so fresh I see you in seasons of wandering God what do you have what's next how's it all gonna work out God said this summer is a season of fire for what he has waiting on the other side you're about to step into glory you're about to step into a glory in fact the Lord just showed me that you have had moments alone moments with God where you said God give me your glory I want glory does it wait no longer my son he said tonight that level of good now the fire of God touch mix your hands I feel the fire your go girl here my soul or local so if you're baptized in the Holy Ghost just start praying in the spirit right now must shorten up up will suit all of us cause I'm telling you there's some being stirred or kindled you're putting fire on the fire right now come on praise band you do it too if you bad the baptism of Holy Ghost begin to pray in the Holy Ghost in the balcony begin to pray in the Holy Ghost see that almost like us they tell me Pentecost is dead the devil is alive I'm telling you there's a fire on look there it is on the count of three staff get ready to lay your heads I just felt it come on man one hallelujah hallelujah are you ready for the fire of God come on just begin to wave your hands at heaven right now we're getting away your hands snap on the count of three one hallelujah - yes Lord three lay your hands right now there's the fire there's a fire there's a fire come on the power gods go come on you there it is just lay your hands on you gotta fight for tonight you ain't gotta fight you're way back as fast [Music]
Channel: Youth For the Nations
Views: 2,764
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 30sec (4410 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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