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okay you praise the lord everyone good morning to you happy happy saturday yup we have been praying every saturday this month and we're excited about prayer um today we're gonna dedicate this prayer to the ladies so ladies we need as many of you all to share if you are on our youtube page you literally can take this youtube page and you can share it on your facebook page and you can make it happen um today we want to make sure that we cover our ladies we have covered the men we have covered the married couples we have covered the singles and today we are going to cover the women and then tomorrow at 12 30 we'll be live covering our children our babies our children and our teenagers so we're going to ask you to please be live with us with your children with you today at 12 30 we're going to be giving up blessed oil so if you want to come and get a bottle of bless oil for your children you can come right here on 78th and dobson 1021 east 71st street at 12 30 you pull up and we'll hand you the bottle you don't even have to get out of your car it's just that simple um the bible says he anointed my head with oil the bible says that they called david from the field into the house and he anointed him right there in the midst of his brothers we want you to be able to anoint your children throughout the year put oil on them amen so you can pick that up today again it's right on the corner of 78th and dobson at 12 30. i'm gonna ask um shayla and crystal to come up they are a part of our women's ministry help them up brother um grab a microphone right there shayla i'm gonna ask him to come up and um shayla is over the women's ministry and then crystal is basically dealing with the women's retreat two powerful powerful um women of god i'm gonna have them to present themselves to the ladies grab your own mic right there um well to the ladies we want you to prepare to um let us know that you want to be a part of this women's ministry you don't have to live in chicago you don't even have to be a member of our church you just need a village so we'll give you ways that you can make that happen let's go so hi ladies so my name is shayla cooper i am the lead of love sister to sister women's ministry right here at new life covenant church southeast love sister to sister comprises our women's retreat team for which crystal is a part and i'll have her tell you a little bit of her about her ministry good morning everybody my name is crystal huff and i am over the love sister sister women's retreat ministry what we do is we come together once a year and we come together to retreat and retreat means to fall back fall back and take some time for yourself to get in tune with the lord with your spirit and what we do there is we go in and we do inner work inner healing work so if you know that you need some inner healing work done and it's about a two to three hour class come be with us at the women's retreat stay tuned to the love sister sister page and pay attention to when the retreat is going to be available and it's absolutely going to be amazing we had a great time last year we had over 222 women to join the women's retreat and they stayed on with us the entire time and the feedback that we got was absolutely amazing so if you know that this is for you please join in with us and if you would like to be a minister a leader in the retreat team with us please reach out to the love sister sister email or the um facebook or the instagram page and let us know that you want to be a part because we would love to have you amen thank you crystal so love sister to sister includes women's retreat and our v12 women's discipleship program guess what you guys have been asking how do i become a part of love sister to sister how do i join listen there is no membership process if you are a woman here at new life covenant church southeast or even a virtual member this ministry is for you you are a part of love sister to sister all you have to do is get plugged in you can connect with love sister to sister via our social media platforms we're on facebook and instagram you can go right now and follow us on instagram and you can connect with us on facebook you can also right now today if we if you want to connect with us you can text love to three one three one three one again text love to three one three one three one so go ahead and connect with us also don't forget our third saturday fellowship every month love sister to sisters girl talk session it is lit if you attended girl talk anytime in 2020 then you know we have some really interesting conversation and we have a great time so ladies invite your sisters your cousins your mothers tell everybody to join us on every third saturday at 9 00 a.m additional information can be found on new life church's website as well as our app and our social media pages we look forward to connecting with you in 2021 thank you pastor all right ladies let's make it your business right now can you just right now just text the words love to 31313 hear me clearly you need a village you need a community you need someone that can speak to you you need someone that you can just check in with you need someone that you can be honest with again please please please ladies um how do we get you connected just text the word love to three one three one three one all right come on we're gonna ask uh amanda to come on up and we're gonna ask um um pastor erica to come on up erica glen they're gonna pray with us on today they're going to pray with us on today and i'm going to give you a scripture to all the ladies i literally heard this scripture this morning and i literally had to go and find the scripture i had to literally go and find it stuff all the way up there you go um go and find the scripture can you put this on the screen psalm 17 8 psalm 17 8 all the ladies this is your scripture this is the word of the lord that is for you on this morning i heard him loud and clear um and he says in psalm 17 8 listen to this keep me as the apple of your eye keep me as the apple of your eye hide me in the shadow of your wing oh my god keep me see me now hide me come over here keep me as the apple of your eye in other words see exactly where i am and every woman that is listening to me i want you to know that you have an attentive god you have a god that is literally you are the apple that is powerful to me come on can you put that on the screen can you say that out loud i'm the apple of his eye oh my god that is so powerful come on come on i want you to put that on the screen i want you to say that out loud i'm the apple of his eye he is looking at me he's paying attention to me he's aware of everything that concerneth me and i'm excited so to every every woman every wife every mother every single woman every widow come on here every divorced woman i want you to put that on the screen i'm the apple of his eye come on here come on here that needs to be a chant right now among the women i'm the apple of his eye i'm the apple of his eye if no one is paying attention to you god told me to tell you that he sees you and that you are the apple of his eye come on ladies i need that to come out of your mouth come on here as you say that some of y'all are going to begin to be lifted come on begin to say i'm the apple of his eye i'm the apple of his eye he sees me he's paying attention to me he knows what i have need of before i even ask him every single mother can you say that i'm the apple of his eye hallelujah there it is there it is come on put it on the screen there it is put it on the screen i'm the apple of his eye i'm [Music] [Music] [Music] he knows what you're going through he's sensitive to your situation he woke me up this morning and let every woman know that you are the apple of his eye he sees you he's paying attention to you he says attempt to you he's compassionate to you come on there you go say it say it thousands of women whatever city you're in whatever state you're in i need those words to come out of your mouth i'm the apple [Music] of his eye come on we come against the spirit of rejection i'm the apple of his eye come on keep saying it the bible says and david encourages himself in the lord as you say it you'll begin to be lifted i'm the apple of his eye he sees me he knows me by name he's attentive to me he's sensitive to my situation come on here i am come on ladies [Music] there it is i need two thousand women to open him up and say i'm [Music] i pray for the one that's struggling right now you are the apple in a few minutes but the lord wants you to get this now that i'm the apple you need to pray that prayer now keep me keep me keep me as the apple of your eye keep me yeah messiah don't let me go too far off keep me come on come on ladies i'm the apple yeah my shinya come on here they don't see you but he does they're not noticing you but he is what kind of god would wake me up to tell every woman to remind you that you are the effort of his eye you're the pearl in the necklace come on here he's paying attention to you yay cheyenne you know my name you know my name you know my name you know my name come on we're gonna pray you know my name but i gotta get you in the place to pray you know my name so you can go boldly you know my name i'm the apple of his eye i'm the apple of the eye of god he's paying attention to me you know my name come on here you know my situation you're sensitive you move with compassion yeah that is you move with compassion you move with compassion hey you know my name come on ladies come on i feel a prank he knows you he know your children he know your situation he know what you've been through he knows how you feel he knows your unspoken requests he knows your silent tears come on come on you're special [Music] ladies ladies i'm the messenger of the lord you're the ample of god's eye yay you better act like god looking at you this morning come on here ladies i'm the apple of isaac he see me he know me he's paying attention to me he's sensitive he's moved with compassion hey he's coming in my direction he's my answer hey come on ladies [Music] [Laughter] [Music] come on i'm picking you up in the spirit the lifter there it is [Music] i'll never leave you enough for a second lo i'm with you always no one will be able to pluck you out of my hand i'll leave the 99 to run after one i got you on my mind i'm look i see you come on here i'm wiping your tears i'm lifting every burden i'm destroying every yoke i'm getting you ready for your 2021. your steps have been ordered by god why i'm not [Music] [Music] we have not done this all month but the lord told me to build you up you can't come in here crying you can't come in his presence down you gotta go you gotta go with confidence yeah every widow every divorced woman come on here open your every single woman every married woman every mother every grandmother every aunt every sister every niece open your mouth and say i'm the apple of his eye that thing had blessed me and i ain't even no one look at here i'm just a messenger i'm just a messenger sounding alarm shout it to the souls of my women that i'm paying attention to them i'm just a messenger and he's going to perfect those things that concerning you that thing is blessing me this morning excuse me sisters why i jump in on your blessing i feel like the delivery man is tasting your food before you eat it i'm the apple of his eye that being that messed me up i didn't get hot up in here it's cold in here but my soul is satisfied [Music] he knows my name come on we gonna move he knows my name he knows my name erica get ready to sing a little bit of that song he knows he knows my name that's all it gets to say that partners up he knows my name come on he knows my [Music] he knows my name he knows my name oh how he walks with me and oh how he walks with me [Music] oh how he tells me that i'm the apple of his eye that i am his own ladies come on say [Music] he talks with me [Music] tell you what that i am his heart come on one more time he knows my name every lady i need you to say that he knows my name wow he knows my name he knows my name [Music] oh how he walks with me come on say that and oh how he walks with me wow [Music] and tell how he talks with [Music] he tells me that [Music] ladies ladies pay attention to what the lord is saying to you please pay attention to what the lord i come against shame i come against guilt i come against condemnation you are still the apple of his eye let's back that up i'm saying and he found he found me polluted in my own blood and he spoke over me in my blood and told me to live why because i'm the apple of his eye and today you're going to be made whole today you're going to be made whole for every lady that is listening i asked amanda to come and i wanted her to cover your body erica's going to cover your mind then we're going to cover your soul today i need him to fix you in january so you can make it through this year come on ladies you should really feel special today that he would wake me up and say hey can you go tell the women that they're the apple of my eye that i am paying attention to them that i see them and i want them to be whole i want to cover their bodies i want to cover their minds i want to cover their eternal part i want to cover their soul so that they can be everything that i created them to be come on just for like five five minutes can we just adore him come on begin to put words of adoration on the screen every woman come on just put a word of adoration let it come out of your mouth we honor you we adore you we magnify your god you're great you're excellent you're holy you're the attentive god you are attentive and we give you glory on this morning god i thank you that you allow me to be your messenger to tell the women of god that you are an attentive god you are the all-wise and all-knowing god you're the god that see all and know all you're the god of action you're the god of action and we give you glory come on ladies open your mouths wherever you are and release a sound god you hear the sound all over the earth of women your daughters crying out to you these are the women of zion these are the women of zion god these are the ones that carry your word these are the ones that hold the praise these are the ones that give you glory come on ladies these are the ones that worship you these are the ones that serve you in ministry what would the church be without these women god and they give you glory and they give you honor and they give you praise god that you could trust them to serve you that you could trust him to lift you up that you could trust him to magnify you and god they give you glory on this morning these are your daughters these are your daughters these are your daughters and they come lord they come and they open up their alabaster boxes and they give you glory these are your daughters these are the ones that wash your feet with their tears and dry it with their hair these are the ones that sit and wait on you and they give you glory and they give you glory these are the ones that you called out of darkness into the marvelous light these are the ones that you could trust and they give you glory these are the ones that have been washed in the blood of the lamb these are the ones that have made up their minds to live for you to serve you to die for you these are your daughters these are the ones that carry the cross these are the ones that serve you with all their heart these are the ones that you can trust with a travail and they give you glory yay these are the mothers these are the daughters these are the gatekeepers yeah these are the prophetess yay these are the teachers and the preachers and they give you clothing [Music] yay they give you praise god these are the ones that you brought out of darkness these are the ones that you delivered out of the furnace these are the ones that you delivered out of the lion's den these are the ones that you threw up out of the belly of the whale and they give you glory come on ladies you hear their praise you know they voice yeah you know they dna yay you know they faint level come on ladies yay you know they're tears yay hey and they come to you this morning and they come to you this morning to give you a praise these are your merriers these are your tambourine players these are your set it off women come on ladies your turn your turn and the last shall be first come on ladies yay call for the travailing women call for the moon and women call for those that know how to lay between the porch and the altar hey call the ones that i'm paying attention to today come on ladies your turn come on i turn for you your turn jumpy my god yay come on i love it come on come on every single woman i need you to open your mouth you serve a god that is concerned about you come on every single woman hey come on we're moving every burning woman he's covered lifted today but i need you to release the praise first i need you to release a praise first your body is about to be covered your body is about to be covered your body is about to be covered your body is about to be covered your body is about to be covered your body is about to be covered you're the apple of his eye and he's paying attention to your body your body is about to be covered your fears are about to be addressed hey come on ladies i'm just the messenger i'm the pusher [Laughter] let's go your body is about to be covered your body is about to be covered your body is about to be covered your body is about to be covered your body is about to be covered before you go to the doctor your body is about to be covered before you get your next test your body is about to be covered your body is about to be covered you got back up in the spirit come on your sisters are with you today come on we're about to cover your body and i want you to know how the lord is this is so amazing to me how the lord will have someone who's going through in her body to cover your body and he'll call somebody they got the oil because oil is only produced when it's pressed so he'll call somebody that's been under the pressure of her body to come and pray over your body because she knows what it is to go through in the body so she's sensitive she's compassionate in that area and a prayer life was birthed through pain come on here so i was at home but the lord said reach out to amanda tell amanda to meet you tell amanda to meet you is that amazing how the lord will bring your name up tell amanda to meet you because she has the oil to cover the body she has the oil and the testimony and the trial and the tribulation to cover what a woman feels in her body and be a mother and be a wife but still have to take care of her body let's go heavenly father we thank you that you are our loving creator god that you created man in your image that you form us each in our mother's wombs and you are concerned about our physical bodies we thank you that you have made us living temples through which your power can be shown through which your power can be made and so on today god we are asking for your covering over our bodies god we ask you to cover us from the top of our head to the bottom of our feet we come against every wicked plot scheme every wicked plan of the enemy that has been set to attack our bodies we know that the enemy knows if he can attack our bodies that he can attack our mind and if he can attack our bodies he can attack our families but we are decreeing and declaring on today that in 2021 we will have full health so god we ask you to cover god our nervous system god we come against god every neurological disorder right now in the mighty name of jesus we come against ms we come against parkinson's disease we come against every tremor we come against every every neurological dysfunction within the body we come against numbness in the limbs we come against any uh disconnection god in our sin absence any disconnections god in our brain god even those god with brain injuries god that they will experience full restoration on this day god that god the people god who suffered strokes god who are suffering god from numbness on one side god who have lost feeling who have lost function are being restored even right now god we cover god the cardiovascular system god that god this year god we will not experience heart attacks god that this year god we come against every heart disease we come against every clot in the blood we come against veiled mix functioning god cover cover cover our heart god lower blood pressure god we come against diabetes god i hear god that there will be miraculous healing god of diabetes on the sheer god that this thing will not take you out the way it took your family members out but you will be healed from diabetes in 2021 god god i ask that you cover god a respiratory system god we come against kovid god come on we come against lingering side effects of cover god we will not fall victim we will not fall prey to this pandemic god we will be able to breathe god we will not give in god to panic attacks to try to attack our breathing we god will not let copd take over our bodies we god will not let a lack of oxygen stop us god we will continue moving forward and you will give us breath by breath just like you give us step by step god we cover god now the digestive system we cover our digestive system god we will not let stress affect our digestive functioning this year god that every symptom god that manifested our son of god will cease to be right now in the mighty name of jesus i come against ibs i come against tumors in the digestive system i come against pancreatic tumors they say it's a death sentence but you say god but you say god but you say god i am the great i am nothing is too hard for me we come against god dysfunction god in the intestines we come against crohn's disease god we come against every illness sent to make our lives miserable by god in the mighty name of jesus god we pray for full functioning in the kidneys god we come against kidney failure god we come against god your regularities god and all of our organs god it is not so it is not so it is not so god you are a god who makes legions disappear you are a god who shrinks tumors you are the god who switches at 180 god and so in 2021 god we will not fall victim to this plot of the enemy to attack the woman's body god cover our immune systems god i come against this principality god of autoimmune diseases that wants to attack women god i come against every chronic illness god that even fatigue right now seizes right now in the mighty name of jesus i come against every malfunction in our immune system god that where it is fighting against itself god it stops right now in the mighty name of jesus i come against lupus i come against r.a i come against anything having to do with a thyroid god i come against shorgens i come against every every illness and no one knows how to pronounce but you are stuck with it it is not so you can be healed just because the doctor says autoimmune diseases can't be cured doesn't mean that that you'll have to live with it for the rest of your life stand on it stand on it i know what the doctor told you i know what the doctor told you but you serve the wanted true living god you shall live and not die this thing will not steal your joy this thing will not steal your peace you will live and not die in the mighty name of jesus god cover our musculoskelet skeletal system god i come against tension right now even right now god that those who've been holding stress in their muscles that though have been those who have been holding the weight of 2020 god feel a release even right now god that they feel god this heavy spirit release off of their bodies god that they can stand up straight again god i come against inflammation in the body god inflammation in hands and fingers and knees and hips you will not live in pain say it i will not live in pain god i ask god that you heal arthritis right now in the mighty name of jesus that even joints that have fused that even joints that are stiff become movable god that we began to be able to regain flexibility god that we began to be able to put one foot in front of the other with no pain god you god are sovereign over every illness you god are sovereign over every disease you god are sovereign over the worst stage of cancer the lord says that you will not be taken out by what took out your parents by what took out your grandparents do not live in fear god is covering you and your body it is us too up to us as mothers as sisters as granddaughters to be the ones to stop generational curses of illnesses that run down our bloodlines so father god give us a discernment give us a wisdom on how to take care of our bodies god give us the wisdom god on what to put in our bodies god give us the wisdom give us a discernment to cast out things on the spot god give us a discernment god to come against the spirit that lurks by our bedside at night god i come against every lie that the enemy whispers to you in your bed that you are not going to make it through the night that is not so that is a lie from the devil i come against a wicked spirit that sends torment at night because it knows if it can disrupt your sleep it will disrupt your body i speak a peaceful rest over you that you will begin to to receive restful and restorative sleep that your sleep will no longer be interrupted by these demonic forces god i ask that you give these women the discernment to pray at night before they go to bed and cast out every demonic force that is trying to disrupt them right now in the mighty name of jesus god i ask that you give every woman the strength to god give every woman the discernment to say god i'm weak right now and i need your strength give us the courage to say i need your strength god teach women god how to not be superheroes all the time god and to rely on you god and you alone father god i ask god that you go through our bodies right now remove every irregularity remove every tumor remove every blood clot remove anything that is not supposed to be their god god we believe in miraculous healing even right now god even as the women are praying god they feel their infirmities leave the body they feel afflictions disappear god that there will be testimony after testimony of healing on today god but god on today we stand in faith god we stand in faith god and in faith we are going to stand like the three hebrew boys god we are going to stand like the three hebrews god and this is what we're going to say even if i do get afflicted in 2021 god even if i don't get that miraculous healing god i know that i still serve the one and true living god i will still have faith that he can heal me i will still live in joy i will still live in peace i will still serve him because he is god and god alone and so on today god we are asking you to get the glory out of our bodies god get the glory out of our bodies god if we're healed we don't want to take advantage of it god if we are healed god we don't want to walk away god we just want you to be glorified god not for us but for you god not for us god but for you god heal god in the mighty name of jesus god faith rise up right now in the name of jesus faith rise up god claim our healing ladies claim your healing ladies we pray it god we love you and we honor you in your name hallelujah god come on every woman saying i am healed and i am healed and my body is healed and my come on ladies open your mouth and say that my body is healed it is our prayer that when you go back to the doctor they don't see what they saw that they don't see what they saw or that the report doesn't be as bad as you thought whose report will you believe and i'll believe the report of the lord let's cover your mind you ready let's go ready to cover your mind let's get ready to cover your mind cause so a man thinking so a man thinking ladies we gonna come against nervous breakdowns come on here the pressure of the mind the pressure of the mind for those of y'all they have so many responsibilities you're pouring in in in ministering to so many people but today the lord said today is your day yes to be ministered to and he's about to give you strength in your mind hallelujah come on erica let's pray hallelujah lord we just thank you we thank you for being a great god and almighty god we thank you for being all-powerful and all-knowing and lord right now we just lift up our minds to you we come against schizophrenia we come against bipolar we come against postpartum depression we come against depression lord god we come against nervous breakdowns we come again meltdowns we come against it right now that is surging and it is living in our minds god right now i just ask you just to touch my sister that's sitting in the corner in a dark space lord god trying to figure out what to do everything around her is going on but she can't focus on anything but that dark space i ask that you come into that dark space where she wants to have a pity party and you allow your healing anointing to come over her mind i speak to the woman lord god that everyone is around her but her mind is perplexed her mind is that feel like she's about to lose everything head on almost shia that she feels her intellect going through her fingers right now i ask that you touch your mind lord god lord i just ask right now that every woman is under the sound of my voice would just grab her head now grab her head in anguish but grab her head to know that you got her in you have control over her mind let her put her mind at the altar on today lord whatever is whatever is trying to perplex or whatever is trying to overtake her lord god let her feel the pressure of your power let it feel the pressure of your anointing let it feel the pressure of your love that you will keep our mind in perfect peace if we keep our mind stayed on you so god we center ourselves back to you we center ourselves in a place that only you will know what to do with us lord god we center ourselves to our divine creator our daddy god the one who lover the lover of our soul we are the apple of your eye but god you are the lover of our soul so we sent ourselves back to you we align ourselves our mind back to you on this morning lord jesus we thank you for the opportunity lord god just to free our minds here russia how many things we got to navigate in our minds we think that when we come to you lord god you free us you restore us so god we take the limits off of you we take the limits off of our minds today and allow the holy spirit to minister to our minds to touch each and every last part head of the mossad that does not align with the will and the mind of god we want the mind of christ we want the way that you look at us if you say we are the apple of your eye god we want to see ourselves the way that you see us not the way our circumstance tell us it is but the way that you have ordained for us to be so god we align our minds to have the mind are of christ minds with kingdom mind thinking lord god mine of royalty we're not joking we're royalty we walk in the royalties of god we are the daughters of king jesus so we allow our minds with to live wealthy we allow our minds to live have more than enough we align our minds to be a perfect peace we allow our minds to have everything we thank you jesus that our minds are thinking according to what you say we thank you god that we have a good one we oriented mind we thank you that we have a mind that is full of your spirit we have a mind that is full of the way that you would want us to go so god i speak to every woman on today that her mind will be in confidence that she will know who she is in you not what she's according to the world but what you have called her to be so god i thank you for every quiet moment that you shall give us to steal our mind to steal it in perfect peace so that we can hear what you have to say to us lord god we thank you that our stinking thinking is gone because whatever is in our minds shall be manifested in our lives so we thank you for this moment lord god that you shall align us in the way that you would have us to go that we are with the white that you have called us to be that we will be a kingdom-minded wife the mother that you have called us to be will be a kingdom-minded mother and we thank you lord god that we will not be shifted in our minds that we will not be willy-nilly but i thank you that we shall be steadfast unmovable we thank you that we're steadfast in your word we're thinking that we're steadfast and what you are saying to us and we rebuke every single voice that comes against the mind of christ that is inside of us silence all the naysayers silence everyone that's trying to come against us silence everyone that is not for us and we thank you for a community of people that speak affirmations to us that speak positive things to us lord god that see us in the way that you see us we thank you lord god that you allowed our mind to be able to speak what you have said for our lives right now lord connor and we proclaim it to be done i speak to every single householder that there'll be a spirit of peace surrounding them right now lord connor that their mind would not be perplexed god but i thank you that the peace that will surpass all understanding will abound in their walls right now that they will feel your peace in their house that they will feel your peace in their car lord god so that their mind will be able to be at peace then we will be able to think the way that you have called us to think some of us just need a minute god we just need a moment of peace to be able to hear you god so we speak peace now peace to their minds peace to their mind god run out of mosiah if the enemy can come against our mind he comes against our lives and we if he comes against our lives he comes against everything that we got to nurture so god help our minds to have peace so that we can hear you so that we can discern what is before us so that we can be prophetic lord god send your peace send your peace now peace to their soul and their spirit peace to that mother let her know that you have whatever you have allowed to come through her body she is capable of taking care of it she is capable of nurturing it that what the enemy has said is not true we speak against anybody who feels like a failure because that's all they heard erase every negative word god that perplexes your mind let them have a recording of what you say we speak to that little girl in that woman today that you will heal her mind of what has been recorded in her childhood that you will silence the enemy that's coming against her future that she will be able to hear what you say so she can think how you want her to think so it will be manifesting your thoughts through her life so help us now god to have peace in our mind we touch our minds we touch our heads to feel the pressure not the pressure of the world but the pressure of what you're trying to impart in our minds help us to find great quotes that will speak life to us help us to find great friends that have great words to speak over our lives and help us to hear the word of god and let it be manifested in our minds let us rehearse the word of god over and over again let us rehearse the promises of god over and over again we do believe that what you have for us it is for us and we deserve oh that you have proclaimed over our lives every prophetic word that is hanging over our heads every prophetic word that has been spoken over our heads we call it now that every prophetic word that we have been in the same room we thank you right now that it shall be manifested run out of those paradigms shift us now quickly shift our minds to be able to receive all that you have in store for us open up the windows of heaven lord god and pour us out of blessing head out of our shop we're ready here come on see y'all we're ready head under my shop our mind is our mind has been shifted to what you would have for us god we don't think of ourselves the way that we used to but we received the mind of christ how we thank you right now lord god that you will continue to speak to our minds head out of the motion it's an open space hey come on child be shifted we have gotten rid of everything that's not like you we've gotten ready for every every negative thought we got rid of every ill word so our minds are open to receive run out of osha what you say about your daughters today the king daughters that we are royalty that we walk with the royal with our crown on our head because our daddy is a king and we receive it now it is ours we thank you lord god for a minus shifting we thank you lord god for a kingdom mindset we won't take no junk because we have a kingdom mindset now we understand that we are your daughters we understand that we are in the kingdom for such as time as this we thank you for esther anointing we thank you for shifting us now and all of these things we pray hallelujah please please please please lift your hands worth know your value know that you are important says the lord messiah know your value know your word know that you are imported says the lord you are needed you are needed you are needed you are needed you are wanted the lord has the need of you the lord has need of you the lord has the need of you come on every woman come on begin to say it is well it is well it is well in my body in my mind and in my soul close your eyes ladies please please just obey me close your eyes and lift your hands and just start saying yes lord just start saying yes lord just start saying yes lord just start saying yes lord just start saying yes lord just start saying yes lord as erica was praying the lord said can you imagine if i pulled every woman my god if i removed every woman what would this earth be what would the church be come on ladies i need you to know your worth i need you to know your worth i need you to know your worth and your value come on please i need to remind you that you are valuable i need to remind you that you are needed i need you to remind you that we cannot do it without you you are the necessary peace to the puzzle please lift your hands close your eyes and just begin to tell the lord yes tell the lord yes and it is well with your soul and it is well with your soul and it is well eternally and it is well with your eternal part and it is well with your eternal part and your ladder shall be greater i come against every spirit that come to discourage your soul that you can't see that you're coming out i come against every demonic spirit that come to pull your soul to a dark place the devil is a liar please know your words please know your words please know your worth please know you are needed please know that god will get the glory out of every part of you every i come against the thought of suicide i come against the thought of you saying that you're better off dead no no no please i beg you for your children i thank you for your children i beg you for your children i beg you for your family your voice is needed your voice is needed your prayers are needed your presence is needed [Music] send help send help to i beg you for your daughters i beg you for your village i beg you for your community i beg you for the church i beg you i beg you i beg you i beg you i beg you be thou made whole be thou made whole be good in your body be good in your mind and be good in your soul let us say i beg you i beg you i beg you to live i beg you to live i beg you to it is well in my body in my mind in my soul it is well it is well it is wealth ladies please please please please i am the intercessor i beg you know your worth yeah hear me we can't do this without you hear me hear me hear me you need it hear me hear me hear me your opinion matters your voice is important under the messiah we need mothers we need mothers we need mothers we need mothers we need your presence all the women please please decide to live okay oh my god um every woman say yes come on i acknowledge my worth say that come on say i acknowledge my worth i acknowledge my presence acknowledge my gift i acknowledge my importance come on come on say this i am needed come on say it i am needed i am needed he's paying attention to you today jesus i beg you i beg you i beg you be well in your mind in your body and in your soul i beg you to know your worth i beg you to know that you're needed i beg you to know your importance that god says that you're the apple of his eye wow wow wow and it is well in my body in my mind and in my soul did i say it wow come every woman i want you to be a part of this village i want you to be a part of the monthly meetings just text the words love to 313131 every woman i want you to sew a 20 seat if you can't sell 20 give the best you can and i want you to just say it is well put that in the comment part it is well you can so by texting the words new life to 7797 on the app you can give on the website you can give but it is well it is well i promise you it gets better it is well you are needed physically mentally and spiritually you are needed and you got to be healed to fight come on get your seat ready you saw it what does it see it's my it is well see it is well all things are now ready god bless you we love you today at 12 30 if you want to come by on the corner of 78th and dobson from 12 30 to 2 we only have 500 bottles of blessed oil we want it to be well in your house if you want to annoy your house anoint your children tomorrow at 12 30 we're going to go live praying for our babies our children and our teenagers ladies it is well god bless you we'll see you tomorrow god bless you so [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] do [Music] you you
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 16,568
Rating: 4.958549 out of 5
Id: RsSZN_XtmEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 40sec (4720 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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