Pastor John Gray | Dreams And Ladders

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anybody loves Jesus tonight once you get your offering in the ground once you get your seed in the ground I'm gonna need you to just stand up wherever you are once you get your offering in the ground I want you to get your you know once you get it once you get your seat there put your Bible down which other notes down your notepads down miscellaneous devices I want you to look around the people that are near you look at people that don't look like you right every person you see survived 2017 everybody has a story and everybody has a praise we don't know what people have gone through to get here tonight and some people are visitors and they're not really sure what's about to happen so let's shock them if God has been good to you in 2017 if there was one person on your road that's been blessed who would it be if God has done something so out of the box and the year is not over yet God is not finished and the things that don't make sense he's about to help them to make sense lock elbows we're gonna pray lock elbows don't hold hands I don't know if they wash their hands we don't know this some people are not sanitary Lord Jesus in this atmosphere speak through your word I ask that you will allow us to be closer to you when this moment is over than we were when it first began Holy Ghost take over this whole service belongs to you anyway but don't let me be the weak link let me preaching uncompromising gospel and Lord Jesus let us see you clearly but when it's over let us be encouraged in our soul to know that every single thing that the devil tried has utterly failed God we want to shout right now but we locked elbows with people we don't even know but as soon as we let these elbows go we're gonna give you a hot thirty Seconds of ridiculous in veneer crazy rowdy radical praise black white Mexican Salvadorian Colombian Nigerian you got man in every other nation that I don't know how to pronounce properly in the name of Jesus I pray amen amen and amen you got 30 seconds well [Applause] if you only know what your plays is doing if you only knew what this sound is unlucky if you only knew where I'm getting ready to go in Scripture your sound is setting the atmosphere because some things you cannot be casual with some things you can't play with it you've gotta you gotta go get it is anybody willing to go get it go ahead and be seated I know this is the word my iPad is something that's never done just shut down just shut all the way down but I got my notes on my phone cuz I know how the enemy try stuff you can get one of them devices but I got it safe I got my notes right here so I might be squinting but I'm a priestess word like the Lord gave it to me amen second Kings 13 second Kings 13 I'm reading from the New King James Version been in this series called dreams and letters how many people been blessed by the dreams and letters last week was dreams in ladders part three Field of Dreams we were talking about a man named Elijah he was a prophet I know a few prophets there's not a lot of them but I know some of them well let me rephrase that there are people who who save their prophets then there are those who are prophets prophets are weird that they see things differently they they they can look at you and you're you know you're just trying to shake hands and the next thing you know they already in the spirit brief buh buh buh CC hey I just wanted to say hello don't start speaking in tongues I don't know you yet they see things differently they're strange they're they just they're different John the Baptist he he was able to see Jesus before the rest of the folk he was different he he ate different things he was a different dude camel hair wearing locusts and wild honey eaten sitting out in the wilderness you know he was that guy so sometimes the prophetic can be a little different but don't be taken aback by that because you'll be surprised that God might send somebody that doesn't necessarily fit your construct but they got a word from God for your life he likes you as a prophet but he wasn't a prophet when when he lied you found him he was working in a field behind the 12th yoke of oxen and Elisha put his mantle on him and he said let's go and he killed the oxen and he destroyed the cart he destroyed it he turned it into an altar which is symbolic of saying I'm never going back tell somebody I'm not going back I don't know who this is for but you got a word from God so why are you even going but don't go back you got the word don't go back you got the word don't go back I'm not even in my notes yet you need to write that one you got the word don't go back and I'm not just talking about your your your future I'm talking about somebody from your past you got the word don't go back he wasn't the one six months ago he's not gonna be the one this week because you're lonely got real quiet just trying to help you you got the word don't go back so when he likes you got the word he destroyed his ability to go back and do the things he was familiar with and the danger inherent in trusting God for your future is the comfort of the familiar and my prayer for you is that you become uncomfortable with comfort so many people like to know where that you you want to know everything I want how much money is in my savings account I'm gonna check my 401k you know I got benefits you know Roth IRA you setting your things up and guys like you worrying about stuff that's not even gonna last build your home some things eater no Lord pull to godson winning sing hymns no more why don't you just hold to his head God's unchanging Oh Oh to his head God's unchanging hey you're home some things turn No wish my grandmother was here hole to godson yeah yeah build your hopes on things eternal we have to get an eye on eternity while still being honorable with the things that we have to do in the earth but you need to be focused on eternity tell somebody focus on eternity so last week we were talking about Elijah and Elijah he destroyed his ability to go backwards this week I want to talk about some things that happened in Elijah's life at the end of his life because we're still in dreams and ladders I just want to make sure I'm in the right church with the right people and I won't take long how many dreamers do I have in truth is there anything worse then living without a dream it motivates you why are you sitting in traffic to stick it out it motivates you while you're at the job that may not be completely fulfilling but it's necessary so that you can make a living and pay bills while your dream is yet to manifest but it ain't just dreams is also ladders and gods getting ready to extend a ladder he's getting ready to make a way out of no way and you'll be climbing where angels climb Oh glory I said you'll be climbing where angels climb because for some of you you've been sitting on this level for too long and God needs you to get a different vision and a different vantage point because from where you are things look big but when you get higher that stuff that was red gets small real fast so this is part 4 dreams and ladders part 4 and I'll give you the subtitle in just a moment second Kings 13 starting at the 15th verse this is at the end of Elijah's life and he's with joash the king of Israel and joash is sad because he'll I sure is about to die I don't believe he's only sad because he likes che is about to die he's also sad because he knows that the protection in favor of God was on Elijah and joash knew I don't really have the same level of relationship with God that you do sometimes people are blessed to be connected to you stop taking your anointing for granted and don't let people try to minimize what God has done in you because if they really thought that little of you they wouldn't be always up under you three-second praise rate joash was nervous he was hurting because he knew that he see cuz he likes it was a bad boy you didn't mess with Israel while he likes you was a lie what was getting just from was set on fire people was just all kinds of stuff God was doing stuff that people hadn't seen before when he likes just spoken it came to pass joash was like oh my father my father and as he's about to transition from death to life eternal these are the words he like sure had become sick with the illness of which he would die tell somebody one day it will end then Joe asked the king of Israel came down to him and wept over his face it said oh my father my father the chariots of Israel and their horsemen and he likes just said to him fifteenth verse take a bow and some arrows so he took himself a bow and some arrows then he said to the king of Israel put your hand on the bow so he put his hand on it and he likes to put his hands on the Kings hands that's a prophetic impartation now I don't have the ability to touch and agree with everybody here but I do believe that I'm standing in a prophetic moment that I have been given authority to declare mama Theresa to those who will receive it sir in the glasses and the blue anybody else I'm getting ready to say something and if you agree with it then this is for you I'm spiritually touching and agreeing putting my hands on your hands on your dream on your vision on your calling on that thing that makes no sense to anyone else but it makes perfect sense in your mind you don't have the money the ability or the resources in the natural but you need a prophetic impartation you need somebody that's got a right now ability to say God I got faith for this this is what I'm doing right now but don't lift your hands if you're gonna live average after I say it this is only for people with the dream and you're willing to do whatever it takes to make the dream come to pass you've been working as hard as you're working but you need the supernatural enabling power of the Holy Ghost because your work and your skill and your gift and your grind is not enough because there are a lot of people that work and have skill and have gifts and they grind but if you have all that and no anointing and no Holy Ghost and no favor of God then you'll be spinning your wheels but when you get a word from God on top of your word I'm afraid again I'm stretching my hands and I'm touching and agreeing with anybody who has the faith to believe what I'm about to say next he put his hands on the Kings hands and he said open the East window the word East hear that word East in Hebrew means a for mention or beforehand or before time which means there was something prepared for you before you got here remain standing because I haven't helped me Jesus let me get it out because I want to shout for me because it's for me too because I remember what my grandmother said before she died what my life would be and there was no way that it could happen I was like that's crazy and the stuff she wrote about me when I was soaring five years old it's happening right now in my life in my life what she prophesied is happening right now get some arrows go out the East window the East window east before time aforementioned I'm getting ready to hit you with the scripture in Ephesians that's gonna blow your mind matter of fact I might as well just give it to you now should I give it to you now if you want announcer I didn't okay you want to know you want that word right now for by grace you were saved through faith and that not of yourselves it's the gift of God not of works lest anyone should boast for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them open the window to the east beforehand which means there's something that is older than you that's waiting on you you got it man - got you got it look I need somebody on the road to get there there is something that is older than you that is waiting on you it's almost like anybody who plays the Nopalea Candyland you know the van awfully bored boardwalk Park Avenue okay those are ones what the board is set up depending on the cards you get or however you wrote advice I don't remember how it goes you you end up landing on certain things what if I told you that God mapped out your whole life before you were in the womb so it was prepared before you were positioned the works were prepared before you were positioned but now it's time for you to walk in them that's why you've had a lot of tension in 2017 I said you've had a lot of tension in 2017 people are showing you who they really are in 2017 they are so uncomfortable around you they want you to be so much less than what you really are to do please to don't like me a little because you can you turn the light down on your life could you stop being so annoying it don't do that that's makes people uncomfortable and we need to be more tender and seeker-sensitive that's a lie [Applause] [Music] they were put in the earth beforehand and I'm not gonna let insecure people stop me from doing what I was created to do I know I could get a high-five baby I need you to have five three people and then give God a ten second praise ring you got your three people and then a praise bring please break praise rate praise rape that's fulfilling was created he he he prepared the things before he positioned me there's ain't time to sit down and watch this when I read the scripts are you gonna understand why I should have let you sit down I should have let you said if you want to sit down you can by all means seriously don't I don't there's no manipulation in church I don't like that I mean it sit down if you want to do iron or no Ellen I'll be right here watch this open the East window and he opened it then he likes to say it shoot and he shot some translations say this the Prophet said shoot Oh shot where my sports figures in here where any ballers in here you're a baller he's a Glover you're good to stay right there but I'm just saying he's shooting on the stage I got your mama just stay with me God is looking for somebody who if there's one second left on the clock and the ball is in your hands you wouldn't pass it to anybody else you've gone through enough to know that the distance between me and that basket is not gonna stop me from shooting this shot it may not be straight but it's going in some way or another I'm not gonna let our position stop me I'm gonna shoot my shot just somebody shoot your shot tell somebody like you mean they'd get a little edge till you get a little get that thing in your spirit I don't know what you're waiting on but you've waited long enough this time for you and he shot it watch the word the era of the Lord's deliverance in the era of deliverance from your enemy Syria for you must strike the Syrians at effec effect means enclosure there's people that have been trying to close in on you their situations that have been trying to close in on you depression has been trying to close in on you religion has been trying to constrict you other people's small expectations of you have been trying to enclose effect is not just a physical place it's a spiritual place and people will put their bondage onto your freedom if you let them and he said when you shop the shop that was prophetic to declare that every enemy that's tried to hold you hostage has been [Applause] now I need somebody to thank God because the spiritual attack on your life just ended God just handled the spiritual forces of wickedness in high places that you and I could not he just sent Michael the Archangel he just sends his angels because he's got charged over us to keep us in all our ways when Daniel prayed the angel was coming with the answer but the spirits of the over the regions stopped the angel from bringing the answer so the Bible said Michael the Archangel showed up Michael is a baller you'll want to see Michael in a in a dark alley Michael that dude Michael rolled up like what bout al when I come to your town there is a spiritual component God has just broken the back of the spiritual forces that have been holding you hostage but there is a second component and this part is your responsibility verse 18 then Elijah said to joash take the arrows so he took them and he said to the king of Israel strike the ground and he struck the ground three times and then he stopped tell somebody why'd you stop tell somebody else why did you stop and the man of God was angry and he said you should have struck five or six times didn't you would have struck Syria till you had destroyed it but now you will strike Syria only three times then he'll I should died and was buried title his dreams and ladders part 3 part 4 strike three actually it's not strike three it's three strikes three strikes you've been standing for a while and I don't normally do this here's why I asked you to stand for those who felt led to the king was in a moment he was not aware of and he became casual we get so conditioned with religious expression that we missed that every now and then the Holy Ghost will show up and instead of a service we're in a moment I need to announce to you at 8:36 on a Wednesday that while other people are gathered for sporting events and eating food at restaurants and some people are sitting at home I need you to know that you got here or you're watching online and you are in a moment you are in a I haven't gone through a while I went through the not me I'm not gonna miss this you may be seated just as long as you know your inner you're in a moment this is dreams and ladders par for three strikes I need you to get this this is so important so important so important hear me before you die I need you to live so many people exist but they do not live they exist to pay bills to make ends meet to keep the status quo they play it safe they do nice things but they're afraid to go after great things because greatness requires stretching it requires faith it requires moving it requires the shedding of the familiar and the letting go of what was yours and you release it to someone else than a fragmented hand me that again because I need to I need to because here's the thing Elijah understood that he didn't need his prophetic mantle where he was going because he had completed his assignment come here Byron turn around what was on me it's now on you so as a youth pastor I was unashamed and unafraid to preach an uncompromising gospel I was crazy people told you you're going to you're doing too much this is uncomfortable but but kids from neighborhoods that wouldn't normally come to church we're in there they came in smelling like we some of them smell like liquor but they were in there and some church folk we're really offended by that they smell like weed and they've been drinking when you smell like pride why you judging them anyway Lisa got a heart to get into the house of God it's not worrying about what they did or how they got here it doesn't matter dad loves everybody and if you got a heart for Jesus he's got a word for you roll your sleeves up tell somebody roll your sleeves up so many people are afraid to become what God wants them to become because they're so committed to what they used to be [Music] I've got to let go of what I lost I can't be so selfish that it's only about me tell somebody it's not just about you I know you're great but who's your replacement help me Holy Ghost before you die I need you to live did you hear what I said I'm talking about lives I'm talking about gone vacation and I'm walking around that resort like you own it I know you I know when you slid the card it was in faith you prayed and the Holy Ghost when you slid it but walk through there with your heels out just all in the sand I need you to live oh ho like no airplane you could die at any moment God is on the plane he got angels under the wings go live your life stop being afraid the devil is a liar strike the ground nobody wants to read my book strike the ground nobody wants to nobody wants to see me in a stage play you better write that play your life is a story that the world needs to see you don't know what God can do ask Tyler Perry what God will do with a one-act play strike I just need one person in each section I know I'm I'm all emotional tonight I need somebody to strike the ground strike the ground strike the ground strike the quail straight declare strike the ground strike the ground strike the ground don't stop get it get it don't stop get it get it he likes to say why'd you only hit it three times [Applause] it was symbolic of a lack of vision when you see small things you do small things when you see yourself small you date small good night bye-bye y'all take care Who am I talking to you ever been in a relationship you were sitting across the table and you looked over there what am i doing at this table with this Eddie you've got dream books on your mantle God speaks to you at night a little vain I'm sorry so solid list in the futures new song I got a future I don't have to listen to future you see yourself smile you date slow be careful because if you date small you might marry small [Applause] now you're in covenant with somebody that was convenient but they weren't called ask the Lord to give you patience if you're single and if you Dayton rethinking it's some people mad in here right now you took you smiling like Peter that's not this holiday I'm breaking up with you as soon as churches go over but we drove together so I need her for at home and you know it's all over right good I'd rather you interrupt this now then break your own heart later on get somebody that's conducive to destiny not convenient for your loneliness strike the ground hey is that you Jesus yo strike the ground like that strike the ground that's the feel you've been past the hello 40 years 43 years you were the pastor of Oral Roberts who is one of the great fathers of the faith person who laid hands on over a million and a half people could he'd have done that if he decided to stay timid at the beginning of his ministry 43 years you sit up you you were Oral Roberts pastor and now you're walking next to Pastor Joel Osteen and you see millions of people come to Christ that's strange we ever did you ever get scared you were scared why didn't you quit too stubborn I like that I want to talk to some hard heads where my heart is circumstance told you to give up yours like I'm going nowhere this is mine strike up crime am I talking to the people your life told you to give up I ain't going nowhere strike thug Brown who am I talking to in here where the heart heads you didn't have the money you didn't have the skills you didn't have the family you didn't have a squad a hitter he just had a word from God write the sum of your like I wore heels this hurts how long it went when did this part over it's funny because joash had an opportunity to utterly destroy everything that would come against him but he was probably so insecure and felt ill-equipped to be leader he didn't realize that he had a prophetic window wide open that whatever he said in that moment God was gonna back him what if I told you that the next 7 minutes for some of you will determine the next 70 years of you and your family based on what you write down put in your phone or speak out of your mouth I'm telling you right now we just hit a seven-minute window where while I'm talking you need to be blasting stuff out your mouth like cancer won't kill me my kids or my grandkids imma live to be a hundred and ten years old I will be filled with the Holy Ghost I'm gonna be able to pray for sick people and they will recover the dead will rise I need somebody to say crazy stuff what if I told you the window was open some of y'all clapping but none of y'all talking some of y'all need to open your mouth right now my business is not in the red anymore it's in the black as of right now new clients show up new ideas it's time to move pack your bags get your boxes out get some tape God is shifting you strike strike the ground James you got to strike the ground I've been stuck too long and sometimes when you strike you can't strike the ground tender because the ground responds to violence you know an earthquake is when there's a violent shifting in the foundation every now and then you need to go ahead and start loud enough for the devil to know I mean at this time I said I'm not staying stuck devil I will not be held hostage devil and and and it also signals to God I'm ready now for the next thing when you strike the ground and not just three little times you need to go after it you need to make some you need to you need to hit that chair you need to eat I don't know what you need to do but I wouldn't wait on me I would figure it out you need to hit the pole or hit your leg just hambone I don't know what you need to do she's over here leaping because there's something in her belly I don't know what you need to do I'm up here sweating I don't work out except one time a week right here right but this is not for me this is for my son this is for my daughter this is for the children that she'll be okay I got some more arrows there's three areas that you need to strike right things now you ready who wants to work if you're really serious about watching your dream come to pass write these down there's the model the mirror and the moment there's a model the mirror and the moment three strikes three different areas that you need to address and identify what is the model the model are the forces that shape you who raised you who you came up around things that were outside of your control you were molded by those things you didn't determine where you were born what you looked like you didn't determine the the predisposition in your DNA you didn't determine the people who were addicted before you got here you weren't able to fight against the people who abused you who snatched your innocence those were things that molded you they were outside of your control but even though they were outside of your control they were not outside of God's control and even if it happened and it was horrible God allowed it he didn't want it to happen but he knew because of free will that people would do what they did but even through free will God will still get his will accomplished somebody needs to thank God that one was supposed to kill you didn't do anything but make him trying to help somebody there is the model the forces that shape you what you were taught how you process life then there's the mirror the mirror is the place where you begin to become aware of who you are but more importantly who you can become the model the model is the forces that shaped you the mirror the it's the place where you begin to see yourself wait a minute I'm more than where I was raised love you too man I'm more than the abandoned son of a father who couldn't see me I'm more than before year-old boy that was sexually abused by two teenagers in my front lawn I'm more than that moment I'm I'm more than two do they used to get talked about every day on the school bus going the width row high school I'm more than the guy that couldn't get the phone numbers of the girls I liked in high school I'm more than the shame and the guilt of the the emerging manhood and the hormones and all of the things that come with being a teenager I'm more than the stuff the devil tried to put on more than this this is I've got a destiny that's bigger than this when you begin to realize that the things that made you can't stop you I'm trying to help 17 people in here I don't care who it was or what they did as of tonight God is shifting you from model to mirror where you will see what God intended through that lesson you become aware of what you become what you could become it's where you face the areas of your life that aren't glamorous but you still remain faithful anybody remain faithful even though it was hard made no sense it's where you stop lying to yourself see because the mirror you can't lie to yourself because the mirror doesn't have a filter and it doesn't talk back all it does is show you you if you're willing to see God says I want to grow you up I want to take you someplace else before before I do I need to show you you take the spiritual makeup off take off all that extra stuff so I can show you that you're beautiful without all of that and I'm not talking physical stuff I'm talking about that too because you are fearfully and wonderfully made you're beautiful and if you want to beautify yourself and add things that's fine but that doesn't define you what defines you is who you actually are the model what shaped you the mirror when you become aware and then there's the moment tell somebody I'm in a moment the moment is this moment right here right now I said this moment right here right now tonight you might not have known it but I'm here to declare to you right now that you're in the moment the moment was when Elijah was behind the yoke of oxen with dirt and feces kicked up into his face but he remained faithful to stay in the field because that was the call on his life and while he was faithful in the mess here comes the prophet and the prophet throws his mantle onto Elijah and he says it's time and I don't know who this is for but you're getting ready to step into I believe for many and all of the sudden moment where you were faithful in one thing and God's going to send a word or he'll send a person and they're gonna say now right now you're in the moment two people caught in another one anybody else you're in a moment somebody's about to start worshipping because we've been faithful and you weren't looking for and here's the thing he likes you wasn't looking in the field you don't expect the Prophet to show up in a field while you in the middle of the mess but God is not getting ready to shine the lie you know he's going to where you being faithful and anonymous he'll come the word while you're serving and nobody can see it here comes the word God's going to unlock it while you're serving tell somebody that thing now what do you do once you're in the moment and you get the double portion he likes it got the double portion he was there when the mantle fell as Elijah was going up into heaven he got the double portion if you read this scripture the Bible says after he died he was buried the next scripture is strange it says there was a band of Raiders in the area and they was some people kind of in the area where Elijah had been buried and they spotted some Raiders some some bad folk and they had a person who had died and so they put the dead man in the tomb where Elijah had been buried the Bible says the moment that the dead man touched Elijah's bones he got up now yes that's a miracle but I'm concerned because after everything he likes you had to go through to get that anointing he didn't think enough of it to give it to anybody else got real quiet in here I know I'm messing with one of your biblical heroes it's a miracle the man got up anybody know the man's name why would I need to say his name he was just a guy after everything that you've gone through do you want to just leave it with you here's the lesson don't die anointing don't die anointing here's what I need you to do die drive that empty die exhausted leave nothing behind do you hear what I'm saying you caught it my I need you to die on empty I need you to die to win when they put you in the ground it lay yeah he looked like he was going he was dreaming gone he was gone his teeth was gone it was gone sorry my feet Mama's mommy's at bed okay he didn't keep you can keep your teeth what I'm saying is this everything you were created to do you did it tell somebody go do it tell somebody else go do it I don't want to die and I get to heaven and God said God why you say that cuz I had so much more for you I don't want to die and my heavenly father say what are you doing here hey I'm supposed to be here I accepted Jesus yeah but you got here early what do you mean because you didn't take care of your body this temple houses the purpose of God there are certain things that I can do to help God woo let me rephrase that for those who would be offended by what I just said there's personal responsibility on my part so that God can get maximum glory out of this life when you were being healed from cancer that was supposed to take your life I guarantee you you weren't at fast-food restaurants every day eat whatever you want it you probably took care of yourself eight good things got plenty of rest there are certain things that you and I can do to extend and expand our life to make sure that we are physically able to do what we were created to do I need you to die dry don't leave one idea don't leave I mean do everything do all 300 things I don't care if only one of them hits do them all what you trying to charge oh you trying to be a best-selling author yep well you try to write a movie yeah what you trying to do is you praise dance yeah [Applause] look at it go ahead monster got the Christmas hat on boy I'm praise dance with your leather pants oh yes Hercules Hercules [Applause] People of God don't miss the moment my time is coming to a close you may have a lot of days but you won't get a lot of moments when the moment comes you better take it we got opens that door you better go when he opens that window you better shoot your shot you better shoot that arrow you know it's God is crazy it makes no sense I need to do it I need to go right then that's what God did to me when I got the phone call out of the blue I was minding my business living my life just bought a house then I got a phone call and it was like do you want it or not shoot your shot I'm gone but baby packed the bags I know we just bought it the ink ain't hardly dry on the mortgage papers I'm we going we still gonna be here and we gonna be there we're gonna shoot the shot though we're gonna shoot the shot three things write them down and then you can do this this is your lesson this is your take-home three things that I want you to take because you have a lot of days what you won't get a lot of moments and if it's a all about three strikes and take these three things number one what's what's the dream who's your team and what's your seed what's the dream that means what's the thing in your heart what is the thing God put in your heart that you were created to do what is that thing find out what's the dream number one number one number two who's your team who's close enough to help you build and number three what's your see don't think you're gonna get something that great without sewing summer I'm living in what I sold I've been at I there my whole life now I see things showing up that there's no way I could get not in my own credit not with my relationships guy just had to do it but because I was faithful to sow seed over years that thing just hit me in 2017 but guess what 2018 is when it's going to be explosive exponential stand up I know it's time to go I'm sorry [Applause] what are you willing to sow and seed in order to get the breakthrough for some of you God will require substance he's asking you to tithe and that's between you and him I mean I don't like folk to try to manipulate you into doing anything you don't want to do it that's between you and God but he's been too good to me I'll give tide to air more better in his hands and in mind that's just me but some of y'all it's time some of y'all y'all need to sow into your family some of y'all you need to get it right with your brother or your sister or your mom or your dad some of y'all need to get it right there's a seed that's required what's your dream who's your team what's your seed let me pray for you heads bowed eyes closed three strikes only works in baseball keep striking strike the ground and get to the car hit that steering wheel Father in the name of Jesus I pray for the people of God that you will so this word into their heart that it will take root and produce fruit and I pray in the name of Jesus that lives would be forever changed God I don't want to die anointed we want to die dry and I'm not gonna let anybody hold me hostage to lesser versions of myself things I've done wrong I'm called to this moment for this hour for this purpose bless every single life every family in your name Jesus and with heads bowed and eyes closed if you're here you've never given your life to Jesus you've never given your life to Jesus or you need to rededicate your life or you want to become a member of this church here's what's going to happen on the count of three everybody who needs to give their life to Jesus or you need to rededicate I need you to remain standing everyone else take a seat one two three remain standing if you're going to give your life to Jesus or you need to rededicate your life come on y'all look what God did welcome to the family welcome home welcome home welcome home remain standing remain standing welcome home come on y'all look at this all over welcome home remain standing I want you to repeat this prayer those who are standing pray this prayer with those who are sitting down Lord Jesus it's me I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is Lord thank you for the blood that was shed for me my sins are forgiven my life will never be the same you are my Lord and my Savior all things are new as of right now Jesus I will die on empty I'll serve you and I'll do what you created me to do in Jesus name Amen we believe that if you prayed that simple prayer you just got saved can somebody celebrate God [Applause]
Channel: John Gray Ministries
Views: 225,493
Rating: 4.8530846 out of 5
Keywords: #Houston, #lakewoodchurch, #johngray, #pastorjohngray, #dreams, #ladders, #dreamsandladders
Id: EsrQhDZcRJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 56sec (3236 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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