Pastor E.A Adeboye Sermon @RCCG September 2021 HOLY GHOST SERVICE

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bless his holy name let's magnify the name of the one who can make everyone fruitful give him glory give him honor thank him for life bless his holy name for the salvation of your soul thank him that he has kept you to this moment give him glory give him honor because you are alive and when there is life there is hope worshiping because tomorrow will surely be all right thank him for what he did during the convention give him glory and honor for the fantastic testimonies we have heard tonight that there is a god who can perform miracles a god who can do the impossible a god who will say yes i have a way even when the world is saying there is no way out bless his holy name bless his holy name bless his holy name thank you father oh glory be to your holiness in jesus mighty name we have prayed you are the mighty god the great i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are king of kings and lord of lords there i am that i am the unchangeable changer the resurrection and the life the world from the beginning the one who said let there be light and there was light the one who can never fail the one who will never lie the holy one of israel glory be to your holy name lord thank you for what you did last month thank you for the convention thank you for salvation of souls thank you for feelings thank you for children born thank you for deliverance thank you for victory father accept our thanks in jesus name father thank you for january thank you for february thank you for much thank you for april thank you for me thank you for june thank you for july thank you for august thank you now for september glory be to your holy name lord please accept our thanks in jesus name tonight father [Music] do the unusual do the miraculous do the glorious today wipe away all tears from all our eyes let our laughter begin afresh in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen unless someone shout hallelujah well since this is the beginning of our own calendar year i wanted to wave at two or three people and say happy new year and then wave at another two or three people and say you shall be fruitful good and then you may please be seated except those born in the month of september my father my god i'm committing those children born in the month of september into your hands [Music] september is the 9th month of the year and 93 times 3 [Music] father son holy spirit the blessings of this your children let them come in three books triple promotion triple success triple testimonies and lord god almighty if there is any of them here today who is considered barren give them three place [Laughter] in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen in september hallelujah god bless you may be seated next month the month of october by the grace of god is the time for our youth convention and that tells you one thing that next month is going to be loaded with youthful energy youthful anointing youthful preaching because they'll be preaching in zones and it is interesting that the holy ghost night of next month is going to be october 1. that tells you is going to be extra special and the team for your convention is beyond expectations as god bless you part nine beyond expectations genesis chapter 1 verse 28 and god bless them genesis 1 28 and god bless them and god said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth [Music] the two preachers who spoke before me i don't know how they did it must have seen my notes one way or the other they must be very high in the spirit so they have practically preached all my salmon so but for one two or two things one or two things that i'm sure god didn't let them see i should have just prayed for you and they will go home why don't you give the lord a big round of applause for this two wonderful people you shall be fruitful that's my will for you you shall be fruitful that's my prayer for you [Applause] you shall be fruitful [Laughter] that's my prophecy to you [Laughter] you shall be fruitful [Laughter] that's my decree to you [Laughter] you shall be fruitful that's god's decree concerning you [Laughter] like one of the babysitters this night is going to be extraordinary it has been thus far [Applause] beginning from the choruses the opening choruses all along all along you can feel there's something special about tonight the chorus is the worship song when the choir the the testimony everything everything has been special why are we so sure that you are going to be fruitful because like one of the people who spoke before me said it is god's will [Music] that's what is called the law of priority the bible says in luke chapter 6 verse 45 luke 6 45 out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart of the almighty god when he was blessing man when he was speaking to man for the first time he said you are blessed that the next thing he said is be fruitful and you know i saw 55 from verse 10 to 11 i saw 55 from verse 10 to 11 says the word of god will not return to him void [Music] psalm 33 verse 11 psalm 23 verse 11 see the council of god shall stand [Music] you've been told again and again tonight we've been reminded exodus 23 verse 26 exodus 23 verse 26 known shall be buried when god says none it means none [Music] why are we so sure you're going to be fruitful because god himself is a family man when the lord was teaching the disciples to pray in matthew chapter 6 matthew chapter 16 verse 9 the first thing he said is our father which are in heaven god is a father he's a family man he has a begotten son john chapter 3 verse 16 john 3 16 he wasn't a barren father he had his son a begotten son and he loved this son so much that according to acts chapter 10 verse 38 acts 10 38 he followed him everywhere how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that while press of the devil for god was with him everywhere he went the father went with him he was what you called a duty father he went with him everywhere he went and because he wanted more children he didn't want to have just one according to romans chapter 8 verse 27 romans 8 verse 29 romans 8 verse 29 the bible says he applied the law of harvest that is the only begotten son can become the firstborn of many children he sued the one son and they want some now produce a harvest of billions of children some of which are here today some of which are listening to me all over the world if you're a child of god let me hear you shout hallelujah now one of my children who spoke before me said be fruitful is a divine command yes i taught them i told them that [Music] but you know as i was preparing for tonight god corrected me he said be fruitful it's not a command [Music] he said because a command is something you have freedom as a man you have free will you can disobey except be fruitful is a decree a decree you can't you can't dodge that's why tonight again i say my decree to you in the name of the almighty god is you shall be fruitful [Applause] [Laughter] it's a decree of my daddy in heaven the one who speaks and it is done psalm 33 verse 8 or 9 psalm 23 verse 8 tonight so let the whole earth fear before him why he speak and it is done it was a decree that brought light let there be light and light had no option but he came the same decree says be fruitful and you shall be fruitful [Applause] it's a decree that came from my daddy the one who will speak and make it good the one who will never lie number 23 verse 19 number 23 verse 19 god is not a man that is your life not the son of man that he should repent when he speaks he says to the matter when he is you a decree even the dead must obey john chapter 9 11 john chapter 11 from verse 39 to 44. oh thank you daddy [Applause] whoever is concerned we know my daddy says the baby is kicking again [Laughter] and i thank you daddy thank you daddy [Music] oh thank you daddy the baby is kicking again [Laughter] regardless of the doctor's report the baby is back to life we're even dead even the dead response to his decree when jesus christ stood in john chapter 11 from verse 39 to 44 john 11 39 to 44 lazarus come forth the man who's been dead and buried four days knew that that's a decree they had to come back so in romans 4 from verse 16 to 21 romans 4 16-21 the bible made it clear that it was a decree of the most high god that brought back the dead womb of sarah and she started bringing forth a son [Music] but tonight i i want to be brief because like i said my children have covered a lot of the of the grounds i want us to go back to the original definition of blessing i told you that when the almighty god says you are blessed it means all the forces in heaven all the forces on earth all the forces underneath the earth angels demons of human beings they must assist you to succeed that's why i'm still a bit disturbed when i'm going for my work at night and somebody's keeps seeing and is running towards me and i say god bless you and this is saying pray for me i have already said god bless you god bless you means please let all the hosts in heaven help you to succeed let all the hoes on earth help you to succeed let me all the oath all the hopes underneath the earth help you to succeed i say one more time god bless you [Laughter] [Applause] so when god blesses you it means angels we assist you i hope you paid attention to the song that we sang [Music] i know i am blessed i am going to be fruitful and then he says angels will assist me verse 2. why they will bring me good news somebody is going to receive good news tonight you see the bible says in hebrew chapter 1 from verse 13 to 14 hebrews chapter 1 from verse 13 to 14 he said the angels are ministering spirits they are servants servants of those of us who are children of god in georges chapter 13 we can read it from verse one to the end judge is starting from verse one to the end it is an angel that brought good news to manuela's wife hey lady you're going to have a son and he's going to be a great son the husband said ah the angel came to you and you didn't call me almighty god please send down the angel again and god did tonight a ninja will visit somebody [Applause] it was an angel that god sent to zechariah in luke chapter 1 from verse 5 to 25 luke 1 5-25 it was their ministry in the time for when an angel appeared and told him yeah i know you are old i know your wife is old but you are going to have a son you know each time i read that in a chapter 6 from verse 1 to the end daniel 6 from verse 1 to the end you know by time they threw in daniel into the den of lions the evil footage is stolen across the mouth of the den so that there's no way he could possibly escape so his enemies thought he's finished but a ninja came and blocked the mouth of the lions so that by the following morning the br those who sealed the dead of lions were the same people who removed the stone and those who threw him in ended up becoming the fool to the lions an angel will visit somebody tonight [Laughter] all those who have written you off will get a surprise [Laughter] [Applause] and if you look into the third verse of the song that we we we sang earlier he says god's prophet we assist me um some of my children they they say daddy you keep on telling us you are not a prophet yeah i'm a pastor but i hear from god once in a while when i hear from him i can say what i've heard from him he said god's prophet will help me why he will speak to me he will notice me and he will say god grant your request i stand this evening as a representative of the most high god and i say god will grant your request [Laughter] in four summer chapter one from verse nine to twenty fourth summer chapter one from verse nine to twenty the bible tells us that god's prophet noticed hannah thought she was drunk she said i'm not wrong if i'm drunk it is we sorrow the man of god said all right right now what you want from god god will give to you and it happened immediately because you see the word of god says in matthew chapter 18 verse 19 matthew 18 verse 19. the bible says we are two of you agree as touching anything anything that will ask for not it will be done for you by father in heaven i am in agreement with every one of you wherever you are listen to me tonight god will grant your request [Laughter] in second king chapter four ii chapter four thank you daddy the lord asked me to tell someone he said from now on you will have peace of mind [Laughter] i'm sure you know the meaning of that you don't have to worry anymore your kids have been settled in second chapter 4 from verse 8 to 17 second kings 4 from verse 8 to 17 is the story of the sunamite woman [Music] it is a prophet that said to her nine months from now you will carry a boy the the woman said hey don't deceive me or the man of god said i'm not advising you i'm not suggesting i am decreeing i decree to every one of you in the name that's above every other name nine months from now you'll be carrying your babies [Laughter] so angels will help you the prophet the mouthpiece of god will help you [Applause] but the biggest of all is that god himself will help you how number one he will remember you [Applause] because if you check the song we sang too he says that god will remember me and when he remembers somebody that fellow must be fruitful in genesis chapter 30 from verse 22 to 24 genesis 30 22-24 the bible said god remembered rachel he remembered richard and the moment god remembers somebody anyone god remembers must be fruitful [Music] whether it is an individual or whether it is even a nation so i'm decreeing tonight as individuals god will remember you as families god will remember you as a church god will remember us [Applause] as a nation god will remember us we are we are now unless god remembers us god will remember [Applause] us you know the bible tells us that when they drew joseph into prison and it interpreted the dreams of some people and one of them was killed the other was restored he said when you get there don't forget me but he got there and forgot let's when the appointed time key be remembered god will remember you tonight now when god remembers you the next things he will do is he will open doors as we are sang in that song too [Music] genesis chapter 30 from if we just reverse 23 alone he said no he said god remember the rachel and open her mum see when god remembers you he will open doors particularly the door of your womb and according to revelation chapter 3 thank you daddy almighty asked me to tell somebody and i think this is something everybody should probably be interested in he said your marriage will experience a new dawn [Laughter] [Applause] oh my daddy thank you [Music] i asked me to tell someone and then this can have multiple meanings he said i will feel devoid in your life [Laughter] [Applause] when you remember [Music] maybe i need to further explain that one when you say i will feel the void in your life it goes beyond just becoming pregnant [Music] it could mean that the one who by now should be married is not married will be married it could even mean that the one who have been overlooked in promotion will get promotion who has no joy will have joy it could mean the one who is feeling hopeless will have hope again now revelation chapter 3 verse 7 to 8 revelation 3 7 3 says when he opens no man can shout [Music] and god opens the door for you the one who will shut that door is not yet born whether the door is the door of prison in as we find in acts chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 acts 12 verse 5 to 11 when they drew peter into prison and they thought that by tomorrow they will kill him when god was ready the those were opening on their own accord god is the manufacturer of the first automatic door you know why because he does himself and the one who is called the dog is going to pay somebody a visit tonight [Applause] now if he remembers you he opens it off your womb and then if need be he will calm himself [Music] like in genesis chapter 18 from verse 1 to 14 genesis 18 from verse 1 to 14 he visited abraham i said he came himself he came so that the previous prophecies can become a decree you know because for years he had been seen yes you are going to be the father of nations etc etc but when he came himself he said no more promises now we decree nine months from now [Applause] as the lord lives before whom i stand nine months from now your baby will be crying [Laughter] [Applause] and when i said a ninja will visit you or god will visit you usually when god wants to do so he will probably put on the shape of somebody you know nobody you know is connected to him because i mean if god himself comes [Music] he says you can't see me and leave and if you see a real angel because i've seen them before you'll be seriously frightened i bet you've had testimonies before media was the testimony of a man who had zero sperm count i mean it's not low it is water it means just zero and he came to the holy ghost service and something a prophecy came that night he went home i mean on saturday morning sat in a chair in his house and because it had been all night he does off and while he goes off he said he had a dream and he saw me coming to their sitting room of course i wasn't the one i'll be ahead inside the angel of god of god and that uh as he was looking at me i waved at him and smiled and then left yeah nine months later i was carrying his baby god we visit you tonight [Laughter] now because god himself is going to help you every child that will be born as a result of tonight's meeting will be special [Laughter] like isaac you know one thing about isaac not only is the name laughter it's a child who never gave the parents any problem obedient submissive i mean you in genesis chapter 22 from [Music] thank you lord [Music] a lord even has decided the song you are going to sing next convention he says as you lift up your children during the convention your song will be he has given me victory [Applause] who is god talking to let me hear you sing that song sing that song [Music] [Applause] american amen i'm already rejoicing with you glory be to god isaac was such a nice boy [Music] well-trained he accepted the training you know he's wanting to train a child for another child for that child to accept the dream he loved his father love the god of his father i mean genesis chapter 22 from verse 1 to 18 when they were when the father was going up the mountain to offer his sacrifice as god commanded him it was isaac who said to the father ah papa i can see the fire i can see the wood i can see the knife where is the animal that we are going to use for the offering he knew you shouldn't come to god empty-handed in his learned from his father and he was called correctly papa in case he forgot [Music] and you know when papa grabbed him and began to bind i've him it before isaac was around 50 or so years old papa was already over a hundred if he decided to run do you think papa can catch up with him no he was so submissive let the will of god be done perfect half your way that's why god [Music] said i swear isaac i will multiply you every child that will be born as a result of tonight's meeting will be a child of multiplication [Laughter] and you know what the children that came through isaac they were the first set of twins esau and jacob child of multiplication it was a child that isaac was the one who who brought forth the real beginning of israel because by the time israel got to egypt there were seventy people by the time they left egypt they were already six hundred thousand plus [Music] one of my of my children who spoke before me said that the plan of god for you is that you are not going to be the last one in the family some people will come from you and there will be many out of your womb shall come nations special children like the child that came out of manuel and his wife was something a mighty george georges chapter 13 from verse one to the end and considered the child that came out of the womb buffer hannah somewhere in fourth summit chapter 3 from verse 19 to 21 43 19 to 21 the bible tells us that a great prophet was established in israel once when someone spoke it was settled god won't allow his word to fall to the ground he was the first king maker in israel he was the one who decided who became and he was the one who was also the first king remover a powerful prophet of god i don't know which one you want do you want a judge or do you want a prophet whatever child you get from tonight will be special in jesus name and then consider john the baptist oh my this one is for me [Music] thank you lord the lord says there's someone here tonight someone listening to me he said the sweetest moment of your life is near [Laughter] consider john the baptist the son of zechariah and elizabeth [Music] in matthew chapter 11 verse 11 matthew 11 verse 11 the lord jesus christ said four men born of a woman they had not reasonably greater than john the bounties in other words up to his own time it was the greatest of all your children will not be ordinary they'll be great and among those of us who are here tonight is going to come a child that will be regarded as the greatest [Applause] if he's going to be your own child let me hear your amen loud and clear [Laughter] almost every other thing that i would have said have been have been said and i'm happy because we want to have time for some administration tonight again as i have told you before and as somebody said before me one of the people before me said it if you summarize all the teachings of the lord jesus christ he could come to nothing goes for nothing salvation is free because somebody paid for it which his life healing is free because by his stripes you were healed somebody took the stripes deliverance is free why because someone went to hell to go and yank the keys of death and hell from satan somebody paid for those things that are free he said you give you shall be given you so you shall leave something [Music] goes for something when i look at all these people in the scriptures who are these mighty breakthroughs oh my it's been quite a while since we had such a night like this [Music] daddy says and definitely i can say amen to this before i tell you at all [Applause] daddy says i gave peter a miracle that he needed help to handle he said i will do the same for you [Laughter] [Applause] there are many ways i could interpret that one i mean if you are expecting a child and all of a sudden god gives you three i'm sure you will need help for that and i remember a woman who came who was the first one to give back to four children during a convention here she needed help because she children during a convention here she needed help because she was getting ready for one and four came if he gives you more than one he will provide the help [Applause] all those who got this mighty breakthroughs they all had something in common let me quickly look at them take abram read genesis chapter 18 from verse 1 to 14. genesis 18 1-14 abraham was sitting in front of his tent and he saw people he thought were men going three men but somehow he fell these men are not ordinary and they stood briefly in front of his tent and he ran to meet them i said you can go i know you are traveling come come to my house come and drink water let's let me wash your feet and if you don't mind let me give you some food to eat it was after the eating now god now said where is sarah thy wife i learned a big lesson from abraham he said i will not sit on the fence there are many of us who are bench warmers in the house of god abraham did he wait for these people to say please can you give us water to drink please can you give us food no no no he ran he volunteered service that's abraham let's take manual the father of something george's chapter 13 read it from verse 1 to 20 georgie starting from verse 1 to 20 the angel came to the wife you're going to have a child the wife told the husband a ninja appeared to me he said let us pray that the angel would come back the angel came back repeated the message and manoa said sir you can't go without food we must offer you food we must entertain you we must contribute something to you [Music] you are expecting a major breakthrough from god you are in the church you are idle you're not doing anything you just go sit in the pews listen to the song listen to the sermon pray nothing goes for nothing you can join the choir you can become a walker you can become an usher you can join the prayer warrior you can be in the evangelistic team [Music] take the tsunami to woman in second kings chapter 4 from verse 8 to 17 second kings 4 from verse 8 to 17. she saw elijah passing by i said man of god you must come to my house to eat a man of god said who told you i'm hungry the lord is my provider the bible says the woman compelled him constrained him he said you are not going you are coming to my house to eat she contributed and the man of god came coming back and she kept on feeding him she didn't stop after one time she kept on on then she moved further she even built a house for the man of god before the man of god said i wait a minute this woman has been taking care of me all these days what can i do in return get involved to the best of your ability [Music] if the person says there's nothing you can do force yourself on him tell him there's something i can do i remember years ago i went for the world conference of petty coasters in nairobi kenya way back in 1976 and at the end of the conference people came from all over the world the chief organizer said brethren i want to present to you the one who has done the greatest job during this conference oh and we were all looking forward to seeing the one of the big preachers to step forward and then they produce a very young girl how she said this guy came to me and said daddy i i heard that there's going to be a conference i want to participate i want to contribute and the man of god looked at her and said what can you contribute this is not a joker matter the guy said at least i can go and help you post the invitation card let the letters oh sorry boy girl that has already been done then the guy said ah i can clean the shoes of the preachers when they come at least that has not been done he said there's a girl who have been cleaning the shoes of the preachers since they came and that's the guy who has contributed the most because in a little way she had touched every preacher we all stood up and clapped get something doing nothing goes for nothing let god see you in action contributing winning souls increasing the kingdom of god let's take the case of anna for summit chapter 1 verse 9 to 20 which one of the speakers also mentioned that's why i said probably despite my note when anna said god give me a child a man child and i will give him back to you you know what she was saying because she didn't know she would have any other child other than that one she was practically saying god answer my prayer and all i can ever be is yours all i am all i can ever become is yours i submit to you completely i will be involved with you permanently what about sakai and elizabeth [Music] look at luke chapter 1 from verse 5 to 25 luke 1 5-25 number one the bible says the two of them husband and wife were blameless you know what that means not a single trace of sin in their lives they were blameless number two the husband didn't say that i have no child therefore i won't serve god if as a matter of fact the angel met him while he was busy for god [Music] the angel appeared to him when he was ministering to the most high god [Music] if god is obeying you a visit will he find you busy for him i mean living aside did you of the fruit of the womb and many of us who want to have breakthroughs because one of these people who spoke before me spoke about all forms of balinese [Music] if you have been laboring for years and there's nothing to show for it it's a form of barrenness no promotion for all these years is a form of barrenness mentally speaking if you are not producing the kind of results you are supposed to produce is a form of barrenness you're a student you study very hard like everybody when the exam comes you get to the examination all you forget everything you have learned is badness and barriness is ended tonight in jesus name and what are you doing for god what's your contribution to his kingdom [Music] i know a man who was a graduate i couldn't get a job and finally decided where at least he will start a job of cleaning offices wherever he could find an opportunity to clean and he went to his pastor and said pastor pray for me i want to do a cleaner job and the pastor said true cleaning god can turn you to a millionaire but i have a suggestion for you go and be cleaning the altar of god let god see you there cleaning his all time it doesn't matter how long he takes one day he will remember you he took the advice we had a little water here in the camp then and there are others and there are altars and he began to clean the altar god remembered him [Music] today nobody can recognize the cleaner anymore because god has opened doors onto him he will open doors unto you inclusive [Music] they've said it before me and in essence what he said is simple [Music] we cannot continue insane and expect grace to abound the word of god says god forbid romans chapter 6 verses 1 and 2 romans 1 and 3. so i'm going to just tell you one story i've told him before several times you will notice i have not told you too many stories tonight because i can feel the power of god already here i have to do the story of a lady who came came to the holy ghost service we were praying for those who are trusting god for the fruit of the womb and then after one year she came back [Music] very angry they told me if i get to your convention and you pray for me if you lay hands on me and i will fall down under the power of the anointing then [Laughter] at the following year i will have a baby why has it not happened to me and the spirit of god said to me [Music] ask her how many boyfriends she has apart from the husband and this is a very important lady so i had to tremble before i asked the question if i didn't know who was speaking i would not have asked such a question please ma it's god who asked me to ask you don't be angry god say i should ask you how many boyfriends have you apart from your husband she said six [Music] and you won the holy one of israel to give you a child are we going to even know the father husband plus six how will we know the father you cannot continue in sin and expect grace to abound you have to forsake your evil ways you have to forsake your evil ways for the almighty god to grant your request [Music] he is the almighty he has never failed before so if you are listening to me tonight if you are here if you are in the new auditorium if you are in the various viewing centers all over the world and you believe very firmly that tonight is meant for you that you know you are still harboring sin it's time to forsake your sins and the almighty god will come true for you so if you want to give your life to jesus this time you really mean business i'm going to count from 1 to 10. before i say 10 come and stand before the altar of god come and cry to him for salvation wherever you are in the various churches in the various viewing centers go to the altar and tell god this time i'm in business save my soul forgive my sins be my savior i'm saying bye bye to the life of sin anyway answer you and then i will pray for your salvation so i'm counting now one two the choice is yours you cannot continue insane and expect grace to abound the word of god said god forbid three four five six seven eight nine okay thank you those of you who have already come and those of you on the way cry to the lord now ask him to be merciful unto you ask him to save your soul ask him to forgive all your sins him that from now you will serve him ask him to be your lord and be your savior that you are saying bye-bye to a life of sin that you want a new beginning a new beginning in god and let the rest of us please stretch our hands towards our new brothers and sisters and intercede for them that the one who saved our souls who saved their own souls also pray for them that the almighty god will have mercy on them let's call on god for them let's call on the almighty god to have mercy to save their souls to wash away their sins in his precious blood [Music] thank you father oh father be merciful your blood has never lost its power let that blood wash these people clean today give them a brand new beginning you [Music] save their souls lord [Music] save their souls [Music] thank you father [Music] in jesus mighty name we have prayed savior i thank you for your word and i thank you for these people who have come to you for salvation i thank you because your word says that whosoever will come unto you you will no wise cast out they've come to you now lord please receive them in jesus name save their souls lord let your blood wash away their sins please receive them into the family of god write their names in the book of life from now on anytime they cry unto you please answer them by fire please lord god almighty very very soon let them have beautiful testimonies in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen amen praise the lord now i'm rejoicing with those of you who have come forward tonight i want to assure you that from now i'll be praying for you and you'll be receiving testimonies of miracles even that we have not asked for in jesus name so i am going to need your names your address and your prayer requests and if you will turn to your left at least those of you before me here you see someone who will lead you to where some counsellors are waiting they will collect the information i need and they bring you back very quickly god bless you you can begin to go now let's give the lord a big round of applause for all these people give them a really big [Music] i thought you are clapping for god [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] uh [Music] those of you have been clapping your hands will never wither okay [Music] ah [Music] amen thank you for clapping you may want to write down your prayer points because you need to talk to god for some time prayer point number one of course is to thank god we want to thank him that you will see alive and as long as there is light there is hope i want to thank him for his decree concerning your life that you are going to be fruitful so prayer number one you want to thank god [Music] and pray number two [Music] which will pray with all your heart i'm sure his father please remember me now [Music] father please remember me now [Music] number three father please send me a visit of joy this month please send me a visitor of joy this month [Music] number four [Music] father put a permanent end [Music] to barriness [Music] and sorrow [Music] in my life in my home [Music] and in your church put a permanent end to barrenness and sorrow in my life my home [Music] and your church [Music] number five father please let me be abundantly fruitful [Music] let me be abundantly fruitful [Music] in every facet of my life that may be abundantly fruitful in every facet of my life [Music] number six father i beg you kindly personally visit my home [Music] very soon father i beg you kindly personally visit my home very soon [Music] and then number seven is your own personal requests and the personal requests can be in various forms maybe you want a set of twins maybe you want two boys or two girls a boy or a girl or you want even more you tell god that'll be your personal request that will be number seven the altar is open i will give you 15 minutes to cry unto god before we proceed [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so so uh uh so oh ah um uh so so so oh so one so so so so so so thank you so so so so thank you father thank you in jesus mighty name we have prayed the almighty god will grant your request [Laughter] he will remember you today it will put a permanent end to barrenness in your life [Applause] there will be no more sorrow in your homes this very month you will receive a visit of joy you will be abundantly fruitful [Applause] [Laughter] in this infinite mercy god himself will visit you he will grant your request your joy will overflow you shall be fruitful in every facet of your life you shall be fruitful and you two will serve god in the end in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen well i saw one shout hallelujah god bless you you can go back to your seats thank you lord [Music] thank you jesus there's something special that the lord instructed me to do tonight [Music] and that is that each and every one of you will be anointed [Music] and at the anointing of tonight will be specially to destroy the yoke of bareness so those of you who are [Applause] [Music] in your various viewing centers if you can get a bottle of anointing oil within the next couple of minutes please do so [Music] as i pray for the oil here i will use it as a point of contact for all the oil that you may be lifting up to him in your various viewing centers [Music] the anointing of tonight is so special that the lord said that even the pastors before the anointing should anoint themselves [Music] it is a very very special anointing [Music] that will destroy the yokes of baroness the yoke of fruitless efforts and in the name that's above every other name we will testify the pastors will line up in front then you will come [Music] and when you are anointed if you are trusting god for the fruit of the womb as soon as you are anointed you will lay your hand on your belly and continue to prophesy to yourself i am blessed i shall be fruitful i am blessed i shall be fruitful just keep on saying so it doesn't matter how many times keep saying so remember the testimony of one of the one of the speakers when that fellow put a bible in a belly another bible in the back and kept on saying i carry my baby i carry my baby some people may think that she's foolish the end will justify the beast as soon as you are anointed you lay your hand on your belly and just keep on repeating prophet sign to yourself i am blessed i shall be fruitful and the almighty god will grant your request if you are already fruitful physically but you want to be fruitful otherwise then instead of laying the hand on your belly lay the hand on your head and keep on repeating i am blessed i shall be fruitful and god will grant your request so [Music] so [Music] [Music] let your living waters flow my soul let the holy spirit come and take [Music] so every situation you i will sing cry to jesus jesus holy spirit yes is my oh [Music] so i cry so ah hey so [Music] the presence of the lord is here the presence of the lord is here i can feel it in the atmosphere the presence of the lord is here the presence of the lord is he the power of the lord the is of the lord the glory of the lord is right here the glory of the lord glory of the lord is he the glory of the lord is the glory of the lord is god god is hallelujah [Music] he's a glorious gun [Music] oh [Applause] the glory of god hallelujah gloria so [Music] so so [Music] god [Music] jesus is hallelujah jesus is right is hallelujah jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Music] is [Music] impossible hallelujah [Music] the resurrection hallelujah is hallelujah hallelujah now all of us and one voice we're going to call on the almighty god to send down his fire anything at all that we want to stand between us and great fruitfulness be consumed by the fire of the holy spirit so go ahead cry on to the almighty god send out your fire hold on any obstruction to my fruitfulness any obstruction to my joy send down your fire oh lord and let the fire of the holy spirit consume send on your fire daddy i'm at your altar now anointed ready for the fire send down the fire hold on let it consume every obstruction through my success every observation through my fruitfulness every obstruction to my joy every obstruction to my progress every obstruction lord god almighty to being abundantly fruitful send down your fire lord and let the fire of the holy spirit come and consume tonight even as i pray father send down the fire every obstruction to my health every obstruction to my progress every obstruction to my serving you with gladness and with joy father send down the fire from heaven let the fire consume tonight [Music] to my fruitfulness obstruction to my joy every absorption to my rapid progress rapid expansion every obstruction to my abundant fruitfulness send down the fire let the fire of god consume now tonight to the glory of the holy name thank you father thank you [Music] yes thank you jesus foreign thank you jesus oh thank you father glory be to god thank you in jesus mighty name we have prayed [Applause] if any demon from now tries to stand in your way the fire of god will consume any door that the enemy had shot against your fruitfulness the fire of god will consume any wall that the enemy has erected against your success against your progress against your joy against your fruitfulness the fire of god shall consume so shall it be you shall be fruitful you shall be abundantly fruitful in jesus mighty name we have decreed amen let me hear you shout hallelujah well let's be sitting for a while if you have been blessed tonight i have been blessed then let's take our thanksgiving offering and bless the lord mighty live with joy with rejoicing singing dancing showing the devil he has lost the battle glory be to god okay we'll hand over to the [Music] the before we unroverted to the bind [Music] don't forget the youth convention next month the the theme is exceeding expectations i think what i gave you what i mentioned earlier was beyond expectation but i think exceeding expectation will be even better god is going to exceed all your expectations in jesus name okay now over to you band what up you're still doing mother lost things for us [Music] jesus i don't think my mother hallelujah is [Music] me hey oh is is father we thank you thank you for the anointing thank you for the fire that fell [Music] thank you because definitely we have a new beginning now [Music] thank you because we shall be fruitful accept our thanks in jesus name father please accept the offering of your children sanctify it use it for your glory and in your name i decree every one of you who had given you will never borrow again [Applause] whatever you touch shall prosper materially you shall be very very fruitful and as you go god will go with you even we say far away from you i will only hear good news concerning you [Applause] by this time next year even your own children will be giving their offerings so shall it be in jesus mighty name we have decreed amen if you believe that your fruitfulness will be exceedingly great then shout and exceedingly great hallelujah you
Channel: RCCG Grace Assembly Dubai TV
Views: 25,100
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Keywords: rccg, rccg live, live stream, rccg video, rccglive, rccg sermon, rccg latest, september 2021 rccg holy ghost service, rccg september 2021 holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost service sermons, pastor e a adeboye, pastor adeboye sermon, pastor e.a adeboye 2021, rccg message, rccg special service, pastor e a adeboye service, pastor e a adeboye message, god bless you, rccg september 2021 sermon, rccg live youtube, holy communion service, rccg live tv, @rccg, congress
Id: taLqXcIw4Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 59sec (8399 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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