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[Music] Hey [Music] don't let me so be there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's holiday a Jesus mighty name we have worshiped and I want you to leave no voice to him loud and clear say father if you are touching two people here today that may be one of them hope your mouth on tried to me touching two people here today which are heavily fire let me be one of them let maybe one of them mighty God touching to people here today then every one of them good idea let's build your holiness sorry through Asians of this you forever the glorified thank you thanks or bless your holy mail thank you Jesus loading into your day touching to people here to the election day one of them except in there one of them in Jesus mighty name would have prayed we give you all the glory we gave you we give you all the glory we give you leave Oh Gardi we Oh Oh Oh [Music] thank you daddy [Music] the loss area someone here tonight he said for every miracle you have lost there'll be three in replacement Oh tank through back velocity are someone here tonight he said every contamination deposited in you shall be uprooted tonight in central base we just want to say thank you the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the ending the Holy One of Israel the Lion of the tribe of Judah the unchangeable change' wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father Prince of Peace Omega the beginning the ending the one who is the one who was the one who is to come the Almighty glory be to your holy name except by worshipping Jesus name thank you for the mighty testimonies thank you for greater ones yet to come thank you for all you've done on this ground in particular in the past thank you for watching with you today [Music] design 305 the lawsuit I saw here tonight and he says right here on this ground you will see my glory all we're asking Lord Almighty is just that tonight in all our lives in the life of those who are here in the life of those who are listening to us all over the world please do something new let the fire fall safe sauce tonight hero tonight deliver tonight set free tonight let there be breakthroughs tonight let the new song of joy tonight and then take all the glory for it Lord in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen Ella somebody shout hallelujah I wanted a second we throw to the people declare to them I'm the one who will see the glory of God here tonight and then you may please be seated I want to thank God for all the mighty men and women who are with us here on the altar the Almighty God will continue to move you from success to success I want to thank God for wine song as good as ever may God continue to prosper your ministry a one-time God for the Mass Choir I want to remind us however that I said that the instruments should be background in the music issue accompanying the voices the voices work later before the instruments each time we sing please lashya do voices let the instruments stay in the background when the instrument Ram out the voices I have a little problem I'm very sensitive to music app show muscle disorder by now you did a very good job please keep that in mind also I want to thank God for the musicians sorry the engineers they are ready clapping for you whether they are clapping for joy or not I don't know you can have the choir if you discover that one section is getting too loud you reduce the volume the people that are clapping are saying that their own volume is not loud enough I'm saying this because by the grace of God the world is going to hear you and if I don't correct you at home they will correct you abroad it's my duty as your father to point out what needed correction tonight the channel and the bus overwhelmed the trouble it should be the other way around the trap which should be at the top followed by the altar followed by the timer if you see love me over there shout hallelujah you have no choice my chili I see what is going to make us the number one Church in the old world is home training and that's what we are getting now and you will get it from me auntie God calls me home and until you become absolutely excellent let somebody shout hallelujah the salmon tonight will be different from anywhere you've had before it's going to be is going to be three small sections don't worry abou take time the Nama mathematician had or not or pre-owned price acura to be an outreach for those who are yet to be born again because the Lord told me some time ago that many people who come to political services and so on do not get the full benefit because we do not make the author call until at the end and that miracles belong to the children of God so those who are yet to become children of God please engineer deity clapping on my left those who are yet to become children of God they miss out and so before anything else we want to talk to those people so that it can become children of God and so for them the text will be some 68 from verse 1 totally they are coming to attend to you if they don't do it very well knock them on the head you have my permission Samson stage was one two three let God arise let his enemies be scattered let them also that hate him flee before him smoke is driven away so drive them away as Watts melts before the fire so let the wicked perish at the presence of God but let the right choice be glad let them rejoice before God yay let them exceedingly rejoice there are two sides to every coin two sides you will never find a coin with one side there is the head and there is the tail our code is also two-sided once I do feel this love for John chapter four was eight first John chapter four was it this is God is love but the other side of a series is a consuming fire people's chapter 12 verse 29 Hebrews 12 verse 29 when God is on your side or rather if you on the right side of God that side that is love the Bible says you will be more than a conqueror we say we are more than conquerors of him that loved us but if you are on the wrong side of God when you hear let the fire fall you should tremble because when the fire falls it will benefit children of God better to be tremendous problem for those who are naughty stirring for example in second creature of the one from verse nine to twelve second Kings chapter 1 verse 9 to 12 some soldiers came to arrest a man of God delighted by men the same manner for calm down yonder arrest he said me they said yes he said if I be a man of God if God is on my side if I belong to him let fire for and when the fire affair it consumed the fifty soldiers and the captain the King st. another fifty soldiers and another captain I don't know what was wrong with the second captain because he should have looked at the ground and see the reason why he continued that went before him didn't come back oh because on the ground were 51 ashes in the shape of men let's ignore that he's a man of walk on down have come to erase you man of God spoke again lady Firefall and if I affair and reduced the 51 of them again to ashes see when we said let God arise and the setting will be scattered you have to be sure force that you are not one of his enemies because when he arises this enemies will be scattered when we begin to pray let the fire fall whether you believe it or not doesn't matter fire is going to fall here tonight it's already falling when our beloved and vice president was preaching the fire was already funny when you hear notifier for make sure you are not one of his enemies that if I are will fall upon because when the fire god falls it benefits children of God they becomes a problem for the enemies of God I give you another example judges 15 verse 14 to 15 judges 15 14 to 15 the Bible says they brought some same language to Defense's the household enemies of Samson bound him and brought him to external enemies and the fire of God fell and burnt all the ropes that bound something release them now the enemies were already rejoicing they thought they have got something cornered they within minutes as a result of the fire that fell 1,000 office enemies lay dead so what was the latter fire for be careful that you are not one of his enemies because when the fire falls it will benefit you and of God and create a problem for those who are not destroyed I will tell you a little story they say halfway what is enough for device we were having the convention at the airport as in the booty meter years ago suddenly there was a woman at the gate shouting the church was small so if somebody shot at the gate you can hear in the church malaga malaga please help me bring my back and that mama la vega looked at the fellow and say what are you treehouse idea we came for the convention sample home ok if I go home come and take your bag yourself she said no I can come in again why they say defies death the fire is going to fall tonight I want the fire to benefit to you I don't want you to destroy you see the fire of God is different from ordinary fire as the VP told us this is the kind of fire you toy with is a kind of a that can consume stoves that uses water as well not on naira fire the fire of God is like electricity if you handle it properly it will give you light and several deterrence which we'll discuss later but if you hundred long they can kill and there's only one thing that can cause the fire of war two shots a huge it is same so if you are here and you know you are still given a saying before we go any further so you would say somebody invited you to trouble before we go any further if you lo you a silly women saying come to Jesus now this blood will wash away your sins and you become us white as snow and then when the fire falls it will benefit you so I'm going to count I know you have some of your verify away so I will be generous I will come from 1 to 15 before I say 50 if you know you are not yet rule upon the game come and surrender your life to Jesus let this blood wash away your sins and then you can benefit from the rest of the program I'm counting now 1 - today soul five six Thank You DISA fluo clapping your hands will never be empty seven Hey [Music] mine [Music] [Music] [Music] they love one Joe [Music] sightseeing [Music] [Music] forty [Applause] whistle you are far away you need to really around now because last last countdown okay those of you who are ready in front and those of you on the way cry to the Almighty God neither please but I set my soul of mercy on me I will serve you from now I will say bye-bye to a life of sin just let your blood wash me clean I want to be a member of the family of God I want to be on your right side of God please Lord save my soul be my Savior be my Lord and I will serve you for the rest of my life and the rest of us would you please stretch of hands to watch these people and it has saved for them pray that the one who saved your soul who saved our souls also ask the God will be merciful to them and that is blood will wash them completely clean later Gordon give a brand new beginning new life in Christ the life of purity the life of holiness they laugh that will bring glory to the Almighty God please pray for them those of you on the way hurry up now because I want to pray for salvation audio rusty on the way you have to move a little faster thank you Father just make sure you get up before I finish praying because I'm about to pray now that keep coming for me I guess this is some of you on the way century Jesus [Music] in Jesus mighty name we have prayed but I just want to say thank you without any doubt which is your grace bringing these people to yourself now because you said in your word that nobody can come to the Father except nobody can come to you except the father draw see thank you for drawing these people and now that they are here father please receive them save their souls let your blood wash away their sins write their names in the book of life receive them into the family of God Lord when the fire begins to fall let it benefit to them fat father from now on anytime they call on you as I am by fire thank you my father my God my pray that he will never backslide in Jesus mighty name would have prayed amen now though suffering from that we are you shout Alleluia congratulations I want to assure you from now by bus please I will be praying for you so they are going to give Lia card where you are now please feel the cut very quickly return it to me I need your names your address and your prayer request as soon as you finish and it back to one of the OSHA's and you can go back to your seats if you are if I'm not giving you one card just wave the wave in your hand until they give you one OSHA's you may need to go into the abyss so many hands there somebody will need to go right into the into the cloud some of you who need to go into the cloud and begin to distribute these cards let's do that very quickly glory be to God we can have some music while we wait for our brothers and sisters to finish [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] researchers people are yet to get the cards see so many hands they will be hope you have our own out of gas please have some acid waiting to the kind of you [Music] we say meatball in the middle and to my left testicle hangs with we need more cards waving your hand up today beautiful just about there was as soon as you finish your a special British feeling yo my car seats Oh Oh Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] fire Oh [Music] or the Oh we fire Oh [Music] why [Music] [Music] [Music] is Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh five Oh [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] happy so [Music] Thank You cancellous god bless you thank you for doing a great job let's give the Lord a big round of applause holy now I want to go to parts to again part 2 will be brief see many of us come to the Holy Ghost night we already born again by the grace of God we're living right but we could do with a bit too deep a teaching of the word of God so for the second part tonight we're going to do a little Bible study on fire and our text for this second part will be one of these passages we had already used Judges chapter 15 verse 14 to 15 judges 15 14 to 15 and when he came on to Lehigh the finishing shouted against him and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him and the courts that were upon his arms became as flags that was borned with fire and his bands used from of his hands and he found a new job born of an ass and put forth his hand and took it as you a thousand men they are with without any doubt the fire of God is going to descend on somebody tonight before the one let me hear your email outta here everything that fire does it does it very well when it burns it burns very well in this section we have those well you can see reason number one why you need fire tonight it is that it bonds yucks they bound something the fire of God descended the uke's were destroyed I thought chapter 10 verse 27 I sought a 27 is a passage from purpura photo at the cottage wrongly they say MIT we break the yoke I thought that's not what the Bible says fire doesn't break it boss it destroys the anointing destroys yokes from believing God that tonight finally any yokes left in your life will be destroyed several thing you need to know about fire when it bonds it was irreversibly when fire comes in contact with well it will change the fuel to fire that part of the fuel that refuses to be converted to fire it tells it to ashes I know way before that are the converted to fire cannot go back to be well and opti today science has not yet devised or discovered a means of changing ashes back to the original form when fire burns it burns irreversibly so the another reason why you need fire therefore is that the victory you're going to get tonight may be permanent in second Kings chapter 1 that will refer to a lien second Kings one was made to 14 second place one night to 14 when the fifty-one soldiers came the first time and they were rooster another 51 came and they were roasted by the time the third 51 came the captain was on his knees begging that the man of God who spare his life I pray in the name that's above every other name after tonight any of any mr. survive will come back the third thing you need to know about fire is that it has no respect for persons [Music] including the one who started it fire does not recognize anyone whether you a king or you a servant whether you are the one who suffered the fire or not once the fire is going on Bonnie reward cognizant a body so if you are on the side of God it can use the fire started by your enemies to roast the enemy Daniel chapter 3 verse 22 Daniel chapter 3 verse 22 another passage that the fifty refer to earlier today when echinacea said that they should make the very furnace seven times hotter than before it was his men who may defy a bigger it was the same man when they were going to draw in Shadrach Meshach and Abednego that were roasted by the same fire so to conclude logical conclusion that because you are now on the side of God any enemy that tries to start a fire against you in your place of work in your family in your home in your church they will be roasted by the on fire the fourth thing you need to know about fire is that it generates heat and not gentle heat the heat generated by fire is real heat second Peter chapter 3 verse 12 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 12 posit servant heat heat on an assignment heat that does what needed to be done so the fourth reason why you need fire is to be sure you will grow cold to be sure you will not become lukewarm you see Revelation chapter 3 verse 15 to 16 revelation TV 15 to 16 the Almighty God made one in there they said if anybody's lukewarm he will spill the fellow out of his mouth so don't believe those who tell you that once you are born again you can live any kind of life you like and you see Mickey to heaven it's a lie don't believe those who say once you are born again you can steal time with some scene here and there that God will never never throw you away read this passage to them he says if you used to be hot and you begin to grow cold you become lukewarm he said I will spew you out of my mouth was the minnow spew out of mouth it means for meat and don't tell me that God will go back to his vomit it's not a dog so I want to pray for someone here today if you are lukewarm by the time you came here when you are going out you will be very hot the fifth thing you need to know about fire is that it keeps the enemy at bay for example when you go camping in those days I don't know if they do that now when we were Boy Scouts we go into the jungle to come we just wanna spend the night or two in the bush just part of the enjoyment of being a scout boy I don't know if they are ask our boys anymore now and when we want to lay down to sleep we build fire around our camp why there is no animal wild that would not recognize fire so if there is any wild animal delusion as long as the fire is burning the animal you can look into the bush our timer you see eyes of the animal shining in the dark they walk on them the elders are saying they said even a mad dog would recognize fire I'm sure you had that proverb before and I'm sure in all your years you have never seen a mad man who got bones ask a madman to put his hand in fire he will tell you my craziness has not reached that stage so glory be to God forevermore so God said in the Quran chapter 2 verse 4 to 5 security after to photo 5 he said Jerusalem will be a city without walls and he said the reason is I will be a wall of fire around it enemy will see the fire and stay away so if you really want to enjoy in the presence of your enemies like in some 23 verse 5 some time to leave us without prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies you need the wall of fire of God on you and I'm the clean to night that every one of you tuning on the side of God there will be a wall of fire and about you number six fire thieves light the fires burning there be light around the fire Exodus chapter 13 verse 21 Exodus 13 verse 21 the Bible says God was a pillow fire before the children of Israel at night as they were traveling to the promised land and so if you want to go through life we clear vision because without light no vision then you need fire to supply you with light Jesus Christ said in John 8 verse 12 John 8 verse 12 he said I am the light of the world anyone who follows me will not walk in darkness I pray for someone here today that that kind of clear vision that will lead to straight to your goal you get it tonight in Jesus No [Music] I want to stop at seven that it seems as if one is popping he said now anyway lots that's number how many number forgiven you see okay number seven a lot of dangerous hide in the dark because fire gives light when there is fire hidden dangers exposed Acts of the Apostles chapter xxviii resteth acts 28 verse 3 he tells us that tall went to get some firewood he didn't know that as he was gathering firewood there was ascertained there but the moment he dropped the firewood into fire the serpent read he say so one of the reasons you need a fire on gently tonight is that you may not even know who you are sleeping with you may not even know who is sitting next to you in the office you may not know who is your number one enemy my Biddy was smiling at you more than anyone else there are a many use a ship loaded because if I is going to fall today they were before Sunday hidden enemies will be exposed ask the soldiers they will tell you what I'm talking about many attempted the soldiers are going out to fight the enemy but one of them is an enemy himself informing the enemy the soldiers are coming and then they get ambushed I said one more time every wolf in ship floating in your life will be exposed tonight let me give me just one more fire purifies [Music] in the olden days before sanitizers were developed when a surgeon wants to perform an operation he takes the knives passes it through fire because there are some dangers you cannot see with ordinary eye jams varices you meeting the knife is clean but there are gems that if you pass the knife through the fire germs viruses whatever they will consume and the instrument becomes purified as such after six from was one to serve as a six want to serve as I saw the Almighty God in all this splendor and then he took a look at himself and saw that Oh my lips are clean living among people of unclean lips what am I going to do and I want God to use me God said all right I will do something he sent a ninja who brought red-hot coal and touch his mouth I said now that mouth is purified you must be careful before you say Amen to the next prayer because I know there's somebody here tonight that God we want to use misfire purify you I've told you a story before with that I will close what - so we can then go to a battery of a sister when I was a little universe of Legos she loves the Lord only she had Sun literally two problems that is known only to God and she's always praying God used me for your glory Almighty God used me for your glory and God did the answer then one day there was water shortage on the campus and so toilets were in very bad shape and she was feeling pressed we wanted to use the toilet she entered she opened the door to the first one oh it was full of all manners so she closed it all went to the second it was was too deterred or so she left the toilet and she was going away then God spoke I said my daughter she was startled yes Lord I thought you want to use the toilet yes love many of you don't know that God knows when you want to go to the toilet he does we'll hear more about that later why are you not using the toilet oh they're too dirty and God said I also want to use you but you are two deities whatever we disqualify you from the use of God may the fire of God consume me today that's part two now let's go to a party there's no stopping and this is the miracle side where I will be jumping and pray Exodus chapter 12 we read from verse 1 to 10 Exodus 3 1 to 10 now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father-in-law the priests of Midian and he led the flock to the backside of the desert and came to the mountain of God he went to Horeb and the angel of the Lord appeared unto Him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush and he looked and behold the bush born with fire and the bush was not consumed hamas he said I will now turn aside and see this great sight why the bush is not ponch and when he lost so that he turned aside to see God called unto him out of the mists of the bush and said Moses Moses and he said here am i and he said well not me either put off thy shoes from of thy feet for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground moreover I said I am the God of thy father the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob and Moses hid his face for it was afraid to look upon God and the Lord said I have surely seen the affliction of my people which I needed and their cry by reason of their taskmasters for I know their souls and I am calm down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land onto a good land and latch on to a land flowing with milk and honey or to the place of the feminize and he ties and the amber eyes and appearances and the device and the jebusites now therefore behold the cry of the children of Israel is common to me and I've also seen the oppression we are with the Egyptians oppress them come now therefore and I will send thee unto Pharaoh the adult males bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt I'm going to be calling on you now to stand off from time to time to break and have always said when I ask you to stand up and pray I'm only talking to the youth and the young adults if you are younger than I you are young before older than I you're old before all that and I you are free to sit down and do your praying sitting down if you fall asleep no problem the Bible says old men shall dream dreams so you have to sleep before you can dream amen when the fire force several teams who happen we can't cover all of it let recover enough for one night first unusual miracles happen a fire was born in the bush the bush refused to burn very unusual whenever the fire falls on usual miracles beginning to happen in Matthew chapter 3 verse 16 Matthew 3:16 the fire fair for the Lord Jesus as he was coming out of the water baptism the Holy Spirit came and alerted on him shortly after that in John chapter 2 verse 1 to 11 jo21 tree-level the Bible says he performed his first miracle by turning water to wine shortly after the fire fell for him we performed the first miracle I know there is over here today who has never been able to heal the sick 25 or so night any why you lay has or will be here soon after in John chapter 6 verse 5 to 13 John 6 5 to 13 he took five loaves of bread in the same and to fish and use it to feed 5,000 men not counting women and sure the fire fair deal usual began to happen I pray the name that's above every other name when the fire falls tonight anything you taught from now on who experience a miracle I can go on and on but you may say Oh badesti Lord Jesus what about the case of Elijah is a human being like you and I in second page of the true verse 9 through 12 second Kings kuna to 12 fire fell for Elijah when the chariot of fire hoses of a came to take his father away shortly after that in second Kings chapter 4 verse 1 to 7 second Kings 4 1 to 7 he became a blessing to a widow who was all bankrupt that they were going to sell maturity so maybe there's someone here tonight who needs an unusual miracle or maybe it is somebody precious to you that means an unusual miracle because the fire is going to fall tonight you will get what you want so I want you to stand on your feet you're going to pray the first prayer now you can preach whichever way you want you can pray casually if you like you can pray with all your heart just lift your voice to the Almighty God and say father I need those usual miracles let the fire fall for me tonight open your mouth and cry to the Almighty go I need or use your miracles Lord my situation requires unusual miracles daddy not a casual America or use your miracles let the fire fall for me tonight Oh God Almighty I need unusual miracles I need unusual miracles for myself I need them for my wife I need them for my children I need them for my grandchildren I need them for the Church of God I need them for all my friends and relatives father let the fire fall for me tonight I need unusual miracles oh yes love God Almighty I need unusual miracles let the fire fall for me tonight my situation requires unusual miracles Lord let me let the fire fall for me tonight but if I'll fall for me to manage thank you my painful loss sighing food juices or usual miracles tonight for every one of us Lord let the fire fall budget Firefall same feel father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed socially be in Jesus name please be seated and they want to be telling you stories some of the stories you already know you know my father in the Lord when things were very hard and God told him the pot of soup that your wife I just prepared tell her to be dishing from it but must not look inside as the woman was dishing every day today chicken will come out tomorrow it will be beef and she kept on dishing days after days after this the pot refused to dry up until one day she was overcome by curiosity and looked and then the pot was empty somebody Nissan usual miracles the finally fall for you tonight in the passage we read there are several other things but I would jump some of them mostly saw the unusual happening it went close to see 20 fire force you could draw you to himself and then God called in Moses Moses when the fire falls you can hear God only in your name and so on and so forth but we jump all those and come to some others God said to Moses I have seen the problem of my people when the fire Falls God who demonstrate that he can still see ah Thank You Father even I want to say a mentor this right because the law says that someone here tonight he said you should know the meaning of divine lessons or prices now what will be by saying God saw there are categories of seeing as what you see with ordinary eye there are things you will see without observing if I ask you now what kind of dress am I wearing all of a sudden you begin to check the colors because when I came you are only interested in my face not in what I'm wearing you saw well you didn't see in John chapter 9 verse 1 to 7 John 9 as 1 to 7 G so did you see the blind man he observed him observed yes a man who is or not for special purpose because when they asked who sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind he said no no no it wasn't a question of seeing he was st. here so that the glory of God will be made manifest in his life this was me who somebody is going ahead of him into the world that one day was going to meet that man it was going to use him to demonstrate how God created man because the man left without eyes and G so had to spit on the ground make mud put where the eyes were supposed to be toda Montrouge wash the washed and came back seeing the moment Jesus or that may observe this is one sent forward to demonstrate the miracle code there's somebody here today you've been in the world for a long time but tonight God will see you a map chapter 2 from was wonderful 212 much chapter 2 verse 1 to 12 you see the deep rod for main protein man they wanted to get him to Jesus and they couldn't get through the door so they broke through the roof and lo Adam and the Bible say Jesus saw their faith faith is invisible but there is a kind of seeing that we will see the invisible in John chapter 5 verse 2 to 9 we see another example of seeing John 5 verse 2 to 9 a Bible said that today I was sick people by the Pool of Bethesda a multitude there and there was a man who had been there for 38 years the Bible said Jesus saw him you know many times I walked into my office and I will see somebody sitting down there I will get up and say daddy I want to see you thanks already looking at me it's not blind you know what you saying I need special attention so when I say okay I will see you in five minutes what what am I saying I will pay special attention to you the five minutes that somebody here today God is going to see you you remember it better reminding the story some of you might have forgotten some of you might not have had it before that we were having a Congress in Lagos incidentally Dena's Congress is in December December 4 to 9 and don't miss this one because the team is songs of victory okay so if you want to be one of those who will sing the song of victory come before anything you can calm the people in Abuja will be arranging a viewing center so you can go to that we're having a Congress and the crowd was a bit lighter than the one here and there was this man who was born in his friends carried him to the campground and when they got there and they saw the crowd and they saw the miracles were already happening at the altar they dropped him this si who have helped to as far as we can when we finish who will come back for you and they left and that man said God you see me here where they have left me and immediately gospel to me on the altar and say there's someone here who said God you see me here God's Italian I have seen you and immediately his legs began to receive strength within minutes it was opened dancing when the program was over his friends came to where they dropped him and when they were looking for him he tapped them from behind I said are you looking for me stand on your feet lift your voice with the Almighty God I say father I need special attention tonight please see me open your mouth I'm prey Oh daddy please I need special attention tonight please see me swimming sweet me daddy please save me I need special attention tonight oh yes I people here need special attention tonight please see me my daddy please see me Cement ID swimming tonight the insolence of days please see me seeming see me seeming swimming Lord see me tonight see me tonight father sighing feel father Oh daddy please see me tonight I need special attention my family needs special attention see us tonight your charge needs special attention please see us tonight see us tonight please see us tonight saying your father a Jesus mighty name we have prayed he will see you tonight in Jesus mighty name please be seated he said I have seen the sufferance of my people I have heard their cry when the fire falls god yes again you will say to me what Roman god yes we're here the game is in categories Revelation chapter 2 verse 7 thank you Father Lord asked me to tell someone who is worried because certain things are happening and seem your legs are shaking they asked me to tell you these check things will soon be over okay that is our choice analysis returns over a woman he said that those who want to chase you out of your husband's house we see you prosper in the hospital Revelation chapter 2 verse 7 revelation 2:7 the Bible says he who has ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit is saying so there is hearing and there is hearing I mean I'm standing here when you say I hear you whether occasionally I have something that you are not really the US ear to hear let him hear many Bible says in proverbs chapter 20 verse 12 proverbs 20 verse 12 he said the seen eye and the hearing ear the lord has made them both so God can perform a miracle and cause you now to begin to hear now as for God the Bible says in Psalm 94 was 974 verse 9 he said he who planted the air we did not hear so normally yes in fact some 65 was to some 65 verse 2 says although that Herod prayers or two dish are all flesh come so he hears however when the fire bombs when the fire falls he doesn't just hear he attains to there is hearing and then there is attending to the voice in some system one verse one some system one was one division here doubt my prayer attained onto my car you see an example a matchup that a mocked up at a was 46 to 52 mocked and 46 to 52 there was a crowd a multitude following Jesus Christ one man was crying in the cloud and God had him it was crying and that's where I even trying to shut him up the noise of those who said shut up should be loud that and the noise of the only one crying but God had and occasionally we press on prayers it takes God to hear the cry and to answer and I give you an example I told my workers from days ago that I first time I went to America to kinetic income meeting way back in 1979 I saw miracles raw miracles clearly and such entries happened which I don't want to waste your time the workers knew we're on my way back to Nigeria in deeply I said something you can't even really call it a prayer it was just an expression of the heart of a of a son to his father you know at times a small boy who say some stupid thing but the father knows is my son broken I do I said to God in the play as I'm going back to Africa if I get back to Africa and I don't see you do what I see you done in America I'm going to call you a racist I will say you love the white people more than the black it could have cleared me in the plane is the Almighty they knew this boy was just hungry I was hungry for my people I want to simulate whose happened in Africa he heard since that time the number of miracles I've seen him perform Oh glory be to God he's good to hear somebody here tonight I want you to stand on your feet and lift your voice to the old man to go loud and clear sir father you are my father we are many here for hear me today yummy yummy yummy you are my father we're a thousand cell not God Almighty there hear me yeah me they are me today please hear me today Papa hear me today daddy yeah me today they are me Lord we are many here crying now you are my daddy my daddy please hear me and attend to my pride today please daddy yeah me again the Apple multiple miracles here tonight and in my ministry for evermore here me today solve every problem in my life of every problem in my home solve every problem in my family solve every problem in your church solve every problem in my nation hear me today daddy please hear me we are many here but please hear me hear me Oh Almighty God please hear me sighs your father sign through father hear me today I mean this very day many of us crying to you where are all your children that you are my daddy I'm special to you I know it lord I know you love being a very special way please daddy hear me tonight their army reminds me to manage sign through father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed he will hear you in Jesus name please be seated he said I have seen I have heard I know I've seen the problems of my people haria cry I know their sorrows ha some 139 was one who succeeds I wanted to make us one two successes God knows all things yo Satinder he knows it yo Santino he knows it for when you want to go to the toilet he knows it he knows everything the matter after one was 405 Jeremiah 1 4 to 5 says even before he formed you he knew you are not a stranger to me Acts of the Apostles chapter 15 verse 18 thank you Father the Lord asked me to try so on he said your irreversible recovery begins tonight thank your dad that's me totally a woman a god must be interested in women's hair tonight they say you saw the lady with five children it's only godless of what the doctors may say you need more than one person to carry your children one father thank you I want to say man I named a nine a man because my daddy say is someone here tonight he said I will use you as an example of joy on ending so Acts chapter 15 verse 18 acts 15 verse 18 says known unto God are all these works from the beginning of the world so he knows the end from the beginning let work to attend to see what to see me by saying I know see when the fire falls the EXCI beach a deeper knowledge than ordinary for example you may want to hide your problems from God but when the fire force they will pick it up is it we will go to the pastor's for prayer at times we just tell him the surface of our problem we don't tell in the deep roots because we don't want them to look at us and say hey you are this kind of person you are my church there are some problems we can't discuss with any man the glory be to God he knows and to bloody nose one of my daughters came to me several years ago daddy please pray for me that's okay what do you want me to pray about is uh I can't tell you when the testimony comes I will tell you okay Almighty God whatever is the problem solve the problem because when I try to say tell me so I would know to pray say well what do you want to know God already knows [Music] later on she came to testify he said at that time she was over 20 years old and she was in bed wetting I said you reason I never trouble with my mates is because if I ever trouble for one night I spent one night out of hope everybody will know my secret so I didn't tell you because I want to which I said I'm telling you because you prayed and God answered prayer God who answer somebody tonight they very high personality and that's what were you find know him is not here now pooja is in Legos [Music] is said I was preaching and the law spoke to me and said there's someone here you have a strange habit of eating from the dustbin and God said we are taking care of the situation I wasn't expecting anybody to come forward to testify to that kind of miracle and I thought that if it's going to be anybody at all it will be probably one household that is not be well fed who is taking extra from the waste paper basket a very important possible rich world they said after eating a nice meal on the table and have cleared the table and thrown the rest into the rubbish collector he will be watching to be sure nobody's looking and Andy will go back and look for scrap from his own table and begin to eat a gay yourself it's only then he became satisfied every demand that is a you that is not of God shall be uprooted today so I wanted to lift your voice to the Almighty God loud and clear sir father you know I have problems that I cannot discuss with any man just help me go ahead talk to the Almighty God you know father you know you know me you know what my pastor doesn't know you know what my father does not know you know what my relatives don't know lord I need help I need help I need him determining you is going out tonight in the mighty name of Jesus I know I know God you know you know I have problems that I cannot discuss with anyone do you with me tonight father deal with it tonight deal with it tonight Joseph me that's all I'm asking for he notes he knows that we which cover a lot of problems with beautiful clothes with beautiful language with beautiful appearances that he knows you know I have problems I can't discuss with anyone just me me tonight father help me help me help me at me thank you Father sign through father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed socially being Jesus name please visit I can tell your services those mentioned a few some of you will remember the woman who instead of air in our amp it it was only feathers that will go and she will work out very early before the husband week because the feather will grow overnight before the husband will wake up she will go to the toilet and clock off the feathers nobody knew by God knew and God knows your problems he will talk who every one of them to me so he said I have seen I have heard I know now after to deliver it's a loud I have come to solve the problem whenever I defy a force it is a sign that God is ready to help and you will have somebody here tonight [Music] in John chapter 9 verse 1 through 7 John 9 1 to 7 the day he saw that blind man that was a day he received his sight knotti seconded in John 5 verse 2 tonight John 5 verse 2 tonight did they saw the man by the Pool of Bethesda that was today that man left the pool side completely home a max attitude was 1 to 12 Mukti was one to through the data so saw the faith of those who brought in that man that was a daily man was no longer carry dd bat Mouse a mocked up attain for the Cisco 52 ah glory be to God the law said that someone here tonight is a one day they would refer to you as the one who refused to die hey man I never Lord asked me to tell someone he said before the end of the year you will know that you have not been forgotten dde heard batma scribe that was a day he saw see efficient after Tilly was 20 efficient Erie was 20 turns out that not only does he hear and not only can he answer is able to do exceeding abundantly above all you ask or think he doesn't just see it doesn't just hear he doesn't just know he would do something to solve the problem some of whom who remember the story of a man who was well over fifty years old was a principal in school highly qualified well filled as it had no wife because he just could the opera's mouth to say to a woman who you marry me couldn't do it certain forces won't allow him to do it we see a beautiful lady among the teachers and say come and see me in the office and that one we rejoice in are the principal's going to propose and insist I guess I will say huh you asked me to come and see you oh oh yes I want to ask you about the exercise poof so everybody thought it was important but he wasn't God knew and that one day we went to hold a program like this in each town He gave His life to Jesus Christ the fire fair his youths were destroyed six months later he got married nine months after marriage the wife about reset or twins two boys two years later another set of twins I had to say to him Oh God gently gently he knows and he will do something about it so I want you to stand on your feet and say father prove that you are the Almighty solve all my problems tonight let the fire for Oh Lord and so of all my problems tonight I know you have seen me I know you have heard me I know you know my problems now do something do something about my problems do something about my problems thank you Father thank you Almighty Oh Lord God Almighty half muscle you know everything that you know everything now solve all my problems prove that you are the almighty you have seen me your vitami you know my problems now do something about it do some to apology do something about it do something about it do something about it do something about politics hallelujah father do something solve all my problems tonight let the fire for move on my behalf police static move on my behalf saying through Jesus in Jesus mighty name who have prayed socially being Jesus name please be seated [Music] Danny made a statement as I have come to deliver my people I've come to remove them - hiya grams I want to enlarge their course I want to put an end to their suffering I want to transfer wealth I could look at all those one by one but time won't permit me Jenny say something very strange inside therefore now Moses come go and do what I say I want to do you said you have come to deliver your people now you are now saying to me you go and do it I do we combined the two when the fire falls it is usually because God needs the partner and he has found one you see in is eager 22 verse tattoo musica 32 are 22 verse 30 he said I sought for a man among them how many people a man does she make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for delight that I should not destroy he said I sought for a man that man would be a woman [Music] he was saying to Moses I have found the man I need you see in eSATA plastics before it is numbers 1 to 8 as a 6 from verse 1 to it in I told you early on that fire purifies after the fire touched the lives of ice I'll see her go see whose shall I send who we go for us is it God is looking for a man the woman a boy or a girl to run an errand for him when he finds such a fellow he sends down the fire to kill the fellow for the assignment God for example may be looking for a divine treasurer is looking for so if i prosper this one we be using money for my kingdom because many of us who have been saved or prosper may prosper me he God knows he knows if he prospers you you're going to spend the money on yourself he knows you can hide from him he might be looking for a different treasurer and if he finds the divine treasurer in the which he will cast out the demons and take the fellow over I make the family divine treasurer you don't believe me read Luke chapter 8 verse 1 totally Luke it was one totally they was looking for a divine treasurer and found Mary Magdalene but several demons were already dwelling in her he crossed out the seven demons so that you can prospect this rumor and this remark our prosper supports the Ministry of Jesus Christ [Music] it's just looking for someone who will partner with him and I have a deep conviction deep within me believe me honestly if you know how excited I am tonight it is dispatchable pavo de tocqueville standstill because I know this is not an ordinary oligo service I know this is a horrible service for someone someone who's a child of destiny born for a purpose and that feller is going to discover the purpose tonight [Music] it's looking for someone if I empowered this fellow so that when we lay hands on the sick they will recover this looking for so who or not then they come big headed so that way this comment that we say hey here comes the great man of God he's looking for someone he can partner with TL Osborn through the story when I say young man they are tender they proceed and the pickup reached and a lot of people still went to see cancer so he said he was sobbing it was just crying God look at all these people who are suffering I wish I have the power to help them any hardcore speech it was expected and gossip do you mean what you say if I empower you will you use the power to serve me look like I left who is talking to me who had what I was say sir God if it's you we are mine he sent me you know the story those of you don't know him you can read about it was used mightily all over the world stand on your feet be careful how you pray this prayer lift your voice to hear my sir father if you need a Batman I am here go ahead talk to the Almighty go if you need a partner daddy Dibley is here I'm here daddy you keep you need a partner I'm here you can use my hands you can use my feet you can use my voice you can use my education you can use everything I have I am yellow if you need a partner I'm here I'm here daddy I'm here I am yeah oh Lord I'm here thank you daddy I am yeah you need a partner you don't have to look for anyone else I'm here don't need to search further I am here we'll serve you with anything you give me anointing morning the influence for sucia education I am had the ID I'm here come here who need a partner I'm here sighs your father in Jesus mighty name would have prayed socially be Jesus name please be seated let me just take one more point ninety salmon and then give you some time to pray when the fire falls for you things will never be the same again [Music] I know if you don't know each [Music] this is one night you will never forget in your life this night is going to become a reference point because when the fire bombs for Moses his life was never the same again [Music] as a matter of a by the time you get to exodus chapter 4 verse 20 Exodus 420 the Bible said Moses to his wife is Turan and the rod of God in his hand even the ordinary rod that he used to look after sheep and good has become the rod of God everything changed he was never a part of goats and sheep anymore he became a shepherd of people his loneliness ended [Music] how did that moment she had been forgotten for forty years The Forgotten became remembered when the fire force things are never the same again I told you when firebombs he bounced irreversibly when the fire burns for David and for summer chapter 16 verse 11 to 13 for some a sixteen eleven to thirteen his loneliness is rejection tended the shepherd boy became a king things were never the same again [Music] in second Peter chapter 2 if you read it from verse 1 to 15 second clean chapter 2 from verse 1 to 15 when the fire burned for Elijah all those who are mocking him the famous servants since were never the same again never never hi professor when I was a student of mathematics at the University of Lagos was the legendary Professor Jacobi probably the greatest mathematician de Africa had produced [Music] he knew me he was my head of department when I was doing my Master's who was my head of department when I was doing my PhD it was my head or department when I was lecturer - all the way to signal a trap if I left and then the fire ponch for me I've left teaching I began to do the walk Oh God Oh time one day I wasn't in and they told my wife at that time now Olivia to attempt Chaka somebody's asking for your husband my wife came out I saw it was Professor chichi he said I'm hearing so much about one atta boy he see the same as my boy my wife said must be the same one because he's the one who pass under you [Music] they said I will go and come back he left came back say I just want to be sure you had the same fella there is somebody here today after the fire has fallen even those who had known you all this year who come to check are you the same fellow lift your hands to the Almighty God loud and clear and say father I'm ready for a new beginning Lag defier for go ahead talk to the Almighty God I'm ready for a new beginning brand-new bikini olorum ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready Lord I'm ready for a brand new beginning new beginning of miracles of science of wonders of a divided partnership with you I'm ready for a new beginning I'm ready for a new beginning I'm ready I'm ready Lord I'm ready for a brand new beginning let the fire fall like a fire for I'm ready for brand new beginning my ministry in my walk with you a brand new beginning of anointing a closer walk with you brand-new beginning lord almighty of science miracles wonders of unusual miracles of success in everything I do a new beginning of glory a new beginning of purity a new beginning of holiness I'm ready for a brand new beginning Oh Lord I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready for a brand new beginning of hearing from you see you see your glory understanding you the brand-new beginning of Revelation Lord God Almighty from the Word of God the brand-new beginning of visions and dreams when service brand-new beginning Lord of your grace your support brand-new beginning of your support of your back pain of your joy I'm ready for a brand new beginning saying your father thank you Father I'm ready Lord I'm ready for a brand new beginning sign through father in Jesus mighty name who have prayed thank your father oh thank you Father that is a somebody's here tonight you said you will soon be singing I'm going higher yet I am before we came here I had prayed with my senior pastors and I've told them to be ready to lay hands and they Almighty God told me I said there's no need they said my fire would touch everyone some rental give you ten minutes to check out the area where you need this fire just open its jaws go ahead top remain pray if it is in your body talk to him if it's in your area of your finances or whatever talk to him just ten minutes coming through five in Jesus mighty name we have prayed do you know if ever enough has already hired you tonight the one who can do the impossible we attend to you tonight the one who commits dry bones live we perform special miracles in your life tonight and as many of us are willing to serve them you will keep you a fresh tonight and so sadly to be and what the fire has destroyed in your life we never go again in Jesus mighty name would have prayed for the miracle soft feeling I know you can serve that place tonight but at least this one we can see so I think CG sauce me but don't let the healing be permanent lady Republic irreversible and by their testimonies father had thousands to your turn it does anyone still left here with not a few further before they walk out of here make them completely sighing to Almighty God Jesus mighty men would have prayed throw our seats rejoicing more music please [Music] [Music] what and ever the first thing the Lord asked me to do before you ask God for your Christmas present is that a shoe anoint your hands so that what you begin to touch from now with the dental prosper so raise your two hands to help my father my god I want to thank you tonight oh yeah go to Wanda's I bless your Holy Name but uh please look at all these hands that have been lifted to you unlike them all from your throne send our special fire and touch these hands The Dreaming from now whatever these hands we touch let it prosper and when network designs are put together to clock your place do something to you Jesus mighty name we have prayed why don't you go ahead and just clap go sign Hey now go ahead and ask God what you want him to do for you for Christmas as a Christmas present anything you want him to do maybe two maybe three but make sure they're very big things please you want God to do before Christmas be asking is not limited you can do much more than you can even dream possible sentences thank you and let's begin to bring up Reyes very close in Jesus mighty name we have prayed and found out my god I thank you for tonight thank you for showing yourself strong on our behalf thank you for the fire that is falling thank you for the multitude that to heels tonight thank you for the multitude that you saved thank you for speaking to our future thank you for a new beginning father except our tongues in Jesus name now my own very special request tonight father is that everything is your children have asked for please do it for them further long before December 24 give them their testimonies when it is testimony time next year my father are my goal let there be thousands of testimonies but bless the offering of your children sanctified use it for your glory and I pray that this your children will never lock again if they are going please pay their debts and don't let them ever borrow again as you bro God will go with you on your way daddy miracles at home miracles we'll be waiting for you anything you touch from now we prosper begin a brand new life of miracles and you will stop God forever in Jesus mighty name we have prayed who got the biggest minute walk tonight let me tell you saw the big s Alleluia
Channel: Cean Joseph
Views: 5,035
Rating: 4.6190476 out of 5
Id: 2nMX6Vvu8zo
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Length: 178min 24sec (10704 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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