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the world for journey in second corinthians chapter three the corinthian hurricane verse 18 exactly [Music] second corinthians 3 verse 18. get the characteristic executive the team of course you know is a new wave of glory in the texas but we all there is a question before with open face beholding us in a glass the glory of the lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the spirit of the lord and name be let your daughter share my allah when a team is given but about what near curriculum you will know as a preacher what kind of way you should relate that could be your neighbors some team expects you to preach i want curriculum already welcome i mean for example if what byron if the team is behold the lamb about obey word you are good you know that is a preaching invitation to people to look unto jesus [Music] if the topic like wednesday is sanctification be a corinthians [Music] that's not just preaching but when you have a topic like all will be well um you know god is asking you to bring a prophetic message i mean for example for aquarius tonight yeah it's going to be well for so long amen [Music] [Applause] the theme for this year's convention according for your do allah do what you are doing that we are to address tonight our faith nearly a new wave of glory ebu is is absolutely prophetic oh there i need pokemon or butter on help someone so tell us and because it's a prophetic topic it is not necessarily going to be very long [Music] you are not preaching he's a poor soul [Music] you're not necessarily teaching your children you're prophesying also telling me and so it can be very brief [Music] i mean there have been a time when god gave a prophetic topic [Music] prepared a sermon that will last at least one and a half hours after 15 minutes god stopped me allah i said i've already done what i want to do hold on should it be lord keep your notes [Music] i'm telling you this because in the next five minutes [Music] because the one that he has in mind has received what he wants to reach [Applause] because there's no doubt about it at all [Applause] is someone listening to me now any questions you you are moving into a new wave of blood [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now glory comes in waves oh go out my work when we be one one wave may die and then another wave begins see if we cut him cool i took better soul and reward many times they are quite bad in between two waves there could be something different from glory so it is possible for someone to know glory before oh shaving glasses huh and then for one reason or the other he now knows shame we already can't abuse you and then god moves him to another glory you know between two hills there could be a valley okay [Music] as a representative of my father in heaven tonight that if your glory of the past your correct backhand has been followed by shame that shame is over tonight [Applause] a wave of glory equal goal [Music] is associated with an individual only efficient will not drain your car that's why there could be a multitude like we have tonight and it could be just one fellow that god is interested in your country brought his family to egypt and as long as joseph was alive israel was in a glorious situation it's really what they could not go wrong better to anyone then joseph died joseph and a new king arrows that didn't know yourself about yourself and the glory of israel became shame then you gradually what do you want to do but then one day when you're joking moses came mostly what and there was a new way for glory then if you go to jail i prophesy to someone right now in the country your mercy is coming and then moses died now where do you look and joshua took over then in joshua and what moses had not been able to do oh demons he took the children of israel into the promised land hillary i prophesied to one tonight i told you it's a prophetic message that goal that you have not been able to achieve electorate cannot take your body you will achieve [Music] now and then after some years david came that'd be the one and he went from one victory to another to another lord dear miranda dear mira i declare in the name of the one who made heaven and earth for we no longer oh darling your victories will be one after another after david solomon came let him have it and if if you are a bible scholar tobacco be believed you will discover that solomon didn't fight a single word victories are good things our voice is better a lafayette our son do you share good lord throughout the period of solomon neighbor jesus he never fought a war conflict and the next decade i'm making a subtler hashem you know bye bye before i give it to you i'm giving it to my sister foreign no more wars [Applause] let me be a bit more specific [Music] and i promise i will try and be as quick as possible because i don't know when daddy will stop me okay because even if it says stop now [Music] some people are already blessed [Applause] some of us will never fight another one now when we when we talk about a new wave of glory if you go teaching [Music] me you're on a hill before [Music] oh how i love the testimony of that my daughter a real mobility meaning she had a shop only six story building akka somewhere within a single day everything collapsed destroyed apparently i'm sure that day she was in singing hallelujah hallelujah but then but [Music] [Applause] [Music] you will get it back [Applause] we want to look at one or two examples very quickly we want to look at the case of the mind the bible says had a weird hand affair in luke chapter six from verse six to ten that there's a kepler see in kenya luke chapter six from verse six to ten that's a kefir seeker the bible says the man had a weird hard hand and he was in the church it was in the synagogue [Music] the with that hand means the hand was strong before oh what talked about right now [Music] the glory became shame then you go now what did you do anytime they want to describe the man they say don't you know the man with the withered hand as a question his ability was gone [Music] you know i'm among the elders when they want to say somebody is destitute have there been a country they will say it has no hand to show any raw there's another way of saying his hand have been withdrawn our word but then the almighty god came in our lord will not marry that's a wallet and i thank god for the last testimony we heard our lord he took it i just went to console my secretary because he lost her mother oh lord tonight the almighty god himself will not be married the one i serve and not even sin the one who called me can you not talk with me anointed [Applause] jesus stepped into the temple yesterday tempi and the hand that had been with her what does it run it backhand was restored back in every area that your hand has been weakened wrong expect a surprise today oh you oh you can't consider the case of a man in mark chapter 8 [Music] [Music] they said they brought a blind man to jesus only one more for you jesus he led him out of the city and then he sparked on his eyes was it too tough silly of you and asked him about be larry after putting his hand on him he said can you say anything the man said that would be oh yes benny i see men like trees [Music] i didn't know that there is something called trees because he used to see surrendered and the problem came they should reward destiny and he couldn't see anymore but my lord touched him again and he could not see clearly let me start with those of you who have challenges with your [Music] in the eyes that's above every other name come here you will get brand new eyes again i'm referring to that last testimony this fellow have been blind for years and he deferred you more i don't hear i came to see that is you oh well actually that did you was not around that is yours the secretary says i am a secretary of state and then he took an handkerchief that we had blessed before our motion use it to turn the eyes i'll be called you now four days later seeing completely wrong you don't need the jio tonight you have his god he will touch you your water amen [Music] he will restore your sight amen but you know that sight also is associated with vision oh my god you obviously when we talk of vision the personality really wrong we are also talking about ambition and sorry by laidback things you hope to become always already join your job there was several of us who had seen ourselves great [Music] [Music] we feel that that's not going to it's not likely that's going to be oh my rebecca i prophesy to you tonight every greatness you dream about it already shall come to pass [Applause] [Music] when we dream of a new wave of glory [Music] we could talk about somebody who used to be rich but no and then became poor over the talaqah and then recovered what were possible like the example of job yeah that i sang about yesterday with me i apologize to those of you don't speak english i apologize to those of you who don't speak european i've been told that now maybe i should stop the aoe ah so that we will not be cheating those who cannot understand europe i should go for reform but we know that there is a covenant between me and my god i will praise him and the best way you can praise god is in your mother tongue no tonight is and you saw the you saw the choir singing in the book area was he acquired don't call me near the ego i didn't understand what they were saying but i was thrilled to my bones [Music] what i'm trying to say is this job was worthy before yo huh tragedy came again he lost everything may the bible say we pray in job chapter 42. job chapter 42. from verse 10 to 12. i said well question 10 to 12 yes okay well i'll see you guys the bible says god turned the captivity of you allah wrong and things became glorious again all of you who used to be rich but whenever and now you are struggling but yeah one time allah in the mighty name of jesus christ jesus christ you shall be wealthy again when we talk about a new wave of glory about sanity it builds it [Music] thank you father daddy says there's someone here that didn't need any come beneath you oh listen to me wherever you see me that your progress was steady lord asked me to tell you holy one in suffolk your progress will be faster than ever [Applause] before i mean we were already prophesying but that destroyed some things inside that didn't fear i won't call her and represent sociality that he says i should tell someone that they can suffer the one who set your marriage on fire and you know there are no boys shall be set on fire soon when we talk about a new wave of glory personality beyond god's own we can look at it from the mental aspect allah will only say and we a good example would be daniel chapter four acquire it and your word latino daniel from the beginning to the end that's it talks about the king also needs your background mighty king about like baron loki [Music] well then he didn't listen to advice and he became like an animal for several years and then one day god in his mercy restored his will all right and he himself said excellent glory was added onto me oh god it is for me i believe this is for students after tonight you will never fail another example but it is possible to go from one glory to another oh jesus nothing passing no mirror without even a break lies that wrong or if there are breaks it will there will be breaks that will just be brief that will lead you to something your family learning like joseph for example you know his story he was the favorite of his father yo babari was wearing the coat of many colors [Music] he was the envy of the brothers then he started dreaming oprah say well that created the problem because god showed him the future and he couldn't keep it to himself and so the brother sold him to slavery you know the story i might turn on when he became a slave about the word in the house of the of the slave owner lately a lower regret he became chief executive officer oh what do you got hello and then somebody lied against him and they go out paramount they threw him to prison my son said no trouble when he got to prison there no trouble he became the chief executive officer and then he moved from prison to the palace between prime minister over the packages and then one day your job comes his brothers came around the world and fell down before him i prophesied to someone so tell us you say you won't reach your goal i don't need to played by red they are coming to bow down so he just moved from one wave of glory to another and to another and throughout the latter days [Music] but the lord asked me only what do i be me to address two specific cases tonight so i want to go to those ones because like i said i'm sensing in my spirit oh what yes i mean that it might ask me to stop soon like bullying in their question so let me take those two quickly if you are lousy continue open fire how much is he wants me to talk to those who feel that destiny has not been kind to them i am all for you rebecca you know for example for aquarius in genesis chapter 48 from verse 8 to 20. that yes genesis 48. from verse 8 to 20. yes i can just see yourself [Music] thank you daddy the lord asked me to tell someone will you anything suffer when you come you will never again be referred to as an ex-champion [Applause] you will be a reigning champion [Applause] [Music] joseph brought his two sons to his father yourself manasseh and ephraim my name is afraid any place but nothing we are the right hand of the father we learned off him and i said see a word barbari and put a frame the second bone where the left hand we land yeah burrow a friend of your siblings what's your ballet because the father couldn't see very well tonight real man would you say bye-bye may the father cross his hands place the right hand on the head of the younger what's on the original and the left hand on the head of the elder sister joseph said daddy no no [Music] the father said i [Music] you know what i'm doing this one is just going to be greater than this one what is the offense of my nurses kenya she man not say never done anything wrong the lord asked me to talk about this particular case you're right because some of you must have been wondering have you ever let the mercy of your party [Music] in what ways are someone so better than that how come he said succeeding so well everyone shares i mean we all know that our our god is in the heavens he does replace him he says i will be merciful to whom i've been messed up and we have compassion on humor we have compulsions and you can challenge him and occasionally when you grumble obviously somebody will tell you and they can't suffer i don't know fingers are not supposed to be equal oh one more question yeah i know i know fingers crossed to be equal oh that it is the end that matters [Music] because if you read the book of revelation chapter 7 and you read it from verse 4 to 8. revelation 7 from verse 4 the bible was talking and about thousand people that were sealed [Music] and it took them troy from each tribe when you read that passage the first thing you will discover is that afraid was no longer there it befriended us the second thing you will discover forget it is that they mentioned the name of manasseh before they mention the name of jesus commander go to the buddha initially [Music] it looks as if god didn't favor manners other people will go to a woman not say better at the end he became greater than his father our topic i have good news for someone here tonight how come god has dealt like this with me he asked me to tell you specifically tonight your end will be better than your [Applause] [Music] beginnings and he asked me to tell you a little story on the inside okay you know i have not been telling stories tonight oh my gosh because it's a prophetic night so in the 1960s yeah was the 1960s before many of you were born catholic boy [Music] there was a group of us who are very very close [Music] and you know young boys our doctor we tease ourselves [Music] we look at the way we were performing our world who is most likely to succeed your you know what who is the least likely to be very successful there was one of us almost every year he will fail a paper remaining no he doesn't call me wrong so he will have to come back to do receipts finally he left with a degree the kind will call let my people go come back to dear goddess [Music] the just give me something let me know below so our friend left with let my people go all right confessing you'll make the law and people like me we went to do second degree then something happens you shall wash i had to go and do some work in the town where i was staying and i stayed with him and his mother died so i was my friend let you bury a ceremony i said i i have five pounds in my savings in lagos and that was true that was all i had with my phd [Music] he called me by my nickname with me i won't tell you so you don't begin to oh he said he reckon [Music] my problem is not money money it is how to spend it he walks in nobody shall rule you why kennedy god gave him an inspiration a lot from full name message by the time i was getting phd he was using the inspiration god gave him only visit he has built two giant buildings when i didn't i was struggling to pay my rent [Applause] the lord asked me to tell someone against when they come i will inspire you you know the bible says in job chapter 32. 32 versus bible says there is a spirit a man american burning alien and the inspiration of the almighty hate messiah to marry gives them understanding listen for new year an inspiration a mercy one day somebody is going to stand at this altar can you go down and first of all before telling of his story of her story he or she would say your will yeah beloved daddy i have a request i want permission over yonder that your budget for the next year congratulations [Music] i will pay [Applause] i said god gave me and his spirit [Music] then there's a second special case that god asked me to talk about all right thank you lord that he says i should tell someone how the naked software don't abandon that project it's shared to darwinian merchant party it's going to turn out bigger and better than you until think lord wants me to direct special attention to someone allah naked seneca who lost prominence because of his own or her own weakness and he wants me to discuss with you briefly about a fellow called esau oh back in by israel you know the story of jesus [Music] just for a plate of food for a world and i spoke about him yesterday so god is not tolerating not having control over your stomach [Music] the day was to be blessed oh just your favorite reform the mother plotted against him he had demons disease the father was careless and put the blessing on the younger fellows when he cried to the father don't you have a blessing left the blessing that the father pronounced on him was almost a curse you shall serve your brother god decided to show him mercy how long when what he feared on her phone and turn the tide for him i see he be by the phone so that by the time we got to genesis 32. from verse three to seven yes i see kj genesis 32 from jesus christ [Music] when the one who got the blessing was coming it was not too bad and he said to the one who got a mixture of blessing and curse and they told the man who got the blessing i was over now i took by ray your brother is coming are going to remember with a bodyguard of four hundred men when we were correct don't share your phone the brother trembled he worried actually i have talked about this before all right what's up by the way the first time a president came to the holy ghost uh congress here i reckon i was saying it forgot yes at that time there was no building it was just open-field he came with 250 bodyguards a bible and when you're lower don't judge your phone he saw her the bodyguard of four hundred yeah they said i would name and when showing the world when he met the brother the following day that's a bad and the brother gave him presents to see if he could use that to buy favor he said to the brother keep your own motivation i have enough money for specifically asked me to tell someone the fellow would know himself [Music] you messed up allah because of this convention history for god he has forgiven you amen [Music] and very soon i have more than enough well praise god at least i've i've covered those ones notification and he hasn't asked me to stop yet because ah glory be to god go only follow rome that gives me an opportunity to talk about a new wave of glory in be the spiritual it tonight hear me and the example i will use would be the example of peter parker you know he was a spokesman oh my god [Music] even when the lord said somebody said that you are all going to be offended so even if i have to die with you i'm ready [Music] restored him allah and then he began to go from glory to glory oh our brexit lord no god there no god [Music] he preached a summer three thousands were saved he preached the second term 5 000. another sermon multitude they started by healing by touching oh bearish even equipped there were leaning he went on and on he was you his shadow began to heal then representing one son he was raised raising the day there's a minister of god here tonight listen to me carefully my daddy asked me to tell you that dominic can suffer your ministry will go from glory to glory okay there's more to say but daddy says i should wind up adding when they asked me to tell somebody he said your true your marriage became troubled when the doctor said in particular you have zero sperm count encounters he asked me to tell you morning i made the heavens and the earth out of nothing leave me down oh one year your children are on the way thank you daddy i said daddy [Music] i want to say amen to this one [Music] i need to surprise you i'm saying mentally really he asked me to tell someone stop doubting me dear question may you see me i still do the impossible [Applause] amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] daddy says that that shall tell someone else when he come [Music] against all odds of all enemies against you you will excel i want your clothes there is one very interesting thing god asked me to share now oh god you know when we were young we look forward to christmas a mountain for jesus christ so we begin to count the days december 23 the eve of the eve of christmas day i saw his advertising the lord asked me to tell somebody tonight is the eve of the eve of your greatness [Applause] thank you jesus how do i become a partaker of a new wave of glory very very simple all right just one thing [Music] refuse to annoy god god let [Music] because he's the one who can move you from one spot to another one promotion comes from him i need beggar to your daughter what he lifts one up brings down another joseph was able to reach his goal joseph will let there be labor simply because the story requests in genesis chapter 39 from verse 1 to 9. when that agent of the devil anybody i showed you a shooting it's a common lie with me what permission joseph said yourself how can i do this thing and sin against my god how can i do this thing and offend god kill me shake call you can't say it shall see allah wrong you want to be a partaker of the new wave of glory to be make up your mind i will never offend god again my children know me those who are me i'm talking of my biological children oh my baby when it's time to ask for something special daddy has only one prayer i do not connected god don't let me offend you allah remember because i know once i don't offend him oh my goodness shall see the whole world can be against me they will be stepping stone to glory oh god i will receive your god man [Music] that if god is against you yeah [Music] [Music] that you will never offend god again say allah remar that when nobody is around to see what you are doing [Applause] remember ready god is watching allah is the creator of waves of glory yoga the fact the bible calls him father of glory the bible calls him the king of glory the bible calls him the god of glory [Music] glory belongs to him if it's your friend about your real ready you've got it made ah oh alrighty now already if you see your enemy you are done for peril you want to write down your prayer points because we've made an altar call tonight and i believe after that powerful message i don't think there can be anybody who's seen not born again what is then when others are praying you better go to the altar and surrender your life prayer point number one praise god in your love that you are able to participate in this year's convention praise god [Music] [Music] father baba [Music] please restore my withered hand your word or what me to remove simple father in any area of my life where my hands have been weeded restore my withered hands [Applause] [Music] [Music] please restore my sight your worm would you be possible restore my vision [Music] basically number four it carry father please baby joe let all my dreams be fulfilled [Music] number five a karen father please inspire me your family me see inspire me tonight lord for my name you see number six a kefir father let me have a share in the new wave of glory [Music] let me have a share yeah number seven ekg your own private prayer point i don't know allah ready to burn me to perfect home [Music] i know there is a lot of space around the altar left and right so if you want to come to the altar to pray to perfect worship you are welcome [Music] those of you who are there wanting to pray for salvation right to god he will save your soul he wants to one bed by the right but not come get all your correlation i'm going to give you only 15 minutes so you better make it intense cry to the almighty god this is a night like no other nights call on god now [Applause] [Music] um so a mighty name god will grant your requests [Applause] in every area that you have failed me you will not begin to succeed [Applause] it will restore your withered hands it will restore your sight [Applause] it will result your vision it will fulfill your dreams [Applause] you will fly over obstacles you will reach your goal [Applause] you will have a share of the new wave of glory [Applause] and you will never offend god again it shall be well with you in jesus mighty name we have prayed [Applause] amen amen praise the lord hallelujah well let's return to our seats
Channel: RCCG
Views: 23,483
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Keywords: rccg, rccg live, rccg video, rccg sermon, rccg holy ghost sermon, rccg 2018 holy ghost service, rccg june 2018 holy ghost service, rccg 2018 sermons, rccg holy ghost service sermons, pastor e a adeboye, pastor e a adeboye sermons, online sermons
Id: CmhL-NmEqG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 41sec (4361 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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