Pastor E.A Adeboye Sermon @ RCCG August 2018 HOLY GHOST SERVICE

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worship the King of Kings the Lord of lords the Ancient of Days praising this worthy to be praised is worthy to be magnified there's no one like him he reigns forever [Music] they all might occur in the ancient of days he never gets old he never gets tired he never sleeps in a body never sleeps in every never sleeps in a body never sleeps when he promises he will fulfill his promise o magnify the Lord with me let's praise his name together let's praise praise praise praise praise this body is worthy to be praised there's no one like him the Ancient of Days [Music] we give you glory love Thank You Father in Jesus mighty name where worship what a mighty God we say hallelujah [Music] one time a single we said a little Everland ass I don't even just bow before me won't a mighty good Ouiser what am I [Music] [Music] we are Sam [Music] ooh turn [Music] I'd lead [Music] Hey [Music] thank you Father the nurses I saw on here tonight he says this month I will wipe away your tears [Applause] that is there's someone here today the old day has come at last [Applause] oh thank you Father that he asked me to tell someone here tonight it doesn't matter what the enemy may try you will never hit the ground [Applause] [Music] for that we just want to say thank you thank you for past convention thank you for the mighty testimonies thank you for all you've done since this convention began thank you for Monday thank you for Tuesday thank you for Wednesday thank you for yesterday thank you for today thank you in advance for tomorrow glory be to your holy name tonight father glorify your name all we're asking is that to glorify your holy name in Jesus mighty name we have prayed somebody shout hallelujah shaken with one or two people I say welcome to Dominion welcome to Dominion and then you may please be seated as at 4 p.m. the number of babies born during this convention as risen to 81 [Applause] and the gas I've taken away [Applause] 39 boys 42 girls [Applause] let the girl shot praise the Lord and [Applause] let's the brother shout hallelujah don't worry we'll take over before tomorrow Bonnie I I don't want to announce the result of Sanitation tonight number one because this idea of joy and I don't want to embarrass anyone sakura zine is that the the one who came last completely scored 90% so let's let them go but tomorrow we will announce the details as well as declaring the cleanest [Music] before I forget those who are born in the month of August and on your feet I shout a great hallelujah [Applause] my father my god I call me to your children born in the month of August into your hands August is the month of new beginning and the life of all this your children father let there be a new beginning a new beginning of joy a new beginning of success a new beginning of progress a new beginning of anointing a new beginning of a closer walk with God let it be well with them let a new year be better than the previous ones and let them sub you to the end in Jesus mighty name we have prayed praise the Lord congratulations children of August [Music] next month by the grace of God this be especially good service for those who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb and those of us who need it will greater fruitfulness in our lives the theme for next month oligo service is silencing mochas so that's one Holy Ghost service you don't want to miss at all and if you have relatives some friends believe in God for fruitfulness where the fruit of the womb fruitfulness in the business of fruitfulness in any area of life [Music] make sure you invite them to nest illegal service two years ago some people came to the convention trusting God for fruitfulness at the time they came last year they were already pregnant the babies have not yet come [Music] and then there are those who came last year trusting God for the fruit of the womb and now they are here with their babies so whether you came with the pregnancy last year and now the babies have come you came last year and also the babies have come will you kindly bring the babies forward so that we can pray for them this of you are here you come forward here and those of you in the auditorium just move towards the altar second your baby's with you so we can thank the Almighty God bless this babies so you begin to bring the babies now I know there are many of them so begin to come as quickly as you can in the mid time who worship God with you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] fine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Tori we met [Music] [Music] [Music] I never see a like you know like I never see a like [Music] [Music] Oh excellent easy to eat [Music] [Music] my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] when Jesus a yes-no by 108 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my god I thought God apologies the power [Music] you are [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] hey man you can see what I am seeing here and you can see those are the auditorium on the screen now when when you consider all these homes where they used to whip every month and now there is joy why don't you join me in shouting allelujah to God God knows I love children my wife loves them even model myself and she wanted to have 12 just that we have to stop somewhere and those we couldn't have biologically God kept on adding please the Bible says you have to rejoice with those who rejoice who you have me stretch of answer watch these babies and pray for them pray that it will be well with them pray that they will become great pray that sickness and that which they were from them pray that the joy of the parents over them will last forever please pray for them so that your joy too will continue to overflow please pray for this children bless them wish them well so that they can be well with don't you and to pray for them pray for them in Jesus mighty name we have prayed Almighty God we just want to say thank you nobody can deny this miracle you are the only one look a baby berry and fruitful Oh father except Allah thank you in Jesus name now presenting children to you Lord Almighty bless them protect them keep sickness far from them keep that far from them let them become great evil from childhood let them have dominion let our joy by them last forever and let them serve you also and those who are trusting you for the fruit of the womb by this time next year let them be here dancing with your children in Jesus mighty name we have prayed happy are you shot Alleluia now as you danced back to your seats I know some of you made pledges to God and whatever it is you drop it to the baskets that the OSHA's will provide for you let's join them in dancing even as they dance back to their seats god is good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I will I thought you love but me [Music] [Music] [Music] my love [Music] [Music] [Music] if you know that your children will be greater than you Lamia you shot a big Alleluia [Applause] [Music] now before we go to the word of god this this night I have a special appeal if you look at the crowded old auditorium you time God that we have this new arena because the old arena has become the overflow and the new is full and that tells us something we need to hurry up on the issue of accommodation we need new dormitories now desperately because by discussion agrees over by this time next year we will be double so please we I want to appeal if you want to just happen a little way for us to build more dama trees I would really appreciate it so whatever you can do no matter how small no matter how big between now and the end of the year kindly contribute something and just indicate ice a new da meters and nothing is too small and wave is a hardened era and nothing is too big even if it's a hundred billion IRA who am I talking to now and please if you are sending a check write it in the name of the dim design Church of God right at the back Dmitry's if you write a check in my name that jerk who go for Pandaria so the Almighty God will prosper you mightily and one day when I talk about hundred billion you say it is me socially being assassinated now let's go very quickly to the Word of God tonight I will try to be very brief because tonight's you more spring like I told those of you I'd be here since the beginning of the convention this is not a convention for just mere talks it's a convention for action because Dominion is an active word it's a military war and so tonight we're going to pray when I was praying with the pastor's I taught that there be laying on of hands tonight when I when I came on I see the cow I believe you do Despres and the old mighty God we asks you tonight but tomorrow morning by 11 a.m. those who see won't lay on offense they should come passes will be ready to lay hands on you at the same time those who need cancer we just want to advise the elders will be here to attend to you when I sailed us I mean all categories of elders without Fisher of honorary they will be here to give you cancer now maybe dooms who want to be baptized in the Holy Spirit come tomorrow at 11:00 you'll be attended to in the mighty name of Jesus and then of course tomorrow night there's going to be Holy Communion and sealing for tomorrow night is the middle of Kings so make sure you around you and God will bless you now Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 to 28 Genesis 1:26 228 now will not be calling you to stand and pray as I continue I won't be I want to lay the foundation so that when you pray tonight you will be able to pray on this tower and on it are rafted until you have dominion Genesis 1:26 228 and God say by the way you will be you may want to know what is the theme for this year's convention the team is what I've just said and God said does it in for next year convention What did he say he said let there be light and there was light he sir concerning me say ye to the righteous shall be well with him he said let the sick be healed let the captors be set free he said a lot next year convention what is the theme say it loud and clear and since our next big program is in December as the Congress maybe I'm a traitor you deceive now the theme for this year's Congress is glory ahead glory ahead and also let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the culture and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him Leila female created he them and God bless them and concern on to them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth God created you to have dominion and so if you desire Dominion you are desiring something that is the will of God and the Bible says if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and he will grant our request so let me hear somebody now lift off his or her voice loud and clear and say to God father give me dominion [Applause] I know you tried but we are many here and God says as you have spoken my ears so we light one to you let him hear you say father give me domine you see when you read Genesis 27 from verse 30 to 40 Genesis 27 from verse 30 to 40 you discover something very interesting there Isaac wanted to bless Esau but Jacob gave me by trick got the blessing soon as I see finished blessing Jacob is okay me and if I discovered I have blessed the wrong fellow I say my son the blessing is gone a chemical you have to do something he said of bless your brother and he will be blessed he saw say here today Papa you have to bless me too I mean I stopped at this agency in the mighty name of Jesus all of you will call me daddy you shall be blessed [Applause] the father said I've already made him your Lord I said I did you have to do something fantasy all right I will give you an advice for pseudo mania because when you have dominion you will break his yoke from off your neck for soo what [Music] what does that tell you decide that you have Romania corny oh you are on the uke [Music] there's no bit away you either head or tail you either above or beneath you either have Dominion or yonder you aside of the truth you have to teach one tonight which one do you want you better say to us every minute [Music] [Applause] I'm going to explain briefly what we mean by Romania physically speaking I was plane briefly what we mean by Dominion financially I was plane briefly what we mean by Dominion spiritually I will leave the others because of time it is good to be healed when you read much chapter 1 verse 42 45 Mach 1 42 45 when a leper was cleansed II couldn't replace mouth short they told everybody in the city it is only those who have BC who know the value of be healed [Music] particularly when the sickness is one DC cannot be killed when I pray for everyone here tonight doesn't matter what the doctor said you will be healed strong but it is better to be healthy not to be sick at all and then it is better still to be the one here Linda seek a Mac 16 from the 70 to 80 max accessibility Jesus ad signs shall follow them that believe in my name then went down to say they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover and I pray for every one of you from today over not only will you be healthy when you lay hands on the sick they will recover but when your shadow begins to heal the sick then you have dominion physically in Acts chapter 5 verse 14 to 16 ox5 14 to 16 the shadow of Peter was healing the sick and God can use you at that level he's done it before some of you have seen it in action some of you were there in our very first auditorium when God said to me that there were some people with terrible back problems that for a long time they have not been able to touch their tools and he asked me to call them out that he wanted to heal them I call them out I taught you ask me to lay hands on them or slap their back or add them to lie down put my foot on their part know is a dance around them I danced I look stupid dancing five minutes later they asked them to tell the truth and they were all here every one of them I decree in the name that's above every other name from now on anyone you touch by accident we receive a healing in Jesus my minion financially it is good to be rich don't let anybody deceive you poverty is not good profit is a destroyer as what the Bible says the destruction of the poise the poverty all of you my children in the mighty name of Jesus Christ none of you would die for [Applause] [Music] if anybody turns poetry is good ask him how do you feel when the landlord asked you to get out because you couldn't pay your range I pray for every one of you my children you were not diaster nuts [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's good to be rich rahamallah father was rich Genesis 24 from verse 34 to 35 Genesis 24 35 34 to 35 that servant said and Abraham's servant and God bless my master greatly is the father of faith [Music] god bless Abraham greatly it misses not a terrible thing to be blessed the one who bless Abraham we bless you greatly but it is better to be wealthy [Music] Isaac was richer a much richer than his father Genesis 26 from verse 12 to 14 Genesis 26 - after 14 the Bible say Isaac became so rich a whole nation and feed him [Music] no a time is called me for someone here where you will be so wealthy people will be saved I usually once I've been gone [Applause] but it is better than better than be worthy to prosper so no mattress pad it was able to offer to God a thousand cows as an offering Methodist of them you begin to have no minion financially when you flourish in 2nd chapter 7 second chronicles chapter 7 verse 5 2nd chronicles 7 verse 5 the same ceremony to offer 20 mm I've seen and it wasn't even satisfied with that design let me ask a couple of thousand of sheep a [Music] hundred and twenty thousand sheep I don't want to tell you how many cows are being slaughtered during this convention to feed the people but I can say one thing as my God leaves one of you even next year we prefer your convention [Applause] when to whistle you have to mean financially when you can do whatever you want to do without looking to anybody for help I chose a true of my voices a furnace story not too long ago an auntie of mine lost her mother and because she was very well known the king of the kingdom where she was Santa gifts to her she looked at the demons I didn't beg this king so she said okay I know what I would do this is a 1968 so I may not remember the details correctly [Music] sushi to severums several egos seven copies I can remember many chicken a hundred to pass of yam several big cakes of palm oil bags of salt send it back to the king and to the servants when you get to the king greeting and say O king live forever your daughter said we should give you back to your envelope and give you this eat and tell you with all humility I can bury my mother see that level where you reach anything anything at all you want to do you don't need anybody's help that's where you have financial dominion and I pray to the Almighty God for someone here tonight anytime you want to build a church for God we just recover in the morning and tell the contractor will build a church there next time you're coming to the convention you go to any motor company and ask them a MARSOC a boss cost why I need six to carry children to the convention [Music] if right when I'm talking to stand on your feet I shout amen oh thank you Father now I want to talk to you now about spiritual minion The Lofts idea someone here tonight inside the pain you feel it's as if somebody's crushing your bowl [Music] as we to tell you that pain is gone forever [Applause] he also said that someone here they said the one who is trying to chop you in your sleep has already been dealt with [Applause] spiritual dominium thank you Father [Music] Lhasa there someone here tonight they said the embargo that the enemy plays on your family has been removed [Applause] now I want to say mental this wonderful because the law said I saw one here tonight they said before the end of this year I will open a door for you that will be so big that you will not need the help of man again [Applause] now we'll talk about spiritual Dominion it is good to be delivered if we was a magma of gather how good it is to be delivered he will tell you much but it is better never to have him a bondage if Emma had been mad before ever if is completely aware now with a little bit of suspicion the chair isn't even better than never been in bondage to demons and that is when God begins to use you to set captives free when you speak and Emmas jump out that you have spiritual dominion when you get to the level that your unconscious can cast out demons [Music] as in Acts chapter 19 versus 11 on track absolutely 11 and 12 [Music] from the body of Apostle Paul they brought and Keynesian approach to this see they were healed this is a departure from them and evil spirits went out of them I thank God for the testimonies we have heard about allergies we are noted here we worked our hands and the power of God went into the handkerchiefs some people didn't take them serious as a people don't even know where they are owner tango did you shall live by faith I'll be praying for your handkerchief to again to mind and the Almighty God would do greater things but what I want to really spend a little more time talking about before you go to pray thank you Father [Music] Allah say there's someone here tonight and I think I have a rough idea who the fellow might be but so somebody has true [Music] I said in your husband's family men don't live long he asked me to assure you your own sons we live long [Applause] what I was about to talk to you about comprehensive Dominion daddy says there's someone here tonight they said those who are trying to use you as a scapegoat we fall into their own trap [Applause] [Music] how I know sale and a night of Dominion Lord asked me to tell someone the one trying to contaminate your marriage we die prematurely [Applause] Dominion can be only select chief basis in other words who somebody who have Dominion in one area of life and not have it in another area second clean chapter 5 verse 1 second Prince 5 verse 1 naman heart demeanor in every area of life except physical money he was famous he was a general when he commenced in support but leprosy had him in bondage in support in Chapter four from verse 8 to 17 second canes for 8 to 17 the Shulamite woman had too many many areas of life but if she was barren she was rich she was influential she didn't need anybody to introduce him to anyone she was Peter the man who shadow was reminiscing hard Romanian spiritually but in actual fact Rick was one trait as we won't read he confessed the financial is routine Haddad Romanian is a civil gold a final and I've been there was general Vassar living on this come and because of two naira I won't be able to go to Liga's because two gates in Legos then you pay one Eric going one error coming no - neither and I used to tell my wife is because God knows that's going to be accident on the wood that's why we can't go there was not going to be any accident or the way we were chose Brooke I pray for you one more time everything you need to do whatever you want to do received a Dominion re Jesus man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now that the point is you can have comprehensive Dominion God has made provision I will have time I will allow them to show you the hymn we sang again [Music] that we have been given great Romania by the blood of Jesus over sea we have been given great Romania over sickness or disease publish' have been made by plant by the stripes of Jesus we have been different great dominion over Satan and all these yolks we have been given great roman over everything I have a friend who had comprehensive dominion [Music] this name was Elijah spiritually they had Romanian just one word from him will put an end to causes death morenas according to second chapter 2 verse 19 to 22 second construe 19 to 22 in spooky world and say I hear the what of this city no more death no more Bahrainis and the Bible says and the waters were according to the world that is book I want to speak a word to someone here today every cousin your families can suit [Applause] [Music] a hard dominium financial encircling chopped off or was it second transformers it the Reedy great woman of unum invited them to formally team is in a house II told her I don't need your food it's not like a some of evangelist I know who would look for places where they can go in and begin to eat other people's food this man of God say I'm not hungry tango this phenomena with myself I know that but you are not going anywhere until you come to my house to eat [Music] never came to him as a thank you for healing me of leprosy I have brought a lot of money with me come on take some money I want to pray for my pastors every one of you you will not only have to be neon spiritually you will have to be know financially also an unproduced of you are not possible yet and the mighty name of Jesus you are to me know spiritually and you have to me know financially he had to me on physically [Music] if you reach a concrete chapter 30 from verse 21 to 28 from sorry from verse 40 second Kings chapter 30 from verse 14 to 21 Elijah was sick only once at the age of a hundred and twenty if you are 120 you have tried he wanted to go home under the sin sickness took it wasn't that he has lost Dominion spiritually because even after he died is born still raise the dead I don't know who has enough faith to receive this one but I'm praying for someone tonight - you see Jesus in glory you will never be sick again [Applause] you can have comprehensive Dominion and that's what I want you to pray for tonight and all it takes all it will take you is to surrender completely to the wire who controls to minion James chapter four by seven James Ferguson says if you submit yourself to God you will resist the devil and he will flee from you many watch if you have God behind you you have to be no evil of the devil [Music] I've told just one story and we'll go and pray a king not too far from here [Music] became a Christian so then that is life through Jesus completely so you called the people in this town I said no more worship providers it one either was very popular in the town this masquerade will come out so come visit no more no more masquerades the priests of the mass will have that him we have been doing this thing before your father was born stop us if you can you said no problem we know whether you are the one who had to mean you in this town I am the one three days before the masquerade was to come up the high priest died so they postponed the day of the masquerade command an appointed a male high priest few days before the new date was to come [Music] the new high priest died so the other procedure the one who was next in command you get ready we install you and we must have our celebration not me they say what they said the god of kpac will kill me [Music] everyone stand in the way of your Dominion the God Almighty the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the Lord of hosts they lost strong and mighty the Lord mighty in battle we swallowed em all [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna give you some minutes to pray if you like pray gently it's up to you it is a night of Dominion oh thank you Father diversity is over here tonight and that must be me they say you need just one more brick true so that your joy may be food they say you will get it tonight [Applause] [Music] I'm going to give you an opportunity to pray maybe for about 20 minutes or so I want you to go before God and tell him I'm tired of suffering I want Dominion I want Dominion physical I want to be non-financial I want to mean your spiritual I want to Binion in my marriage I want to be knowing every sphere of my life if you want to come to the altar you are welcome if you want to kneel down you can LLL die if you want to see it you can see if you want to stand you can stand cry to the Almighty God and say father I want to minyan I want to be known and I wanted tonight I want to menial tonight no more yokes I don't want to suffer anymore I want to have dominion in every area of my life [Music] physically financially spiritually maritally fighting god I want to have dominion I want to have dominion I want to have dominion daddy give me Tommy no daddy [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] let us begin to bring our prayers to a close in Jesus mighty name we have prayed [Music] they Almighty God the supreme one we give you Dominion [Applause] over the flesh oh my name is nononono [Applause] Nava poverty over demons OVA failure my defeat robots with less air forms Oh Vittorio over fear God we give your domain name [Applause] and the Dominion will begin now [Applause] every month I'm blocking away [Music] shall be moved into DC [Applause] before the Sun rises tomorrow you will sing a new song God will turn your enemies to your footstool [Applause] he shall be so in Jesus mighty name we have prayed [Applause] amen praise the Lord ice to bar to assist now congratulations
Channel: RCCG Grace Assembly Dubai TV
Views: 54,481
Rating: 4.4012475 out of 5
Keywords: rccg, rccg church, rccg sermon, rccg 2018 holy ghost convention, rccg august 2018 holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost convention, 2018 rccg holy ghost convention, rccg convention 2018, 2018 rccg convention, rccg 2018 convention sermon, rccg 2018 holy ghost service, pastor e a adeboye, pastor e a adeboye sermon, pastor e a adeboye new sermon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 10sec (7210 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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