Pastor E.A Adeboye Sermon @RCCG September 2021 THANKSGIVING SERVICE

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let's give him adoration let's bless the king of kings the lord of lords the ancient of days let us praise him praise him magnify his holy name he's worthy to be praised his body to be adored he's worthy to be magnified worship him let him hear your voice let him hear you say lord i love you i appreciate you there's no one like you ancient of days be glorified be forever forever father we bless you we adore you we magnify your holiness thank you father oh thank you lord thank you for your goodness thank you for your mercy thank you for your faithfulness thank you for keeping me alive thank you my for my health for my strength for joy in the holy spirit thank you my supporter my savior my redeemer my healer my provider my all in all thank you for your mercy it is of your mercy lord that i am not consumed thank you for your mercy thank you because you renew the mercy day by day great is thy faithfulness oh lord grace is my faithfulness great is my faithfulness lord i bless your name i bless your name i bless your name thank you father [Music] in jesus mighty name we have worshipped i believe that the prayer today is for every one of us not just for businessmen and bankers and men and women of industry but for every one of us let's cry unto god i say from now on father everything i touch let me prosper go ahead let's talk to the almighty god everything everything i touch let me prosper that you prosper almighty lord don't let me ever have any fruitless effort again in my life everything i touch let it prosper let it prosper almighty let it prosper abundantly abundantly put our name to fruitless efforts in my life don't let me live up for nothing from now on everything little let you prosper abundantly thank you father in jesus mighty name we are afraid blessed be your name blessed be your name blessed be your name oh [Music] is hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] is your name jesus [Applause] jesus [Music] [Music] our father now god will bless your name king of kings lord of lords there i am that i am our savior our healer our provider our deliverer our all in all glory be to your holy name thank you for january thank you for february thank you for much thank you for april thank you for me thank you for june thank you for july thank you for all of us lord thank you for september glory be to your holy name [Applause] father i'm committing every one of us into your hands beginning from now everything we touch let it prosper [Applause] let it prosper abundantly please lord from now on any form of barrenness physical material spiritual and otherwise don't let it be mentioned in your church as for your children who have been faithful in the payment of their ties and in the giving of their offerings this month embarrass them with your blessings [Applause] father you have brought us to the last three months of the year four months of the year and i'm asking that the grace that brought us fire will take us to the end of the year please lord bless your children heal the sick set the captives free answer our prayers by fire and let it be well with all of us in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen unless someone shout hallelujah then you wave to two or three people and tell them you will prosper abundantly and then you may please be seated this morning i've been asked to speak to you on the topic flood of abundance flood for abundance psalm 68 verse 19 psalm 68 verse 19 blessed be the lord who deadly loaded us with benefits even the god of our salvation the first time i read that passage i thought maybe i wasn't seeing correctly blessed be the lord who daily lord our god is a god of abundance and i decree in the name that's above every other name you will never lack again you know god is also called the king of glory don't let anybody deceive you there's nothing glorious in scarcity it's nothing glorious in poverty there's nothing glorious in lack there's nothing glorious in begging before you can eat there's nothing glorious in wearing rags let's let's face the truth let's face the truth it is difficult to shout hallelujah if you don't know where the rent is going to come forth at the end of the month something glorious in having your low strong couch on the streets somebody once said several years ago i think around 1975. he said the cast in lagos are too many and one fellow i started myself you haven't seen anything yes because i'm here to buy my own you will not end a tenant [Applause] let me be bold to say that before the end of this year miraculously god will provide your own house [Applause] somebody said if everybody were to become a landlord then who will be tenants well if you want to be a 10 and be a tenant i'm not going to die attendant in genesis 17 verse 1 genesis 17 verse 1 when god was introducing himself for the very first time time to abraham he said i am jehovah el shaddai and the bible scholars tell us el shaddai means your mother's breast you know the implication of that in a woman's blessing mommy's breast there is enough milk even if there are four children to be fed it is the children who say enough the milk never runs dry that's god after god has prospered everybody he will prosper you too [Applause] they can't it can't be your turn and god will say no more milk the meat in the breath of mama is there until the child says i don't want any more [Music] i ask any woman who has ever lost a child auntie she willingly says i'm not giving you milk anymore you are old enough now to be eating without me that's when the milk will stop otherwise it will keep on flowing the blessing of god will flow into your life forever [Applause] our god is a god of abundance in second kings chapter four from verse one to seven second kings fought from verse one to seven there was a widow who was terribly dead so badly that the creditors wanted to serve her children she came to god all she wanted was that they didn't be paid read the story by the time god finished with her she paid the debt and never had to borrow again now god is always more than enough i decree in the name of the one who called me you won't borrow again [Applause] in john chapter 6 from verse 5 to 13 john 6 5-13 the bible tells us that there was a crowd to be fed and there was a young boy who had five loaves and two fish the launch of a boy you all know how small it must be the lord took the small [Music] meal fed everybody and the bible said there were 12 baskets extra left over a prayer i normally pray for those who are in my household after every convention after every congress i'm going to pray for every one of you today the 12th extra basket of blessing may god send you to your house [Applause] so the issue in this topic this morning is not the issue of abundance our god is a god of abundance and he's always willing and when he wants to bless he does it by loads that's why the yorubas where my tribe calls him hollow to marry or do means a big part when god wants to do good he uses big box to dish it out what shook me a little bit about this topic is the word flood because you know what flood means it means overflowing water flood of abundance abundance is already serious now to talk about flood of abundance i said look maybe they are trying to ask me to take a closer look at my god and suddenly i saw that what they are talking about is extraordinary abundance abundance that is beyond ordinary and you know when you go through the scriptures you will find that and that is true of god because he talks in first peter chapter one verse eight first peter 1 verse 8 he talks of joy unspeakable joy so much it's even difficult to speak about it in philippians chapter 4 verse 7 philippians 4 7 he talks about peace that passes all understanding be so big there's no way you can understand it in acts chapter 9 from verse 11 to 12 acts 9 sorry acts 19 from verse 11 to 12 he talks about god performing special miracles by the hand of paul a miracle is already special intervention of god in the affairs of man now he's talking about special miracles that means special special divine intervention in mathematics we will call that word miracle squared in acts chapter 5 proverbs 14 to 16 acts 5 14 to 16 if the almighty god has spoken about miracles being performed by the disciples but then he went on to talk about a man called peter anointing in the shadow his anointing was so heavy that his shadow was healing the sick when you talk about flood of abundance if you want to talk about it materially you read first king chapter 10 verse 27 first king chapter 10 verse 27 he talks about king solomon having so much money that silva was regarded as stones as a matter of fact during the reign of solomon he said he doesn't want to see silver in the palace put it in the backyard anything less than gold he said i don't want to see you know i made a prophet prophecy several years ago i was prophesying to some of my children then i said the time is coming when your those who are working for you when they bring the your income for the day you will tell them anything that is a thousand naira bring to my account anything less than a thousand you know 500 to 100 you go and share [Applause] i know some people thought i was joking then i prophesied then i said the time is coming when you take your money the cash that you got to the bank the bank will close for three days they will tell the other customers go to another bank we are busy they will be counting your money [Applause] i know you will say that is that that is ridiculous well many of my prophecies have been ridiculous but they have come to pass i mean i remember very well when i became general overseer in 1981 there was this young tailor a very very good tailor he came to me and said daddy i don't have money you buy the cloth and i will sow your suits i can sew very well but you must buy the material i said that's what he said yes i said okay a day is coming my son when you take your money to the bank the manager will call you and say what do you say you are doing you say you a tailor where to get this kind of money he said amen you know it's easier for those of us who are poor to believe god for big things i say to somebody here today god will prosper you [Applause] [Music] see those russians shouted muslims the big orgasm won't bother they say we already have enough those of us who don't have much we will surprise them those of you who have much you will have much more [Applause] flawed of abundance abundance extraordinary and i i've given you instances in the past there are some of us who think we are rich we don't even know the meaning of rich until you hear about those who are truly rich i told you the story of a man who went for a walk just went to jog in the morning with some of his bodyguards and then he saw a factory out on the outskirts of the town and as every factory is you know dirty and so on and so forth what factory is that and they said that's where they made royce royce he said what that's why they make the car right yes and it's that here that it's a nice branch what are you going to do the goddess i want to see the owner of this place so they brought him they said i want to buy the place the ones the mother do i look like somebody who wants to say i said i will make you an offer you can refuse tell me what is likely to be your profit for the next 10 years i did to the price of the place and i would he went on a scroll on a walk and bought a factory now that's what we call reach okay i told you there's something i was reading in the newspapers something was it on the internet i'll find emir don't let me mention the name of the place who has 500 royce royce each one custom built i'm sure if you have only one you won't let us walk in the street this embiia his wife went to paros haros is the best is the biggest market in the world people like me will go there to side sea the only thing we buy there is tea she went there shopped for three days after three days he called one of the followers move this thing home go and get a plane to move the train so she because he what she bought was many the fellow said okay i will go and get a cargo plane said you want to move my goods in a dirty cargo plane go and buy a 747 remove the seats brand new remove the seat and move the tray home they moved it it filled a 747 put it in a store at home and she didn't open any of them for three years i'm telling you a day is coming when god would have so prospered you you say this is a flood [Applause] [Music] but now my children if you really believe that this thing i'm talking about it's not a joke if you believe that it's going to come to pass then you need to know that a flood can create a problem when you read luke chapter five from verse one to seven luke five from verse one to seven peter caught so much fish it filled two boats the turbos were sinking a flood of abundance can sink boats deuteronomy chapter 8 from verse 11 to 18 deuteronomy 8 verse 11 to 18 god gave a warning when you are living in a house you have not built when you have eaten and you are full don't forget god why would god give such a warning because he knows that abundance flood of abundance can cause a man to forget god first king chapter 11 from verse one to four first king chapter 11 from verse one to four says the story of solomon the man who was treating silver and stones what happened the dark man really really had a flood of abundance he married several hundred wives i think i may have always wondered how was he able to cope and as if that was not enough he got 300 concubines to join it burning it doesn't mean there is there was money but what is the result his heart turned away from god a flood can be dangerous i will take just one more story and then you will pray i hope you will think twice before you pray rewind for us and we were all pretty poor in those days and you know the way they are you know the american preachers behave he was preaching going up i was preaching that all of a sudden he came down from the altar went straight to one young man before the lord said the lord will worship me if you will worship me i will make you a millionaire ah ah and in those days when you admit those days when you are millionaires nigerian military strong nine i was strong there was a time i was we wanted to say god send him to me too at the time he was speaking this man his wife and five children were living in a room and parallel emotions within six months he was a millionaire i mean bought a new car for himself a new car for the for the wife and member they were no longer living emotion but then all of a sudden i didn't see him see him in church and i asked what happened they say he's sick what's the problem young man so i sent to pray for him he recovered and i said he should bring you how can you have heart attack you're a young fellow although i would not be seeing you in church he said well they gave him the culture it was just this when they were building abuja they gave him a contract a be contract in abuja and in the contract they said when he got to a certain level they will pay him something a million naira i'm talking of the days when era was strong the kind of money that if you got it at that time for the rest of your life you are set two weeks before he got to that point on the contract they canceled the contract and that's what led to the heart attack i said well i said i said god is merely trying to get your attention i was there when god said if you will worship me you didn't hear that all you heard was i will make you a millionaire you are a millionaire now small one because the one that you have just lost would have been a flood and we don't see you in church but he said it's not my fault you know this sunday i have a meeting with my partner in switzerland the sunday before i have a meeting with another partner in london and i say hey why is it sunday at the time when you say you know that's when they are mostly relaxed i say i see [Music] repent my son i said you see that contract they will give it to any other fellow my god will keep it for you if you will repent and return to your lord you never return you know they ask they say why daddy why are you always telling stories i'm talking from experience experience is the best teacher we've seen the poor who became very very rich got to the top forgot god and when we read for survey chapter two verses seven and eight from summary to seven and eight usually we quote verse eight and you can take off a beggar from the dung hill and cause him to sit with kings read verse seven he brings up and he can bring law that is why jesus christ said seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and every other thing will be added i think they say half reward is enough for the wise you want god to prosper you you want a form of abundance the first thing first is that you will make up your mind lord i will serve you to the best of my ability all the days of my life god is even more eager to prosper you than you are eager to be prospered because he's looking for treasurers he's looking for channels through which you can bring in a thought of a flood of abundance so if you are here and you are listening to me now you have not yet surrendered your life to jesus christ come and do so now fasting first seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all other things will be added he himself is more than able his name is jehovah's shadow the god is more than enough so if you want to give your life to jesus christ before the rest of us will pray we'll give you two minutes to come i will come from one to seven so if you want to come come very quickly say i come to surrender my life to you too to almighty god you take over my life and i will serve you for the rest of my life i'm counting now one [Applause] two the choice is yours [Applause] three [Applause] fall [Applause] five [Applause] [Applause] up [Applause] [Applause] six [Applause] okay thank you those of you who are already in front and those of you are on the way cry to jesus christ please save my soul i will serve you o lord i want you to be my lord i want you to be my savior and i will serve you i'm surrendering my life to you whatever may become in the future it will be yours and your saloon hurry up those of you are still on the way and the rest of us stretch our hands towards this our new brothers and sisters and intercede for them that the one who saved our souls will save their own souls also intercede for them brethren pray that god will save their souls that they will have mercy on them pray for them thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you father in jesus mighty name we have prayed my father my god i want to thank you for your word i want to thank you for all those who have come forward to surrender their lives to you father please receive them save their souls let your blood wash away their sins please write their names in the book of life receive them into the family of god and please lord whenever they cry unto you answer them by fire and don't let them ever go back into the world but i'm committing everybody listening to me today into your hands when the flood came it was to find out which house is built on the rock and which one is built on sand we have made up our minds lord that we are going to serve you our foundation is secure please lord god almighty as your children will cry out to you today for flood of abundance grant their request and please uphold them to the end in jesus mighty name we have prayed [Applause] amen well let someone shout hallelujah i want to rejoice reduce your fruit of comfort today i want to assure you by the grace of god from now on i'll be praying for you i'm going to need your names your address and your prayer requests and i promise you i'll be praying for you so you will turn and see the counselor behind you because of you are here follow the counselor they will collect information i need and then bring you back very quickly god bless you you can begin today [Applause] thank you [Applause] i want us to stand on our feet and shout a big hallelujah [Applause] be careful before you pray this prayer you're about to pray make sure you mean it a few minutes you will say father i am ready send the flood of abundance [Applause] go ahead talk to the almighty god i'm ready lord my foundation is solidly in you lord i am ready send the flood of abundance to me [Applause] you
Channel: RCCG Grace Assembly Dubai TV
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Keywords: rccg, rccg live, live stream, rccg video, rccglive, rccg sermon, rccg latest, september 2021 rccg holy ghost service, rccg september 2021 holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost service sermons, pastor e a adeboye, pastor adeboye sermon, pastor e.a adeboye 2021, rccg message, rccg special service, pastor e a adeboye service, pastor e a adeboye message, god bless you, rccg september 2021 sermon, rccg live youtube, holy communion service, rccg live tv, @rccg, congress
Id: o1_KsOMYLqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 7sec (2587 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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