Pastor E.A Adeboye Sermon @RCCG October 2021 DIVINE ENCOUNTER

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we bless you lord we bless you lord we bless you lord yes we bless you lord you are lord [Music] we bless you we bless you lord we bless you lord yes we bless you lord you are lord oh we bless you lord we bless yes we bless you ancient of this we bless you king of kings we love you the unchangeable changer will bow before you the owner of earth and the fullness thereof will worship you please accept our worship in jesus name today beyond our expectations bless us oh lord visit us oh lord do marvelous things in our lives oh lord at the end of it all let your name be glorified in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen unless someone shout hallelujah well prophesied to one or two people and said exceedingly god will bless you and then you may please be seated exodus chapter 26 from verse 16 to 17 [Music] exodus 26 from verse 16 to 17. and abimelech said unto isaac go from us for thou art much mightier than we and isaac departed dance and peachy stand in the valley of gera and dwelt there go from us for thou art much mightier than we [Applause] a king came to a man the king of a nation ancestor you came here as a sojourner as a stranger now you are mightier than our nation please go it is coming when somebody listening to me now will be greater than a nation you know our team this month is exceeding expectations many of us can have enough faith to believe that we could be the richest man in our nation that very few people can believe that they can be so rich that they be greater than a nation and whether the devil likes it or not there is at least one fellow here today you will be lending to nations the bible is full of several people who were wealthy prosperous it's only in the case of isaac that refined a man that a whole nation begged him relocate because you are much mightier not just mightier much mightier than we so i want us to spend few minutes this morning to learn some things from this fellow called isaac so that we can become like he became the first thing we learned from him is the power of obedience in genesis chapter 26 from verse one through six genesis 26 from verse one to six the almighty god told him there is famine in the land [Applause] but don't move stay here and instead he obeyed i said chapter 1 verse 19 i said chapter 1 verse 19 says if you are willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land in second king chapter four from verse one to seven second kings chapter four from verse one to seven we saw a widow who was destitute the creditors were coming to sell her sons she ran to god god gave her instructions instructions that sounded foolish [Music] she had only a bottle of oil [Applause] where god said go borrow empty vessels borrow not a few shut the door on yourself begin to pour the oil into the empty vessels when one is full set it aside pick a second how can a bottle of water began to feed several empty vessels [Music] that she obeyed there is power in obedience mighty power in complete obedience number two we learn from him the power of the law of harvest genesis 26 from verse 12 to 14 genesis 26 from verse 12 to 14 says he sold in the land in the time of famine he ripped that year a hundred food and he kept on sewing kept on sewing i kept on sowing [Applause] the love forever says simply whatever you show you reap galatians 6 7 galatians 6 verse 7. i was in one of our churches abroad several years ago they had an extremely beautiful choir they sang very well when it was time of offering i noticed that nobody gave choristers and i said to them i'm your dad and i'm also your coach you saw singing you will sing in heaven but until you show money you aren't going to get any i remember one of my friends now blessed memory when it is time to give he will tell you if you don't have anything to give borrow because if you show nothing you will receive nothing 104 returns means you pull down zero you will get zero times hundred and zero times hundred is what we learned from him from isaac that this boy was well taught well talked genesis chapter 18 from verse 17 to 19 genesis 18 from verse 17 to 19. god said i know abraham he will teach his children he will teach his children he taught isaac [Applause] and isaac accepted the teaching he learnt well [Music] there's nobody among you none at all in the redemption of your god who could say it has not been well taught i don't teach you theories i teach you the bible [Applause] [Music] point by point step by step every point i make i support you with the bible you are well taught that there is one thing to be well taught there is another thing to accept the teaching and apply it i taught you point blank that the summary of the teaching of jesus christ is that nothing goes for nothing [Music] give and you shall be given i told you that if there is anything at all that is free it is because somebody paid for it for you salvation is free because jesus paid for it healing is free because he paid for it and then he turned to you and said you to give and you shall be given he learns several good lessons from his father he learned from his father for example that you don't appear god before god empty-handed you don't do it exodus chapter 23 verse 15 exodus 23 verse 15 says you don't come before god empty handed he knew that how do i know he learned it genesis 22 verse 6 to 8 genesis 22 6 to 8 when his father took him and was going to make a sacrifice to god and he to talk to his father he said sir i can see the wood i can see the fire i can see the knife where is the lamp [Applause] for the sacrifice atlantis from his father and he thought papa has forgotten something so he was trying to remind him don't come before god empty-handed isaac learnt it and learnt it very well he learned from his father that you must pay your tithe how do i know his father was the first person in the world ever to play tight [Applause] genesis chapter 14 verse 18 to 20 genesis 14 from verse 18 to 20. he gave ty he told all that's his father the father taught him and the son learned the lesson [Music] so when some people tell you that tithing is lord the lord did not come unto moses abraham had been paying tight long before moses was born isaac learned from his father and malachi chapter 3 verse 10 malachi chapter 3 verse 10 is one of the passages that says that you can get you can exceed expectations because you bring the tides to my house i will open you a window for you a blessing there won't be enough room to wait to contain as exceeding expectation [Music] he learned from his father [Applause] the power of the first fruit sacrifice genesis chapter 22 from verse 1 to 18 genesis 22 from verse 1 to 18 he was there when god asked that his father should sacrifice your son your only son isaac whom you love and he was the sacrifice and he knew what god said after that sacrifice was made available god said to the father who made the faithful sacrifices i swear i will bless you and then turn to the sacrifice himself i say multiplier we multiply you isaac land he land [Music] he learned the power of total surrender [Applause] because of course like i've told you again and again if he had not surrendered himself there's no way the father could have bound him no way he would have had to run man who was about 120 years or so old bet is surrendered and he came out of the surrendered being promised by jehovah el-shaddai that he will be multiplied he learned from his father that you must put god above all other things because his father in planning to being willing to make him a sacrifice got a statement from god god said now i know that you fear me now i know you put me first above your only son isaac that's why i swear [Applause] and blessing i will bless you [Music] you want to exceed expectations in life learn [Music] from those who have exceeded expectations i'll tell you just one story you've had it before i'm just going to remind you or maybe if god wants me to tell you too i will i told you when i was a worker in the church years ago my father in the lord called a meeting at the workers and said that we we need money urgently the following week and say every one of us should go and close our accounts and bring the money to the church not that's not a natural request but he says so is my father in the lord we go to my by monday my wife and i we went and closed our savings account there wasn't much there and then we closed the thing down brought the money to papa the following sunday papa said that the workers meeting ah praise god our needs have been met [Music] then he has a question all of a sudden he said how many of you close your account like i said [Applause] i raised my hand my wife raised her hand i looked to the right to look to the left nobody else was raising he saw a hand ah and immediately i began to say it looks as if as if i'm adding madness to this my religion then god spoke to me loud and clear he spoke to me son you are not mad it is only set up i've allowed this to happen so that when i take you to where i'm going to take you to nobody will be able to query me learn learn from those who have gone before i say i will tell you a second story some of you have had it before when i became general vasya our church was very rich then if you know the many of rich so rich that i had to sell my car i may not believe it and for quite a while i was traveling by boss and then i collected my gratuity have worked for the government for 27 years they put everything together they paid me my graduation it was a lot of money then i was happy now at least i have money to live on for a while while the church is growing and there are a lot of people that i just felt hey i'm under a new management i'm not working for any university or anybody i'm working for god now let me ask my employer what does he want me to do with the money i thought he would say son pay your tithe to give an offering enjoy the rest he said son divide it into three he said he said i am glad you asked divide the money into three give one talk to this ministry i said yes lord [Applause] he said give the second one her to this ministry my yes lord went down was seriously praying hoping he would let me keep remaining wanted that he said give the remaining one talk to such a such a ministry it was difficult to say yes lord but he made a promise [Music] he said i will be your source i will be your source so if you see all that god is doing for me and you are jealous you are wasting your time because you haven't seen anything yet [Applause] stand on your feet if you haven't surrendered your life to jesus christ you are just wasting your time expecting miracles miracles are for children of god not for just anybody so if you want to surrender your life to jesus you better come now the arrest of us let's cry to the almighty god and say father [Applause] the grace to exceed all expectations in serving you give to me this morning open your mouth and cry to the almighty god i want to exceed all expectations in serving you give me that grace you hope you want to exceed in prosperity you have to exceed in serving god in serving him nothing goes for nothing so if you want to give your life to jesus christ hurry up because very soon i'll be praying for salvation and then we'll be closing nothing goes for nothing you want to exceed in prosperity you have to exceed in the service of god you have to exceed in your consecration to him you have to exceed in total surrender to him give me lord god almighty the grace to serve you exceedingly to serve you exceedingly and those of you who want to give your life to jesus you have only one minute left so if you want to come you come [Laughter] thank you daddy oh thank you father [Laughter] the grace lord god almighty to serve you exceedingly give it to me let me serve you with everything i have i me serve you like nobody else had done before so that you can prosper me like you nobody else have been prospered before give me the grace lord to serve you exceedingly thank you father jesus mighty name we have prayed [Applause] my father my god i want to bless your holy name i want to thank you for your word and i want to thank you for these people who have come forward to surrender their life to you father please receive them [Music] save their souls forgive all their sins and lord god almighty write their names in the book of life from now any time they call on you answer them by fire and prosper them exceedingly in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen unless someone shout hallelujah i want to rejoice reduce the flu i've come forward i want to promise you god helping me that i'll be praying for you from now on so i need your names i need your address and your prayer requests so if you follow somebody who is lifting up a placard to your left it will take you to where some persons are waiting they will collect the information i need and they bring you back very quickly god bless you you can begin to go now and if you are clapping for god do it as if you really mean it clap i see if you mean it it's not begging you to clap for me so if you want to do it do it very well thank you lord amen now i don't need to beg you this morning to give to god you determine your own future by what you give you give bountifully it will respond bountifully you give sparingly he will respond sparingly so check your offering and dance to daenerys basket and drop the offering he loves a cheerful giver don't give him as if he's a beggar give him my sleep it's a joy to give to him so over to you band and then keep giving as the band continues to play [Music] we really want to thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you we really want to thank you jesus well thank you jesus what thank you jesus [Applause] we really want to thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you we really want to thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus we really want to thank you jesus but we thank you jesus we thank you jesus thank you we really want to thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] okay now so before i say the closing prayer there are some of you who wrote and we said well if you come to the divine encounter we will pray for you so if you are here you can come to the altar and come and tell god what you would have told me in the office if you were able to come there and the rest of us tell the almighty god i'm tired of being ordinary i want to be extraordinarily prosperous i don't i don't want to just manage to survive i want to exceed expectations go ahead talk to the almighty god and those of you are coming forward you have only two minutes and tell god what you want him to do for you this month go ahead call on him so so so so so so thank you father in jesus mighty name we are afraid my father my god you are the all-knowing god before this your children left home you are fully aware of what they want please lord answer them today [Music] [Applause] whatever may be their request that it becomes a testimony [Applause] even before they get home today let them have a testimony [Applause] and all of us who are here today who are ready to serve you exceedingly please bless us exceedingly [Applause] one day very soon let each and every one of us become the envy of our nation from this month onward in every manner of blessing lord let us exceed expectations [Applause] and help us to serve you to the end father bless the offering of your children sanctify it use it for your glory and i pray lord even before the end of this month bless us exceedingly in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen if you got an exceeding blessing shout exceeded
Channel: RCCG Grace Assembly Dubai TV
Views: 452
Rating: 4.7241378 out of 5
Keywords: rccg, rccg live, live stream, rccg video, rccglive, rccg sermon, rccg latest, october 2021 rccg holy ghost service, rccg october 2021 holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost service sermons, pastor e a adeboye, pastor adeboye sermon, pastor e.a adeboye 2021, rccg message, rccg special service, pastor e a adeboye service, pastor e a adeboye message, god bless you, rccg youtube, rccg live tv, @rccg, congress, rccg youth convention 2021, rccg youths 2021, rccg live stream
Id: pzDjSKR5d08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 40sec (2260 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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