Passover Seder and Shabbat Recipes Sephardic Pesach Menu

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[Music] I can't believe Passover is one week  away but don't worry I got you covered   with these delicious recipes we  have some great appetizers salads   mains and desserts so let's roll up  our sleeves and let's get prepping [Music]   hi everyone and welcome back to Sonya's prep this  channel is all about my Orthodox Jewish life where   I share with you holiday Inspirations like this  one some homemaking videos and organizations   So today we're going to be starting off with  shopping for the Passover Sader the Passover   meals this store is called Bingo so as you see  there are sections for pesach for Passover and   for non-p Passover items I started off by buying  these sponges that I'll need for the holiday and   this is a whole section that they have devoted  to all of the meats some sections are not for   passover as you just saw and all of these have  this Passover kosher for Passover sign so they   have this huge array of Passover meats over here  and I'll be shopping for mostly all the specials   and there are some other grocery items that  I'll need to get and I'm going to be looking   out for the kosher for Passover symbols I'll be  sharing a few of them with you of what they look   like there's a huge Variety in this uh shopping  um Center where they have everything from Meats   to Da to desserts like this these sour jelly  fingers I'm sure my kids would love if I would   get them but I didn't um they have tons and  tons of stuff huge variety and um I had a very   nice time shopping over there I'll share with  you everything that I got in a little [Music] bit now I'll be sharing a little bit of the  shopping haul of everything that I bought I didn't   specifically buy this for Passover this is just a  video that I recorded when I was making my Shabbat   meal prep but all of these recipes are great  for Passover I just wanted to give you guys some   inspiration so this is everything that I bought  for the Shabbat so I got a lot of these questions   are did you just cook all of this and freeze it  2 weeks in advance so no I didn't I cooked all   of these recipes for YouTube for you guys to get  an idea of what you can possibly make and I'll be   making most of these recipes again for Passover I  loved how they all turned out they were absolutely   delicious flavorful so this is everything that I  bought the meats um gyen that's not for Passover   I just wanted to try it it's like fried chicken  skin some of you might find it gross but I really   liked it um I got matah meal baking soda and  baking powder some chicken broth matzas lettuce   um locks and um tons and tons of stuff which  I will be incorporating into all of the meals   we're going to be starting off with the soup this  is called matsos Shak it's basically an egg drop   soup that bharian people make it is absolutely  delicious one of my favorite soups so I'm going   to be sharing the recipe with you today I decided  to go with the chicken bones I got like a bunch   of chicken carcasses in a meat pack specifically  made for things like stocks so I'm going to be   washing all of my chicken bones and placing  them into the actual Soup pot I also did use   about four cuts of chicken dark meat of chicken so  I'm going to be slicing them into little cubes cuz   I'm going to be sautéing that if you prefer to do  this with veal or lamb or beef you definitely can   can I just enjoy it this way so this is again like  chicken dark meat of the chicken that I cut cut   up into cubes and have the chicken bones in the  back so in order to start the soup you're going   to turn on the fire put a Soup pot on ADD about  a half a cup of oil I'm going to be using avocado   oil and I'm going to be sautéing the dark chicken  right now after it's sauteed a bit I'm going to   add in all of the chicken bones the carcasses  and giving that a nice sauté as well [Music]   while the chicken is sautéing I'm taking  all the vegetables and washing them   thoroughly I have a zucchini celery  and some potatoes and onions so I'm   going to be peeling all of that and  getting that ready to be chopped up [Music] [Music]   let me know in the comments below what your guys's  plans are for this Passover are you hosting or   are you going to be guests if you are hosting  what are you cooking and if you're going to be   guests are you bringing anything to the host's  home let me know in the comments down below so   as you saw I chopped up an onion some celery and  zucchinis I mostly go for lots of green types of   vegetables I don't add a carrot inside of it  I just add in a potato as well and I'm going   to be sautéing all of the vegetables once I  remove the chicken carcasses out of the Soup [Music] pot once all the veggies are in I season  it with some salt black pepper cumin and   coriander um you can season this to taste I used  about a tablespoon of salt and about 2 teaspoons   of everything else it's very important to saute  this really well to get the Aromas out of all   the spices I then add the carcasses back into  the Soup pot with some bay leaves and then I'm   going to be getting the potatoes ready I don't  drop the potatoes in right away I do wait until   the soup has had a good chance to develop a  delicious broth about 2 to 3 hours and then   I drop in the potatoes later on so that they can  fully cook through for additional 30 minutes and   then the soup is [Music] done in order to prevent  the potatoes from browning I do soak them into   some water so they're all ready for me to just  drop in when the soup is fully cooked [Music] through after the soup has come to a boil I  do skim off that dirty residue out on the top   and always surpr surprises me how much comes  out it's quite a lot but that just ensures   that your broth is going to be beautiful  and [Music] clear minimum amount for the   soup to cook is 2 hours but I definitely  cooked it for about 4 I really wanted   the broth to be developed beautifully  and it was so delicious at this point   point now after about 4 hours I added in  the potatoes and cooked it for an additional [Music] hour at the very end I take out all of the  chicken carcasses all of the bones cuz we   no longer need them we got all of the use  out of it that we possibly can and look how   they just fall off because we have cooked them  so so well I just remove any of the bits of   chicken that is left on the bones put that back  into the soup and this is the fun part this is   the egg drop part I definitely did not add enough  eggs so if you're hosting about 10 people I would   say to add in around 7 to 10 eggs scramble  them just a bit and add them slowly into the   Soup pot and shut off the fire very gently  just put your spoon underneath it once or   twice but do not mix them at all so  that they can preserve their shape   and this is the traditional sephardic  bharian soup that we enjoy and eat on [Music] Passover to serve I do like to add in some   cilantro or Dill to the soup and  that is it and we enjoy [Music] it next up are a few Passover Mains this is  a minute roast that I'm simply going to be   just adding in some barbecue sauce to it or  brisket sauce whatever you can find that's   koser for Passover this one specifically does  have what looks like some sauteed onions in   it you don't have to buy the same kind or you  could just sauté your own onions and add them   to the barbecue sauce to that I'm going to be  seasoning it with some salt black pepper garlic powder and just mixing everything thoroughly  and closing it up with some foil but before   I do that as you see I added in just a little  bit of water I would say half a cup of it and   placing that into the oven to bake at 350° for 2  hours while that's going I'm going to be getting   ready on the next M which is some roasted  chicken with some garlic Cori that I had   prepared all I'm doing is adding some paprika  to it some salt black pepper and garlic powder using a fork I Smush the garlic and  just generally incorporate the sauce really   well into itself and slather that  all throughout the chicken [Music]   in addition I do season the chicken  itself because I was just worried   that it wasn't going to be uh flavorful  so I do have some paprika and some salt   that I just spread over the chicken  I then add in some baby potatoes all [Music] throughout before placing it into the  oven I did take some cooking spray and and spray   that all throughout the chicken and potatoes  cover that with some foil and place it into   the oven for about an hour and a half closed  and then half an hour uncovered so it can get   a beautiful golden color to [Music] it we enjoy  having some garlic Dill potatoes with our fish so   separately I'm going to be taking some potatoes  baby potatoes that I have boiled so these are   fully cook through I take some garlic cloves and  you can obviously do this to taste you could add   in as little or as much garlic as you prefer and  then I put some dill over the top lots of oil and   I season it with salt and black pepper give it  a good mix and this is a delicious side to have   with your fish [Music] our minute roast has been  cooking for 2 hours at this point I take off the   foil and I slice it just like you would buy minute  steaks and I cut them really thin or as thin as I   can possibly do with a knife and I lay them flat  onto the baking tray the whole purpose of buying   the minute roast instead of the minute steaks is  to have more juice and more flavor whereas minute   Stakes they tend to dry out so once you have your  minute steaks all lined up you add in the the rest   of the sauce that you use initially so I used  about a third of the sauce in the beginning and   2/3 of the sauce at the very end after everything  is sliced up I cover it back with some foil and   place it back into a 350° oven to cook for an  additional hour if there's one thing you're going   to be making from this video it's definitely got  to be these ribs they were so delicious to start   you're going to take half a lemon squeeze it all  throughout the meat which is going to tenderize   it add in a little bit of mustard over the top  no exact measurements about a tablespoon maybe   and this dry rub it has onion powder garlic powder  salt black pepper paprika and some brown sugar mix   all of that rub together and just slather it on  the ribs it is out of the swirl delicious [Music] [Music] [Music]   I covered the ribs with a foil and place it in  a 300° oven for 3 hours now I'm going to get   started on stuffed vegetable dish it is absolutely  delicious and it goes so well with zucchinis and   stuffed tomatoes and onions and cabbage leaves  and the feeling is the same so all I do is I food   process one onion a few Tomatoes an apple and add  in tons of greens to the pot that I'm going to be   cooking in I add in 1/4 cup of avocado oil the  uh remnants of the vegetables that I just pulled   through a food processor and some tomato sauce so  into a bowl I have the filling which is 2 lb of   ground meat and all the fruits and veggies that I  just food processed some scallions and some dill   which I'm going to be placing into the pot with a  filling as well and all of these herbs give tons   and tons of flavor I'm going to be starting on  carving out all of the flesh from all the veggies   so I have a zucchini here which I'm carving out  all the fish and I'll show you just how I'm doing it I do add some of the the flesh into  the actual pot that I will be cooking the   stuffed veg veggies in it just adds in a lot  of moisture and deliciousness to the actual   Dish as you just saw I did add in 3/4 of a  cup of short grain rice that was raw and a   little bit of tomato sauce so I'm going to  be mixing all of that with a tablespoon of   salt once all of that's Incorporated I'm  just going to be stuffing the vegetables   that I've cleaned off so I have little mini  peppers here zucchinis and tomatoes [Music] [Music] need whenever I do have any  stuffing left over like I do right   now I just take a Ziploc bag label it  add the stuffing inside and it makes   for a very quick Shabbat dinner when I'm  crunched for time all I do is defrost it   and stuff it with any of the vegetables  that I may need and then cuts the time in half before putting the stuffed vegetables  to cook I do add another cup of tomato   sauce over the top and fill it  34 of the way up with some water [Music] to give it even more flavor I take  some greens and I place that over   the top I have some dill and cilantro  over here this is a great meal to make   ahead of time I prep it usually the night  before and cook it on the day that I need it while my stove top is available to me I'm  going to be roasting this eggplant on an open   flame and getting my broccolis ready I love using  broccolis when I can but unfortunately I can't   always find them I take a skillet add an about  2 tspoons of avocado oil add in the broccolis   after I've washed and cleaned them add in tons  of garlic and I just sauté them until they are   slightly softened the broccoli will be served  on the side with the minute roast and they went   beautifully together the eggplant is now done  it's Smoky and smells delicious I'm going to be   taking out the flesh putting it into a glass  tray and adding in some garlic and salt and   it'll be a delicious dip to use with matzah now  I'm going to be making my kosher for Passover   pizza crust and I'll have the full recipe in the  description box below all I'm doing is combining   some matzah meal with some salt in one bowl and  in a pot I have oil and water that I'm going to be [Music] boiling while I'm waiting for the water  and oil to boil I just wanted to show you what   the stuffed veggies look like doesn't it look so  good this gets cooked for about 3 hours minimum as   well and it's going to be absolutely delicious now  that the water has boiled I'm going to be adding   that into the matzah meal mixture and adding  in one egg at a time and mixing that into the [Music] dough I'm laughing watching this video now  as my children are trying to get my attention to   have dessert right before we eat our dinner I  then take the kosher for Passover pizza dough   that I just made put it into a greased uh baking  tray that I have lined with some parchment paper I   do thin it out as much as I can using some water  on my hands so that the crust is nice and thin [Music] this gets placed into a 375° oven for  about 35 minutes until it's nice and crispy   while that's going I'm going to be preparing  all of the fish starting off with the salmon   I'm adding in some fish spice if you don't find  fish spice kosher for Passover just use paprika   salt black pepper I also crushed in about four  cloves of garlic place that over the top with a   good squeeze of half of a lemon rubbed all of that  in and I used some cooking spray sprayed that all   over the fish rubbed everything really well inside  um on top of the fish I should say and I covered   it with some foil and placed it into the oven  to bake at 350° for about 25 minutes this here   is called Dorado and I made a few slices over  the top seasoned it again with either paprika   or fish seasoning added in some salt I am going  to be adding in some celery to the bottom I just   feel like it gives a lot of moisture and like  deliciousness to the fish crushed up tons of   garlic and slathered that all over the top as well  and added in some scallions and Dill to the top I   sprayed it with some oil again so that it has  a nice little I guess flavor to it and placing   that into the oven as well same temperature as the  salmon this here is bronzino that's been filleted   very simple salt and pepper a little squeeze of  lemon and Dill and I put a little bit oil over the   top and everything is is going into the oven for  about 25 minutes until it's fully cooked through   the Passover pizza crust is now ready and cooling  on the side this is a great thing to use up on the   next day of or over Shabbat when you have maybe  brisket left over or you wanted use some deli and   saute that with some barbecue sauce I did this  last year with some leftover brisket it was so   good such a hit and it was just a great way to  use up leftovers so now I'm going to be using um   Pastrami and some deli meat over here slicing  it up putting a little bit of oil into a skillet   dropping in the deli sautéing that until they're  a little bit crispy and once that happens I add   in my favorite barbecue sauce and I can place  that onto the actual pizza crust but this is so   versatile once the bronzino comes out of the oven  I do put on a little bit more Dill over the top   for the salmon I'm going to make a little bit of  a paste using squeeze of lemon some must mustard a   bit of sugar dill and some salt I mix all of that  up and I just lather that onto the salmon this was   absolutely delicious it was devoured I don't know  what it is but the combination of the sugar and   the mustard and the dill it just created so much  flavor and I highly recommend you guys try this out now it's time for some Passover salads  all I'm doing now is taking out the roasted   eggplant that we roasted earlier adding  in one garlic clove and I'm crushing that   adding in some salt also to taste and then  using the other side of my knife not with   the actual blade and I use a chopping  motion until it's all nice and [Music] smooth as at this point the deli has finished  cooking with the barbecue sauce so I'm going to be   showing you how I would assemble this right before  the Stater or right before the holiday or Shabbat   so I'm going to be slicing it in half so I could  have one for each night then I take some of the   arugula that I had that I already bought that's  already the pre-washed and pre-checked kind and   then I pre cut the pizza dough before I add in the  meat I just find that it's less Messier this way   so depending on how many people I'm hosting that's  how many any slices I create I then set this aside   on the table so that I'm ready to go once the  appetizer time comes around I'm not rushing   around I also wanted to show you what I did last  year with this pizza dough I used leftover brisket   and I added in some pickled onions and this white  delicious sauce that I make back to the Passover   salads I'm making some purple cabbage salad here  with some mayo and salt very simple and easy but   my kids do enjoy it at this point the ribs were  ready and oh my gosh so so good you got to try   it this is a very traditional radish salad that  we make in our house and lots of bukharian do   it's simply chopped up radishes cilantro dill and  scallions with some salt and lots of vinegar mix   it and we put this on top of everything whenever I  do make salads I like to slice and chop everything   up first so that everything can go very very  quickly and smoothly so I have my carrot salad   I have everything shredded for that I have my  boiled beets my purple cabbage salad that you   already just saw me make and I even chopped up  all my garlic all all of my Greens on the side   over there so I'm going to be starting next with  the markafcha which is the carrot salad I put a   little bit of salt over there to taste but I'm  just doing everything all at once so that I don't   have to come back and forth doing everything  again so I'm seasoning everything all in one   shot adding in um greens all in one shot adding  in garlic small in one shot whatever everything   needs I just find that it becomes very quick and  streamlined to do it this way then to take out one   bowl out of time chopping up all the vegetables  um adding all the seasonings to each salad this   way I'm just doing it all together and it just  gets done a lot quicker that way into the carrot   salad I added in some cumin some coriander salt  and garlic that I have crushed up I also added in   a bit of sugar I'm going to be placing that to the  side so I can get going with my other salads but   I'm also going to be placing in the garlic that  I crushed up on the side over there and adding it   to both the carrot salad and the guacamole that I  have over there prepped into in the other bowl and   I'm also going to be making a Cherney Cherry sauce  right away so I'm adding in garlic the herbs that   I've chopped up already and it just goes so fast  because I've already prepped everything in advance   I'm also dropping in a little bit of Dill into  the carrot salad because it just goes beautifully   together that way I'm adding in some salt into the  chimmichuri sauce and some black pepper this has   been such a delicious sauce that I've been putting  it in on my feet my my feet my fish my chickens   and my meats and they were so delicious I'm also  adding in a bit of sugar and some vinegar um this   I don't think there is any apple cider vinegar  on Passover but obviously this was filmed before   Passover I have made this previously with regular  vinegar and it was just fine I'm also adding in a   little bit of avocado oil so that's going to  be all done all the components are basically   done for the chimichuri sauce all I have to do  is mix it and it is absolutely delicious give   it a try taste it and adjust your seasoning or  salt or the sugar however you personally like it [Music] to the guacamole then I add in a few bits  of chopped cherry tomatoes and I have some   cilantro there as you saw me put in and  the garlic and I'm going to be using my   knife to give it a rough chop because I do like my  guacamole to be on the chunkier side unless I am   making like an avocado mousse then I like to  make it really really nice and um mushed up I   also found that if I add in a little bit  of mayo to the guacamole it prevents it   from browning so that's another great tip  also don't forget to add in a squeeze of [Music] lemon placing a little film of plastic  wrap right over the top of the avocado making all   of the air Escape also is a great tip to keeping  your avocado salads green and not Brown at all   this is another very delicious appetizer recipe  that you can do on your Passover saders you just   line a plate with some arugula over the bottom  add in these tea motzahs so cute I saw them in the   store and I had to buy them I place them nicely  onto the plate and I'll show you what I'll do next [Music] I thinly sliced some avocados and place them  on top of the t- matzahs and then I'm going   to be using locks and draping that right over  the top of the avocados it's just such a cute   thing to do it's delicious it's great for  like a kidish also on Shabbat if you're   hosting and it's just something different  and I really really like it to garnish I do   add in a little bit of Dill right over the  top you can go crazy and make this really   elaborate and um even more fancier but I  thought this was such a cute idea for an [Music] appetizer last but not least is this  stunning Passover dessert with Pavlova and a   sponge cake allinone we're going to get  started on the sponge cake I have all   the ingredients laid out and of course  everything will be in the description   box for you with the detailed recipes and the  ingredients this sponge cake calls for nine   eggs so they are all separated I happened to have  nine egg yolks in my refrigerator I didn't want   them to go to waste so I just Incorporated what  I already had in the fridge but no worries you   just you're going to use nine eggs you're going  to need both the egg whites and the egg yolks   and you're going to be adding in some water some  lemon juice and some sugar and beating all that up once the egg yolk mixture gets nice  and fluffy we're going to be adding   in 3/4 cup of potato starch and 3/4 cup of  cake meal slowly into the egg yolk mixture [Music] we're going to need the mixer again  now for the egg whites so I'm going to be   placing everything from the mixer into a bowl  we're going to clean up the mixer now and we're   going to continue on with the egg [Music] whites I  then place in the nine egg whites into the mixing   bowl put in a little bit of salt and I'm going  to be mixing that until they form soft peaks I then mix the egg whites  with the egg yolk mixture   and place the batter into ungreased cake pans [Music] [Music] [Music] this sponge cake recipe does make a lot  so I'm going to be saving one cake for a   different use so you could definitely make  both of these cakes freeze one for the end   of ha or for Shabbat cuz we're only going to  be needing to use one I just like doing this   recipe because I just do two things at one  time and I don't have to remake this cake   again and this cake is really delicious for  Passover you'll see how nice and fluffy and   delicious it is so I smooth out the top  layer and I'm going to be baking it in   the oven place it in a 350° oven for 1 hour  and it's going to be fully cooked [Music] through once the cakes do come out of the oven  it's important to put them onto a cooling rack   upside down otherwise it will completely deflate  cuz there's so much egg whites inside of it so   all I do is is just literally flip them upside  down onto a [Music] rack now it's time to make   the actual meringue I'm going to be doubling this  recipe so I'm going to be using eight egg whites   and in order to do that I just take the whole egg  crack it into a bowl and scoop out the egg yolk it   just ensures that I won't have any bits of egg  yolk in the mixture Papas are very finicky and   there's a whole method of how to do it properly  I did mess up actually the very first time that   I made it but I've learned my lesson so hopefully  these tips will help you as well after the egg   whites are mixed with some salt for 1 minute I add  in one cup of sugar very slowly into the mixture   this video is sped up so you can't even tell how  slow I'm doing it but I am doing it very very slowly when I see that the meringue is getting  nice and fluffy I do add in a little bit of   lemon juice about two t 2 teaspoons of that and  it's just going to stabilize the meringue don't   forget to pause the mixer and scrape down the  sides of the bowl to get all of the sugar to   be incorporated into the meringue and also  I just I forgot to mention that you do need   to use room temperature eggs for the best  results they just whip up a lot better that   way so once all the sugar is incorporated  into the meringue you can continue mixing   until they hold um like hard Peaks and to test  if the sugar is all Incorporated in the Marine   you place some of the cream between your index  finger and thumb and smush it around and if you   feel any sugar granules it is not ready at  this point my meringue is fully ready it's   holding great Peaks I'm going to be placing some  of the cream onto the cake pans and putting some   parchment paper over the top so that they can be  steady I separate the Meringue into two because I   want to make a two tiered cake and I'm going to  be just dividing it and making a nice beautiful   full shape this recipe and this cake is  just gorgeous to make for birthdays cuz I   know some people um who have their birthdays  on Passover they always want that like cute   and delicious cake so this is something great  to make for your spouse or a family member and   it's definitely showstopping it's definitely  so delicious and beautiful presentation as well [Music]   while I'm getting all of this ready my oven  is preheating to 300° f and once I do pop in   the meringue inside of it I lower the temperature  to 250° as you'll see and it usually is finished   baking after 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes don't  peek in as much as you want to maybe do a very   quick peek at the very end if you're not sure if  it's fully cooked just touch it tap it with your   nails and see if it's hard or not and then I leave  that in the oven to cool completely separately   now be making a strawberry sauce that's going  to go over the top of the cake you can use fresh   strawberries you could use berries raspberries  um I just prefer to use these strawberries and   I'm going to be just adding in a little bit of  lemon juice and sugar over the top and some water   just to help it to start you know dissolving  a bit and I'm going to have that on a medium   high flame boiling away until it disintegrates  and just becomes like a puree texture [Music]   the other component that you'll need to prepare  is the whipped cream because I'm making this   dairyfree I am using Rich's whip I'm using their  small containers and I'm doing just two of them   whipping that until they're perfect and [Music]  fluffy now for the fun part of putting the cake   together I'm taking the sponge cake now taking it  out of the cake pan and dividing it in two [Music]   after placing the sponge cake onto  the cake stand I do add in a bit of   cream and on top of that goes the meringue [Music]   I then add in some more cream and the strawberry   sauce that we made and I repeat  all of the steps once once again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]   to decorate the top of the cake I'm going  to be using using some sliced strawberries   some blueberries and Kiwis but feel free  to be as creative as you would [Music] like how gorgeous this this cake  look guys this cake will definitely   not disappoint give it a shot and give it a try I hope you enjoyed all of these Passover   seder and Shabbat recipes happy  prepping from my family to yours [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Sonya's Prep
Views: 61,684
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Keywords: passover seder recipes, passover menu, complete passover guide, kosher for passover, passover desserts, passover pizza crust, sonya’s prep passover, sonya’s prep pesach, sephardic pesach menu, passover menu guide, kosher for passover desserts, passover recipes, how to make a passover meal, passover menu ideas, pesach recipes, pesach menu, sephardic passover recipes, shabbat prep sonyas prep, passover prep 2024, passover 2024
Id: mfdhOdsBCv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 35sec (2495 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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