One Can of Chickpeas Could Change The Way You Think About Meatloaf

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This Magnificent meaty meatloaf contains no meat no gluten and no processed textured fake Meats at all it's super easy to make incredibly filling and will give you those leftover meatloaf Vibes out of a hundred percent plants and it all starts with these cans of chickpeas now for this recipe we're actually going to be using two cans of chickpeas and the liquid that's inside of them that's called aquafaba if you've never used it it's a liquid that's rich in like protein and fiber and works as a really great egg replacer now once we have the chickpeas drained we're just going to set them aside with the aquafaba we're gonna use those in a little bit but I wanted to drain them first so the chickpeas would have a little bit of time to like air dry now this loaf is going to use the chickpeas as the base along with a combination of different veggies and mushrooms now unlike popular belief you can wash your mushrooms and that's exactly what we're going to be doing here it doesn't really affect them in the end so we only need about a cup of chopped mushrooms so I'm going to chop them up pretty fine toss them into a pan we're gonna cover them with water and a little bit of salt kick the heat up to about a medium-high heat and like get that up to a simmer we're gonna let all of this water boil off that's going to do a few few things it's going to cook the mushrooms bring in a lot of flavor to the mushrooms in like I said my boiling mushroom video right here and just allow all of that water to cook off now while we're doing that we can prep the rest of our veggies now I'm going to be using about a half of a yellow onion chopped three carrots peeled and chopped along with a beet again peeled and chopped now there's probably a load of different veggie combinations you can use here so you can choose for yourself I think in the end I might not have used the Beet even though well you'll hear what Monica has to say now this is also a great time to show off my new apron from my buddy internet Shaquille he's he saw that I was wearing an apron again and he immediately sent me one so thanks man I really appreciate it so now we're back to the chickpeas I'm gonna drop them into a food processor and then just kind of like quickly process them up we're not looking for like a hummus texture we're just looking for like a meaty kind of texture think about your chickpea salad sandwich type of thing so now we're gonna add all of the beets most of the carrots and some of the onions and then kind of just start processing those together now you're gonna really see the color change here quite a bit now you don't want to overpric process these so I'm just going to give it a quick mix just by hand and then kind of give it a few more pulses to mix together but we're kind of keeping this into a almost ground beef size consistency that's what you want to think of so I'm just going to transfer it into a large bowl I wish I would have used larger in the end and then toss in the rest of our onions and carrots now this recipe is going to be pretty funny along the way because I just realized that I forgot celery which is another thing that I wanted to add so I'm going to chop just one stalk of celery pretty fine toss it into the bowl so let's just give that a quick mix check my recipe and realize I also forgot garlic so I'm going to be using four cloves of garlic here let's just chop those up toss them in now at this point you might be thinking I forgot about the mushrooms but I did not they are still cooking they are completely dried out we're going to toss in about a tablespoon of olive oil toss them around on that olive oil this is going to be like all of the fat for the meatloaf and we're just going to toss them right into the meat now this is looking amazing and before we go and add the rest of the ingredients like the binders and such I gotta tell you about something else that's pretty amazing today's sponsor green Chef is a ccof certified organic company that makes meal kits with options for every kind of Lifestyle including keto and paleo vegan vegetarian fast and fit Mediterranean and gluten-free I mean look at this raise your food quality standards in the new year with green Chef you get to use unique farm fresh ingredients like figs dates and artichokes with flavors inspired by International Cuisine and I love green chefs pre-made and pre-measured sauces dressings and spices that get you more Chef curated flavor in less time and green Chef makes cooking easy so you can spend less time stressing and more time enjoying delicious home-cooked meals and green Chef just launched a new collection of recipes fit for high protein dietary preferences menu items each containing on average of 40 grams of protein per serving I've been using green Chef for a while now I mean it's over three and a half years and they are by far one of my favorite sponsors and I mean just look at this food so good I love every single meal from Green Chef so gang use my code sauce 60 to get 60 off plus free shipping head over to for more details that is code sauce Dash 60 for 60 off plus free shipping over at Green Chef thanks for sponsoring today's video and for always providing me with these incredible meals I just I love you guys thank you okay we're back so now for the dry ingredients we're gonna be using about a cup and a half of Oats now everybody wanted me to do these chickpea videos gluten-free so here we go this one's uh I think entirely gluten free now the oats are gonna work as a binder along with ground flax so I'm going to be using about three tablespoons of flax about a tablespoon of nutritional yeast a half tablespoon of starch and I'm gonna say just about a bunch of time I mean probably a teaspoon once it's all pulled off I mean who doesn't want more time now I'm just gonna mix that up pretty quickly and then start with some of our liquids we're going to be using a half cup of that aquafaba that we saved that's all we really need for this recipe save the rest to make like a Mayo or something else because you could do a lot with it along with two tablespoons ketchup a tablespoon of yeast extract this is going to be like the thing that really brings out those meaty flavors you can use like Marmite or Vegemite they're going to both work pretty similar we're going to be adding a tablespoon of barbecue sauce a teaspoon liquid smoke one teaspoon smoked paprika and a pinch of black pepper and then just give this a mix now growing up when my mom made meatloaf she always mixed it by hand so I'm gonna do the same now I'm just gonna kind of like swish the chickpea squish everything together make sure that you know all the liquid is nice and formed through now I will say one thing if you have any extra left over this will make a nice like burger patty this point let's grab our baking dish so I'm going to be using an 11 inch loaf pan I'm gonna drop some olive oil in it make sure it's all spread around and then line the bottom and sides with just a single sheet of parchment paper you can hang over the sides a little bit so now all we're going to do is just stuff this into the loaf pan we're gonna just do it a little layers at a time so that way we're going to press it in make sure there's no air gaps in between or anything and that's going to make sure you're gonna get like a nice like solid loaf now I already had my oven preheated for 375 degrees we're gonna drop this in and let it bake for about 30 minutes now while it's baking we're just going to create our glaze and a lot of people use just like tomato paste or like a tomato sauce my mom growing up used ketchup it was a combination of about a quarter cup of ketchup a few tablespoons of barbecue sauce and about a tablespoon of brown sugar so it's been about 30 minutes let's pull the veggie loaf out and top it with that glaze we want to make sure there's a nice thick glaze on there I mean I know that's the way I like it at least the glaze was always my favorite part now we can just toss it back in the oven and let it cook for you know about another 30 minutes now you know I don't normally do a whole lot of sides on the channel but I wanted to tonight I I got got I picked up a little purple yam I cubed it up tossed in a little bit of olive oil and salt and air fried it and then when it was done I just tossed it in a tiny little bit of vegan butter a little bit of garlic powder and some fresh parsley and I'm telling you that was good so our loaf is done I actually let it rest for about 10 minutes just to cool down because it's still fairly soft the cooler it gets the the firmer it's gonna get so this is gonna be actually great the next day so we pulled it out sliced it up I mean this looks pretty good I'm pretty excited about it the only thing I wasn't happy with was the beets the now I that's just me I kind of wish I wouldn't have done it but you know what let's plate it up you're gonna get to hear what maca has to say all right boom cheers oh this is great yeah really good right oh look at this so give me the taste okay it's got like a nice meaty texture yeah the meat okay you don't grow up with a lot of Meatloaf no so the meatloaf texture is there I mean it really does have that Meatloaf texture a little bit softer it is breaking up yeah but it's a little bit softer and I do taste a meaty texture whether it's a meatloaf texture or not yeah and then I can taste just all the veggie crunch in it too yeah so it's like meatloaf with veggie crunch yeah I'd probably lay off some of the beets I've used more beets I can taste the beets for sure in the recipe I'm gonna put half beets I did a whole beat I definitely use a half but I mean I don't know yeah I don't know if you had any more to say I actually don't think it's too much beets like okay taste the beets when I get a beat bite no but it's not like so everybody is super Beady yeah there's a lot of fat beets yeah check out those sweet potatoes no oh I love these these they're really good all in all should we make the veggie loaf again oh yeah yeah we're gonna have tons of leftovers but lunch and dinner dinner lunch dinner all in one little low for two people or dinner lunch for four people chickpeelo that's good no it's a double table thank you
Channel: Sauce Stache
Views: 1,276,324
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Keywords: Sauce Stache, Saucestache, vegan recipes, vegan meat, recipe, one can of chickpeas, Chickpea meatloaf, vegan meatloaf, how to make vegan meatloaf, meatloaf sandwich, vegan meatloaf recipe, vegan meat loaf no gluten, no gluten, no gluten recipes, gluten free, gluten free vegan meat, gluten free vegan, gluten free vegan meatloaf, gluten free vegan recipe
Id: rhPQIzZeVPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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