Martha Stewart's Favorite Passover Meals | 11 Authentic Recipes

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[Music] so dessert oh yes yes this is fun this is fun for your son what is his name cooper cooper okay Cooper's going to love this because it's chocolate it's mozas okay and do you have mozas in your house ever yes oh mozas are so every uh Passover yeah I have a wonderfully catered Passover you do yes but my mother of course sends out her own dishes because clearly mine aren't up to par oh okay yeah 3/4 of a cup of CH of cream heated and 3/4 of a cup or six 6 o of um semi- chocolate so this is the low calorie version yeah this is the low calorie version but we not we don't think about that on Passover and you know semisweet is good for you am I right darker the chocolate chocolate the better yeah so we just stir that that's the ganache okay and it don't don't cook it because it doesn't have to be it'll just melt look how you have one over there and now that's your Mozza spread the chocolate on and that's yours Melissa so just spread the chocolate don't you have a spoon there yeah use okay you go I'm probably using the wrong thing all right I'm just trying so you need you need two mozas spread with chocolate oh I can do that and neatly if you can God just spread it do you like this oh do I like this I mean you could just serve chocolate covered Moes I'm going to just sit on this and you could spr exactly I just just you could sprinkle this with um with a little bit of uh sea salt just like that wouldn't that be beautiful and people don't realize that when you put salt on stuff like sweet it's so good then this is what you do you make little rounds of ice cream and you put 12 little rounds of ice cream on each one just kill me now it's four across and three down okay it look it's like a math project no but you know you can do this uh and you can make these little um mounds of uh ice cream ahead of time too you do yours I got mine and the paint is exactly right for each one oh my mine's a little messy but you know that's shows it's homemade oh yes that's good that's an excuse that's an excuse Joan and it is not [Laughter] appropriate you can make it neat Joan look Mommy make it tiny neat means caterer Mommy make it tidy come on this means she look she so what do you eat like for breakfast oh I know what she eats for breakfast I I do I do so bad oh what excuse me you show me whatever was left over from dinner last night whatever was left over from dinner last night see now you press this on like that then you put 12 scoops of uh chocolate chip mint you can do it either way you know all right you put this on again you know we use is the car we love the caramel cone that be really good on this and then for the topping you make another matah with the chocolate and sprinkle it with almonds now I'm going to get one out of the freezer that's already done let me ask you how do you cut this cuz matah breaks or you just pick it up like a big sandwich watch look oh my God this is done o I love how it looks oops it's a cute dessert actually it's a great looking dessert cute now I'm going to just take this off the tray you can put this on a on a uh pedestal or something if you want and watch it cuts remarkably well so I've been told at that look with a serrated knife that's a serated cuz mat usually crumbl yes well not when it's frozen it gets kind of dampish and you can make this you know you can make them as small as you like or as big as you like but look it's like a layer cake oh my God beautiful and this is very cute for a it's nice for a oh you can put that down I'm oops oh that's yeah thank you this one's for you Melissa okay this is fabulous but isn't that a cute thing and and if you want to embellish the Lily Gill the Lily right which you like to do uh add some more chocolate sauuce oh that's how pretty for spring oh it's so pretty how pretty for spring PL look at that I love this so when you start making the uh the macaroon itself is turn your oven on to 350 that's called preheating the oven you know that right yeah sort of right sort of okay and we're using uh something I I just tasted this it does not taste that good unsweetened coconut have you tasted it no taste some just take a little piece I always taste everything that I use in COC it doesn't taste like anything right sort of tastes like sawdust right yeah but it is unsweetened coconut and so it's actually healthy healthy but it is just dehydrated coconut and a four of a cup of sugar that's what's going to make it taste better and two large egg whites so stir that together would you Sara yes and that's basically the dough so it's very very easy and then um the little muffin or little tartlet shells uh you should spray with the vegetable spray so I will hold the spoon like this you can be a little bit a little bit more brisk because every little shred of coconut has to be coated with that egg white otherwise it won't hold together so now take a little taste and see what you think tastes a lot better right see that's much better okay so now we need to make one one tablespoon am mounts and the best way that I find to make uniform anything is to use these ice cream Scoops so I'll put it in here and then can you sort of press to make it look like that you can use two fingers I mean two hands looks cool yeah see how cute they look like mini cupcak you can take it out if you want they look like wrappers though they look like little chart shells but they're made out of macaroon mix now are you going to have the seder at your house this year yep and your mom and dad do all the cooking with your help yeah and my brother's help he's mini Martha Stewart oh he is Simon is how old is Simon he's only four Simon is four and he's a mini Martha oh my God I can't believe that so here we're going to cook now the ganache so it's um a third of a cup of um half a cup of heavy cream a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of honey or one half tablespoons depending on how sweet you like it and that cooked cream is going to go into look like a bit of whipped cream that hasn't been whipped yet yeah that is it's heavy cream that hasn't been whipped so stir that together and pour it over a third of a cup of bittersweet chocolate so there now how old are you I'm only seven seven and you are very interested in all of this stuff which is great so here you you uh whisk and as you get that in I'm going to sprinkle a little bit more chocolate in there yeah I love chocolate this is very good Bitter Sweet Chocolate so that looks good keep try to get all yeah stir up all around the edges so what what it does is that hot cream just melts all that chocolate very nicely okay and then to make it extra smooth we put it through a Sie so I have to pour this let me get this cleaned off and and you can hold it up over here and we want it to be glossy and beautiful when it sits in those little cups that's cool isn't that nice yeah and so this will get out any lumps that exist or anything else are you going to make these for Friday for Passover are you going to are you going to be the youngest child reading yes well my brother knows a bit of it he does already at 4 well he's been listening to me and he got the first question for much on hang oh he did yeah oh so now um so what are what are you going to read or recite do you have some I'm doing the four questions you are can you say those out loud I could do two of them you want yes tell [Music] us wow that is [Applause] fantastic that is so great well your parents will be very proud of you being able to do that and uh if you serve this dessert you will be a true hero tell them you teach me how to make it yeah isn't that great okay so now here is our dessert want to taste one yes I love these those don't have the cream on top but these do so here's one for you thank you and one for me tell me what you think good good yes here take these over to your family and I hope they enjoy them too thank you Samara thank you show thank you it's a good thing good thank the audience has a question oh you have one already that's fast hi hi Martha I'm Paula Shyer from Maryland and I am a kosher Baker can you recommend a great Passover dessert for our audience oh well um I would make H can you do a carrot cake well you'd have to make it with cake meal and potato star some kind of you should experiment a little bit and make some beautiful carrot cake decorated can you use marzipan yes you can make that homemade yes so you can make marzipan carrots on the top and make a really extraordinary looking cake and you can do the flowerless chocolate cake of course and you can do uh oh I can think of whole lots of macaroons we're going to show macaroons uh in another show this afternoon beautiful macaroons so you have a lot of options I think well thank you very much good luck next question comes from Twitter I sent out a tweet this morning and uh boy did we get a lot of responses thank you twitterers um Deedra Corgan asks my son has food allergies do you have any idea where the Easter Bunny can find him a milk and nut-free chocolate bunny and absolutely D ivv Dairy and nutree uh chocolate bunnies are there for the asking and the paying of course um but um but go to divies because uh they have all the things that your kids are just dying for and can't have if they're if they have some allergies so somebody else in the audience with a question where's Joey Joey oh there you are okay hi hi Martha I'm Julie from Connecticut I was wondering if you were going to uh prepare any traditional polish dishes for Easter oh I always do I do Kil basa and I found a new maker it's not new but uh in Buffalo New York and I'm waiting to get my shipment of keilbasa oh that sounds and I because my favorite kuroi uh closed on on um First Avenue they closed a few years ago and so I I haven't been able to find a a kilbas that I liked as well but I'm looking great anybody have any suggestions tweet me or email me and uh thank you yeah we're going to do a whole lot of good stuff and then we have um Eileen mcnalty one asks can I use disposable plates cups and utensils for Easter dinner I host a large crowd and it's so much easier to clean up well you can but uh you know really if you're hosting big crowds you should somehow sometime invest just in a stack of really nice dinner plates that are uh inexpensive we have beautiful beautiful plates at Macy's some of the things I was using today are all from our Macy's collection and that would be a very nice thing to do and the same with uh flat wear and glasswear uh just have a party uh Shelf somewhere in your house that uh where you keep those multiples of things that you need and it's not so hard to wash up especially if you have a dishwasher or or a willing husband and we have one more question in our audience hi hi Martha I'm Adrien from paloalto California welcome thank you and my question was what is an appropriate Hostess gift for bringing to a Sader oh for a Seder well uh look at our show this after the one that we're taping this afternoon and there are delicious macaroons that are unusual they're um egg shaped and they're filled with chocolate so something that you could take a whole beautiful box of even in egg cartons or get the third get that uh flat egg carton you know that you can put about 36 eggs in and fill that with macaroons and wrap with cellophane boy what a nice present that sounds lovely what's what are the vegetables uh I mean you can put whatever you want and the idea is to get as much flavor into the broth as possible so we would use celery carrots garlic on on you can use parsnip sweet potato okay so all of that looks like it's here yeah and Thyme and bay leaf Thyme and bay leaf you can use dill pepper salt we would um in my family often leave the vegetables in just because it's an excuse to put more vegetables into your kids bodies but it looks like a little tiny this is the soup is almost done so what what has to be done to this now well we want to add a little bit of Dill we have here half a cup of Dill actually and some yeah it definitely needs some seasoning yeah well you can taste veget we'll do it a little bit of pepper and some salt probably a lot of salt yes and then um obviously the Magic ingredients in a matab ball soup are the matab balls now we have Grandma Ethel here I'm so pleased to have her here hi and we need we need your hands to make the matzah balls okay you have to do them for us you have to show us cuz I you have to watch the expert right I mean you might be anert eggs four eggs okay now Grandma Ethel uh watched my mom cooking remember put a pinch of salt okay a pinch of pepper some salt canola oil oh so canola oil okay a half a cup Selzer water okay so it has to be Selzer yeah can it club soda yeah maybe use it it's better you know don't change the recipe seltzer water okay so where do you does come like Selzer anymore grocery store so one cup of mozzam now what kind of matam yeah what kind straight straights whatever okay okay cuz I'm always looking at those boxes I don't know which one to get so I'll get well advertise they are product yes okay so then you let that sit then you put it in the frider for 1 hour and you take it out and you make them M supp okay so here we have it right here so now do you take a spoon or I use your fingers okay you do it yeah know water your hands I want to make some too excuse me okay and you put it right put it in the you put it right in the water okay and I cook it for 20 minutes okay so simple I came from Europe and I went through the War I was very lucky I escaped Hitler yeah lucky lucky luck and intuition and I ended up in Asia in Asia where yeah what country did you I was born and raised in Poland now I came from Germany from from the displaced person camp and there was Americans and they they took care of us well how great in Kazakhstan huh in Kazakhstan you say Kazakhstan in Kazakhstan wow Kazakhstan is bistan you know I was on the run all the time you know because he Club was so has survived to have famous Sons oh my God the most wonderful wonderful grandsons amazing yeah you Glen [Applause] [Laughter] amazing so these these cook for 15 minutes and we have some here they I that and I put it in and the in the look oh God they look beautiful so how many I'll serve out some how many go in a bowl how many Ethel Ethel how many of these in a bowl how many whatever some eat a lot two is enough two is enough no I I need I need three I need three three for me here we go oh my gosh look how beautiful this is you tasted oh I will I remember your mother very well mother would have loved this suit yeah God I used to watch you on the television this is really good everybody likes it too little kids everybody yes oh it is so good good I'm going to take home some to baby Jude okay [Music] go when I was growing up on Elm Place in New Jersey in Nutley New Jersey uh every single home had its version of pot roast at our house the pot roast was born out of frugality it was a dish made with inexpensive cuts of meat and basic root vegetables cooked together in the same pot and that meal stretched to make meals for days to come even in a family like ours of six kids and two adults uh and today well the pot roast is still a favorite money-saving dish this is one of my favorite things to do braze a nice chunk of meat like this Chuck ey roast first step is to Brown the meat very essential you want a good looking piece of brown meat when you're finished and uh you can't brown meat in liquid it just won't Brown even in the oven it just won't Brown if there's any moisture whatsoever so we're going to Brown the meat first in a little bit of olive oil right in the pot and we going to make the pot roast before you brown it put some salt and pepper all over it a generous amount rub it into the meat pre-seasoning is a really important part of the process it's good to keep a piece of paper parchment paper under the the meat that way you really keep your counter clean and when working with raw meat remember to wash your hands after and remember your pepper should be freshly ground your salt a good quality okay ready to start Browning quite hot in the bottom of this pan you're going to hear a lot of sizzling there and don't try to turn the meat until it easily releases it'll tell you when it's ready to turn smells good already now most pot roasts most brazes uh start with a Mira POA which is a combination of aromatic vegetables generally an onion a carrot and a stalk of celery and we're just going to cut the onion Into Thin slices like this closly Cho the celery and carrots which have been peeled the same combination of vegetables it's called a Saito in Italian in so they're ready to go I think we can try to turn the meat on lifting easily this is a very wonderful piece of meat Browning perfectly look at that fabulous color that it's getting that's what you want on your finished pot roast you'd want a nice dark exterior and a well cooked silky result the meat has been tide that holds the shape the Browning of the meat takes about 8 to 10 minutes uh have patience it's worth it now remove the meat to a baking sheet there great looking so delicious and now to the pot just add your lovely onions your thyme bay leaf pepper corns carrots and celery and you don't really want to Brown the onion as much as make it translucent in the olive oil for most brazing you would have this kind of a base of vegetables in the bottom of the pan this takes 2 or 3 minutes and if they start to cook too much you can add just a little bit of water to stir up the brown and I'm going to do that right now just a little bit well the onion has softened the celery too cars take a little bit longer cuz they're harder but it's ready and time to add the flour just one tablespoon of flour will do and cook that well done you don't want to have a flowy taste and the flour allows the liquid to be absorbed and sauce to thicken if the flour is well done add the rest of your water water and so Al together we've added about 1 and a/4 cups of water now some people might want to add a little bit of red wine beef stock me stock vegetable stock it really doesn't matter but I I think water just works very well and about 2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar for a little bit of acidity so can you see how it's thickening so now just lower the heat so it's simmering but not boiling and the liquid should come up only about 1 in on the sides of the meat and here goes our meat cover it tightly and with less liquid in the pot you'll need to watch it more carefully and turn the roast more frequently uh and uh just cook turning every 30 minutes until tender 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours so now the meat is quite beautiful remove it carefully to a baking sheet like this you're going to put the meat back in but we want to cook the rest of the vegetables and uh we want to strain this gravy so into a bowl just strain and we'll also take out a little bit of the fat so all the aromatics have really cooked down press them through the SI as much as you can so this is basically the gravy and the sauce put this back into the pot but you see you have a pretty nice brown gravy it's very very tasty and the vegetables about 3/4 of a pound of carrots of chips and of tiny baby potatoes you can use quarters or sliced potatoes thickly sliced potatoes too this is the nice turnup and peel the turnup and I'm cutting it into wedges sort of like apples fries apple pie and now turn the heat back on once this comes back to a simmer put the meat back on top cover and cook for another 15 to 20 minutes or until the vegetables are tender to the point of a knife so the meat is out of the gravy it looks really tender and so delicious now remove carefully the trussing strings now it's important to let the meat rest uh for about 10 or 15 minutes because if you try to slice it when it's really really hot uh it may just completely fall apart uh this is a very tender cut of meat now that looks like pot roast Grandma Gilbert's grandma rosovsky grandma cast styra my mother's mine and now yours the meat has reached the right consistency when it is Silky can be shredded easily and the meat should be very very tender but firm enough just to slice so it looks like that now that looks really good grazed pot roast we're now making a one pot pot roast this is a very good recipe and it is so easy you're going to fall back on this recipe a lot during the years to come a crock pot is the essential one pot I like these beautiful crock pots where the insert comes out so easily uh some crockpots actually have a Browning liner for their pot and you can use that too if you want to brown your pot roast but this recipe works really really well just the way it is in uh two tablespoons of chicken broth soften 1 tablespoon plus one teaspoon of corn starch this is the thickener for your gravy and that's all you need it sounds like very little but it's a perfect amount for what we're doing and this let put right into the pot and the meat well this is a 3 lb piece of well marbled Chuck this is a very nice piece of meat we have four cloves of garlic that have been grated rub the garlic all over the exterior of the meat now salt and pepper all over your meat on the ends too don't forget the ends and a little bit of black pepper now into the bottom of the crock pot one yellow onion peeled and cut up into thin wedges two carrots that have been quartered and cut into about 2 in pieces this is really the base for the pot roast all these vegetables one pound of small Yukon Gold potatoes if they're this size and they're quite small you can just arrange these on top of the carrots and onions without cutting and wierer sauce two tablespoons which is an oldfashioned seasoning really does add a unique flavor to the gravy and some tomato paste three tablespoons of tomato paste and I really do prefer tomato paste in a tube like this you know how you open those little cans and you only use three tablespoons and then there's a few more left and they you never seem to need it while it's still fresh and good so buy the tube really works well and a half a cup plus 2 tablespoons of broth this can be beef broth chicken broth vegetable broth whatever is on hand and then your beautifully seasoned meat goes right on top cover turn on high for 5 hours or on low for 8 hours and this is what the pot roast looks like after 5 hours on high it is really delicious smelling just put it on a platter like this and no one will believe that you cooked Grandma's fabulous pot roast in a crock pot while you were at work what a great meal to come home to enjoy transfer cooked egg noodles to a bowl and toss with butter in a separate Bowl whis together milk eggs sugar vanilla extract salt and sour cream next stir in cottage cheese and golden raisins and add to the noodles for the topping stir together Corn Flakes sugar and cinnamon sprinkle evenly and Dot with butter bake this about 1 hour and serve in a large bowl break into small pieces you'll need three cups add 1 and 1/2 cups roughly chopped pecans 1 and 1/2 cups sliced almonds mix together transfer to a rimmed baking sheet that's been sprayed with non-stick cooking spray and bake at 325° until toasted in a saucepan over medium low heat combine 6 tbspoon of margarine 1 half a cup light brown sugar 4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon cor salt a half a cup honey Cooks stirring until mixture is well combined in a large bowl pour margarine mixture Over The Toasted matah mix together until evenly coat and transfer to a rimmed baking sheet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray bake at 325° stirring frequently about 10 to 15 minutes once cool break into pieces over a large bowl mix in a half a cup golden raisins a half a cup dark raisins the perfect treat to share with friends and family this Passover it's a good thing to one stick of melted unsalted butter add one cup packed dark brown sugar cook over low heat stirring until the sugar has dissolved and begins to Bubble drizzle the hot mixture over two sheets of moah on a parchment lined baking sheet spread to coat and transfer to a 250° oven and bake until toffee has a rich Sheen about 10 to 20 minutes while still hot sprinkle with two cups semi- chocolate chips tent the matu with foil and let stand until the chocolate melts spread the melted chocolate evenly and sprinkle with flaky sea salt let cool in the fridge for about 2 hours it's a good thing you have to start with a really good chicken this is a very nice 3 and2 lb chicken and then one lemon sliced a couple sprigs of Rosemary a couple cloves of garlic a little bit of room temperature butter salt and pepper a trussing string and importantly a meat thermometer a little white wine for de glazing and that's really all it takes to have the perfect roast chicken let's get to the recipe start with the perfect chicken this is a beautiful organically grown chicken the giblets are inside Reserve those and don't forget to wash the bird very important to start with a clean bird cold water inside neck cavity and shake it dry and dry it with paper toweling dry it really well especially on the outside because that will help the skin crisp up and you want a crispy outer skin and a succulent juicy inside and now we want to season with salt and pepper inside and uh just make note that I am not using my fingers in the salt and pepper I'm using these little Scoops which really help keep the salt and pepper bowls clean also one lemon sliced into 1/4 in rounds just put those in the cavity but these things that I'm adding three or four sprigs of fresh Rosemary this really helps impart a great deal of flavor to the meat of the bird and three cloves of peeled garlic so now you're ready to truss and I like to use a little board that gets washed in the dishwasher and remember to wash your hands well after doing all of this now trust the bird then we will spread the whole skin with soften butter tuck the wing tips under that helps keep the bird roasting evenly and those little wing tips will burn if you don't tuck them under like that tuck the neck skin under and then right over the neckbone like that place your string and then you come up over the drumsticks like that tressing a bird like this allows the meat to roast at the same time now spread the butter oh about 2 tablespoons room temperature butter do this with your fingers just smear it on the dry skin now the butter all over the skin like this adds flavor but it also AIDS in the Browning process of the skin you want a crispy brown skin while you're maintaining a very nice soft and succulent interior now a little bit more salt all over the outside really flavors the skin and pepper now place this bird right on a rack in a heavy bottomed roasting pan this is a perfect pan for a chicken this size it will roast very nicely in a 400 50° oven now because the back of the oven is hotter than the front generally I would suggest putting the drumsticks toward the rear of the oven and the breast toward the front and when done the thermometer should read 165° when inserted into the thickest part of the thigh approximately 50 minutes so here's the roasted bird untrust it remember it uh is 165° in the thickest part of the thigh and you can take the strings off and remove the bird itself to a platter it's a little hot I'll lift it up mm a prettier view don't you think and now take out the rack uh there's not too much in the way of drippings which is probably a good sign but if there's a little bit of Fat Spoon spoon out the fat which want just those little brown bits here and just spoon just the fat and then you deglaze the pan with about a half a cup of white [Music] wine and turn the heat on high and a half a cup bring that to a boil and use one of these flat wooden spoons this is the greatest spoon because it really allows you to scrape what's left in the pan once this starts to boil and dissolve those brown bits those caramelized juices uh it will come up very nicely so the white wine is almost reduced and now just add one or two tablespoons of butter to enrich the sauce let that melt into the chicken juices and the white wine see a little tiny tiny bit left in this in the strainer just things that you wouldn't necessarily want to eat now give the sauce a taste need a little bit of salt not much perfect that little tiny bit of salt added just enough flavor there we have the sauce you can put that in a little gravy boat or in a bowl you have your roasted chicken is ready to take to the table and carve up for your family roast chicken our one pot lesson for today takes place on a baking sheet you can use a heavy duty baking sheet like this with the low sides which really helps in oven Browning and cooking this recipe calls for a half a head of seavoy cabbage that's the curly cabbage and cut it into a rough sloth and one large bunch of Tuscan kale this is a dark green very nutritious vegetable that has become very popular in the last year or so kale is really the it vegetable right now 2 tablespoons of olive oil and some freshly ground black pepper I'd say about4 of a teaspoon and half a teaspoon of salt toss and make sure the leaves are well coated with the oil get this right on a baking she oh and by the way did I mention preheat your oven to 450° great now just put this on your baking sheet spread it in an even layer and get that right into the oven for 6 minutes the greens have cooked for 6 minutes they're wilted they smell really really good and here are our salmon filets four to 6 oz each boneless skinless season very lightly with Course Salt and freshly ground pepper it's important to season though now this is wild salmon and this gets nestled in amongst the greens season the other side with Course Salt and freshly ground pepper and Nestle right amidst the greens cabbage kale fresh red beautiful wild salmon what could be better get this back in the oven and cook for approximately 10 minutes my rule of thumb uh is 10 minutes per inch of thickness of fish and this looks just about an inch thick and while that's in the oven for 10 minutes prepare a vinegret this is a delicious lemony mustardy vinegret one teaspoon of finely zested lemon peel always zest your lemon before you cut it 2 tablespoons of lemon juice squeeze that right into the bowl 1/4 of a cup of dill and generous teaspoon of Dijon mustard some salt and pepper and mix this together and then drizzle in approximately a/4 of a cup of olive oil use a whisk works very very well makes a nice creamy vinegret you see how simple a meal for four can be if you use our new one pot cookbook it is a phenomenal book and it's full of amazing recipes 120 recipes that'll make your life so so much easier iier there you go so the vinegret is ready now all we have to do is wait for the fish so now it's done it's ready to eat uh divide evenly the four pieces of salmon with the beautiful cabbage and kale right onto your dinner plates a really healthy and delicious meal and let Le than 30 minutes just spoon over that tablespoon or so of the lemony Dilly vinegret and you have a really healthy and nutritious main course in less than 30 minutes and only one pot to clean it's a great recipe and you're going to love it enjy so this is the flowless chocolate cake dessert yeah this is it's a the the the the cake is got a little bit of a pudding quality to it so it's uh I love I love this kind of cake yeah it's it's great so we have our chocolates already melted it's some dark chocolate it's a little bit of milk chocolate and the eggs I'm sorry and the butter excuse me so it's like 11 o all this is on the website at by the way so we're not going to leave you in the Lurch for this delicious dessert but 11 ounces of CH of dark chocolate 2 ounces of milk chocolate eight eggs egg yolks excuse me okay but 3/4 of a cup of unsalted butter all melted to this beautiful glistening chocolate okay keep wanting to go on to the eggs don't I so here's eight large egg Yol okay eighty uh egg yolks we also have a half a cup of the uh light brown sugar and a third of a cup of regular sugar and and U beat that up until it's a ribbon we're going to beat it into the ribbon stage but I like to take it even further I like it till it gets the color almost of mayonnaise so good uh ribbon stage is a good thing to go by but this thing yeah as light as you can get beat it beat it and beat it yeah the whole time you're doing this eating that yep that's done enough so we'll take this yeah so look everybody look at the color it is beautiful I'll do that for you okay there you go I'll do all the hard worku oh I love it I'm just going into a bigger bowl for not a really good reason except for that it's a little bit easier to mix together and a control so this is a very light cake now you make this often in the restaurant I make this every day oh you do yes okay um I'm the pastry chef right now so oh should I add the vanilla yes add a little vanilla it doesn't really you can a tablespoon tablespoon of vanilla okay and also just a pinch of salt I think that's important and I'm going to fold this into it or maybe you would do this we're going to fold it because we really want to keep this cake light okay I'll do that and then you have the egg whites already yeah we're going to go over check our egg whites we want these to be stiff peaks we're going to take a little bit of this looks beautiful and this is going to taste really dark right yes we're going to start with just a little bit to fluff in there incorporate just a little bit okay it gives you a little bit of a starter mhm before we add in the rest of ours my favorite thing to do okay okay we add the rest of our egg whites excuse me and what about the pan how's that prepare okay the pan this is what we like to do is we like to do it in a water bath and so that'll keep that pudding cake you know sort of quality in the bottom of it we wrap in the outside of a of a spring form pan two layers so it doesn't leak so it doesn't leak and the water doesn't get inside of it I like to line it and spray it several different times because I just don't like to leave anything to chance so I'll spray it I'll put my liner and I'll spray it again and um so this is folding nicely yeah you want to have hot water though to put into his bath sometimes people forget that and so you need a b yeah and you want everything to s be at the same temperature okay does that look well enough in that looks well enough okay okay so we're going to take that we're going to add it to our cake pan this is going to go in the oven for about at 350° for about 50 minutes okay this is a cake that has to be kind of timed out so if you think that it doesn't look like it's done yet don't worry about it pull it out and you'll have a good quality cake okay so don't forget to put the hot water yes hot water is very important okay the topping this is Moscone cheese Mone cheese has got a little bit of acid to it which is really nice for extracting colors out of things like peppermint oh and it also works crushed peppermint candies crushed peppermint candies those just those yeah oh look at that I was kind of hoping I got to crush them on TV because they're fun because I like smashing things and they and they left it they left no they said no no well it's too noisy I guess I don't know I could give you a roll gra how what do you do it with so the rolling pin oh that there we go anything good and sturdy look at that yeah that's perfect we're going to add a little bit of our sugar to it oh so that's so easy to crush no it's not and big pieces like that are great cuz it kind of melts in there and these little streaks we put a little bit of sugar inone cheese with peppermint patties yep M yum whipped cream okay the the mosone also works great as a great stabilizer for the uh for the Moscone cream if this just Whi cream you have to go whipping and beating on your fingers do I lucky me lucky me just clean your fingers okay oh thank you so much like I said you know my mom's going to be watching this so she'll probably have something new to tell me okay so those are the cutest I never thought of doing that you just take a candy put it on there and it melts at what temperature um this is at uh what do we do 350° for about 5 to 7 minutes look it has a great side and the other side is really cool too see if I can get one look but you can use either side pre I like the shiny side yeah so beautiful here's our finished cake we got to unload our spring form pan take a little cut this is going to be this one actually is going to be this one was done spectacularly okay mm excuse me the pretty stuff that goes there just like that a little garnish pick a good one we like this one's loose okay garnish our cake like that and we got boy and there you have a decadent dessert very decadent
Channel: Martha Stewart
Views: 50,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: martha stewart, martha stewart living, Cooking for Passover, Jewish holiday cooking, Passover menu ideas, Easy Passover recipes, Homemade Passover dishes, Passover family meals, Passover feast recipes, Passover recipe collection, Cooking with matzo, Passover meal planning, Passover recipes, Passover meal ideas, Traditional Passover dishes, best passover meal recipes, what to make for passover, creative passover recipe ideas, simple passover menu ideas, Martha Passover
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 26sec (2846 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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