Passover Seder & Shabbat Recipes Sephardic Pesach Menu

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[Music] hi everyone and welcome back to Sonya's prep we have two and a half very short weeks left until we have to get ready for Pesach for Passover um this is a Thursday when I'm recording and I wanted to incorporate a few of my favorite recipes and I wanted to convert them to be kosher for Passover by the way if you're new here hi my name is Sonya and this channel is all about my Orthodox Jewish life where I share Shabbat meal preps and holiday Inspirations just like this one and if you enjoy this kind of type of content don't forget to give this video a big Thumbs Up And subscribe to the channel for more videos like this so let's roll up our sleeves and let's get prepping foreign If you've seen last year's matzo ball soup video recipe this is exactly how I'm going to be doing it just with a little twist I'm going to be boiling the chicken first and letting that you know broth develop for a good two to three hours so it could be like rich in flavor and then I'm gonna add all of the other components that I usually have in my matzo ball soup I can't wait for you to see the detailed video If you haven't seen it yet it's going to be your favorite we really love it in this house and I'm sure that you will love it in your house as well I got different chickens this time I got organic ones I don't even know if I'm gonna like these organic ones I just picked them up at my grocery store so hoping that it will come out okay I have two chicken thighs large chicken thighs in here I'm gonna be putting that on the stove so for those of you who may be wondering which chickens exactly I bought this time around this is what they're called I think some of you may be interested in it wise family pasture Rachel's organic kosher free range whole chickens like I just want to make you know better choices I hope I like it um so yeah this whole chicken is going to be washed and cleaned and placed on a baking tray and I'm gonna be roasting this for Shabbat as well and obviously all of these recipes that I'm going to be showing you today can be made kosher for Passover I'm very minimalistic with the types of sauces and spices that I buy for Passover because it's only one week and I really feel like we can get away without using or buying so much excess especially now with inflation and prices that are crazy um I find that in my previous Passover recipe videos as well and just general you know cooking for passover Salt and Pepper have done me really really well so um that's what I'm going to be doing if you haven't watched my video from last year about Passover and inflation and how I budget to you know make Passover then definitely check it out I'll have it linked down below so for this chicken right over here I cut it into half and I seasoned it with salt and black pepper avocado oil doesn't need to be kosher for Passover either so I just got mine from Costco I drizzled that on I'm going to be doing that on both sides and I'm also going to be using a bunch of garlic which I have here sitting in um boiling water if you hear my kids going crazy is because they're kids so this is going to sit for five minutes and then I'm gonna drain all the water peel it it's going to be like magic it's going to feel so easily and then I'm going to grate the garlic right over the top of the chicken [Music] now that all of the garlic has been peeled I'm going to be mincing a good amount of it over the top of the chicken I would say about four cloves so this is just really going to bring out all of its natural flavors it should be yummy and delicious [Music] [Music] so happy you liked it [Music] [Music] chicken is all ready I'm gonna place it in a 400 degree oven covered for about an hour and a half and then I'll uncover it for the last maybe 10-15 minutes and it's going to be delicious foreign [Music] so next up is this chuck eye roast, so stunning and delicious look at that. We have some garlic confit on top so the way that I did this is I layered the entire bottom of this with sliced Idaho potatoes and then I added in some onions over the top of it I seasoned it with some salt and black pepper and then some barbecue sauce give that all a good mix lined it up in just a single layer otherwise it's just gonna Steam and you want really the bottom when you're reheating it for your Passover seder or for Shabbat to get nice and crunchy on the back on the hot plate. On top of that we put in the star of the show The chuck eye roast over here I seasoned it very heavily with some salt and black pepper you want to season it really really well because it is a thick piece of meat and you don't want it to be flavorless in the center of it. after that you can also add in a cumin in coriander if you have that then I added in the barbecue sauce very nicely and generously over the top. filled up the bottle halfway with water added that to the bottom as well because these these tend to burn when you reheat them because they're very like bottom heavy so I always like to add a little bit of water just to make sure that nothing Burns especially after reheating it I had some garlic confit left over from Shabbat and I poured some into the garlic confit that we're going to be making for this Shabbat and the rest of it I just slathered right on top of this gorgeous meat [Music] I cover the meat very tightly with the foil Its going to go into the same oven as the chicken for as long as it takes once the chicken is done I'll lower the temperature to 300 degrees and just keep it in the oven for hours foreign next up is definitely a family favorite we are doing the garlic confit so I have a bunch of garlic here I'ld say I use about three heads for this so to season I'm just gonna add in some salt cumin about a half a teaspoon of each of these coriander some chili flakes for the Heat I'm about I guess two teaspoons of this and a nice amount of oil you want them to be almost floating in the oil so just make sure to cover the garlic with this and of course if you have any leftovers you can definitely repurpose this just like I did today let's give everything a good mix cover with some foil and place it into the same oven as our meat is cooking and our chicken so we're doing a lot of multitasking and doing all of the things so you can get out of the kitchen a lot quicker foreign now we are moving onto to making pumkin kugel I guess, or a pumpkin pie but minus the crust these are the simple ingredients that you need I have some almond flour here pumpkin puree light brown sugar cinnamon salt and Rich's whip with three eggs so into the pie pan as you saw I have my eggs I'm going to be adding in the richest whip that I have defrosted this is an eight eight ounce container I usually make this recipe with a fresh butternut squash vegetable but I wanted to use this up before Pesach even though this is a Pesach video but I'm making it not on Pesach so because I want to use this up I'm going to be altering my usual recipe to include this but either way it's going to come out amazing my kids love this they can't even tell it's a vegetable um obviously I feel like you can make this yourself it says it's all natural no preservatives but I ended up getting it from my mom she wanted to get rid of this she gave it to me so I'm going to be using that in here so basically I just steam it whenever I make this I steam the butternut squash I take out all of the Flesh and I make it very easy all you have to do is dump everything together mix everything well and it comes together that quickly half a cup of almond flour goes in a third cup of brown sugar goes in and a little bit of salt about half a teaspoon mix everything really really well to incorporate it all now if you have cinnamon that you bought kosher for Passover definitely do this step because it makes it so so pretty you add the cinnamon over the top and then you do this I always get nervous trying to do this swirl it up and down and up and down and then around and around this creates some sort of effect which I don't think I pulled off this time but okay so this is going to get baked for one hour at 350 uncovered and is going to reheat beautifully this also freezes beautifully incredibly but I have never made it crustless this is going to be my first time and now I'm thinking I should have sprayed the bottom of the pan so when you make it spray the bottom of the pan but this is real life I'm just a mommy cooking in the kitchen and sharing my recipes with you so I'm going to be putting that into the oven right now next up I'll be making Yap chick which is I think an ashkenaz potato kugel uh so I'm going to be using my traditional potato kugel I have over here about less than about five pound bag of Idaho potatoes I actually weighed it was a little bit over four pounds so I have the potatoes here already peeled they're soaked in water meanwhile I'm going to take a pan add in one cup of oil I use avocado oil I'm adding in one cup of oil putting it inside and I'm going to be placing it into my hot oven and let it get really nice and hot while I'm pureeing and shredding the potatoes onions this recipe also we need some meat inside of it I'm actually so excited that I'm making it um so I got chuck stew over here I'm going to be cleaning it but I'll go through all the stuff with you meanwhile this is going in the oven so in the meantime I'm going to be pureeing with the S blade in a food processor or you could just simply grate it with a box grater if you don't have a Passover food processor so one onion goes in foreign to make it really really fine [Music] in the meantime over here I've cracked five eggs I'm gonna whisk it all add in the onions and the reason why I am setting it up this way is that when I puree half of my potatoes because not all of them will fit in here I will be able to right away put them into this mixture and coat them so they don't turn brown so if you have the Cuisinart that I use I'm using the fine shred attachment I also have a Linked In My Amazon store font which I'll try to remember to link below so I do all of the potatoes I shred about half of them then I remove the shredding disc and I put the S blade and I just puree them because I like that like thready mushy type texture to my potato cocoa I don't like it too mushy and I don't like it too pretty foreign with this next batch I transferred the S blade in and I piled the other shredded potatoes inside so I'm just going to process so now I'm gonna pulse it so I just combined everything I seasoned it with salt and pepper to taste add as much or as little of the seasonings as you like and prefer so I'm going to put in half of this amount into my baking pan [Music] flatten all this out I think I have a little bit too much oil but you know what I'm going to be cooking it for hours foreign I just put right in there gosh I cannot wait to have this [Music] you just tuck it right in and lay it all the rest of the potato kugel goes over the top add in a little like half a cup of water pour that over the top and it bakes in a 425 degree oven for about two hours uncovered that chicken is out of the oven the garlic Aroma is absolutely delicious I would just serve this on my Seder night with some chopped Dill maybe over the top with a little bit more fresh garlic and it it was just gonna be delicious so hope you guys try this recipe out smells heavenly [Music] wow oh look how good this looks smells amazing the kids are gonna go crazy for it and just perfectly cooked through [Music] At this point the matzo ball soup is pretty much done it's been cooking for like three hours I have my matzo ball mixture in here I'm just going to be making the matzo balls and dropping them and then I'll show you what they look like at the very end [Music] this right here is called bahsh it's a green rice made with herbs and meat and onions and you basically place it into a linen bag and close it up really tightly with some twine and I steamed this some people steam it some people place it into boiling water and let that cook for three to four hours if you're interested in the recipe I'll definitely link a video where I go into detail of how I made this [Music] thank you [Music] the potato kugel is all done now it looks very very promising I could see a little piece of the meat peeking through and when I'm going to reheat it tomorrow I'm gonna add in another half a cup or one cup over it um I pop back into the oven and it's going to come out amazing you know what I can't contain myself I'm gonna Dive In I think I deserve it after all the hard work okay let's go in oh gosh look at that look at that that looks so good this is the room this is the roast look how nice and caramelized the potatoes look and the onions became all like Jammy The Roast needs to be based every now and again this is my second time basting it it's been in the oven for let's say three hours already but with these roasts you know the longer the better so now that you saw how I made my meat I want to share with you how I would make a meat pizza using a kosher for Passover pizza crust and we have very very simple ingredients so I'll show you how I make it so to start I'm going to be using two cups of matzo meal placing it into my bowl adding in half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of sugar which is combined here put that all inside of the bowl and give it a good mix and into a separate pot I have one cup of water that we're going to be pouring in one cup of oil I use avocado oil on Passover and now we're going to be heating this through until it starts to Bubble Up and this is exactly what we're looking for we're looking for it to start bubbling so now we can combine this with the matzah meal we have our heated through oil and water I'm going to be adding all of it into this bowl and now we're going to start mixing and it's going to form a dough mix mix and once you see that there are no more dry bits we have four eggs over here that I've already cracked we're gonna start adding them in one at a time so it fluffs up right away it absorbs all over the water and now we can add start adding in the eggs one goes in and we mix away I've actually made this recipe making um bread rolls and bagels for Passover when my kids were very very small um so this is a very good recipe to also make that if you guys are looking for a replacement I guess for bread or bowls for your little kids or anyone who's just you know craving some bread so everything's combined I'm gonna let it sit for about 10 minutes just so it could really really absorb everything into it so the matzo meal gets really nice and fluffy and then I'll show you how I lay it out to make the actual pizza crust for the meat piece so now it's time to put the entire thing together I have a parchment paper here on my cookie sheet I'm going to be spraying it with some oil if you don't have a spray bottle just brush on a little bit of oil just to prevent anything from sticking now take your batter and place it onto the cookie sheet this is going to make a large one which you can then separate into two separately here I have a bowl of water where I can dip my fingers into just so I could spread out the batter easily now my oven has been preheating to 375 degrees so it just beeps letting me know that it's at temperature so now dip your water into your water dip your fingers into the water and spread your batter out as thin as you normally like your pizza crust we like it pretty thin because um we're going to be adding all the typical meat pizzas type things on top of it like arugula and meat and dressings so flatten that out as best as you can alrighty our gorgeous pizza crust is all ready to be baked so it's going into a 375 degree oven I would check on it after 25 to 30 minutes see if it's nice and crispy to your liking and we'll check back with you after they are ready the pizza crust is now out of the oven all I'm doing is just blotting it dry foreign now that the pizza crust is ready I'm placing it onto a board just like I would with a regular meat pizza use your favorite kosher for Passover barbecue sauce and drizzle a little bit of that onto your pizza crust and separately I am heating through the leftover meat that we have from our Seder this is obviously not being filmed on Passover this is before Passover but I'm just giving you an idea of how I would repurpose the meat and leftovers for either for lunch the next day after the Seder so that you don't have to let things go to waste this is a very nice presentation and it's really a crowd pleaser I add a little bit of arugula over the top I will be adding in more after I add in the meat so now that we have a nice base let's add the meat so I'm going to just be filling up half of the pizza because I don't have that much meat so you could definitely cut this recipe in half and use it for two different seder nights or for two different types of appetizers maybe you want to do a fish appetizer or chicken one and a meat one so this is going to be beautiful add a little bit more of arugula on top there are a few components that I want to make to top the pizza with so this is my pickled onions all I'm going to add is in some salt some pepper normally it's better to have this already prepared so it could be nice and like marinated already but I just wanted to show you how it would look like if you wanted to recreate this and then add in a nice amount of vinegar so I would do this a day before or a few hours before mix it really really well like really massage the onions break them down so they could be a little bit soft and they're going to be nice and Briny so all you do is just tap it all throughout the piece and see it just makes for a really really gorgeous show-stopping presentation and it's for Pesach how amazing now the last component is going to be the dressing. the white dressing and just stay tuned to later on in the video where I'll be sharing with you my dips and salads and you'll see the dressing recipe over there very simply then just drizzle this white sauce over the top and you will be wowing all of your guests with these simple leftover repurposed recipes so it's all ready it's gorgeous it's stunning I hope you guys make this so I just wanted to say a quick note if you don't have any leftover chicken or meat that you want to repurpose you can do the same thing with Deli just cut up some deli put into a saucepan or Skillet put in some of your favorite kosher for Passover barbecue sauce saute that really well and do the exact same thing that I just did and I hope you will love it I'm actually so excited to recreate this on the actual Passover or seder or whatever yeah we're gonna have a good time eating this yeah foreign [Music] [Music] now for a fish appetizer you could use the same exact pizza crust I aligned it with a little bit of barbecue sauce again some tuna some arugula my pickled onions that are here with the pickled onions over the top as well on both of these and it's just something different you know we're sick of the same stuff over and over again and after that we put in our White dressing and this is hopefully another show stopping little appetizer for your family and friends or something cute to bring if you're going to your in-laws or your parents so here you go now moving on to our salads here I'm making olive salad I have some green olives black olives one chili pepper and two cloves of garlic I'm going to be closing up the lid to the food processor and processing that by pulsing it then I add in about a quarter cup of oil and post that some more and then I just taste it make sure that it's to my liking if it's missing salt or or oil I just add that in as well so that salad is all done now moving on to the dill dip or the white dressing that you see me make all the time I have about one and a half cups of mayo here a good amount of Dill four cloves of garlic an entire lemon squeezed inside of there some salt and black pepper and I'm just going to be pulsing the entire thing until it all comes together and it's so like multi-purposeful this uh dill dip or white dressing you can put it into salads you can dip vegetables into it you can dress it on meat pizzas the next one here is a tomato dip I have one green chili two Tomatoes four cloves of garlic salt and black pepper in there as well if you like it to be more spicier you can add in some chili some chili pepper but I pulse all of that together until it all gets mushed up and when it's all done you taste it see what's missing and add in I added in some Paprika in here just because it looked a little bit too white and that was it this is chimichurri sauce it is such a favorite of ours I have some oil here on the bottom with four cloves of garlic minced I have some sugar that I'm going to be adding in about one teaspoon I also add in some salt and black pepper as well I mix all of that and I incorporate tons of herbs in here so I have some scallions some parsley and some dill I give that a very good mix and it looks like it's a little bit too thick over here so I'm going to be thinning It Out by adding in a little bit of oil and sometimes I add in a little bit more lemon juice so you taste it it's supposed to be like this beautiful plate of sweet and sour and savory and salty and it goes really well with poultry and meats foreign with our meals and our appetizers and salads we of course have to finish the night off by sharing some delectable desserts this is a recipe that I found off of Facebook I think the woman who shared it was Rebecca Durham so all the credit goes to her very very simple ingredients very quick to come together you're going to start off by mashing Three Bananas and now that all of our bananas are mushed we just simply add all of our other ingredients so we have one egg here a quarter cup of oil I'm using avocado oil is margarine or butter if you so choose a teaspoon of vanilla extract I'm gonna mix up the wet ingredients then I'm gonna add in half a cup of our sugar and over here I have one and a half cups of almond flour a pinch of salt and one teaspoon of baking soda foreign and if you guys like your banana bread with some chocolate chips then at the very end you could add in about half a cup of chocolate chips [Music] so that's it our batter is ready I'm gonna be pouring it into these tin pans I do not know the size but they are like the size of my hand I'm going to spray them down with some oil spray and pop these in you know what maybe it'll only fit into one you know what I think it's only good for one so you could basically double this recipe for the two of them this is now going to go into a 350 degree preheated oven for 50 minutes to one hour while the banana bread is in the oven let's get started on chocolate chip cookies this is from an instagrammer Erin eats it looked so good and chewy exactly what I wanted so in this bowl I have oil sugar eggs egg yolk and brown sugar with a little bit of vanilla extract the exact recipe will be in the description box for you so don't worry about it I'll have the recipe and the instructions in there I'm going to whisk all of the wet ingredients now together it looked so so quick to you know it's not like Packy it doesn't like take a million ingredients now that everything is creamed we're going to be adding in potato starch tapioca flour baking powder and vanilla pudding I guess this is what gives it that nice chewy texture all the dry ingredients are in now I'm gonna give that a very good mix and incorporate everything and over here I have about half a cup of chopped chocolate chips that we're going to be adding in I've formed them into balls place them on a cookie sheet and I did refrigerate them for about 20 minutes she says the refrigerator for an hour but I don't have the time for that so I'm gonna be placing it into the oven at 350 degrees for 13 to 15 minutes the cookies are out and they're the thin chewy kind of the best delicious definitely going to be making this again on Passover oh my these desserts are going to be your favorite these are both new recipes that I tried these cookies are chewy Heavenly and delicious they cook for 13 minutes and they were perfect I removed them from the baking tray right away and left them on my counter just perfection absolutely delicious this banana bread I had to leave it in there for an hour and 15 minutes and it is super moist it's still warm so I can't cut into it but guys smells heavenly and you're going to love it wanted to show you how soft and gooey this cookie is I mean it's just amazing for a pesach cookie amazing I already had two so I'm gonna hold on hold out on that one for a little bit I hope you guys all enjoyed the recipes I put a lot of work into it I wish I could have you know made more videos and more recipes it's just a little bit difficult with you know Passover approaching and cleaning and getting everything ready but hopefully this gave you a little bit of a sense of what I plan to make and how I'm going to be managing my time and the kind of ingredients that I buy so I hope this was helpful for you I wanted to wish all of you a very happy and healthy Passover for my family to yours [Music]
Channel: Sonya's Prep
Views: 178,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Passover Seder recipes, Passover menu, complete Passover guide, kosher for Passover, Passover desserts, Passover pizza crust, Sonya’s prep Passover, Sonya’s prep Pesach, Sephardic Pesach menu, Passover 2023, Pesach 2023, Passover Shabbat prep, Passover menu guide, kosher for passover desserts, passover recipes, how to make a passover meal, passover menu ideas, pesach recipes, pesach menu, sephardic passover recipes, shabbat prep sonyas prep, potato kugel recipe
Id: D4RroNtdxOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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