Rustdesk - an Open Source, Self Hosted alternative to TeamViewer, AnyDesk, GoToAssist, and the like.

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[Music] it's your open source advocate and i'm back with another video and today i wanted to talk about another way to get remote desktop access so in the past i've talked about mesh central which is an awesome rmm type system also r port which is an amazing rmm type system so those are remote machine management which means really more so you're just managing the machines for someone else for a third party for people in your company just your family your friends whatever but you always have access using those tools you can always access those machines and those devices i've also shown you remotely in the past which was truly an amazing open source project i wish that the developer had stuck with it and kept with it but you know he has a full-time job i understand that so he he sold it to someone else who has kept it open source but they haven't really done anything with in a couple of years either now for me it still functions but i know some people are starting to have issues with it especially as the operating systems progress and it is not being kept up unfortunately i would love to see somebody you know pick it up fork it and take it over and just keep it going because it really is a really great project but in order to give you something very similar to that very similar to what i would say is an any desk or team viewer or go to assist or bomb guard type solution there is rust to desk i want to say thank you to all of my subscribers and all of my patrons over at patreon seriously you guys make this so worth it for me to do these videos every week i really truly enjoy it and i just can't say thank you enough if you're enjoying these videos subscribe let youtube know that i'm doing a good job by subscribing to the channel plus you'll get notified when i have new videos coming out and finally if you're enjoying what i'm doing give it a like just click on that thumbs up and that way youtube knows that you like it and they'll pass it along to other people that might enjoy my content as well i really appreciate it thank you again let's get started and it works on all of these different operating systems which is great so it's got windows it's got mac it's got linux basically is why they're showing the ubuntu thing instead of the penguin i don't know um they've got android support and then they've got ios support as the cl as the the system that can view the other machines i'm pretty sure i don't think you can view an ios device that's kind of an apple thing not really a rust desk thing so they've got some really cool stuff here and then when you've got the the rest desk server set up and running you basically see that you know you allow somebody in just like you would with teamviewer or anybody else and you can view and take actions on their system so it's really cool because you can set this up to be i already have the password and i'm going to allow myself to access it anytime i want you can set this up to be i have a family member who needs some support so they i tell them hey go download the rust desk client you just send them a link and they install it and then when they open it they get a number an id number just like you would in teamviewer or any desk and they get a password so they tell you the id number and then you can say connect and it'll prompt you for a password but while you're waiting on their side it also shows that they can just accept you to connect which is great so you don't have to have the password they don't have to try to tell you the password they can just accept you knowing that you're trying to connect to their machine at that time which is pretty awesome so i think that's awesome they've got github community discord community and a reddit community and then they say that currently they are trusted by ossc and lenovo which are some pretty big names that's pretty impressive to know that people are using this for that stuff um i think it's pretty great with linux it does not support weyland it only supports x11 so if somebody's using the weyland system for showing their screen and their desktop you'd have to have them switch that to x11 that could be a little bit more work and just depending on if they're an experienced user or not that could be not great i hope in the future that this is going to continue and that they will in fact push this to to actually support weyland as well because with pipe wire and things like that there's some really great ways for that to happen the important part for me is that my my data is going through my servers and i have control over that so what i've set up is i've gone off digitalocean i set up a droplet and i called it and then i own the domain for so in my in my domain i went out and actually set the ip address as an a record and you can see it right here so i created an a record here and just go daddy now you would do this anywhere so if you want to do it you click on add most of them have a similar workflow you choose the type of record you want in this case we want an a record and then i just type in rust because it already knows that i'm working on uh this this domain which is that i own and then you put in the ip address that you got from in this case digitaloce now the reason i'm saying digitalocean is because this is a relay server you can do this inside of your home network absolutely for certain as long as you can forward certain ports to the machine that you're running this on and that's ports 21 115 through 21 119 so that's two one one one five through two one one one nine um those have to be forwarded to your uh machine that you're running that on through your firewall your router and then things can connect to your relay like they're supposed to so i just wanted to kind of put that out there but we're gonna do this in digital lotion because i'm gonna use a five dollar droplet to set it up and we'll see how it runs uh it may run with no problems at all it may have a little trouble we'll just find out but we're going to use docker so i've got my ip address for my droplet right here i'm just going to copy that and i should be able to go to it through domain name as well we're gonna open up a terminal and i'm gonna make the font a little bit bigger for the people on the mobile devices so if you're watching on your mobile device hopefully it'll make it easier for you to see and we'll make this full screen i don't know if i need it that big let's let's make this one smaller here there we go so i'm going to ssh root now it always sets it up as root on digitalocean and we're going to go to let's just see if it's already got it yeah it does cool and then i put my ssh keys so it's not going to prompt me for a password or anything which is great and the first thing i want to do is actually install docker and docker compose because this thing uses docker and docker compose so i'm just going to pull this down for a second i'm going to go out to my git lab so i have this out on all right so i've got this set up in here and i've got this nice little uh system called docker installs and i'll leave a link in the description and show notes so that you can find this really easily but i've basically created a script that goes and it installs docker for you and it does everything that you need it to do in fact it even runs the update process on your ubuntu systems now i can't say that it does that for centos or anything like that but if you want to have an updated system i suggest first because it takes longer if you don't do this so i'm going to do sue i'm going to do add user brian i'm going to create a new user here so i'm going to use add user it's going to prompt me for a password so i'll use that that's fine now i'm also going to push my keys over to brian here in just a minute but that's okay i'll do that and show you kind of how that works so my full name you can just hit enter through all these you don't have to fill them in and then hit yes right here so next we want to add our user to the sudo group so we're going to user mod and then space hyphen little a capital g sudo that's the group we want to be added to and then the user or users you want to add to that group so you could put multiple users if you knew a lot of different users you wanted to add to sudo in this case it's just me i'm going to leave brian there we go i'm added to that group so now that we've added my user to the sudo group i also need to add my keys from the root user to my actual user so i'm just going to do scp dot slash ssh dot ssh i believe um star to slash home slash brian slash dot ssh slash so i don't have a directory there yet so we'll go to cd we'll go to mkdir dash p make directory and this is going to be slash home slash brian make sure we spell that right dot ssh all right and then we're going to do that scp command one more time or actually just a cp command we don't need to do scp um yeah there we go now i should have the keys in my user directory but i need to add the permissions to it so i also need to give myself ownership of those keys so i'm going to do c-h-o-w-n hyphen space uh iphone capital r sorry slash home slash brian slash dot ssh and we'll just hit enter oh yeah who is it for there we go so it should be c-h-o-w-n so change owner and then recursive which means all the way down through this folder and everything inside of that folder and then who do we want to give it ownership of brian is the user brian is the group and then the ssh keys will be in there there we go so now we can do exit and we'll do ssh back to that same thing and instead of root we're going to use our new username so whatever you made your username you do the same thing and it just logs in with the keys that's great makes it really easy i don't have to worry about anything i guess if i put clear there we go now i'm going to do two things actually i'm going to do one thing we'll do nano docker nano install docker dot y dot sh so i'm going to create this file called install it's going to be empty for now we're going to go back over to my browser and i'm going to go and grab this install docker and proxy man sh and you don't have to do it that way but i'm going to go ahead and open up the raw i'm going to hit control a to highlight everything ctrl c to copy and then i'm going to go back over to my terminal i'm going to do ctrl shift and v like victor to paste into the terminal i'm going to save that i'm going to exit and now i'm going to just change the permissions on this thing so chmod plus x install docker dot sh which means makes it executable and then we'll run it with dot slash install it's going to come up and the first thing my script does is it says let me see if i can tell what this is so it knows that it's ubuntu it's 2004 so you can look at that to make sure it releases 2004 and it's focal down here i give you choices so number four is your bluetooth 24 2204 i don't know why i have it twice but there you go oh no sorry 2104 and 2204. yeah there we go so we're going to hit 4 and enter and it's going to ask okay if you want to install docker and docker c if you want to install docker ce you have to have docker sorry if you want to install docker compose you have to have docker ce if you want to install any of these things just hit y as as the prompt here and we're going to put in our password for our pseudo user yes i want docker ce yes i want docker compose i don't think i need nginx proxy manager in this case because i've already given this the hostname and i've pointed my a record right to this host now if it was inside of my network running on a different machine i would probably want to use engine x proxy manager to proxy over to it so you might say yes if you don't have that already installed somewhere navi drone i don't need speed tests i don't need and portainer ce is kind of up to you in this case i'm not going to install it because i don't need it but you might want it if you're running a bunch of other stuff on the server that you're setting up but we're going to hit enter and it's going to go out and it's going to try to run the updates on my system and this is going to take a little bit because i haven't updated this system yet so it's got to run all of the updates for basically ubuntu so it's going to take a little time we'll let it run and then we'll come back whenever it's finished so i do add your currently logged in user to the docker group also as part of the script that just makes it so you don't have to type sudo every time that you run anything for docker it's up to you if you want to use that or not but you do need to log out and back in in order to get it to take effect there's some other ways to try to get around that but i usually just just exit and then just log right back in and we'll just clear that out and if i do doc rps you see i don't have to type sudo and i get the information that i would expect of course i don't have anything running right now so i'm going to make a directory i'm going to call that docker and then i'm going to move into that directory and then i'm going to make one more directory i'm going to call it rust desk and i'm going to cd into that directory also now so when you come to the page there's this link that says self-hosting here you just want to click on that it's going to take you over to here i'm going to go to the download that's going to take us over here to github and they've got some binaries if you want to grab those things but i want to do this in docker so i'm going to go back to their code i'm going to look for docker compose which they have right here and then again we click on raw i'm just gonna do ctrl a to copy ctrl c or ctrl a for all ctrl c for copy and then we're gonna go back over here and we're just gonna do nano docker hyphen compose dot yml ctrl shift v like victor to paste that in and then we're just going to scroll up here and we'll kind of look at what they've got so it's version three they set up a network called rustdesknet which is fine it's external says faults it's not an external network it's just a network internally for the different pieces to talk to each other the services are hbbs and the container name is hbbs that's great that's one of the relay servers the ports that it needs open are 2115 2116 2116 udp and 21.18 so on these i did i just did everything tcp udp when you forward it on your home network you can do that you don't have to this one specifies udp so these others you can assume are tcp only but just be aware of that that you you do need to set those up correctly on the forwarding if you're going to use this on your home network the image is from rust desk rustex server latest and then it sets up a command hbbr and you see here it's got this uh this name so we're just going to change this to be in my case in your case you would use whatever domain you have and whatever you set up as a subdomain just make sure to leave the 2117 out there then the volume is already set to be in this folder with the dot slash hbbs i like that so i'm going to leave it network is rest and depends on hbbr which is the next piece so on the next section it's hbbr the container name is hbbr and then here's two more ports 21 117 and 21 119 so if you change these on the left side that's what you need to basically port forward on your on your home router is the left side so if you change these you can change these if you want to map these on the host to something else if your host is already using these for something else you you can definitely change these just be aware of that but you need to set up your port forwarding correctly to the to the number on the left side of the column then it uses their rustdesk server latest information hbbr is the command and then it's in the dot slash hbbr folder and then it says or dashnet is the network again and then it start restarts unless stopped on both so that's good that's what we want there's really nothing here that we need to change per se again if you need to change these ports for some reason because you're already using one of these ports you can change the left side here you just need to make sure that when you route that through your firewall or your modem your router that you use the correct port that's on the left side there that's really the the extent of that we're going to control o to save the reason i use ctrl o somebody said hey you can just use ctrl x and then hit enter and it'll exit like yeah i can but i use ctrl o because i'm a person who saves a lot as i go so as i'm making changes in longer files i use ctrl o to save and that keeps me in the file and i can keep making changes so that's the reason i do it uh once we've once you've done control o we and enter we can do control x to exit and we don't get prompted so we're good now we're going to do docker hyphen compose up dash d we're going to let this go out it's going to pull down the things that it needs real quick it's going to tell us two dones and we can do docker compose logs dash f and we'll kind of see the logs that it's got going and we can kind of check to see do we see any errors any issues no and it does not take long for this to get started it starts up pretty fast so it's already in the start state here we can see that on the last line of the docker compose logs we use ctrl c to exit those logs and our server is running all right i've shown you how to install and set up the server now the next part that's really important is you want to set up the clients now you really just go download the clients from the site now they have clients for linux mac windows ios and android now i don't believe that means you can control your ios device i think maybe you can control your android device but ios has rules against being able to share your screen like that maybe they've changed it since i've last checked but i don't think so but for linux mac and windows you should be able to get the rustdesk client and install it and in order to use your server because out of the gate when you first install it it's using their servers and this little ready symbol down here is really kind of what shows you that it's using the servers and ready to go and you can see i've already set this up and i've connected to my other machine here at the house physical machine here's my id and then you get a password and i'll show you the password because i'm going to change it after this video but there's the password and really what you want to do is you want to click on this little three dots and then down here there's this id relay server and you're going to click on that and right here you'll put in the address of your server now you're not putting in anything with ports you're not putting in http or https nothing like that it's just the the sub domain and domain of your server and then if if everything is running on the same server the way that we've set it up you don't need to fill in these other things now this key field you might be going what is that so when you create the server it does generate a special key an rsa key basically that you can set up now when you set that up you can go get that off the server and it's inside of a certain folder and it's in the documentation for rust desk so i'll link that in the description in the show notes i'm not going to do it here because it's a little beyond the scope of what we're doing but you basically put that key in and you need to set up that key as well for your server so there's a special flag you need to put in place when you're running that command on the on the on the docker compose stuff and it's in the documentation you just change the command of the docker compose but when you put in that flag which which is it like a dash k it says force the key now if you say force the key the only devices that you're going to connect to are the ones that have this key in it which means you're going to have to share your key with anybody else that you want to use rust desk with now if you're using this just for yourself and just to access your own devices then that may be something you want to set up but if you're using this for your family for your friends you know things like that where you're trying to help them with computer issues which is what i do all the time and what i imagine most of you kind of have in mind for a tool like this then you don't want to set that key up in this case because it's going to make it very difficult for you to provide that to those people now with windows clients as well you can run the windows client basically you can change the file name of the executable to have your stuff pre-configured so it's a little bit special on linux they expect that you can tell somebody how to open this with the three dots and fill in the right information or send it to them to paste in whatever and then you can connect to them but for the windows client you can create your own version of the exe and put in the configuration so that you can connect and they don't have to set this up it'll connect to the correct server and that kind of stuff so they're making it a little bit easy for the windows people but so this is how you set it up so again if you set it up the way i have you just put in the the url and it'll it auto it just determines like oh well you didn't fill these in so i'm going to assume it's the same address and i know what ports to use for this so once you've done that you click ok and you should get this ready symbol if you don't see ready down here after you click ok if it changes and doesn't change back after a few seconds you've done something wrong double check your url make sure your server is actually running go check your docker compose logs things like that but once you do then you want to install the client on a couple of systems so i've got a system back here to show you how to set it up on a on a on a linux system now this is a ubuntu system but they have rpm they have they have all kinds of things for all the different machines i've requested an app image because it would be great to have this as a portable app on the linux side an app image basically just installs on any linux system because it brings all of the dependency stuff with it it's it's not like a flat pack where flat pack actually installs some extra stuff on your system it's not like a snap where snap has to be installed on the system first or flat pack has to be installed on the system first app image is really great because there's nothing special that has to be installed on that system you just stick the app image on there make it executable and start it it's really cool so i love app image stuff just for that reason i'd love to see them make an app image out of the client but that's neither here nor there so what we're going to do is we're going to go to and right here it's going to show you like here's all the things that you can get applications for but it usually just determines what you need so i'm just going to say download and it's going to go and download the file that i need and it's a deb file because this is running lubuntu which is lxqt i believe now remember weyland they don't support weyland they say it right on their site so if you have a weyland-based system you need to switch that to x11 if you want to use rustdesk with it really right now i think gnome is the only one that uses weyland out of the box so you know if you're not using gnome in the background you should be fine i've set all my stuff up on kde so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go find the terminal and i'm not as familiar with let's see i guess cute terminal is what i'm looking for yeah so we're going to cd into downloads because that's where it went and i'll just do an ls there it is now i'm going to go and i'm going to say sudo d package dash i or hyphen i and then rust desk and we're just going to tab so it fills that out and this is the first part that we need so we're just going to hit enter we're going to put in our super user password here you do have to be super user to install software that's that's normal on any system even on windows these days it asks you like are you an administrator okay cool and if you're not then you can't do it so if you get this dependency problems this is this is okay do sudo apt install hyphen f which is basically just go and install all of the things which means fix our fix our problem fix our dependency issues so we're going to let it do that it's going to tell us okay i'm going to install a few things here we're going to say yes and let it run so we're going to go back and we're going to run the d package dash i here we go now if you don't get any errors the first time you run the d package command you may have already had everything that it wanted installed you might have already had python pip curl because you may have installed other things that needed that as well so it could totally come up that you didn't need this installed that way but that looks like it ran correctly so we'll just exit out of the terminal now we're just going to go here and we'll type in rust and there it is so it comes up as rust desk in our menu now depending on how you access things you may have to do something a little different here's my id and then here's my little password i'm going to destroy this afterwards but if you just hover the little the little eyeball it shows you the password you can edit the password right here if you want to and then you can even change your id actually so you get quite a few options right here so you can able to keyboard and mouse so these are things you can turn off if you don't want somebody being able to access your system and do anything with it you can enable the audio input or mute it again change your id and relay server so if you look here it says ready but right here it says for a faster connection please set up your own server so they're even telling you set up your own server if you want to have this really be performant because there's our public servers and they could be used by tons of people and it could have some bandwidth limitations and things like that so we're going to go in here to our id relay server and again i'm just going to type in and we're just going to hit ok and you see how it goes back to ready that means that it's good and it's ready to take connections which is awesome i could also make a connection from here if i wanted to but i'm going to take this number and i'm going to put it into the background i'm going to take this uh as well and we're going to type in that number so one two nine six eight one one one zero seven one zero there we go we're going to say connect now i want you to see what happens in the background when i start to try to connect to this so kind of watch this desktop back here it's going to ask me for the password and there it is now it pops up so if you don't know the password but you're trying to help someone it pops up and says hey brian's trying to connect to your system so if i click back here on this i'll show you here in full screen brian's trying to connect your system do you want to allow that or decline it if you click decline i'll show you what happens here on the front and it's going to tell me like uh yeah they said no so you just click ok now that doesn't mean you can't try again because maybe they click the wrong button that's okay so again you just put in the information hit connect it's going to try again and again it's going to pop up and say do you have the password and if you don't type in the password pretty quick again this pops up and they can decline they can disconnect you at any time as well so i'll show you what that looks like here in a minute but i'm just going to say accept and you're going to see this screen pop open and here we are so we're connected back there so i'm just going to widen that out now it's as big as it's going to be but i'm going to change the setting here i'm going to say stretch just so it fills the screen because the resolutions are a little bit off but you can see what's going on now if i try to do anything inside of the client's rest desk system i can't you see that it blanks it out so it knows that this is my mouse remotely accessing the system and it says hey you can't you can't do anything here i think that's pretty cool now they still have if you go down here they still have this open now if i click disconnect it doesn't work again it knows that that's my mouse it won't let me just connect myself this way i have to do it by closing this window and then the client can say you know what you don't have access to this anymore now there's some pretty cool stuff the client can control but you can also send them a message so if i click up here in the messaging i can say i need to control the mouse for a moment and you see here on the background they get that message now they can reply but i can't reply from here because again it knows this is my input device so if i type anything and i hit send you see it doesn't show up it also doesn't show up over here on my side where i'm trying to control things it only shows my message so if i go back through my firefox interface here though and i type a message and i say okay no problem i can send it you see it shows up there and then it also shows up here if i get it to set right there we go uh it also shows up here now i can i can chat with this person i can control their screen i can do the things that i need to do and i can kind of support this person through whatever issue they're having and of course you can minimize this out of the way it's no big deal and i can totally control the screen so this is through you know this is through my network this is not across the internet specifically but it is kind of because my relay server is out on digitalocean so it's going out and coming back in now i don't know if this creates a peer-to-peer connection or if it always has to go through the relay server but it's pretty fast i mean i'm i'm not really doing anything special here if we go down to let's just go to internet let's open up firefox um now this takes just a second it's just a vm that i'm running with some low resources here but now if i go to let's see here it is right here shortcut youtube this is probably the best channel right here you should always be subscribed to this channel we'll go check out uh this one now it's probably going to be pretty droppy get your products in front of potential using shopify social media so you get an ad that's great um yeah i mean it looks okay it's not exactly perfect but it's it's not terrible um yeah and marketplace integrations use it so turn the sound down you can see the videos pretty quick um yeah i mean this isn't horrible actually so i'm surprised how fast that is now again this is my network maybe there's a peer-to-peer connection so it could be really fast i don't have a machine off my network to test with but there you go i'm controlling another machine i've got some control options up here as well so something worth looking at so you can change from balanced to good image quality which would slow down the connection you can go down further for optimization so that it speeds up your connection and your motion but it may reduce the image quality a bit i think balanced works and that's just what's set by default um you can say show remote cursor now i'm not really sure what that does i don't know if that changed anything really i don't feel like it did i think with linux it just doesn't do that with windows i think it does so if i uncheck it it looks exactly the same to me again you can mute the sound from their side you can disable the clipboard so if you don't want things being copied back and forth and then you can lock the screen after your session is over so if you say hey i need to take control of your machine maybe it's somebody you work with or something like that or your family member like hey i gotta go i gotta go to the grocery store or whatever you say okay i'll lock it after i'm done you can click this box it'll lock the screen after you're finished and when they come back they can unlock the screen and continue working so pretty pretty cool i think i think that's really great and as you saw i i switched it from the you know original size to stretch but you can also do shrinks so it just depends on what you want but if i do original you see it's really small but it's this is kind of the original resolution that's running on the vm right now so i haven't changed that or anything so you've got a lot of options right there just in the control bar and then you've got this other option set here so you can enter noah's password you can transfer files you can set up a tcp tunnel so if you want to do something with ssh you can do that as well through the software you can send the control alt delete command if you need to now this would be a windows only type feature of course this isn't going to do much on linux you can insert a lock and of course you could refresh the screen if something seems like it's not refreshing properly so you've got a few controls there as well and then of course we already looked at what you can do here now you can also go full screen this is pretty full screen already but if you wanted to get rid of this upper bar stuff you can go full screen as well so really some cool features i think here with the rest s client pretty full feature pretty nice i'm going to close this down and i'm no longer controlling the screen i can close the chat window and then if we go look here you'll see i'm just back to the screen but you can see now that i've got that as a saved screen and one of the cool things is i can go here and i can say i want to rename these devices so i'm going to say rename and i know this is my imac so i'm going to put brian's imac and you see it gets changed over here now i can put this as ubuntu vm so i can just rename that as ubuntu vm and there it is so it's easier for me to identify these machines but now i can also reconnect to these machines if i want to now if you use the password to connect you can absolutely jump on and do it that way so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go back over here i'm going to go to my other machine here and i'm going to open up my windows vm and i'll show you guys what it looks like to a windows machine so again you can see here that i've got rustdesk running and i've got the address right here which is five 70530158 again i'll be changing these after the video is done so we'll just type this in seven zero one five zero five three eight five three zero one five eight if i type it correctly it's definitely going to make a difference and it says do you want me to remember this password so i can check that box hit ok and now i'm controlling my windows machine and again you can see that i can't do anything inside of the box because it knows that's my remote cursor but i've got the same options that i had before right here across the top and of course i can chat and then down here i've got kind of my control area now you can see that my windows screen and this screen are about the same so that's where this kind of comes into play where i say you know what let's uh let's shrink this a little bit now stretch shrink there we go and it tries to fit it within the bounds of what i can work in now if i want to hide this toolbar i can totally take this full screen and again you can click on the full screen icon here and it goes full screen and now i've really got the windows machine kind of set something about full screen be careful because apparently it just gets rid of everything off your screen and you can't really change back from full screen so that's interesting but you've got full control of your windows machine now and i can go here and i can say hey everything looks good no no it doesn't look good i can click on all the all the functions work it's pretty fast i mean you can see kind of how that looks when i do the let's let's open up a few other things here it's when oh hey there we go i went off the screen and it came back let's open up edge i'm not a fan of edge but we'll open it and then let's open up i don't know what else i have wordpad sure there we go now if i click on this thing there so that's not bad right i mean we can click on that we can click back out pretty pretty quick i can switch windows pretty quickly again not too hard to do and when i you know as the end user so i'm going to switch back over to my other machine here so so if i'm back here and i'm the user that's watching this happen i'm kind of watching you play with my screen and i say you know what i'm tired of this or i don't like what you're doing i can come in here and i say you know what you're done i'm going to disconnect you and if i go back now it shows me okay they disconnected you you're not connected anymore now i've saved the password as my machine so i can just go in anytime they could of course as a as an end user change the password so that the next time you try to connect it's not going to work so there's some safeguards for the end users there's some safeguards for you as a person trying to provide support with somebody who doesn't understand they can't be moving the mouse while you're moving the mouse but i think it's really great i think this is a cool system rust desk it looks really great and uh yeah i hope you enjoyed this if you did like subscribe tell your friends about it so they can come along on the journey with us and i'll talk to you next time [Music]
Channel: Awesome Open Source
Views: 444,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open, source, opensource, open-source, self, hosted, selfhosted, self-hosted, free, libre, software, server, linux, mac, macos, os x, windows, microsoft, ios, android, pi, desktop, tutorial, how to, setup, installation, instructions, terminal, interface, open source software, open source news, open source projects, remote desktop, rdp, team viewer, teamveiwer, any desk, rustdesk, rust desk, remotely, meshcentral, mesh central, tactical rmm, tactical, rmm, remote machine, management, gotoassist
Id: 9nzHm3xGz2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 32sec (2072 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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