Airline Secrets They Don't Want You to Know | TikTok Roast

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Tik Tok roast there's four scary things  about planes pilots won't tell you coming up hey 74 crew welcome back if you don't know me  my name is kelsey i'm a 747 pilot my channel   74 gear is all about aviation a few weeks ago i  put out a video roasting these Tik Tokers that   were putting out information of what to do in  emergencies while you're flying what's funny is   that several other influencers started picking up  that content and just straight regurgitating it   without doing any research of their own and then i  noticed in the comments section there you all that   watched my video started roasting them about how  incorrect they were that was funny however based   on the amount of views that those Tik Tokers  videos originally got i think it's pretty safe   to say that there's going to be some people  if they are ever in a plane crash that will   be dragging themselves out by their hands because  their legs are broken the teeth are in the back of   their throat and they have a projectile on their  head luckily that won't be you if you see a Tik   Tok saying dumb things or you don't know if it's  done just tag me in the comments or send it to my   instagram and maybe you'll be on here let's get  into it are planes with four engines safer than   those with two statistically speaking yes if one  fails above an ocean you have more than one backup   however plane ninjas nowadays are much safer than  they used to be in the 90s today jet engines are   so safe that a quad jet has a higher chance of a  failure than a twin jet so this is coming from the   genius who earlier told you to descend to 4 000  feet into a mountain and then use your cell phone   to call for help so he's taken the fact that these  engines are more reliable now than they used to be   which is true and spun it around to make  it something that's scary the technological   advances they've made over the last 20 30 years in  aviation the research and development they've done   have made planes and engines significantly safer  than they used to be so that part of his video is   true but then he says this that a quadjet has a  higher chance of a failure than a twin jet first   if you don't want to sound stupid don't ever call  that planet quadjet nobody calls it a quadjet they   do call a twin engine plane a two engine plane  they will call it a twin but you will never hear   a four engine plane called a quad jet by anybody  and then he says you have a higher likelihood   of having an engine failure on a quadjet than a  twin-engine aircraft that's like saying you have   a higher likelihood of having a flat tire when  you're driving a car versus a motorcycle because   you have four tires or saying you have a higher  likelihood of losing a game when you play four   instead of two because you're playing four so yeah  the likelihood of losing your engine is higher   because there are more engines so he's taking  this fact and spinning it around in a way to   confuse people to make it seem like this scary  likelihood of something happening because you   have four engines instead of two makes no sense a  747 flies fine on just three engines it's really   not a big deal and even a two engine jet or a twin  jet can fly fine on one engine there's all kinds   of safety protocols when you're crossing the ocean  that they have to follow that we don't because we   have four engines so if we lose an engine while  we're crossing the ocean it's not a big deal   if they lose an engine they have a certain route  that they're following to make sure that they're   close enough to be able to land at an airport  so there's different protocols they have when   they only have two engines so the scenario  that he's saying okay you got four engines   and you have a higher likelihood of adding an  engine failure is really just to induce fear   because people think losing an engine is this big  big problem it's not we train for it all the time   so the only useful part of his video is the part  where he says that there's been an advancement   in the safety of these engines since the 90s that  part is true so you may wonder why would a person   spend so much effort spreading false and incorrect  information and things like that to scare people   maybe it's because that he's trying to make an  account big enough to sell it for two thousand   dollars so he can get paid and he doesn't  care if anybody's scared or freaked out   about aviation as a result of it there's four  scary things about planes pilots won't tell you   between 43 and 54 percent of pilots have admitted  to falling asleep at the controls 33 of them then   stated that they woke up to find their co-pilot  asleep too some airlines are flying with less than   recommended fuel levels in an effort to save money  and finally passengers who sit more than five rows   from an exit have greatly reduced chances  from evacuating a plane during an emergency   when he says this part i was like what between 43  and 54 of pilots have admitted to falling asleep   at the controls i've seen it mentioned in the  past about pilots falling asleep and while there   are a few cases that have been reported and pilots  falling asleep and both pilots falling asleep it's   pretty rare but then when they're mentioning this  survey i'm thinking i've never gotten a survey of   any kind about this so i decided to do what these  tick talkers don't do and do some research here's   what i found out a pilot union sent out a survey  to 500 pilots after their country had passed the   law basically allowing for an extremely long work  day for pilots so now if you're only surveying   500 pilots that's a very small group i don't know  these people were hand selected but it is possible   having a union in charge of doing a survey of a  small group of possibly hand selected pilots when   they're trying to prove their point about long  workdays clearly doesn't make it into bobby's   tick tock video it's very easy to skew survey  numbers when you pick from a very small group to   answer the question now is do pilots fall asleep  or go to sleep when they're flying the answer   is yes it depends on the country though different  countries have different rules of what you can do   and when you can sleep what i've heard over the  years especially when you're doing a long-haul   flight over the ocean at night there's nobody to  talk to for hours and hours and everything is very   separated and regulated on speed and things  like that so there's really nobody to talk to   or nothing to do for hours so in that scenario  you might have one pilot say to the other pilot   hey i'm tired can you give me 20 minutes then that  lets the other pilot know hey i need to stay awake   no matter what and the other pilot will catch 20  minutes a power nap anybody who's had a power nap   knows you can feel super refreshed afterwards  now again different countries are different   some allow that some don't but there is a  possibility that that guy falls asleep yes and   is it possible the other person falls asleep it is  possible but typically in that scenario where you   tell the other guy i need 20 minutes well you can  muster it up to stay away for 20 minutes knowing   that the other person is asleep so is there a  lot of plane crashes that's been going on because   both pilots have fallen asleep no so when i'm in  the back riding as a passenger over a long flight   over the ocean am i ever thinking i wonder if  those guys are sleeping up there no that doesn't   concern me at all what would concern me is what  he says here some airlines are flying with less   than recommended fuel levels in an effort to  save money it would only concern me though if   it was true which is not again bobby failed to  do his homework dang it bobby here is the thing   every country has rules that's mandated by their  country as far as for what the fuel requirements   are there is no recommendation there's a legal  requirement that every airline is required to have   flying somewhere now the rules are different  depending on the type of flying they're doing   if you're doing a long flight across the ocean  to a different country and blah blah blah there   are requirements if you're doing a domestic flight  there are requirements if you're doing a flight in   a plane without the passengers and it's just you  and there and it's the middle of the daytime there   are different requirements so there are a lot of  different requirements we're not going to get into   but there there is a requirement legally that  you're required to do it's not a recommendation   and the other thing to keep in mind is that the  pilots like me when we have all the information   on what the weather where we're going what the  winds are going to be all that information then   we have the right and the ability to say we need  more gas so at the end of the day the pilots make   the decision and realize that you as a passenger  that are riding back there the pilots are there   with you we don't have ejection sheets there are  no parachutes for us so as we get on the plane and   we know hey we're going to fly to this place we  know that we're going to need enough gas to get   there time to wait maybe some weather needs to  go or maybe we need to go to a different airport   we're planning and thinking about all those  things so there is a requirement that you're   legally required to have and it's true if you were  to haul around a bunch of extra gas unnecessarily   it is a waste and the airlines will not let you  haul an unlimited amount of gas across the ocean   if you don't need it because it's a huge waste of  money but there is no just recommendation there's   a legal requirement which you're required to  have so this whole thing about flying below that   is not legal and would never happen have pilots  taken too little gas and ran out of gas we call it   fuel starvation has that occurred absolutely but  typically it doesn't happen with your airliners   so me as an airline pilot when i'm factoring in  how much fuel i'm going to take i'm not factoring   in costs typically in my experience when i've  seen planes run out of gas besides some crazy   malfunction or something like that when i've  seen planes run out of gas it's typically   because those people involved are also involved  in the cost of things they're trying to keep   as much money in their pocket as they can as an  airline pilot that doesn't factor in at all we   don't ever think okay i don't want to take too  much gas because this is going to come out of   my pocketbook all we care about is safety we  want to get there safely and that's all we're   concerned about and it's set up like that as a  reason the airline's never going to say to you   no no you can't do that that's not safe unless you  were doing something ridiculous saying like i want   to fly there and then once i get there i want to  have an extra five hours of gas once i get there   they're not going to do that but they don't care  if you want to take a little bit of extra gas   more than they originally allocated to you as long  as you can justify your reasoning behind it they   don't care now let's talk about this last thing  that he said the passengers who sit more than five   rows from an exit have greatly reduced chances  from evacuating a plane during an emergency   i get the logic about wanting to sit next to an  exit row the thing that most people don't know   is that manufacturers are required to show that  they can get everyone off including the crew off   of a plane in 90 seconds now granted these people  are trained to do this so they're not grabbing   their overhead bags and picking up their backpack  these people are trained and getting off a plane   as quickly as possible but 90 seconds is very  fast now i realize they don't look as reliable   of a source of factual information because i  haven't figured out this overlay where these   heart emojis fly around my head but let me pull  up this piece of information from the faa website   this is straight off the faa the operator must  show that the aircraft emergency equipment and   emergency procedures allow the evacuation of  the aircraft at full seating capacity including   crew members in 90 seconds or less again i'm sure  these are trained people and they're getting off   the plane in 90 seconds it will be slower with  a bunch of untrained people i agree but really   the only thought you should be having when you're  getting onto a plane and you're picking your seat   the only thought you should have is do i want to  sit next to the window so i can take pictures out   the window for the gram or do i want to sit in the  aisle so i can get up and go pee whenever i want   those are the only two things that i factor in  when i'm choosing my seat so if it works for me   it'll probably work for you here's the only way  to survive a plane crash when booking your flight   try to get a seat in the exit row or within  five seats from it people in those seats have   the highest survival rates wear pants in a long  sleeve shirt made of non-flammable material like   cotton or denim and sturdy shoes you want clothes  that don't restrict movement but also protect you   against flames and flying debris bring a smoke  hood or a wet cloth in a plastic bag most people   survive impact but die of smoke inhalation if  you don't have these breathe through your clothes   when boring the plane count the seats between  you and the nearest front and rear emergency exit   so if it gets smoky you could feel your way to  safety when instructed brace yourself by putting   your feet on the ground crossing your arms on the  seat in front of you and lowering your head remain   that way until you come to a complete stop then  by crouching so you still get some air leave the   plane and get away as far as possible so finally  someone that had some logical things to say   and there was one thing on here though that was  maybe the weirdest thing i've heard so far of   all of these videos and that's this bring  a smokehood or a wet cloth in a plastic bag   if you're gonna fly around and be so scared about  the potential risk of being in a crash that you're   gonna fly around with a smoke hood or a plastic  bag that you can put water in in the event and all   that stuff that he was talking about that's just  crazy that would be like if you had a jaws of life   that you kept in your car that had an adapter for  your cigarette lighter that you could use that for   power in the event that you're in a car crash but  still lied that you could use the jaws of life to   get yourself out that would be the equivalent of  that makes no sense you have a very limited amount   of space that you can carry obviously there's  restrictions down how heavy your bag can be and   how big your bag can be if you're carrying it  on don't waste the space with something like   a smoke hood for the event that you could be in  a plane crash that's a waste because if you are   in a plane crash you're not gonna have time to be  getting up in the overhead getting your smoke hood   out and if you have a smoke hood out in your lap  through the whole flight people are going to think   you're a total weirdo but i did like the part here  where he talks about the shoes and sturdy shoes   you want clothes that don't restrict movement but  also protect you against flames and flying debris   if you want to be safe and this is something  that if you really are concerned about being   safe the best thing that you can do is wear some  sturdy shoes and always wear them through takeoff   and landing you always want to wear those shoes  because if you do have to get off the plane let's   say an engine explodes on the takeoff rule which  has happened engine explodes that means there's   engine all over the runway there and you're going  to maybe get out if there's fire or things like   that you're going to get off of that plane on the  runway and there's going to be stuff and debris   all over the place so you're going to want to exit  that aircraft quickly and you're not going to want   to be stepping on hot pieces of metal or who knows  what out there when you're jumping off the wing   or sliding off the slide you're not going to be  jumping onto things so the amount of people that   i see when they get on the planes and before the  plane is even pushed back before the doors even   close have taken their shoes and socks off and  are disgustingly sitting there with their bare   feet next to me i'm thinking that is the worst  idea i've ever seen you don't necessarily need   these pilgrim shoes that that they're showing  right here but if you want to be safe keep your   shoes on until we at least get to the cruise  portion of the flight so if you want to be safe   leave your shoes and socks on the entire flight i  do so you can do it as well and if you are going   to take your shoes off at least be wearing socks  the amount of hairy men's feet that i've seen is   way more than i've ever ever wanted to see frank  this isn't only fans nobody wants to see your feet i've had people sending me this type of clip for  years and someone even told me that one of the   manufacturers had a patent on it but there's a big  flaw in it one i'm guessing the only people that   are able to eject these passengers are the pilots  so at the same time that we're ejecting you we are   also killing ourselves because the plane now  is going to be totally messed up on the weight   and the balance and while you as a passenger are  falling into hopefully an unpopulated area we're   now into a crazy emergency tumble and hoping that  we don't hit a city with these jet wings that are   now full of fuel and possibly on fire if you would  consider the amount of weight that would be added   to make this even remotely possible it would  reduce the amount of bags reduce the amount of   passengers be taken and it's just not very likely  it also doesn't factor in the possibility of a   malfunction so there you are in your seed reclined  back one or two inches as you're cruising across   the ocean and then there's a malfunction and now  your your plane shoots off you see the rest of   the plane fly off and there you are floating down  in the middle of the sea over the atlantic in the   middle of december and you're thinking oh this  is great so now there's this malfunction your   plane's flying fine but now you've been ejected  from your plane so now the pilots are dead and   you're sitting in the middle of the ocean in rough  weather waiting for a rescue ship to come and get   you no now parachutes are practical on small  single-engine maybe two or four-seater aircraft   for something like that i can see parachutes are  a practical thing but for something like this on a   commercial airliner it's just not very practical  i wouldn't want to be there riding in the back   thinking okay i hope something doesn't happen  where i get ejected because that would honestly   make me more nervous than being in the middle  of the ocean and having an engine failure that   would make me nervous but not nearly as bad as the  possibility of a malfunction where i get ejected   from the plane that would make me a lot more  nervous so someone with my limited brain capacity   can pick apart all these different problems i can  only imagine what an engineer with a big brain can   do to see all the potential problems that i didn't  even consider if you want to see me roasting some   of the original tick-tockers that told people how  to survive a plane crash check out this video here   and if you want to see some pilots dealing with  air traffic control and having it not go well at   all check out this video up here i look forward to  hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 2,418,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot, airline pilot, 747 pilot, 74 gear, pilot Kelsey, tik tok, tik tok roast, pilot tik tok, tik tok pilots, pilot roasts tik tok, tiktok, tiktok roast
Id: a8s7twiUBCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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