Part One, Excavator Boom Repair.

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well looky looky here a banana oh it's not a banana but it's broke if you had seen my instagram you had seen a video that the customer sent me that this thing was broke it looks like a hairline crack about that white says there's other issues which their other welder did oops they tried to fix that which i'll be repairing as well yum okay well now i know what i'm doing i don't know what i'm doing but i'm gonna get it done anyway it's interesting look at this cracked at the factory world it's crazy and this one did too i don't know exactly how heavy these things are and be nice to take it back to my shop but my shop is full so i don't have room i'd have to do it outside so if i'm doing it outside maybe i'll just do it here outside so we'll have to see but now you know what i'm doing i'm repairing a banana all right [Music] so [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] okay so we got that set up uh got my son helping me today which is nice uh now well this looks like a horrible mess and it actually is now if you sit back and look at the job in itself and try and you know make a plan it's actually not that tough you know step by step so in this case we have a couple of good reference points we have this reference point right here to here and same with here to here somewhere to here at least this line if anything on that side and then very similar add a little bit of a stretch here not so bad then we have possibly this reference point right here to this reference point right here and what i mean by that is that now uh instead of trying to bend this back in place i can actually cut it apart and what i would do from here forward is i will cut any unnecessary except for those reference points out of the way that way it has enough clearance so let's say i detach this piece i can just touch it back in place where it goes and put some tacks and it'll hold it in position as closely as i can as to from as to where it started originally even with this twist here i will cut all this out all this out here that way it's free and it has these reference points to touch uh venus i'm going to replace this piece and that piece i can actually cut around this piece here a piece there and i don't even have to worry about gouging it just to break it free from itself and then start fresh once we make those contact points or the original contact points touch and so it's really not that tough of a job it's it is a lot of work but you just have to think of these things you know step by step and it's actually just uh not so bad so this other issue up here this is going to be a video up on its own because this i will have to replace big sections of that as well so for now my son and i will get after this here and i hope you guys follow along right so here we go [Music] so [Music] so in this case up here you'll cut in here and then just go on the inside of this somewhere out here and go ahead and cut it so we have enough room to mess around and that way this is easier to cut off later so here i'm going to cut this way and down [Music] what's behind you [Music] make sure [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so we got a lot of uh cutting out of the way and as mentioned before we're gonna try and leave some reference points to attach to so in this case that little crack right in there oh sorry that little tear right there and that little spot right there will be a reference point and so will this down here and this since i cut off it won't exactly touch but it'd be pretty close so we're going to clean this up um i believe i think we're good on this end no we may trim this guy away a little bit that way it doesn't interfere and we've cut enough away here that way clean that up just a little bit as well sorry right here and um i'm gonna try and stick it back on there and tack it in place take some measurements make sure everything is all looking good and start replacing sides one of the first ones i think i might do is is you know actually i don't know i'd like to probably start with the bottom but that's a lot of work let's see we'll think about that i'll get that type on there first and see maybe the sides are first who knows then i'll do the top then i'll do the bottom in that order who knows but we shall see all right more work coming up next [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] that's how you thinking [Music] okay it looks great [Music] what are you doing over here all right so we cut this intersection out i got a little too carried away got a little close to this edge here uh so my fault but what's nice is from here now i can see the separation line between here and i can use a plasma cutter and shoot that way and come up here either that or cut up with a cutting disc like this once i make this line nice and square and then what will be left is to blend try to find out this to blend this world sand it flat now we're back to the original apparent metal same thing over here i might have to get a little closer right in here so i can plasma cut that way or our gauge it right same thing but since i got the plasma just run the plasma works fine and so like i mentioned the reference points here and here that's good i'm gonna try and save as much material as i can on these side pieces so i don't have to cut so much so i may end up just cutting just right in this area this piece of overlap up to here let's see we've got rain coming um same thing over here so it's all looking good as far as getting this line square across here you know you may want to measure there but yeah so uh i'm gonna do the combination once we put this this piece back on here like that and touching those those points that'll be pretty close then i can use this back edge as a measuring distance from here to there to mark my line across and hopefully come out pretty square maybe not no big deal doesn't hurt anything but uh it'll be it'll be fine when i put it back on of course i'll put a backing plate here i want to cut this side piece off here i'll put it back in place here put it back in place here it'll all be really nice i'll even be able to put a backing plate on this piece in here so all the pieces will have back in place so that it stays so that i have something to weld to real solid like so it should be good so now just a matter of cleaning these up cleaning those points and reinstalling that piece on there for to get it where it's supposed to go once it's tacked i'll start cleaning all these things off and do that next here we go [Music] okay so you saw there me cutting out these little notches in both those areas what's happening is as as this boom skin tore it kind of warped it and bent it and so now we're using this back edge as a reference and this front edge here and up here as a reference and so if you look really closely it's pretty much touching there and it's touching right here so that lets us know that we're we're right on the money as far as parallel that way so that means i can most likely tack this section right here so for it to hold it in place i think we're looking good since i'm gonna be cutting this piece out anyway i'll be cutting it back here and back here i'll be able to repair that nicely so that's that's a very good sign we're looking really nice and parallel so that's good all right we'll take it there and then we'll do that on the next side as well [Music] okay so things are looking good we gotta make sure that the this area here is parallel or flat and same thing here i measured from this hole here to this hole here comes out to 92 inches and the same thing over here there to there so that's working out really good so the next step is i'm going to measure from this point here this edge put somewhere right in here both sides measure from this whole edge here and create a square line there and trim that off and as i mentioned earlier we'll be cutting this that way and cutting it off cutting this off probably gouging this off and then you know being as i cut some here i actually shouldn't have cut that much but that's okay so we'll put another little bridge tack a little piece of metal to bridge over that for now so i can loosen this attack as i attack the the top plate on once i attack the top plate on then i'll be free to cut these guys i'll cut just past this here just past the inner in our backing plate and then we will attempt to flip this guy over and finish out the bottom so pretty simple repair just an awful lot of work and again as i've mentioned in other videos this is not a how to do it but this is just how i'm doing it i don't know if there are any procedures on this but this is the procedure i'm choosing to do and make so so far so good all right let's keep trucking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay i'm at the next step here and what i'm gonna be doing is cutting these side replacement pieces and i was trying to figure out which way would look best if you put a square against this bottom this way this line is skewed that way if you put it across the top the line is skewed that way and so it won't match this factory weld look what's happened here is that the crack has come so far back this is part of a cast piece as welded onto the center pin uh or the tube here and so now i will have to be marking this way far back and trying to this is all one piece so the radius is really nice so that's going to be a bit of a concern but it is what it is at this point so in order to try and mimic this line right here my thoughts were to make mark the center line here and mark the center line of this weld right here which is 20 inches across right in this area and i got a good spread anyway so i'll mark it at 10 inches there and mark the line this way and with that i will base my square off of that line and it should mimic this weld uh in that at that angle i should say so will it work this way yes will it work this way yes but it just won't look right look kind of funny so i'm gonna try and make it look as best as possible and so i think that's what i do i was struggling with this here for a bit for a minute i was uh suffering from paralysis from analysis i don't know if you've ever heard that phrase but it's when you overthink things and you get kind of stuck so i was stuck like i said guess it'll work i just look funny so mark the center line should look a little bit better all right so that's next [Music] um [Music] [Music] i guess let's just face it i do better with a torch that's crazy okay so now i'll cut that center piece there that goes in there and tack it in place normally i like to do the bottom piece first while it's on the machine that way i can do all the welding from the top and then put the lid on as a cap and so that's why i'm waiting on on this top piece i'm going to try and replace the side piece at least tack it in place see where it goes same thing with the other side tack it in place and then replace the bottom piece and then replace the top i'm kind of gone in backwards order because i did the top i cut the top first but we can still work around that you know i really don't like the way this came out here where the plasma cutter didn't have enough power to push through i guess the arc itself is only so long then it relies on on the air to push it through whereas with the torch you know once it's melting that molten puddle then it can go very deep so i would have been better off just using the torch sort of doing the other side so let me clean this up cut that patch piece and backer plates and we'll be ready to go
Channel: I C Weld
Views: 230,267
Rating: 4.9239883 out of 5
Keywords: Drillrig, heavy equipment, onsite repair, kellybar, auger, dozer, excavator, welding, stickwelding, mig welding, torch, torch cutting, gas axe, backhoe, torching, weld, repair, weld repair, fix it, how to, caterpillar, bull dozer, broken, cracked, torn, busted, track hoe, welded, fluxcore
Id: RhuCRD9qHcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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