(Part 4) Ridiculousnessly Popular Videos πŸ˜‚ Best Of: Ridiculousness | #AloneTogether

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what do you know about the fine art of not spilling a liquor beverage okay let me set the scene for you like you know like a mojito maybe about this big okay you've had three of them I love Keeney Las Vegas oh this is my jam this is my jam oh my god like this is my like and then wow you land on your back what do you save first elbows booty shins my butt I don't believe that because this mojito is much more important oh my god that was crazy this next category is dedicated to those that would rather save a drink than their body [Music] hell yeah looks like we got ourselves a redneck Terminator [Music] but he lit him with beer [Applause] [Music] man I love this [Applause] you have never seen me like that yeah loser dream I thought a water broke I didn't know all right who loves the day drink when was the last time you were drunk in the day yesterday okay do you throw anything at anybody um now I'm here I'm usually pretty chill when I drink yeah yeah yeah I can have them I can have okay okay you might be able to handle you but this whole category is dedicated to people who cannot called day drunks take a look good transition who am i doing in the bar up there with my shirt off [ __ ] is it you wouldn't know what I'm gonna go back to back oh yeah I just mean just a cheeseburger maybe some fries you wanna know what I'm actually I'm not good flip-flops is a dead giveaway [Applause] okay you're drunk yeah yeah yeah yeah what you got for me [Applause] [Applause] here's the thing alcohol is a really really great form of turning yourself into a ninja it's the reality of if you get drunk enough you could literally beat up anybody in your mind right is everybody in this next category that we like to call for your belts take a look you got it man if you can do it anybody can no you are not a drunk ninja I'm gonna kick this melon off your head and then tickle your banana she can look there you gonna talk okay that's what you get [Applause] this first category is dedicated to people drinking and doing other things right great drinking combos take a look [Music] that's skiing drinking and slamming just tell me to the local bar what is that a big wheel weave big wheels and drink it we big wheel and drinking oh my god impact where's all that liquid coming we're dying and drinking we dine and drink it skydiving sketchy enough you don't need to try and get drunk while you're doing it oh he's doing it damn near naked or we like girls night having a time above you messed up that carpet okay listen though listen to the to the young man desperately pleading for help at the end of this video there's something about it I like like if it was warm water it would feel vacationy there you go great combos were drinking have you ever showed up to the party too drunk yeah yeah I mean what happened I don't remember that's pretty much it this next category is dedicated to those that have a little too much to drink before the party oh the drunk on arrival take a look the roommate is such an ass oh yeah he did this like Oh get it oh yeah get this on soon okay [Music] like you know top mike-mike let's go dead body my pose over the bar look at it couldn't even get good go go go dead body I told you I'm on the list no I've had to to drink stop max this body it's stupid there's no one even here Margaret there you have it extra extra drunk on arrival what happens to you when you drink too much this is a bad thing with a shiny thing like I could drink so much you won't know that I'm drunk but I'm like more confident and I'm like a fun drunk so that's why my friends try to push me to drink even more it seems like that'd be a lot of fun and a lot better than being around all of these people who turned into vampires when they get drunk we call it drunk EULA's take a look [Applause] yeah she away they're like triple hot mess [Applause] you call it [Music] America he had to be drunk the running short he's legitimately buried beer like brought him to life and like that's not like one beer that's not literally everything at the beach going in there [Applause] the gin looks like Homer Simpson just like and you just know that's about to be the deepest darkest hickey she's gonna have to explain like now I think I fell last night throw it oh one more time legitimately a vampire a lot of people get that parkour in them and they never let it go and they keep it deep down inside until they drink and then it really comes out and it gets real dangerous just like everybody in this next category drunk core [Applause] I got this always been into my fingers aren't so strong with all that beer in it got it got it if you waiting drunk there was no chance you go there that's B - I'm whitening my teeth including here is this my beer pong myself here's the beer pong nobody he digs the cups are already on the ground where he's going look at here we go what did he think [ __ ] hoes oh this Prince egg right here the smallest oh maybe they're like competing who could make like the bigger dent okay go back go back look at how a wrong man you should know you don't have the ability to jump let alone get some height but you committed for America she did but you did not drop that drink there you go for drunk oh look everybody in this next category they're drunks okay but they're extremely nice we call it polite drugs take a look no let me get this for you I mean he goes Umberto's over his own okay just take the light of mo smoke em if you gottem boys aw look at Lucy stop to clean the toilet well this is some pretty I just want to make sure I clean up his ankle finally buckled under the weight yes no you you go ahead I'll tell you what go ahead now no I just can't like honestly you please please so polite what is he as a mirror [Applause] I don't think that could give any words let's let tsunami this guy win them all no but you'll be like you are so beautiful our guest today is the childhood actor one of the greatest basketball players of all time to never go pro or go to college he is a male model that has never actually done a photo shoot and he is the co-host of this show ladies and gentlemen welcome welcome first ever guests to be on the wheels d-did you really think you were gonna force you to do it was like there's no way they're gonna have me try to run that with no practice so bad yeah we should maybe try it but she got sweaty hands she might not slip there her hands are so sweaty she might short-circuit all right well steelo this category--normally sterling gets to see the videos the night before gets to think about some stuff is it correct that you have not seen any of this category I having it all well one of the the great parts of this show that you play is you're able to spot things that we never see right it's a gift so what we are going to do is test your ability where that hurt two-five what is in these videos and they're technical and difficult okay steelo vision test okay okay what did you see I did see a side boner I thought from the beginning okay he's excited about this but whatever reason what we saw was a gentleman in the back actually feeling the pain of getting hit by a sledgehammer okay okay okay so here we go BAM now what did you see oh I saw a [ __ ] and a Blewett taping the whole herd okay now now what we saw was this is how many times he's already done yeah but I would argue you're seeing better things you got a gift man oh the Sleep Train to night-night town all right okay okay two things the make-out session in the back yeah but nobody has ever fell down and with the sleep like that like this is athena jezik okay and we're gonna do a little relaxation work on Karina hmm okay back throwing up okay we're so lucky that there just happens to be a random ass bathtub why is this so done wait he's it because I have socks on but if you go back and look his stockings be cleaned anyway [Applause] how is it only one puddle in the whole parking lot you write virus how did you get out how did you get the door Oh one bit defuse it when your whole body just to the side like Oh okay let's go it's going down right now I got you I got you fight you I wanna hold you hey yo hey referee like it's not on target here okay you gonna run a lot when you keep a rubber duckie okay [Laughter] she's fine as hell people come to hey yeah yeah do it good morning they put his hand over her face like equine you'd be quiet yeah this is just me here you be quiet yo what's up man it's a trick but heating it adjust far he grabbed his head though who's gonna get their head farted on and just be always a practical matter that one up my nose that was a good one I've been working here say something jelly sandwiches I'm getting out of this town he get them so hard you gotta hide a car lengths you expect is that best seat in the party house he's in a chair here this is one of those points he won't remember no drinking Eric you're an alcoholic [Applause] piss friendly we care about help me just checking the cabinet no that's my dad's pioneer [Music] I'll take your juice box in my Fiat car that was both look at just a small man on a mission to park go cards man let's step back child only fan like this you're like talk to the guy if you know exactly who I am how are you I'm sorry lad what you up to to make the black bear this black bear is funky as hell right now this is too fast for any golf cars [Applause] I want a golf cart just to do [Applause] Hixton man yo I tried to hurdle some to back in the day and Bob broke my face we got it oh you have that pause it okay before we see this what was happening here I was in Denmark and the Olympics were on the hurdling competition okay we're in the bar watching it we didn't know it rained outside okay so stuff was slippery see the right good good Michael Jackson towels on the other one shoe oh that's a nice crossover look like a basketball superhero-y she had a mass [Applause] what you got is you gotta listen to this daddy though black parents don't ever ask give you okay they tell you of you okay little bit of dolphin in you you fine [Music] I don't think any of us missed that let's say human jumping out of a car right okay this is a human who's doing something really dangerous but he does not like to get water in his nose he's got vision give it up for steelo all right spent a long time coming three years I'm getting Machine Gun Kelly on there get Machine Gun Kelly like your fan base is so rabid yeah and every time we tried to do it it never happened and we had never met in all these years wait until now yeah yeah this is the first time we met her dog before he'll be right in you sent him down what when you got offered the part for bird box yep okay and then like when it came out and was so big especially the idea of like where everybody was like pissed that you we were character in the group specifically tonight well did you guys go right like did you expect it to be that psycho when it came out no he shot it two years ago yeah yeah I was just at the house one day and I like walked out the house one day and everyone's a dude you're that dude for Burke box I'm like oh yeah none other ten years of my other career to me nothing [Music] yeah look dedicated to being blindfolded and just giving it all you got third boxers take illegal this can't believe can't be legal do they have somebody here like to hold them in the position like ain't going straight you're like he is so common I'm in with no shoes I got it we got some footage of you just causing total chaos let's take a look at this [Applause] what is this it's the mall why is the mall filled top to bottom with people that tweeted the day before I was like hey we should all meet up in the food court and like do a flash mob and this happened go ahead let's see what happens on yeah just having a good time saying what's up to the fans now you're going to jail and I love like it's a it's like a mall cop got you tough big they say was like inciting a riot yeah what hanging out with some of your closest friends via social media at a mall and a group together screaming that's having a lot of fun the drunker you get are you more athletic or less as well I'm sorry [Laughter] there's like a range right we're like you get drunk enough like it's the confidence that goes along with that's before the body breaks down right where you could do some special stuff Oh big time right but if you get a little bit over the hump and the body's wobbly with too much it's over I got rooted and in this category right here is dedicated to those that thought they could push the envelope called drunk athon take we spent probably a foot and a half any believe it is so much he didn't didn't do any math and you thinking I could throw this to you no problems with that he has supporter Dubois short sorry even have shorts on godmothers our men are almost inside giving the suitors peridot that matches this skin tone of mine all right we have a cake that you posted on your instagrams take a look at this real quick apology cake from a bus guests apology accepted yeah so I'm assuming someone projectile barf all over your goods oh yeah and they made everything right with this yeah yeah yeah we opened our bathroom door to her she was like there was puke like seeping out of the bathroom underneath a little boozy how did she find the time to get you a cake before you left town this was this was a year later well good for her you know I mean you never forget when you ruin someone's bus by puking on anything crazy inside that film party wise yeah that people aren't gonna be able to see if they're underage yeah yeah like that made it in the film of the stuff because I could make a whole movie about what happened off camera on that film what was the journey like filming the attack because where'd you guys filming at New Orleans okay so who's extra and me and all the boys like live together in a spot next to our favorite bar that were imported in close oh seven so how did you even show up on set works at 8:00 it worked out perfectly you go from there I understand you got a fear of elevators man where did that go yeah I've been stuck four times you've been stuck four times one during our earthquake and Oakland one with P Diddy and a bunch of other people which was the weirdest for how long I feel like 20 minutes in the Cosmopolitan Hotel on New Year's Eve so no one sent help because they all thought we were drunk idiots on New Year's Eve because when we press help and they're like you know can we help you everyone's like here's the thing man elevators are dangerous yeah they saw people get eaten up in them all the time and we created a category to reinforce that phobia at the highest level we call it sky coffins take a look welcome to murdermachine.com where you too can watch death you could get stuck in it or you can get chewed up by it man that's crazy we have heard that you recently got pulled over for drumming too aggressively on the road is that true yeah I was air drumming in like and then what and then the cop for life you want to know what you're not gonna do around here is rock out it's like Footloose or something so like he pulled up next to me and he's looking and I'm like you know like you know so I'm like I'm not scared I'm jammin you can't stop me you can't stop me from enjoying this music completely fires on a woman's body yeah what do you love the most see see okay so you meet a girl you'll just be like and you catch one yeah it's more like one of those like what you want me to wear up until heels okay okay no go really and everybody in this category they love toes it's called foot fever wait do you know I was gonna say that look it on the internet you have multiple interviews of talking about feet like I mean look if you google celebrity foot fetishes you're number three put into the show here we got a little clip where we like to play a sound and see if you can guess what it is we call it not what it sounds like so let's listen to it okay what do you think is it a stripper making her ass clap let's take a look and see what this is is it because somebody might just have fun I don't care drunk sober he didn't have it you ain't getting over that man yo I tried to hurdle some - back in the day and Bob broke my face we got it all you have that pause it okay before we see this what was happening here I was in Denmark and the Olympics were on the hurdling competition okay we're in the bar watching it we didn't know it rained outside okay so stuff was slippery see the right good Michael Jackson towels on the other one shoe [Applause] [Music] oh man look nothing [Music] yeah I got a crazy lip balm [Applause] okay just go back so we can just feel the pain of what we love more than anything and that's a pure scorpion stop look it is the logo exactly exactly this young lady put her face in about a foot and a half of water and tapped the back of her head with a heel creating a perfect scorpion give it to me full speed [Laughter] on guest today is a master cake Smith and he has made a cake for this segment and I have not laid eyes on it apparently it's a scorpion cake that I'm going to see for the first time in this exact moment right now oh this is an edible this is a cake yes this is a cake this is um so the first time I saw ridiculousness you were talking about scorpions and I was like Oh Scooby that's so awesome and I think like yeah you look dumb when you kick yourself in the back of the head right but there is nothing like hooking yourself and that's why I'm so excited about this girl man I mean can I just like I mean where's the core of the body is this as it is this thing [Applause] go ahead [Music] [Music] skateboards come here go back this is like one of the most hardcore scorpions ever look at the distance it is so rare that a man covers that much distance and a scorpion good lord ladies and gentlemen please now this next category is all about putting your face deep into the ground and letting your toes tickle the back of your neck this is our logo mr. big black you know what it's called that's pretty much my death sentence we call that getting scorpioned take a look [Music] Oh get feedback for me fixing cars in the morning at wrestling at night everybody has dreams and every now and then in the middle of the drain you just get a really bad squirrel here's the thing about snow it is the perfect place to create scorpions right now why is snow so perfect for scorpions that's slippery and you fall face-first because most times you're going as fast as you can and snow you lose your weight you hit your face and if you got skis or a snowboard it gives you extra juice to scorp up right dedicated to our logo in this snow dick Ulis in this episode snow scorpions take a look [Applause] Oh [Music] yeah What's it feel like let's pause it on see if he touch next we got now oh man sideways one here we go transfer his hair design really he's buried here [Music] scorpion however go oh yeah that's the last time he's gonna snowboard scorpion so hard you wouldn't clear the foot in here I don't want people to know I score at the end and they all won't be what do I know they're I'm looking to do possible the reverse scorpion I'm going backwards oh man you know it's like a thoroughbred pure scorpion when you reach for the lower back man Oh God in force no scorpion [Applause] he does scorpion he gots Cortina you know deep down inside there's something going on he's a little upset this is our very special hundredth episode right this episode is gonna be filled with just our favorite categories right and behind us we have what looks to be one of the most incredibly bedazzled logos the world has ever seen what is that logo that's right it's the scorpion one of our very favorites only a cheerleader can do this I'm gonna call that like a crap I'm going backwards forwards and grinding on my face full impact and you cannot for the life EU understand why the back of your head is bruised muses landing on your face yeah [Music] no tap in the backyard your life look at him ride it out there you have it our scorpion you got it off the wall Oh score me I mean have a scorpion welcome back to ridiculousness we're here with Dominic Monaghan [Applause] all right this show is very similar to you in the fact that we love scorpions I just love animals tonight and I like the ones that are misunderstood and scorpions are one of those animals they have a lot of myths attached to them you know though they'll kill you if they sting will they're extreme some my okay they're nocturnal they're shy they're sweet they're nice I like them now that's the real-life scorpion we have the viral sensation scorpion which is basically hitting your face so hard that your feet come flying around and tap you like a stinger on the back of the head one of our favorite categories scorpions take a look Jim scorpion I'm a little bit of beach scorpion [Applause] scorpion [Applause] Oh Scooby guess we're headed that was a classy ridiculousness scorpion right that you could have been a logo little guy Oh Jim Kolbe in herre Scorpia and I copy [Applause] lift all the way over but to keep your sunglasses on all right when you got that neck pad did it hurt no this is like the only one that didn't hurt as much as the others my fingers heard crazy my calves are crazy with my neck like tickled they don't let say you wouldn't yeah IIIi was thought for sure that there was no doubt getting needles in the neck was the most painful possible place to get a tactic it's different for everyone okay now maybe you were more like drunk or high no I don't get drunk like if you get drunk and get tatted it hurts way more let me ask you this what is the love of the snack man I mean I know you're known for pizza now you got a pizza tattoo man I got a bunch I'd like five pizza tattoos five pizza I'd like a Jewish star made of pizzas I got money Pizza respect underneath my my snack game is just it's extremely strong my god eat meals I only eat snacks that's it yeah nope like you know I'm saying cuz I'm gonna dog we got a little clip here of your daughter pranking you is that something she does all the time and what yeah she she likes to play a lot of games she plays too many games around the house okay alright take a look at this this daughter fooling Poor Dad Poor Dad which I did with that which I was running around doing I got a tattoo today on your neck oh this is for having bees for me okay okay what's happening here this is like every dad's nightmares and getting like your daughter comes home with like her boyfriend's name humongous on her neck anybody that has daughters trust me that is a moment you don't want to experience when did she tell you that it was fake a few minutes after I was about the big tears okay I saw in an interview they were asking you about your tats right and you said that all your face stats did not hurt at all yeah then why do you think that is because you got a face a steal not only could you get tatted all the way but you could probably take a shot and not even be faced you know I don't know I don't know if it was sort of face I think you got something gifted I think you got a steel face it's a knife just blew up right so you got it's a tour this is the album oh I'm a little lost I don't know okay you don't know no I don't know about this so he had an interview what what did he end up asking you he said like he said is that a cross on your forehead and I said no it's a knight yeah I got an image I'd like to show real quick for those that may not be able to read rich forever right on the left tell us about it man rich forever what where did that come from and why me you know I've been getting tattoos a long time my first tattoo I was maybe 13 or 14 I got a dollar sign yeah yeah yeah yeah so you know I pretty much covered maybe 80% of the rest of my body and I was like y'all I know what I want to do next time I'm in a chick face I ain't even gotta say okay so I understand that you had a bit of a misspelling on on a tattoo you got your mother had to inform you what happened yeah what happened so I wrote a song called who you are when I was 18 and I got a lyric of it tattooed quite big from about here to here about four days late and my mom woke me up and she was like I need to tell you something and I was like I think someone a diet you know y'all just like what's happening just like your tattoo is spelt wrong and it's supposed to say don't lose who you are and it says don't lose who you are [Laughter] always wear high-waisted stuff because I can't be reminded of how stupid I am [Laughter] you've got a lower back tattoo man well shall I say you used to have a lower back tattoo that's true what did you refer to it as a champ stamp finally enough was enough in the last year so you know I got tired of being embarrassed yeah at the beach or I could buy a pool but it wasn't until we had our first kid yeah and I said to myself I do not want my kid to think of me as a guy with a lower back tattoo yeah still alive tattooed on his stomach what why do you got that man I just had a lot of near-death experiences broke like I was trying to sneak in a lot of Palooza when I was 17 years old I tried to climb off a bridge on like Monroe Street downtown Chicago like the bridges that carry the Metra chain I swung over and my arm touched a transformer with 30,000 15,000 volts of electricity right there and then my arm shot out in front of me like Frankenstein and I just started falling like I'm like damn how I'm gonna be a paraplegic rapper universe but after all that I'm still alive yeah they're happy you're afraid of the ocean are you afraid of lakes I don't know it's just an irrational fear of the water not knowing what's underneath me and we don't know what's under there a lot of black people got that fear so if you go to the ocean like how far do you go before you panic well I mean I panic if a little thing of seaweed touches me I'm out look I've been attacked by a shark on purpose I swam with great whites right why didn't you would think like oh you would not be afraid of anything cause you did that but now that I know that they are there I still think like something's gonna get me but I act like it to be tough that I'm not afraid you know everybody in this entire next category is not like that we call them wet and afraid take a look this is the fear of death [Applause] it's like a like a sea beast are you trying to tell me you're not gonna be freaked the [ __ ] out by this giant sea elephant oh yes I am very balloons but latex it's like all of it and it's just when they pop does anyone accidentally be two balloons for a birthday I feel bad cuz I'm like all they don't know and they're you know that's really sweet in my mind I'm like welllook dedicated to the dangerous little devils he ball balloons take a look at balloons or evil [Applause] everybody got [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] so angry okay man I understand you got a fear of coyotes mountain lions out in these parts man yeah because I I don't want to live to attack my dogs okay I'm walking on mine he got to go party at night and we'd be up in the hills lord have mercy i'ma fight one of them up back he's going says my dog lookin a they run by their own rules yeah like their animal thugs okay yeah well look we've dedicated an entire category to very scary unusual beasts we call them urban predators [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I told you to have my money by Friday Friday just cruising and he got asleep to think about it what is he dreaming to vote you know he wakes up like in the streets with a bloody butthole let's get it take him at least three or four minutes to connect it back to a bowl yeah he got him good I don't have a alligator in my shoe no sir I didn't even get that green ball back [Applause] when you're picking subject matter what do you do do you just like hey here's here's what we're gonna talk about today because you pick something that scared Chris okay and it was really bizarre okay it was about zombie deers yeah we actually usually don't tell each other exactly what we're gonna talk about until the show starts and why would he do that it terrified me Wow zombie dude this was going on right before our eyes there are zombie deers out here do you guys know this cuz you're about to get your feelings hurt oh yeah it was disease in North America and I was spreading out and it was like going through deers first and everything but it was something that like could ultimately be on the end of us okay and you guys should Google search it when he go home wait what yeah we're gonna die I'm sorry okay yeah I was already high when he broke this story to me okay it may be scary this entire category is dedicated to wide deers are dangerous all right take a look at fear the deer [Applause] yeah with the hand yeah nice good Derik [Music] that's a full deer drive-by he did he gone erasing the sand and here the holding their race country of contact sports every single person on this stage has shared a moment with me we've all shared a moment of fear bonding all right because we were all together when I decided to flip that car for the Chevy commercial right Sarah had covered it for attack of the show on g4 and she screamed just as loud as I did I was scared okay let me show you what I did here you guys don't realize is how truly scared I was okay and you can really see that in my face [Applause] I couldn't line it up I could only line it up perfectly with one eyes with one eye okay but as you can see here I'm calm and I'm focused go ahead [Music] okay now real people [Applause] we call fear face this next category is dedicated to this look it is called fear face countdown to fear face [Music] [Applause] I've books heard you are deathly afraid of snakes is that true dude I'm so bummed out by them they just thinking about it really really stinks I mean have you ever had an incident no I have it just like somebody told me once they're like snakes are just as afraid of you as them like to like calm me down I was like really do they have dreams I crawl into their bed at night I have so many like I live in New York and I'll check my covers for snakes sometimes it isn't so scared of them yeah yeah yeah I'm like it's an irrational fear it's very rational well this category is people that are absolutely fearless of snakes so idiots full-fledged idiots yeah and a category we call snake bait take a look [Applause] like if someone say I'll give you 10 grand if you take a snakebite on the face would you do it yeah no never now I've never hundred thousand dollars I wouldn't do it I'm not a full mbar million dollars get bit on the face by snake I know I dragged under dollars to not be around a snake I understand you got a fear of elevators man where did that go yeah I've been stuck four times you've been stuck four times one during our earthquake on Oakland one with P Diddy and a bunch of other people which was the weirdest for how long I feel like 20 minutes in the Cosmopolitan Hotel on New Year's Eve so no one sent help because they all thought we were drunk idiots on New Year's Eve because when we press help and they're like you know can we help you everyone's like here's the thing man elevators are dangerous yeah they saw people get eaten up in them all the time and we created a category to reinforce that phobia at the highest level we call it sky coffins take a look welcome to murdermachine.com where you too can watch death you could get stuck in it or you can get chewed up by a man that's crazy I'll tell you what I am waiting for excited he is because hi and wait you want to know what later later well why would he think he can just open elevator here's the thing you make bad decisions an elevator doesn't care no soul no feelings later scale the 1 to 10 how scared of you are dying in a sinkhole no parties think about that is one of my biggest fears video that was like a weird hole in like a lake and I was just like I had a nightmare about it right I write you real time you were just paddling out and all of a sudden you sounds bizarre but one minute you're above ground next minute you're below just like everybody in this category the earth wanted to eat him up hungry holes taking just crazy [Music] you can see the ground look away who built this drill definitely looks like a sinkhole Bob I'm gonna head over here like right like savings that we just tickle his feet right now I mean what's your [Music] Luke Skywalker doing here [Music] you know do you own a go pro no I want to get one though what would you film if you got one I think like I could have my own show just about road rage road rage like one time I just think you know this guy's like yeah was cold I just want to talk I just want to talk yeah fine no go back to that dirty freeway or gear I thought does it have horns tusks oh yeah horns are in fact extinct however elephant tusks are not like we're gonna spray both of us [Music] but what do you want from those snare don't touch it [Applause] [Music] it literally look like she powered down it looked like the batteries just died she joined the Coast Guard you got a love water so when I think about what branch you might end up in I think you kind of like boats and beaches that you could end up in the Coast Guard this is the Canadian always push up it's gonna be so amazing it was like you got nervous from the arrow just like [Music] oh you think you went too close yes that's it fights for your father's love [Applause] [Music] he doesn't literally looks like Kylie either of you ever kicked up someone and dropped him I took karate for a week and it's a karate what shoulders you got no [Applause] [Applause] quit I wasn't like that [Music] I know exactly what they're doing though they're using the box of the shield to keep them away I have to do that with my daughter yesterday put the bottle enough cool that's a good cat some sort of sea beast big ass weird sea walrus a walrus in the sea hey God with you my God where would a walrus be if he's not I don't believe in like moving off motion I believe in moving off strategy and like my only strategy is just to tell the truth just like whatever I said about you I'm gonna say to you and I'm gonna continue to say it to you doesn't make it the truth that's true that's my opinion she's saying that that's that I told us she was whack rapping come out of nowhere I'm just sayin though you can have opinions it doesn't mean they're right though just my opinion have y'all ever heard okay good for good people that said no great Kenickie minaj is the same person who co-signed me I want to be et award with Young Money I got songs with French Montana yg tied outside Snoop Dogg [Applause] after getting into a verbal argument with him because he's expected me so much after I spoke my mind to him he still came back and did a song why are you talking with your hand today because he doesn't know my mother musical track record [Applause]
Channel: MTV's Ridiculousness
Views: 5,383,859
Rating: 4.8183618 out of 5
Keywords: tyler the creator, taco, travis bennett, brendan schaub, part 4, pt. 4, funny clips, Chanel, Ranked, Ridiculousness, sink holes, open water, elevators, Amazingness, Chanel West Coast, Steelo Brim, chanel west coast, comedy, fail, fail compilation, fantasy factory, rob & big, Machine Gun Kelly, fears, fear, scary, part 3, Eric Andre, funny clips compilation, ridiculousness compilation, ridiculousness clips, Lil Yachty, Lil Boat, DJ Khaled, Gronk, gronkowski, rob
Id: 25pVltZVIRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 28sec (3928 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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