Part 4 of 4: The Evans Women Discuss Homemaking and Growing Up Evans

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[Music] I want to talk about with this you know you've had three homes now right because we're counting that right so every time you've moved me you've made a really conscientious effort to make your house a home there are some things that you've done mom same thing you've lived in the same house for over thirty something usually interesting about where we are is this is this is where you that's worse we sit here until I was nine yeah so we are in the house where we were when we were little girls we shared a rolly sugar no sugar so now her daughter is in our room is in our ventur'd there it's pretty it's where they start a Bible study the beginning of the church yeah yeah beginning in the church so quickly so you know being here being in the house were negative I'm decorating making it a home you've been through a remodel in your home I'm a little decorating challenge and I'm begging Karras to help me and she's like other patients too because I will change on Sunday but but I want to talk about um women who are like you know what does it take to make a house beautiful like like what are the things that you think would be helpful for someone to know that's trying to they're looking at all the things on Pinterest and Instagram and honestly we all are doing that that's pretty that's we have many but what does it take to put you in your home and what are some things you've done to decorate your home to your to your standards to your liking how do you even discovered what that is well first of all yeah I'm sorry married 25 years yeah how's my first time you modeling and so you dad said okay go for it Johnny you read it saying go for it anyway so you need to look at your budget and depending on your budget take what you have and have someone this creator has a creative yeah come in and move your things around and that's Randy yes like I have real Smith in her life she came in and looked at my picture hangings reframe them and move them around move my furniture around that's painted he has painted the walls went to Hobby Lobby all sorts of things when she showed me the bill I was in shock in fact that the writer another check yeah we're full did she took what had and then the lobby target stuff like that and just men are home homier and comfortable and so homey you know that into he's nothing to the home is my domain kind of thing noise just work with it but when he came home after Rita had moved what we had around and gave him such a small bill he said he said Louis don't touch anything in the den cuz he loved her home in her account even you know the Christmas tree he decided where it would go so we're not rearranged at then the Christmas yeah so my sticks work Bobby please depend on what season of life you're in what budget you have and work with what you have and trust cup or somebody that knows how to make what you have work I think that's a good point because I think we think we have to do it all but in your case you may be able to but you're asking Karen's right now you just don't oh please go through these rooms and help me figure out what to do but yeah but have you has that worked for you just partly that just asking friends what would be a great neighbor who has good good eye and just just direction if you can point a direction and then sometimes carrots will just text me a picture of this would look really great there and just having that picture even if I don't buy back that exact thing because it's not the right size or something then something in this bag gives you an idea yeah I could just get a family sometimes that's really great a direction but I also think you know like you said we you know bought a home for years in the marriage and then we moved maybe 10 years in or something like that that we moved one more time and we have a ministry office and I live who went through those spaces like the house we were in the ministry office and I just started like what kind of take that up well here and that on the wall there in that chair I'll work with the chair and then we got in this house I just started going through I just it's like shopping what you have well he says he's gonna start looking at it new yes I've done was in closets you know I mean that I hadn't been able to use in our small little house we'd been I was like let me pull this out and then I just laid it all out on the dining room floor it started okay this would work in this sense room and it was kind of fun is that Christmas you don't I mean like I'm looking again at the things that you have yeah and I also think it's cool to look at pictures you've taken they're still on your phone because some of those pictures that you will print them in black and white yeah bring them like that and then just we're white and then get three of them together your kid or your dog or whatever you love just those together it's like art without having by heart then frame scripture yeah does it or army talks about scriptures being if you have children yeah dude he talks about hanging scripture everywhere you guys hopefully remember there was pictures in your bathroom yeah so scriptures took it before you yeah well I was gonna say one of the things that I think we mommy did really well is we were the art yeah graduation pictures with Elmo's the drawings as we were children I mean even now you just texted me the other day and said can you get me a cardboard cover of your book because on the mantle yeah my mom is putting our achievements like Anthony it wasn't a billboard as we get whereas now love this and then your movie there's another poster from your movie so even now your family and their families pictures or portraits in their accomplishment and that's the art yes yeah so it doesn't have to be you know it could be but just using what you have like I said on our phone just print the picture and it's for the mall you got canvas on your wall of your cure oh yes Costco pre-hospital prints gratefulness yes you don't have to frame it there's nothing I can put it on the can they really don't you put your three boys oh he's done it over time like I have three baby over how do you keep your stress level down with the fact that you've got all this white crisp Joanna come on oh yeah perfect behind you plan to keep your stress level down with the fact that you have a two-year-old and a baby and everything looks so great but because when you were getting the baby we have to talk about white cabinets and white chairs we're looking at you but we're looking at each other life how yeah but I think you being clean it's just like I think people look on Pinterest and they it seems unrealistic I can live in a house with a white sofa a leather sofa general area is crisp and yes okay well it's done mindfully so like our walls I would really love for them to be a flat paint color but flat paint colors are really bad so they're eggshell which means that if she gets her a really fingers I can just wipe it off so once you choose the color you can choose the finish yeah okay and that's why you need your friend to think that's why friends they don't but we know it's beautiful yeah yeah so it's just I make those kinds of choices in certain areas so I still have something light but instead of it I have a white big fluffy chair but instead of it being like in the main living room it's in the office that has doors that le haunt going very often so they'll have a lipstick exactly so I still I guess choose to have the things that I like that give me that feeling feeling but just putting it in certain places or doing like a small change so that it's not you know in areas with kids or and I do think it's important to note that she's done this really inexpensively and that's kind of the cool because I can see that they go for that really you know target is doing such a great job tonight - you're doing a better job of $29 i whole new coffee table so i think they have a 50% off sale at some point and everything in their yellow is like would be different so thank you have enough good yes don't forget home loops pull them a little longer is another one Marshall yeah yeah yeah Marshalls target is my favorite because I could make an excuse to shop from my home because I have to go get a and I would say like the last thing is just patience like I thought when we got in here we'd be able to do everything and ideally at all the fancy pillows I wanted and put up all the decor but like that's just not the case one because I have a two-year-old too because I'm about to have another one and three because sometimes budget doesn't always allow for you to buy everything that you want to buy at one point in time and so it's just been patience like I have a spreadsheet of like things that I wanted to Soleri very true because well school which is crazy there was but they'll daughter sitting here but everyone's trying to teach her excel and she was like my my brain doesn't work like that I tell you what when you want to do your house and we do it on a budget things I would like for each roomin as money becomes available ask Josh like hey can we afford to go ahead and do this and yep so it's just been a slow accumulation of the things that I want instead of getting things that are super under budget that I really didn't want in the first place I'm not being happy with it like just being patient wait wait yeah young living your age yeah learn to wait yeah you know for the next season and I call it the season in life yeah little used to immediate gratification that's going to wait it's hard to wait what you get one last question one of the things people always ask us you know what was it like growing up Evans that's for 10 years of your life I was a single mom so you had that growing up what was that like growing up and then what is it my nan was older so and the kids were basically gone she's really not the bike I had a grandmother who was old enough to be my mom kind of like I just like you were really young when I was too young and so when I was at your house I didn't feel like you were my grandfather my grandmother just thought like a second mom and dad and so growing up Evans was [Applause] exploiting a lot of rich tradition that's what it is there's a lot of choices now looking back I realize intentional or intentional they were not like oh we just happened to have dinner out of table around the table it wasn't that it was mom and then going we won't have been around this table we're gonna make actual food we're not gonna drive through places all the time yeah sure if you didn't make dinner every day but you make dinner you know right and then you know people have I think people think we were just we were joking miles away devotion yeah it was what's exactly what they would think about for small children and having to make us sit down and they were exhausted because we won't be still and exactly what happens either so is what happened in our Hospital that's why I appreciate even more how intentional they had to be queuing it time you just want to be like no even when it was hard they did it any major city we made this one thing being fun I feel like I did not realize that it's not the norm for everybody to be extremely close with their family yeah realize it to like college like their mothers holidays like why why are you ignoring and just and my aunts and uncles like as I've seen other families that hit on special occasions that everybody gets together with their aunts and uncles and cousins we're like everybody mom yeah sure you know once but there's always something happening where everyone is together and so I don't as I'm getting older I just realize you cooked every Sunday and we woke up Sunday nights and our pot roast yeah something going and I think one of the reasons why we gather around some [Music] probably everything that we continue to do is something that we've seen you do let me daddy too but a lot of the infrastructure the meals of those things came because you were doing them so that getting together our vacation or her mommy used to put those American traveler's checks in her purse because like daddy was driving but you were making sure we can we've got to stop what are the no making sure that's very all that yeah so there's the framework of a lot of what we've been able to touch their experiences because 12 kids biologically yeah doctor said now you know trying to do videos of the kid who won't map and actually yourself she's still anyway football ended here because Mellie needs to be changed yes for souls gotta go to kids basketball she probably needs a nap damn up he's been in lunch anybody on her right he's way on her at home husband's texted me five times like where are you I have a grandmother name look Ellie Oh what's her name [Music] [Music]
Channel: Chrystal Evans Hurst
Views: 80,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ssY7v3bb-q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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