Part 2: The CAR WIZARD shares 10 Crazy Easy and Essential Mechanic Tips for the Serious Mechanic

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welcome back to the wizard shop today we're going to do part two of mechanic tips wizard mechanic tips we've already done a video it was part 1 of 10 essential mechanic tips we're gonna give you some more tips today to help you save even more time and even more cursing [Music] so like I said in the last video it did really well was almost 500,000 views that was awesome so why not do round 2 I'm a whole plethora of tips wizard tips in my head so the first thing we're going to start with we're going to start on the Allante and they move over and show you a wizard tip number one wither tip number one they slim wrenches there on my Amazon affiliates page and I've mentioned these several times in videos in the past and some people sell wizard they're 180 bucks I don't have that kind of money I wouldn't run a shop at all without these wrenches there's different brands there's monster or a mountain or platinum different ones but this one's our Mountain anyways they're on Amazon affiliates page check them out I'm going to show you how awesome these are and how it can be instant solution to a serious problem right down here we see a pulley a black pulley with a silver aluminum colored bolt down there and this has been the frequent bane of many trainees or mechanics that I've been in the process of training or friends and family members who are working down there and say wizard I can't get my ratchet down there I've been fighting for an hour there's just no way I can't get down there can you help me so that's where you take this wrench and you go down to the bolt which is on the pulley the length of this wrench allows you to slide right down in this is really good for front-wheel drive cars in this particular instance loosen the bolt until it's finger loose then you can take it out take the pulley all the way out get your new pulley get the bolt finger tight reach in with your wrench tighten it up and tighten it to wizzard foot-pounds there we go and this is about the time that the person I'm helping goes I've been fighting that thing for an hour I had ratchets and extensions and all this stuff and cursing and mad and I'm like well sorry this right here is worth every penny it's a time saver I can get in get out move on to the next car and my hands are not banged up like the guy I just helped with cuts and scrapes and blood coming down and this is totally worth it hundred nudie books is too much wizard no it's not not if you're doing this stuff every day so here we are Tyler's Bentley I'm just about ready to put the final pieces on this and be done with it but while I was doing this job it brought to mind wizard tip number two if there's a bolt you need to get to or if you're pulling an engine to put a new engine in you don't have to undo all these lines on the accessories your power steering pump your AC compressor alternator all these things I've been through this already with training other mechanics I'm like okay go ahead and unbolt the compressor move it aside so he can start pulling this motor the next thing I know the AC machine is hooked to it he's pulling the freon out then he's undoing the bolt to the lines and moving the lines out of the way letting air get into the system and I come over like what are you doing well he told me to remove the compressor yes we're not replacing it we're just moving it out of the way you undo the belt and do the mounting bolts and look these are rubber flexible lines you just unbolt it and carefully lay it aside there but you might need some cardboard or some shop rag so you don't scratch any paint or do anything so on a power steering pump you don't have to undo the lines and spill fluid all over the place you unbolt it and lay it aside it's flexible hoses so keep that in mind as wizard tip number two when you're pulling a motor or if you need to get to something that's underneath a compressor or unbolt it and lay it aside remember those words unbolt it and lay it aside don't unhook all the lines that's total waste of time whether tip number three is getting a car out of park with a dead battery or the ignition or something's not working right I've been through this scenario before where we've got to move this car and something's wrong with it that keeps us from getting it out of park what do we do and you're like this is an old Maserati off of the Quattroporte shifter and you're like this car can't move yes it can most cars have either a little tiny button like in this picture here you remove the button take a screwdriver and poke it and it will out you get out of the park so on this Maserati it really wouldn't have a button and sometimes this is the case on these cars too is you slowly go around and you move the boot out of the way raise the bezel and look there's a hole with a button if we depress that button look we got it out of park guys now we can push the car move it and get it out or do something with it sometimes these mechanisms can fail just like this one did and the only way we could push the car or do anything with it or get it on a tow truck so it's a security feature and just like in the picture I just showed you sometimes there's a little you can actually see it a little cap or a little button right next to the shifter you remove that it's black usually poke a screwdriver down in there boom you're in neutral that can save you a whole world of cursing or a lot of stress some of you in the audience right now are like I already knew that but there's so many people that don't I get phone calls please help me I got to move this car so this and that and it's in park and it hasn't driven for years and I don't know what to do and I talked them over the phone are doing this deal here and they're like oh wow thanks you saved me a ton so wizard tip number fours battery cables and connections especially with General Motors vehicles and not always General Motors with the side post batteries I just did a ninety nine Viper battery for a guy this week had GM type terminals but anyway so I mean I can't even count how many times that somebody has brought me a vehicle or out in the parking lot and occasionally this thing just doesn't start just click and I put a new battery in it I did this and I did that and or especially the ones that they bring it to me on a tow truck that won't start and I see it's a Buick LeSabre or some old Pontiac or something the first thing I do is I go out open the hood with the owner standing there and I go did you tighten these cables oh yeah they're tight no they're not absolutely not that's why your car won't start so I get my wrench tighten it down and you can usually hear sparking when it finally makes the connection that's it it starts every time I get phone call a week live yeah man they fixed it starts every time now I was for sure thinking it was a starter or I've had people replace starters and this is all it was I put a new starter on and it still won't go out and move the cable it's just like I just showed and again the oh my goodness that's all it was always check your battery cables and it's not just GM cars occasionally you get cars with aftermarket battery terminals that have the two bolts that squish down on to bare wire you can wiggle those sometimes there's not a good connection there always check your battery connections it's not just one or two times that I've done this scenario it's like 50 wizard tip number five is finding clunks in your front end I don't know how many times I've gotten a car and a customer says it's been to the dealership it's been to so-and-so's mechanic shop and it's also been my brother's a mechanic and he looked at it I can't find this front end clunk all the other shops and the dealership told me that they can't reproduce it but I can get in it right after the shop visit and it doesn't it's driving me insane and I always find them I always find the clunks and here's how open the door so now that I've opened the door it's basically like a pry bar a giant leverage point and I can rock the car back and forth you hear that clunk clunk clunk clunk clunk and while your friend is doing this you can get down on the ground on a carpet or something and reach your hand and fill the tie rod end or possibly a sway bar link or a sway bar bushing or a ball joint put your physically put your hand on it and just feel it and you can feel if it's clunking you will feel it it'll be like someone's tapping with a hammer and you'll be like ha I found it that's wizard tip number 5 and that doesn't seem like it's very complicated to do but no one ever doesn't they go drive the car and they're like yeah I couldn't hear it I don't know where it's at I don't want even want to look as too much trouble all you have to do is rock the car you could always always find it so wizard tip number six is if you have a fancy car like a Ferrari or a viper or anything like that and you just need to put it in neutral and move the car the tip I'm going to show you not only keeps your hands off the body of the car but it's actually easier to push the car you use leverage to help you so let's say that this car needs to be moved and I've been through this scenario again training other mechanics and say hey go ahead and put it in neutral let's get this car moved back a little bit and the first thing they do is start pushing and I say stop this car is expensive we don't put our hands all over it we don't push on these delicate plastic pieces and fiberglass and things I say get your hands off the car you put it in neutral and just spin the wheel it just moves easy it's actually easier that way then it is pushing the bodywork and you risk cracking or breaking something you can do it at any wheel you want it's just easy it's I moved the whole car with one hand if you have a car that you care about the paint job or it has delicate front fasciae like this would push it with the wheels it's just so much easier and so much safer that's the big thing so let's move on to the next tip so you have all the lug nuts off and it's really tight on the hub and the wheel just won't come off the next thing I know someone they're kicking it and they're hitting it and they're and they finally they come up to me and say wizard it will not come off and I'm like really and this is when I show this tip and it works it's the same scenario I've been fighting this thing for half an hour stop fighting guys and use your head we have all the lug nuts off but you want to put one partially back on and the reason being for that is once it knocks loose especially if we were working like on the Lotus that's in the shop or the Ferrari do you you don't want the wheel to land face down and scratch it up you want that lug nut to catch the wheel so it doesn't fall off the tool you're going to need is will have this Amazon affiliates - is a rubber mallet or a deadblow not a ball-peen hammer not a claw hammer we're going to be hitting on the backside of the wheel but we're going to be hitting on the actual wheel not the tire because if you hit on the tire your Energy's wasted into the rubber of the tire that just bounces back and it doesn't work on the backside of the wheel you're going to hit the the lip area this is why you don't want to use a ball peen hammer or a sledge hammer because you could dent the bead you could if it's aluminum you can break the hole break a piece off use a dead blow so you go to the other side of the wheel and like I said you you hit the wheel not the tire done then you take your lug nut off or lug bolt and off comes your wheel and again just like I said I get the I've been fighting that for half an hour these are things in a shop that I've learned over the years you don't have time for fighting you got to get this stuff done and moving so that takes care of that let's move on to the next hip this is wizard tip number eight I'm not gonna actually hit this rotor this is a customer's vehicle it doesn't need to come off but I'm going to show you a trick to get drums and rotors off that are stuck so hard that you just they won't come off in the last tip we talked about you must use a rubber mallet or a deadblow soft hammer not a ball-peen hammer but in this scenario we are going to use a ball peen hammer specifically the pointed tip not the flat tip the actual painting area so you have the caliper off pretend all that stuff's off all these bolts are out and just rusted it won't come off if you're not very good with a hammer you probably don't want to use this tip but I'm gonna show you what you do you take and swing back pretty hard in between the studs it's your especially if you're replacing the rotors who cares if you dent them it doesn't matter you've got to get it off and you don't have time to fight you hit them pretty hard now you don't want to hit your studs oh I've seen that so many times sorry wizardess too screwed up the threads don't do that hit in between one two three just keep going back and forth and it will pop loose it deforms the face of this thing just enough it actually cracks the Russel loose and the rust has no choice but to give way and then the rotor just comes right off that's another incident where I've done this trick and people I've been fighting that for half an hour where's our tip number nine we have two more to go it's drilling out rivets specifically these this is just a scrap piece of metal I'm using to show you guys how to do this but you guys have all seen these rivets where you go to take a door panel off especially on older Zaidi's cars and the window regulators held in with all these little rivets the biggest mistake I've seen rookie mechanics make is they take their drill Center it on the rivet and go to town and they end up walking it and scratching it and wallowing out the hole that center hole right there the center piece that's in the middle of this rivet is steel very hard steel brittle you're not going to drill through it with your drill especially when it's an aluminum soft rivet the drill will choose the easier way out which is the aluminum it'll walk past the steel right into the door I worked in the aircraft industry for several years for Cessna building Citation tens the wing assemblies I have drilled out thousands of rivets what you do is you get a punch that's about the same size as the center hole then you take a hammer a metal hammer and it's usually not very hard but sometimes it can be kind of tough but you have to punch the center out just like that so here we go a second time we'll show you there's a little lock collar that you have to bust loose that's what you're getting past to get the center core out just sometimes you have to hit it pretty hard but this one's are pretty easy and it comes right out it's just this looks like a little BB that's the center core that's steel guys that's not aluminum and when you run your drill on that it's going to walk past that and it it happens every time the trick is to get the core out step number one hammer the core out with it with a punch you don't move to step two until you can look through and you have a hollow rivet there's nothing in the middle it's just aluminum now then you can take a drill bit it's about the size of the hole that the core came out of and we're not going to drill all the way through this is where in the aircraft industry called you blew out your hole you took a 1 5 5 sized hole and just oversize the crap out of it and now it's useless in rivets when you're drilling out a rivet you take the head portion off about the depth of the head and you can use leverage and just barely barely break the head off just like this you just tilt the drill just enough and the head comes off the back end of the rivet will be in there very hard very this is what you'll be left with a hole with a rivet still in it with the head removed then you take a little bit bigger punch and punch that through with a hammer now you have a clean hole not a wallet out oval hole rivets don't like to pull very well into an oval hole they need to be circular a nice round hole that's how you take out especially pull type fasteners step number one remove the core step number two gingerly remove the head of the fastener then you push out the butt of fastener out the back so this was our tip number nine let's move on to the last one Ouiser tip number ten is if you're a wizard and you have a wizard staff and someone pisses you off you just knock the hell out of them with it no I'm just kidding guys this down here is a starter off of a old diesel I think it's off with a 350 diesel many times you go out to start your vehicle and you may have a failing starter and it just goes click or you can hear just a little bit of noise the solenoids not kicking the armature out or engaging the main motor this is where people get on the internet and they see take a hammer and hit your starter so they take some big some I don't know channel wrench and they hit the actual motor this motor portion of it and they're just that is completely that it's not even where you're supposed to hit the starter and in in an emergency situation and that's what this is you don't normally hit starters to get them to work but if you're stuck out in the cold and you know your starter has been failing for a while and you click it and click and click it click it and finally it starts if you get to the point where it just won't start anymore you can go out to the car I don't usually use a metal because it dents it but I guess if it's going bad it doesn't matter that you want to strike on the solenoid the smaller cylinder shape not the big bulk body of it he does that's not the problem the problem is in the little small cylinder have a buddy try to start it or you if you don't have a buddy you can just go out and wrap it on the sill enoyed several times and then go try to start it very likely it'll get you going you can get home you really need to get your starter replaced but I have had people come in to have me replace a starter I pull the old one out and the actual motor the body of it it's just dented all to hell I'm like what why are they hitting that that's not even what's wrong with it I guess it doesn't matter guys I guess it's going to rebuilt anyway but the people they're going to remanufacture to start or probably won't appreciate anyways hit the solenoid tap it on there not hard you don't want to break it off but just tap tap tap and very likely I'll get you home check my Amazon affiliates page everything's listed the tools I just showed you will be listed there and many many more tools are listed there and don't forget to check out our merchandise page we got merchandise for sale we got many more cool videos to come and I got tons more wizard mechanic tips up here so thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Car Wizard
Views: 730,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car wizard, david long, hoovies garage, tyler hoover, car issues with tyler hoover, chrisfix, omega auto clinic, scotty kilmer, car repair, car maintenance, tavarish, Doug DeMuro, vehicle virgins, watchjrgo, jalopnik, smoking tire, samcrac, vinwiki, Hoovie, mechanic, Car issues, tips, tricks of the trade
Id: ZGb51Od62t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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