How to wire a Relay and Why You should use them.

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright guys well it's come time to start wiring this car now before I do I want to go over a couple of things with you guys on wiring okay and different ways of doing number one thing I'm gonna talk about tonight is how to wire relays in line now a lot of guys you see I'll just run from the battery to the switch into the deal no fuse no nothing it's not the right way to do it no I've done it in the pinch but it's not something you want to leave there for long period of time because the wires can get hot things can fail your system shorts and then you got problems the car okay so what I want to do tonight is actually go through the wrong way a little same wrong I'll just say the not proper way to do it and then the way you should do it okay so what I'm gonna do first is I'm going to show you the other way of doing it all right so let's take a look here I did a quick mock-up so you guys can see exactly what I'm talking about alright so this is the way I see a lot of guys wire stuff in their car negatives straight to what we're going to do positive simply run through the switch and then to the actual component or we're gonna see accessory okay so what you see is guys I have this wired up and then you flip the switch and it comes on okay seems easy enough I mean you're just really breaking the positive line with the switch now the problem with this is all the power is going through this switch okay so when the switch fails it's not fused there's nothing going on if you have a short you're melting wires things like that so this is not the way I suggest doing it we've all done this in a pinch but this is not the way you want to do it well before we get started one thing I want to go over is soldering okay and the proper way to do it that way the joint Sekulow stay together and everything now the reason I sought of my wires and a lot of my cars is because not all my cars ride smooth okay there's a lot of vibration a lot of things going on going down the road and I don't want it to come apart especially my wiring I don't want it coming apart and I've done a lot of off-road applications and during that you definitely don't want your wiring coming apart and it takes a beating so what I'm gonna go first is how to solder the proper way with tending your wires and actually creating a strong bond on your wires okay so let's do that first okay what I've got is just a scrap piece of wire now what I'm going to do is strip each end and then we'll solder the two ends together and I'll just show you how it works okay now first off just take your strippers and strip off no more than about a half-inch okay you don't need to strip off a ton of wire to do this properly okay you just want a little bit because we're have to cover this up when we're done so there you go both ends are stripped about even doesn't really matter as long as they're done now I can't find my clamps for soldering so I'm just gonna use this voice because for some reason I can't find anything in my garage right now so don't want reason we're doing this isn't be able to keep our hands-free okay there you go now I'll take my soldering iron we're gonna make sure the tip is clean and ready to go I'm using 64 t10 lead rosin core solder now I use this because I don't I'm not a huge fan of using flux a lot of guys use it just quick or to do it this way okay now I'll start by checking my iron make sure it's good and hot then what I do is I apply the iron to the bottom side of the wire I'll heat melt some on it and then as I go you can see that the wire is soaking in the solder that means it's heated at the water note simple as that so now when I'm done clean off the extra solder on my iron and I put it back okay now essentially what this is is I've tinned the wires okay tinning is just coating the wires so that they're both been fully coated and solder so when I put two the two together they're gonna bond nice and clean okay just like so that both make a pletely coat it all the way around they're tinned and ready to go now biggest snip we remember before you solder together if you're gonna put heat shrink on do it now because if you forget you're gonna have to unsolder it and then put it back on all right so I have some pre-cut pieces here I'm just gonna go ahead and slip it on here just like so I saw my heat shrink sit out of the way now when I saw these two wires together I'll clamp one and then I'll Sawyer this one today now to do this because I don't have my helping hands or anything to hold it in place for me I'm gonna load up my iron with some solder not enough that it drips off just enough pull the two wires together and let the excess solder bond the two lawyers like so you're gonna hold it in place until you see the shininess go away that means the solder has dried and you're ready just like that it's completely soldered together you're not going to tear these two wires apart you can see the solder is all the way around these two wires or saw it now they're good to go now I could take my heat shrink slide it over the joint or I've done it and then I'll take my heat gun and shrink it down [Applause] now just like that these two wires are completely bonded together they're coated so they can't short out on anything and you are not gonna break this apart okay that's how we want our wires in the car so that we know they don't come loose and they will not break on us all right now whenever you're running a power wire to anything it should be fused or break or something like that line in case there is a short in the car the fuse will go before anything goes wrong okay it's gonna break the circuit on the hot wire that way you're not gonna have a meltdown in the car I bought this wiring harness okay in my head I thought I was buying a wiring harness but what I end up buying is a fuse box with leaves on it so don't even know how much is something using the car but this will give me the fuses to break the line to the relays now in this is since I'm just gonna be using an inline fuse okay this is great when you're just adding a wire adding something to the circuit you don't have room on your fuse panels so you just put it in line in now this is the most common way that I do things when I'm redoing or adding things to a vehicle okay now with the relays the relay I believe using today is a four prong relay now you can get the relay sockets like this that come with wires already on it ready to go and the relay just pulls out and you plug the relay in okay these are nice but when you don't have and I'm going to show you how to do it without so we're just gonna do it just a relay okay the next thing I'm going to do is I'm put connectors on to go to the relay now since we're not using a really socket what we're using is just a simple Spade connector okay now what I do is I take the insulator off the back of them sometimes they come off easier than others like so so the plastic is removed and it's just an actual connector now first thing first I'm going to ten this wire get it ready if you guys notice in the background I've got a straight cat hangs out in the shop now so he's very talkative so if you're wondering what the noise is it's him so alright so now that I have tin the wire I'm going to take the connector open it up a little bit and then crimp it on now I'm only crimping it to hold it in place while I solder so I'm going to go ahead and smelt this connector melt the saw into this connector like so now that connector is bonded to that wire it's never going to come off and not going to have an issue now because we don't have a socket we're going to be putting this wire directly onto the relay now I don't suggest soaring to your relay because what if you have to replace the reel so first thing first put some heat shrink over find spot number 30 and press this guy on as far as it'll go okay then I'm going to push the heat shrink up over it completely and heat gun now just like that I've got the power wire connects to the relay the prongs are completely covered so there's no chance of a short if something comes near it and it's ready to go now I've already got a connector on the light so I'm going to slide some heat shrink over plug it into 87 no relays are marked on the back I don't know if you can see it they have the numbers right next to the prongs so you know what your deal was so you put this into 87 it's like the heat shrink over it and we are good to go so we've got power and power out okay so the next thing is grounds okay we've got to ground the light we've got to ground the relay so now there's a couple ways to do this you can run just ground to the frame of the car you can ground to the negative wire but for right now I'm going to ground them together so they're on one circuit and the Raider go okay now we can plug our ground into 85 for the switch you we're gonna plug our switch leg and 86 go and push the huge completely over the tab so we're protecting it from hitting anything else because this is a hot wire going through now we have all these open spots on the switch now these could carry current too and now this is an on-off on switch is what I had laying around so what we're going to do is in this case is I'm going to cut the prongs off now you could just put heat shrink on them call it good but in my case I'm look at the prongs so we're all wired up ready to go flip the switch really connects and on comes a light simple as that no load through the switch whatsoever good safe everything's soldered never come apart ready to go so guys essentially all the really is doing is acting as a remote switch okay what it does is it allows all the heavy amperage to go through with the relay not through the switch okay your switch all it does is trigger the relays so think of the relay as a remote switch okay and what it's doing is it's carrying the load or the current through there and not going through the switch so you can use a dinky little switch because it's only got to put I think seven seven and a half volts to trigger the relay so you don't have to run heavy gauge wire and when you're trying to get it up into - and get it through stuff you don't have to have this big bulky heavy wire going up there and you can use smaller switches because you don't have to run the current through them okay guys now you've seen both ways of doing it you've seen the other way where you're putting all the load through the switch and you guys have seen how to run it through a relay okay you know you see now to solder okay that's something you just learn what time okay the more you do it the cleaner look the faster it'll be and it's a tool you guys really will enjoy doing because your work is just that much better all right guys tool review okay so let's talk about some of the tools we use tonight well first off let's talk about soldering irons okay so you got a saw my iron I use it's a heiko for 35 or something I've had that thing for about 10 years I used to be an RC cars a long time ago and did a lot of soldering it's adjustable temperature I've got a newer one now that's full digital for your soldering computer boards things like that but if you're just doing average car stuff you don't need a crazy iron you can get the Weller for like 15 bucks it's just really the iron 1/4 it'll totally work you got the old-school Weller's the big gun looking one with the trigger it works okay and you can get fancy and you can get yourself a snap on butane one which I've used a new you're amazing okay they're great if you're under the dash you want to sort our wire you've got that butane to just do it on the spot you don't have to try to drag a stint record over and try to do it but I haven't found many soldering irons are crap okay as long as they heat up enough to melt the solder then they'll heat up and up to ten the wires so you know whatever you could afford be good and you should have a soldering iron in your tool kit that's for sure okay solder okay now you guys can get different stars you can get flux now they're guys that swear by flux now what flux this is like a paste now you've brushed on the area that you want the solder to go to when you heat it up the starter goes to that area okay I only use flux really on computer board stuff like that because I want this order to go in certain spots and if I'm real tight in there I'll use a q-tip not dab it on there but for your average garage soldering autumn oh sorry Tony folks you'll be totally fine but do get the rosin core this stuff melts better I'm weird I like thin solder the reason is I can full how much I put on the gun and how much I put in so I'd rather push more and more in then have too much and it looked goopy and nasty and I can't fit the heat shrink over so that's the things I use crimpers strippers okay these here are channel lock brand crimpers most of them are totally fine okay the one - let me find it I think I've got these guys these strippers crimpers okay the stripper part will work but the cramping they're not good for currently to get yourself a real pair of crimpers you can get them in Harbor Freight if you want a cheap pair these guys go for about 24 bucks you can buy them at depot round they don't have to be Tara long breath just a good set of crimpers I've had these forever Long's don't lose them they'll last you okay so crimpers I have to have a nice set of crimpers er okay strippers there are all types of strippers okay and I'm not talking about the ones on the pole I'm talking about actual players and wire strippers okay so these guys are by climb climb makes lots of electrical tools I've got numerous pair these guys here I like them you can pick all different ones that are about 15 bucks a pair but there's plenty of ones out there so find one you like he got deck now I didn't used to use a heat gun I used to use it sir lighter I'd use a big lighter and melt my each ring that's all good to burn yourself repeatedly okay ten bucks for he gun it's worth it it's nice just to be able to shrink things down yes you do have to have a sense of port with you okay some of those butane saw ions have heat shrink attachments so you can use the flame on the side to shrink them down that was a cool too but if your vents are an eight gun go - laughs all right guys well I guess that's about it for tools tonight hopefully you guys enjoy this video hopefully I got some decent shots so you actually saw what I was doing but you guys have a good night I appreciate you watching you know the drill I can subscribe you want to see some other videos over here I got to try to get to sleep I'm leaving for C Mon like three four hours anyway guys have a good one next video will be all the crazy stuff I see it's SEMA have a good night
Channel: Broke Bastard Garage
Views: 982,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rat, rod, ratrod, rat rod, rust, patina, hot rod, welding, sheet metal, tools, review, bagged, slammed, airride air ride lowered dodge ford chevy packard custom build broke bastard garage, wiring, relay, 4 pin, four pin, solder, soldering
Id: 6K58HQPR7sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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