Part 2 - 2021 Mobil 1 Twelve Hours Of Sebring Presented By Advance Auto Parts

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[Music] yes the the fact that they walked away from the accidents we'll get the full report from um i'm sure once mr murphy has uh approved them and and sent them on their way but the lights are on mr murphy senior absolutely mr yes mr mike murphy senior uh the one who brings us the wonderful bagels in upstate new york when we go to watkins glen that one uh nick dearman is still with us uh we'll keep an eye on what is going on there did look like something went wrong uh in in that breaking area for for frank um doesn't make that would have been a very big mistake we're not going to speculate right now until we we hear from the team or the the manufacturer um sebring takes its toll i think you would see it on all of the electrical and mechanical parts um we did have a penalty for sean creech motorsport earlier on is that a second one yeah the second one yeah yep second penalty i'm sitting now and obviously you are the man um with the with the finger on the uh the software is there any chance that uh can do uh 11 minutes at full speed with the fuel you've got to get four hours well i i don't think so yeah i it's it's a tall order but i've no idea how little these things sit when they're on the in they're on their uh yellow flag program well he's done 27 laps of which six 12 maybe 14 laps of those have been yellow right he said that was 20 real laps wouldn't you normally or perhaps 19 real laps he's got two i don't think he's got much left in the tank as we go past two o'clock in the afternoon at sebring weather forecast was spot on we've come back to green gathering cloud looking a bit more ominous as well and we are back racing the yellow flag number three having lasted a tad under half an hour 29 minutes good restart from passionate as he managed to get himself a one and a half second lead as they took the green flag dwight murrayman in the number 18 lmp2 which welfare porter in the 33 and b3 that's apparently tandy in number four of course corvette and jack hawks with now they all took emergency service so they are coming back in again tandy even had to go behind the wall there whilst the safety car was out the other corvette was running quite nicely thank you very much uh indeed so passionate has pulled out two seconds over tingle in second then albert kirk it's another second and a half further back rob montoya trying to put some pressure on the acura ahead of him [Music] side by side porsche action right motorsport and one of the ebm cars into turn number ten all is fair if you don't take the other porsche out of course that was uh the i think that was bare figured was it they i was at the 99 at earl puff but um [Music] until he can crawl through for his uh for his uh endurance series points tally but uh we're down to what eight minutes and 50 seconds for the cut off so he's he's gone for it he hasn't tried to save anything he pulled out two second lead this is impressive we saw i i'm not i'm not going to say what i was going to say because i i don't want to spoil anything uh and the 99 car has now made contact with the number one that's the paul miller racing car so if it uh if it wasn't the 99 before i apologize but there is now a porsche at turn 17 which is stopped the number one lamborghini does get going again put bamba the pit lane for the paul miller racing lamborghini which had corey lewis at the wheel and well that happened from a very very long way back yeah and it was the 99 that was side by side with the 16 earlier on the lap because the 16's just gone through behind it so very odd one there yeah it's tagged wasn't it it's kind of they're coming together town i'm not sure whether it's just a the nicest touching they have a little bit of an oversteer moment because it really is tricky going around uh sunset at 17 and 18. the the bumps are just trying to chuck the car off the track at every single moment and the car is so unbalanced compared to the normal you know sweeping uh tightening uh right-hander so it's just those little nudges and the things suddenly just gone right around and we've sort of seen the great and the good of motorsport lose it here over the last couple of days and more as you know nightline's gonna need to come in because that car's looking a little bit secondhand severe damage early on yeah absolutely in and out for corey lewis now is he come back on the track yes he is so quick glance i i imagine that bamba is going to come in the pit lane and here with just seven minutes remaining before the points are handed out for the michelin endurance cook remember our porsche keys to the race and here comes pajama from the lead adam is our vp racing field pit and pilot reporter that's kame kobayashi getting in behind the wheel of the number 48 ally racing cadillac simon who's been in there for quite some time now getting a little bit of a break before jimmy johnson will have to get back in that car to meet the minimum driving requirement of one hour so we do need to see jimmy johnson's name on the timing screen again fuel tires and guess what it is a lot of fuel going into that car because he was out there for more than an hour and 15 minutes on that last stint but moy is ready to go and take that car up to the front problem is as nick brightly said that all of the other cars now have been out there for 15 laps even if they've been 15 green laps they would still have another five laps of fuel in the tank and of course most of them have only done three grain laps so they're going a long way and we're going to get some odd very odd uh point scorers in the michelin endurance cup but even i've got to say it passion has done a cracking job nick to stretch it so far even with all that yellow damn it i mean he must have had it in top gear on tick over he's he's they've got it they've always got a very effective uh yellow flag but also yeah it is about you know there are a number of things you can do to save fuel at every point and you'll have rolled that car as much as possible you you've noticed where it pretty probably pretty quickly noticed the the pace and the speed and where the the pace car was able to go quickly and where it was where it was slowly but he would have then you know measured his speed to just sit through as little as possible but it does go to show you can get a number of lap behind the yellow but at the end of the day as we said before massively unlucky because if it had gone as it was supposed to go then they would have stopped many laps ago but every single one of the other dpis would also have stopped by now and then four minutes time when the points are given out they'll be laughing all the way to the points bank as it is harry tignall and mazda motorsports and get a load of michelin endurance cut points they were hey yeah they're gonna at the moment 1.3 seconds ahead of juan montoya then albuquerque 55 16 and 10 mazda acura accurate scott dixon on another half a second but further back it's kevin kobayashi is back out on the circuit now in the queue i reckon yeah because the the 40-year cadillac went in that effectively means that the number 31 philly manasseh has got another lap buck so he's now only two back from being full back but of course he's right in front of the leaders he's not even the length of the back straight in front of the leaders and also tristan fortier is back on the lead lap by about four or five karlis now because the 55 is the next car behind him the master is the next car behind it so tignal battling with montoya and tristan fortier just ahead of them is the first car off the lead lap that's how it looks at the moment [Music] in lmp2 ben keating leads in the winds coloured number 52. oregon tower motorsport john ferrano 15 seconds back now and dwight murray about a minute further back in the number 18 from era gt le man bmw two seconds ahead of corvette 25 and three that's the red bmw from the red flashed silver corvette silver anniversary of the partnership with mobile one big celebrated this weekend in corvette racing land then it's another eight tenths of a second back to augusta farthest in the darker colored bmw m8 gte another two seconds back to matt campbell for weathertech in the white portion of the blue and red swooshes on the side for weathertech the 79 car goldberg from mccusker performance tech from 47 and that's leisure from duquesne as well 38-7 by about a second then the riley motorsports that's another wind car but they i think are a lot off the lead and i'll finish this up as we've got back degree with the gt daytonas it's laurence van tur that leads for porsche ahead of right motorsports young hillary for porsche and another two seconds further back from those two who are nose and tail is romantic angeles for heartless racing aston martin nick go ahead yeah i'm just saying it's real pity that the gtlm is so spread out those four cars covered by almost five seconds but they're not trying is it yeah it does um but uh yeah i mean it's it's it's yeah we have had a bit of a you know a good re reset it's it's disappointing obviously we lost our uh our leader within uh p2 uh tristan nunez went out that's left um uh ben keating he must have done about 17 hours in the car even though he may be running before um because he's been it the whole time but uh yeah there's a lot of there's a lot of work oh the 99 cars gone behind the wall um what uh can you tell us about that that should be sort of that accident i presume yes it is and it looks like they actually had a bit of front suspension damage as well that they need to address back in the garage but remember they've already done work to the nose of this car once within the last four hours they might not have all the parts that they need necessarily on the lane hopefully they have them in the truck uh and generally sure uh despite that being on a on a break he was on a break that's the second friend for reference today uh reminds me of the 55 is the fifth different overall leader in terms of the cards it's not complete changes that's fifth different car that has led the 69th annual forward one 12 hours of sebring well i didn't need uh didn't want rather all that yellow but we are still there or there abouts for a record distance we need to go 348 it's been achieved several times two or three short of that but we'll the computer will pick that back up again once the cars get back up to speed at the radio if you want to get in touch with us good to have your company wherever you are around the world and however you are listening we made it as easy as possible for you again this year with siriusxm loaning us their airwaves on series 216 xm 392 wwe urgent around the massive circuit in the central florida area on 99.1 thanks guys always a pleasure and of course on rs2 part of the radio shulam at the network of channels video on there as well at imsa read your dot com if you have uh if you're in a territory that doesn't have a network tv deal [Music] looks like it's clouded over a bit uh temperature got up to 24 25 celsius earlier on but it started to drop down just a a little bit 25 is uh 77 on the fahrenheit scale but uh to drop down a couple of degrees or into the low to middle seven east with the clouds gathering from the far side of the racetrack and as i was about to say before we had that accident that's absolutely spot on from the weather forecast the predicted clouds bubbling up lately on in the middle to the end of the afternoon and before dark there is a great tinge to the clouds but they're not threatening at the moment super one scott dixon in behind fellaini valverkirk uh albuquerque loses the back end just a little bit of the ten car and scott dixon gets side by side into the shop from divian benz he's got the position on the right hand side for the right-hander but then he's got to give best for the left part this is fantastic absolutely fantastic driving by albuquerque dixon side by side through some of the most difficult and quick corners here at sebring dixon's got a good run down to turn 17 but this time he's on the outside the left-hand side the track could he do the old over and under that's what he's trying to do tightening towards the inside and then get a run down to turn one they'll be side by side across the star finish line other curt moves into the middle of the track takes the racing line dixon goods wider still towards the pit wall acura versus cadillac now the kirk keeps that position that's third spot that they they are battling over [Music] i reckon we've gone through the time for the michelin endurance cup points cheers so i will uh let you do i'll let you do a bit of arithmetic unless you've already done it uh no it's the end of the first lap after we've passed the mark so we're still waiting for the rest of the field to come through that was actually for the difference between three points or two points for whoever finished third on that mark ooh nasty moment uh for one of the wins cars which i think has been cleaning isn't it i think yeah yeah that is the lmp2 and ben was going great guns there leading the class by 17 seconds he would have lost that there but that was a weird moment for ben uh with a 158 seven last time around that's cost him about four seconds he's not he lost yeah he hit him with the tank slap and then he controlled because you lose your momentum all the way down the straight so it's it's one of the worst places in the entire track coming into the game rather than one corner before you get to the almond straight to actually lose that that drive because if you're carrying that penalty for well you know that massive straight for three eighths a month or half a mile you want the speed you should be doing so a simple area which you know anywhere else the track would be a second or a second half would you come to another corner where you could reset really magnified just right where he decided to fall off which of the acura's uh nick were you watching having the ride height change uh it was the blue one of the pink one it was the pink one it was a serious xm mod yeah okay fine no albuquerque just we had that kind of um uh battle between albuquerque and dixon but that wasn't that was caused by albuquerque checked up by the p2 car in front of him he went for a half half attack i think actually going to tower turn and got too much curb on the inside and lost the tormentor which is why dixon ended with attacking wasn't really any indicative issue with the uh the accurate compared to the cadillac it was just one of those things where he tripped over that market yeah um although he did lose position on the restart to fellow accurate driver but not teammates one montoya uh adam has a vp racing fuel update this time it's the michelin endurance cup points what are what do you have who got what and what does it do to the championship uh effectively this is the halfway point of the championship season at the end of this race yeah correct and keep in mind my ability at math is almost as bad as yours john so all of this is very much special it's not maths it's arithmetic we're not i'm not asking it to quadratic equations or differential calculus it feels like that to my poor little brain okay so here's the prototype the most important thing you need to know it's still the conic minolta cadillac that leads the way with 21 points but there were pretty big gains made further down in the field because the 55 mazda scored maximum points so they bolt up into third place they now have 14 they're behind the zero one of cadillac chick-canasty racing on 15 points and they are tied with the 48 who also have 14 points so that just made things a lot closer lmp2 it is still a runaway this season so far for the number eight that is the tower motorsport car they scored four points because they were in second when the line was ticked meaning that they have 20 and next up in class is number 18 for era motorsport they walk away with 16 points so that gap is not insurmountable but it is fairly large in lmp3 for the first time this season it was not riley mercedes and riley technologies running away with that because they scored maximum points in every segment at daytona with the car number 74. 74 still leads the way they have 23 points but now they have some competition sean creech motorsport have 17 points and it was performance tech who came away with the maximum number of points out of that one so riley's gonna have to work some magic to get back up to the front but that's what bill riley does gtlm we have a tie between the two corvettes after that segment both the three and the four have 21 points and they are miles ahead of the two bmws who have for the 24 13 points and for the 25 14 points gtd things get a bit interesting here we have mauro angle by himself on 18 points then second is right motorsport they leap frog over everybody else to jump up to 15 points after that segment in third place we have the paul miller racing lamborghini they are on 14 points and then tied on 13 is a car that's not here and the kenny habul uh number 75 racing the sun energy one racing car so that's kenny and nickel who are tied on 13 points perfect timing thank you more points to be handed out at the uh a the next point here is when uh four hours from now eight months eight hours smoke coming out of my ears thank you and then again at the end of the race that's the michelin endurance cook we're talking about that it's been a really uh decent run by scott dixon he's still just eight tenths of a second behind philippe alba kirk since the restart albuquerque nick's head settled into his game got jumped by juan montoya after the restart not the first person you would say that had happened to in any form of mortar racing montoya always very good indeed when the tie attempts have dropped just a little bit felipe nasa has been in and out of the pit lane for the willing engineering cadillac number 31 now he did 30 laps then in that area with all of the yellow so that's probably another six or seven for the leaders i think he's managed no he's dropped that he's dropped back that uh to that third lap back again oh no he has it he's just gonna cross the line [Music] uh no he has he's back to three laps be like sorry my apologies with that pit stop but of course he's still got a chance and if you're wondering why it was that car is three laps down it was people durrani who got aged over into the wall that turned 17 and they had some right side suspension damage both front and rear now 40 years turn to come into the pits after 20 six laps him to get out of that car as well john we have not yet seen sebastian bordeaux [Music] did a triple and tristan did a triple yeah i think that's a picture nick given all the yellow yeah i mean he would expect to do exactly the same number of lapses or um uh what was the uh silence they were all yellow weren't they slightly [Music] their yellow program isn't as good or wasn't as executed as well by tristan yeah yeah it's nick david who's socially distanced from uh major on hindoff in the hagerty global broadcast center shaw reid joining us after he's had a wee break [Music] a small break uh i'd sure adam is our vp racing fuel pit panic reporter it's been a long day already he says [Applause] at himself if you'd like to get in touch with us hashtag rsl savory i know there's an awfully big audience track side and around the world at the moment great to have this race on the proper weekend where we expected it it's just great to have racing so frankly you could have it a week on thursday and we'd still want to watch it tune in but there is something rather [Music] almost comfort blanket like about things happening when they're meant to huge crowd on hand track side that they bring into national race with traffic one or two people missed the start today they see that's what you get should have been up earlier well that also happened one time they had crowded the grand prix this year didn't it porter now people didn't expect to be a crowd so it's got a single road in there was a trailer back to about the first you know hour of the race people couldn't get in that was up to 10 000. [Music] there i i suspect portobello might be getting a lot of work towards the end of the season uh from a number of different motor racing series as things change in europe situation very fluid as far as calendar is concerned certainly everything written in pencil for us at the moment pit lane four right motorsport the 16 porsche adam that is trent hinman's undeniable helmet climbing back aboard the 16 right motorsport porsche it's the blue and black one with the white streaks on it you can tell it anywhere on the track four new tires for trent as they are waiting on the fuel and the driver change to be complete looks like they had a little bit of issue maybe getting the belts done the lap belt's done for trent it took a bit longer than normal but the fuel probe is still attached so they haven't lost any time just waiting on that fuel that really is the longest determining factor of the race and porsche does have an additional liter of fuel in the car this year as compared to last year 97 so they have to wait a while 43 seconds shows up on the clock trent stumbles a tiny little bit to get things going again but now he is sent back in a way meaning that they have single stinted all of their drivers so far throughout the course of this race and one of the leaders in as well that is the auto nation accuracy juan pablo montoya brings the car in he is staying aboard he did have his tacos for dinner last night and that tends to give you a little bit more energy and you could just ask turner motorsport all about that and their beliefs but it is four new michelin tires boom and a wing adjustment for the actuary now remember they did a front ride height adjustment during the long caution when they had that pit stop opportunity cleaning the windshield not doing the tear off yet for one it is very cloudy and that would affect visibility fuel nozzle comes out away goes fun it may be that the cooler temperature have caught one or two people out actually because uh you would probably run it a little bit lower for cooler temperatures but running low is a relative thing in seabring of course because you still need to have the the suspension travel and indeed some ground clearance so that you're not just rattling everything over the bumps all the time generally speaking if it's clearly a little bit lower [Music] unless i can't imagine they would have it's an experienced team although not so experienced with that car in fairness only their second race for 24 hours let's not forget already they're always having to deal with the buffeting of the traffic by the way i i did like that shane made a reference while the the lesser-known indie bands the late 80s which is of course his tread hitman's undeniable helmet yeah yeah their second album was a bit of a disappointment it was a huge problem absolutely right after the change the drummer quite frankly uh adam uh with more bad news from corvette racing the floor car is still down on power nick tandy is reporting that he's not getting all of the go-go that he's used to when he puts his right foot all the way down to the floor so the struggles continue with the silver corvette with the white accents on it and for those who got around the track you might hear it doesn't sound completely like normal but they're still going round and round well i mean the thing is that in a championship where the bulk of the championship will be run with just three cars they're they're going to get points and the points differential shear will not rack up massively even if they're finished last here they will you know only be fifth so yeah but the problem is john that they're trying to fight their teammates and you're coming up against the defending gtlm champions who last year had a phenomenal run what five wins on the season for antonio garcia and jordan taylor every single time that you finish behind them on the track gives them an advantage and when you consider the difference between first and second is three points and first to third is five if you're going to finish nine points down in one race it's going to take you several wins to try and claim that back yep i can't disagree with that either so as we stand at the moment the battles continue around the circle by the way just coming around to 17 in the number four that has just been reporting on gt led by porsche with aston martin now second and robin de angelis after that uh pit stop for right i dropped them down to sixth position but everyone else around them of course have got to make that pitched off as well [Music] right did 23 laps there i thought they could have done a little more than that with jan at the whale hopefully albuquerque comes into the pitch that is a new helmet up on the wall as well alexander rossi going out for his first stint during this race ricky taylor started off the race with the triple philippe albuquerque did his triple and now i would imagine alexander rossi is going to be out there for a pickle all for himself anything you can do i can do as well because let's face it better than fully albuquerque ricky taylor that's pretty hard to achieve four new michelin tires going on to this car and the driver change is complete the door was up there just for a moment to give rossi a little bit of headspace to make sure that his belts were on perfectly phil also goes out oh and russell stoles it can you get it going again yes he can was that a stall or was that them holding him for a second did they actually get the fuel hose out yeah they were waving him away okay right okay um a couple other things of note we've had harry tinkle into the pits in the mazda and there he goes by on track so harry maintains the track position also scott dixon in and out of the pit scott dixon right ahead of rossi yeah that's a change then on that that pit stop cycle saw the performance advantage that scott takes in hard with the the new tyres he's used very well in an outlap very good and he has managed then what he couldn't do from the restart but through also oh there was a touch there down to turn seven they happened the toyota msr acura has gone through as well on rossi and mordier is side by side but remember not on the same lap but gets his lap back there wow welcome to the welcome to the alexander rossi welcome to the 69th annual mobile one 12 hours of sabring scott dixon juan montoya and sebas all steaming past you nick whilst you're on yeah freezing cold tires in your first laps of the radius it's the question is that there was something that fell off was it from the rear legality panel of alexander ross's car was it actually one that i don't think was a dive plane for the mustang sampling machine i think it was a slight nudge there with the guys legality panel i have to be honest one thing i i having watched the pit stop through there for the first time i i genuinely think that this concept of being able to change the tyres at the same time it is flawed floor is a tactic with endurance racing i really do no well it's one of it's one of the very few things that um i i i disagree with the the imsa way of doing things i also don't like the engines left running uh as well but that's a chat for another day 13th lead change by the way but off on the far side of the circuit problem for performance tech motorsport and the number 38 car that is just coming through to big bend but the red white black car has managed to regain the track and that was the leader dan goldberg in lmp3 now he had two minutes uh on the rest of the field keep an eye out for 47 mortise boards the number seven ducane and did he just drop it on his own yeah oh both sides of the track then did he ping the back into the car no he didn't that's very good news uh official now by the way from imsa and thank you to that to them for getting this to us frank pereira billy johnson both evaluated and released from the infield care facility we were fairly certain we saw that but uh that is now official so that is good news after that very big accident uh problem in the pitlit adam people power not engine power getting a car and that's the tower car isn't it the number eight to its pitlin it is and that's the car that was so determined to try and stay out to get the michelin endurance championship points michelin endurance excuse me trying to get as many points as they could they came away with second place points but apparently they ran it a little bit too close that was finally the helmet of gabby oprah getting into that car and i'm just hearing news of a penalty that is significant alexander rossi not only did he start to leave and then stop he left the pit box with equipment attached which necessitates a drive-through yeah i i thought so i thought i i didn't hear the engine drop it was go and jump on the brakes so somebody was you know you said you thought you saw somebody waving at the front of the number 10 accurate to let it go but then either they've changed their mind or they've got on the radio tube straight away and there is a reaper and damage on the back of that car a little bit of damage on the back left hand side of that guy it's not i don't think it's knocked the cheese wedge off completely it seems to have uh displaced or knocked out the piece of it that holds the effectively the light cluster and that that could be significant as we run into darkness here yeah i mean they might i'm not sure whether the rules are certainly in uh wec you need to replace that the uh the the guy pounds and cheese wedges need to be perfect at all times on the racetrack but uh it looks just like just a second nick so the four tires went on to the car the door was left open so the shoulder straps could be tightened and does he get the wave from the front of the car that was definitely a gorgeous stop so what was still attached the fuel horse i'm guessing that's what it must have been as ah yeah i see what happens the the fuel went to pull the horse out and didn't get it out and of course the fueler had stepped back but the horse was still connected here i think that's what the problem was there yep spot on with that and to elaborate further on the damage to the rear taillights uh the tail lights excuse me there aren't rear and front taillights that would be special um the rule book says you must start the race with two functioning tail lights and two functioning headlights damage sustained over the course of the race does not have to be repaired unless you no longer have one functioning tail light and or one functioning headlight so if something happens to say the right side of that car then yeah they're gonna have to come in and change it but as it is right now they're okay yeah it was a bizarre little touch there because as i said it has not knocked a big chunk of air rule off the back of the left-hand side of that car nick but there's a little insert in there which has got an led light strip in it with a little v on it and that i think is what we saw flying off uh earlier on in the track yeah i think it's a perfect match a dive plane uh went into a prestian piece which is the led strip and it managed to ping it out didn't it and also it's just slightly uh loosened a couple of bits within the interior of the uh the pound cheese bridge so yeah that's a pretty impressive move by the sebastian bordeaux they'd imagine tip it close as possible and just eke it out but so yeah i mean it's not it obviously rossi's not had the greatest start to his stick you know i'm not sure blame him for the fuel hose uh it's issue but then of course he had a little bit of problem getting up to speed and got beaten up by every single time he's right with the field well but he's on cool ties as well remember no tire warmers at all no tire cabinets nor tyre blankets and it hasn't really been very sunny today uh that's certainly not when alexander rossi got in the car best lap the race for the allied catalan has just been posted by kami kobayashi what 146 424 it's about three tenths of the now new lap record that's been taken down by over a second uh to now in 146 151 it's the wheeling engineering cadillac that hauls that adam here is the penalty for rossi yeah driving down the pit lane um and thank you very much to ricky taylor who's actually listening to us he said that the fuel while the fuel is plugged in the car will not go in gear so you actually have to wait until the fuel probe is unattached before the car will go um very interesting and very well done technology by acura to enable that safety feature but yes he wasn't fully back up off of the car yet at that point yeah so it was out of out of the book eye but not out of the um the area that is to use a custom term frenched in and that that's what happened there because clearly it didn't come all of the the way out so it's disengaged if you will but it wasn't out of the recess and that is what has caused that attachment because it certainly wasn't the air horse or anything like that around the the other side or the rear of the car i don't think it was anywhere so rossi then drops down and stays on the lead lap and penalty for catherine legge who's just got into the hardpoint porsche adam that was a penalty that you don't see very often anymore for the team hardpoint ebm car with champion porsche sponsoring on it by the way refueling well on the safety blocks necessitating a drive-through now why would they have had the safety blocks out and up must have been doing something under the car uh had had somebody under the car because you can't put someone under the car without the safety folks but you can't have someone under the car when you're really feeling very fielding yeah absolutely um i i wonder if they've got the person out hadn't got the blocks out before the wars went in that's one funny thing i can think of not something that we've witnessed should say hello to mike peters head of competition now at champion champion porsche motorsport and uh mitra mirage as well that great name on the uh back in imsa competition at least on that number 88 and we'll see a full champion livery cart tackle the race to the clouds pike's peaking national hill climb later on this year with none other than roman dumas the fastest man ever up to the summit of pike peaks pike's peak and he'll be driving that uh gt rs porsche 911 which i'm told by mike and mitra that uh that's gonna be champion breathed on so they're going to go for a really impressive time there well in that endeavor [Music] hopefully it will wet the appetite to get the champion there back into himself as well 25 years champion's last gt win here in sebring but two audi wins uh after that here with the uh original r8 the open top prototype oh yeah 2005 2006 i think but that win in 1996 couple of guys probably no one's ever heard of him um han schtuck and uh oh yeah phil adam um so yeah it's pretty pretty cool i think it's been 25 years since that we've had a couple of notable pit stoppers the number 83 has come down the pit lane that is the win autosport lmp3 machine it's nicholas who stays behind the wheel of that one and also dwight merriman in and out once again for era motorsports so dwight getting his driving time very nearly complete with this ryan the owl did a triple in between dwight's two driving stints and i believe when he finally does get out of the car we'll finally see kyle till they get to work she added with that vp racing fuel pit and paddock report the leader kadri kobayashi has 13 and a half seconds on the field it's the 48th cadillac that leads from mazda's 55 harry tignall behind the wheel of the dpi the multimanic red car then it's one from scott with scott dixon from cadillac chip ganassi racing and he is right up the tailpipes of the mazda that's the battle at the moment 54 core or the sport prototype has gone around sick here they're coming that was coming together there's two cars involved in that one oh that's the car as well oh he's got the back side of it he's just got the he just over egged the uh the what the other driver was doing he just put the wing card just breaked a bit earlier or let's say the 54 car breaks a bit late the chord sport and he's just tagged that that rear uh left hand side and he's defensive both rounds and both of them around he said if you hit lightly you'll just send the car ahead of you around send both of them around that was quite a big clunk that was uh george kurtz in the number 54 court or sport lease year [Music] actually i don't think it was in for the leader adam leader of the overall standing ship wait kobayashi coming in staying aboard the 48 ally cadillac good luck getting him out of that one guys that's going to be a massive crowbar you're going to need at the end of this race he is going back out fuel and tires into the pit lane we have also both of those lmp3 cars that were involved in that incident uh george kurtz and jim cox in the two cars yeah the 54 in the 91 respectively fuel and tires for both of those cars looks like pretty standard service and i would also just like to call out really quickly john edwards first time today aboard the 24 bmw in third place that is the black one so they have really spaced out their driver changes and i'd say but i think that was a battle for position between the riley motorsports number 91 wins car and the courthouse sport number 54. it's been looked at by the way uh and it's been looked at and assessed very quickly instant responsibility has been established and it's with george so the 54 car will have to come down pit lane for a drive through make time jim cox i think i saw him getting out of the other car involved there um the car has now left the pit lane and oh oh boy okay people i'm serious this time stand back from the fences in the 91 it is jerome blake mullen and right behind him in the 54 for core auto sport it is colin brown this is what we live for those two in lmp3 great to see that there's the sun takes a welcome reappearance casting just a few watery shadows as we move into the later portions of the afternoon middle portions of the afternoon with still seven and a half hours to go to what quarter to quarter three they better place of the two corvettes comes in from the lead and is followed in shared by matt campbell so john taylor for corvette and weathertech racing porsche both in the pit limb jordan taylor is out of that number three corvette i would expect that to be nick katzberg climbing aboard but it kind of looked like antonio's helmet so now i'm gonna wait and second-guess myself until we do see the timing beam on that oh they did do no they just cleaned the windshield i thought they were doing a tear off for the first time i was getting all excited we haven't seen that done today for the three corvette fuel tires and away it goes oh it's so pretty um also into the pit lane a lot of other gt stops as i stop being distracted by the beauty that is corvette racing as you said matt campbell under the pit lane fuel and tires for the porsche he should be staying aboard roman d'angelis in the aston martin for heart of racing into the pits and he was followed in by zac veach in the number 12 lexus as well as kenny hable and bill auberlin motorsport lives they are climbing back and now they have robbie foley aboard that bmw wearing just one livery in this race so it's a little bit less confusing guys oh and it was antonio garcia getting back on the three my eyes do not deceive me antonio garcia who will team up for the first time with uh ollie gavin for the corvettes wec debut this season was meant to be here of course and then portervale and spa but the first round of the wec now moved to spa given the travel restrictions uh and border restrictions in europe at the moment belsham staying under lockdown and may cause some trouble further trouble restrictions yet to be determined indicative of the uh the fast-moving situations that portugal actually has recently come off the bad boys list and is doing anything reduction uh infections whereas as belgium is doing rather badly which i think indicates this issue of trying to put international race series on because we might very confidently in the middle of july x country is going to be great and then it's not yeah the irony is we probably could have got that wec racing over easter weekend now at port portable but um you can't it's not a piece of plugging one thing you didn't take another route because it's jigsaw pieces that have to fit together uh tony bennard telling us from michelin motorsport in michigan countdown mccree um that just getting tires in and out of of europe from france and where they they are uh manufactured race tyres and making sure you've got the right size in the right place wondering you know what the situation's going to be about technicians traveling all that sort of thing basically logistics is a nightmare for everybody at the moment so well done to everybody who's got here and put this race on uh adam has news uh i don't know we've mentioned i think we've mentioned that yeah yeah yeah we are yeah okay you can mention it again if you want oh well they're depriving us of a great battle between colin brown and jerome blake because of 54 incident responsibility drive through it was uh it came through very quickly indeed that one about 10 minutes before the 20x master in race update and welcome jeremy shaw back as well uh nick david the clearly the harbinger of doom had more yellow since he's been with us in the hagerty global broadcast center than any other time of the race yeah i mean i yeah i managed to get yeah i eased myself in with four 15 laps of yellow that was the key point you know get used to the camera range lots of yellow that's the people that's how i have to work [Music] dixon have now actually begun to gap uh the acura of montoya because they were they were nose-to-tail at the start of the year when it all went green again um but now it's uh close together laster and the uh cadillac the nasty cadillac 10 seconds back to montoya so the the ground speed of those cars at this set of conditions overcast middle of the afternoon is quicker than the accuracy and that's despite nick the fight they've just gone through a huge line of traffic which montoya is in now so that you know that is the ebbin urban flow fastest man at the moment in the prototypes but certainly last time around was alexander rossi with a 48-1 and it was 48 lit and 49s for the cars above all or tignell and dixon now having cleared a bit of that traffic back down to law to mid 48s 47-1 for philippe nasa last time he's obviously going to tear up now to try and get us closer to get his laps back though he is going to need yellows to help him he's going to need three world falling yellows now to get back in just a couple possibly just a couple we'll clearly get some speed yeah i mean anywhere they fall um you'd say with seven hours and 20 minutes it's going to be at least one um and then you think well let's do a second one so it's it's always playful it's a really interesting situation there where they they can't wrestle the doors in many ways they have to go faster than anybody else in the track because they're constantly looking for an outside chance of a bit of luck with the yellow so it's a it's a big push there from the wheeling car trying to make up for being effectively fenced completely squished into the wall around the uh in color 17 back in the first hour i i have to say i described that as almost the very definition of the racing incident and i stand i stand by that uh rengar vanderzander wasn't too complimentary about people going up the inside people was right up the inside he was he was a long side and it was you know the heart of racing aston um knew there was one prototype there probably didn't know there was two and and i bet people didn't know the heart of racing car was there because he just wouldn't have seen it passed past the other prototype he was trying to pass and then there was a prototype between him in it so it is the very definition the gun sights back on show again on the uh oh no that's on the 31 now uh not on the 48th adam clearly the team put that up to try and let the boys know guys this is your target move on yeah very good a couple of porsches running together in gt deartona right motorsports blue number 16 going through the first corner now is the leader and zachary zach robertson for faf in the number nine that's the canadian plaid shirt look to it less than a second between those two andy lally has bailed into the pits and john potler has taken over the acura did that sort of work that way up quite nicely as well uh with lally at the whale so i think we are going to see corey lewis go back to the third in the lamborghini hurricane of paul miller racing so right far from paul miller 16-9 and number one i think will be your top three with another three seconds further back ian james now behind the wheel of the heart of racing team aston martin vantage gt3 that's the number 23 car of which we sport a little while ago are the rest of heart of racing back from the other side of the world yesterday are they still um shipwrecked on some island off new zealand or whatever that was they were doing in all honesty they did get stuck out there for a very long time but but when you got lemons you make lemonade and then they were still doing good work out there for the uh for the foundation and the charity is alex roberus back in the car this weekend nope he's still stuck in new zealand um they actually were having a little bit of fun down there john the america's cup just finished this past week and i don't think it's a spoiler alert at this point congratulations to team new zealand for winning that yet again but they are down there and they did do a little bit of sponsorship of one of the four boats that was competing in the americas cup so you were able to see heart of racing i think it might have even been on the new zealand boat as a matter of fact um but nope nope gabe newell and alex are still down in new zealand still making the best of things and to be honest if you're stuck in new zealand is that the worst thing in the world it's kind of a beautiful country no no not at all not at all some pla that is one of the places that i've still got to take off not managed to get down there yet if and when that's all i'll see on that mazda going into turn 10 and that is the lead of the motor race by just eight tenths of a second tinkle has scott dixon even a little closer than that now as uh cadillac chip ganassi racing trying to close in two light-colored cars and that's safe felipe and nasa not too far away from those two as well and where is he no he's going into turn one at the moment um i've just seen the weirdest weirdest message on the race control channel yeah um car 18 which is arab motorsport kyle tilly finally got to work the shortcut turn 15. so their lap has been invalidated from the last time around not the last one around three times around before i was reading the wrong line i don't remember seeing that message from race control at sebring before does that mean i haven't got the lap time or they've taken the lap from them and docked them all up they are showing is 132 laps complete whereas leading class is showing 134 so they must have taken the lap away wow no no they haven't taken this it's it's it's just a 1x john it's fine um but they well no i know exactly what's happened but he's turned into uh john de vian he's got it wrong he's run on over that with a concrete which takes you off what would be the uh right left to swing in towards the long curve he's just gonna straight over the uh the concrete and straight line that part rather than making that right hander so it just got in too hot in dishonored and uh they said lap time invalidated a lot it's one of those weird things within by the laptop but nothing else happens because to remove a lap for that which would be effectively a two-minute penalty would be ridiculous it would definitely be a mistake because you don't want to go over that curve because you damage the car right okay i think we're going to say goodbye to you for a little while uh thank you very much indeed um as you leave of course the battle for the lead is hotting up so it really is hashtag nick i look forward to three hours of green running and i'll be about to ruin it later thank you very much indeed nick dearman uh we'll be back in around about three hours time so we'll be uh rejoining jeremy shaw after we've had our latest mazda in race update and it's looking pretty good at the uh head of the field for meister at the moment as harry ticknell is leading the race and been out there for about uh 17 laps and [Applause] so that means it's got three or four laps to go before he pulls in exactly the same situation for scott dixon in second place for cadillac chip gadassi racing one and a half seconds the gap between first and second one montoya is a further 11 seconds further back and he's done one more lap since he came out of the pits alexander rossi now he has done 14 laps although of course he had to come in in that after four laps to serve a drive-through leaving the pit lane with equipment attached and that's dropped him 37 and a half seconds away from the lead but he's still got as i say about six uh laps to go before that car needs to come in harmony kobayashi is in fifth position in the last car on the lead lap he's only on his ninth lap since that at number 48 cadillac was filled with fuel first first car off the lead lap is sebastian bordeaux for mustang sampling uh i've just said that where is day because i thought he got back on the lead lap for a moment or two and philippe nasa in the 31 has just come into the pits after 21 laps did all of which was great so that's spot on in lmp two miguel jensen pr one matheson motorsport leads by a goodly margin the number 52 has almost a minute 20 seconds over gabrielle aubry for tower motorsport in the number eight and the third of the lmp2 orig is is era motorsports number 18 that's kyle tilley gt le mom still all the playful there with corvette in the shape of the number three car that's the silver with the red flashes antonio garcia of spain for the in second two and a half seconds further back for team rll that's the red bmw and then john edwards the great dark rick art it's another 13 seconds further back and he's got two seconds on matt campbell and the white weathertech 79 porsche mike conway has replaced philippe nasa by the way in the 31 cadillac and alexander sims has just nick replaced was it i think it was in the uh final gt le moncardi much delayed now number four it was a coil pack electrical issue on that corvette number four still however in fifth position uh lmp3 47 motorsports the decay now in the lead for austin mccusker the number seven car has almost half a minute on performance takes number 38 scott andrews just behind the wheel of blue riley this year in third another 47 seconds uh back from the leaders gt tier tournament trent hinman leads for right for the sport porsche by two seconds from the exactly robinshawn faff number nine and then ian james is 21 seconds further back as into the pit line comes corey lewis of paul miller racing's lamborghini so that leaves the top six as zach veach for faster sullivan in the rcf gt3 lexus number 12. and john porter will go through in the number 44 magnus with archangel accurate to make up the top six that's how it stands as we are at three o'clock in the afternoon live coverage of the mobile one twelve hours of sabring on imsa radio [Music] welcome back to jeremy shaw who rejoins us in the hagerty global broadcast center uh fully refueled and ready to go for another three hours or their about this is a cracking battle at the sharp end of the failed jeremy tingle dixon montoya and rossi all right a little bit further back kobayashi still in there as well what a quintet of drivers to be leading this mortal race yeah pretty cool isn't it and uh that uh harry tickles through some really nice consistent laps at the front of the field here holding off scott dixon who uh looks like he might be a tad quicker but uh he's not gonna push his luck at this stage in the game but they seem to be running you know obviously comparable laptops because the number zero awake i cannot find a way past number 55. so uh it's been a good battle between those two well pablo montoya that gap back to the third position is mainly pretty much constant 10 or 11 seconds depending on the traffic uh behind them is alexander mossy who's trying to make up make up for that uh that penalty but uh over the last what eight laps he's pulled in about maybe a couple of seconds perhaps at the most and uh kobayashi in number 48 car that car is really fast isn't it and um it's uh it's it's off sequence with everybody else kind of still but last time the last couple of stops it was 20 stops for 20 laps during the last stint i don't think that includes any yellow might have done so we're going to keep an eye on that 48 car as another 60 car comes into the pits from third place sure adam is watching that for us time for olivier claw to have a little bit more fun now remember they've adjusted the front ride height of this car since the last time olivier has driven it so it might take him ooh an extra corner or two to get a feel for the car as to how it was this morning when he last left it also into the pit lane we had sebastian bourdai in and out for the number five mustang sampling racing the 83 win auto sport nicholas crewton was in and out once again and two stops in gtv we had the number one paul miller racing lamborghini madison snow took back over that car and the 14 lexus that's the one that was long delayed because of the brake issues during the caution aaron telitz is now once again installed by the will of that adam with our vp racing fuel pit and paddock report just a reminder on tuesday afternoon one o'clock in the afternoon eastern that is five in the uk four hour time difference tagging it inside track a stellar lineup of guests which we'll confirm on the socials either later on today or tomorrow but an hour in vision as we look back at the headline vegas from this race one o'clock eastern five in the uk tuesday so just when you start to judge a little bit for your racing figs we will pop up with hanging the inside forward to that [Applause] so at the front of the field in prototypes the mazda looking to do the double here and back-to-back victories should be in at the end of this lap i think for harry tink now this has been an all-green run for tiknow and dixon i saw two lapsed in to john yeah the number 55 again i think oh maybe not come on it's 21 at the end of this one so if they go through again yeah just over seven hours to the chequered flag and still had have very decent [Music] track and weather conditions with the air and track temperature being pretty much the same for quite some time now to be honest just a mid 70s fahrenheit 23 celsius it's around about 74 [Music] [Applause] on the fahrenheit scale and here they come both together into the pit a little bit later on the breaks for scott dixon than harry tignall if anything and he peels into his pit stall first adam and that's ringer vanessa and again walking casually over to the side of the car very relaxed very comfortable you know no pressure just going out to race around zebra international raceway in the 12 hour to try and get your first ever win and oh yeah you're going to come out of the pits battling for the lead because that's how this thing works they are doing a windshield clean four new michelin tires as render said they have no concerns about needing to double stint their tires so the drinks bottle is in the wrangler is in the tires are on the wrecker is away also into the pit lane we had the mazda mazda's not yet moving but the mazda was a little bit further down mid lane as a result of a better finish at daytona transitionally now for the mazda is it a nose ahead of the cadillac it is so this is game on mazda versus cadillac who's going to get heat in their tires first yeah very much closer i would say though about giving cars two cars leads closer because the car in front oh around the outside they're outside of the pit there now so that is allowed to rear so what a fantastic maneuver there ferenga van der zander really caught oliver jarvis snapping as he came out and stared right on the yellow line they were off the pit lane speed limit there all of that concrete out there is part of the race track and you can race as soon as you off the limiter and that's exactly what rengar did fantastic jeremy shaw that was real confidence on cool tires for rengar vandazanda yeah really impressive for because uh enjoying that last stint scott kicks they've been hammering away at the back end not literally yet thankfully a number 55 car uh with the whole thing that really wasn't able to find the way past they're very it seemed to be pretty closely matched so i would say the cadillac looks like it might have a little bit of hand a little bit of a a a slight pace advantage uh through this point in the race at least but uh it's not night time that's going to be the crucial time in this race of course but to that move i think would be very very important for that cadillac ganassi team to get in front of the master you'll see now whether uh reagan vanderzander is able to pull away such heads of driving from rengar you've got to be on it from the moment you've said this before from the moment your thumb comes off the speed limit and the moment it goes back on again we referenced michael schumacher and how he used to practice could be in for the pit lane well it's just as important to get out speedily as well so alex rossi then assumed the lead so another lead change for jeremy to chronicle and he comes into the pits next time around fuel and tires for alex rossi and let's wait and see if the refueling man has a little bit less issue getting the nozzle dis attached this time or unattached i guess properly which is easy um pulling the car off the air jack now it just wow it very gently settles back down onto its wheels normally that action tends to be a bit more aggressive there we go nozzle comes out car gets rolling that was exactly the stop that they meant to do the last time around too [Music] you are adding words to the dictionary there that's dearman's job so don't you uh don't you try and muscle in on his work he'll be giving you a hard time when he comes back couple of minutes before we take over another race hour this uh starting great flag to add to 10 past the clock hour if that makes sense wherever you are around the world good to have you wwe 99.1 circuits serious series 216 xm 392 and rs2 around the world and streaming video for those of you who don't have network tv coverage on which is where you'll find out audio as well and a whole lot of image content you can download for you here listen on demand gt le man getting interesting matt campbell has target acquired jeremy with the bmw number 24 of jonathan edwards uh yeah and uh he's uh he's whittled away that gap was about four four seconds maybe six seven laps ago so he's so close in on the tail of number 24 car has the 79 of maddie campbell and we've got all four of the cars that haven't had a problem in gtlm on the lead lap and now separated by oh not much more than 20 seconds actually so it's it's a good battle that is uh continuing there the number four car remains uh now two maybe three laps behind the the other the other four contenders but this battle is going to go all the way i think i don't think we've yet seen the best of the porsche it was very very fast in practice i would be surprised that was challenging for the lead by the end of this race jeremy shaw's sentence finished as we go down to seven hours still remaining inside when there's a tiny little bit of damage on the right rear of that bmw but then when i see the left rear i'm i'm not sure there is it's just where the diffuser at the back is cut around the back of the rear wheels [Music] works well on the dark and the light car oh spin and that's the 75 sun energy one right in front of that battle we were watching and the sun energy one uh amg number 75 has gone around with kenny paul at the wheel at that turn the exit turns six in towards turn seven it's backed into the wall and it's not moving oh what a shame running well inside the top ten and kenny trying to restart the engine i can see the blue marker light behind the mercedes trefoil grille but uh it's going on and off but i don't think he can get that engine fired up and as we head into another hour of the race are we going to start this sixth hour of the race with the pre-emergent oh no he's got it going spins up the rear michelins waits for a moment make sure he's knows where he is and then gives it a big bit of wheel speed to clean off the rear mission the well done race control there for letting that play out because they could have easily went for the big yellow flag button he just got onto the dirt on the exit of the herbert at turn seven and looped it it has hit the wall but pretty flat [Applause] straight on is uh when i say that straight over the back of the car there was a little bit of tire rub i think i'll tell you what there's not much damage there at all jeremy that could have been a lot worse particularly if you've gone in on an angle but i do think it's pushed the body work in a wee bit in the back if the diffuser is up here oh turn 16. oh no he's cracked the diffuser oh and behind him that's the 33 33 shot crease motor sport car having a wee bit of a loop as well and the turnabout sport liquid molly car and there was another car on the grass that had to avoid it the ip3 leader i think yes that was all a turn 16. so i wonder if there's something i i do think there's damage on the back of kenny of balls guys he's not going to get the pits as yet but is it dropping something is it maybe dropping some oil or did he get caught out of somebody else's oil and everybody else did behind him because that was what two or three or four cars there jeremy that had an issue with turn 16 lemon corner heading onto the back straight yeah uh curious there i'm not sure whether maybe jan clary was trying to get his lap back on on the cusp that could have been because the the number 33 car certainly is a lap down um so i don't know what happened there kind of interesting well actually actually 33 is behind the 74 so curious let's see what we can learn from a replay 33 car spun on his own fabulous avoids by the msr acura which you know his fourth place car ollie platt had to really tighten his light and i i think you know i think the numbers i think the 33 car got ahead of the seven and the seven went off the number seven car went off with an avoidance yeah spinning number 33. i'd agree with that [Music] yeah that was a that was a weird one very weird [Music] it's a quick track jeremy thinks happened fast and you know you can't be driving around on a racetrack as you would on the road you drive on the road thinking you know your favorite could be road you're driving thinking there could be a tractor parked in the middle of the road at every blind corner you come around you can't do that on a racetrack you've got to commit even though you can't see the exit and you've got to absolutely commit to that corner to take as much corner speed through the the middle of the turn as you cut and then when something does block the exit you've got to react very quickly indeed yeah you have you're absolutely right and you know you're always on the limit so you're not so it's it's very easy to make a mistake and it's a slippery corner and the best of times that uh that that sort of secret so this is there right before it would be wec pit lane these days or support races for him sir and uh it was the good news is i don't think there's any contact between anybody so everybody involved did a really good job to keep it clean ish if i speak without turning my mic on uh then it's gonna work is it adam's radio is where you can get in touch with us thank you for all the kind comments about what we're doing at the moment live free no blocks no bricks on the audio of course as ever always good to have you here it wasn't really a spin but the off-course excursion there for number seven car uh means that uh it's mateo lorraine allowed a young guatemalan who's driving the performance tech motorsports columbus 38 that was the car we saw i think have a spin a little while ago just after the rain and took the wheel of that car or whether it was while down goldberg was wrong i can't remember to be honest but uh that car is up into second place now it's within 20 seconds of the race lead similar margin a little bit less than that back in position is scott andrews who is driving the r that won the lmp3 category at daytona that's the uh 74 they're in that third position and uh he's uh those three cars now on the lead lap in lmp3 number 33 car with that spin is now one lap down [Music] get the feeling that this piece is starting to take its toll perhaps uh the we're ahead again of the distance record pace having had just over an hour and 17 minutes since uh eight safety car and significantly mike is now ahead of cameron kobayashi now which one is catching which one has has conway just got a lap back yeah he has and into the pits comes kobayashi that is still the fight back continues in the drive back for wheeling engineering in the 31 cadillac as into the pitch comes the wrist leader on the pitstop cycle ally cadillac comes to its halt fair share adam will describe its service it will be fuel tires and a driver change for this car as jimmy johnson going back in once again he was just short of the minimum drive time so we knew that we would be seeing his helmet behind the mail of this pink purple and white machine once again fuel and tires that was the completion of the 20 lap stint for koi before jumping out of the car they're definitely going to be saving their powder for the end of this one uh that was a windshield tear off yay first one we've seen in the day the changes done fuel nozzle is uh detached thank you tim i'm gonna keep looking at that note who keeps sending me that every time and away it goes uh further down the pit lane also i believe that is the 99 porsche from team hardpoint and evm has not been a great day for them they are currently scored as 27 laps behind the next in class and i didn't see a whole lot of work going on to it so either that car was coming out for lionel or they just aren't really in much of a hurry to try and get work done that's a good question yeah [Applause] [Music] padlock ruffles back up to pace so in a second or two in the zero one he's just coming on the back straight now so that effectively with that pit stop jeremy that does give uh put bordeaux back on the lead lap and uh mike conway now just two laps off the lead lock is that right with that pit stop from the 48 yeah that's right at least for a little at least for a while yet the number 31 car would be in ford number five but uh it's still quite a lot quite a long long one yet they're only about halfway through there that's the stint for another 31 car so uh yeah a full course caution um you know they say would be kind of good for events but this is the uh 17th big change for the races the number one car of rigor zander goes back into the lead the first time that car has actually led since lap 85 but that's the result of that brilliant pass at after the pit stops by reagan vanderzander oliver jarvis he's actually pulled out about eight seconds over the mazda in the last what six seven laps since they get since about second lap he was accepting that advantage and uh now regular banter they're back in the lead of this race and uh that was a another interesting to me that number 48 car is running just 20 lap stints for the most part it's uh and sometimes normally less than that at least the good news is the last two sticks are both in 20 laps yeah before that john we saw an 18 laps turned in the 16 that's good for that car i'm not quite sure why that was it seems to be back on schedule right now yeah no uh no reasoning offered up by the team i should say either for that we speculated they might have had a real pickup problem that was getting worse that was uh discounted from the team when the question was put to them i know that uh every all of the pr's are listening up and down the pit lane as well and therefore if we uh do speculate a little bit once in a while uh it's often as much to quickly ask a question that could be then answered by our communications between us and the pr groups as it is to just air our thoughts [Music] are there battles going on in other classes sorry charity go ahead number five it is a lap down by the way still um and and it's now coming to the pits again which is definitely early that car was locked in 140. now 152 for that car i think he's back on pit lane this is showing that that way on the scoring yes it is right um yeah as you said jeremy that one is uh well well short [Music] all right well that is the mustang sampling jdc miller already trying to get in touch with the team [Music] yeah pretty much yeah pretty much i hear the cogs turning uh as well so jimmy johnson back in the number 48 cadillac is this the first time he's been in that car since the stint where he had the uh the accident which was the first time you've been in the car since the accident in didn't when he'd had the accident yeah yes yes it is all right okay [Music] seven laps at the start of the race uh jimmy and he's not been in since then so got out of the car at uh what uh four minutes past 11. yeah yeah he was in the car for an hour [Music] so yeah so that was uh about five past 11. local time when he got out back in now [Music] [Applause] about 20 past three in the afternoon my watch refuses to uh remember that the crops have gone forward the u.s despite of being a virtual controlled watch you can see what i mean by that i don't mean it's whizzing around the room you know what i mean it takes a time something i've got remembering to put an hour on to it ollie jarvis three seconds behind ranger vandazanda and traffic playing its part jeremy yeah indeed because that gap had gone out to about eight seconds uh from first to second it's now down to it's now half because three is now fought as as uh jarvis indeed has that trouble just got a note back from halton the car is not great at the moment but uh they're hoping that it's going to be better at nighttime once the sun goes down and the temperature comes down a bit more even from where it is now because it'll maybe come to that mouse's favorite certainly you know he's he's turning laps right now last time with the 48-1 for oliver jarvis olivia clark behind him 47-3 another 60 miles racing acura the leader of course had traffic on that last upgrade [Music] [Music] so many people listening while they're moving around on sirius 216 and xm392 and of course around the world on rs2 part of the register limited network channels keep the tweets coming in to real you'll let us know where you are [Music] mazda polly jarvis setting into his work now gaps going back out seconds as he hits the traffic that vanderzander had to negotiate earlier on in the zero one ganache cadillac [Music] campbell and john edwards for bmw or for um whether it's bmw [Applause] excuse me where paul miller racing lamborghini madison snow is catching kathryn legg catherine battling for the championship against paul miller racing what the season to go now so there's been a history there lost out to madison snow and brian sellers nsx then of course wasn't she now with the porsche team hardpoint epm that's 67th position and right with the porsche now as they are battling away trying to find them on the circuit actually at the moment turn 14. thank you oh yes there we are right in front of them at the moment the uh fourth place united auto sport lmp duke with boys so that battle is now on the back straight and madison snow snitting right in behind the porsche [Music] may be able to get the draft down the back straight from the from the mazda camp they're having radio issues as well on that car which is uh which is not helping them and the date of the beacon isn't working either other than that says larry holt it's mint for him to keep keep up the uh keep up the optimistic tone he also says they won't let me hang out my pit board that i bought in 1983. well hey larry if you're listening to us i am using the clipboard that i made in 19 whatever that won't go actually where that was it was a lot like a long time before 1983 though i can tell you yeah but you're not hanging out over the pit wall where people come passionate 120 miles an hour either me just because just me that would turn any of the prototypes into vocabulary if that went through there might could this be it's like a guillotine bleed that i'm surprised to let you take it on an aircraft [Music] lethal weapon that's like like odd jobs hat brim from uh from the bond movies yeah you did that in metalwork didn't you a change of studies here great lab for frank van der zander 146.151 which is identical to the lap time that was turned earlier on by number 31 car 146.151 so it equals the lap record oh wow if it was qualified it's qualified and then the number 31 can't wait to have the advantage he said first i think it says records let me say that's a shared we've been talking about this for a wee while and by the way after that spin from kenny abul in the 75 cent energy one the chrome green and flame 75 car uh he did get back that car back the pitch he did a couple of laps came back i think i saw mario angle's name against that for the first time in this race uh and that car is running again that uh as i said the crawling so there's back down at the ceiling actually now we've been seeing this jeremy but the the laptops are extraordinary the piece that has been set the previous snap record we were pretty impressed with with these dpis and in motor racing terms it's been soundly thrashed here in the you know the first five hours of the race yeah it certainly has and uh yeah we didn't get uh we lost uh the end of last year or the first race last year uh 47.6 which was a couple of tenths away from the old black record in 2019 the fastest lap in uh in the 2012 hours here in uh november but it was slower than absolutely uh it was a the fastest cup in the 12 hours was a 47.7 that was actually set by ricky taylor uh so you know significantly quicker than that that was a 47.7 we've now got a 46-1 here this uh this afternoon it's jeremy shaw he's alongside me virtually at least in the hagerty global broadcast center social distancing applying out of keeping us up to date with all the news from the pit of paddock as our people racing field pip and panic reporter uh the pass was made so if you've mentioned that jeremy i was talking about the battle that was heating up between madison snow and catherine leg madison has gone through and pulled out about a second the tabbing has an update that's correct madison did go through there's no damage between the two cars excellent very fresh neil pair of them car though from hardpoint team ebm that is officially listed as a retirement now at this point so the 99 porsche is out the 28 mercedes is out and there might be some extensive damage to that car the team is having a look at it right now involving future participation the 19 grasser lamborghini is out and we are still showing the number 11 from wynn autosport as in the pit lane as this time around catherine like does dive into the pits she should be staying aboard because christina nielsen is taking over from her and christina nielsen was just texting me so i don't think she's quite ready yet jeremy with a note on the number 14 lexus rcf gt3 yeah indeed that car was run up front all the way through the early stage of the race they've had a few little little little niggles there they had a problem when they they changed the brakes uh during the caution period an hour and a half or so ago uh and then they had to they had to make a tweak after that and off that the hood came loose so they had to stop again to re-fasten it and that amounted to an emergency stop so they got a penalty after that that is one number 14 car is kind of languishing a little bit at the moment in the eighth position in the class and it is though i think still on the lead lap no it's not is it it's a it's a lap off the pace in uh gtd at the moment so they've got what to do to make up that lost ground that's number 14 car guaranteed it's currently at the wheel of that master sullivan lexus in the pit lane for john edwards in the real life of atlanta lanigan bmw so for a moment to be taken out of that fascinating fight in gt le mans so we have corvette now with a 31 second lead back to matt campbell for the weathertech porsche of course there's pit stops to make for all those cars as well vanda zander 47-6 last time around 47.9 foot oliver jarvis just holding around about 10 seconds 14 seconds on ollie clark for msr with kerb agent the number 60 accurate so once again three different manufacturers in the top three john edwards steered aboard the bmw of team rl the 24 guard dartmouth he's back out on the track already half an hour at the quarter half distance jeremy doesn't time fly when you're enjoying yourself well yeah it certainly does i think that's incredible um it's uh reagan alexander who's still he's got a pretty much a stranglehold in this race he's extended that lead now out to almost 10 seconds over all of the jarvis in the in the mazda but uh i was just looking oh mike conway has just put another 31 car into the pit for a scheduled stop that car uh had been uh briefly just two laps down again but now with this pit stop it will go three laps down uh then gave that that back and the other leaders in a little while the number zero one car is now 16 laps into it so another five laps so we can expect to see the race leading car onto the pipeline uh adam has an update on the number 99 rumors of its demise uh may have been somewhat premature the the official porsche twitter account uh sent on a message saying that the 1799 has been retired and yet it's going around on the racetrack so that's a little bit confusing um but in any case we have another porsche pit stop so we'll get to the bottom of uh that situation in a few minutes time but matt campbell bringing in that 79 uh weathertech racing porsche he should be getting out because he has done a triple stint behind the wheel uh jam jam did a double before him and cooper mcneil owes us one minute and 24 seconds before he has officially met minimum drive time so i would expect to see cooper back behind the wheel of that car early in the race and then you can hand it over to jame jam and matty to take it to the checker performance tech have been pinged in the pit lane three kilometers over that'll be a drive through for the number 38 that's not good news at any time certainly not good news when you're battling in the top four of a tight lmp3 [Music] timing screen battle still half a risk to gordo thanks to tim gray who is uh stepping aside over in our london control room we'll welcome [Music] kerry cobb i guess introducing and making sure that we're talking to the world which is great nice to have as well into the pit lane for that penalty here comes the red white and black performance tech machine yeah that is mateo lorena serving the penalty now we don't know if it was his fault uh for taking it back out three kilometers too fast or if it was his fault bringing it in for three kilometers too fast but we do know it was his fault and there is a bit of damage to the left rear of that prototype as well so perhaps not all great in a performance tech world but we know that the car has been very quick today and lorena certainly will be their nominee to try and bring it back up to speed quickly and it also helps that oscar austin mccusker followed him into the pit lane but mccusker in that 47 motorsport duquesne number seven needs to uh stay in the pit lane for a little bit longer because austin has now completed a triple stint oliver askew has completed a triple stint that by my calculation says it's time for stephen mcelroy oh yeah drafted in to that team at short notice and he absolutely spot on by the way about the number 38 damage down the left-hand side of that car just in front i think of the rear wheels it might just be a little bit of the wrap around the side pod of the car that's peeling away you see now i say that now and it looks possibly a little more substantial damage than that that might have actually punched a hole in the side pod there so that aerodynamically is going to be um interesting shall we see it let's hope there's no components in there that can fall foul of the air blowing through it because at the speeds we're talking about around here that will be getting pressurized there in front of the rear wheel leading gt le car in the pits brought in by antonio garcia and that looked to me like a driver change going on for that pit stop namely because the driver change assistant was out over the wall fuel and tires for that car now nick katzberg has not yet driven in the race so perhaps nikki's gone you know what guys can i can i can i have a go please can i have a turn and they finally said all right nikki fine you know will that get you to be quiet for a little bit so yeah let's see if that's indeed his name next to that car by the way it is steven mccleary who has taken over the number seven and the corvette the red accented silver corvette off the wheel stands and away and rolling and it's still shocking antonio garcia but i definitely saw a helmet plug going on there let me text brian smith and find out half there isn't any done i'm one of the drivers not being in that car yet stephen mcelroy does go out catherine leg did continue in the nba porsche and has just set cars best lap of the race talk about the um idiot half point abm porsche one big stop she dropped down to eighth position seven seconds behind aaron tellings and uh laptop second quicker than the m and then the vasa sullivan lexus rcf gt3 which does have the fastest gt tier toner lap of the race acura in the pit lane is the number 60 of olly flash here adam uh fuel tires and a bit of a windshield clean for olivier club if he is staying aboard for a second stint and by the way no driver change for antonio garcia so they are still keeping nick katzberg fresh and not letting him play in the race quite yet it will be beyond halfway before nick casper gets in for his first stint six and a half hours still to go [Music] sights and sounds of sabrina being broadcast across the world sound and vision insert radio dot com bmw all the way almost to the support pit wall that's the number 25 currently driven by philippe three and a half seconds away from the garcia corvette that leads [Music] that corvette shim that we lost the number four with that issue with the misfire in the coil pack earlier on jeremy because that's c8r certainly the number three well it has that one at least has uh at the moment all three of the holy trinity reliability speed and economy and you know normally don't get all of those any two normally yeah that's true it does seem to be able to go a little bit longer than all the other contenders in the gtl at least at the moment we stopped with another 23 aston martin had a second position with the uh this top secrets now well underway yeah the the gt teams uh there's one or two cars in the gtd a well off sequence with the others trent hinman uh in the right water sports porsche has been out there for 10 laps now as other people are just starting to come in sport cars got probably another four laps or sort of two passed it in after 27 28 laps so that's round about right 27 28 29 maybe for the gt's dear tornas catherine leg's been out there for four laps moral engel for the seven energy one mercedes emg after just a 14 laps tipped for kenny a bull but i think kenny has probably done his time in that card with that stint mario on his 13th kenny has done three stints um i think he might be close on time i i need to check at the bottom of the next hour to be honest okay um what and he has to do three hours to sleep three hours correct yeah a full stint is an hour um and he's he's done 40 laps there behind the safety car then another 14. he's going to as you see he's going to be close i'll look that up in a moment why don't you tell me what's happening uh with uh alexander rossi who's back in the pitlance here it is another pit stop for alexander rossi and another time where he should be left behind the wheel because this is his second trip down the pit lane if you will and each of the drivers needing to do a triple stint before wayne taylor will let them out of the car and give them a little bit of a brake fuel and tires going on to the acura as uh they're staggering their stops i do love to see all the different strategies of doing their pit stops do you do the left first and then the rights do you do the left front right rear and then the right rear left front or uh left rear right front yeah you know what i meant um but they are doing the staggered stop where it is diagonal waiting on fuel for alexander rossi and then he'll go back out for what should be the third of his triple stint and then they'll let him out of the car unofficially and it is unofficially three hours and 11 minutes for kenny uh in the energy machine he did that very very long stitch if you remember when we had uh a yellow flag he just got into the car at that point so he did 28 laps at the beginning uh and then he did uh eight laps and 32 laps and 14 laps all of which had elements of of yellow flag i believe in it as i said that is uh unofficial but uh it would look to me as if they might have cracked the time for kenny zero one in the pit lane in fact both the leaders in the pit lane ollie jarvis for mazda and cadillac chip ganassi zero one so once again it's the battle of the big cruise ship it's a failed attempt to remove a windshield tear off for ranker vandazand in the 0-1 cadillac chip ganassi racing pulled the windshield tear off up and then the wipers smacked it back down again so that might mean that there are bubbles in front of ranger for this stint that would distort his vision but he wasn't able to actually spend the additional time in the box to get that cleared away as the mazda leaves well far behind wenger this time last time they left the pit lane it was mazda just ahead of ranger this time only jarvis has a bit of ground to try and make up as he did stay aboard the 55 mazda and actually almost had the 74 spencer piggott behind the world that element 3 p3 machine for the first time today there was very nearly a coming together between those two as they were joining the fastlane [Music] [Music] now we've got the change of lead them great jeremy that i mean there's always a bit of a worry when you've got single digits in the the top class you started with seven cars they're all in positions one to seven albeit with uh mike coghier driven down ma cadillac the number 31 a couple of laps uh off the lead but really really and truly six of those seven and you you probably see it with half the rear still to go probably all seven of them are still in with a shout there because getting a lap back if the safety car comes out at the right time for the 31 is not beyond the bounds of possibility certainly isn't no i mean yeah we're still we're what uh not even halfway through this race so if you can lose two or three or four laps in the first half you can certainly make them up again in the second half if if you play the cards right little luck falls your way but what was interesting to me during that last hit they're both 22 laps for each of the two leaders there number zero one and number 55 but the number zero one card pulled out nearly 14 seconds during that stint over number 55 that made the pass mega man made the pass as they've been joined after they came in 14 seconds between the two of them so that was a pretty big uh gainer there for the lira one car i think he might actually be able to retain the lead now because uh jimmy johnson is driving the 48 car and i think the uh yeah he has he's reached oh wow [Music] yes correct that's a significant part of a point in the race isn't it we look for little things like that it was it was a 22 lap [Music] that's interesting jimmy's chewing in about another four laps time and he he hasn't had the best of traffic recently um in the middle parking should i say that is a significant moment to give him the race where vanderzander and the chip can assist zero one cadillac have made their eighth pit stop without losing the lead to the ally cadillac now that's also big down the pit lane it has but remember one of those was to replace the nose cord on that car and [Music] so that's what put them off so they've not had eight full pit stops and that's why that is significant that jeremy mentioned it significant enough that jeremy mentions it now and of course what will happen is that the ally car will drop back when it makes what is its next big stop the knight it's kind of it's eight and a half at the moment really and that is a couple of three laps away at the moment sebastian bordeaux has got about another four or five laps as well just looking now that's in the um sampling machine through turn three at the moment just looking at the flags there by the what would become the illuminated palm trees on the entrance to turn three the flags are absolutely at right angles from their flagpoles from their flagstaffs at the moment around the circuits wind picking up it was a forecast of gathering clouds into the later evening hours [Music] of the time coming up on 4 p.m eastern straight across the pit straight so that means under the nose of the car for turn seven on to the tail of the car in 16 maybe cross winds in other places that's gonna make life a little bit difficult all of these cars have a decent degree of air capability even the gt daytona's they're not obviously as aerodependent as the prototypes but they don't have all of those wings and flicks and under body acoustic just for fun aston martin number 23 having a look at the 12 lexus in gt torna going into turn one it's hardly a lift you know for turn one now it's not a massive big break and down coupler key it's even for the gt daytona's that's the battle for fourth and fifth the guinness is good behind the wheel rocks good that's mark works driver lawned out to heart of racing team the last part works gt team now that they've moved into formula one [Music] as the mercedes junior team effectively and good now looking very carefully at the back of that lexus ahead of him heading through the kink at nine and in the breaking area at turn 10. he closes up under the brakes not taking too much curve on the right-hand side clean see the bear short decal on the back of that number 12 lexus ahead of him and even in the slightly under slightly darkening skies that lexus stands out with that highlighter yellow color there goes the zero one cadillac past that battle now in turn 16. shot of the unfeds first so the wind right behind them now they go off the track to the left-hand side before coming across to turn 16 and now they're on the back straight what sort of run does ross get here he'll get the advantage of the draft and also going through the gt lavon leading corvette on his right hand side at the turn 17 he's not quite there but he's tightened his line tries to get up the inside to the apex or on the power nice and early through there diamonds off the corner but has to go all the way to the wall really nick nippert took jeremy and i know people hate performance balancing but you've got to see it two very different concept cars there with an rcf lexus very upright quite tall big frontal area and then the more svelte aston martin v8 vantage sitting in behind it and those cars slight differences in their performance around the lap but really interesting to see that full lap from ross's perspective there yeah that was cool wasn't it i completely agree with you they're really good to watch in that battle for the fourth position in gt gtd the uh number nine car made a pistol just a couple of laps ago the fastball should last kern now that guy just dropped to second place since the porsche 1-2 at the moment side by side jeremy sorry that battle and ross gunn has got it done got a little bit better drive coming out of the hairpin at turn seven he's gonna have to try and hold off that lexus as they come in to turn 10. but i think yeah he's now established himself and in ruined terms he had a bit of clear blue water and was able to take the line he's now made that position up sorry jeremy go ahead um oh yeah okay oh yeah right so trent hitman leads the class now 16 by about 10 seconds over last curtain porsche 1-2 in gtd madison snow is uh fairly back in third position i think he's about 25 seconds back yeah a bit less than that 23 seconds back uh in the third place 23 seconds behind the number nine car as he crosses the line in third place to complete his 150 lap and then that battle we were just watching between robert mcginnis [Music] [Applause] jimmy johnson into the pit lane and did he get out of the car during that stop out of that 48 cadillac ship the service is still ongoing so we're gonna have to wait and see they were gonna do four new tires i did notice that they were up on the wall but this is an interesting moment because jimmy johnson has fulfilled the minimum drive time for the pro categories if you will for dpi or gtlm one hour minimum for both of those he only needed one more stint to reach that point and then simon pagino would be eligible to take back over the car well kobayashi could too simon had done four stints before kamoy kobayashi got in and did two so this would be jimmy's third stint let's see if he goes back out on track for a fourth just waiting for the pit exit to be triggered i'll let you know what it is okay this is the uh number 48 of course we're talking about the allied cadillac racing he's done an hour and 35 minutes yeah he's done an hour and 35 minutes uh jj so um well over what he needs to do um but he's not there to being up the numbers jeremy's he's there at a race and uh i i would expect him to do some more driving yeah i'd be surprised if he didn't certainly i mean he had good uh maybe another set at some stage why not uh it depends where they are in context he's not he isn't quite as quick as the other two for sure but he before his instant yesterday qualifying he was down to uh just about 1.2 seconds i think he qualified off the pole position he found over two seconds in a previous practice so big strides for jimmy there and uh you know that but that car is fast we've seen it all the way through the day which has been one of the quickest cars on track and uh you know i'd be surprised if he didn't get back in again he's certainly quick enough to be able to hold his own and it's still a long long way to go in this race again still we're not at the halfway point so i'd be very surprised if he uh decided to sit out the rest of it we are coming up to four o'clock in the afternoon you're listening to it's a rachel with live coverage of the probably one 12 hours of separating presented by advanced auto parts give you a quick rundown for this master in race update ranger van der zander nearly 20 seconds now cadillac chip ganassi the light career 0-1 ahead of the white master motorsports number 55 of ollie jarvis and another 11 seconds further back is ollie clark class leaders in the other categories lmp2 scott hoffenges behind the wheel of the pr one matthew supports four oracle number 52 that leads lmp2 in eighth position overall uh he's got a decent lead about a minute and 40 seconds over the rest of the field tonio garcia the spanish driver behind the wheel of the corvette c8r that's the number three car with the red accent he's got all of 1.9 seconds over the best of the bmws filling egg in the bright red bfw emit gt in second place in gt le mans lmp3 spencer pigott now driving the riley motorsport leisure with about 40 seconds on stephen mcauley drafted him very very late notice in the 47 motorsports duquesne in second position the seven and he's got another 40 seconds on third for the sean creech motorsport number 33 in gt daytona trent hitman for right motorsports porsche similar machine but from a different team bath border sport so it's 16 porsche and that's the plaid colored side panels on that car and the ninth last kern is is the plaid color car sorry and the 16 is the uh the light blue with lost black on that leading car and brian sellers is just going back out the lava game so that means the aston martin racing uh bandage number 23 the heart the racing team will be for the moment at least elevated into the top three series 2-1-6 xm392 fm around the circuit at wwe auger 99.1 and around the world on rs2 this is himself radio adam is our vp racing pin and padded reporter jeremy shaw is in the hagerty global broadcast center with me john handoff hello everybody uh if you are just coming back to your computer your radio or however you're consuming the 69th annual mobile 112 hours of safer it's lovely to have you if you've been in from the start well done we'll be taking notes we'll be asking questions at the end actually we won't be asking questions at the end what we will be doing is analyzing what we've seen in michigan post race tech because although the checkered flag is the end of the race it's only the start of the conversation about the race anything that you have noticed or that you want to bring up michigan prt to at insert ridge your huge drive for the editorial content of that show which comes up after the post race uh after the checkered flag and once we've had a chance to have some porsche race interviews we'll try and get a few more in that show as well still van zander by 20 seconds and a pass there for not for position passionate went past like to balance if he's coming back out the pits jeremy like to val with that pitched up now again falling off the lead lap in the number five mustang sampling cadillac the great the career and gold car uh he gets back on the lead lap whilst everybody else pits and then when he has to take his pit stop of course he drops back again yeah frustrating that the number 31 car though that's kind of solidly now just two laps uh behind and uh they've done a really nice job in that in that number 31 car to uh you know to make up ground because they were full that's behind the leaders i was just keeping my on my my eye on the two acuras last time around olivier player be coming under increasing pressure from alexander rossi of course whilst he's still trying to make up ground from that penalty they served about 45 minutes or so ago uh he closed up pretty much onto the tail of olly clark in the bye shank racing car but olive clyde just responded by sending that car's fastest lap off the race on a 146.6 so that's kind of interesting the fastest lap of the race has been turned by the number 31 car and the number zero one car at 146.151 so uh it is interesting to me to see that my shank car turning a good lap there 146 6 at this stage in the proceedings mauro engel has just turned the sun energy 1 75 mercedes emg gd3 fastest out of the wrist now i mentioned this for no other reason it's sitting in ninth at the moment and lost uh has lost a couple of laps on the cars around it but that car's got no traction control it was having issues with tc and abs earlier on but mauro's got his head rounded and he's driving that car as quick in fact quicker that it's got any any time in the race he's just on six tenths of a second away from the fastest uh gtd lap of the race in that car and remember it has been backed into the to the barriers at turn six as well that is a sterling sterling job by mario engel and proof of proof were needed that the endurance spirit jeremy uh is living on down at sun energy one and maro angle yeah good to see isn't it there they yeah that car's been fast all the way all weekend the mercedes were both very very quick at all very quick i should say at daytona so it's going to be an uphill battle to get themselves into contention here having lost that ground but you know they're going to need some help they're still wanting to pull that's i think off the ultimate pace now as a result of that incident because they what they were in a battle for fourth place with the lamborghini of frank pereira number 19 grt grasa racing car when they when they had an [Music] yeah that is uh a good point well made just being passed by the ganassi cadillac uh going under the mobile one walk over bridge it's a van der zander then reeling off the laps vanderzander now being in that car i mean it amazes me he's been in that car for 10 laps and uh his average over the last couple of stints has been spot on the money and there's no bringing yourself in with the guys at this level is there jeremy you know when most people go to work they're a bit of a chitchat maybe as they're swiping in you would have back in the old days but different when you're working from home maybe a quick cup of coffee turn everything on set yourself down check the emails that have come in overnight there's none of that there's nothing like that at all goes on here as soon as you thumbs up that that pit lane speed limit there uh and particularly for rengar vanderzander he was right on the money when he came out and made the position of course as he came out of the pit lane yeah no hanging around i mean look you know we talked about it already i mean it's it's hard to imagine that given how bumpy the track is and how physical it is with the cars and for the drive and for the for the equipment but it really is a flat you know it's a flat out race i mean you know actually not you're not pushing to 100 all the way through the 12 hours of course but you are pushing pretty hard a lot a lot harder than you used to not that many years ago when you had to have uh had been more cognizant about the the longevity of the car the the mechanical reliability of these cars are now remarkably you know stout and your problems will occur back in the old things clearly came up with all the tweets that's coming in but i'm trying to to bring up some of the points here's a question that i know part of the answer to but not the other so i'm gonna throw the second part of this to you jeremy james brown um not that one says are my eyes playing tricks on me or does the blue flag being played from the start finished have a yellow stripe on it yes it does it says if it does what does the stripe denote or do all blue flags in america have a yellow stripe i think they all do jeremy but i i don't know why is is there something specific that the the blue you are being caught by somebody quicker flag in america has a yellow on because i i that doesn't happen anywhere else as far as i'm aware that's a good question to which i don't i can't think of the answer right now james you've stumped sure yeah my my brain is sort of engaged on another battle your place if you're a flagger in the states and thank you very much indeed for all your hard work um obviously not if you're on station at the moment uh down particularly at maybe turn seven uh maybe not right now but if you get a break if it's at imsa radio hashtag rsl sabrine uh and let us know why the yellow i think they all do have them i don't think there's a different flag i think they all have the yellow stripe it does say in the rulebook though john rule 27.10 dot blue the blue flag may incorporate a yellow diagonal stripe so it does acknowledge that there are two different varieties that might be used across the different race tracks that we go to but it makes the sieve type of championship but it means the same it is the somebody catching up with you flag there's a faster car behind you and 27.10 says that the blue flag is advisory and it's not considered a command flag yeah but yes unlike formula one whereby it's three flag points uh and then you get an exploding tortoise thrown at you or something um that's mario kart all right okay sorry yeah yeah all right hard to tell apart sometimes um not sorry i'm only joking it isn't advisory in formula one you must pull over or you will be uh you will be penalized uh if if you know why that yellow diagonal is on then let me know uh adam's radio if you're a corner work worker a flag marshal flagger in the states um flaggers who mere wear flags but never flag themselves they are always full of energy thank you very much to our white suited or yellow suited armies around the world and let us know where did it start where did that yellow diagonal start doesn't happen everywhere certainly not here in europe it's just a plain blue flag all right coming down to living on a prayer in 30 seconds or thereabouts [Music] yes absolutely and as we lost one of the grits recently with half the race gone there's now exactly half still to go six hours as we move in to the second part second half of the insta weathertech sports car championships second round of the season it is the 69th annual mobile one 12 hours of sebring presented by advanced auto parts adam jeremy short john hinder with you and the action thanks for tuning in rs2 around the world wwe auger here at the track on 99.1 and sirius 216 xm392 a lot of people telling us they're enjoying the coverage on there around north america either in their cars or listing at home while doing other things so jeremy we move uh we are now closer to the chequered flag that we were to the uh green flag second half of the race and i i feel i still feel as all we're just getting warmed up here in some respects we've seen a lot of action there's a lot going on but nobody's made a bid for freedom in any of the classes really still all to play for yeah very much so you're absolutely right and we've now gone what two hours and ten minutes since the last caution period it's been a really interesting race and of course you know we've still got the same cloud cover we had uh early on that's a little bit more than there was at the beginning of the race but you know the conditions out there are still really really good you've seen some great lap times on pretty regular basis whenever cars have some clear track but you know that the next sort of major fluctuation in the race you could we could have to wait until it goes dark it's only what four four fifteen is it now almost four fifteen locally so it's going to be another three hours or so before we have dark darkness but yeah as the temperature drops you're certainly going to be interested to see which cars cope better with that temperature fluctuation than others and i'm pretty sure that it will affect different cars in different ways just looking at the mazda right now it's running still in the second position and that gap between first and second has stayed yeah it hasn't hasn't hasn't increased much during this did certainly not as much as he did during the lasting uh between uh the zero one of ranger van der zender and oliver jarvis i'm not sure i say that when they came in with the the actually before the last round of pixels was 14 seconds between them it's now 22 so it has gone out uh by it by a fair bit probably half a second or lap or so the cadillac is quicker than the mazda and then closing on both those two inching closer to those to the second place car is the pair now of accuracy with ollie plaster running just ahead of alexander rossi so it's the maya shack racing with kerbago jaden akka economy 60 just the head of the konica minolta acura it's the car that won the first race of the season at daytona is not going quite as quickly as he was before but that spine is still comfortably on a lead lap he's still i'll say comfortably it's about 15 seconds or so ahead of the race leader on the racetrack so not really in any danger of losing that lap then the number five car is is one lap down and another 31 car that's just coming to the pits again for another pit stop uh that's i think is pretty much on schedule for that car uh that was uh 20 laps for conway his second uh 20 laps did what's interesting is though they put people durrani in that chair and so mike said he's doing a double everybody else did a triple is that right people did a triple nassar did a triple conway did a double and yeah now they've put people back in so they are repeating perfectly split to the midpoint whether or not that means they're going to leave mike conway in for a double at the end or if they're going to restart things all over again because hey why not put people in for the end of this race we'll just have to wait and see yeah so what's what's that about the other thing that was significant earlier on when we were talking to renga vanderzander he was absolutely confident uh in the interview that she did with him that there had enough tires to single stitch the tires all the way through enough new tyres uh which which i thought was pretty good wanted to start off with shave at the start of the week in terms of tire allocation uh 23 23 sets for the pro classes and 18 for lmp3 and gtd at 21 for gtlm so if you consider they would have started on a new set of tyres they've done eight pit stops that's uh that's another eight set of tires so that's nine and you'll have at least another seven or eight pit stops to go before the end so they've basically saved 16 17 sets of that allocation to make sure that they can single stint all the way through she don't actually save any time by changing tyres anymore because you're allowed to fuel and tire at the same time which is the point that uh nick was talking about earlier on uh interesting the wac went to that and uh he's going back to the old way before so that you are you know i read the comments from uh michelin uh on that and they were quite happy with that because they like the endurance element of their tires and uh banging a new set on every time doesn't really showcase that whereas giving uh the teams who can manage their tire wear an advantage by basically not allowing it to change tires while you're fueling there you go [Music] across the line another lap completed by rengar it's a bit slow for renga last time around jeremy bit of traffic one foot 51.8 but we don't read anything too much into into that no he's been turning consistent laps in the in the 47s uh john last few laps uh 47 3 47 4 47 i'm actually missing the next one but 47 8 the one before the one after that so no he's uh he's just uh pacing himself nicely and clicking off the laps at this stage in the race he knows how far there is still to go so he's not going to over extend himself he's not going to put that car into any compromising positions that's the clan at least he certainly seems to be sticking to it perfectly at the moment the gap from first to second now out uh it came down a little bit on that last segment because as you say he had a bit of traffic so it was 20 and a half seconds last time around keep our eye on that still a great percentage of the cars running jeremy notwithstanding we have had some issues early on but still plenty of cars circulating and uh pretty evenly spread out advantage of having a tracker on the timing the the marching ants or the dancing answers brian till always calls it and it's a pretty pretty decent spread around the circuit not too much of that clumping that we often see [Music] true and yeah not not many uh intense battles going on at the moment even the two accuracy dpi kind of spread themselves out a little over the last couple of laps a couple of seconds between them now but uh that's probably not the case in gtd [Music] well no if in doubt look at gtd something will uh something will catch your eye there four seconds between the bass sullivan lexus in [Music] fourth place and ross good but ross actually went past that car a little while that's just come down oh there we are catherine leg is catching spencer pompeli having just done that car's fastest lap of the race team hard points porsche number 88 just eight tenths of a second uh behind spencer pumpely and the magnus accurate well cat used to drive one of those nsx's so she'll know where it's strong or not so there's something that we might be able to keep an eye on uh ollie platt has just pitted from the fourth position and that again another 21 lap stint absolutely metronomic there for the msr with kerb agentian accurate said this earlier in the week and there's a few people have tweeted that insert radio using the hashtag rslc print seeing similar things the color changes on those accurate dpis from the the light colors that penske ran to the darker shades and some contrasting shades as well of the two teams who took over those cars this year really show off the intricacies and the complexities jeremy of the air around the front of those uh accurate dpis it's a very very clever design on the front of that car yeah pretty cool isn't it and yeah i love this whole dpi concept where the manufacturers that get involved in dpi are able to utilize some of their own styling cues or something something that distinguishes their car for everybody else's i absolutely love it it is certainly interesting to see how different those cars look with these different deliveries rather than the penske livery we've seen that last a couple of years or so so yeah fascinating about that and of course let's not forget that the the basic chassis of these the acura ar x05s is the same as is on the mp2 the standard lsp card it just shows how different you can make these cars look it's very cool [Music] uh pit stop for one of the cars we were talking about there as alexander rossi is in the pit lane and he's done his work for the moment gets out of the connecticut monolith here adam because i'm sure that shelly taylor is listening to us shelley can you please go give your husband a big hug i love it when things go as they're supposed to ricky taylor did a triple fully albuquerque did a triple alexander rossi did a triple and now ricky taylor's getting back in i love it when we can predict it like that beautiful stop fuel and four new tires not a moment wasted on the pit lane as ricky taylor goes back out for his next stint by the way it was dear cameron that took over the other acura that's the msr car from charlie clark wasn't it who brought that car in yeah 21 slapstick then for number 60 car just 20 laps for the number 10 car which is uh interesting um i've been 20 laps whereas the 60 cars done an extra lap in each of those last two two stint so again nothing significant at this stage at all but uh certainly a kind of a fun thing to keep our eye on and i would expect to see the number zero one car and the 55 actually they put it together like 166 last time around now completely run 86 so the next one or two laps i would expect to see the two leaders into the pit bay for their next scheduled service well yeah another 147.9 is there a button on the steering wheel that you know he pushes to get the 47 whatever it is [Music] yeah very impressive yeah he's now super experienced in these castles rengar and you know that's exactly why he was hired to drive this car because he knows so much about them he's got a lot of experience now in the two weather tech sports guard championship and you know he's he's uh one of the best drivers out there this is his 71st start in the internet experts live championship 14 wins 32 pole 32 podium finishes and of course yeah he's he's just a super reliable character to have a [Music] beautiful of the engines as well with the dpis another reason to like this audi at porsche already committed to coming in by 2023 as into the pit lane for the uh wins number 52 lmv two car and that was scott hufferger who brought the car in but he wanted to get out no that is a driver change back to nick jensen who is announced as being one of two full-season drivers for this car along ben keating for the remainder of the lmp2 championship and remember that began well technically yesterday during qualifying when points were awarded for the first time they're doing fuel tires and adding a little bit of fluid that looks like oil in that pressurized bottle in that compartment slow to remove the car actually the fuel nozzle and then the car was still up on the air jack so probably a couple two or three seconds lost on that pit stop but they did manage to get going once again also into the pit lane was the right motorsport porsche the 16 trent hinman brought that in let's wait and see who takes it back out oh it is patrick long and he actually very heads-up driver waited for the mazda that was behind that's the number 55. olly jarvis brought that car into the pit lane and he should be taking it back out for a triple stint but pat not wanting to get run over by the mazda waited very patiently to get into his porsche and it's not normally that patrick long is patient with porsches but he is a championship winning driver and a three-time winner of the mobile one 12 hours of sebring waiting on the fuel for the right crew meaning they've done their job perfectly and come on quan fuel nozzle out let's go let's go patrick's thinking there we go and there goes patrick yeah that pissed off was a little bit slow wasn't it for the mazda because he had to negotiate the 14th concept a little bit unfortunate for the mazda team just a little bit time on the actually a second or two not really critical at this stage what was interesting though is during that round of take place number 10 car has gone ahead of the number 60 so the two actors have exchanged positions now ricky taylor in the number 10 car ahead of dave cameron and number 60 driver changes for both cars and the change on the on the track as well now to the race leader in and uh there's a 21 lap stint for the mazda 22 laps however for reggae mana xander in the leading car at imsa radio hashtag rsl sebring starting to get some information about the blue with yellow but nobody has yet told me why the uh why the yellow diagonal orange diagonal is there where it came from i i i know it's in the scca rules i've seen it ever since i started coming to america 8.99 it's just not something we generally see anywhere else [Applause] [Music] or was it just another way of having a blue flag if you know send us a message on twitter at porsches tech michigan poster is tech after the chequered flag will give you uh the opportunity to drive the editorial hashtag michelin prt that is now oh well just over five and three quarter hours away new fastest lap in gt lemon 1 56 0 for conor the philippi as we're [Music] nearly 6 hours and 20 minutes into the race and proof if any more was needed that they're still piercing up bmw jeremy really impressive by connor yeah very interesting we see the number 24 car has uh just uh come on to the pit then i just just made us up yet just just uh leaving the number 79 car also into the pits cooper mcneil i would imagine would be handing over that car now he's still running in the fourth position in the class did a nice job he was about better part of 30 seconds i guess behind the number 24 bmw before this round the pit stops but doing exactly what he needs to do and once again number three can't be staying out for quite a long time yet uh 23 did you see that yeah that car is [Music] how far through instead is that 22 laps in normally get 30 from a gtd so the aston's got another 15 16 minutes to go before it thinks about coming in to pick well it thinks because obviously the car is not a sentient being or rust gun is called is it is it what is it not no i thought cars were alive oh well yeah yeah but they're not sentient you know you can't well some of them are nowadays aren't they because it takes you 20 minutes to turn all the bits off that you don't need up that hole in the side of the of the uh fifth place [Music] uh red white and black prototype that we were talking about earlier on that's the performance tech car it's getting worse the number 38 machine exactly as i thought the airflow getting into that and just starting to peel away the bottom part of the chassis now the problem with that is that right above it is where the rear deck fastens on now the clip is still there but it's starting to come under pressure and split that panel uh and that could be very dangerous indeed if the rear deck started to come loose and it is starting to wave around even more it also looks like there's an exhaust pipe on the left-hand side that is shaking loose as well yes there is and it's sitting very proud out of the back now i noticed there was an exhaust cannon the uh exit have turned 17 ages ago it's not an exhaust pipe it might not be an exhaust pipe it might be some kind of cooling duct that looked for a moment like it was more substantial than that but there's certainly some kind of pipe work out of the back left-hand side of that car where the damage is ahead of the rear wheel i'm talking about right on the back of the car and that my worry there jeremy would be for that rear deck because that clip is coming under a lot of stress as the body work around it is flexing and beginning to tear yeah particularly by the exhaust exit as well yeah so it'll be super hot there as well just trying to see i think i can hear it scraping the ground as well the the rear clip that cars coming into the pits now was it jew is the question and that takes me uh a moment just to scroll to where i need to be jeremy yes i think so 26 laps since that car was on to the foot lane yeah it's about right uh the rear wheel at a jaunty angle sick is the left rear wheel at a jaunty angle no i think that's an optical illusion caused by the fact that the body work is is really loose the imps are official is having a look one of the pit lane officials is having a look at that piece of pipe work that's sticking out the back to see how robust that is and whether it might fall off and that was it looked like flexi horse i thought it was a metal exhaust so it isn't yeah that's because the body works moving isn't it that's the problem yeah the bodywork was moving so much that they couldn't actually get the left rear wheel off and i saw that the mechanic who was back there was actually hitting the air gun to try and get it to function a little bit better um it's caused a couple of people to dive into the pit lane seeing that reaction out on the racetrack the 88 team hardpoint porsche is in and christina is driving once again uh also the 48. that is the ally race in carazo there's an incident out on traffic 22. that was that was the next part oh that's jim mcguire straight out of the pits yeah and pulled it right in front of the wheel and cadillac as he rejoined he's had a spin at turn 13 at tower ended up on the grass on the right-hand side um [Music] possibly a little bit of contact looks like there's some left damage on the left side at the front of that car but pulled straight onto the track right in front of as i said one of the dpis the bright red mike dpi of people durrani who is absolutely flat out at that point yes there's been contact with the barrier and a couple of the advertising hoardings as well as he gets his foot down thank goodness that was coming out of a corner and in an acceleration zone rather than somewhere even faster because there was no time to react there for people to ride you know jeremy i don't think people even lifted there he just uh flicked the car to the right and continued to accelerate on unbelievable yeah that would have got his attention though i think scary moment uh a new fastest lap in gt dear torna and believe it or not i'm just gonna check this oh it's just it's been [Music] uh it's been it's been you serve 201 0. no 21607 i was just winning for any here in this energy one it did another fastest lap but that was the the 2016 was from earlier on behind the wheel of that car remember that car with no tc i'm just keeping an eye because it's it's doing very well very competitive with no tc traction control [Applause] dodged a bullet there didn't mean with that rejoined sorry go ahead really who's out who has set the party what's it right right okay mr [Music] kirk by the number 14 card with jack hawks at the wheel of 201.0 is that right uh correct i agree uh more issues out the circuit and that is significant it's the 60 accurate and the 55 and that is jonathan bobberino and the master that was out at turn 15 both of them we're off the track there five hours and 34 minutes to go there's more drama that was the third and fourth place cars [Music] both spinning at that area of the track now was there contact that looks like cameron has continued yes he has in the third position still no sign of the mazda it's still showing a stationary at that part of the track very quick area oh where they got together whilst they were lapping another car i think and there was side to side contact as they came into 40 it was the tower motor sport car in front of the mazda that went offline and then there was a touch now was the two i i think the touch was from the 60 rather dean cameron rather than from the uh lapping the car they were lapping which was gabriel aubry and the tower motorsport car difficult this year and a portion any kind of incident responsibility there we've seen a couple earlier on where risk control have basically said inconclusive in terms of the evidence that they have seen but that we're still waiting for the mazda has has come round but lost an awful lot of time that time around at 2 11 7 7 7 and has dropped back into fourth place jonathan roberino and dead cameron now though jeremy bought running again yeah and it uh it doesn't look good there for the 1960 car i would say he was just locked up on the brakes not sure he was trying to think about making a pass there yeah looks like it was kind of caught in two minds but i think that's the angle isn't it gonna be lucky if he doesn't get a penalty for that one yeah look like the rear rear end of the car locked up the 55 master jonathan pomerito chip obvious is running again i i wonder if it was a late downshift and he locked up on the downshift uh as he was breaking he was slightly offline there on the dirty part of the track trying to take advantage of the number 55 mazda having been slightly compromised by gabby aubry first of all nothing uh nothing at all wrong with what gabby aubry was doing he was minding his own business and i'm not really sure that you could blame jonathan bombarrito either he did absolutely nothing wrong so if if there's any if there's any player then it will go to the 60. sure adam it's been looked at there is blame incident responsibility towards dane cameron's number 60 msr acura it's requiring a drive-through yeah okay and welcome to race control getting that done um quickly [Music] and yeah just a lot up on the way in and caught the curb on the right hand side [Music] just a slight misjudgment and unfortunately it's uh had an impact on someone else's race literally as well as metaphorically oh in fairness to turn he did try to drink to the left uh and miss the contact but uh actually that just kicked him sideways [Applause] but a bad look there but they'll take that punishment that's like duval takes out the mustang sampling card here comes cameron for his drive-thru jeremy shaw been looking at lexus what can you tell us jeremy yeah we talked about a little while ago the the they made a break change on that car during the early caution period several hours ago now it's a bit of a catalogue of disasters i gather they have to come in and and make some changes and note from aaron t let's say it was basically a catalogue of errors there uh a calamity of errors that's what it is how he describes it actually so that cost them a lap that is the car that has set the fastest lap off the race however but they they think they're probably gonna need some help here they're gonna need another fuel call of course to try to get back on the same lap as everybody else but now the lex is running just fine [Music] this was something we picked up on at the time and people durrani was nearly involved in this quick reflexes the man behind the wheel of the 31 whalen cadillac [Music] chat on energy drink i think is what you like to say uh yes car number 22 which is the united auto sport lmp2 machine being driven by jim mcguire penalty unsafe re-entry per rule 30.1.1 which means a drive-through don't think anyone could have any kind of uh argument about that at all jeremy sorry which would be the uh the united the 22 car when jim came back across the track yeah yeah that was uh that was pretty that was close let's look at that [Music] another spin now that was much earlier on sorry that's a replay from earlier on i can tell that because there's no damage on the side of the 38 there my apologies as soon as i look to a timing screen or a message screen very good coming up to 15 minutes before five o'clock we'll take another master in race uh update shortly next 10 minutes or so and the 33 sean crease motorsport car is off at excuse me uh it's the 83 my apologies it's the win car that has gone off at turn 13. so that is tower again so against it that's matt bell he doesn't make mistakes hang on so we've seen bill overland hassled into a mistake this weekend in the pilot challenge and matt bell off now at tower in the car that was sixth in its category had run a little higher that as well very odd very odd indeed and there's damage to the left front of that car it's gone into the triple stack we'll make that quadruple stack of field tyres on the exit of turn 13 the right-hander that leads on to that serpentine run before you turn right if he doesn't move it shortly i think it will yeah local yellows at the moment and still local yellows they'll be talking to the team from race control here and finding out what matt's seeing jeremy about the the situation in the car yeah you're absolutely right john that's exactly what they'll be doing and if that has the the engine still running and if it's not stuck in the entire wall then hopefully get it back out again it's certainly quite a long period of time and i think the race control the patients will be kind of running out fairly fairly soon because that is a a danger point on this racetrack as you say there will be wave yellow flags before that turn but it's been there now for a fairly long period of time so i'm sure race control is getting a bit concerned i'm sure the team is saying yeah i know he's finally we'll be going again very very soon but he isn't going very very soon and indeed now the yellow comes out so that has brought out our sort of our fourth full course caution yeah two and three quarter hour run of green 2 hours and 45 minutes in which we got up to a predicted 360 laps that's going to drop back down again but we are therefore awaiting the arrival of the corvette c8 safety car and rengar van der zander's 32nd lead jeremy will evaporate yes and uh this is uh a very interesting time of the race this is the number 31 car uh had was that last in a little while ago yeah so daval has just picked it in the five so he'll definitely stay out so he'll get his lap back properly now in the mustang sampling car um i i think i know damn cameron i was gonna say he's only just come out buddy that was a drive-through i think everybody else i think the top four will pit uh pajama might not he's only been out six laps true well certainly he might come in just for a splash and just top it off because he's getting track position yeah yeah quicker than some of the other guys yeah that's a good point but i think like duval in the mustang sampling has to stay out and try and get his lap back and if he does that that means that if we do the open the pits relatively quickly then people gerrani might be able to get a lab back as well if it goes on too long the problem for people is that he does need fuel in a couple of laps time and then he would have to do emergency service would be which would be exactly the wrong thing that they want because then they'd have to come back in again yeah so just because there's a yellow flag out it has to fall in the right place in your fuel window to get the lap back and it this might be right on the ragged edge of them being able to stretch their fuel and get their lap back jeremy in that uh one of their two laps back in the number that 31 wheeler engineering cadillac indeed tell you what was before any of that changes let me do a quick rundown we're a bit early for our mazda in race upped it and but i'll do it now so that everybody has an opportunity if they want to to find out where their favorite cars are before we start doing things like opening pit lane the tall and genial jordy matt bell is out of the man originally from newcastle upon town in the northeast of england just a quick quick note here the number 31 car actually is still three laps down okay so it's behind the number zero one on the racetrack uh and as you say is due a pit stop pretty soon as well yeah i think that's just a testament to the pace that rooney vanderzander has been running at the front very much very very much so so vanderzander for cadillac chip ganassi racing leads the motor race overall he's on his 199th lap so 200 the next time around it's ricky taylor for acura in second that's the number 10 black and blue car then the white mazda number 55 despite that spin and that's good news because they're closed back up again after being tipped into the spin it's even better news for the number 60 acura from shank racing because uh that purple car remember did the drive through and dropped some time and they will close all the way back up again as will the ally cadillac number 48 and those top five then will be liner stern when we restart because of the way the prototype and dpi split is managed with a bit of look at a fair wind like duval and mustang something's gdc miller car will get a lap back so they will get one lap back and even more look required for people to ronnie and the wheeler number 31 red and white car because they're at the moment sitting three laps back and they will need fuel shortly here's the lmp two rundown from eighth overall michael jensen leads from pr1 matheson in the 52 original tower motorsport despite their trials and tribulations gabby aubry right in the thick of the action a few moments ago in that uh as well then ryan diel for aero motorsports he'll get to close up the gap in the 18 car and then it's a four three lap gap to jim mcguire for united auto sports gt le man that's all gonna close up again as well because the top four are all on the same lap nikki katzberg for corvette leads in the number three that's the silver car with the red flashes the bright reds number 25 bmw is second conodor philippe jesse cron in the darker color bmw with the m sport racing stripes is third and matthias in the weathertech racing porsche 79 is fourth lmp3 spencer pickett from stephen mcaleer who is just still on the lead lap for 47 motorsports i think they might have been split up in the safety car at train with uh one of the intervention vehicles also out on track at the moment having picked up matt bell and just coming out of turn 17 but that'll all get closed up as we're doing the we've done the wave by and we're doing the pass around at the moment then it's dylan murray for riley in the 91 in lmp3 then lance wilsley in the uh sean creech motorsports car is he a lot further back i think he is but i'll wait for them to pack back up again before i give you that definitively it's two porsches at the head of gt daytona right number 16 the blue and black car and last kern the man who holds all kind of production car lap records around the nurburgring are in the faf porsche in second place that's number nine then it's magnus with archangels accurate there must be dua picked up shortly as well um there's a few people in gtd who are going to be a bit close here i reckon yeah magnus probably only got a couple of laps uh and i think the 96 car was on fumes and as has just come into the pit lane under close pic pits that's the turn of bmw will have to take emergency service so behind the magnus archangel acura number 44 in fourth position in gt is brian sellers for paul miller racing in the lamborghini ian james it has the aston martin number 23 and fifth and frank martin calvary has the first of the two lexus who are back together again and on the lead lap with kyle kirkwood in seventh position all closing back up again christina nielsen a couple of laps back in eighth position for the number 88 porsche from team hardpoint abm i think that's how it stands at the moment and what's interesting about that john is the number nine car i think was on onto the pit lane just before the caution period came out right maybe trying to anticipate it actually at number 23 and number 12 also in uh uh just a lap before that and the number 14 car it was this is great news number 40 cup because because of those other pit stops that car is back on the lead lexus the number 14 the quickest car on a track and in qualifying is now back on the lead lap in gtd right and i think we're gonna open the pits this time around for prototypes so let's see who we have is the tiggers my money as they turn up bmw by the way is ruling again my money would be on the top four going into the pits uh oh no right well he's they i've lost my money so the leaders come in uh our second in line was like default right okay that's the car that didn't feel it top four top five have come in so the allied cadillac has not come in like the valve goes around to get a lap back only jim mcguire of the leading lmp twos coming into the pit lane michael jensen's been out there for 14 laps the second place tower motor sport car has only been out there for a lap or two that's number eight gabby aubry did a very short stint piranhas got back into that car ryan the elves not being out there long either for era just a two or three lap before and the safety car gave out [Music] in theory the 48 car should get out first because they had they needed less fuel and has done it was passionate from vanda zander from taylor from cameron saw the lead taken in the pits by virtue of needing less fuel therefore standing still for fewer seconds the allied cadillac ship adam was first of the cars out of the pits in the g in the dt dpi category it was correct and the mazda is still actually showing is in the pit lane jonathan ball mourinho brought that car in they've been having all kinds of issues with that car all day including the radio issue and then getting a love tap as race control deemed it from the 60 msr acura but that mazda is still on the pit lane that is reason to concern for me they do have about another two minutes before the pits will open for the gt cars so they do still have a little bit of time to play with um further back in the pits by the way we also had two lmp3 cars well we had five lmp3 cars but two of them of note both of the riley cars came in they pit together because they are under the same team they left together spencer pigott in the 74 and jim cox still aboard the 91 i may have misspoken when i thought that matt bell was on his way back in one of the intervention vehicles i've just seen a race control message to the 83 with matt bell uh on board has resumed oh no it'd be the car will be on the back of the flatbed and the transponder will still be pinging i bet that's what it is but i'll have a look and see if it is actually on the track but it's showing back in the pit lane so let's keep an eye on that figures of the timing system here at sebring uh gt's coming to you this time share adam as the cars that wanted to get their laps back are at the head of the field and that is the number five mustang sampling cadillac and did the 31 must have steered out yes it did the bright red car is actually second i was looking too far down the the eq there now who's going to come in from the gt sticker katzberg's already been out there for eight laps kind of philly for 16. i reckon they've got to come seven laps do you do you come and just splash again and do it you know a stint and a bit on the tires uh apparently you don't katzberg has stayed out in the red flashed corvette adam but we do have a lot of takers on the pit lane including both of the bmw's both of the leading gtd porsches are back down the pit lane as well as the gtlm porsche and spencer pompelli is thanking his lucky stars that this caution came out and that he is able to get into the pit lane after more than an hour on track during that stint he is staying aboard the 44 magnus acura as they do fuel and four tires looks like there's a bit of black on the nose that wasn't there earlier on in the race but spencer is getting uh four sticker tires that's always exciting short stops for patrick long and brian sellers well it should have been a short stop for patrick long they've actually put the hood up after they've completed fueling and they are going to work in the left front area of the car i wonder if this is a brake change you don't normally have to do a brake change on a porsche during the 12 hours exactly what it is or at least something with the brake calipers i can only imagine you've been at the very least and especially when you consider someone with patrick long's experience he would know when you need to have good breaks particularly for the end of this one this was the team that won the race uh i would say a year ago but it was november and yep there we go there's the little nifty tool that allows them to do the quick brake change on the pit lane and they'll put the tires back on so they're going to lose a lot of track position but they will have an advantage of new brakes and looking down the list of drivers corey lewis is now aboard the number one lamborghini again roman deangelis back behind the wheel of the aston martin lars kern we already put into the faf motorsport porsche but they did come back down and do a splash so that's an interesting change uh and that is adam with the vp racing fuel pit report as we are under the control of the corvette c8 safety car for the fourth time of asking after a good long run of two hours and 45 minutes of green flag racing you're listing a live coverage of the 69th annual mobile one 12 hours of sebring on imsa radio around the circuit on 99.1 fm throughout the rest www the north america area if you are so equipped you can hear us on sirius 216 xm392 and of course around the world on rs2 part of the radio show limited network of channels every day is an image a day every hour of energy every day is an mzd on rs2 that's the home of imsa radio hello there if you are just joining us that wind's still very gusty at sebring international raceway temperature has dropped down just to a wee bit to uh just in the late [Music] 60s fahrenheit 69 degrees 21 degrees celsius on track and in the air at the moment it's adam working the paddock for us as our vp racing field reporter and jeremy shaw is in the hagerty global broadcast center with me john hindoff now we're about to do the split on that uh on the safety card [Music] and that is going on now down the start finish line so that will put the faster cars at the front of the field share still some teams to complete their pit stops of course as uh the one particular cars that wanted to try and get laps back well and that was the sound of a porsche steaming out of the pit lane um that would be mr patrick long i'm pretty sure so a bit of a long stop there to try and get their brakes done that took them well better part of a lap did they actually lose a lap no i don't think so um but there was an additional stop the 91 machine that took a very long time in the pit lane as well that's jim cox behind the wheel right now uh and the 52 as well michael jensen getting back behind the wheel of that car which leads the lmp2 category at least did before this cycle of pit stops and they were cleaning out a lot of rubber from the air duct behind the left front brake but i do have a little bit of news for fans of era out there it just might make you a little bit nervous um they don't have telemetry to the car anymore so they're having to rely off the drivers a lot more to tell them what's actually going on with the vehicle that's nerve wracking certainly is [Music] so much going on in these race cars nowadays driver can read your back and tell you what he's feeling but the engineers can tell you what's exactly happening the uh good sight of the 31 wheeling cars popped up again and it's picked up a passenger a piece of discarded michelin rubber on the front of that car at the moment if it rolls into victory lane there will be a fight amongst the three drivers over who gets to keep that little bit of rubber i i really do love the idea of perhaps people just knocking it up before he gets back into the car to to focus all of his energy and his attention towards one thing but yes the 31 which did come into pit this last lap around they are aiming to try and catch back up to the back of the field but the safety car does not slow down to allow those cars time to get back you have to go at the pace and if you don't make it to the back of the pack before the green flag comes out again tough noogies yeah you are allowed to go faster than the safety car to catch back up again though but once the area that you've had the issue is clear [Music] it does allow you to whip back around and that's exactly what's happened for the cars who wanted to try and get their laps back the 31 and the five must have just dived into the pits 31 cadillac and five cadillac did they actually come in or yes they have certainly the five did like default steered aboard that uh yes he did yep but they have fourth beard up a lap mean time back into the pit lane uh simon paschall that's his second stop uh on this pit on this uh yellow flag period [Music] yes [Music] driver change uh wasn't expecting that no uh simon had only done a double stint up to this point but they are putting kamoi kobayashi back into the car uh simon did do a quadruple stint perhaps they were coming close to the four and any six no he'd only been a double and jimmy had only done a single that could have been it sort of i said if that is the case and let's not see that that's definitely it they did absolutely uh the right thing when they came in last time around and just splashed the car and got out in the first position of the cars that had gone to the pit leg and therefore would have started behind the safety car in the lead of the motorist and if they've mistimed that somehow it's rather a mistake the lights are off on the corvette safety car so we will be going green at the end of this lap about halfway around it at the moment sorry jeremy go ahead there's a quick start from number 55 to leapfrog everybody there uh yes it was set that the the master was second out of the pits behind the number 48 cadillac yeah obviously the cadillac had way less fuel uh required um the 55 had only done 13 laps um coming into the pits wenger had only done 12 of course uh ricky taylor had done 50. and did cameron had done 16 17. but uh cyberpage was i think still in single figures like default didn't need a long stop for fuel uh when he came around because he'd only do an eight laps people durrani did just get in in time because they must have been running short of fuel but they still managed crucially the mustang sampling five cadillac in the 31 wheeling cadillac crucially both got a lap back each as we come back to green and jonathan formarito oh hello that's a bit naughty that is that that's gonna be a penalty up the inside the the uh the reset of the dpis you can't then do that again that has been completed and i reckon the 48 there was made a couple of mistakes and that will be being looked at because uh there tends to be a message on wrist control about the pass around weird five and resets being completed and at that point when the 48 came back in from the front of the queue they don't get a second crack at it to come back through everybody else they have to stay where they are the queue well and the biggest thing john that happened was about 45 seconds nose at 0.2 in the afternoon 502 in the afternoon the prototype class split began but within the prototype split you may not pass other prototypes so that was passing other cars way before he should have been able to yeah and the green had not been shown i believe at that point so kobayashi maybe being looked at for that we'll keep an eye on it we will keep an eye on it if the grey flag had been shown he's fine we don't have to wait for the line to pass on a restart i don't think it had the number three car came in right now yeah they're curious yeah well well they didn't come in um well they only stopped half a dozen laps or so before the cautionary period came out yes and so they didn't come in when the caution period but then they came in on at the last yawning moment and they've dropped out the fourth in class do this we're not up for more points in the top the next hour are we uh we're coming down to the completion of another race hour and we will start our number eight seven hours completed in a couple of minutes time for the second time uh shock creature motorsport getting a pit lane speed limit violation just one click i seem to think that's not the first time i've seen one click over for those guys i may be confusing them with someone else maintain share is working away to find out what's going on with the corvette number three and what's going to happen to the number 48 kami kobayashi cadillac as well jim mcguire's been in and out of the pit as well remember he steered out to try and get here that back but still four away from the lmp2 lead lap into radio if you want to get in touch with us just under five hours to go seven hours completed we go into the eighth hour of racing in the 69th annual bourbon one twelve hours of sleeping presenting five bad sort of parts good start by the way from jonathan pomerito anything else going on uh it was pretty much as you were for the first lap with uh second in the zero one the light-coloured cadillac of chipkanashi racing and then they cutting him at all the blue and glossy black number 10 accurate third fourth in cameron at fifth cavity kobayashi he would have been fifth in the standings anywhere because of the other two cars elapsed down but the issue there was he was passing prototypes before he went back to green meantime in gt daytona [Music] things have changed around a little bit as corey lewis leads for paul miller racing now ahead of that's porsche at last curt which was second before the safety car partner racing aston in third as they were before the safety car and two vassar sullivan lexus next up 12-14 fourth and fifth pat love with that break change uh in fact he's just overtaking kyle kirkwood and goes backward with the fifth but now with a new set of bricks on the front end of that porsche of right motorsports the number 16 like blue car so that's watch up for watch out for fired up pat long [Music] adam on the on the number six out of the number 16 cup go ahead um it was a planned break change porsche they had planted for the beginning of the race it was a minimal uh wear on the brakes when they actually got it off the car but they had decided before the race began that at some point in the race between our six and eight break change see this in a couple of years just recently where we weren't expecting it and uh it seems these gt3 cars are now so quick that uh they're going through the bricks perhaps with a little more alacrity that they have in the past well for the late cracking here jeremy in the turn one do they actually break for turn one in these dpis i mean i remember standing on the outside of that corner watching the old hpd prototypes coming through there and marco andretti doing three or four laps in a test session where he absolutely never mind he didn't break he didn't lift through there which was frightening standing on the outside on the back of my golf cart i'm there's not much of a breaking into turn one for the prototypes is that they're really committed through that they certainly are john it's it's amazing to watch these cars through there and no yeah there might be it might these are just kind of a snick down a gear but a big a lift i don't think they're flat i'm pretty sure they're not flat out through there at this asian race i don't believe they are maybe qualifying on on on fresh rubber it is probably close but i i think they're i believe they're down in gear but [Music] it's extraordinary how much pace to take through the pumps of turn turn one nowadays um when you you know you look back at the unlimited power of the cars that we had a few years ago i'd have limited downfalls and wider tires as well and the lap times are getting very very close to what we saw in those uh high power at high value as well high spending prototype days these dpis very impressed with this concept can't wait to tpi 2.0 lmdh to come into operation and we'll i'm sure start to hear some more news about which manufacturers are choosing which of the new lmp2 chassis within the next few months yet to see the new generation of lmp2 chassis what they need to consume [Music] two riley motorsports lmp3 cars now are a lot by themselves spencer piggett in the wheels number 74 cart about jim cox at the wheels number 91 so expect uh spencer to extend his lead there over the gentleman driver jim cox stephen mcaleer her best friend now got that down a lot further back now number 54 car of george kurtz and also lance wilson who just made a pit stop in number 33 car yeah that's opened up a wee bit as you see it a bit of action and excitement a few moments ago that was the uh pass for the lead in gt dear tornado down at turn 10. so that was done on on the track on the must have been on the restart that it was corey lewis saw an opportunity and just went down the inside of lars kern and i was giggling a few moments ago because as they were going into turn 17 corey clearly noticed that he had the corvette of antonio garcia behind him is it antonio again why did i say that uh it is nick behind him and said uh nikki i really would prefer if he didn't pass me right here kept him behind to keep an additional car between himself and mars but lars is on a charge in the fast canadian porsche how good is it to see them again so so lewis overtook two cars in the recycling third was they come out for the green flag which worked behind number nine and number twelve am i wrong uh you i think you might be right there you might be right when i did the uh the update when they came out oh sorry that was when they came out the pitch yeah so they've done a good job there very good job there this from aaron thompson says the yellow stripe of the blue flag was adopted from fia rules for consistency among international drivers in imsa events the main reason for the strike though is colour blindness differences between flags you can't get a race license if you colour blight surely that doesn't make any sense well i don't know you can't now you still used to be able to do because it was a great story hang on side by side yeah battle for the lead bobberino and vanderzander and threw a bit a spin behind that was one of the red prototypes behind him i think it was one of the p three cars but very very sideways but a real battle van de zander got up alongside bobarito for a moment and that's actually staggered him a little bit and ricky taylor's now right there also right in the mix there is people to ronnie jeremy always two laps down he's right on the back of those leading cars of course because of the dpi split and yeah if you could work his way past these guys he can get to get one back again uh so he'll be charging hard now you can be sure duval i don't think he's in that picture he's a little bit further back is he well i think like might have been held up by that half spin i heard a squeal of tyres he's uh i think he's the next car back in line okay i i it clearly wasn't the [Music] a lot of red on it that went sideways though it was uh was that car there that went sideways did you spot that yeah um i thought it was the 31 of uh just no i think it was one of the wins cars um no the red one is not out anymore and the 11 is still [Music] everyone's a winner a win-win situation um i think stand by uh it was i think it was a 48 actually i think it was purple not red i i i think it was kobayashi the god sideways yeah i think it was kobayashi that got sideways in the 48 cadillac just i just saw a flash of color um no nothing to say there's been any penalty by the way for that car charging uh through the uh as we were going back to green which um is is interesting update us on the corvette why didn't it come in when it could have and why did it come in right at the end of drop to fourth of putting it plain and simply miscommunication right there was some discussion amongst the pit wall whether the cars should come in during the yellow there was not an edict given to nikki before he was too late to come in during the yellow and then he came in uh his next time by which was that weird situation so now he's dropped back to fourth in class 26 seconds behind next in class and 28 seconds behind the leader but this is a corvette there's a long way to go it's sebring don't count them out stupor says even in the uk you can still get a race license if you call a blind although it's done with a physical flag test rather than on the doctor's medical okay yeah there's a there's a great story from back in the late 80s there was a driver in what was then the camel light series who was colorblind and there was a race in san antonio and uh very accomplished driver came into the pits made his pit stop uh captain lap stadium he he was called for a penalty look for forever shooting the yellow light at the pit exit and uh they're going really attention [Music] [Music] does exactly the same thing close to the road again for another penalty no i didn't yes you did he goes out does it three i think he did it three times finally figured out that uh the [Music] the lights of the galaxy were upside down he was colorblind nobody knew it up until then all right got you and so he was going on which one was illuminated in which position rather it was okay i i i'm i'm not sure what aaron was saying about the fia consistency because i the f.i.m flags don't have yellow stripes on them as far as i'm aware again [Music] i didn't usually like to be fia internationally since last year i only look for the blue to be honest not for the yellow but i know it's always got a strike on it we're racing in the states still this battle for the late dead carving it's weird through traffic and it's closed back up again jonathan bob mourinho ranked by the sander and ricky taylor's not too far away there although he's been split off the back just for a moment as they went through traffic going into the hairpin at turn seven oh life is good at the moment if you like entertainment and traffic i think i like just confirming it was this 48 that spud worked it out in the end nickel i thank you for that [Music] atoms are really up he did everything except it looks very very sideways yeah he was very very sideways whatever it was it's uh not slowed kobe actually down too but he's only seven seconds away from the lead five seconds from [Music] [Music] as it's just split up but once again there's traffic to big pass going down into turn one all of the top three go in there well durrani yeah he has just dropped back a wee bit but i tell you what ricky taylor's caught back up again very quickly from the second and a half or two seconds but the top three are pretty much together until this traffic involved four and three-quarter hours still to go [Music] really carving through the traffic the laps ago it almost looked like rengar was going to get a run as they went either side of ian james in the heart of racing aston martin and so close to the back of the faf porsche as well then the leader got caught with behind the gt dear torna leader and they were back together again ian james must have had his heart in his mouth for a moment as the first and second overall and in dpi uh sorry it's roman de angelus in that car and went either side of him great sight of four leading prototypes all on the lead lap and all on the end of the alec open straight the white mazda with the red and blue the lights great almost looks silver in the uh late afternoon light it's five it's at sebring that's the cadillac in second then the black and blue taylor driven accurate from wind taylor racing and then incoming all the colors and then the number 16. can't miss that one nation msr [Music] this time it's gt the morning traffic [Music] nick katzberg by the way picking up the pace jeremy and it's just put a personal best in for that car or a car best in a 156 zero after that little communication snafu drop them out of the lead of class a disaster they are what half a minute behind the leading group of gt le mom but quite clearly that would have preferred to have had that track position before the pit stop cycle yeah but even with that uh he's actually lost a bit of ground it was 23 seconds he was behind the three leaders because they're 25 79 and 24 pretty much nose to tail the battle for the leading gtl it was 23 seconds about what four laps after the restart it's now up to it was 26.9 i think last summer 27.6 now it's showing so he has actually lost a little little bit of ground nicky cats but of course he's just come out on uh with a full tank of fuel and all the others have fitted and take technology in that stop so somewhat curious like the honor i like the honesty from cover up yeah communications didn't quite get too quick enough [Music] another set of pip boards need hanging out there maybe the old fashioned way is to tap our helmets when we went past the start finish line and we're doing endurance guarding that's it right that's it i'm coming in next time around agreed your communications then of course [Music] pomerito is doing a cracking job jeremy he's been under a lot of pressure here from vanderzander leading back to the line and he's had that cadillac side by side with him a couple of times and he's just doing that thing that everybody says focus forward easy to see it more difficult to do and he's under pressure again now down into turn 10. second place car waving left and right trying to find a space that is just about cadillac width to get into now to turn 13 and heading towards the fast sweepers on the far side of the circuit looks like they've got lmp3 right ahead of them that they're going to eat up very very quickly indeed good entry good entry onto the back straight so important to keep neal in these corners lap after lap durrani getting a bit of a wiggle on now again and trying to close into that top four remember he's trying to make laps up it's the 91 prototype that they were gaining on just the second base car in lfp3 yeah exactly so still a very at the whale at the moment just recently yeah still spencer figured leading that category for riley from the 7-4 second valley car [Music] which i think just dropped off the lead lap then with uh a couple of extra pit stops on its team yeah no it it just it's it's shown to be off a lead lap because it was just lacked by the uh by the overall leader but uh he's not a lap behind actually on the racetrack i don't think right [Music] period uh 15 laps spencer's been out no yeah yeah they were both in i thought during that caution period but maybe the number 91 car didn't fit uh yeah i did finish the same time yeah that's uh jim cox had gotten back into the 91 and his drive time is now done yeah he stood 13 laps that's the difference there you go look at something long enough you'll find the answer is absolutely fascinating isn't it between the uh number 55 and zero one car the rugged van der sender he's pretty convinced he's got a much faster car but he hasn't been able to make an incisive move for the lead again so at this stage he's going to be you know pretty happy where he is he'll be he'll be he'll be a little bit certain i'm sure though to have lost the position during that latest round of pit stops because they both came in on the previous round which was under under green number one car came in a lap after number 55 so number 55 should have needed a little bit more fuel than the zero one so maybe they short fueled it to get him out ahead again i don't know but uh it's certainly interesting because the number at zero one car through a two complete stints making pit stops managed to retain its lead it was just during that caution period and it lost it again so um the number of zero one car is i think they're they're feeling pretty confident at the moment they know they've got a really really good car but you know having a good car being able to take you know take another dpi car that's the tricky bit [Music] yeah they are very evenly matched as you would expect everybody pushing so hard kicking up the dust on the exit to that third tower turn this extra concrete on the end of the blue white strike curves there which has now been all of that's been used and a bit more [Music] very very on the edge driving we've seen jeremy haven't we that uh dropping it wheels off the curbs coming back on that might do the damage to the inside shoulder and a lot of the team's talked about trying to tell the drivers to stay off the curb the bottle's on for second now ricky taylor's right there lena's broken away a bit it's all for a second down the inside of the turbo not close enough not enough braking there exactly what we were talking about taylor had the position had a good run but the zero one car wasn't slowing down to enable them to get up the inside and they follow each other through the corner [Music] oh but taylor gets a really good run out of big bend goes to the left hand side which is going to be the wrong side of the road when they come down to the breaking area for the hairpin if you can get it done from now be terribly impressed they'll go side by side here again and he has to drop back in and once again this is allowing dean cameron to close up we're gonna have a three dpi battle for second place anytime soon [Music] oh yeah you love this don't you you really need to think of the concentration that's going on here only from the driver following which is normally racing trying to outguess outplan and scheme the driver ahead the driver ahead in most single category motor races all they have to do all they have to do is hit the marks right if i'm as good as i think i am he's not going to get past me there's a lot of concentration going on there as well but then added the traffic and the money's in the best position the driver who's in the best position hits the traffic first so you wake everybody up as you get that [Music] there's extra extra pressure magnificent top of the game all of these drivers bombardier fantastic to taylor cabron kobayashi there's still about five seconds back from this [Music] hasn't been able to match the pace 29 8 last time around about half a second slower than the leaders just that last light really johnny just just lost a little bit of so he hit the traffic then yeah the gap had been out as high as as much as five seconds a bit more five seconds actually got it down to about three and i think it just extended again on that was just on that last lasting year and you say we've got a bit more trash not quite as good around the fabric [Music] they tied the battle in gt daytona is coming onto the back straight shortly and it is still lamborghini paul miller racing corey lewis had a great restart and opening a couple of laps in the lead from the faf porsche in second place and uh onboard the faf car is lars kern starting to say this early on but los is the driver of choice for to take their production cars and break records on the nurburgring nordschleifer [Music] he's also a very accomplished racing driver they crossed the line in first and second car kirkwood is back to the two seconds further back uh roman de angelis down in fourth for height of racing aston martin three car another couple of seconds further apart and then there's a bit larger cup maybe six seconds dispenser propelling for the magnus car [Music] just reminding me that when you talk to lars he'll say i'm a production car driver and driver development engineer who's allowed to race last curve top look [Music] yeah he's lovely a lot listening yeah and uh another lovely lad is in the pit lane right now with the 31 whalen engineering cadillac and another lovely lad guy smith back out on the racetrack have to acknowledge every time that guy goes out onto the racecourse he's in the 22 united auto sports lmp2 machine this should be full service for people durrani uh he's done a double i think he's getting out i'll let you know yeah talking about lars kern there the nurburgring nordschleifer can't talk about that without mentioning the queen of the nurburgring sabina schmitz who died at just 51 on wednesday it's been poorly for a while trying to come back to racing in 2020 quite work for her condolences to class abel and her husband and sister and the rest of the family had the very great pleasure to work with sabrina on a couple of occasions various jobs including the tokyo live shows and she's never anything a big smile on her face pulling into person and super fun to be with have a chat with after work as well it's nice to see him actually i mean a lot of people will miss her there's an awful lot of people sat alongside her in the ring taxis down through the years something over thirty thousand laps for the big ring launch dodge life she told me once and she was very happy to sign autographs for anybody just loved what she was doing created advice remember asking about some set of advice for my nine nothing three why it was jumping around all over the place but i was going around the nurburgring nordschleifer she'd driven a few of them around there that time they all do that there she said especially at that speed just brilliant very much missed irreplaceable sabina fitz cleaner than herbert wednesday four and a half hours uh still to go and still the battle at the front of the field is uh very much flat out isn't it after burners or jonathan for morito six tenths of a second in that mazda ahead of the [Music] light great are we calling that now i thought earlier then the blue of black car accurate dirty right just ensure the break just thought jeremy chris absolutely sleep right here oh turn one incident spinning car is that tehrani i think it's plural isn't it it is durrani it is durrani just just through the dust and who else was involved there justin verdier out of the pit lane right just coming out the pit lane was he uh share that correct on his out lap right okay uh 48 getting up this everybody diving into the pits because they're expecting a full course yellow it's not coming everybody's still going oh my goodness so how close were they anyway they must have been pretty close to the end of their stint about 22 laps for damn coverage so they're about there anywhere so this is not going to be a disadvantage jeremy that the yellow flag hasn't come for these leading cars so mazda number 55 in could not kind of give an old cadillac number 10 in kobayashi in 0-1 in 48 in and out and dame cameron still running and now takes over the lead of the motor race another lead change jeremy they were close to the end of their pit stop big window their shirt because they the amount of time the fuel was going in who gets out first it's going to be very tight but the master of jonathan bombarino gets out first but albert comes alva kirk out second i think he was philippe albuquerque has taken up the ten and he's got a second in front of kevin magnussen uh no no kevin magnuson is in second that's driver change for both the zero one kevin magnussen from ranger vandazanda and then phillipe albuquerque in the 10th but yeah the whalen engineering cadillac people was going around oh they did hit the car massive wiggle on the bumps and it spit the car sideways into the emerging 40 here he did nothing wrong that could have been so much bigger pretty much dead side to side contact durrani barely even went off the track although the car stalled he was fine until the middle of the corner did he just try to tighten it up a little bit because he knew that fortier was coming out and that unsettled the car question mark on that but that was an extraordinary incident on the bumps big sideways movement and then the car snaps right and jumps or 8 10 inches maybe more fortier did hit the wall in the darker coloured of the two cadillacs but it was pretty much side pod to side port that contact and durrani is in to the in pits he was uh he's pretty much doing anywhere i think in that car actually no he just that was that was philippe nazar so that was nasa in the car so was nasa on his first flyer then nasser had been out for a little while i'd written down fbn on my notepad to the point where the ink can actually drive they're doing fuel and checking the car uh they're gonna check the nose remember this car has already been through the wars the hard clattered to the right-hand side earlier on at the pit wall side again jeremy uh well but it also had contact to the left-hand side and that hit two but still a big big hit to the right side so they're going to take some time to make sure that everything is okay for felipe nasser that gave jamie price put this gear out there on his scooter a photographer extraordinaire was riding around the track and that happened right in front of him big moment though as one montoya has come into the ball he's left the pit lane now driving the number 60 again dame cameron finally out of the msr acura nasa had just taken that car over when that incident happened that was his first time past the start finish line i reckon by the the lap chart that i'm looking at here and he's come straight back into the pit lane after effectively a couple of laps and they're doing the same virtually the same job against here on the right front of that number 31 wailing cadillac the advantage is they already know how to do it i haven't done it once but this is a very quick stop remember they lost four laps earlier on with that replacement this time they're gonna lose maybe two more but still this is a car that was fighting back to try and get into contention for the win of this race well contention is disappearing off into the distance uh no luck today for no fortune for jeremy for the willing cadillac from action express yeah i think about what i said it wasn't people it was people's car and that was i reckon felipe nasa's first flying lap again time just catching up as he went across the start finish line that time around and in the big cloud of dust that was caused just managed to spot the red white car nasa had just got into that car and just think it doesn't see it [Music] the flying lap when fort here was there what do you reckon jeremy do you think that felipe just tried to tighten these his exit there and and that's what caused that [Music] i think that get back to jeremy in a moment so jonathan bobbery or unaffected by that had been due anywhere around about the time he did he's uh still being pressured but this time a different driver behind the wheel of the zero one dirty white is it jeremy wants to call it it's kevin magnussen back behind the wheel philippe albuquerque he's driving the number 10. connect him and although acura now one montoya behind the wheel of the number 16. and turn one again causing some interest as on montoya trying to go around the outside of the court or sport prototype committed very early on there was a hardpoint porsche there as well no sorry it was the sean creech motorsport car you see the stripes on the back sorry had a ding on the right rear as well but uh montoya pulls out of the attempted overtake and dropped back in got it done before turn three top three still on the same partner's wrist track jeremy's to go through turn 17 now yeah sorry i was just making a whole bunch of notes um i think yeah it really is uh no full school caution either after that which was messed me up as well uh but uh yeah everything was happening all at once but i think you know from felipe nasser he probably didn't see that under five car cameras he's going in about 70 miles an hour probably 165 or so into turn one he's concentrated on his line through the course because it's it's full concentration going through that corner i can tell you that and he probably didn't even see to the right hand side coming in from a completely different trajectory that number five car that was emerging to the pit lane and doing at that stage maybe maybe 80 or 90 perhaps he might have accelerated up to as much as that but the closing speed is so huge that i think by the time he saw the car it's kind of too late to do anything about it because once you're committed to turn one uh you're committed there's not a whole heck of what you can do to alter your trajectory through there if you lift off you're going to crash yourself so just i think just really unfortunate timing for philippe national there to cause that incident under review that incident i mean a big jump over the bumps as well i i don't know how i don't know who you would would call that on that cigarette i don't i don't think so no i think it's just kind of one of those things that's gonna happen it's just really unfortunate for both guys i mean you know number five card he certainly didn't do anything wrong he was just coming out of the pits he didn't he steered to the right hand side of the blend line yeah absolutely yeah absolutely and number 31 car was just committed to the corner and i think he you know he just he was just put the perfect storm i think and just really really unfortunate for both of those too like uh steering was playing replaced again on the right front when that car came in the pit lane like the number 31 wheeling engineering cadillac that's what we're talking about there they've done that earlier on as we mentioned also had to replace rear suspension link as well after that rather substantial hit into the turn 17 wall uh drive through for the 31. wow well okay he was the one coming up behind number five well yes he's he's in front yeah but as he turns into the corner my only problem with that call is as he's turned into the corner he clearly hasn't seen the number five guy which is way off to his right um and the pit lane is designed such that you have to go if you're coming out of the pitch you take a very very wide arc into turn one you did that coming to a completely different trajectory i think it was just like i said the perfect storm for felipe nasser and the to get a penalty for that i think if if you look at it that way i i i think when you're committed to a corner like that you can't be expected to lift off or break because you're just gonna cause more trouble and there's the there's a ding on the 75 car by a prototype going through um that hasn't caused any incident but bashing into people on the track penske acura seemed to be pretty invisible for uh for penalties in the past and that is one montoya once again barging his rear through in the acura shack racing [Music] [Music] once in the pink cup spin for the idec sport sponsored export sponsored and brian watch your sponsored number 18 prototype that's another turn uh 16 issue blue prototype is back on the track cartilage behind the wheel of that car sitting in second place in lmp2 at the moment michael jensen who leads that class telemetry is it good that's the car that has no working telemetry so the team is going to have to rely on kyle to tell them that he had a spin and why he had a spin or he can just keep going round and round and be like nothing happened oh wait you guys saw it on camera oops in and out of the pits for nasa so no discussion or argument from action express on that he is back underwear [Music] [Applause] for me jeremy that's um i think the speeds now that we're getting up to into turmoil makes you wonder whether we should think about how the pit eggs are blends and what they have done and that's why they do what they do they hope that as you're coming in as if you're on the racetrack coming into turn one with that car kind of directly ahead of you uh coming across your across your vision it's pretty much going perpendicular as it comes around at the mid lane exit turn sharp left to go into to to go into turn one it stretches brings it back out onto the racing line right at the exit so uh like i said i think it was just it was just it couldn't have been worse timing it because a split second that uh philippe data he was already committed to that corner just when he saw that car coming out in that stage like i said before there's really no longer than what you can do because if you try to alter your line when you're fully committed like he was particularly on i'm still on relatively cold target yeah it was his first flyer it was his first flight so the cars are really not fully up to working temperatures it's fairly relatively cool out there now it's in the 60s temperatures it's a lot cooler than it was earlier the weekend you know probably if that was on thursday when it was 90 degrees outside you might have guitars you know more up to temperature than you would in these much cooler conditions but just really really unfortunate i really feel for those with those guys because they've got themselves back to that back again now they've lost it and he upped it on a potential penalty for the 48th passing before the green or in prototype split at the restart that wasn't assessed at that so clearly nothing wrong with that [Music] however it looked very dangerous to me as you come back in the green i have someone tearing up the inside that was kevin kobayashi's here wasn't it he was at the wheel at that point tearing up the inside yes uh yes it was uh on the restart um i i've just noticed something lmp2 and it's not making me very happy um gabrielle is behind the wheel if indeed he did not get out of the number eight tower motorsport for his sixth stint uh uh within the last seven of the car i'm a little worried about gabby's driving time uh explain why tell uh tell the listener and the viewer why sure sorry about that um yeah you can only do you can do no more than four hours in any six hour period the beginning of the race went back and forth between john furrano and timothy but gabby aubry for the last well as i say seven stints he's been in the car for six of them timothy bureau only doing a single stint amongst there so that makes me a little bit nervous that gabby's getting close to driving that's not what i've got here gabby sorry been in the car for two hours and 10 minutes going backwards it was gabby for uh 40 minutes john for 26 minutes gabby for nine minutes timothy for 39 minutes gabby for 40. gabby for 38. john for an hour and four uh there was a there was a drive through i think in there somewhere as well so a jumper just over an hour and then the previous two were brought to puree so not sure which is the correct numbers there has been i don't know whether it's the timing loops or whatever there has been one or two [Music] transponder glitches maybe it might have been by the way did we see the past uh made for second place when albuquerque shot past in traffic yes we were we were um busy discussing the pit lane exit i think at the time yeah so change for second and albuquerque in the number tank our head of kevin magnussen in zero one and all of a sudden that gives jonathan borrito finally a little bit of breathing space at the front of the field because he'd managed to did they've done a really nice job with the the master team they maintained that that lead through that whole stint having got out got bombardo out and ahead of everybody else during the previous round of pickups under the caution period and then he was under intense pressure all the way through his stint but even after the round of pitstops he's able to maintain that leader head-on and first of all zero one car announced number ten was trying to chase him down so it's certainly good news i think for madison they they struggle a bit to join this race the handling not not perfect plus perhaps potentially worse they've had problems with they're getting the data back on the car the the signal is not working from the car to get the back to the pit lane so that's certainly a fairly major issue [Music] it's trying to be short in the hagerty global broadcast center with me john hindof let's take a quick rundown of what's going on in our master in race update as we head towards six o'clock at sebring in the afternoon and we'll start in gta tournament corey lewis leads by half a second from last kern motorsport then there's a little bit of a gap right about eight seconds to kyle kirkwood for vasa sullivan in the number 14 lexus r c f g e three that's the very bright yellow and black car as we're starting pit stops in gt lm
Channel: IMSA Official
Views: 48,206
Rating: 4.9515886 out of 5
Keywords: IMSA, International Motor Sports Association, WeatherTech Championship, IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship, Sebring, Sebring International Raceway, Twelve Hours of Sebring, Audi, Aston Martin, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Ferrari, Ford, Lamborghini, Lexus, Mazda, McLaren, Mercedes, Porsche
Id: hozi1sGJOQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 240min 56sec (14456 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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