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what's good guys I found a new plugin that works pretty well with the free Target system plugin that I made a video about the other day and this basically a combo uh plugin and it works pretty well pretty easy to use it's pretty easy to set up to and yeah so let me show you how to do that I'm going to make a brand new project all right so I got a brand new project using the third person template the first thing that we want to do is actually go back into the epic games launcher go to the marketplace and in search products type in basic montage and you should find this but I'll also leave it in the description but this is what you want the basic Montage sequence manager and it is free as it says there just add that to your library and then install it to the engine and then once you've done that go back into your project go into settings plugins and type basic Montage sequence manager and enable it and before I'm going to restart I'm also going to add the targeting system onto this project as well if you want to know more about the targeting system I made a video on it it's like a 2minute video it's really quick watch but I will show how to set up in this video or too is really easy but yeah I'm just going to click on restart and I just realized we're actually going to need some animations to unfortunately I'm pretty sure epic doesn't have any attack animations for free yeah unfortunately epic doesn't have any like attack animations that you can download for free I'm pretty sure mix more has some animations that you can download for free yeah but I'm going going to use some animations that I already have I'm going to use the arpg animations that I have here The arpg Warrior Pack it's instead of my Lucy attack animations that I'm using for my test game and yeah I have it here before I get started I want to actually I want to actually uh retarget some of these animations here I'm going to retarget combo 1 2 3 and four I'm going to sign a skeleton which is going to be the skm Manu for animations I'm just going to put it in here that's fine and we have them here and now also what I'm going to do is I'm going to create montages of all of these so just right click on one of them go to create and click on create ANM montage and I'm going to do this for all of them so just like that and what you should actually do is create a new folder and call it like combo or something like this you don't have to do this just to like be clean I I will do it I just move these in here but yeah anyway just right click and type data table click on data table and then in none what you want to click on is this right here bmsm combos main just click on it and click okay and then name this something like I don't know test combo whatever click on Save open it up I'm going to dock it and then you want to click on ADD and name the rle to something like I don't know let's just name it roll one here in combo name you want to name this something that you're going to you're going to even remember or whatever just name it something but what I'm going to do is uh old control and c and that's going to copy the name cuz we're going to need it later and here in combos I'm going to add four rolls one 2 3 4 and the tag name I'm just going to name the 1 2 3 4 and for the Montage reference it's going to be these four Montage references that we just created so I'm going to click on that there oh you know what else I actually want to do uh I'm going to click on the these four uh animation sequences I'm want to right click asset actions edit SE and property Matrix highlight all of them again I don't think you need to actually highlight them again but anyway just go to root motion and enable root motion and that should be fine I don't think you need to enable forse root lock but I'm going to do I I'm going to anyway so we have the first one I'm going to do the same thing for all the rest of them now so I'll just add the second one onto here and click on lock movement [Music] done that I going to quickly just put the third person character in the map but we're not going to be using that one we're just going to be using our player start but let's open up the third person character now and I'm going to right click and type in left Mouse button and I'm also going to get the tab key as well so what we want to do is click on ADD and type in AC anim Montage sequence manager and I'm also going to get the target system as well the target system is pretty easy to set up so I'm just going to do this one first real quick I'm just going to drag the target system into the map and going want to drag out of it and type bar get actar place that in like that and for the left Mouse button I'm going to drag I'm going to drag the AC and a montage sequence onto here drag out of it and type in attack and click on attack message and put that into there and press put it in there and for the name it's going to be the name that we copied which is combo one what I'm going to do as well that's basically done by the way oh not yet actually click on uh anim montage and then combo dat table choose the table that we just created and that's basically done for the combos the combos should be working fine now but before I test it out I'm going to go to Target system and I'm going to change the pitch offset for minus 20 and in widgets I'm going to change the spine 03 to 05 and now if we play the game we should be able to lock onto the Target and should be able to do our combos yeah that's about it guys hope you like the video I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Clydiie
Views: 13,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LEC2a2pprug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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