Parking Wars: Most Viewed Moments of 2021 | A&E

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another day another drama whenever we tow a car we always check inside with the store manager make sure the customers are not inside before we tow the vehicle not inside the store so [Music] the most important part of the game is not damaging any customers vehicles once we take it out of the physical parking spot where it was at it becomes a full feat but giving the customer opportunity to come redeem their vehicle here by the time i'm doing my paperwork if they're not here i'm gonna run the car back to the lot they show up now i'm basically saving them a lot of headache and grief of them having to take a cab down to the lot clock has struck 12. this car's coming back to the lot no you weren't yes i was i went over crosstalk no you weren't me i'm back and now you're taking my car ma'am no you weren't working i went inside the store you went inside i wasn't in there when you were in there but i went in there that means you're illegally parked you can't leave your car in blockbuster and leave your car in the parking lot says that on the sign i wasn't going from there for about a minute and i went inside blockbuster yeah it's a problem over here a lot of people park their cars they go to other businesses and there's no parking for the customers but right now there are five parking spots in there like no the sign the sign claims the sign clearly states that when you park your car and you leave you take your car with you it's 136. what are you saying it's 136 dollars and nine cents for me to put the car down there's spots there and he's told me i have to pay 136 for him to unlatch my car right now hello she's not happy but she knows she gonna pay you gonna pay today how much is it to take it out of the yard 136. do you take credit cards um no not here at the lot we do broken into castle hill it's starting to down spiral a lot of people jump in the car lock the doors thinking that's going to help them but see what she wants to do over here you have to step out the car man well the car's impounded it's in my possession so technically she doesn't have ownership to the of the con so the fees are paid all right i'm just letting you know i'm charging you a 25 fee for every 15 minutes i stand here so pd gets here right all the cops for me to get out of my own car yeah you can't ride in the car while i'm towing it cause it's impounded i'm not trying to inconvenience your day i can't pick up my i can't now all right i have no way to get there to get the car all right well i really don't have the money so we ride in the castle together i guess oh no crazy you can't do that the customer decided to jump in my truck and doesn't want to get out my policy is you know you got to make it to the lot on your own made yourself at home i see looks like i made a new friend i need rob for this i'm going to find the way so she could pay that so you got your swipe on you that's all set up yep you have a credit card on you yeah use your swiper i'm letting him deal with her sign right here with the tip of your finger not you know i should see right there let me put you down free to go honey she parked right in front of the sign that said for customers only so she could only be mad at herself it was nice that they found a way to help me out but they probably could have done that before i got in their car she ran up to me initially saying she was inside the store why was her car getting towed she didn't even go to the block bus afterwards i really didn't feel too bad honesty is the best policy the truth will definitely set you free or at least get you a discount [Music] excuse me are you a parking person yes um can you ticket the guy in front of me because he's blocking my driveway i'll definitely take a look at it thank you you're welcome it is in fact blocking the driveway it's very important to enforce this sometimes you know people do want us around it feels good to be wanted hey i got a ticket for blocking the driveway someone should have just came and knocked on the door i'm right there everyone knows this is my truck that's such a bomber make sure you're not blocking the driveway let me pull up i'll be curious if i'm still over in their driveway maybe the driveway's too small and my truck's the right size she can get out of the driveway now she can get back in the driveway it's to my satisfaction did they call did my neighbors call i'm not gonna say i'm not gonna say that would be so lame you know that's ridiculous they're my next-door neighbors [Music] what you didn't call them i didn't call them i just saw them walking i asked him to give you a ticket just because i couldn't pull in my driveway she had very little space if somebody was blocking my driveway i would be mad you know that i'm your next door neighbor sorry i didn't know that i just saw the chocolate the nicest guy in the neighborhood i would never want to just come knock on my door i didn't even know that i've never met you i'm katie nice to meet you next time just called i'm sorry it's cool next time you owe me a cookie if your car is too big don't park there you're looking for a problem by blocking someone's driveway he was my neighbor which i didn't know and i feel terrible about but he never introduced himself i didn't know him and i didn't know his car no hard feelings uh back to work i got to make 85 today i'm glad i was walking down the block she needed my help we're not always the bad guys [Music] this is a bad corner it's an unsafe place to park your car it will cause a traffic jam over here why am i getting a ticket right there no stopping here in the corner the sun right there it's not even facing this way i didn't even see it [Music] sure it is the arrow's facing towards your car it's facing that way i didn't even see it no the arrow's facing towards your vehicle i don't know how you don't see that like this side here facing this way it doesn't totally different sign i know but i'm saying it's not facing this way so we can see the side well if it was facing that way it would be pointing towards the store it's not fair the sign right here is facing you the pedestrian so you can see the sign this sign is facing toward that building it's just not fair i'm gonna fight it sometimes i feel like i'm taking crazy pills if you look at the sign it actually makes it easier to show you you can't walk from the sign to all the way to the end of the curve i'm gonna get my camera and see if i can fight it [Music] if she would have made uh some type of effort to actually look at the sign it would have saved her the trouble of getting a 55 ticket i see it now it was my fault now that i i really got a good look at it i can see it who's my fault so i'll take a ticket when i park my car i always look at the surroundings of where what the signs say that's what she should have done and that's what everybody should do i think she'll learn and not park there anymore no stopping here in the corner he made it out on time i'll just give you a warning she saved my ass watch it didn't even look in his rearview mirror watch it i'm sorry there's no damage i'm working [Music] some thanks you know that's so bizarre could have been worse i think if he damaged the car i would have given him a ticket we went to a car show and i called it red light and this little pedal guy comes up on me and tells me to pull it over and he's giving me like a whole bunch about how my car is stupid and give me his stupid ass opinions like i give him and then all these cops come up and they're like harassing me the one ticket says tank low rider with nitro packs and rear bad flat shorts white sneakers stupid-ass cop it's cool it ain't mine i wouldn't drive a pink truck but i mean different strokes for different folks i get pulled over all the time a dollar they give me my 30 ticket and i go on my way it's easier for me to pay 30 dollars than to go through the mickey mouse to get this car inspected because the whole thing is is modified and it won't pass inspection this is my goal right now i need my car back [Applause] police pulled you over yeah this registration's expired i know to get a new registration i have to drive it through the dmv in delaware i think there's something funny with this vehicle that's what i think i have a customer here who's trying to pick up his vehicle and he's showing me an expired registration i never had no mickey mouse like this happened okay sir the department of motor vehicles don't have anything on record for you the whole problem was i put a custom dash in my truck and the vent plate on that year doesn't stay with the car it's on the dash so what you have to do according to delaware take your receipts okay show them the vehicles and pound it so they can give you a temporary tag so you could drive one can you give me um a number to a total company i don't have a number for a private tow cup if i did i can't solicit them whatever you want i need my car back there should be a phone book on top of the cabinet here [Music] man government's up don't worry about pulling people over for dead attacks and you worry about this and those other they got going on still sitting here waiting [Music] there's a church i got right here this is triple a yeah okay i need the tow agreement the tour group is on my computer that don't work that's what you need right here we picked it up here and we're dropping it off yeah but me looking at it physically don't do nothing for my paperwork our paper we have to have a copy of it all right let me you a question where's the bottom part of your l-9 paperwork at i have no idea i mean i got a license on the truck we got a problem are you able to get a copy of this fax sent from your office yes because we got everything nothing can't accept this can you let the tow operator know that his office faxed it over but it was blank there's nothing on it this is the way it came out [Music] always a problem this eleanor paperwork is not up to date so he's gonna get hit with some bad luck here i'm not happy with the ppa ppo pbt whatever they call themselves brady bunch mickey mouse you know i'm really surprised at this customer he's really keeping his cool dog we seem worse tell me somebody that can tell my car here and i'll pay them how much money you want i'll pay your salary for a whole week i'm never typically take anyone money at that window because for one thing i don't know who they are i don't know who they know he might be here for another whole shift [Music] apparently aaa and the ppa are on bad terms so i had to find a private towing company to tell her to this private parking lot so that your blade can come pick me up [Music] jason's new plan is to pull this truck out of the lot i was here early i already paid everything supervisor yolanda maybe yolanda from earlier but i guess she left my paywork should be somewhere you guys confiscated my tag right so he's going to tow it out of here and then to my house i need all this paperwork did we get a drum roll we're back where we were five hours ago no problem you're good to go [Music] what's the procedure in starting your car and driving driving is fine just getting in you open up the doors like this no they open up backwards there's no power steering and the brake pedals are all there sort of okay this ought to be an adventure for this tow truck it's definitely going to be a first look at this thing what the heck is that i know i've never seen a vehicle like this [Music] you gotta have them to drive this that's one thing you have to have these balls [Music] there's the stinking pinking this is my little custom dash i just started i haven't finished yet on suicide the doors the shifter this girl i used to mess with she gave me the inspiration for it the balls are my little touch so we're just gonna sit here and wait for five minutes one of the biggest parts of the day is getting this rush hour done hopefully i'll get 40 15 tickets when it's rush hour after 4 pm the cars cannot park there so we will give it a ticket for the stop in violation and we will have them towed looks like we got a couple of them on broad street get the tow stickers ready one minute one minute still one minute longest minute of the day and it's time for a rush hour rough shower i kind of enjoy i'm not fascinated by it but i kind of enjoy it [Music] [Music] this is yours it's about showers sweetheart rush hour 4 p.m it has no parking no when i put money in there it was an hour and a half on it it comes right out 4 30 though right now because at four o'clock shower i put it in there for an hour and a half at three o'clock so that's going that's supposed to give me the four 4 30 right she's talking rush hour it's 407. so i still had 23 minutes you know what i'm saying it was it's crazy man okay but there's a sign in front there's a sign in the back what i'm looking up the street for why you have to read your signs well why didn't you look at this sign right here it's upside down you still can read it why don't you get it fixed that's what i'm saying upside down i'm going to think that that's optional it's upside down paying attention to upside down why don't you get the sign let me explain something this sign will be fixed don't worry about that you can give him a ticket it's thick it's still gonna stay cause it's the rush hour i've been in there for hours this is crazy but there's signs everywhere there are signs across the street don't worry it should not take change and then say an hour and a half from there it should not you won't agree with that time out you don't agree with that means at four o'clock 3 59 your car has to be out [Music] now i'm just trying to explain to you to read the sign upside down you keep saying upside down isn't it upside down but you can still see no you can see it cause you know what it says but common sense if i was in advance wait a minute did you get somebody to fix that if i was in your vehicle i come out and i see the sun upside down i was worried about my car okay there's a sign right there let me read it that's how i would look at it have a nice day you don't represent yourself too well you bet off walking off remember to drink your water take a pan come here this lady oh he got me aggravated because common sense you're parking your vehicle if you're that worried and concerned about your vehicle you would read a sign common sense my nickname is glamour girl i also have another nickname vanna way to the parking authority no stopping any time sweetheart she don't belong here she belongs in hollywood just look at her thanks guys all nice damn beautiful this is a meter citation all right certainly when we put this on your windshield people get tickets and they do not like me there are some people that hate our guts believe me they hate us no it doesn't bother me i gotta let it go this is a violation are you ready yes sir but of course you leave the other cars on the streets i timed you for 20 minutes so i can park here for 20 minutes 20 minutes i didn't know it was legal to park on the streets well really it's not legal but we give you the courtesy we give you an allowance of 20 minutes we used to put a note here you're allowed to park here for 20 minutes so people like us all of us get that 19 minutes to do it that's a great job thank you sir very efficient that's uncooled for there's another word for it but i'm too much of a lady to use it oh that's great this guy's in love with me all right fellas write him up baby huh don't say that she's gorgeous of course we won't get hit on and all of a sudden you got a citizen trying to hit on you and then you forget what happened an hour ago that someone just called you a filthy name and it makes us feel good hi hun i'm gonna check this loading exam w.a.s right there in front of me i know that license plate by heart because she's always there now i am going to timer 30 minutes this girl does not like me she works right in that pizza store right across the street she got ticket from me twice last week the same lady gives me a ticket every day i know she targets me as soon as she walks by she gives me a smile like you give me a ticket every day there's nothing to be smiling about does she think that she's exempt from getting the tickets i don't understand her you cannot disregard the sign 30 minutes when i come back she's still there i need to issue her a citation she's there there is the young lady's car [Music] she's just targeting me and giving me a ticket because she knows she's used to it they don't like me across the street i think i have like seven tickets i've just been collecting them keeping them in a dresser drawer at home and figuring i'll pay them when i have the money but it's adding up so quickly i don't even know when i'm gonna have to pay this my car was chewed yesterday i don't even know what time i was working and they killed my car the same lady gives me a ticket every day i just started working at this location about a month ago i've already gotten like seven to ten tickets somewhere between there you should see my face i looked outside of my car wasn't finished i laughed initially and i almost cried because i'm like that's a lot of money [Music] i know the same lady gives me a ticket every day she's got blonde hair and an old old face and a lot of makeup her face is corroding all of it and her hair is a mess it's all straggly no you didn't i shouldn't talk right now because i just woke up but she looks a mess my brother and i take pictures with the violation envelopes i know my grandmother doesn't think it's that funny [Music] she's always getting tickets speeding tickets parking tickets 261 dollars and 80 cents i need your license registration insurance registration insurance is in the vehicle i just got this car i didn't choose for my car to be towed i'm getting more pissed off about it as the day goes on and on take this over there to that gate they'll take it to your car want me to hold on to this you want it i ain't gonna do nothing all right just come back up to the window okay she was a straight though she was illegally parked in center city and everybody comes in he's got to go back out because her paperwork's always in their car i feel very bad when people are getting upset because they can't get their cars out the guy was kind of he was kind of cocky and sarcastic i try to really go the extra mile to try to help them he's over here like boohoo and at the window yeah boohoo you give me 280 see you boohoo but i kind of want to really get out of here i have a life besides parking yeah surprises it could be a big inconvenience to some people but you know when you have an excessive amount of tickets that you knew need to be paid you deserve it can i help you yes i got to go to work today i got to get more tickets here's your registration card this is the reason your card was told you could pay the day you have up until 15 days to pay it it's going right in my purse with its friends finally i'm glad that she had all her paperwork because it seems as though she was trying to pick to find something to complain about it is a passage into adulthood i mean tickets are one thing once your car gets towed it's not there anymore you're like shocked i sure hope she's learned our lesson she's not that great of a driver eventually it'll hit her like i need to not park here to the blonde ticketer thank you very much i hope you get paid 280 a day to do that because i don't but we're trying to hurry up to get the device on before they come out i'm watching his bag to make sure no one runs up on him and i'm looking at everything around us to make sure he's safe while he's putting the boot on it will be in trouble okay you [Music] they owe parking tickets i can take the tag off that's not my tag you're gonna have to straighten that out down nice and filbert it's not even registered plate you cannot do that let's call away from my title i'll put a tag on it away from that you're gonna have to straighten it out with yourself sorry because i just booted my car for nothing well he's pretty agitated that's not my attack i understand that you're gonna have to go to ninth and filbert and straighten that out let me explain if i go down there they gonna tell me i gotta pay tickets for the tag now and i ain't got a ticket on this car from that tag if you're calm down i'll explain it to you i watched y'all y'all snuck back around the block and then y'all just knocked out on my car i'm watching y'all cause i was about to come move it cause i see what y'all was doing we didn't know your car was a hit until it came back on the computer we were already up around the block i'm waiting for a title come here and let me show you some options all we can do is run the tag that's on the car all right well can you okay what you got to do i'll explain what you got to do you don't have to pay anything nobody's asking you to pay somebody else's ticket but you have to show them in the court that you bought this car see i gotta go to a courtroom and everything so you don't have to go to a regular court you go down to ninth and filbert they'll run the tag that was on the car they'll see that it was not you and they're not gonna make you pay somebody else's ticket yeah they got a little upset they claiming it's not they tags hopefully garfield can get through and calm you down the car will stay here you have time to go get it today if you take care of that you do not have to have it registered you got 30 days to have a car on the street it says it on my paperwork you got 30 days i understand that and i'm not arguing that when he all pouched up his tag what came up look all this shows is the license plate this is just a laptop computer hall it has his tags in it and whether they should be booted or not but that tag is not my name what he's saying and i can understand if he's just running by you see the the tag number and no make a model on it then he's just jumping out and say buddha nobu so i can understand it ain't really him he's doing his job they didn't jack the system up right so they jam you up so this way yeah you can argue with him all day he has no authorities it's just the plan i know legally as long as you bought the car that's fine but you're going to have to sometimes get it registered for the title in the mail you know six weeks you need to get a sign on there saying waiting for tags make a copy of your pink slip or whatever so that you can leave the car on the street but if you're if you're putting somebody else's tags on there you don't know the history of that tag i got a boot for her ted for her tag well it's a shame that she didn't say look i got tickets don't put that tag on the car well we're getting the boot on and we're going to lock it up and he's going to have to get it registered oh no parking tickets but i got a boot on my car there's definitely a difference between legal and lawful and what's happening here is legality it's paperwork you have this company contracted with the city assuming authority now you have a catch-22 with this brother here put the car out on the street no plate we going to take it because they don't got a plate you put a plate on there they booted it because unlawful display plea you get the car from them they take it right back from you man i feel bad for the guy because he bought the car legitimately from an auction but you gotta get it registered these kind of things are a funny gray area that needs to be worked out uh so that we can flourish and build keep the morale going instead of hurting the working class it's hard out here for people man if you don't do nothing about it but complain then you don't get nothing take your pink slip down and show them you just bought it yeah i gotta go down there now huh so when you go in there just tell me you want a boot hearing and they'll hear you right away there's a lot of people here and not a lot of parking there's a lot of bars cars tours everything [Music] come on man please i'm in the bank depositing a check come on please please i'm in there this one yes all right that's fine thank you they're quick i'm pretty quick i guess i'll time myself on the next one [Music] i guess that was about what 15 20 seconds 20 seconds at the most he loves my car ftt see that he knows the license plate number he so there's my one hour ticket right there it doesn't bother me when people call me names i'm used to it all by now this car is getting a ticket for an expired meter it's been here for over an hour and they didn't have a payment receipt so i timed it for an hour handicap tags you have one hour for free either retimed at 6 12 p.m and i issued the ticket at 7 35. great boy no i'm a handicapped car you get one hour for it no i was i was told by the by the police officer over there that i didn't need to put money in it you do so you get one hour for free with the handicap look you can call the number on the back of the ticket and contest it and tell them that police officer no i was told but no take that thing away sir i can't do that once the ticket's printed there's nothing i can do with that no we'll do it to take it i saw an officer over there i said to him i have handicapped tags i said can i park here he said yes you can park here as long as you want because you have handicapped attacks i'm sorry if these people think they are policemen but they're not this is a disgrace especially that i am handicapped i can barely walk from here at half a block i cannot walk and tell that little it's a patient cup beater baby because he was misinformed by a police officer he decided to take it out on me [Music] happens all the time i love my beat that's a pretty productive beat the tourist attraction [Music] everybody loves to philadelphia parking authority [Music] [Applause] [Music] how does it feel to wake up every day and now you're going to ruin somebody's life and people really haven't even started drinking yet down here it's still early it gets crazy down here once people start drinking we got a ticket right here i knew it i knew it i was trying to have my afternoon drink i knew it i knew it was gonna happen can we stop it what do you think apis a place i didn't even start to take it yet thank you very much thank you man in uniform is always nice to see you know girls they see the uniform out i like police officers better actually south street it's happening down here what can i say [Music] [Applause] there's belly dancers and there's djs and there's sushi [Music] don't even look at it because i took a decor and i can park here all i want i appreciate what you do though it's really good she knows she can't park there see look even a police officer said down with the parking gestapo i've been to court twice and they're like it's not a problem uh we are headed down to 300 block at south front street there's a new stop at the out there and the tow truck driver just called for a ticket writer to come down and issue a ticket cash response time [Music] yo my car was just tall from here yo there's no signs or nothing right there dog sign right there says no stop and there's another sign right down there that says no stop this car's parked right there though dog like are you serious like there was cars parked right there when i came and y'all gonna tow my car read the sign that says no they was there when my car was parked right there are you serious no what i got to go pay like 200 to get my crown i don't know how much it you got y'all dog for real man cool dog it's all crazy right here is this on the topic i need your number man for real so i can find about my car cool if you stop screaming and listen to me for a second it's right on the top of that dude man i'm just gonna toad man stop screaming dog that's in my car he's a little angry they park illegally and they get mad at me now i graduated from high school and i'm full time doing more stuff than i was before helping dispatchers helping the drivers with the trucks police calls little hawk went out on a police call could be an accident scene a drug seizure you never know but he has no problem with stepping right in [Music] we're rolling up here now oh it's got a tire off it's a big hazard parked in a pretty dangerous spot somebody come flying around that turn and boom there's a car right there a case somewhere for me please zero six two four six one i'll hook it up people leave their cars wherever they want very dangerous it could be rear-ended somebody can be killed probably took his tire off they're gonna get it fixed it's a little late for that [Music] somebody's gonna be pretty upset when they come back for their car and it's not going to be there but you can't just leave your car inside the road like that little looks got one in already setting the jack underneath it so it's easier for us to move it around perfect he's a professional i got another one all right little hawk wants to learn at all he doesn't want to be left out of anything he's going to be the next hawk definitely he's a good kid he was a little baby and carrier well at least he doesn't whine no more yeah totally it's really up it's a money thing the hell's all that about my van is gone it's gone the tire blew on route 29 went to get it replaced come back 35 minutes later it was told for what or abandonment abandonment i hate having shayana's me i was only going 35 minutes it's in a bad spot police are going to tell it right away people were coming off the highway they were slowing down i pulled it up enough okay now i got to pay 136 to get it out who's the owner of the vehicle i don't even have 132 thousand i got to be to work tomorrow whose name is the vehicle peter holloway me you got your id i got my license but my registration and insurance card is in the van all right i'll get somebody to take you over to the car and then you can go to the police station and get the release for them now i got to come back it's a money thing and they don't care who they screw we just don't go out and pick up cars i do what the police tell me to do there's no consideration he left it abandoned in a bad spot so the police towed it abandoned with it with the hazards on the tire going it's abandoned it blew while i was in her left lane and i had to pull off there's accidents there all the time they come around that bend real fast could have killed somebody if there was a chain reaction there it is she said she's gonna have somebody show me the van i see it i got to get my reg and insurance card out of it all right we're going to go back to that van we just dude it just got told here shouldn't be that much money they don't care about that let me just get what i need to get out the car you can only get your registration insurance out that's okay and i'm grabbing something out of my car you can't why can't you have to get your registration insurance then you can get a release for him the car just came here not my department you're gonna have to talk to the lady inside they cannot take anything out of the car without the release form that's ridiculous come on bro before we mess around and knock somebody upside they damn hey this is freaking ridiculous it's a money thing but that's really stuff that i got to come out almost 200 just because my tire blew there was no reason for it the car was parked on an exit ramp from a major highway i guess that's not a hazard in their eyes they have to take their registration insurance to the police station and get a release for them they'll be back i'd rather ann deal with them she's got the people skills oh he's back we'll see what he has to say this time i'm very pissed off i had to get my registration insurance card to get a release form from the police station because they don't give you your vehicle back a little light on the money right now so i get paid so my uncle said he'll step in i'm gonna take care of the business and we're going to do what got to do hi 136.75 right here and sign here we gotta put tire on yes is that the tire actually mounted on the wheel yeah okay hulk's gonna put this tire on this gentleman's van another happy customer [Music] this blue wall was in the left lane bad place to blow a tire yeah i mean in a position like that i mean it's best not to leave your vehicle i should have left my daughters in there i probably would be in jail right now you're good right yeah okay thanks all right take care everybody just got married a month ago a good friend of mine brought me some uh 12 year old jameson he's calling me right now i'm here to pick up my car because i'm going to dc tomorrow for six weeks so i really don't need this dress hi how's it going 1 38 i love my car i need my car my car is my baby just step to the next one though oh right this way please hi i need your driver's license registration and insurance [Music] uh my registration of insurance are in my car not a problem may i see your driver's license michigan yep okay okay you were parked in a new parking zone okay and you have a ticket okay you paid that what you're going to do is go over across the driveway and it'll take you down to your vehicle okay i'll see you when you get back what's up get my registration insurance i need to have my car today uh approve insurance registration [Music] all that okay you have state form insurance yeah unfortunately this is telling me get expired you're going to have to call your insurance company and have them fax me over a copy yeah but they're not open on saturdays safe form usually has a 24-hour service let me give you a 1-800 number that means that i still can't get my car okay why don't you try this number okay call this number tell them it's an emergency tell them that your vehicle has been impounded and this is our fax number okay good luck they're closed that's the only copy that you brought with you that's the only thing i have in my car unfortunately you can't get the vehicle unless you submit up-to-date insurance to us i'm going to d.c tomorrow for six weeks so i need to have my car like okay okay one moment let me get my super advisor here hey it's 90 days yeah this has expired honey you'll have to come back when you have your insurance this is horrible they make you completely helpless you probably like to kill us but it's not that you're helpless they make you helpless she's standing there with a smile on her face telling me oh well there's nothing that i can do they have a 24-hour helpline the number that she gives me is not 24 hours they say that they're closed on saturdays and sundays how is that supposed to help me i can't let it sit here for six weeks i have to get it today [Music] i'm going to call my parents and see if there's a current copy [Music] so they won't give me my car because they say that my insurance is out of date do you have a current copy at home i know and i have insurance hold on a second come on honey how'd you make it this is everything i have in my car right now okay well i just need anything that's pertaining to your insurance no this has even expired hon expired 4-1 hold on yeah what happened you didn't bring your paperwork what is the point of this it's just this whole scheme to make you absolutely terrified of this experience do you think of that when you're leaving the house in michigan and now you're going to washington that if you have an accident that you have no insurance papers with you [Music] who was this issue that colin michigan and who is this your agent yeah you can't you can't get in touch with him um there's a number on the back oh yeah here try to get them yeah my name is marta yes it seems that she got in touch with somebody unfortunately you know at least they make it nice you know it's like the climate controls in here they got some they got some house plants blue rope floors pretty clean [Music] not too bad they could probably use the bathroom you guys could use a bathroom yep bye she's faxing it over very good did she say how long that might be no okay no problem let's go see what's going on with mighty all right let's i'm gonna go run her to work okay if it looks like you're not gonna be getting your car call me and i'll come back here thanks man all right let's go see if this worked here she comes okay honey come on over here okay we're good to go she said i was good to go please sign right here that you received the vehicle it feels phenomenal to have these in my hand right now you are mortar thank you and just a little suggestion when you leave home make sure you have all your paperwork okay you have a great weekend thanks okay pearl is the name of my car me and pearl were like this i don't think that she will ever forget her insurance again i really don't they've towed my car i was in a loading zone and they took it and said i have three tickets and i don't have three tickets so i'm now waiting in this line to try to speak with a manager i'm sorry i was waiting for a manager oh okay you're gay she wants to speak to a supervisor you have my car okay what kind of vehicle is it 2005 honda odyssey is it about the fees that you're being charged no i'll pay the fee for towing my car that's fine but i but is she saying that you owe more than 120 i'm saying i owe 536 dollars in order to get your car out today yes look like it's hurting you really is the um handicapped parking ticket right which was dismissed how do i get well that's actually still on air for 338 dollars because you had a hearing on that right yes and it got dismissed they actually still have it on there unfortunately there's nothing i could do about it but refer you to 913 philby street if you want to pick up your vehicle today you would have to pay everything that cashier told you to pay which is that 411 plus the total i want to print out of everything on there then and i want proof that i paid this today because i want my money back to you how do i get my money back she can display next what i'm saying once i pay this how do i get my money back she'll give you a total contest form and you have to fill that out and mail it back in they'll send you a hearing date in the mail so now i have to wait again to get my 348 dollars she should go to philby street first this is ridiculous who do i pay because i want my money back someone who's over listen to me we have to pay now i have to pay so i can have my car to go home and pick up my kids they're wondering where mommy is with the car i want my car back the registration is not up to date you're not a cop number one so you can't worry about what my registrations do i just gave you 560 i just want my car i mean this has become ridiculous my registration should still be good until the end of july when i have to pay a new one if i don't have to pay a new one until the end of july did i still have a registration until the end of july i need to see a current registration card this says it expired april 30th ma'am so what are you telling me i can't get my car till i show you that i mean you're not even a cop it's not your decision it's not your sure absolutely it is you need to have registration insurance and a valid driver's license for us to release a vehicle today and i have registration insurance and availa driver's license all right well then show me your current registration card go home and get it please go home and get it i'm not kidding go home and get the damn paper all right man okay where's your driver's license i'll give you my driver's license who's the registered owner of the vehicle ma'am my husband okay that's whose driver's license i would like to see look i want my car back here's my driver's license ma'am listen to me i need to see your husband's driver's license i can't give you my husband's driver's license cause you sent my husband home to get the paper to prove to you that my registration's here when he comes back i'll handle you personally all right get back my driver's license and all my information i'm gonna ask you to step away from the windows right give me all my information please all right please give me all my information okay well we're gonna copy it no i would like it now man we're gonna listen ma'am we are going to copy it then i'll hand it back to you then i'm going to ask you to step away from the way when i'm finished you may copy it until now i want my information back ma'am there's no point i want my information regardless i want my information back here here's your information just so you know i don't care please give me back my information thank you that's all i wanted thank you okay now please stephanie thank you i am [Music] is it really that bad my husband brought back the registration and it doesn't have a date on it all right he didn't bring the top portion that's only brought the top portion is when everything's due this is not your registration card this is a application to renew your registration card now i can't accept that but if you want to go there is a place nearby move to new jersey i want to do it in new jersey but you still have to get it registered before we'll allow it to be taken from the lot there's a tag agency right on delaware avenue you're going to have to pay the 36 to re-register your vehicle so definitely still open on dollarama it more than likely it's five o'clock i mean it'll be open but when we come back they won't be no that's not true we're open to eight o'clock [Music] i'm back [Music] okay a lot of paperwork i've gotten locked up and out of bail quicker than this okay the only thing i need is your driver's license that's it the car is coming you can go get it now i really don't even like the car that much it's been a horrible day and a horrible experience with the parking authority bye guys robert was not a very nice man i hope i never have to deal with robert again some people come in here very irate but i try to keep myself mellow next in line [Music] get up i'm gonna need your license your registration on insurance can i speak with the supervisor by any chance dale you got a minute oh this is the supervisor i'm sorry but there's a gentleman here on saturday he said he'd be here today i don't work weekend so i don't know who that could have been no it definitely wasn't you unless you went somewhere you got a 10. this guy got livestock from the police he said the police told him to come over here and get his car that was saturday they wouldn't release his car without his traffic court release they didn't release your saturday because you hadn't went to see the judge yet correct right i'm hoping that you know if i speak to the person that was here on saturday he'll remember me and perhaps by some miracle maybe he'll give me some kind of break here because uh let me see all your paperwork sir where's the guy that i spoke with he said he'd be here after four i had no idea sir well the guy right there the blondian guy he knows who was here remember me from saturday he said he'd be here after four what happened he's at lost six today he's not here just trying to you know live in the moment maybe i can help you well the supervisor told me if i had a problem to let him know because he knows i was kind of giving him the runaround by the police officers the cops told him to come down here to get the car on saturday when they towed it he came down and we can't release the car because he can't go to traffic so saturday they had me go uh two hours home then back for nothing because when i got here they said we can't give you a car did you go to the board here yeah i went to court today and i got the paperwork all right he's released from the judge so he's trying to pay a storage fee for today yeah but i'm saying can i get some kind of break not looking for lunch break are you cause that's the only breaks we get in here but i came back here because the police officer said i could pick my car up they tell everybody now why do they do that what is the purpose just to get you out of their hair and they sent them over to us to aggravate us but i had to come from two hours based upon what they told me is there any way i can get some kind of compensation for that oh so they can just tell us anything and we're screwed basically yeah well that's not cool we're not happy about it but parking authority didn't do anything wrong no i didn't say you guys did anything wrong get your card you have to pay storage and towing thanks i think ouch i've been in this line so long now i have to go to the men's room and wouldn't you know it they don't have any men's rooms in here so you can just step right over to the service window you have a good day well you know i think i might have a good day as well something good may come out of this who knows i might leave out of here and somehow run into some good fortune because i was here who knows next he seems like a nice guy this kid here well he's probably watched oprah he's a spiritual person i could see oh man all right man you're out of here man if this glaze wasn't here i'd shake your hand dude you went through a lot [Music] somebody stole my light i just bought a new light in that they just stole my light man that same light there was stolen before and i replaced it hey man somebody somebody stole a part of my off my car i'll part off your car like what the light okay we'll have you do a damage clean guy that's not damaged man that's theft bro somebody stole it somebody that works here it had to be because you've got you've got a barbed wire fence the only people who work here get in here that's not for me to decide sir what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna have you fill out this damage claim we're gonna turn it in so let me ask you this though sure does this happen all the time well you're making the accusation that somebody stole it that's that's what it is it's an accusation lights don't work it's an accusation sir you didn't see anybody still i didn't see anybody people make all kinds of claims i don't know how many of them are legit your light's missing okay you're gonna file the damage clown but it wasn't but i'm saying it's not damaged somebody took it all right what you need to do right now is call 9-1-1 call the police out here someone who works here took their life that's it i got a funny feeling they're not gonna do much i got a funny feeling and i still haven't gotten to the bathroom yet they said that they're not sure they can prove that the light wasn't missing when it came here so i think basically what they're saying is you're screwed for your life [Music] so i have to process this all and i guess i'll call my insurance company tomorrow but chances are they're going to tell me you got to pay the deductible so in the words of the great arnold schwarzenegger i'll be back [Music] got one yeah yeah we're using the uh truck food the boot broke mike is too strong he is he-man today you know [Music] we want to get to this one so it's possible because an extreme heavy hitter which means they owe a lot of money parking floor and they've been invading us it's good because they're getting this evader out of the way do you feel like it's a personal accomplishment does it boost your ego that boosts my ego a lot the citizens probably around we need to be fast speed around here is the key they're going to come and tell it immediately [Music] [Music] i just put it on temporarily then lock it waiting for our tow truck to come along and tell it what's the boots on it's on my car mom what am i going to do i just called in the radio then they were on site and the truck isn't route to tow it they're going to tell it like i don't have a thousand dollars to get my car out she was a little sad she was on the phone with her mom telling her mom i booted my car what am i going to do these people have been warned several times about these tickets tow truck was coming up they're tall in my car you know for being an extreme heavy hitter it's been a long time i have to take your vehicle now to make it easier on me can you hand me the ignition key so i don't have to winch it out with a cable i'll give it right back to you mike's talking to the lady now about her vehicle about getting it released focus should go make a payment arrangement pay for tickets little by little and she'll be able to get her car back i really don't feel bad about it because she's been getting warnings through the mail and decided to ignore it and this is what happens she don't seem too upset she's still getting her nails done little she's going to sit down getting her nails done for the weekend you know hopefully could have paid it boot yellow so teach her a lesson it's been a couple hours since we had a hit i mean you know finally never mind it went away it's a negative [Music] she's all upset cranky she had to let that one go i want to get the day over with already i'm tired we only have three boots not a good day [Music] i had a great day i'm having chinos and stuff i'm cool go on skin the block yes ma'am we don't get no hits i'd gotta type more and make up for it stop time that's a little much oh my god i'm gonna faint breathe oh man we can't boot this guy there's a bar in here hopefully they're not getting drunk i don't like doing situations i don't want to get any conversations with anybody because they might want to try and take a swing at you you know what i'm gonna tell you what i'm gonna tell you what go on the other side of broad street and tell me how many things cause your chicken i think we should get out of here pretty soon why are you breathing my course you're on a boot list why i called about those parking kickers because i never got a parking ticket on my window and i'm the mailman down there and i'm never there for more than two hours [Music] oh man someone had mentioned that there was a red car being booted and i thought well it might be mine and it would so he's all about getting that boot off the car i got to get back to work in two hours so what do i got to do call that number see how much you owe you get someone to talk to you first mike's talking to the owner which is cool and we seem to have a little crowd of people who don't like parking authority you're wrong you're wrong they're allowed to have their opinion to voice it you know just not so loud i know you're loving it i love it i ain't saying not about it good luck they're looking out for each other which is respectful especially to mail me you know i don't want some mailman i grew up around trucks all my life i mean i love doing what i do [Music] the hustle bustle it's never a dull moment welcome to the hood trenton is a tough town it's got some rough neighborhoods some rough clientele you always have to have your your guard up you never know what you're going to run into hello okay my wife just called me and said that we need to get back to the office right away there's a irate person you should definitely just tell them screaming and yelling if he doesn't want to talk to anybody but the owner i like her being there with something that's irate in the office i don't think it's escalated to the point she hasn't called me back so i spoke to you soon yeah yes all right i'm around the corner all right see what we're up against dude the price is the same for everybody okay you have like four for four hours how much does it cost to tow it doesn't matter if it was towed ten minutes ago or ten hours ago isn't there state maximum you could charge somebody to tell them dude i'm telling you right now now you should have parked on a lot when you weren't supposed to you know i don't know somebody there did you ever permit your window permit i'm visiting somebody don't live there doesn't matter gotta have a permit how much you charge me if i break down west state street to tell my car here it's different when you call me to have your car towed then if you have a terrible private property truck you drove past a 36 by 36 sign on the way in the parking lot and my guy's an idiot you're trying to flag yourself driving away like you now i gotta take off from work get a ride here to come get my car i can't read this time signs everywhere yeah midnight i'm supposed to see a sign it's reflective red lettering just getting my paperwork in my truck so i get the daddy here you keep them changed you can pick the money up don't put your hands on me well then i'm what i'm telling you i'll come back in and get it i thought it was going to get a little a little crazy in there for a minute but we'll get him out of here get him on his way hold on i'll get your receipt he was definitely not happy here you go have a good day i had my truck for four hours and they towards me 189 you're sending a 70 80 000 truck out there and at fuel four dollars a gallon it's not cheap to run tow trucks but it broke down on the road and they would have towed it five miles what would they charge me 25 bucks our price has been the same for almost two years we haven't changed it i got a 189 less in my pocket i work for living [Applause] [Music] i didn't think it went all that bad that was definitely definitely a mild situation compared to some of the other ones he's usually calm i think it's crazy we all get involved i'm the mean one he's the nice one remember that took me ten years of tough and arrogant yeah right that's the other way around really and what would you say i played the fifth all right so we got to release the toe now when you're releasing the toe i'll take the boot off and they'll tow the vehicle which means they might have some problems with people if they realize their car is going to be towed and they could give you some flack about that [Music] so we want to get this boot off as quick as possible less time spent the last chance the owner will come out and raise holy you know what let's try this key let's try this key [Music] he's already here so it's going to be that kind of a date he's not saying there's no children's money attack you spent two hours right [Music] now you have 72 hours to pay but they don't yeah he doesn't do that yesterday right right but they don't leave these cars on the street oh you say i told you yesterday okay sir if you're gonna do that we're gonna call the bully okay [Music] the 511 priority put this on yesterday looking in that damn computer man we need police on location uh gentlemen's trying to prevent the tow truck from taking this all right i'm not going to deal with this guy since he's agitated i didn't take the clamp off because i saw him come out and give us the finger just wait for the police we'd all like to just get in and get out but in this case you have to call police [Music] [Music] now the police are here they're going to take care of it but right now he is standing right where the tow truck has to back up so i'm going to leave the boot on there until the tow truck gets ready to take it you got this wrong it said payment must be made immediately after installation or the vehicle may be impounded it doesn't say you have 72 hours to keep your vehicle once you get a boot on it they can take it a couple hours later this means if you wait more than 72 hours you're going to get additional fines on it through the tow and the storage officer is trying to explain that he still has 72 hours before uh he's going to be assessed any additional penalties so this means that they're allowed to take it you must have read that wrong but in the future i mean if you have a question in your parking you can call us as well i mean when it gets to the point where they're calling us that's not a good thing i tried to explain the situation he's confused but you can still get your car back you can still make payment arrangements but there's no point in acting the way he did it so this was not a happy release for the gentleman he calmed down a little i love you philadelphia had that on we got the boot off the vehicle and got it towed out of here so we're out of here we go into a uh it's actually a new development my client they just called the office and people are talking into private development the residents come home and have nowhere to park it's private property you never know what's going to happen wow this must be the car over here they called in all right you talking legally you get towed no one's supposed to be parked here one is the fire zone and two she's blocking the sidewalk and the entryway so now cars can't even make the turn to get in because they're blocking everything there's a sign right over here any illegally parked vehicles will be towed away at owner's expense it's school letting out all these parents go in across the street to the school i'll give them a second to say calm it's not it's going back to the yard i always give him that last a minute to do the paperwork good to go i'm gonna pull up over here so people get into the development it's not your car right no i'm the realtor excuse me excuse me [Music] do you have your license registration i'm sorry i i just need the license registration i just want to tell you something i come here for 20 minutes a day to pick up my kids [Music] she's digging that because she's standing there she called the total company you know which it's not like that i called that woman 136 to drop it i'm sorry it's 136 to drop it or i got to go to the priest and bring it back to the yard 186 cash of this right now i'm sorry but i came here to get my kids let me just explain something i have a wife and kid you're probably going to get mad who's on this site you should go a little early to pick them up this way i gotta park in here and that was the best spot wow so every day i sit here for an hour you could grab your kids i'll wait for you i'm not gonna go anywhere [Music] it's disgusting i'm trying to help i don't know anybody she is trying to help but people come in they park on private property it's not right i'll give her a few minutes i feel bad chess children and she comes down i have anything off the curb line is private property there's a science on the x-ray it's right over here it's a horror show it's always been a hard show in now buckle nicholas please buckle your sister for me i'm sorry i blew up with you i'm sorry i i didn't know how to get your attention i started banging on the window i had that gun shot at me knife thrown at me it's nothing thank you it's private property but she was parked from here up to here parked the wrong way blocking the sidewalk and the entryway so it's gonna be the beginning of a war now because it's got me very upset that i have to pick up my kids and go through this and pay money to detach my car [Music] she knew she was wrong she was apologizing after the fact saying you know and i need to take it out on you it's not your fault next time she knows she'll take it carefully and she'll look around it was a little tense but it's the name of the game what are you gonna do i had to pay almost 300 to get a card back that's a lot of money that's half of my rent i'm mad as hell it's a whole lot i gotta pay for i'm 22 years old i love my car her name is diamond [Music] she's a sweetheart and i got a girl's best friend [Music] they gotta get my car back for it it's gonna be a problem did you pay us yet man uh-huh i got pulled over they ran my license and it expired he sent the tow people and they took my car i feel better though because i want to get my car now y'all have my keys one second [Music] no we don't when they took my car they took my keys we don't have them because we have keys marked down so where are i supposed to get my keys from i have no idea [Music] hold on one second rich take your money don't make sure they got your keys this lady says we have our keys we do not have our keys and i'm 100 sure this yeah we don't have any keys on him he just told me that where do i go to get my keys down i don't know man what do you mean you all took my car but ma'am it shows on here was driving no no listen when they took my car i was with the disabled person okay i had to call a cab the cop took my keys well they didn't give them to us but y'all make sure y'all got everybody money though connie carl got buick let's see if we got something over here because i pay you my money and now i can't get my card she grabbed the keys to the police officer it is mark one we don't show checking in any keys if we don't have a key envelope what it means we don't have no keys she gave the officer the keys the keys might have stayed with the officer do the officer normally take your keys when you get pulled over most of the time yes but not not always he probably took my keys home we it shows no keys man man no the person that checked it in shows they didn't have any keys either i just have his badge number i cannot really see his name what paper okay that's what i'm trying to explain to you man they do not give you when you go to court mess they take the paper from you is what i'm trying to tell you well can i speak to your surgeon or somebody because somebody has to know where my keys are let's go let's go down and check the vehicle see if maybe they might be in the ignition that'll work sir [Music] any ignition fight chains i'm going down to the woman's vehicle to see if maybe the keys might be in ignition or on the front seat but if she doesn't have an extra she's going to have to get one made [Music] [Music] [Music] key was in ignition got it that's what i like to see rich all right man there it is [Music] thank you [Music] that's it this king is a chip k this key costs a lot of money these chip keys are no joke i had to go to the dealer to get this key i mean a 96 buick is nothing that's a 35 key it's when you lose the bmws when you're talking something expensive you'll be good to go all right ma'am you have a nice day you too thank you guys so much you see her you watching my feet because she about to be pushing the pedal now she seemed like a sweet girl but she was agitated but it's our job to try and handle them as gently as possible [Music] she missed me she was crying over there i'm about to go get her watch you see how dirty she is i'm so sorry and they will not have my baby again they won't have you mommy i'm serious i love her i'll rub her i'll be kissing her everything but she is not coming back here ever again that's it went to temple hospital was in pre-term labor due in like three weeks she's trying to come out early and his sister lends him the car to come meet me at the hospital be with me because they thought i was in labor angry i was actually laboring he wouldn't be able to get to the hospital see what he puts us through right i've been trying to get this car since nine o'clock this morning okay ma'am are you the owner of the car we both fight did you go to traffic court no we didn't have to they said why not you have a livestock you have to go to traffic work huh we do have to go i don't understand did you tell us because when we went to the west sure your carver's life stopped okay right you were picked up by the cops right so you have to go to traffic court first before we don't have no paperwork or nothing to go to court but yeah so what do we you do have to go to traffic court okay we need to know what it is we have to do well actually first you're gonna have to take care of your registration because you have an f-stop on your car what's the f-stop mean did you have laps of insurance yeah why you have a suspension on your registration oh my god if you don't get that taken care of you're gonna have to turn in your tags and serve a 90-day suspension [Music] okay so we have to go take care of this now yes all right then you're gonna need money oh my god okay do we need my brother to get the car released no you don't need him but you're gonna pay everything we have to pay his ticket too yes ma'am oh hell no he's never driving my car never so the tickets that he got this 390 grit he he's got more than that he got three citations he had an unlicensed driver and it's an unregistered vehicle we have to pay all his tickets we got 393 293 and we on registration for the vehicle now i take this down you take it your registrations your driver's license and your insurance okay i am back i was gonna go to traffic court but first i went to ashley's insurance and they told me the best way to do it this is just sell the car to somebody now my cousin's going to have the car i'm the cousin always helping out all right i need the traffic court release i need the receipt why would she send me in here without the receipt dude why would who send you in here um tell the next person it's yellow it's yellow grandma there it is right there sorry tell them to let you back up the least you can do is make sure i had everything i needed next okay you just purchased this from dana and lisa dixon yes oh okay so you're the new owner so yes ma'am oh okay it has enough stop on it okay one i want to get your paperwork a lot of people don't want to serve the 90-day suspension what they'll do is you know sign it over to a family member like this gentleman here in order to get the vehicle back okay honey i need your release from the judge the release from the judge yeah the release from the judge what is that yeah there has to be a release from the judge on this vehicle sir it was livestock the people who sold you the vehicle they didn't inform you of that no ma'am they explained to me that that's not my problem that that was the older other owner's problem all those violations that weren't kurt had to be paid so they didn't tell you that no she said that that had nothing to do with me all those violations have to be addressed at eighth and spring garden sir won't be able to get the car she'll come back with the release from the judge and all that paperwork so why does she tell me that she told me all i have to do you're gonna have to take that up with her sir i can't answer for her sorry [Music] we went to traffic court when we went to traffic court the judge called my name up i went up to the front and she said brent you owe 4 900 and some dollar worth for dickens and i said wait wait a minute i'm not brent i said brenda's not even here i just let brent hold my car so she said well you're gonna have to pay ten percent of that four thousand nine hundred and some dollars in order to get the car back and then i just started crying she had to give mercy the way lisa started crying oh but that was a serious cry that wasn't a phony cry that was a real crime for uh my buddy's back all right so hopefully i'll be all right okay looks good let's have that tag okay finally you have that little blue booth over there and he'll take you down to your vehicle all right yeah i got everything okay trying to get this car since nine o'clock this morning and it's now nine o'clock [Music] service no problem i'll send them right over yes sir yeah i just got a call from um capital one over there on bainbridge they got some cars in the lot all right see these guys i'm basically treating the bank parking lot as a loading zone and going inside the chinese place that's not going to happen on my watch [Music] hey what's up buddy what's up it's yours yes do you know why he's being told no this is a capital one parking lot yeah i'm going to the bank yeah usually one yes i was going to make it right now [Music] yeah you can't use this place as a loading zone for whatever you're doing it's not your personal business place once and they said okay i have a payment it's not okay for you to park here and use it as your personal loading zone if you want you could pay the job fee or the car is going to go back to the impound well can i speak to them there yeah you can speak to them the base is going to tell them he can't use the parking lot as his personal loading zone but the end of the day he's wrong like i said earlier you see all these signs all these signs are here for a reason so you can know so you're paying the toe i'm not taking the car boss all right i'll get the car ready for okay let me take the one note and then take it so it looks like i'll be taking this one back to the yard this guy's one weird customer another one bites the dust oh man he's welcome back can you give me five minutes to go to the house i live right here give me five minutes to go to the house hold on yo yo yo pulled up so he wants to know if he could pay 136 yeah you said it's cool you have a good day yeah same thing is about money i let him pick it up and drive it you know i would rather pick him money but no i want him to work and do his stupid job now he's a friendly guy i wish the fan fell on him and he died can i say it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood it's what i call a real productive day another day in the neighborhood car is inspired for overtime parking what's this let me see what the note says stop sleeping with my husband or you will be god i think that's not a message for me i think this message is for the owner of the car so i will leave it right there it doesn't say nothing about ticket or no don't don't talk me this is gonna sting oh i wish i could be there when the order comes you're gonna be double surprised double sting the low is time for for the time the sign says four hours for this street that nissan is an overtime parking oh if i if i time you in the morning it doesn't matter if you go to boston and you come back to the same block you still aspire because my computer doesn't know if you left but you stay you know what's messed up all we know as the people that are getting ticketed is you can't park here for a continuous four hours if you move from this black to the other black light all the way up there yeah you know you don't get a ticket because you're changing block but we don't know that how are we supposed to know you should know the law you should read the signs how i must am i supposed to know that you leave and come back when i'm on the other street timing no no no no no no no i understand what you're saying but in in general you know what i mean yep how are we supposed to know that's how it works but thank you anyways all right it stinks i'm going to court i'm taking care of this situation you can fight it we're not here to babysit cars this is uh no parking anytime and he's parking right on the corner he obstructing the traffic he could cause an accident don't back there don't wait say excuse me i just told you that you cannot back there i'm going to give you a ticket if you read the sign i warn him it says he is not back here to the corner i got my stinging right here and he gonna get it this is gonna sting this is what did you see me two seconds right there man man sir i just told you to redesign and you said the sign you just disrespect an officer and you didn't read the sign so go and talk to the judge okay let's check him here okay he gonna receive it by mail when it's tripled my machine remember everything the tickets were already here if you eat the paper it's here come here for two minutes give me a ticket man come on man the tikka is right over here i don't care what he does with the ticket he can eat it with the hot sauce if he wants man i warned you before hurry man she's like a hawk look at her look at her standing right there look she's looking for somebody to put somebody down on friday that hit me up now i feel i'm burning okay i ripped my ticket off i don't give a i might never pay the ticket i just might just leave it just like how it is i'm very nice with everybody at the time that i tag i stink like a bee i just got a complaint from a business owner people parked and then going across the street to the pizzeria and then a silver car to the left [Music] i just want to pick up a pie come on i'm just picking up a pie over here and this guy's towing my car come on buddy i just want to pick up a pie all right no problem please move it right now i'm gonna help you out i'm not gonna take it but i gotta charge you a drop fee of fifty dollars all right you can call 9-1-1 because they're the police no the police it's not a problem because you're parked right in front of the signs if you paid attention to the sign you wouldn't have that problem somebody was scamming people you can charge and drop these call 9-1-1 oh if you want to call i have no problem with you calling them they're going to tell you the same thing i'm telling you right here all right all right cool let me just stop the receipt i'll give you a receipt with a card i'll give it to you you want to know what they're doing still you'll come running out he'll go okay give me a hundred hours and i'll drop your car all day this is what they do i'm calling the police the other guy was a scammer he'd run over put you on the list and then he would say ah give me 100 i'll drop your car man ma'am let's get this straight right now this wasn't me that didn't all that crooked stuff before i'm a whole new tow company so if anybody wants to call the police nobody's even in this life ma'am bill let me just say something come here but you gotta talk to the landlord about the landlord once it's done see everybody gets mad at the tow truck driver but it's the landlord that wants this done give me the doors remember i'll let you scream at me let me just talk right you're right layla once it's done it's his property so if he wants you to patrol 24 hours a day we're allowed to go 24 hours a day and he owns that parking lot this whole parking lot right here he owns i'm not here to make this up i'm not here to start it up but that's exactly what it is i'm sorry i just realized on your truck you are hnr so it's the same just the sign right there nothing's open the bank is closed now if you're going across the street don't he's telling everybody you're not allowed to park here look at the sign right there nothing here really is open i don't understand why the landlord gets so freaking pissed off if i did it during the day i would say yeah fine everything's closed at night it's bad for the good people like you that just coming home for work and just wanna go get some pizza but you gotta do our job at the same time i mean it comes out to all yeah 51-59 altogether you charge tax to boo yes sir i have to just talked it here to run in to go pick up a pizza and he put as i'm watching him he's just pulling the truck up to tow it well you know why it's a friday night because it's linked and everybody's running for pizza so they know that they're gonna know it fell at the top sir unfortunately the sign's right there and your park right there but you don't think that you're gonna get towed how many times i fall from the side yeah i ain't doing it again thank you i'll drop it down right now for you what are you charging for 50. oh that was reasonable thank you all right i dodged a little bit of a bullet but i don't feel it's right i mean everything is closed if i didn't during the day i would say yeah fine but i mean there's nothing uh there's nothing here it's close all right let me go get my pie that's how it works bro now i'll be on my wall hook up see if we get another person that's how it is people hate it people talk a lot of crap about it but i have to do what i have to do [Music] don't know why i do it but i do kind of nuts oh man
Channel: A&E
Views: 8,660,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, parking wars, watch parking wars, parking wars episodes, parking wars scenes, parking wars clips, parking wars compilations, parking wars full episodes, parking, parking drama, parking tickets, towing, car towing, law enforcement, Philadelphia Parking Authority, philadelphia, Detroit’s Municipal Parking Department, detroit, ticket-writers, booters, parking wars most viewed moments, most viewed moments
Id: yvYtaM7Jlkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 41sec (5501 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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