Airline: Most Viewed Moments of 2022 | A&E

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leaving California lady trying to kill me last night on drugs at LAX Tammy Morales has had enough of California She was recently mugged and is now heading home to Arizona Liz Liz steps in to help screaming at us trying to raise my daughter so I came to California for the job to hit my house to keep everything and now look at me yeah the reason why I had to come back because the bag that they gave me it got a hole in it so I'm losing my flight because of all this it's ridiculous I gotta find out why they called you back down because you're bad because the bag had a hole in it Tammy's taking back a table and chair but the bag's been damaged and hastily repackaged she's now trying to check it in once more just like this in the plastic yeah you know what I've had nothing but problems with you guys I'm doing it this isn't really correctly packed you guys need to know how to be doing a better job ma'am ma'am Mike let's go to him okay okay the computer is telling Liz the damaged bag made it on board third time that third one was a bag just like that had a hole in it I don't know what happened exactly I'll tell you what happened I know you're I can hear you loud and clear good it's about time to get some attention you want to check that that would be item number four it would be a fifty dollar chart I want to pay 50 bucks when that stuff cost me like 15 give me a break because it's item number four if you want to check this as a fourth item it is a fifty dollar fee we always keep airlines that cheap huh I can hear you loud and clear and I'm asking you to keep your voice down and decide that want me to check this why is that because it's not necessary you raising your voice it's not necessary that I have to pay 50 bucks when I already had the bag to put it in that you're a man put a hole in I told you three times now or at least four times if you want to check I mean exactly so if you want to decide if you want to check that in it is fifty dollars I don't think so I'll carry it on um yeah I can I did it before I'll do it again she was being very loud she did miss her two o'clock so she's probably standing by for the next flight out Tammy's helping hoping to get on the next Phoenix flight you know what I don't want to go through what I just went through with the check-in over there I smoke and I want a cigarette if I'm Gonna Leave it behind here well if it stays here you'll have to stay here with us what the police will come and take this and they won't allow you to fly once they take them then they're going to want to see who they belong to that I don't want something of my own okay and I leave it you can't leave it at the airport because it's not ours either does it have my name on it well do you want my name on it does it do you want to say that this is not yours now I can have them come pick it up right now why don't you put that stuff back on here what I will do is put it on your cart for you but you have to stay with it okay well if you know that then yeah we don't have an issue then right he first said you weren't going to help but I did help you though yeah well I just stay first you wasn't done it because you convinced me to help you play the game you're right you're playing the game you're right yeah yeah it's pretty pathetic that's what you want honey it's not about winning I don't care if I win or lose it's how you play the game tonight you're welcome they all have attitudes they all seem only for themselves they're takers and not givers I'm a giver not the taker it gets difficult when we're dealing with people and they're yelling and screaming at us but you know all you can do is try with an hour to her flight what else could go wrong for Tammy hi baby see you later supervisors have been called to gate 3A to pull a passenger from the plane tickets on my back that hurts uh dispatch copy just had surgery Tammy had a run-in with the crew after getting stuck in the aircraft's restroom this time Denise has called in flight attendant asked you to do something you have to do it so there were some questions I'm trying to open the door I couldn't get it open and I have yes yes and that's all that that was and then I was trying to shut the door I couldn't grab it because I was on it but the flight attendants have to be very careful when they have someone on the aircraft it's okay we're going to resolve it we're going to say okay they're not letting you go on this flight we're going to try and get you out on the next flight that's four hours from now it's not four hours from now how long let me look by the love of God let me go because my daughter is very sick okay we've got a four o'clock flight going out are you listening to what I'm saying to you what time is it okay right now it's 20 to four we have a four o'clock flight that's leaving but in order for you to get on that plane you're gonna have to take control of your emotions right now okay and we'll get you home no more disruptive or anything Behavior or yelling or anything like that I just want a party there was never no yelling so don't say yelling in the future okay we have a different story but we'll go with until I research it this is ridiculous this place is California I would never want to live here in La Tammy's ready to leave California once and for all why the tenant says go on the aircraft that means you can't believe you're we can't that's their plan third time huh California sucks and it's finally goodbye to the Golden State over at Midway shadia is trying to hold it together let me get this straight I'm not trying to make fun of you Paul where's your wife at she is right here your wife is right there she's right here Philadelphia passenger Paul has requested a pre-board pass for his wife and Linda's right here yeah she's standing right here there's no one over there sir the only problem is where is she people say that they don't see her they don't talk to her whatever she has a conference about it too how would you feel if people didn't act like they couldn't talk to you at all how did you get a boarding card for her I checked in at the self-check-in we always check interested no does she have an idea well she has her ID but you have to ask her that's for her okay well Linda can I see your ID she left it in her bag it's in her bag can she go get it from her bag we went ahead and checked that stuff in yeah okay I don't understand what the big deal is why I can't just get a boarding pass okay you have a boarding card for her I mean if you purchased a ticket for this person that you're claiming is standing next to you that's perfectly fine but unfortunately you don't qualify for pre-boarding she's not someone with a disability she has no disabilities how do I know that you're not crazy if you're saying that you can't see her because I can't see how do I know that all you I'm flying on the plane with you guys oh my God I need an ice pack you just stepped on a freaking foot you stepped on her foot what the hell are you laughing at I need an ice pack now okay sir come I need the iceberg yeah sir if you don't calm down they're gonna call the police here I'm gonna try to assist you as much as possible just give me like two seconds I know she's freaking crying over here give me a damn ice pack and some aspirin I constantly hear the screaming in my ears half of it screaming from her getting hurt because somebody stepped on her the other half the time she's screaming because she won't shut the hell up why is she yelling because you stepped on her foot can you tell her I'm sorry because I I didn't see anyone there tell her you saw her I'm sorry or I don't see anyone standing there so unless you explain it to me just give us a few minutes until we can work with a manager here we just called Eric because I don't at this point I don't just don't think he's even fit to travel because let's say he's holding an MTC for on the aircraft and someone decides to sit there he might have a breakdown on the aircraft so we have to wait for Eric to make the final decision you have an imaginary life pardon me who's your wife how do you not see her she's not Heir she's right there I talked to her just the same as I'm talking to you a little girl he paid for two tickets one for him and one for his wife he has Linda on here who's his wife and I don't know what to say how long does it take for a manager to get done manager Eric arrives at gate B3 and gets the Lowdown from shadia he needs to pre-board because his wife needs his wife gets stomped on okay so I asked him where his wife is and his wife is invisible her name is Linda that's what he said when I went to go over there to see her he was claiming I stomped on her toe and is demanding an ice pack so Carrie doesn't need to get a nice pack for his invisible his wife was sitting on the floor you're kidding me she's right there on the floor sitting down so this is some kind of a joke no I wish it was sure here's the ice pack this is all we have put that on her foot right now yeah I could get you a paper towel what's up so I want to get on the pre-board right I want to get over there so I can get on there earlier same thing like like you almost said you almost stepped on her this young lady right here just stepped on my wife's foot and she's screaming that her toe was broken I need to get on the airline don't please okay well you know I don't know what to tell you I really am at a loss for words I I really don't know what to say so you have an invisible wife that nobody can see but you is what you're telling me right well what do we consider a disability I guess not all disabilities are physical so we can uh bunch of free board I just want to make sure you're going to be okay once you're on board the airplane yeah I'll be fine as long as nobody else starts messing around with me or does anything like that yeah everything is good okay thank you very much well she stopped yelling at least that's freaking better that's part of what that is Eric's been the victim of an elaborate April Fool's joke [Music] they got me have a job okay I love you that's okay how do you thought of the whole point yeah the invisible we asked the passenger to help us out with this joke and um we made him have an invisible wife I thought it was a joke at first and then the longer I talked to him I just thought he was really Disturbed he was a great actor he's not a shy man that's for sure you know how do you handle that your invisible wife at LAX passengers Jonathan and Matt have arrived too late for their Oakland flight all right what are we going next all right well we're going to go ahead and put you on the standby list so the next one is four o'clock you guys checked in way earlier were you yeah waiting to hear something okay this is gonna happen guys all right I'm just telling you that and I don't mean to be abrasive but if you're really gonna I mean when you came up I mean I don't know how much you've had to drink I don't care what you say right now just make it happen let's get on a flight we're cool we're kind of flying Southwest out of default here for a funeral of a friend and why are you doing this you can bring a breathalyzer are you kidding me you're gonna cancel our flight Oh that's oh that's right where are you from where are you from that doesn't matter no it does matter because I'm gonna beat the out of you when I get a chance okay okay right now let's go what you were up so what do we need to do you're a stupid little punk we'll do whatever we want to do so what can we do to displace that you can't see your flight you know what I'd love to beat the out of you you little I bet you're a little guy on the bus that got beat up all the time didn't you you're a gross little pig aren't you it's okay it's just your little pig yeah enough is enough Steve alerts security yeah talk to the camera he's working out actually so let me I'll call you on the radio well you got very aggressive he started calling me names and telling me that I was the guy on the bus and I was getting SAS kicked and at the point it was funny but uh I was a little concerned too because it did seem like he really wanted to jump with it if you could counter and you know do whatever he wanted to do and give a refund to the ticket we can let you fly it up to eight hours from when this happened so we have a fight alcohol isn't an issue we're just gonna go get another flight but will any other carriers be flying to Oakland today it's only Southwest that flies to Oakland which is where your car is fine leave it there I know so I said we won't Fly Southwest But ultimately there's an 820 with United so has banned us and we've banned them as well so that's very mutual thing and the only other person that fights Oakland where we left the car is United and that's an a20 play I'm I'm really hoping that we fly home tonight um got a woman that I'm waiting for that I was supposed to come home yesterday and extended another day but I I'm worried that we might not even fly out till tomorrow let's get the flipping presidential Palace at the flipping whatever it's a loads let's do it I don't care Mr Southwest we don't care we don't care we don't care we don't care we had an attitude it's kind of like one of those guys that sit at a guard gate you know what I mean they sit there and they love their power if you don't have a pass you ain't getting that even though your mom is living there it was threatening people it was stranding that he want to do hurt someone and that that just that alone if any of you were not drunk that's not going to get you in a fight we're leaving the terminal probably not going to do the eight o'clock yeah we're going to stay another day got my social Drinker I like having a good time and I realize that people after they have so many drinks they turn into different persons and that's something that we as Subaru I just have to deal with will never fly Southwest again ever and I fly all the time ever again um I don't know I thought I don't believe I might think he's gonna be in Southwest again probably but my like I'll probably check them in tomorrow next week [Music] in Chicago the early morning Vegas flight has one heavyweight passenger the greatest of all time Muhammad Ali look-alikes are no distraction from arizo Acevedo she has one thing on her mind oh why does anybody go to Las Vegas to win ching ching ching and then it's time to board and flight attendant Chris braces himself Vegas flights are usually one of the best fights they're busy they always stay busy oh you get everything from college kids going for a night of fun to people when they're 90s going to just pull a slot machine and on today's flight he'll have his work cut out for him oh thank you New York I'm loving everybody Mommy I love you God is safe blessed I can't leave without a man The champ is here nice [Music] we still love you what I do now there's a question mark over maritzo's erratic Behavior after spending 10 minutes in the plane's restroom there is genuine concern I'm just waiting for her to come out of the bathroom we're hoping she to go in there and get lost but uh additional steal from the door but I mean you don't want to put other passengers I mean yes you might be happy to go lucky having a very good day but if you go in the bathroom it's a comedy event when you come out is going on there the crew decides to have a quiet word no you're going to be okay for this fight for four hours yeah I'm not I'm fine with you I just need to speak with you for just a second we've had multiple passengers just say that they're worried about your behavior right now I just want to let you know if you get on this plane we probably will not serve you alcohol and I just want to make sure that was going to be okay with you and I didn't want to get up in the air and discuss that with you no problem you making this a big thing like this I might make a big thing man passengers are making a big thing I just want to make sure that it's going to be okay with you that we're not going to serve you on this one I'm just because I was excited to see Ali is that what it is I think you are as sweet as can be and I'm not gonna have any problems I just want to make sure that wasn't being an issue with you once we get in here okay I just want to make sure the alcohol was not going to be an issue with you we will not certainly should okay great thank you with 10 minutes to go until push time the final decision lies with the captain but I mean it's a four hour flight if she stops drinking I mean the captain has denied maurizo boarding Phil is left to break the news I don't know why I paid my money and they threw me off the plane ever since I just fooled around a little bit about what now they threw me off the plane I don't understand it I don't know ask this man right here man can you ask to ask up to them why why I can't go on the train take care of you as best we can okay let's make a list I'm a pain person he says I'm intoxicated I mean because I make my statements that's not right that's not right it's not right we observe the fact that you appear to be intoxicated and the flight crew wished you not to travel under aircraft they're in charge oh so you mean because yes just because your actions on the aircraft yes I am okay I want you to tell everybody what action talking about I Come From New York I'm not here well you're gonna have to find some other way to get back to New York you're going to get a refund because I can't get you back to New York maurizo must find another airline to fly with we'll see it's you know I've been bad by people before so it doesn't bother me yeah it's it's part of the job we've got The Good the Bad and the Ugly here so mostly good though you don't know where you're flying to no because she told me to come and someone would pick me up but I wasn't supposed to have all that crap at LAX Yolanda has found a passenger stranded outside the airport this toferry was dropped off on the curb she doesn't know where she's going [Music] to try to figure this all out okay connito fairies leaving her retirement home they're supposed to come after me to my house to pick up this thing [Music] why are people so mean so we found your reservation you reserved on the 515 departure to Sacramento it is okay those things aren't supposed to be here can they put him in a corner so that my daughter can pick them up if these are your things they have to go with you right now there's too many to check we would have to charge you more for that so we're going to try to condense it into some some larger bags apparently she didn't want all of these things to come with her today so we're not exactly sure how all of that happened it's a little strange but yeah right but the thing is that I told them to pick up but they took all the junk that I had because my sister was coming to finish a job it will give your daughter a call and just sort of let her know what's going on we just need to call and get a clear understanding of what we need to do to help facilitate whatever's going on because I don't know what's going on exactly but it's detective work it's a machine okay thank you we're not able to get a hold of anyone to find out exactly what the plan is for these items but since we can't leave them here in the airport they have to travel with her and I said please take down my suitcase that just two of them because my daughter's coming after the rest Connie and her bags can make the flight but can Yolanda find anyone to meet them customer service supervisor here at South and we have Connie toferi here down at check-in Yolanda has found a relative to meet Connie we've gotten Connie her boarding card and uh we'll have her bags framed and have the bags checked and they'll everything will go to Sacramento with Connie I can work in Sacramento yeah and these people like you would go out and work there oh at the retirement people there this is my telephone number my name my telephone number here so if you need anything just let me know okay oh I will okay okay have a good flight Connie in order to keep doing what I'm doing I have to get one of those every so often or I just lose all home yes at Baltimore Washington International a plane has returned to the gate Gina is called to investigate by yourself a passenger is refusing to turn off his cell phone okay do you know how it is that the plane had to pull back to the gate the extent of this sir well they said that you told them that they could go take a hike sir I'm going to ask you to grab your belongings and follow me off the aircraft please why because sir because the problem is when we get airborne if you're going to do something that you're not going to follow whatever well you're not giving us you're not giving us that impression that's why they ask that you would be removed from the airplane and I'm gonna have to back them up on that [Music] later but we don't want you to ride with us today Frank mussolino denied boarding for using his phone is now in no mood for talking plane pushed out the plane pole back to the gate he was being insubordinate with the flight attendants he wouldn't get off his cell phone and apparently he told the flight attendants to take a hike do you understand why we pulled up the aircraft being off I've been put off the plane just took me another flight I don't need a preacher to preach any of it I'm just trying to make sure you understand why and I want you to understand the nature of the answer excuse me I do understand for a flight to come back to the gate that is a significant problem on board the aircraft that a flight had to come back to the gate so I explained to him and he didn't want to hear anything so I went ahead and refunded his ticket and the police escort him off The Concourse at LAX Dapper traveler Reza mochadam has been pulled off the plane for turning the air blue with his language sir because there were Witnesses like they said that you were using profanity there were two people at least two people that there was only one people over there there wasn't two people it was the boarding agent and the flight attire just flight attended was the boarding agent was there about 10 feet from me and he couldn't hear me how do you know that I knew that's the only thing I want at this point the only person you can talk to is me I'm a supervisor for Southwest Airlines and I can try to do as much on this counter yes not the whole Southwest no but there's somebody over you but you don't want to show me at this point there is nobody over me there's the next flight is to Oakland at 9 25. if I am not safe on that flight how do you think I am going to be safe in next flight why why do you think at this point I'm dealing with you at this point I can decide at this point I can I can be the one that says he's okay to go or he's not okay to go I hate to travel with Southwest I'm telling everybody I hate Southwest but I have to fly tonight I don't want you to travel with someone who you hate so I'm gonna give you a reason I didn't hate it I hate it now okay after this happened to me I hate it and I'm not gonna travel with Southwest anymore all right for sure zero 105 with Southwest no I don't like to fly to stop it I'm gonna give you a refund on your ticket I can give you information on another Airlines and then you can try to go somewhere else if they have a flight then I go because at this point you're not going to travel with Southwest anymore give me the boarding Airline too and I can take it from you the property of Southwest thank you I'm not going to force I'm not going to fight with you I bought a ticket you can keep the ticket that's fine and I'm gonna need you to leave the premises we're done talking You're Not Gonna Fly Southwest tonight and you can find another airline on your own and there is nobody here I can talk to beside yoga no one else thank you I didn't have a problem with him at the beginning because I was trying to help him but he got offensive and he got you know very pushy with me I have to fly to Oakland I have a family waiting over there and they didn't let me get in because the flight attendant didn't like I said I don't like Southwest I hate Southwest and you have it when Steve is called to the ticket counter he gets a sinking feeling okay and I said I hate travel okay what are you calling me sorry I got stuck up okay yes it's a familiar face how many times did I try to help you you didn't treat me good and I'm I feel the same right now and my feeling is worse than I was upstairs I say something please at what point did I disrespect you at what point did I not help you remember did I not offer you my my customer service if you should put me on that airplane and go not just listen to flight attendant what do you want us to do sir who's been next to life can you give me tell me why would you put you on the next five why not what what did I do wrong here besides I traveled with Southwest what did I do wrong here okay I'm gonna I'm gonna try to help you against her as far as trying to find you another airline which I made it to do that for you this is another no problem okay Mr Muhammad there is nothing for you to go on United to Oakland or American or anyone else we're gonna go ahead and let you go on the next fight okay thank you all right and I just hope that on the next five that you don't have the same problem and traveling for the years the first time I had okay with I understand something I understand that I'm trying to help you you told you something okay lower your time your tripod okay all right we're gonna go ahead and let you go on an S5 but we need you to try to avoid behaving like you're doing on the last fight and I hope we don't have any more incidents that turn into a negative tonight sir okay the gentleman had mellow down a lot after he came down here and I did he realized that pretty much the only option he had was Southwest I did right now what I was going to do for him about an hour ago finally Reza board's the last flight to Oakland thank you thank you very much at LAX Michael galindo's flight to Tucson is boarding without him Mike cars discovered his seat was given away because he did not check in at the gate 10 minutes before departure were you in a bar were you somewhere else I was right here in this area you weren't in the gate area you were somewhere else obviously don't tell me that I know where I was trying to tell me where I was he wasn't because I know where I was where were you then I don't know it was right here mine to go down so you just came up now sir that's already after the departure time so are you considered 10 minute roll well there's no more seats on this flight so you'll have to go stand by on the next fight they said I was late so according to the 10-minute rule whatever that means since I was late I got bumped I have to be somewhere in Tucson at 7 pm tonight so if I don't make that one I'll really be mad you didn't call my name okay so I want to be on that next flight because I paid for my ticket and I was here we have two issues that we need to talk about one is about you not being here and the other one is that you appear to be intoxicated [Music] he's saying he was here I I did not see him he'd make himself known so we're gonna have to wait and see he's waiting here for me and we'll wait and see he's smiling that's a good thing but if one of those seats would be available 10 minutes before departure I'll be able to give it to you but he needs to be in Tucson by seven my daughters she's a student at UC Berkeley and she plays women's fast pitch softball their game is at 7 th it's the University of Arizona and she's the lead off hitter so I need to be there on time so I can see the flight to Tucson is ready to board Mike gives his final verdict seen him in the bar area he's not staggering he's not slurring does smell like alcohol but you know we'll we'll take it from there he tried to turn the tables on me he said he said where were you at the bar drinking and I said I begged your part and I've been here southwest's page and passenger Michael galendo Michael galendo no I just wanted to make sure he was still here sir in the future if you come in and you're making a connection just walk up to the podium make yourself known because okay all right thank you very much and um all right don't forget your ID good luck with your daughter's softball event all right good luck generally they provide good service but I think I got bumped uh anyways have a good day I talk to you at the podium real quick at Baltimore Washington International Gina is concerned about passenger Kim Janice whose Behavior has been a little unusual is that your Pepsi Pepsi you're going to be tinkling all all on your flight what do you mean drinking all of that no I I enjoy it all day I've had this all day okay all right um you missed your earlier flight right yeah okay where'd you come in from Albany 6 10 right is everything okay with you man yeah okay you just missed your flight because you lost track of time no no I just got off to use a bathroom and I came back up and I I had to go to the rigmarole of getting you know going through all these lines and which is okay you know I understand yeah and inside that Diet Pepsi is that that is it just a Stylistics I'm running for president United States of America please vote for me I guarantee you I only want the White House for one year I don't want to rule the world I don't care I mean I I hate to see all the destruction going on in the world after one year there's gonna be a black man person or a black woman they gotta choose I don't know who it's gonna be but I'll put a black man or a black woman in office hey even this time for Oprah wants to be running for president you know I mean whatever I have a nice man who's a genius down in Ocala that I know he could probably be president where's her Diet Pepsi I'm like oh you want me advertise Diet Pepsi I just want to check it just to make sure because we don't allow Liquor on board and I just want to make sure nothing's in here back at BWI Gina's trying to get to the bottom of Kim's unusual behavior I don't drink I'm telling you one day at a time I know Jacob I've been doing AA for 20 years you know I don't have 20 years clean I wish I had look at this somebody said Tina Turner are you Italian I got beautiful she is this is this is who you got to fill film in on everybody's gonna be all right I think if we all just pulled together as one isn't that great ideas well good luck to you if you need anything else I'm a supervisor advisors let me know if I can be of assistance at all bye love you guys everywhere in the whole wide world at BWI Chris is waiting for a connecting passenger to Tampa passenger wouldn't turn his cell phone off you know he announced the plane that he was drunk so we're just gonna you know wait for them to come up here and take care of them when they do come up passenger Thomas Lurie arrives along with fellow passenger Kimberly Breedlove who sat next to him we have had some reports that the party coming in was a little belligerent and then you go to the bathroom because they were sitting there okay I was in into the last person in she said well we're taking them off I said okay I sat down I waited 10 minutes and I go I gotta go when the plane starts to move did it pull out from the Jack way no and then she said well we got to get up 10 000 feet and I go I gotta pay ten thousand feet I really you know I have to go with what our what our crew told us on the aircraft um to me right now you don't seem like you're intoxicated I didn't drink no alcohol also was there an issue with the cell phone no no she wanted me her number so I turned it on for her to put her number also when the plane pushes back from the gate also okay this is the stuff we have to clear up this is stuff we got to clear up before you you're going to get on the plane I gotta go and that was it we're gonna go ahead and let him get on the plane I've asked him not to drink anymore um and uh you know warned him about staying in a seat and about the cell phone and hopefully you know by midnight he'll be in Tampa with his kids back at BWI the Tampa flight is ready to depart but the captain has just requested two passengers be denied boarding has to break the bad news Thomas is pulled off the flight along with the passenger sitting next to him Kevin McGowan the reason the captain said that he did not want you on here for safety reasons because you're here to be intoxicated there was some issues with with you and I had to go to bathroom I'm not I don't I'm not going to get into an argument here it's as simple as that the captain wants you off the aircraft and I have to listen and obey dance or something like that no no you're this this is the last flight tonight we'll rebook you for the morning the fa ruling is if you've been denied boarding for due to intoxication you have to wait at least eight hours I'm going by what the captain told me to do apparently you two are together I'm not with him at all I'm not consecuted I'll take a breathalyzer right now okay I didn't do anything [Music] in this area my truck I didn't do anything that was against the rules back at BWI Thomas and Kevin are still none the wisers to why they can't fly with somebody yeah I went to the bed yeah he went to the bathroom and I wasn't even involved in that I just I sat I waited till the seat belt upstairs we lost some problem coming in from Iceland on the plane and sitting down next to me and now because he did something on Iceland I gotta wait till tomorrow and miss my grandmother's birthday because because uh I was instructed by the captain to pull you off the aircraft for what reason due to the fact that you appeared to be in time what first of all right first off you know I came from work okay on the first flight and I got to the plane late and everything I ran to the bathroom and she said you can't go I said all right yeah shut down ten minutes later I go I gotta go to bed that was it that's what this is all about there was one that made the final decision what Captain this Captain the other camera hold up hold up Bill of fight all I did was go to the bathroom well how about that sorry I wasn't there all I can tell you is that I was requested to go down the jetway and to pull the two of you off this woman here is you know apparently all the captain says I'm drunk and you get off you know and that's it no one asked me anything you get off the plane you're stuck here till 7 30. not like what went on what's going on is there a problem whatever you know you know so how are you feeling right now I must say I don't know what the hell am I going to do here I'm stuck I don't even but Washington or whatever and I don't know what am I gonna do you know it's like my family's waiting to pick me up at 12 20 and I'm stuck killing us tomorrow back at BWI Kevin's not going quietly he's your supervisor who could I talk to I am what kind of what's this what's the next place tomorrow morning and what do I do tell that until tomorrow morning what year you're welcome I can give you a distressed passenger rated for a hotel or you're welcome probably I gotta pay anywhere I gotta pay again I already got a room somewhere else if the captain asked me to take off they have the final war I don't even know him because I was sitting next to him you know I don't know but like what do I do do I complain write a letter what does that get me nothing my day back I don't think does your flight for tomorrow morning 7 30. I mean 7 10. you'll arrive in at 9 30. and what do you do nothing for me until then there's nothing wrong with The Lodges on my own yes sir unfortunately it is yes you're on your own now until the morning and then we'll forget the rewarding card and you can get on that aircraft it's like Grandma's 80th birthday you know I'm not drunk I did nothing obnoxious I yelled at nobody I was I was completely polite to all the stewardess and and people in charge of things I realized that they're in charge of the the flight and what goes and what they say is you know and that's that and no one told me and any way to do anything that I didn't follow along with and now I got to stay here till tomorrow morning so I don't even know this guy we just met he sat next to me this is where he's at this is where I'm at for what nothing I wish he'd gone a little smoother I know the guy especially the gentleman in the white T-shirt was very upset and I could understand that however when a captain says you know they want him off the aircraft I don't have a choice I have to take them off both Kevin and Thomas made it to Tampa the following morning back at LAX Yolanda is in the middle of a Russian Revolution but we have a ticket Mia Jacob Elena and her son believe their seats were given away [Music] we did have seats the flight went out for four of us want me to speak to the operations agent I'm just trying to put all the pieces to the puzzle together but what time did they get here was it push time oh push time okay and I waited to like 48. you were scheduled to push at 50. so you closed two minutes prior and they still weren't all together here okay thanks no problem we're running pretty late though he's 7 45 feet tall that's over but we came to human on time and he sent us to Fort gate I told why we have to go look at this it's like 10 minutes you don't have ticket go take tickets I told you what is the ticket it seems they were not only late but also didn't have boarding passes these are boarding cards no you'll see what is this given for absolutely proceed to gate for boarding cards you can't get boarding board it's downstairs you have to come up to the gate to get those boarding people together together you've got a copy Steve Yolanda calls in Steve for support uh can you come to three Bravo please Steve tries to alleviate the pressure of the situation but Mia and Jacob still blame the airline at this point what happened it's already in the past there's nothing we can do about it all the time when you give yourself 30 minutes to make a flight sir I'm sorry alone that you are lying because you know you have a computer after a one-hour standoff Steven Yolanda go through the Russians remaining options one seed at 3 15 from Las Vegas to Reno then maybe one of you want to go and try to stay away from here to Las Vegas no way I mean that's a choice did I go to Las Vegas just when things are looking impossible Yolanda and Steve find another airline to take them to Reno oh really if you deal with chicken to do right now once we get those blind I'll go ahead and just refund the one way on us that way you can keep this discounted fair to come back on us okay okay do you know how to take the a shuttle because you have to get around no I'll walk you down with just 45 minutes until their new flight departs the clock is ticking the race is on we've gotta rush them to terminal three they have about 40 minutes or so before the flight leaves still got to get boarding cards still got to get through security and uh hopefully they'll make it safe is there a line wait for sure Amber yes flight number is 6997. with boarding passes in hand they're off to Reno at last we had to put them on another airline but I think they saw that we went above and beyond even though they were really angry and uh RPM we got the Russians to the Russians in Reno we got the Russians to the Russians in Reno at Baltimore Washington International Sue Lee has her Eagle Eye on two jackson-bound passengers hello she suspects Mr and Mrs Geist may have been drinking and they're not being too discreet about it I am still aboarding group a for flight 1057 at Jacksonville flight on into Houston it's time to board the flight but will it go without a hitch okay okay it's welcome bees sorry about that sorry her time before she Springs into action please I need you to get your belongings and let's go looks like the geists have got some explaining to do first of all you both compare to be intoxicated we are we've been here five hours today we had a labor you're not allowed to walk around with it with alcohol well we're not going to tell who gave it to us well that's and we're not the issue but unfortunately I don't have any more flights tonight well of course not so you know can we poke you for tomorrow this is the hardest day but unfortunately I can't let you fly okay okay I understood nothing I mean just so you understand well we need to see you bye get you off the aircraft we missed our flyby five minutes because of security stuff in Norfolk here for seven hours sitting here trying to get to Mississippi you can consume alcohol on the aircraft as long as it's given to them by the flight crew but you can't take your own air you know your own liquor on and drink it so and you can't go on with an open container like that after the beers come the tears I don't like to fly well it's like I'm sitting in the air for today watching of an accident over in New Jersey they crashed into the warehouse I don't know why should I like to fly they didn't stop me at the door saying no you cannot have beverages or anything they just we've been here for seven hours so yeah anyway what do you think I'm not gonna have a beverage it's not like you have a bowling alley or a movie theater or anything you screw me up through security and leave me sitting here for hours they don't want me on Ireland I'm not gonna be on their Airline it takes me 18 hours to drive there I will it's okay Mr and Mrs Geist called it a day and took the first flight to Jackson the next morning they've slept through his flight this morning and then they woke him up and he missed another flight at Houston can the divorce for passenger I lost my job today I've lost everything today I have five dollars in my pocket and everyone treats me like Great Southwest well that's the way we've always done it nobody's told me anything none of us that's why Brett's flying home to Austin after spring break he slept through his first flight and missed the second one after a mix-up with the standby list and you know what really irks me a minute is that I sat there and I really explained to that lady I said look you know this is what the deal is there and this should be taken care of like this you know like okay yeah we'll definitely take care of you you know if I get any I'll let you on board I walk up there and she looked at me like I didn't even freaking exist hands out four other boarding passes around me you know like I'm just freaking out man but I take my stand by this and I roll it over to the next gate to the next flight right Sharon's saying you only keep that list at the gate if the flight goes out of a different gate it starts a whole new list and we need consistency and okay let me just let me see what's going on I'm stressed out man I mean I lost my freaking job today you know like an exhausted Brett desperately needs a flight to Austin I've been working hard all week and I'm stressed and and I get to keep flipping around here you know everything is booked full to Austin today best thing I can do is I can put your name on the list okay and I apologize you know if if they went past you the next flight's gonna leave here at uh 325 it'll be going out of this gate so please don't fall asleep again oh no I won't fall asleep I know um at 3 25 is it totally completely booked still too yes they're all completely built today and South Padre Island is where my family is and all my buddies I go down for spring break to help them out during their spring break work you know because it's busy I get in here and they tell me I'm ready to go and I doze off for a couple minutes and then when I wake up oh sorry you missed your plane the standby list was transferred from gate number 11 over to gate number three and apparently the he did not get his name did not get transferred to the new list so we did miss him on that and to boot at all the cops woke me up and had to go and do a whole search on me because I was laying down you know that's how that's how they wake me up and grab all my crap and run me out ask me if I'm on drugs or something I'm like no I woke up you know leave me alone and then they go and strip search me again I feel like I'm in prison because he's been here all day I mean the guys you know it's pretty tired and everything so we're gonna get him something to eat you want to talk about poor people I got eight dollars I can't even afford a pack of cichlids man but with the airport full to the brim now there's confusion about the name of Passenger Brett Wilk Southwest Airlines Beijing Brian Wilkes please return to gate 10 and 11 for a message Southwest Airlines Beijing Brian wolves Brian Wilkes yeah by the window oh that's him right there we're going to do is go ahead and buy you lunch okay all right and uh sorry that we missed you on the standby list we got your number one on the standby list this time around okay and you can get something to eat up to eight dollars okay okay don't forget to be there at three o'clock oh yeah okay all right it's it's all right but uh don't pay bills you know so that's how it goes hey Mom yo hey oh she's pissed she's like well I can there's another flight coming on at three o'clock I'm like well no I'm sitting here waiting for it I'm gonna go get my free lunch Fortune Smiles at last on Brett thank you guys thank you very much that's what my mom says yeah you gotta think up be positive it's pretty hard to be you know there was some confusion at which gate and which list he was on so I went ahead and just took him and put them on our flight out of here so you can get on out of Houston oh yeah I just want to go to bed I want to get home and go to bed I feel so bad for him I hope but it looks changing so far it looks good Brett finally catches his flight and some serious shut eye over at check-in Robert rudlick is traveling to Oakland but there's a problem with his luggage it's like four inches over their normal size so we'll see I do it every week though nobody ever gives me a hassle Robert is a massage therapist and needs to travel with his table our bag of policy is bags in excess of 62 inches but less than 80 will accept them we have to charge 45 for him I I understand so I'm just wondering then why is it that everybody's so accommodating with it and all of a sudden I'm having a problem with someone who she she said the main reason why she's even questioning is because she got injured because it is oversized we need to charge you today that's our Posse but you are welcome to ride in and say look I have this table they may make some accommodations for you I mean but if you do if you write in yeah you know what I mean I I appreciate you know the rigidity but the fact that she brings up right away because she got injured you know why take it out on me she may have used bad posture I'm a body mechanic Specialists you know and I'm looking at I'm going well okay I don't think she should be handling big bets so why you're doing that I don't know but why you're taking it on me that's another story and it's about customer service so you know you're not sorry Jamie don't give me that you're not sorry because I don't excuse me I haven't used that language with you I don't want it anymore get together people with attitudes towards customers you shouldn't allow them to be for customer service I mean she was nippy with me from the moment we started uh they're going to charge me now first time in I don't know eight weeks now because I got something with a bad attitude it's true I was injured by an oversized bag but that had nothing to do it drop it off right there right at the end of that partition on the left hand side yeah Southwest policy I just kind of put that in as an added you know this did happen to me you know can you please understand why we need to do this and unfortunately he used that again all right guys Ronnie Rushford has arrived at the desk and hopes to grease a palm for a seat yeah the money is not going to get you on it you already paid for the ticket you're trying to get to Providence tonight right well everything is sold out you're on a standby ticket you just stand by are you doing okay today yeah did you have a few drinks today oh yeah yeah well um even if there was a seat available on it I won't be able to accommodate you tonight why because it appeared to me that you you're inebriated you've been having a little too much to drink tonight oh cool man I ain't playing it's okay but there's no space on anything tonight anyways and if there's anything available we won't be able to accommodate you all right so I'll have to schedule it for tomorrow morning pretty much everything is sold out for tomorrow also so you'll be standing by all day tomorrow but we won't be able to accommodate you on anything tonight so you'll have to come in tomorrow morning and go stand by okay okay whatever okay so you have to come in tomorrow morning at 9 30 and I recommend that you you know you're not you're not under the influence tomorrow morning this is your ticket for tomorrow thank you sir if you want to try and get a hotel rate you can call this 800 number and they'll see what's available to you yeah okay and you can pay for it but we will not be able to accommodate you on any flights tonight so please don't try and even attempt to get on any of them okay do you want to exit the airport straight up this way this way just walk up straight up this way exit that way but will Ronnie take Nicholas's advice Ronnie Rushford makes a surprise return to the desk when I spoke to you earlier remember I stated to you that we you won't be able to go to Providence tonight was it was the communication I gave to you not very clear I do take my money from me and said he would give me that which dude took your money from you just remember somebody took money from you yes sir oh and where is he out he left okay well I'm not too sure who took your money from you it's not one of our employees that took the money from you and we don't accept money because you just gave your money to a total stranger we don't we don't we don't take bribes to put people on flights right we would that's not how we operate we're gonna have to exit exit the terminal we're not going to be able to get you on any Providence fights tonight okay dude can you put them in the right direction I don't know how to go I'll take you up there I'm kind of lost man yeah dude took my money told me to give him a plan I got screwed now I'm going to look for a motel reckon it's a bridge dude I don't want to talk to y'all please I'm sorry Ronnie Returns the next morning and was soon on his way to Providence I called back twice I called back twice at LAX there's trouble at the ticket counter for Steve wants to pick up Dave no it's not if you call Budget Rent a Car Budget rent a car I tell you it's for tonight at 10 10. Lisa Traywick claims to have switched her flight to today along with her rental car originally but then today I called reservations and they can pretty much tell me anything or any transactions any changes that were made to your restoration somebody's lying because yes I did and I even requested that they send me hard copy in the mail I pulled reservations and I have to go by what they say pillow reservation say they make mistakes reservations makes mistakes he said true but but customer is always right so do what you're going to do that magic sweetie uh I gotta get there tonight my mama just got out the hospital today I'm not gonna pay no more money I'm not gonna pay no more money and you know it was good I'm not gonna pay no more money dude for the simple fact that your people messed up She had she spelled Comcast wrong is that my fault and when if she would have emailed me when she made the reservation I could have shown her I could have called I had ample enough time when did I make the reservation let me check about your email now if he gonna whine he got a choice between the left and the right I don't have no more money to upgrade to nothing okay Lisa this is what's what's going on okay you made the reservation on the 20th you paid for it you made it for the eight and for the 18th those dates were never changed all right I exploded my rest agent did a lot of research on this PR and there was some type of mistake with the email address okay okay they did a comp instead of com okay forecast so what I'm gonna do I am going to go ahead and honor tonight's Fair she got on the fight without paying for the upgrade because it was a mistake small mistake that we made but that it was tour advantage in L.A Susie is dealing with a passenger whose bag has been denied boarding seems he's transporting something rather unusual sir it has cockroaches in it we'll go outside and see it but I can't have cockroaches running around I don't understand that when the TSA was doing their security check a whole bunch of cockroaches came out of the bag and we can't transport the bag like that stuff away now where in the hell is a cockroach they says cockroaches in this bag we got cockroaches in this airport but I don't understand this you can't take it like that we can't check it yeah I mean you gotta shake all these clothes off we need to make sure there are no cockroaches in there because now you're going to be in the cabin of our aircraft cockroaches they probably came from the same house exactly be completely sure that we don't have any more cockroaches in here on your leg they're on your legs right there they're coming out of the underneath the wheels they're on these pants look look what happened look what happens we're gonna have to dispose of the bag that bag cost me 30 something dollars I ain't gonna throw that away I don't think this bag is gonna go but I don't think he wants to depart with the bag if Susie can't persuade James Laney to part with his bag he won't be going anywhere you check any other bags that's the only bag you check oh I take my other bag of the car let's hope they're not in the other bags but if this start from snoring it came from the storage this bag did yeah so did the other bags come from Storage no then that's probably what the problem is they live in storage and they breed don't throw the bag down anymore sir because you're not going to get them all out you're not gonna be able to take this back you know what I mean you just need to chalk this up and let's throw this bag away you need this alone and we'll have somebody pick that up let it go let's put it next to this trash can and Say Goodbye once you step over here with Mike's gentle persuasion James's clothes are packed away minus the Cockroaches and let's go have a go inside and get this tagged and we'll get you on your way all right at LAX Yolanda has been called to gate five following reports of a passenger's rather strange display are you sure that he doesn't have any pants at all on or is it I was told that Miss genitals were exposed so I'm here and I'm gonna try to figure out who he is and call him up and that'll give me an opportunity to see him stand and hopefully though sir can you come with me I just need to ask you a question just right over here yeah would you mind stepping over with me just for a second I'm a supervisor for Southwest Airlines basically the fastest felt uncomfortable okay they can notice something just a little different within the passenger he wasn't wearing any undergarments on that he was in decent exposure exposing a little bit of his private parts and they said he kind of had his legs open just not really caring at all I mean it's a lot of kids running around here and they don't need to see that I mean it's just too much so they just didn't really feel comfortable with that person being on the flight there was a couple of passengers that had some concerns about your genitals being exposed and that so you're wearing shorts or something under that please tell me that's not true I mean if they okay so I have three different passengers so I had to come and investigate it because I have to determine whether or not with the complaints if I can go ahead and allow you on board so if you have something underneath you do okay thank you all right Yolanda still doesn't have the answer she needs I'm not certain as to whether or not he has something on under the Galore Kilt skirt type situation but obviously I can't ask him to lift it up so let's see he said he did George yeah two passengers said he absolutely doesn't have anything standby passenger I'm kind of between uh it's going to be a situation where I have to kind of watch and unfortunately try to see her that can see him for lack of a better price I mean I don't know when I went over there he stood up I couldn't tell he told me he had something on under it but I couldn't tell because he didn't move in a way where I could tell if he was foreign exposed or hanging loose or whatever you want to call it so she calls a manager to see what sort of procedure fits this unique situation okay just tell him that he needs to put something else on if he wants to travel oh ready to go okay okay but our Kilted friend has vanished and Yolanda knows she needs to find him uh I think I lost him sir excuse me excuse me I'm sorry to bug you again sorry but I just had to speak to a man another manager about the situation if you're going to travel on Southwest we're going to have to have you put something else on do you have something to change into it sir do you want to just take a minute and change why am I being harassed well it's not an issue of harassment so there there are a couple of sorry there are a couple of the passengers that that felt like you were indecently exposed in what you're wearing that they're saying that there's nothing under your kilt or and that we're going to have to ask you to put something something on I don't think that's I don't think that's appropriate you know yeah I mean what do I have to do do I have to well no no no you know you don't have to no you don't need to show me your underwear sir okay well you don't need to but if if this if the Kilt is short enough to expose yourself when you sit down and that's something that um you have to tell everybody this ain't right okay the only way though you're going to be able to travel and I've already spoke to another manager about it is to to put something else on and I'm sorry but what if I had not had a pair of blue jeans then I would actually go out of my way to try to find you something to put on and even if I wasn't wearing anything underneath what difference would it make does somebody go around ask you if you're wearing underwear dress or anything right but if if they sit if I'm in a public place and I sit down and they can see my private parts then yeah they have a right if they're going to fly me on their airplane to tell me that's not okay you got to put some short do you have shorts that you you can wear if you have shorts I'm being harassed I'm sorry I'm sorry I hate because you know what I can I'm with soup I'm sorry and I need to know your name I'll give you yeah when you come out I'll give you everything okay okay threatening legal action is fine but first things first better find something to wear on the plane Ryan happy Brian leverage Smith Dons a pair of jeans for his flight but he's not done yet will pull in a lascivious manner to expose herself in public it's not by a woman walking down the street who has no underwear on or anything and those Wind Blows are skirt up or whatever she's wearing her dress it's not considered indecent exposure so you're way off base well what I'm saying to you is they felt like [Music] I'm not saying you broke a law sir I'm just saying that in order to travel this is what we needed to have happen I'm on Southwest Airlines for the last five years like this and I've never had a problem suitably dressed he heads home to Albuquerque to slip into something a little more comfortable at LAX passenger Ricky Smiley has a trick up his sleeve I'm gonna tell him I have cataracts but I can pre-board won't have to stand in line you know what tell them I have cataract let's see what happens you know I have advanced cataracts I might need a pre-board last time I tried to get on the plane by myself and got on the wrong flight let me know you know we'll go directly to gate number 14 with this okay no dude oh thank God you know your direction right here do you know your direction to the gate his way where is it it's going to be down behind you to your left that's why this game for this flight right here 1818 yeah okay okay sometimes I get a wheelchair man you know [Music] I love this third degree Advanced cataract I get to sit with the senior citizen like we're gonna be playing Scrabble my toes fell off just anything they didn't go for it it worked every time I love Southwest Airlines number one your number one Southwest that's right congratulations thank you take care all right you're good to go sway straight down open seating wherever you want I mean my ass like that's all right that's all right have a nice day all right guys oh going home to Sweet Home Alabama in Southwest Airline number one at LAX Steve is dealing with passenger Jose Reyes who has been roped the wrong way by security unfortunately I was the only one that got tagged look at those things ssss now what are we doing Hitler's style now out of 50 people I was the only one that got tagged and what is tough with those ssses whatever Airline was if you had if you were selected because of this they would have sent it to secular screening whether you're flying on Southwest where you fly into La whether you find a base anywhere if you really had these six s's you would have to be secondary screen and that's what they did they send you to what they call a selector line is this the security deposit they have to go through I'm not making any excuses for them I'm giving you guys my business for years maybe the TSA 1-800 number going back to the old stone age that list SSS on my ticket what's up with that Jose Reyes still feels humiliated you know what it brought me down to the bottom all right like I said I understand I understand sir I'm the garbage flying paying my ticket and paying my money I should be treated equally and fairly like everybody else I agree you know what I would feel the same way if I if I had an issue and felt like I was being discriminated against then I would totally voice myself to someone and you're doing it to me and I'm trying to help you as much as they can but again I can tell you that's that's a security issue you have a good day me too sir you know I'm having a pretty crappy day today I was trying to make it clear that it was not up to Southwest that if there was something that I could do for him as a representative of the airline that I would but it was really out of my hands they took my penises off they patted me down I mean have I killed somebody Southwest say goodbye you went South you have a good day Jose heads to Oakland still smarting from his experience with security at Baltimore Washington International Sue Lee is helping an executive who is missed her flight to San Antonio the reason for you missing your flight was because you came too late to get on board my predicament is I was going to a very important business meeting in San Antonio I worked for an educational Corporation there's a big meeting down there where it should have been today and it lasts until Saturday the meeting was held once a year I'm supposed to be there for Helene Clark it's about more than just missing her flight because I know I'm going to be fired as a result of this of meeting this missing this meeting this means my daughter will have to drop out of college I'm going to have to lose my house I'm thinking of some way to try to save my career with Helene's future in her hands suly searches for a solution [Music] he can get you to San Antonio by tomorrow morning and those are guaranteed seats okay now but you'd be on your own to put yourself up in Houston and the other one I don't even know Houston how would I even find a hotel today well there's somebody in Houston would be more than happy to give you a distressed passenger rate and you know direct you to a hotel now do you want me to go ahead and book this flight oh I hate flying so much so so to fly somewhere that I've never been before to try to find a hotel there where I've never been before it depends how desperately you need to get to San Antonio is there any way you can write down what you're saying so far and then I will call my boss and he might just say forget it I'm fine don't bother I can put remarks in your in your PNR what would you like to talk some of the phone or you want to write it up for my brother I mean I think that's something that you should do this opportunity I'm just trying to cover myself because if I lose my job that's everything well do you want me to book you on that flight to Houston tonight and then the one on to San Antonio in the morning I do know that I mean that is a definite that I could get you on Helene still can't figure out what to do now she decides to ask her employers hi Deb hi this is Helene how are you the next flight is a flight that goes to Houston and then the flight that we'll take into San Antonio is overbooked so there's no guarantee that I'll be able to get from Houston to San Antonio right right yes you're right you're right I just felt badly because I told Larry I would definitely be there and I was you know looking forward to working with him and with Susan okay thank you very much thanks Deb okay YouTube bye-bye okay okay he said all that hassle is not worth going and she will talk to the boss and explain it to him okay take care take care seems Helene's career and family are no longer in Jeopardy after all check-in at Chicago Midway and supervisor Anita Herbert is facing a problem that's common for parents 18 months old you need to have proof of age for your baby Southwest has a rule that children under the age of two fly for free but proof of age is required without proof for Baby Ryan the Hoenn Schult family will have to buy a seat for him I can't answer what they do this documented in here that you need to present proof of age for the baby that's my third that's my third time it's poor customer service back at check-in Anita is still dealing with the increasingly angry hoenchalt family he is under the age of two and now she just told me I had to buy a ticket which that's going to send me right over the edge would you call the hospital and they're saying they have no record of the birth you need to present proof of age if your child is under 18 months please make sure you have a birth certificate or you have to buy tickets foreign our flight leaves at 4 50 so I'd like for you to tell them to wait okay we're not going to haul the aircraft with just 10 minutes to take off it looks like they've reached Deadlock three tickets to the next on the next flight in Chicago supervisor Anita is still waiting for proof that baby Ryan is under two and should travel for free the hospital seems to have no record of the birth I don't know what else you need from me I was in delivery room number 13. well you're wrong I don't know what to tell you okay well my flight leaves in 10 minutes Anita offers up the only solution left are you not [Music] anymore what you need to do is present the birth certificate to customer relations they will refund your money am I going to get this credited back once you present the birth certification told me that to begin with we could have done that I tried to tell your husband about it possible how is any of this possible okay okay you ready I got a family coming down that was at the counter with five minutes to go they have no hope of making the flight unless Anita escorts them through security personally back in the terminal Anita is racing the Hoenn Schultz to their gate Anita persuades the crew to hold the plane come on just come through we'll do it at the top in the end they are the last to board Southwest ever she was crazy man at the counter and her husband he wouldn't let me say anything sometimes we can tell the baby is under too but with that baby it was kind of borderline so and then she wasn't real nice here I was sleeping on the plane and I didn't wake up and I went through one of my stops and where I was supposed to get off stayed on to here but now she's got to reroute me all over this place I can send you a standby on the 1225 departure that you might get pulled off in New Orleans what is today April Fool's Day this has never happened to me before you know this is my fault but it's you know let me take a left bye but will Joseph still be laughing when he gets to gate 49. somehow or another I wind up sleeping on the other plane and missed my connection to Nashville to Tampa okay okay and they said to come over here I have to be at work tonight it's at all possible to get there earlier than what they got you oh yeah and what time do you need to get there like two o'clock three o'clock four o'clock if that's possible or put me in the men's room I don't care just get me out of here how soon is this fight leaving you this one this one scheduled for 1205 . that's the one I want to be on if I can do my best as long as I got seats I still have seats as of now and it is 11.50 okay don't you have a crystal ball so I did trust me we had to wait about five more minutes and hopefully by then but the way it's going I'm not counting on anything okay there you go this is what we're doing we finally got you on this flight okay no more sleeping we're gonna get you to Tampa by 4 45. so do not lose this that is your ticket so is this plane going to make a stop in New Orleans just get out there yes got that Joseph made it back to Tampa without any more naps
Channel: A&E
Views: 3,925,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, airline, airlines, airport, airports, southwest airlines, passenger, passengers, flight, flights, flying, fly, flight attendant, air hostess, pilot, plane, travel, traveling, trip, trips, vacation, vacations, airline scenes, airline full episode, airline episode clips, airline clips, airline episode scenes, pilots, flight attendants, airport employees, Most Viewed Moments of 2022, top moments, best of, compilation
Id: 2PM8-vK-YiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 37sec (5257 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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