Parking Revenge #157

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[Music] this guy right here double park man that uh that benzo there's a prime example of uh somebody that's uh got a real entitlement problem uh just because you got a nice bins don't mean you can park in two parking places that's not how it works i'm sure you don't want to get door dings anywhere or anything like that but hey neither does anybody else i'm pretty sure we're gonna have some um we're gonna have some complications on this uh on this property right here today i can almost guarantee it that's just how it is this is a really really massive property you know it's a lot of people a lot of cars you know it's gonna happen somebody's gonna come out on us just gotta be ready for whatever happens you gotta be ready for it anyway we're gonna keep rolling surprise we don't have some uh have some controversy on this one here looks like it's been being driven pretty regularly um so i'm a little bit surprised nobody came out on that one oh not that i don't want to have a confrontation or anything because i don't you can't wish for a confrontation doing this job uh it's gonna happen it's gonna happen enough as it is uh but this car had it's been being driven tell by the tires on it the vehicle condition of the vehicle it's been being driven every day not parking space this was pretty was very clean which means this car was not it's not abandoned cars being like i said it's being driven every day uh this is why i thought somebody's gonna come out they may be sleeping they could be playing xbox man they'll tell them what they're doing man they could be watching youtube man but uh anyway they didn't come out i'm gonna grab this this one here this is the one the one with the cover on i gotta pull the cover off this one wow this is crap man this thing is rough [Applause] i've got tires yeah [Applause] good [Applause] man um [Music] [Music] so [Music] towed there's no notice on it there's no no no it's not you can't tow this car [Music] let me cut this down so i can explain myself to you okay we got pictures of the notice well they got pictures of the uh when it was stickered the office does they got pictures of the car too it's got a 19 tag on them it's got two years two years out there no it's not fine there man i mean hey it's not me yeah but it's your property manager man it ain't me she's got to tow these cars this thing man stinks man it's got bugs in it uh it's terrible man uh literally this car is terrible it's it it's it's a problem that's why there's no money there's not going to be any money to pay for and i'm taking the tags off you got it i got to take that hey anything you want to get out man i'm not like that man hey listen i am going to pull up right no i'm not look at the freaking spot on this thing talk about you have tools to you have to notify me oh listen i got cameras running i got cameras that you were filming me are you feeling listen where's my camera at where's my other camera at i don't know well listen you're on video if you move the car you need to get my camera back okay but cause you just picked my camera up i'll give you that you get my camera because i'm gonna call the cops out here yeah good that's great that's great but if you filming me if you're filming me listen okay listen to me you bring my camera back because i probably kicked it underneath the car okay well i need my camera back okay i gotta get the right screwdriver yeah hey go get my camera man hmm anything you need to get out of the car i'm not i haven't been in here there's a lot of there's a lot of bugs in there man there may be wasps there's a lot of rapist ejaculate do you understand because people were nuts in that apartment and used to rape us all the time and i'm sorry there's a lot of jacqueline in here so you be careful okay these kids were not okay well do you know where that camera went yeah i'll probably find it well if you would please find a camera for me i did get you tagged i will send a few uh you should have put a notification on my door listen they did i need to get my camera i need to get my camera back man i need to get my camera back man i will i will please get my camera back i will i won't go get it i'll go here i'm gonna pull out it's up under here did you put it up on the car yeah okay where where is it at under the car i'll put it in the car you put it in the car you will hmm where's your car huh where's your car my car you got everything yeah let me have a call where's the camera at thank you very much you need anything else name i'm johnny you need anything anything out of car uh i don't know i'm gonna pull up right here you can get whatever you want wow wow car about that if you need it you need anything out of the trunk i'm i'm not listen i i i'm not mean to people when i do this i do this job because it's a job i have to do anything you need to get out of the car before i leave i don't know let me go check hey you may pop the trunk um there's no money to pay for this so i don't know what you're gonna well it's you can't charge the owner because it's all screwed over well the car manager they damaged the car over who did that who these people here they are rapists they work with the office who are rapists too you understand raped anymore okay i'm starting when they move to other cities listen hey hey listen have a nice day man okay listen seriously have a nice day man i i know hate ain't no hate here bro i'm not i'm not hating you i know you're not i know you i know you're not i know the camera is home i know you might i understand i i know you're not mad at me i understand it's just in the car more than it smells it smells like it it smells like the damn dogs and the cats and they pissed in the car literally the men were pissing in the car it smells like it it smells like it that's what that's what listen don't let this ruin your day okay no this is gonna ruin my day because these people are all are terrorists and they work with the two workmen there's three workmen at the front office who do the same thing to the car to this car you understand yeah anyway it's pretty um it's pretty obvious that that gentleman's got some ball he's got some serious mental problems so i tried to try my best to keep him calm let him get whatever he wants out of the car um the reason i did that he mental health people you don't know what they're gonna do i don't want the guy flipping out you don't you know when you when you got dealing with people that are that have mental health problems i've dealt with plenty um you don't want to you don't want to set them off and throw them over the edge and towing this car you know basically put him over the edge and put him on the edge i don't want to send him over the edge and have him go to the office and it caused a scene up there he evidently thinks that somebody's uh somebody's been doing it wrong um and that's that that's paranoid schizophrenia people with that disorder uh you can't never tell what they're gonna do so i try to keep it calm and try to leave on a positive note so parkinson's that's hard man it's terrible they stole my camera fixing to flip out on him he stole my damn camera i took everything i could do to huh stay calm man on this guy i wouldn't have got my camera back man i don't know what i would have done definitely would have uh definitely would have would have freaked out if i didn't get my camera back um but uh i wish the guy well i really do man i hope the guy man poor guy's got some bad bad problems man i hope he's uh i hope that he's okay you're gonna be okay anyway i don't wish anybody bad but uh he did he did the right thing he took the camera inside the house i watched him and then he came back out and set the camera back down he didn't want to be on camera actually stealing it and taking it inside of his apartment but that's what he did took the camera inside and then he realized i had another one that i was wearing and then i might have had him on video picking it picking the camera up and it's possible we'll find out if i got video of him stealing the camera or not but anyway it is what it is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: towtrucker
Views: 387,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: towtrucker, instant karma, road rage, driver fails, handicap revenge, parking revenge, gtoger, reponut, handicap parking revenge, dash cam, instant justice
Id: bfB9jwMy8DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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