Parking Revenge #146

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[Music] hey welcome back to the channel non-consensual towing that's what we do anyway we just rolled in on this property we were uh actually over here yesterday and they they're uh they're having to clean the property up they got a lot of cars uh they're untagged unkept uh flat tires abandoned stuff like that and we're fixing the uh if we start towing out of here today uh we towed a few yesterday but uh it's gotten like this one here man that's that's terrible absolutely terrible you know there's one more back here that taurus right there i'll take it back that one over there the one in the black horse so we're gonna start loading man i'm gonna go ahead and get them uh get them loaded you know we're gonna get uh get them off the property anyway stay tuned we'll see what happens [Music] here [Music] we took three yesterday there's one right there hey that one right there is going next hey if you didn't talk to her she wouldn't give you time the manager man manager here hey let me shut this down let me kill you i'll get the address like i play the drop fee it's not it's not up there though when it's hooked man it's hooked i've already climbed up under and and that's the state law it's it's not me i'm i'm not i'm i don't just come around looking for cars man they called us to come get them i'll show you you got to do this list man you need to pay a drop fee let me get your receipt number no she does it on there yeah they gotta do it on there you got it hey hey hey they got that on the list to toe you know okay hey you you give it up right here i was seized up yeah yeah oh yeah here you go just uh just sign right there i'm sorry man i didn't know you already called i'll give you a receipt like i said uh and i will tell her point blank you paid the drop fee and she's gonna she's gonna mark mark your car off the list because you've already been impounded hold on hook i have it going man yep anyway he paid the drop fee we're going to get this other one this guy told me the motor seized on it and he said there ain't nothing he can do with it he's basically giving it up but and i got i got two more at this one building but she's cleaning the property up that guy he he held pretty good he he wasn't all he wasn't happy but he uh he kept it together he didn't know he didn't trip you need to get that out i can't we can do this right now are you looking at my turn stretch yeah i don't know if i can get it out i tell you what if you want this right here you can come get this out if you want to come get it from the yard you can get whatever you want out of the car you just got to show them your id they'll let you go the car you can get whatever you want out of it um we don't care don't tell you can't get the wheels because we can't move it without wheels on it okay i appreciate you man yeah let me get you information anyway we got that uh chrysler loaded up he's gonna he's gonna come to the yard he wants to get that camera piece out of the out of the dash it's some kind of a high-end driving camera i told him he'd come get it from the yard that's what the only thing he was worried about was that the motor's going out of that car he's not going to spend three thousand dollars to put a motor in that car it ain't worth it anyway we're gonna grab this next one [Music] [Music] so anyway we got both those loaded up man had three people come out one of them was uh he wasn't a car owner but uh out it's starting out pretty pretty rocky over here just this towing right here it can get uh it could get out of hand real quick when you got multiple people coming out about their cars but those guys they they were actually good people man they handled it really well and uh kept it together we're gonna sign these things out man and get them to the yard we gotta go to the yard and dump them we'll come back over here she's got more anyway stay tuned you know i want to pause just a minute to show all the haters on the channel uh why these cars get towed this is what they wind up looking like if you leave them very long i'll show you the inside real quick man it's got mold inside it's terrible mess probably got black mold in there anyway i get tired of hearing people cry about me towing cars they come on the channel and they whine you shouldn't tell those cars you're a bad guy this is what i do man i yank cars anybody don't like the channel you don't have to watch it you know what i mean anyway we just rolled back in we're going we're gonna grab some more all right got some like walking over here hey did that thing run okay the office what was it towed the office is trying to tow it really yeah that's why they put a sticker on they had a stick on it when it was over there well they don't have no tag on it yeah yeah does it run yes listen why don't you move it uh where it don't get towed okay if you move but listen you need to talk you know they got a new manager right i don't know i didn't know that you need to talk to her she's clean the property up she's gonna make the place nicer that's what she's doing uh but you need to contact her contact her and you might not get towed okay okay yeah thank you have a good anyway we got one more i got a uh got another one over here i got a bmw right here that's kind of go too but that girl that car out there drives she's fixing to drive that car off and that one that one's gotta go so [Music] you know hey listen if you talk to that manager she's pretty nice you just gotta you gotta communicate with her okay uh but what they tell you what she's got she's got a whole bunch of cars on property uh and i can tell you right now um i got this one and i got another one i'm gonna go go get so you might it so would i more likely we're not gonna be towing anymore today yeah but just communicate with her so she knows what's going on she don't know what's going on with all these cars i mean there's cars all there's like 20 or 30 cars on property yeah yeah there's a bunch yeah oh they go to our lot yeah they had the person to come back yeah yeah i have to come get them out but but like i said she she came out there the car runs uh i let the office know it runs and everything because she i know y'all she's and that's why i passed i saw her get in the car i'm not gonna i'm not here to compensate have a confrontation or make make it hard on anybody i'm just here to move cards that don't run you know so so we do it i keep it she was nice i keep professional you know what i'm saying that's where you're supposed to do it but yeah talk to the manager man talk to her let her know what's going on but i can't give you i can't tell you hey i'm not we're not going to tow it in a day or two i can't tell you that because i don't know what she wants to do so we just got to get a tag for it yeah just talk to her get a tag hey tell her what's going on you know let her know what's going on and uh is she you from out of state or yeah you from out of state yeah yeah yeah alabama okay yeah let her know what's going on and you try to tell you you know you're trying to get the tags transferred over it takes a minute i know yeah but just communicate with with that with the manager okay all right man have a good one thank you yep yeah i'm rolling back on this other side over here we got a we got one on this other side i got a yank unless they moved it no it's still there i'm gonna have to hook this up another wheel lift if i can get it loaded [Music] hey um what are you guys taking the call let me give you an address which one is yours huh which one's yours mine is the cadillac i have oh here you go i have a mechanic come in and fix it here oh man he's on the way that's why i'm just my friend's car right it got towed about three or four hours ago the cadillac i don't know if you ever noticed it's like infinity sitting next to it um or like uh like no you got one up here on property now or you had one too it's not dead because oh yeah i said well where the car doing i'm like yeah he got told earlier he got told yeah hey that's the address it's like six miles in it that far it's not that far from here it's 175 to get it out yeah but don't they charge you it's more per day the longer you wait just try if you're gonna hey if you're gonna get it if i bring it back in i'll build 175 and then like it needs tires yeah but i don't have the big jack yeah um i'd say like the property i used to stay i used to pay extra just to have it there because yeah someone front-ended me yeah so sean's got to come in and do that too yeah i tell you this she uh she's cleaning the property up she's got a bunch she's cleaning up i'm about to call her yeah yeah talk to her but listen if you're gonna get it out if you're gonna get it out don't wait man don't wait you know what i'm saying why is she charging us why is she getting well because she's clean to clean the property up man she just cleaned it up he must have got yanked earlier he was the cadillac didn't have a tag and it had flat tires on it anyway evidently you know he's not understanding how this how this works man his toe works but he kept it he kept it semi semi cool thought this was his car hey why going to put some straps on the rear of this thing oh and she's towing i don't know if it runs i can't is she not here how much should it be to drop it off i can't if she's not here i can't drop the car unless she can prove i i gotta know the car runs the way the law works if the car runs we can drop on property because that means she can pull take it off properly herself but if they don't run then we can't leave him he's running right i know but i i it's as far as that goes i that you know i i keep running i don't have no way of knowing that in the condition it's in it's got a front it's got a semi flat uh hey the property manager is just towing and i'm not trying to be mean just what we do you know cars get stickered and they and they get they get yanked and that's what happened and same with him he was upset too about his cadillac but she's told she's trying to clean the property up that's what they're trying to do she said she's 10 minutes away from here well i'm in 10 minutes i'll be i'll be at the front office in 10 minutes he said he'll be for an office in 10 minutes this property manager was telling me earlier that they uh they gave the residents on this property they gave them a lot of time uh during during covid and they didn't tow cars for months but probably a year she said they didn't want to tell anybody going through any problems with covid and everything else but uh and she said now the property has got to get cleaned up the cars have got to go and it don't matter uh people get upset about it or not she's got to clean the property up and this is uh this this is number nine actually 10 including the pay to drop so we've got i've pulled 10 cars out of here i've hooked 10 cars took nine off the property if i get these two off the property but i'm gonna write them up man if the girl should probably show up about time i get them signed out should probably show up but this car man it's in rough shape i don't believe i don't believe the car runs i could be wrong i've been wrong before but i don't believe the white charger i don't think it runs um you know it's what it is man this has been one controversy of our property here i've had a lot of people that have came out about their cars anyway this is what it is man told reality if you want to see some real towing without no fake drama this is the place to be at right here you don't see the real true reality [Music] [Music] you
Channel: towtrucker
Views: 353,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: towtrucker, instant karma, road rage, driver fails, handicap revenge, parking revenge, gtoger, reponut, handicap parking revenge, dash cam, instant justice
Id: hwB3KQfsP0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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